HomeMy WebLinkAbout1133_Amending Code of Ordinance Part 2Tulsa County Clerk - Michael Willis Doc # 201802203 Page(s): 9 1 07/11/2018 12:41:09 9 PM Receipt # 18 -38039 � °kcwKOMP Fee: $ 29.00 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1133 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 2 ADMINISTRATION AND GOVERNMENT, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF OWASSO; AMENDING IN PART AND REPEALING IN PART VARIOUS CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT TO WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part 2, Administration and Government, Chapter 1, General Provisions, Sections 2 -101 through Section 2 -109 of the code of ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 2 -101 ABSENTEE BALLOTING IN ELECTIONS Absentee ballots shall be furnished in all primary, general, special and recall elections in the City. Absentee ballots shall be furnished pursuant to provisions of the state constitution and laws applicable to City elections until otherwise changed by ordinance or charter amendment. SECTION 2 -102 FINANCE DEPARTMENT; CITY TREASURER There is a department of finance, the head of which is the City Treasurer appointed by the City Manager for an indefinite term, and removable by the manager. The City Treasurer is an officer of the City, and has supervision and control of the department of finance. SECTION 2 -103 DUTIES OF CITY TREASURER The City Treasurer or personnel under their supervision and control shall collect or receive revenue and other money for the City. The City Treasurer shall be responsible for its custody, safekeeping, deposit, and disbursement. Further, the treasurer shall maintain a general accounting system for the City government and shall have such other powers, duties and functions as may be prescribed by the Charter, by applicable law, or by ordinance. SECTION 2 -104 DEPARTMENT OF LAW: CREATED' CITY ATTORNEY A. There shall be a department of law, the head of which is the City Attorney appointed by the Council, and removable by the Council. The City Attorney is an officer of the City, and has supervision and control of the department of law. B. The City Attorney is the chief legal adviser of the Council, all officers, departments, and agencies of the City government in matters relating to their official powers and duties. The City Attorney represents the City in proceedings in the courts, and performs all services incident to this position which may be required by the Charter, law or ordinance. C. The City Attorney shall preserve a record of all cases in which the City is interested, in any of the courts and shall enter, or cause to be entered therein, abstracts of all proceedings of the cases. The City Attorney shall also preserve copies of all opinions written by the City Attorney. D. The City Attorney shall have a right to the possession of any and all legal papers, books, or dockets belonging to the City, upon leaving a receipt therefore. They may Ordinance 1133 Page 7 of 9 demand and receive from any officer or employee of the City, any book, paper or document, necessary to be used in any suit, or which they may desire to examine. E. The City Attorney shall prepare, when requested to do so, all ordinances, resolutions, contracts, bonds, and other instruments in which the City is concerned. F. The City Attorney or a designated deputy or assistant shall be present in person, when so requested by a member of the City Council, at meetings of the City Council for the purpose of giving legal advice to the Council. G. Whenever the City Council or other officer of the City shall desire legal advice or an opinion from the City Attorney on any legal question in which they desire a written opinion, such question shall be submitted to the City Attorney in writing and they shall, within a reasonable time, render to the Council or such person an opinion in writing. H. The City Attorney shall have authority to employ competent persons to assist them in the discharge of their duties. SECTION 2 -105 CITY - COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR The City - county health department of the county and its Director shall have the powers of a City health department and City health officer respectively for the City. References to health department and health officer or Director of the health department in this code and in other ordinances of the City mean the cooperative health department and its Director, unless the context clearly indicates another meaning. SECTION 2 -106 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; NUMBER AND CLASSES; COMPENSATION The Council, by motion, resolution, or ordinance, may regulate the number of classes of offices and positions of employment in the various departments, offices, and agencies of the City government, and may determine or regulate the compensation to be paid to officers and employees. SECTION 2 -107 CERTAIN PERSONNEL TO BE BONDED A. Before entering upon their official duties, the following officers and their authorized designee(s) of the City government shall provide bonds for the faithful performance of their official duties, and the accounting and paying to the City of all moneys and property coming into their custody or possession by virtue of their office, payable to the City, with a surety company authorized to operate within the state, in the amounts respectively indicated after their titles: Not less than: City Manager $25,000.00 City Clerk $50,000.00 City Treasurer $50,000.00 Utility Clerk $25,000.00 Court Clerk $50,000.00 B. The Council, by motion or resolution, may require other officers and employees in such positions as it may designate to be bonded; also by motion or resolution may increase the amount of the bonds for the personnel listed in Subsection A and also may provide for blanket bonds for City personnel. C. The City shall pay the premiums on the bonds. Ordinance 1133 Page 2 of 9 SECTION 2 -108 CITY OFFICIAL TO SERVE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS A. The individual selected to represent and serve ex officio, on intergovernmental agencies, boards, or associations in which the City participates or maintains a membership, shall be the Mayor of the City, or a designee of the Mayor in the event the Mayor declines or is otherwise unable to participate or represent the City. Such designation of a designee, if any, shall at all times be in conformity with the provisions of Section 8 -6 of the Charter of the City. B. If any intergovernmental agency, board, or association in which the City participates or maintains a membership which requires more than one representative, member, or participant from respective municipalities, then the remaining individual selected to represent and serve shall be the Vice Mayor of the City and serve ex officio, or a designee thereof under the condition outlined above and, if necessary, any other person selected by the City Council of the City. SECTION 2 -109 COMPENSATION OF ELECTED OFFICIALS Neither the Mayor nor any other Councilor may receive compensation as Mayor or Councilor or for any other services performed for the City. SECTION TWO (2): Part 2, Administration and Government, Chapter 2, Social Security, Sections 2 -201 through Section 2 -206 of the code of ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby repealed. SECTION THREE (3): Part 2, Administration and Government, Chapter 3, Retirement and Pensions, Article A, Fire Pension System, Section 2 -301 through Section 2 -303, and Article B, Employee Retirement System, Section 2 -310 through Section 2 -315, of the code of ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, are hereby repealed and a new Chapter 3, Article A and Article B shall be enacted to read as follows: Article A - POLICE AND FIRE PENSION SYSTEMS SECTION 2 -301 PENSION SYSTEMS TO BE OPERATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAW The City shall participate in the Oklahoma Firefighters' Pension and Retirement System and Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System and shall operate in accordance with state law. Article B - EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM SECTION 2 -310 EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM CREATED A. Pursuant to the authority conferred by the laws of the state and for the purpose of encouraging continuity and meritorious service on the part of City employees and thereby promote public efficiency, there is hereby authorized, created, established, approved and adopted, effective as of July 1, 1972, the funded pension plan designated "Employee Retirement System of Owasso, Oklahoma" (hereinafter called "the plan "), and as amended, an executed counterpart of which is on file with the City Clerk. B. Amendments to the Plan may be adopted from time to time by the City Council. SECTION 2 -311 ADMINISTRATION For the purpose of administration of the system there is hereby established a board of trustees, which shall be the members of the City Council of the City as now existing or as from time to Ordinance 1133 Page 3 of 9 time duly elected or appointed and constituted. The powers and duties of the board of trustees shall be set forth in the Plan. SECTION FOUR (4): Part 2, Administration and Government, Chapter 4, Rules and Procedures for the City Council, Section 2 -401 through Section 2 -423 of the code of ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby repealed and a new Chapter 4 shall be enacted to read as follows: SECTION 2 -401 GENERAL PROVISIONS The Oklahoma Open Meeting Act shall govern the conduct of all regular, special and emergency meetings of the City Council of the City. SECTION 2 -402 , REGULAR MEETINGS A. Time. The City Council shall hold regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 P.M.; unless changed in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. Place. All regular meetings of the City Council shall be held in the Council chambers, 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma, unless the location of a meeting is changed in accordance with Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, SECTION 2 -403 SPECIAL MEETINGS The Mayor may call special meetings of the City Council whenever the public business may require it, or a special meeting shall be called at the request of any three (3) members of the City Council. Whenever a special meeting is called, a notice signed by the Mayor or the City Clerk attesting to the special meeting shall be served upon each member of the Council stating the date, place and hour of the meeting and the purpose for which such meeting is called. No business shall be transacted, except such as is stated in the notice of the special meeting. SECTION 2 -404 AGENDA All documents, or other matters to be submitted to the Council shall be delivered to the City Clerk, at least five (5) calendar days prior to each Council meeting. The City Clerk shall arrange a list of such matters according to the order of business and furnish each member of the Council, the City Manager, and the City Attorney with a copy of same prior to the Council meeting and as for in advance of the meeting as time for preparation will permit. An addendum to the agenda may be utilized in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act Inclusion of matters on the agenda shall be by request of the Mayor, a City Councilor, the City Manager, the City Clerk, or the City Attorney. SECTION 2 -405 PRESIDING OFFICIAL: ELECTION OF DUTIES A.. The presiding official of the City Council shall be the Mayor who shall be elected annually at the first meeting in May of each year, by the members from their membership. The Mayor shall assume the chair of the presiding official immediately after their election. The presiding official shall preserve strict order and decorum at all regular, special, and emergency meetings of the City Council. They shall state every question coming before Ordinance 1133 Page 4 of 9 the Council, announce the decision of the Council on all subjects, and decide all questions of order; subject, however, to an appeal to the Council, in which event a majority vote of the Council shall govern and conclusively determine such question of order. C. The presiding official shall vote on all questions, and be called last in the vote order. D. The presiding official shall sign all ordinances and resolutions, and all other obligations of the City as authorized by the City Council. E. In the event of the absence of the Mayor, the Vice - Mayor, elected from the membership at the first meeting in May of each year, shall be the presiding official, as well as sign all ordinances, resolutions or obligations of the City as adopted by the City Council. SECTION 2 -406 TEMPORARY CHAIR Upon the absence of the Mayor and Vice- Mayor, the City Clerk, or designee, shall call the Council to order; whereupon a temporary chairman shall be elected by the three (3) members of the Council present. Upon the arrival of the Mayor or Vice- Mayor, the temporary chairman shall immediately relinquish the chair upon the conclusion of the business immediately before the Council. SECTION 2 -407 QUORUM A majority of all the members elected to the Council shall constitute a quorum at any regular, special or emergency meeting of the Council. SECTION 2 -408 ORDER OF BUSINESS A. All meetings, regular, special and emergency, except executive sessions as authorized by law, shall be open to the public. No person shall be barred unless such person is disorderly or refuses to obey the order of the Mayor, or vice -Mayor in the Mayor's absence, or temporary chair. The police department shall have at least one officer present or standing by at each Council meeting. B. Promptly at the hour set by law on the day of each regular, special or emergency meeting, the members of the City Council, the City Manager, the City Clerk and the City Attorney shall take their regular stations in the Council chambers and the business of the City Council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the following order or according to the posted agenda: 1. Call to order; 2. Flag salute; 3. Roll call; 4. Consideration of Consent Agenda 5. Introduction and adoption of resolutions and ordinances; 6. Consideration of petitions, contracts and communications; 7. Report from City Manager 8. Report from City Attorney 9. Report from City Councilors; 10. New business; and 11. Consideration of request for executive sessions. Ordinance 1133 Page 5 of 9 SECTION 2 -409 READING OF MINUTES Unless the reading of the minutes of a Council meeting is requested by a member of the Council, such minutes may be approved without reading if the City Clerk has previously furnished each member with a copy of the minutes to be considered. SECTION 2 -410 RULES OF DEBATE A. MAYOR OR VICE -MAYOR MAY DEBATE AND VOTE. The Mayor, vice -Mayor or temporary chair may move, second, and debate from the chair and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Council member by reason of acting as the presiding officer. B. GETTING THE FLOOR IMPROPER REFERENCES TO BE AVOIDED, INTERRUPTIONS, 1. Every Council member desiring to speak shall address the chair, and say, "Mr. Mayor' or "Madam Mayor ", and such member shall not proceed with the members remarks until recognized by the presiding officer. 2. If any member is speaking, or otherwise transgresses the rules of the City Council, the Mayor shall, or any member may, call such person to order, and the member called to order shall immediately cease, unless permitted to explain, and the Council, if appealed to, shall decide without debate. If the decision is in favor of the member called to order, they shall be at liberty to proceed. If against the member and the case requires, they shall be liable to the censure of the Council. 3. No person shall speak more than twice on the same question, unless permitted by the Council. 4. No member of the Council shall leave their seat to speak to any other member of the Council or any other person in the Council chamber without first obtaining permission of the Mayor. 