HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.05.14_Worksession Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 14, 2002 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 10, 2002. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Brogdon called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT Randy Brogdon, Mayor - 15/1 Michael Helm, Vice Mayor - 15/1 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 15/1 Susan Kimball, Councilor - 2/0 Gary Cochran, Councilor - 2/0 ABSENT STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING A STATEMENT. Councilor Armstrong read a prepared statement and requested that it be entered into the minutes. The statement is attached and made a part of these minutes. Following her prepared statement, she further stated that she does not intend to resign from the council, and that she is giving serious consideration to running for the state senate seat being vacated by Grover Campbell. ITEM 3: CITY OF CHARACTER PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION DECLARING OW ASSO A CITY OF CHARACTER. Jim McElrath introduced Mr Chuck Coker, who gave a detailed presentation regarding the City of Character program. A resolution declaring the intent of the City Council to initiate and support with program, was discussed. This item will appear on the May 21 st agenda for action. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO A JAKE BRAKE ORDINANCE. Chief Green said that there have been complaints about the loud noises being emitted from large trucks when they are braking. Many large trucks are equipped with a Jacobs Engine Brake to assist in the process of slowing the vehicle. This process causes the vehicles to emit a loud noise unless the exhaust is properly muffled. This problem isn't specifically addressed in the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, and an amendment is needed to add provisions regarding vehicle Owasso City Council May 14,2002 brakes which create an excessive or unusual noise. Ordinance #710 addresses the issue, and will be on the May 21 st agenda for action. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO QUOTES TO PAIN THE ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITIY. Chief Greene discussed the need to paint the animal control facility inside and out. Several local painters were contacted for quotes, and all estimates exceeded $5000. Vendors were then contacted to submit sealed quotes. Two quotes were received - one from Davis Custom Painting in the amount of $10,545 and one from Bell Painting in the amount of $7860. Although the Davis quote is higher, their proposal contains better surface preparation, including caulking and filler. They are proposing to use water base epoxy and semi-gloss wall enamel. The staff will be recommending Davis for the work based on the better proposal. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO ISSUES WITH TITAN TOWERS. Mr White discussed two issues relating to the 800 MHz radio system. One item related to the need to relocate the antenna system to the Titan telecommunication tower. The scope of work would include the purchase and installation of the equipment necessary to relocate the antenna system and provide an emergency power source. Staff plans to have an item on the May 21 st agenda for the council to take action to authorize an expenditure not to exceed $17,000 for the project. The other item will be a request for council approval of an Inter-Operability Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Oklahoma and the City of Tulsa, which will provide the ability to interface the Owasso radio system with the two radio systems on the State and Regional Mutual Aid Frequencies of the Tulsa system. This will allow for better communication with public safety entities. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION RELATING TO A CHAnGE ORDER FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION. Mr Carr discussed work change directives and two other items included in a proposed change order for the work on the wastewater treatment plant. The total net cost of the change order is $21,154.99, however, a project allowance of $60,000 was included in the total construction contract award, and staff proposes to use a pOliion of the project allowance for the items included in the change order. ITEM 8: DISCUSSION RELATING TO RURAL WATER DISTRICT DEEDS OF DEDICATION. Mr Rooney discussed some easements that were dedicated to the City without the knowledge or acceptance of the City. He is currently looking into the matter to determine if any action needs to be taken. - 2 - Owasso City Council May 14,2002 ITEM 9: DISCUSSION RELATING TO ELECTION OF TRUSTEES FOR THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE GROUP. Ms Boutwell presented a list of 15 nominees to fill three positions on the OMAG Board of Directors. Staff has reviewed the biographical sketches of the 15 nominees, and feels comfortable in making a recommendation to the Council relating to the election. Councilors indicated no problem with the process. ITEM 10: DISCUSSION RELATING TO A CONTRACT WITH THE FOP. Mr Ray discussed briefly the proposed agreement between the City of Owasso and FOP Lodge # 149. Councilors have received a copy of the agreement, and it will be on the May 21 st agenda for action. ITEM 11: DISCUSSION OF ISSUES RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION #2002-06, A RESOLUTION REQUESTING FUNDING ASSISTANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,000 FROM THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. Mr Ray discussed a proposed resolution that would authorize the Mayor to execute a joint resolution with Rogers County Rural Water District #3, Washington County Rural Water District #3, and the City of Collinsville, requesting funding assistance from Congress in the form of a special appropriation, to be used to fund a feasibility study relating to the construction of a regional water treatment facility. The offices of Congressman Brad Carson and Congressman John Sullivan are assisting in the effort. ITEM 12: DISCUSSION RELATING TO FY 2002-2003 BUDGET. Mr Ray and Ms Bishop briefly discussed the proposed budget. Plans are for the budget to be to the Council on Friday, May 1 ih, with a presentation on June 4th, a public hearing on June 11 t,\ and adoption of the budget on June 18th. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Several other items were briefly discussed by the City Manager. Mr Ray also announced that he will be out of the city from noon Thursday until Sunday evening, and any issues should be directed to Mr Rooney. - 3 - Owasso City Council May 14,2002 ITEM 14: ADJOURNMENT Mr Cochran moved, seconded by Mayor Brogdon to adjourn. AYE: Cochran, Brogdon, Armstrong, Kimball, Helm NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 8.47 p.m. - 4 - jl.;-..~("\ ~...ry-,.:-:,l, .; i..il_i.V "'-'--i.i._H.....iJ. ~ /-" . '; reoecCaart!lSIrollg(~~Jllrl0.COrn prl1U:eG 0111\/lO!lctU;/, From: "Rebecca To: ~ ~~'<fn" b#r.l>A.li.'&' " ~, I nil IllMl silhi~r:t. FWD: E-mail from counciior "'" <"""~'"",p"" "-" "'D r\_: _:._~ 1 1\ ,f~~~~_~ Vll:-d.1Hd.l IVIC:0~d_~C:: ~ ~ From: "Rebecca Arrnstrong" Reply- To: Date: Thu.; 9 ~\1a)' 2002 19: 16:54 - 0700 Rodnev_ I all1 \/vyiti11g to }TOll concernIng aJl en1ail I recei\,:"ed froll1 IV1r~ COCllrSJ1. I feellik:e 1113-t tIle COl1tellts .-....-.....,..+,-":...,,,_...r1 ---...,..., ~......rl~.,c~,......4- ~,A._f~ ~~(j, ,j~_':;:~.) q!! 1) H..if:! Vy'i "..",_.-J --0:"'-,'-"'-' ",!",!-jl-' h.......,......r-.-jl~~"!-....,r... r-.+....,.--" .-..--.h..- .-..,.----,."'!..."''....,......~I,.--.,."".. O,.iU \iV(j;"" tHj-U~L--..__'.iiil!j}{.. '-_'1 fj ~;!l. Y ~-,"'-.JUIP......in,n:" - - - -..;; ...- 1 all1 COllside-rirlg faxIIlg a copy of the latest ernaillrorn l\tlr. Cocltrun to tIle T 1",-",1~...-...".-,-...-... 4-1-...,,4-- 4-1....,~,--, ;" ...........""...-...I1""r-1 ! tj0jj~v~ UI(-I_t, Lljl;~ i,~ UiH-,Jc.lljv\.j -f',-..-<>~ Ulld 1 alii tIred off thisG O\-':v'asso fZelJOl1:er 3-11d tile -Tulsa \\/orld. Illat vvould not be a gOOd tll111g COllsic1ering all tIle l1egative publicity that Owasso has received over the past 6 months. I am appalled at the fact that our "leaders;; (Mr. Brogdon and Mr. I:--ieim) feel that they are above !11ak:in_g a. telepllo11e eall to t1Jl and res()l'le tile disserlticlll that exist \vithin the eity COllflCiL It appears to llle th_at tlleir eg{) is ~Iltirely tOt) big, Our city is Ilot big enough a.n.d doesll'( deserve Otis kirHJ of a.ctions 11 . ......11 ~ ---'- - .