HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.01.14_Worksession Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNC1L MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEET1NG Tuesday, January 14, 2003 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 10,2003. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. "_.--- ------~ Mayor Helm called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT Michael Helm, Mayor - 18/0 Gary Cochran, Councilor - 18/0 Rebecca Annstrong, Councilor" 15/3 Susan Kimball, Councilor - 18/0 Craig Thoendel, Councilor - 3/0 ABSENT STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declarcd prcsent. ITEM 2: PRESENTATION BY CITY ATTORNEy,... A CONTINUATION OF THE NEW . .~-".__. - COUNCIL ORIENTATION SESSION. City Attorney Stephen Gray discussed with the Council the Open Meeting Act and the Open Records Act. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PARKS DEPARTMENT ITEMS. _ .-. ...- A. Rayola Drainage Channel B. Sports Park Parking Lot Paving C. Acquisition of Property South of Sports Park Mr. Warren discussed the proposed work to be done on thc Rayola Park drainage channel. He also discussed with the Council the bids received on the Sports Park Parking Lot Paving Project. There was discussion as to whethcr to accept the low bid for chip and seal or to acccpt thc higher altcrnate bid for ovcrlay. After a lengthy discussion, it appears that thc bcst solution for the City at this timc is tbe chip and scal bid. This itcm will be placcd on thc January 21st rcgular agenda for action. Mr. Rooncy discusscd the proposcd purchasc of 80 acres south of the Sports Park to allow for expansion. At this timc staff is proposing to entcr into a contract which commits the City to purchasc the land if a proposcd bond election is held and thc vote is favorable. The contract will prevcnt thc land from being devclopcd until an election is hcld. If a vote should not be favorable, the land would rcvcrt back to the current owncrs. This itcm will be on the January 21:;1 agenda for action. Owasso City Council January l4, 2003 lTEM4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO GOLF COURSE RE;;IB9Q.l\1" Mr. Carlson briefcd the Council on a proposal to construct a rcstroom at the northwest corner of the golf coursc. It is bcing placed at this location because of the acccssibility of scwcr and water. The restroom is prefabricated and thc cost is $24,998. Adding the cost of water and sewer taps, slab and sidcwalk areas, and landscaping, the total cost will not exceed $35,000. This itcm will sl . be placed on the January 21' agcnda for actIon. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PLANNING ITEMS. --.-. A. Annexations B. Zoning Requests C. Final Plats D. Other Planning Items Mr. Ray briefed thc Council on the Planning Commission's denial of an anncxation rcqucst. Thc property contains 20.65 acres, more or less, and is located on thc east sidc of N. 97'11 East Ave approximately 2640 feet north of E. 116111 St. N. The Annexation Committee had revicwed the request and rccommcndcd approval, however, the Planning Commission dcnicd the request 5,0. They questioned whether or not the property is contiguous to the city limits and if there is any advantage to the City to annex thc property. The applicant may appeal the decision to thc City Council if thc appeal requcst is received by thc City Clerk within 15 days of the denial by the Planning Commission. Mr. Moore bricfly discusscd, two zoning requcsts and a final plat that will bc placcd on the Janaury 21st agenda for action. Hc discusscd othcr itcms hcard by the Planning Commission that are not rcady for Council action. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO FINANCIAL ITEMS. ____m_._...m~__.._ Ms. Bishop discuss cd thc financial reports for the month of Dcccmber, as wcll as ycar,to,date rcvenucs and expenditures. She discuss cd thc salcs tax rcccipts and compared the last five years. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. _______ ___~~__m._._m~.._.____.__ A. Golf Fee Structure B. Other Items Mr. Ray said that a plan for the rcplacement of poliee vehicles is being dcveloped. He discussed the golf course and a study currcntly under way of the structure, revenues and expenses. A new fcc structurc is bcing developed and will bc discusscd at tbe next work scssion. The upcoming Town Hall meetings were discussed at some length. 2 Ow as so City Council lTEM 8: ADJOURNMENT. January 14, 20rn Ms. Armstrong movcd, sccondcd by Ms. Kimball, to adjourn. Motion cal.'~d 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 9: I 0 p.m. ~~~~e~if7~~/-- Michacl clm, Mayor 3