5. When the City Council is in session, or when a member is speaking or the City Clerk is reading any paper to the City Council, no member shall in any way disturb the proceedings of the City Council. b. No member of the City Council shall be permitted to talk upon any one given subject longer than five (5) minutes at any given meeting, except when permission be granted for an extension of time by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at such meeting of the Council. 7. No members of the Council shall, at any time during a meeting indulge in any personalities or indecorous language or in any matters or things not pertaining to the subject under discussion. 8. The right of the floor of the Council shall be accorded only to the members of the Council and to the appointive officers of the City unless otherwise provided for herein. C. PRIVILEGE OF CLOSING DEBATE. The closing of debate shall be governed by the presiding official unless by two- thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at such meeting the Council decides to extend debate for a time certain. D. MOTION TO RECONSIDER. A motion to reconsider may be made either immediately during the same session, or at a recessed and reconvened session only. Such motion may be made and seconded by any Council member. Such motion shall take precedence over all other motions and it shall be debatable. E. REMARKS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS WHEN ENTERED IN THE MINUTES. Any Council member may request to have their written statement on any subject under consideration by the Council entered in the minutes. Ordinance 1133 Page 6 of 9 SYNOPSIS OF DEBATE -WHEN ENTERED IN THE MINUTES. The City Clerk may be directed by the presiding official, with consent of the Council, to enter in the minutes a synopsis of discussion on any question coming before the Council. G. MOTIONS. When a question before the Council contains several propositions, any member may call for a division of the question so as to vote on each proposition separately. Unless such request for division is made, after preliminary discussion of an agenda item, the Mayor shall call the matter for determination by the Council. Subsequent to the Mayor calling the matter for determination, the procedure shall be as follows: Main motion. Any member of the Council desiring to offer a motion on a particular agenda item shall obtain the Mayor's recognition. Subsequent to the Mayor recognizing the member, the member will in clear and concise terms, move to: a. Continue the matter; b. Table the matter to a date specific; c. Take a certain course of action; Thereafter, members desiring to second such motion shall so indicate to the Mayor. Subsequent to the main motion receiving a second, the Mayor shall call for a vote. The City Clerk shall in varying order, with the Mayor being called last, call for a roll call vote. The vote of each member shall be entered in the minutes of the Council. Every Council member abstaining from voting on a motion or being silent to some shall be recorded as having cast a negative vote on such matter. 2. If no member offers a motion on an agenda item, the Mayor shall again call for a motion. If no motion is presented after the second calling, the Mayor shall declare the item fails for lack of motion. Similarly, if no one seconds another member's motion, the Mayor shall, after calling twice therefore, declare that the motion fails for lack of a second. 3. Any time prior to the Mayor's calling for vote of the Council, a member may move to amend the motion, which shall require a second. An amendment must be germane to the main motion and be accepted by the member making the main motion and the member seconding same, if applicable. ITEMS PREVIOUSLY VOTED ON BY COUNCIL. An item previously decided by the City Council may be placed on the agenda as a new item of business only under the following circumstances: 1. When the vote by the City Council occurred at least six (6) months before the item again appears on the agenda; 2. When a motion to reintroduce the item is approved by a majority vote of the Council within six (6) months of the Council's original vote on the item. A motion to reintroduce may be placed on the same agenda as the item proposed for reintroduction. No item shall be proposed for reintroduction to the Council more than two (2) times in a six (6) month period following the Council's original vote on the item; Ordinance 1133 Page 7 of 9 3. Annually, when Council members have been sworn into office and the item was voted on by the previous Council. This section shall not apply to any matters dealing with initiation, prosecution, defense or settlement of litigation brought by or against the City, its employees or agencies. SECTION 2 -411 SPEAKING ON AN AGENDA ITEM A. Each person addressing the Council shall stand up and seek the Mayor's recognition. Such person addressing the Council shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records, and B. Limit comments to three (3) minutes. C. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to single member thereof. D. No person, other than the Council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion without the permission of the Mayor. E. No questions shall be asked of the Councilor City staff except through the Mayor. F. After a motion is made by the Council, no person shall address the Council without first securing permission of the Mayor to do so. SECTION 2 -412 DECORUM By Council members. While the Council is in session, the members must preserve order and decorum, and a member shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings or the peace of the Council nor disturb any member while speaking or refuse to obey the orders of the Council or its Mayor. Any person deemed in violation of this ordinance may be summarily removed from the Council chambers. By persons. Any person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous and unruly while addressing the Council shall be immediately barred from further audience before the Council, unless permission to continue be granted by a majority vote of the Council. Any person deemed in violation of this ordinance may be summarily removed from the Council chambers. SECTION 2 -413 ENFORCEMENT OF DECORUM The chief of police, or such member or members of the police department shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the Mayor for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum of the Council meeting. SECTION 2 -414 DISTURBING COUNCIL MEETINGS It is unlawful for any person to, during the course of any regular, special or emergency meeting of the City Council engage in any conduct calculated to or resulting in a disruption or disturbance of the administration of the public business coming before the City Council. Any person deemed in violation of this ordinance may be summarily removed from the Council chambers. Any violation of this ordinance may be punishable in the manner provided in Section 1 -108 of this code. Ordinance 1133 Page 8 of 9 SECTION 2 -415 RECORDING OF DISSENT OR PROTEST Any Council member shall have the right to enter into the meeting minutes the reasons for their dissent from, or protest against, any action taken by the Council. SECTION 2 -416 ADJOURNMENT A motion to adjourn shall always be required to end any meeting of the Council. Further, a motion to adjourn shall always be in order and decided without debate. SECTION FIVE (5): REPEALER That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the some are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION SIX (6): SEVERABILITY If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION SEVEN (9): CODIFICATION This ordinance shall be codified in Part Two (2), Administration and Government, of the Owasso Code of Ordinances. SECTION EIGHT (8): FILING OF ORDINANCE That there be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copytfAjrd[,ance. O X � q SSED D A ROVE t 19TH of June, 2018 Es Chris elley, Mayor J iann M. Stevens {City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ju e Lombardi, City Attorney Ordinance 1133 Page 9 of 9 Weekly Group CITY OF OWASSO /LEGALS Alto JULIE STEVENS PO BOX 180 OWASSO, OK 74055 Owasso Reporter • Sand Springs Leader Skiatook Journal Wagoner County American - Tribune OKLAHOMA WEEKLY GROUP P.O. BOX 1770 TULSA, OK 74102 -1770 Account Number 1016023 Date June 27, 2018 Date Category Description Ad Size Total Cost 0612712018 Legal Notices ORDINANCE NO. 1133 2 x 627.00 CL 802.56 Affidavit of Publication Melissa Marshall , of lawful age, being duly swom, am a legal representative of the Owasso Reporter of Owasso, Oklahoma, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a legal newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, as defined in 25 O.S. § 106 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publication. