HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.03.12_Worksession Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, March 12,2002 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, March 12, 2002 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, March 8, 2002, and the Addendum to Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 11,2002. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor - 15/1 Will Williams, Councilorl3/3 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 15/1 Michael Helm, Councilor - 15/1 ABSENT Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor - 15/1 STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. Also present were Councilor-elect Cochran and council candidates Kimball & Cinocca. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION RELATING TO A REGIONAL CONCEPT FOR WATER TREATMENT & DISTRIBUTION. Mr Melvin Koleber & Mr Jim East, representing Atkins Benham engineering firm, presented a concept for entering into an agreement with area communities and rural water districts for a regional water treatment plant. Discussions will continue. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELATING TO THE SKO ZONING APPEAL. Mr Ewing discussed briefly a request for the City Council to hear an appeal of a zoning case that was denied by the Planning Commission. The appeal will be on the regular City Council agenda on March 19th for action. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PUBLIC WORKS ISSUES. A. Wastewater Master Plan Update B. Water Master Plan Expansion Mr Carr discussed a proposed action plan for expansion of the water master plan. Items included analysis of a regional water supply and treatment facility and initiation of the design of system improvements for a pump station, transmission main and elevated water tank. He also discussed an update to the wastewater master plan to be done in four phases. Owasso City Council March 12, 2002 ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO TECH CENTER INTERCEPTOR PAYBACK ISSUE. Mr Ray discussed a proposed agreement between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Coffee Creek Residential Group LLC for a payback agreement related to the Tech Center Interceptor. This item will be on the March 19th regular meeting agenda for action. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO SPORTS PARK BLEACHER COVERS & ASP HALTING BIDS. Mr Rooney said that bids have been received and opened to provide bleacher covers for Fields 8, 9, 10, & 11 at the Sports Park. Two bids were received, with one being a local vendor. Although the local vendor's bid was slightly higher than the other, the amount is not significant & staff will be recommending awarding the bid to the local vendor. Bids for asp halting some of the walkways and the road to the Parks Department building, as well as the building parking lot, will be opened on March 18th. Those bids will be reviewed and an item is being placed on the March 19th agenda to award that bid and the bid for bleacher covers. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO AN APPOINTMENT TO THE SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE. Mayor Barnhouse said that there is a vacancy on the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee created when a member resigned. That vacancy is a senior citizen slot. She is proposing that Mr Bob Barnes be appointed to the committee, and that item will be placed on the March 19th agenda for confirmation. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A CLAIM. Mr Ray said that a claim for pre-election expenses was received from the Tulsa County Election Board too late to be processed for the March 5th regular City Council meeting. The Election Board must receive the expense check no later than March 18th. Although we do not like to place action items on a Work Session agenda, it is necessary in order to meet the Election Board deadline. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong to approve the claim and authorize payment to the Tulsa County Election Board in the amount of $1243.09 for pre-election expenses. AYE: Williams, Atmstrong, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. - 2 - Owasso City Council March 12, 2002 ITEM 9: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER A. Memorandum of Understanding Between the FOP & City of Ow as so B. Other Items Mr Ray & Mr Rooney discussed several items of concern, including a proposed increase in the City Manager's spending authority, which was discussed at length. Staff will check with area communities to see what spending limits they are using. ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Atmstrong to adjourn. AYE: Helm, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m. ') )/ j}v;" t>J/' / /' 'l~(J/.V !,.J,}/i/v} III/I! {A'/'V/ Barnhouse, Mayor - 3 -