HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.01.21_City Council Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, January 2l, 2003 The Owasso City Council met in rcgular session on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Centcr pCI' thc Notice of Public Mceting and Agcnda posted on thc City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 17,2003. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Cochran called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION -,- The invocation was offered by Dr. Rogcr Fcrguson, First Baptist Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Councilor Thocndclled in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Michael Helm, Mayor - 15/0 Gmy Cochran, Vice Mayor ..., 15/0 Rebecca Annstrong, Councilor.. 12/3 Susan Kimball, Councilor.., 15/0 Craig Thocndel, Councilor - 4/0 ABSENT STAFF Rodncy 1. Ray, City Managcr Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Stephen P. Gray, City Attorney A quorum was dcclarcd prescnt. lTEM 5 RE\C::uQQNlTION OF EMI'L.QYAE\QfJJILMONTR Mr. Ray introduced Fircfightcr David Hurst, and recognizcd him as Employcc of the Month for the month of Dcccmber. ITEM 6: ~Ql:'lSIDERATION AND_6j>PROPR1ATE ACTION B-ELATING TO i\]EQUEST FOR APPROV AL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. ____._.~.__._ ___.u._...~..m __ A. Approval of Minutcs of thc January 7, 2003 Regular Meeting and January 14, 2003 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. Owasso City Couneil January 21,2003 C. Action Relating to Ordinance #737, an Ordinancc Providing for the Annexation of Approximatcly 2.75 Acres Gencrally Located on the North Side of East 96111 Street North, Approximatcly 300 Fcct East ofthc East 96111 Street North and North Gamet! Road Intersection (Ward 2). D. Action Rclating to Ordinancc #738, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of 49.99 Acres Generally Located on the East Side of North 9il1 East Avcnuc, Approximately 800 Feet South of the North 97'11 East Avenue and East 116111 Street North Intersection (Ward l). E. Action Relating to Acceptance of thc Strccts, Storm Drainagc, and Sanitary Scwer Systcms Constructcd to Scrve Brookfield Crossing, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. F. Action Relating to Acccptance of thc Strccts and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructcd to Scrve Owasso Market II, an Addition to the City of Ow as so, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The consent agenda includcd minutes of the January 7, 2003 regular meeting and January 14, 2003 spccial mccting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the conscnt agenda included the following claims: (1) Gcncral Fund $70,922.27; (2) Ambulance Service Fund $4,147.16; (3) Capital Improvements Fund $41,305.74; (4) Bond Projects Fund $3,937.67; (5) Capital Projects Grants Fund $338.31; (6) City Garage Fund $9,194.61; (7) Workers Comp Fund $6,494.83; (8) Interfund Transfers $11,937.46; (9) Payroll $282,629.93; (10) City Garagc Payroll $4,59.12; (11) Ambulancc Payroll $10,796.72; (12) E-911 Payroll $2,696.34; (13) Workers Comp Payroll $727.20. Item C on the consent agenda requestcd approval of Ordinancc #737, providing for the annexation of thc above referenced property. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #738, providing for the annexation of 49.99 acres as referenced abovc.. Item E rcquestcd acceptance of the strects, storm drainagc, and sanitary scwer systems constructcd to serve Brookfield Crossing. Itcm F rcqucsted acceptance of the streets and sanitary sewer systems constructcd to serve Owasso Market II. Ms. Armstrong moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Armstrong, Kimball, Thoendcl, Cochran, Helm. NAY: None Motion cal1'ied 5-0. ITEM76: CONSIDERATION AN[),Aj',1"RQPRI6,IE ACTlO.l'L.13,gLATING TO OZ,02,10, A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE,Qf EAST 116111 ST13,g,E::IJ'lQI3cIHLAPPRQXIlylA T,E::IcL1700 FEET EAST OF NORTH GARNETT. ROAD, FROM AG (AQRICULTURE) TO RS-3 L~ESIDENTIAL SINGLE F AMILYJ:lJ9l.:L[)J~t1~IIY1..c:.QNT AINING 15 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Mayor Helm out at 6:42 p.m. - 2 - Owasso City Council January 21, 2003 Mr. Moore presented the item. The City of Ow as so has rcceived a request to rezone 15 acrcs, more or less, locatcd on thc south side of E. 116111 St. N., approximately 1700 fect cast of the intcrscction of E. 116111 St. N. and N. Garnett Rd. The Owasso Tcchnical Advisory Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission havc both reviewed the request and recommcnded approval. Ms. Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to approve thc rcquested zoning. AYE: Armstrong, Thoendel, Kimball, Cochran NAY: Nonc Motion carried 4-0. Due to the absence of Mayor Helm, Vicc Mayor Cochran presided over the next item. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ-02-11, A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF NORTH 971H EAST AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 800 FEET SOUTH OF EAST 116111 STREET NORTH, FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) TO RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY HIGH DENSITY), CONTAINING 49.99 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Mayor Hclm in at 6:45 p.m. Mr. Moorc said that thc City has received a request to rezonc 49.99 acrcs located on the east side ofN. 9il1 East Ave, approximately 800 fcct south of the intcrsection ofN. 9il1 East Avc. and E. 116111 St. N. Thc Owasso Technical Advisory Committcc and the Owasso Planning Commission have heard the requcst, and recommcnded approval. Ms. Kimball movcd, scconded by Mr. Cochran, to approve thc requestcd rczoning. A YE: Kimball, Cochran, Annstrong, Thocndel, Helm NAY: None Motion carricd 5,0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A.REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR SPORTS PARK _._._~__mm~__________ PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Warren presentcd thc itcm. He said that a total of $100,000 was budgeted for this projcct. Bids wcre advertiscd in December, and bids were opcncd on January 7, 2003. Four bids werc received, with two biddcrs bidding the base bid for chip seal and all four bidders bidding the alternate for asphalt. All of thc asphalt bids wcrc nearly twice the amount budgeted. Ashlock Dozer of Skiatook, OK was the qualifying low biddcr. Although thc City of Owasso has not previously awarded a contract to Ashlock, all of their references were positivc. Thc bid spccifications for this project were based on unit prices, and the total cost of the improvcmcnt could be more if thcre is any unforeseen circumstance encountered with this project. Ms. Armstrong moved, sccondcd by Mr. Thoendel, to award the contract for parking lot ,3 - Owasso City Council January 21,2003 improvements at the Owasso Sports Park to Ashlock Dozer Scrvicc, Skiatook, OK in an amount not to cxcced $90,956.25, bascd on unit pricing. AYE: Am1strong, Thoendel, Kimball, Cochran, Hclm NAY: Nonc Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TOA.B.EQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE AND CONSTRUCTION OF A RESTROOM AT BAILEY - -- - RANCH GOLF COURSE. Mr. Carlson said that thc FY 2002,03 capital improvements budget included $40,000 for thc installation of a restroom at Bailey Ranch Golf Club. Staff was ablc to determine that a pre, fabricated unit similar to those found along the Oklahoma Tumpike would work wcll on the golf course. The cost of thc rcstroom is within the City Manager's spending authority, howcver, because cost of the total project, including watcr and sewer taps, slab and sidewalk arcas and landscaping, will raise the final cost above $25,000, staff bclicvcd it ncccssary to obtain council approval bcfore going forward with thc project. Mr. Groth questioned whether this itcm should be on the golf authority agenda instcad of thc city agenda, and requested that action on the item be delayed until the qucstion is researched. Mr. Ray said that the City of Ow as so is the beneficiary of the Owasso Public Golf Authority and hc is not aware of any law prohibiting the cost of the project being taken from general funds. Mr. Gray concurred. Following further discussion, Ms. Annstrong moved, sccondcd by Ms. Kimball, to table this item to the February 4, 2003 City Council mccting to allow time for the City Attol11ey to research the qucstion. AYE: Armstrong, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran, Helm NAY: Nonc Motion carried 5,0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST ----.- FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF _._.~ REAL,J'..ROP..BRT'[, SUCH PURCHASE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING ,LI.DDjTIO.l'L6.L...l"AtJ.Q.,LQ& THE EXPAN~IO.l'LfO THE EXISTING OW,LI.,;;,s_Q SPORTS PARK. Mr. Rooncy said that an opportunity has been presented for the City to acquire land south of the existing Sports Park for future cxpansion. Thc land was recently sold to Owasso Land Trust, who is willing to scll the land to the City at an agreed upon price providing that a contract is executed. A contract has been preparcd, and placcs thc cost ofthc land at $19,875 pcr acre. If the contract is approvcd and executed, the owners of the property will "hold" thc property until such time as the City can hold an clcction for the purposc of purchasing the property. Thc election would likely be combined with other ncedcd capital improvcmcnt projects, as well as the third pcnny salcs tax cxtension. If an election is held and the measure should fail, the City would not be penalizcd in any manner, and the owners of thc property could move forward with ,4 - Owasso City Council January 21,2003 their plans to develop the property. Thcrc is no cost associatcd with the signing of this contract; it mercly guarantees that thc land will be "held" until an clection is held. Ms. Armstrong moved, scconded by Ms. Kimball, to approvc a contract between the City of Owasso and Ow as so Land Trust for thc acquisition of 80 acrcs of [and located immcdiately south of the Owasso Sports Park, such contract in thc amount of $1,590,000.00 and contingent upon specific factors, and authorization for thc Mayor to executc thc contract. AYE: Am1strong, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran, Helm NA Y: Nonc Motion carried 5,0. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr. Ray introduced the family of Firefighter David Hurst and welcomcd thcm to thc meeting. He also introduced Kyle Foster of the Refuse Depmiment. Mr. Foster brought thc City's new refuse truck to thc meeting, and everyonc was invited to take a look at it. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No rcport. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORi'..: Nonc. ITEM 15: NEW BUSINESS. Nonc. ITEM 16: ADJOURNMENT Ms. Armstrong moved, scconded by Ms. Kimball, to adjourn. AYE: Armstrong, Kimball, Helm, Thocndel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carricd 5,0, and the mccting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m. Michael Helm, Mayor - 5 -