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the DATE(S) LISTED BELOW 06/27/2018 Newspaper reference: 0000488271 Legal Representative Sworn to and subscribed before me this date: Notary Public My Commission expires: /_2 .04 -tI ICI %0 GAROt 1 ,x G ,S'pY Pile• 00" R? :io �®: m W. 1249WWil Na.oeotree+ N� IN MID ; Q y 9 FOR Dpi y�iY0 ....... Ni..._ F OK\-. ,o faithful performance of their official duties, and the C. When the Council desires to enact an oration e et accounting and Paying fo the City of all moneys and a general and Peg In the nature an a s . C not property coming Into their custody or possession by heretofore existing in the code which Me C ncil virtue of their office, payable to the City, with a desires to incorporate into The code, a sect n In surety company authorized to operate within the substantially the following language mat be ode state, In the amounts respectively indicated after Part of the ordinance: "Section Be it ar- their titles: a pan et the codp of or- :sso, Oklahoma, nd the may be rent m red to D All sections, articles, Chapters or proylsl code desired to be repealed may be spec i Pealed by section or chapter number, a may be. CTION I -107 ALTERING CODE d's un Pwful for env Person to change or a en ons or deletions any Part or Portion of 1hi co ert or delete pages or portions thereof, to i ar with this code in env manner what pen au se the law of the City to be misrepr sent n violating this section shall be punts d Section 1 -IN of this cotle. ION 1 -I00 GENERAL PENALTY F R C( TS2AFFIC OFFENSES: The maximumftlne or lei In lieu of a fine for traffic -relatod offenses n mineding or Parking shall not exceed TwW Hundre Not less Man: City Manager $25,000.00 City Clerk $50,000.00 City Treasurer $So,=.w Utility Clerk $25,000.00 Court Clerk $501000.00 of this Ily re- S. The Council, by motion or resolution, may require e case other officers and employees in such positions as it may designate to be bonded; also by motion or res- olution may Increase the amount of the bonds for by ad- the Personnel listed in Subsection A and also may , or to Provide for blanket bonds for City Personnel. B. AI(COHOL OR DRUG RELATED OFF NSES: The max" main fine or deferral fee In Ileu of fine for alcohol. rel or drug-re latetl offenses shall not exceed Eight Hun red Dollars (f800.00). C. O ER OFFENSES: Far all other offenses, the maxl- mu fine or deferral in Ileu of a fine hall not exceed Sev- en H�ndretl Fifty Dollars ($150.00). D. Em day or any portion of a day ring which any vlola. tion this Code or any ordinance all continue shall con, sfitu p separate offense. E. Any �erwn who shall aid, abet r assist )n the violation of any )provision of this Cade s II be deematl guilty of an offense and, upon convic on therefore, shall be Punish etl in accordance with a punishment provided for vlo tlon of the Provision uch Person aided. abet- ted or fisted in violating. F. of Pay the fine appear or fai suit in the as SECTION 1 -109 All fines shall I court of compe method provide All C. The City shall pay the Premiums on the bonds SECTION24138_ CITY OFFICIAL TO SERVE ON A. The Individual eelected to represent and serve ex officlo, on intergovernmental agencies, boards, or associations In which the City participates or main- tains a membership, shall be the Mayor of the City, or a designee of the Mayor in the event the Mayor declines or is otherwise unable to participate or represent the City. Such designation of a designee, If any, shall at all times be in conformity with the Provisions of Section 8 -6 of the Charter of the City. B. If any intergovernmental agency, board, or assock ation in which the City participates or maintains a membership which requires more than one repre- sentative, member, or participant from respective municipalities, then the remaining Individual select- ed to represent and serve shall be the Vice Mayor of the City and serve ex officio, or a designs there- of under the condition outlined above and, if neces- sary, any other person selected by the City Council of the City. SECTION 2 -109 COMPENSATION OF ELECTED -OFFTCIAU Neither the Mayor nor any other Councilor may receive Coripensotlon as Mayor or Councilor or for any other services Performed for the City. SECTION TWO (2): Part 2, Atlministratlon and Govern. ment, Chapter 2, Social Security, Sections 2 -201 through Section 2 -206 of the code of ordinances of the City of of the Comm nits Development Deport- Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby repealed. designees WI Inn that department may the Ity now Tin effect wlth�ETity authorized t issue a citation far viola- SECTION THREE (3): Port 2, Administration and Gov - onine Code of the City of Owosso as ernment, Chapter 3, Retirement and Pensions, Article A, 112, Plain g Zoning and Development Fire Pension System, Section 2- 3011hrough Section 2 -303, Code of Or Inances and far violations of and Article B, Employee Retirement System, Section 2. 9 Regulati ns and Codes, Part 8, Health 310 through Section 2 -315, of the code of ordinances of the City Of Owasso, Oklahoma, are hereby reiealed and a Part 14, treets and Public Works and new Chapter 3, Article A and Article B shall be enacted - and Ve cles within this Cade. The cl- to read as follows: late Me ate and location of the viola- (s limitetl me corporate limits of ma m num of the ordinance or Zoning Article A. POLICE AND FIRE PENSION SYSTEMS n that h s been violated and shall direct text ' the context cl rIY indicates otherwise. y i to op ar in the Owasso Municipal SECTION 2 -301 PENSION SYSTEMS TO BE ignate day or pay the required fine by OPERATED fA ALZORDANCE WITH -mow -- date. he citation shall state that If the to a or within the time specified or The City shall pa7flcloate in Me Oklahoma Firefighters' r the Motion, a warrant far failure to Pension and Retirement System and Oklahoma Police ret pay may be Issued, Pension and Retirement System and shall operate in ac- _ _.