HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.02.11_Worksession Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNC1L MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, February 11,2003 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, February 11,2003 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per thc Notice of Public Meeting and Agcnda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 7, 2003. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. ~~ Mayor Helm callcd the meeting to ordcr at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT Michael Hclm, Mayor - 17/0 Gary Cochran, Councilor.. 17/0 Susan Kimball, Councilor- 17/0 Craig Thoende1, Councilor ." 6/0 ABSENT Rcbecca Armstrong, Counciloru 13/4 STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clcrk A qUOlum was declarcd prcsent. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PLANNING ITEMS. A. Zoning Request B. Other Itcms Mr. Wiles said that the zoning rcquest turned in for thc land west of the public works facility on 76111 Street had an incorrect legal dcscription and was tablcd to the March meeting. There were no other itcms to be takcn to the Council. The controversy regarding a recent annexation request is close to being resolved. IT~M3: DISCUSSION RELAII}~gTO A REGIONAL PARK PROPOSAL" Mr. Wilcs said that the City of Ow as so staff is participating with the City of CollinsviJlc to develop a proposal to bc submitted to the City of Tulsa/Tulsa County relating to a rcgional county park north of Owasso and south of Collinsville. There is no county park in the arca and staff believes that such a facility is nceded. Recreational opportnnities could include a driving range, amphithcater, trails for pedestrians and equestrians, playground, a community center, and other amenities. The park would need to be situatcd on a tract of at least 50 acres, and Tulsa County would construct, operate, and maintain it. A Tulsa County bond issue would fund thc project. Staff is rcady to prcpare and submit thc proposal. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO GOLF COURSE FEES: _______..~m~.._.. ...._..___.____._ Mr. Carlson said that ycar end results for Bailey Ranch Golf opcrations showed losscs for the fiscal year that wcrc unacccptable. Thc City has undeliaken a full rcview of operations. As a Owasso City Council Fcbruary 11, 2003 result of that review, staff is recommending a restructuring of fees in ordcr to incrcase rounds and rcvcnues for prime time and twilight and to increase the number of tournaments and othcr group outings. In somc instances the ratcs will be slightly highcr than at present, and in some instances they will be slightly lowcr. The proposal also includes memberships, which is new. A rcsolution adopting the proposed fees will be on the OPGA agenda on February 18111. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO FINANCIAL ITEMS. Ms. Bishop discussed the financial reports for the month of January, as well as year-to-date revenues and expenditures. She discusscd thc sales tax receipts, and said that sales tax was down significantly for thc last reporting pcriod. She is going to check with the tax commission to see if someonc rcportcd late. We won't know until the next rep0l1ing period if we arc seeing a trend toward less sales tax receipts. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. .-----.-- A. Establishment of Veterans Memorial Fund B. Proposal for City Owncrship ofthc Owasso Historical Muscum C. Rcpcal of Ordinance #680 Relating to Golf Course Fees D. Other Items Mr. Ray said that the staff is requesting the establishment of a Veterans Mcmorial Fund to facilitate the receiving and disbursing of funds for the proposal memorial. The City Attorney has dctcDnincd that the City's status as a recipient of tax deductible donations may bc utilized. Payment for expenses for thc mcmorial could thcn bc made with the approval of the City Council, as required for any city funds. An unofficial understanding will be that no cxpcnditurcs will be made without thc consent ofthc Vcterans Memorial Committee. This itcm will be on the February 18tl1 City Council agcnda for action. The History Society is struggling to kccp thcir museum open. In thc last thrce years thc Society has experienced declining rcvcnucs from its fundraising efforts, and it is difficult to find enough volunteers to kecp thc museum open. Based on discussion with the Owasso Historical Society, staff proposes that the City assume ownership of the Historical Society property and facilities, that thc City assume responsibility for operating expenses and maintenancc, and that an advisory board be created so that thc Historical Society will havc input into future operations and devclopment. Thc City would located an employec at the museum, who would bc responsible for cxtcnding the operating hours and recruiting and coordinating voluntcers. Thc employce would be assigned duties at thc muscum in addition to his or hcr cxisting rcsponsibilities, adding no additional cost to the City budget. Staff is working on an agreement to be take to the Council for action. In Junc of 2001, thc City Council adopted Ordinance #680, approving a rcsolution of thc golf authority to increase fces at the golf coursc. An ordinancc is not nccessary to establish those fees, and staff has pre\Jared an ordinance repealing Ordinance 11680 to be prescnted to thc Council on Fcbruary 181'. Mr. Hayes updated the Council on a prospcctivc company thaI is considering locating in Owasso. 2 Owasso City Council lTEM 7: ADJOURNMENT _.___ ____.__._.~_""~Mm.___ Fcbruary I j, 2003 Ms. Kimball movcd, secondcd by Mr. Cochran, to adjourn. Motjol}, carried 4-0, and thc meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m. 1 // 14 Ii j il\,,;;]:"- __.~~i~i<J.c)\.-' Mich'acl He1l11, Mayor ~?Wr~~/f/d MatTi ,outwcll, CIty Clerk 3