HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.02.04_City Council Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETlNCj Tucsday, February 4, 2003 Thc Owasso City Council met in regular scssion on Tuesday, Febmary 4, 2003 in the Council Chambers at thc Owasso Community Ccnter per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agcnda posted on the City Hall bullctin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 3 l, 2003. ITEM I: CALL TO ORDER --- Mayor Helm called thc mccting to ordcr at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Dr. Andrew Rankin, Frccdom Baptist Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE ------ Councilor Kimball led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL ---- PRESENT Michacl Helm, Mayor - l6/0 Gary Cochran, Vice Mayorm 16/0 Rcbecca Armstrong, Councilor .,... l3/3 Susan Kimball, Councilor - 16/0 Craig Thoendel, Councilor, 5/0 ABSENT STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clcrk Stephcn P. Gray, City Attomcy A quorum was dcclared present. IIJ3I\.1J~ READING OFrvlAYOR'S PROCLAMATlQNSc Mayor Hclm invited the council to join him at the podium as he read and presented a proclamation to Cindy & James Thomas, honoring Thomas Auto Repair & Detailing as Business of the Quartcr for the First Quarter of 2003. He then read and prcscnted a proclamation to Cliff Motto & Roger Voss, recognizing the wcek of February 9,15,2003 as Oklahoma Emcrgency Managcment Week in the City of Ow as so. Owasso City Council February 4, 2003 ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIJ\LG TOA,R!,:QV1'!ST FOR APPROV AL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. ____.__n___._..___ .____..._.____._ A. Approval of Minutes of the January 21, 2003 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to Ordinance #739, an Ordinance Providing for thc Rezoning of 15 Acrcs, More or Less, Generally Located on the South Side of East I 16111 Street North, Approximately 1700 Fcct East of the East 116111 Street North and North Garnett Road Intcrsection. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #740, an Ordinancc Providing for the Rczoning of 49.99 Acrcs Gcncrally Located on thc East Side of North 9il1 East Avenue, Approximately 800 Feet South of the North 97'11 East A vcnue and East 116111 Strect North Intersection. The conscnt agcnda includcd minutes of the January 21, 2003 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims as listed in thc agenda packet and on the addcndum issued February 3, 2003: (I) Gencral Fund $105,127.91; (2) Ambulance Scrvicc Fund $4,26,.45; (3) Capital Improvements Fund $5,703.30; (4) City Garage Fund $5,679.43; (5) Workcrs Comp Fund $4,951.91; (6) Payroll $186,640.92; (7) City Garagc Payroll $3,602.84; (8) Ambulance Payroll $10,104.44; (9) E,911 Payroll $2,404.17; (10) Workers Comp Payroll $727.20. Item C on the conscnt agenda requested approval of Ordinancc #739, providing for the rezoning of thc above rcferenced property. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #740, providing for the rezoning of 49.99 acrcs as referenccd abovc.. Ms. Armstrong moved, secondcd by Mr. Thoendel, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Armstrong, Thoendel, Kimball, Cochran, Hclm. NAY: Nonc Motion caJTied 5-0. ITEM 7: CONSIDI!.RAIION AND APPROPRIAIX ACIIOj\J RIjLATING TO A REQl1EST FOR THE PURCHASE AND CONSTRUCTION OF A RESTROOM AT BAILEY -....-.--- - RANCH GOLF COURSE. Mr. Carlson prcsentcd thc item. This item was tablcd from the January 21, 2003 City Council mceting to allow time for the City Attorney to research a question raised by Mr. Groth relating to the cost of the projcct bcing takcn from thc Gcncral Fund instead of thc Golf Authority Fund. Morc spccifically, thc question was whether or not the City of Ow as so could spend General Fund monies to construcl a rcstroom on property owncd and operated by public trust authorities, with thc City of Owasso as the beneficiary entity. The City Manager requested a legal opinion from the City Attomey. After researching thc concern with thc Oklahoma Municipal Leaguc, as well as reviewing the Oklahoma Constitution, Oklahoma Statc Statutes, City Chartcr, and City Code, Mr. Gray concluded that "the City of Owasso may spcnd public funds of a gencral naturc to - 2 - Owasso City Council February 4, 2003 improve public trust property where Owasso is the sole beneficiary and such funds are spent in furthcrancc of a public purposc such as economic development, recrcation, hcalth, safety, and for the general welfarc of the City." Mr. Carlson said that the originalmcmorandum submittcd to the Council regarding the restroom project was contained in thc Councilors' packcts, and the staff rccommendation stands as originally submitted. Mr. Groth commented that when the golf course was constructcd, the citizens were promiscd that no public funds would be expendcd for the project. With no fmiher discussion, Mr. Cochran movcd, scconded by Ms. Armstrong, to approve the total rcstroom project at Bailey Ranch Golf Course in an amount not to excced $35,000. AYE: Cochran, Armstrong, Thoendcl, Kimball, Helm NAY: Nonc Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ACCEPTANCE OF CDBG FUNDS; AND AUTHORIZATION' FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS. Ms. Kimball out at 6:45 p.m. Mr. Rooncy prescnted the item. He said that the City Council approved Resolution #2002-10 on August 20, 2002 as part of the application proccss requesting financial assistance from thc Oklahoma Dcpartmcnt of Commcrcc under the FY 2002 Small Cities set-aside funding. Thc application was specifically directed toward improvcments relating to the Americans With Disabilitics Act, with the intent to improvc access ramps and sidcwalks throughout the expanded CDBG district. An inventory of existing sidcwalk facilities was conducted, and recommended improvcments were presented at a public hearing on August 20, 2002. The staff received noticc on January 20, 2003 that funding in thc amount of $67,132 has becn approved. Ms. Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to accept the grant from ODOC and authorize thc Mayor to cxccute the appropriatc documents. AYE: Armstrong, Thoendcl, Kimball, Cochran, Hclm NAY: Nonc Motion calTied 4-0. Ms. Kimball in at 6:49 p.m. ITEM 9: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER -_._--------~--_._.._- Mr. Ray introduced Firc ChicfLonny Fisher, who presented thc Character Trait for the month of February.. Flcxibility. Chief Fishcr also gave an update on thc condition of Chris Demauro. Sgt. Doug Driver gavc an update on the condition of his daughter, Kristin. - 3- Ow as so City Council Fcbruary 4, 2003 ITEM 10: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. --~---- _._.._-~_..__....__._..._..,._-------~-- No report. ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. Councilor Kimball thanked the Fire Dcpartmcnt for hosting the kickoff for Rclay for Lifc. ITEM 12: NEW BUSINESS. None. ITEM 13: ADJOURNMENT Ms. Kimball moved, secondcd by Ms. Armstrong, to adjourn. AYE: Kimball, Annstrong, , Helm, Thocndel, Cochran NAY: None Motion cal1'ied 5,0, and the meeting was adjoumed at 6:55 p.m. , Cf{j .' Ou:tWeft utwell, City Cle k - 4 '