__ ..... _ which may re- cordonce with state law. I ES RECOVERABLE BY CIVIL ON e overoble by civil action before any 'en jurisdiction, in addition to any other I low' INANCES IN EFFECT IN Article 8- EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM SECTION 2 -310 EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM CREATED-- A. Pursuant to the aauthority conferred by me laws of the state and for the Purpose of encouraging con- tinuity and meritorlous service on the part of City em. Ploy.. and thereby promote public efficiency, there is _ V1N_ G'rERRTTOR9 QF CITY the Ity now Tin effect wlth�ETity hereby authorized, created, established, approved and ded all real property belonging to, or odopted, effective as of July 1, 1972, the funded penslon I of, Mg City outside the corporate limits Plan designated - Employee Retirement System et shall in full effect therein insofar as Owasso, Oklahoma° (hereinafter called "the plan°), able. A I ordinances of the City which and as amended, on executed counterpart of which is ect in th future, shall also apply to, and on file with the City Clerk. Within in boundaries of all outlying real r as they Nay be applicable. Any words .e indicaif that the effect of an ortlI. B. Amendments to the Plan may be adopted from (s limitetl me corporate limits of ma time to time by the City Council. erred to m n, and Include also, the out- .rte be to, under the control SECTION 2 -311 ADMINISTRATION text ' the context cl rIY indicates otherwise. y i For Me purpose of a�irafion of the system Mere is . hereby established a Word of trustees, which shall be (21: REPEAL R the members of the City Council of the City as now exist- ices or port$ a� co' rdIPces in conflict Ing or as from time to time duly elected or appointed and ntl the same are here by expressly re, constituted. The powers and duties of the board of trust- y ees shall be set forth in the Plan. '."CT' N THREE (3): SEVERABILITY If any Part or parts of this ardlnanc are deemed uncon- shnllt of tieirzffected but sh�remv n remaining lforce and lei fen. SE ION FOUR (4): CODIFICATION Th ordinance shall be codified in Part a (1), General Pr visions, of the Owasso Code of Ordina es. S CTION FIVE (5): FILING OF ORDINA CE at there be filed in the office of the Co tY Clerk of ulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct MY of this rdinance. ASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of June 015 151 Dr. Chris Kelley, Mayor ATTEST: IV Juliann M. Stevens, City Clerk SECTION FOUR (4): Part 2, Administration and Gov- ernment, Chapter 4, Rules and Procedures for the City Council, Section 2.401 through Section 2 -423 of the code of ordinances of the City of Owosso, Oklahoma, is hereby reppe¢aled and a new Chapter 4 shall be enacted to read as to SECTION2401 GEN ERAL PROVISIONS Thi ORIahoma Open Meeting ctct s�vern the con- duct of oil regular, special and emergency meetings of the City Council of the City. - SECTION2402 REGULARMEETINGS A. Time. The City Council shall hold regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday pt each month at 6:30 P.M.; unless changed in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. APPROVED AS TO FORM: B. Is? Julle Lombardi, City Attorney 488271 Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa Coun- ty, Oklahoma, June 27, 2018. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1133 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 2 ADMINISTRA. TION AND GOVERNMENT, OF THE CODE OF ORDI- NANCES, CITY OF OWASSO; AMENDING IN PART AND REPEALING IN PART VARIOUS CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT NOW, THEREFORE, BE I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TO WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part 2, ment, Chapter 1, General through Section 2 -109 of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is follows: SECTION 2 -101 ABSENTE ELECTION Absentee ballots shall be funushed m all primary, gener- al, special and recall elections in the City. Absentee bal- lots shall be furnished Pursuant to Provisions of me state constitution and laws applicable to City elections until otherwise changed by ordinance or charter amendment. SECTION 2 =102 FINANCE DEPARTMENT "" IKLAbUKR X There Is a department of Lnance, fhe head of which is Me City Treasurer appointed by the City Manager far an indefinite term, and removable by the manager. The CITY Treasurer is an officer of the City, and has supervi- sion and control of the department of finance. SECTION 2-103 DUTIES OF CITY TREASURER Ties CIty Treasurer or personnel untler their supervision and control shall collect or receive revenue and other money for the City. The City Treasurer shall be respon- sible for its custody, safekeeping, deposit, and disburse ment. Further, the treasurer shall maintain a general oCCOunting system far the City government and shall have such other powers, duties and functions as may be prescribetl by the Charter. by apPlicnhle law. m by n Place. All regular meetings of the City Council shall be held in Me Council chambers, 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma, unless the location of a meeting Is changed in accordance with Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. SECTION2-403 SPECIALMEETINGS to dvbr may cTpedai meet ngs� the City Council whenever the Public business may require it, or a special meeting shall M called at the request of any three (3) members of the City Council. Whenever a special meet. 'no Is calletl, o notice signed by the Mayor or the City Clerk attesting to Me special meeting shall be served upon each member of the Council stating the date, place and hour of the meeting and the purpose for which such meeting Is called. No business shall be transacted, except such as Is stated In the notice of the special meeting. T ORDAINED BY THE CITY SECTION 2 -404 AGENDA OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT AAcumenis, or other matters to be submitted to the Council shall be delivered to the City Clerk, at least five Administration and Govern- (5) calendar days prior to each Council meeting. Provisions, Sections 2 -101 The City Clerk shall arrange a list of such matters ac- code of ordinances of Me cording to the order of business and furnish each mem- hereby amended to read as ber of the Council, the City Manager, and the City Attor- E BALLOTING IN MY with a Copy of same prior to Me Council meeting and as for In advance of Me meeting as time for Preparation OAS will permit. An addendum to the agenda may be utilized in accord once with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act Inclusion of matters on Me agenda shall be by request of the Mayor o City Councilor, the City Manager, the City Clerk, or iAe City Attorney. SECTION 2-405 PRESIDING OFFICIAL; ELECTION U1F DUTIES A. The presiding official of the City Council shall be the Mayor who shall be elected annually pt me first meet- ing In May of each Year, by Me members from their membership. The Mayor shall assume the chair of Me Presiding official immediately offer their election. B. The presiding official shall Preserve strict order and decorum at all regular, special, and emergency meet- ings of the City Council. They shall state every ques- tion coming before the Council, announce the decision of the Council on All subjects, and decide all questions B. GETTING THE FLOOR IMPROPER REFERENCES TO BE AVOIDED, INTERRUPTIONS. =—m 1. Every Council member desiring to speak shall address the chair, am say. 'Mr. Mayor" or 'Ma- dam Mayor -, and such member shall not Proceed with the member's remarks until recognized by the Presiding officer. 2. If any member Is speaking, or otherwise trans- gresses the rules of the City Council, me Mayor shall, or any member may, call such person to or. der, and the member called to order shall imme- diately cease, unless Permitted to explain, and the Council, if appealed to, shall decide without de- bate. If Me decision is in favor of the member called to order, they shall be at liberty to Proceed. If against the member and the case requires, they shall be liable to the censure of the Council. 3. No person shall speak more than twice on the same question, unless permitted by the Coun- cil. 4. No member of the Council shall leave their seat to speak to any other member of the Council or any other person in the Council chamber without first obtaining permission of Me Mayor. 5. When the City Councll Is in session, or when a member is speaking or the City Clerk is reading any paper to Me City Council, no member shall In any way disturb the Proceedings of the City Coun- cll. 6. No member of the City Council shall be Permitted to talk upon any one given subject longer than five (5) minutes pt any given meeting, except when Permission be granted for an extension of time by a two-thirds (N3) vote of the members Present at such meeting of me Council. 