HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018.02.12_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Monday, February 12, 2018
The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, February 12, 2018 at
Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 S.
Main (west side) at 9:00 am on February 8, 2018.
Dr. Loving called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
ITEM 2. Flag Salute
ITEM 3. Roll Call
David Vines
Chad Balthrop
Dr. Paul Loving
Tim Miller
David Horton
A quorum was declared present.
Marsha Hensley
Karl Fritschen
Daniel Dearing
Bronce Stephenson
Morgan Pemberton
ITEM 4. Presentation of the Character Trait of the Month - Honesty
ITEM 5. Approval of Minutes from January 8, 2018 Regular Meeting.
The Commission reviewed the minutes.
Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to approve the minutes from the January 8,
2018 Regular Meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Vines, Horton, Miller, Loving, Balthrop
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0.
ITEM 6. OA 18 -01 Annexation - Consideration and appropriate action relating to
the request for the review of an annexation request. The approximate
location is the northwest corner of E 86th St N and N 161 It E Ave and is
approximately 40.10 acres more or less. The property has a current Rogers
County zoning of AR (Agricultural Residential). Upon annexation, the
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entire subject property would be brought into the City Limits of Owasso as
AG (Agriculture).
Morgan Pemberton presented the staff report. The property location was described.
Staff published the legal notice in the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property
owners within a 300' radius of the property.
Staff recommends approval of the annexation request (OA 18 -01).
After a brief discussion, Mr. Miller moved to approve. Mr. Balthrop seconded the motion,
for the approval of annexation OA 18 -01.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Miller, Dr. Loving, Horton, Vines, Balthrop
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0.
ITEM 7. Discussion on the Update of the Owasso Zonina Code - No official action
will be taken on this item by the Planning Commission.
Mr. Stephenson discussed the timeline for the Zoning Code update. He stated that a
public input meeting will be held in the Community Room on March 29, 2018. The
following are a few of the changes being considered:
• The RNX Chapter is added.
• Reclassifying some of the uses.
• The Overlay Chapter is updated.
• CD (Commercial Downtown) will replace the CH (Commercial High Density) in the
Overlay and TIF District.
• The Owasso Zoning Map is in the process of recreation.
• A Temporary Use Permit has been created.
• Public Facility Zoning Chapter is added.
• More language is added regarding carports.
Mr. Vines stated that the March 29th public input meeting will need an agenda posted if
the Commissioners plan on attending.
ITEM 8. Community Development Report
• Director's Update
• Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity
Mr. Vines asked if Ms. Levo could possibly share the Owasso Economic Strategic Plan with
the Commissioners at next month's Planning Commission meeting.
ITEM 9. Report on Items from the January 17, 2018 TAC Meeting
• OA 18 -01 Annexation - 86th St N & 161 E Ave
• Site Plan - Aldi's Grocery Store Addition
ITEM 10. Report from Planning Commissioners
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ITEM 11. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have
been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda).
ITEM 12. Adiournment- Mr. Horton moved, seconded by Mr. Miller, to adjourn the
meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Vines, Horton, Miller, Balthrop
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0 and th mggting was adjourned at 6:40 PM.