-- .-- -~...... -- ----"- -"'---.- -, at.! \i \jL,tttc: C:;.i tIle \!LH tel-ti!t!. _~e",-._l .('__.__1 ~1...._......4-. ...L1....___ .~=~=~.~'....r_ dIlH iCGl U_ldl. tltC \.~-!U!:.cu~ R riFiyj -....- -'--.--D-"-'-~ to know what is going 011, if fact they have a right to recall the entire council for our actions. There is 110 011e COUIICiior tIlat is bette.r tilall otl1eI~ alld 110 OIle COUIICilor Sllould be judged as to '\^llletller or 110t they are qualified for the position of mayor or vice mayor, \ve v,rere all elected by the people and by 111rlrr~--nn r\t"lt=lt HC' QAnrlQ '=l 1"Y\AC'C'<:lOt=lt to tht=o. ,.,.it1r-n;:),r\C' that ihA"'\r rV\~rL3 Q h-:\ri Yt"\Ie<t<:llft=o. ;-n .u:rhn. fhA""iir "\Totp,,-l i1-"I <:lC' !U.....'l.-bL.lJ..f'J UU J......J.LULJ t.A ";'.lL"-d,-1L.t.E;""-' 1.\-.1 l.-..!.i.V "-.-'i.t..i.L..1"--L..!...J L.t..!.~l. L-.!J..~J J.J..L{;'-{'~V u U(.-t,~ l...!.__L1.JI.U..!.'l....... Li...!. VV..!...!.V Li.i........'\- V "-J1.......\.A ;....;.i. 1.4.-,-;- .. C0l1nCl10!'. I feel tl1Ut tile city COL111Cillleeds to l1ave G "i "i, "i "i ,,..... . {-' S0111eOlle COI11C III a!lQ COl10UCI a vvorKSll0p 011 tile etl11CS tIle CtJLHH.':ll Cinu IIUVV tL~ UHJllg VIlt: ctIluGH:r~ It 1~ ueIJluralJle ilUlL tillS l\..lIHl U1 behaVHJf l:i gUIng on from a couple of councilors. I didn't feel in my heart that Mr. Brogdon was the best choice lor Mayor. but r did vote ror hini because I made an agreement. I am sorry that Mr. Brogdon doesn't keep his vvord. I am a person that believes that a man's 'Nord is as Qood as gold~ lli~like other neople I .knovv~ I ha\7e lost all respect for 1\,1r. Brogdon.. I\-1r. Helm;; and Iv1:L Cochran. It \voll1d htrve c'ven helped ifI\1r. P",,~-~.--,>ri.-..,.. 1-......,--1 01,,,,,,..1""1> <",::::'iC1-;--,.,::;.t...t f".",.""- "''''0 t", ,----"~ L--".'-' ,.nll .....Q .L.IJ..vb"".v.i..i. J..i.v;.,~ """J..J..V~F-.!..i .l.......0y..........'" i._V.... .i..1.i...... ....0....... l' ......i.->- .......~.i..J.. .i...i...i..w JI1d e~xplairll1is actiollS.. but I .-.110,C1C1 '"'>:''10 tn..... t:-u.-"-00 !.ii.0 ..,...:;......, ;'l'~0 ,,0v ... G ..... Q big to do 11118. ...,..,.... . n-v-.. .. Y au lal0\V 11 1 naCl one Vllsn grantee, . , ..... 11 V/OlliG be . . In'-" l-Y;(2A {'"'iT,7 tH.u.... \..-.i.i...... v1.lJ counCIl , ~ i .. CO-UIC aCI1..lall)7 V/Ofl( Iogelner as one, but 1 can say that wiil never happen. 1 can at least say that 1 was elected because 1 didn't have <my "hidden" agendas and that I couldn't be bought by any special interest groups, not everyone can say that though T ,,x;ilJ not sit around and '\'latch the rest of the council conduct husiness hehind closed doors Rl1d 11.1ake declsiol1S before tl1e)i 31Ti've at a l11eetillg lik~e tI1tY did 011 Tuesday-'-~ l'h_e IjulJlic '?vil! be (J, VV(1i V h"-v"'-~"'-<;"'r' i. j'(i}Jll'-'! j'~-, I "v'vil1 ~1'iform \...-,-,v~1__i -,-:-, dii 1 anI receiving hirlLs that tlle rest of tIle city couIICl.l vvould lil,e for ITle to resign. Sor11etill1es 1 everl getting the sanie feeiillg frOll1 -you. If tillS is the case., it ,,\/ould be filore appropriate if the COUI1Cll v./ould let me K..rlOW instead of acting like they are. The emails are uncalled for and I would appreciate it and rp-.:np('l thP ('nlHl('ilnr-.: mn,'p if fhPv h~d thp emt-.: tn d~tp thi-.: indp~d nfhpina t\XTn_f~('pd T ~n, din -'--""'~'lJ....-.--.... <'."-"-'=' -...........-"--.-'<-.--...--' ,,--,-.-,-, _L_L"-"---'-"-_ -~.., "Y-"-'--J -.---<-........,.. <-<~.",. b'..--....'-' .r....... '-'.............."'" ........._.,.." _L...--<-'--'..............,.... ...J_~. <"'--"-'--'-b .....,. '<.J _"-..........'-...... .~ ~_.._...... ,---',,_"__'-_"- cC'ltlQldprfno r~Qio-t1-in(J }-1!1t T yv-iH rn~kfi' ;In ~l-nn()l1n('~tnP-nt nn Tllf'Q(h~v n-ioht" hnnp-fi-dl-v thp rne-di:1 \-v.in hf" - - ---- -- -----0 - - ---CJ-----O:;; - -" - - --- -------- ---- --- ----~ -- --,.I .---0---:;; --"- J_- -- ---'--.,; ---- ---- ---~-- --- - - ___"'- ___1_1 :')1 !\}U_I~j - _ ,~-- ,"'.. __ __ .__ -i~ _ Uf ~~)li!!I!\::!!!,.:,,) to (p~~ '{'{ T v-V .-- H.} have a long sit-down talk over lunch sometime though. Sincerely, (-ir\11n,.,.~1r\1-~ L\ t~rnC'tt"nn.~1i '-./VU";'..!.~'_Lt'.J1. .1 :>..I..LI..loJl...LV1.L5 ,....i:" '""' U1. L