7. No members of the Council shall, at any time dur- ing a meeting indulge In any personalities or in- decorous language or in any matters or things not Pertaining to the subject under discussion, I. The right pf the floor of the Council shall be ac. corded only to the members of the Council and to the appointive officers of the City unless otherwise provided for herein. C. PRIVILEGE OF CLOSING DATE. The closing of debate shall be governed by the Presiding official un- less by two - thirds (23) vote of the members present at such meeting the Council decides to extend debate for a time certain. D. MOTION TO RECONSIDER. A motion to reconsider may be made either immediately during the some ees- sion, or at a recesssi and reconvened session only. Such motion may be made and secondetl by any Council member. Such motion shall take precedence over all other motions and it shall be debatable. E. REMARKS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS WHEN EN. TERED IN THE MINUTES, Any Council member may request to have their written statement on any subject under consideration by the Council entered in Me mi. nurses. F. SYNOPSIS OF DEBATE -WHEN ENTERED IN THE MINUTES. The City Clerk may be directed by the Presiding official, with consent of the Council, to en- ter in the minutes a synapsis ot discussion on any question coming before the Council. G. MOTIONS. When a question before Me Council contains several Propositions, any member may call for a division of the question so as to vote on each Proposition separately. Unless such request for division is made, offer preliminary discussion of an agenda item, the Mayor shall call the matter for determination by the Council. Subsequent to the Mayor calling the matter for deMrmination, the Procedure shall be as follows: 1. Main motion. Any member of the Council de slring to offer a motion on a particular agenda Item shall obtain the Mayor's recognition. Subsequent to the Mayor recognizing the member, the member will in clear and con- cise terms, move to: a. Continue the matter; b. Table Me matter to a date specific; c. Take a certain course of action; Thereafter, members desiring to second such mo. tion shall so Indicate to the Mayor. Subsequent to Me main motion receiving a second, the Mayor shall call for a vote. The City Clerk shall in varying order, with the Mayor being called last, call far a roll call vote. The vote of each member shall be entered in the minutes of the Council. Every Coun- cil member abstaining from voting on a motion or being silent to same shall be recorded as having cast a negative vote on such matter. 2. If no member offers a motion on an agenda Item, the Mayor shall again call far a motion. If no motion Is Presented offer the second call - Ina, the Mayor shall declare Me Item falls far lack of motion. Similarly, if no one seconds an- other member's motion, the Mayor shall, after calling twice therefore, declare that the motion falls for lack of a second. 3. Any time Prior to the Mayor's calling for vote of the Council, a member may move to amend the motion, which shall require a second. An amendment must be germane to the main mo- tion and be accepted by the member making the main motion and the member seconding same, If applicable. H. ITEMS PREVIOUSLY VOTED ON BY COUN- CIL. An Item Previously decided by the City Coun- cll may be Placed on the agenda as a new Item of business only under the following circumstances: 1. When the vote by Me City Council occurred at least six (6) months before the Item again aP Pears on Me agenda; 2. When a motion to reintroduce the Item is approved by a majority vote of the Council within six (6) months of the Councils original vote on the Item. A motion to reintroduce may be Placed an me same agenda as the item Proposed for relntroduc. tlon. No atom shall be Proposed for reintroduction to the Council more than two (2) times in a six (6) month period following the [punch's original vote on the item; 3. Annually, when Council members have been sworn Into office and the Item was voted an by the Previous Council. This section shall not apply to any matters dealing with Initiation, prosecution, defense or settlement of litigation brought by or against the City, Its employees or agen- cies. SECTION 2411 SPEAKING ON AN_ AGENDA _ITEM A. Each person addressing the Council shall stand up and seek the Mayor's recognition. Such Person ad- dressing the Council shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice far the records, and B. Limit comments to three (3) minutes. C. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to single member thereof. D. No person, other than the Council and the person hav- ing Me floor, shall be permitted to enter Into any dls- cussion without the permission of the Mayor. E. No questions shall be asked of me Council or City staff except through the Mayor. Fnsnnua All parts ordinances in conflict same alt hereby expressly re- uncon- portion and ef- General Clerk of Y of this PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of 131 TEST: At Juliann M Stevens, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /S/ Julie Lombardi, City Attorney 468271 Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa Coun- ty, Oklahoma, June 27, 2018, CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1133 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 2 ADMINISTRA. TION AND GOVERNMENT, OF THE CODE OF ORDI. NANCES, CITY OF OWASSO; AMENDING IN PART AND REPEALING IN PART VARIOUS CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT NOW THEREFORE, BE 1 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TO WIT: SECTION ONE (7): Part 2, ment. Chapter 1, General through Section 2 -109 of th City of Owasso, Oklahoma, i foil a: SECTION 2 -101 ABSENTEE BALLOTING IN Absentee ballots shall be furnished in oil Primary, gener. al, special and recall elections in the City. Absentee bal- late shall be furnished Pursuant to Provisions of the store constitution and laws applicable to City elections until otherwise changed by ordinance or charter amendment. SECTION 2 -102 CINrITYYT EADEPARSURERMENT; There is a deportment of flnadce,ththe head of which is the City Treasurer appointed by the City Manager for an indefinite term, and removable by the manager. The City Treasurer is an officer of the City, and has supervi- sion and control of Me department of finance. SECTION 2403 DUTIES OF CITY TREASURER The Treasurer or personnel under�r supervision and control shall collect or receive revenue and other money for the City. The City Treasurer shall be respon- sible for Its custody, safekeeping, deposit, and disburse- ment. Further, the treasurer shall maintain a general accounting system far the City government and shall have such other powers, duties and functions as may be prescribed by the Charter, by applicable law, or by ortll- nance. SECTION 2 -104 DEPARTMENT OF LAW: CREATED: CTTY- ATTORNEY A. There shall be a department of law, the head of which Is Me City Attorney appointed by the Council, and removable by the Council. The City Attorney is an officer of the City, and has supervision and control of the department of law. onry canierrea oy me laws of }he 5}a }e antl for Me pU"we of encpUragln9 can - tlnuiry and meritorious service on the part of City em- ployees and }hereby promote public efficiency, there is hereby authorized, created, established, approved and adopted, effective as of JUIy 1, 1972, the funded pension Plan designated EMPIOyee Retirement System of Owasso, Oklahoma- (hereinafter called 'the plan'), and as amended, an executed counterpart of which is on file with the City Clerk. B. Amendments to the Plan may be adopted from time to time by Me City Council. SECTION2 -311 ADMINISTRATION orb f the of administra} of n a the system there is hereby established a board of trustees, which shall be the members of the City Council of the City as now exist- ing or as from time to time duly elected or appointed and constituted. The Powers and duties of the board of trust- ees shall be set forth in the Plan. SECTION FOUR (4): Part 2, Administration and Gov- ernment, Chapter 4, Rules and Procedures for the City Council, Section 2401 through Section 2-423 of the code of ordinances of the Ciry of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby repealed antl a new Chapter 4 shall be enacted to read as follows: SECTION 2-401 GENERAL PROVISIONS The IOTA ONOMO Open eetin9 Act she govern the con. duct of all regular, special and emergency meetings Of the City Council of the City. SECTION 2 -402 REGULAR MEETINGS A. Time. The City Council shall hold regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month of 6:30 P.M.; unless changetl in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. S. Place. All regular meetings of the City Council shall be held in the Council chambers, 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma, unless the location of a meeting is changed In accordance with Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. SECTION2 -403 SPECIALMEETINGS The Mayor may call spec a meetings of the City Council whenever the public business may require it, or a special meeting shall be called at the request of any three (3) members of the City Council. Whenever o special a (3) IM 'o Is called, a notice signed by the Mayor or the City Clerk attesting to me special meeting shall be served upon each member of the Council stating the date, place and hour of the meeting and the purpose for which such meeting is called. No business shall be transacted, except such as is stated In the notice of the special meeting. T ORDAINED BY THE CITY SECTION 2-gp4 AGENDA OWA550, OKLAHOMA, THAT qN o {5, or 0 er matters to be submitted to the Council shall he delivered to the City Clerk, at least five Administration and Govern- (5 )ca lendar days prior fo each Council meeting. Provisions, Sections 2 -101 The City Clerk shall arrange a list of such matters ac- e code of ordinances of the cording to the order of business and furnish each meet- s hereby amended to read as her a the Council, the City Manager and the City Attar. MY with a copy of some Prior to the Council meeting pod as far in advance of the meeting as time for preparation will permit. An addendum to the agenda may be utilized in accord- ance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act Inclusion of matters on the agenda shall be by request W the Mayor, a City Councilor, the City Manager, the City Clerk, or the City Attorney. SECTION 2-405 PRESIDING OFFICIAL; ELECTION DF-DUTIES - A. The presiding official of the City Council shall be the Mayor who shall be elected annually at the first meet- ing In May of each year, by the members from their membership. The Mayor shall assume the chair of the Presiding oHidal immediately after their election. B. The presiding official shall Preserve strict order and decorum at all regular, special, and emergency meet- ings M the City Council. They shall state every ques- tion coming before the Council, announce the decision of the Council on all subjects, and decide all questions Of order; sublecl, however, to an appeal to the Council, in which event a malority loft of the Council shall gov- ern and conclusively determine such Question of order. C. The presiding official shall vote on all questions, and be called last in the vote ortler. D. The Presiding official shall sign all ordinances and resolutions, and all other obligations of }be Ciry as au- thorized by the City Council. S. The City Attorney is the chief legal adviser of the Cauncll, all officers, tlepertmenis, and agencies of Ma E. In the evens of the absence of the Mayor, the Vlce- Mayor, elected from the membership Pow government in matters relating to their official Powers and duties. The City Attorney represents ibe I at the first meeting In May Of each year, shall be the presiding City in tll in the courts, and performs all eery - official, as well as sign all ordinances, resolutions Incident Ices Incident to this this position which may be requiretl by or obligations of the City as adapted by the City the Charter, law or ordinance. rdinanc Council. C. The City Attorney shall Preserve o record Of all cases In which the City is Interested, in any of the courts and shall enter, or couse to be entered therein, ab- stracts of all proceedings of the cases. The City At- torney shall also preserve copies of all opinions written by the City Attorney. D. The City Attorney shall have a right to the posses- sion of any and all legal papers, books, or dockets belonging to the City, upon leaving a receipt there. tore. They may demand and receive from any offi- cer or employee Of the City, any book, paper or document, necessary to be used in any suit, or which they may desire to examine. E. The City Attorney shall Prepare, when requested to do so, all Ordinances, resolutions, contracts, bonds, and other Instruments in which the City is concerned. F. The City Attorney or a designated deputy or assistant shall be present In person, when so requested by a member of the City Council, at meetings of the City Council for Me purpose of giving legal advice to the Council. G. Whenever the City Council or other officer of the City shall desire legal advice or an opinion from the City AF torney on any legal question In which they desire a written opinion, such question shall be submitted to the City Attorney in writing and they shall, within a reasonable time, render to the Council or such per- son an Opinion m writing. H. The City Attorney shall have authority W employ cornpetent persons to assist them in the discharge of their duties. SECTION 2 -705 CITY- COUNTY NEACTR-DEPARTMENT; DIRECTOR The City- county hea—F d— eparTment�Fie c'o and Its Director shall have the powers of a City health depart- ment and City health officer respectively for the Clio. References to health tlepertmenr and health officer or Director Of the health department In this code and In oth- er ordinances of the City mean Me cooperative health da Portment and its Dimcer, unless the context clearly in- determination by the Council Subsequent to the Mayor calling the matter far determination, the procedure shall be as follows: 1. Main motion. Any member of the Council de- siring to after a motion on a particular agenda item shall obtain the Mayor's recognition. Subsequent to the Mayor recognizing the member, the member will In clear and can- clog terms, move to: a. Continue the matter; b. Table the matter to a date specific; C. Take a certain course of action; Thereafter, members desiring to second such mo- tion shall so Indicate to the Mayor. Subsequent to the main motion receiving a second, the Mayor shall call for a vote. The City Clerk shall In varying order, with the Mayor being called last, call for a roll call vote. The vote of each member shall be entered in the minutes of the Council. Every Coun- cll member abstaining from voting an a motion or being silent to some shall be retarded as having cast a negative vote on such matter. 2. If no member offers a motion on on agenda Item, the Mayor shall again call for a motion. If no motion Is Presented after the second call- ing, the Mayor shall declare Me item fails far lock of motion. Similarly, if no ape seconds an- other member's motion, the Mayor shall, after calling twice therefore, declare that the motion fails for lack of a second. 3. Any time prior to the Mayor's calling for vote of the Council, a member may move to amend the motion, which shall require a second. An amendment must be germane to the main mo- tion tlnd be accepted by the member making the main motion and the member seconding same, if applicable. H. ITEMS PREVIOUSLY VOTED ON BY COUN- CIL. An item Previously decided by the City Coun- cil may be Placed on the agenda as o new Item of business only under the following circumstances: 1. When the vote by the City Council Occurred at least six (6) months before the Item again ap- Pears on the agenda; 2. When a motion to reintroduce Me item is approved by a moiority vote Of the Council within six (6) months of the Council's Original vote on the item. A motion to reintroduce may be placed on the some agenda as the item Proposed for reintroduc. tion. No Item shall be proposed for reinfroduction to the Council more than two (2) times in a six (6) month Period folloxme the Council's original vote on the Item; 3. Annually, when Council members have been sworn Into office and the item was voted on by the previous Council. This section shall not apply to any matters dealing with Initiation, Prosecution, defense or settlement of litigation brought by or against the City, Its employees or ager- cies. SECTION 2 -411 SPEAKING ON AN AGENDA ITEM A. Each Person addressing the Council shall stand up and seek the Mayor's recognition. Such person ad- dressing the Council shall give their name and address In an audible tone of voice for the records, and B. Limit comments to three (3) minutes. C. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to single member thereof. D. No Person, other than the Council and the person hav- ing the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any die - cussion without the Permission of Me Mayor. E. No questions shall be asked of the Council or City staff except through the Mayor. F. After a motion is made by the Council, no person shall address the Council without first securing per- mission of the Mayor to do W. SECTION 2412 DECORUM 13Y uncll members. W the Council is in session, the members must Preserve order and decorum, and a member shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, de- lay or interrupt the proceedings or the Peace of the COun. c(I nor disturb any member while speaking or refuse to obey the Orders of the Council or its Mayor. Any person doomed in violation of this ordinance may be summarily removed from the Council chambers. By Persons. Any person making personal, Impertinent, or slanderous remarks or who shall became boisterous and unruly while addressing the Council shall be imme- diately barred from further pudlence before the Council, - ° VKArsr CHAIR plebe absence o�the Mayor ark Vlce- Mayor, the City vote of the Council. Any person deemed is vlolo} ion of this ordinance may be summarily removed from the Clerk, or designee, shall call the Council to ortler; where. Council chambers. upon a temporary chairman shall be elected by the three stitutional, (3) members of Me Council Present. Upon the arrival of the Mayor or Vice - Mayor, the temporary chairman hall SECTION 2413 ENFORCEMENT OF DECORUM T e cTi cS eTo( police, or such member or members d the immediately relinquish the chair upon the conclusion of the business Immediately before the Council. Police department shall carry out all orders and instruc- /s/ Or. Chris Kellen, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Juliann M. Stevens, City Clerk tions given by the Mayor for the purpose of maintaining SECTION 1407 Uf� ORU order and decorum of the Council meeting. A melon of of t e members elected to the Council shall constitute a quorum at any regular, special W SECTION 2414 DISTURBING COUNCIL MEETINGS It 1s ua old) Tor any Person M, emergency meeting of the Council. , ur a course a any regular, special or emergency meeting of the City Cwn- SECTION 2-409 ORDER OF BUSINESS all engage in any conduct calculated to or rewiring in a disruption or disturbance of the administration Of the A. All meetings, regular, special and emergency, ex- public business coming before the City Council. Any per- cept executive sessions as authorized by law, shall be San deemed in violation of this ordinance may be sum. open to the Public. No person shall be barred unless madly removed from the Council chambers. Any viola - such person is disorderly or refuses to obey the order of Lion of this ordinance may be punishable In Me manner the Mayor, or vice-Mayor in the Mayor's absence or provided in Section 1 -108 of this code. emprary chair. The police department shall have at least ape officer present or standing by of each Council meeting. B. Promptly of the hour Set by law on Me day of each me. ular, Special or emergency meeting, the members of the City Council, the City Manager, the City Clerk pool the City Attorney shall take their regular sta- tions in the Council chambers and the business of the City Council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the following order or according to the posted agenda: 1. Call to order; 2. Flag salute; 3. Roll call; SECTION 2 -415 RECORDING OF DISSENT OR PROTEST Any Council member shalt have the right to enter into the meeting minutes the reasons for their dissent from, or protest against, any action taken by the Council. SECTION 2 -416 ADJOURNMENT A notion to a ourn snail — as be required to end any meeting of the Council. Further, a motion to adlourn shall always be In order and decided without debate. SECTION FIVE (S): REPEALER That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly re- pealed. A. S. Consideration of Consent Agenda Introduction and adoption of resolutions and ordi- SECTION SIX (6): SEVERABILITY If any Part or parts of this ordinance are deemed uncon- SECTION &106 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; nonces; stitutional, Invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion 6. Consideretion of petitions, contracts and comma shall not be affected but shall remain in full farce and ef. /s/ Or. Chris Kellen, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Juliann M. Stevens, City Clerk nications; fect. 7. Report from City Manager A. MAYOR OR VICE -MAYOR MAY DEBATE AND VOTE. The Mayor, Vice 8. Report from City Attorney SECTION SEVEN be NTwo 9. Report from City Cwncilan; Councilors; This ordinance shall Codified nAPart 2), Admin- 10. New business; and Istration and Government, of the Owasso Code of Ordl- 71. Consideration of request for executive ees- nances Siam. SECTION EIGHT (6): FILING OF ORDINANCE dicates another meaning. SECTION 2409 READING OF MINUTES That there be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct this SECTION &106 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; Unless the reading of eis of�ouncil meetin is 9 requested by a member of the Council, such minutes copy of Ordinance. NUMBER AND C-- r5 CDMVEr4snT[DN— may be approved without reading If the City Clerk has previously furnished each member with a COPY of the PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of June, 2018 The Council, by mo on, resoluiton, or ordinance, may regulate the number of classes of offices and positions of mi- notes to be considered. p /s/ Or. Chris Kellen, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Juliann M. Stevens, City Clerk employment in the various departments. offices, and agencies of Me City government, determine SECTION 2 -410 RULES OF DEBATE APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Lombardi, Cl}v Attorney and may or regulate the compensation to be paid to officers and em- A. MAYOR OR VICE -MAYOR MAY DEBATE AND VOTE. The Mayor, Vice plowes. -Mayor or temporary chair SECTION 2-107 CERTAIN PERSONNEL TO BE -BONDED A. Before enterfi19 upon their official duties, Me fol- I [MIngAOfflcers and their authorized desienee(s)_of may move, Second, and debate from the chair and shall not be deprived M any of the rights and Privileges of a Council member by reason of acting as the Presiding of. ficer. SUBJECT: Amendment of Code of Ordinances, Parts 1 and 2 DATE: June 15, 2018 BACKGROUND: Some time ago, staff began an ongoing process of reviewing the Code of Ordinances to determine which provisions require amendment, repeal, additions or relocation within the Code. As a part of that process, staff presented proposed amendments to Part 1, General Provisions, and Part 2, Administration and Government, of the Code to the City Council at several work sessions. Proposed ordinances enacting and codifying those changes are now presented for Council consideration. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 1132 amending the Owasso Code of Ordinances, Part 1, and approval of Ordinance 1133 amending the Owasso Code of Ordinances, Part 2. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance 1132 amending Part 1 Ordinance 1133 amending Part 2