HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.03.04_City Council Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tucsday, March 4, 2003 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 in thc Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Centcr per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, Fcbruary 28, 2003. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Helm called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Pastor Glynis LaBarre of Ow as so Disciples Christian Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Wcbelo Pack #897, Dragon Patrol, prcscntcd thc colors and led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Michael Helm, Mayor- 15/0 Susan Kimball, Counciloru 15/0 Craig Thoendel, Councilor - 8/0 ABSENT Gary Cochran, Vice Mayor - 13/2 Rcbecca Amlstrong, Councilor.. 9/6 STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwcll, City Clcrk Stephen P. Gray, City Attorney A quorum was declared prcscnt. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION.RELAT1NG TO A..RE.Q1J..B~I FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT.A9gNQA A. Approval of Minutcs ofthe Fcbruary 18, 2003 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Rclating to an Agreement With NuVox Communications for thc Collection of E-911 Funds and Remittancc of Same to the City of Owasso. Thc consent agenda included minutes of the February 18, 2003 rcgular meeting, by refcrcnce madc a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims, including an addcndum: (1) Gcncral Fund $27,347.95; (2) Ambulance Scrvicc Fund $5,115.15; (3) E-9l1 Fund $1,982.54; (4) Capital Improvcments Fund $64,075.90; (5) Capital Projects Grants Fund $155.01; (6) City Garagc Fund $4,323.95; (7) Workcrs Comp Fund $1,159.06; (8) lnterfund Transfers $7,785.64; (9) Payroll $212,964.15; (10) City Garage Payroll $4,358.20; (11) Ambulancc Payroll $10,883.65; (12) E-911 Payroll $2,791.31; (13) Workers Comp Payroll $2,054.64. Itcm C on the consent agenda requested approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documents which approvc thc collcction of E-9ll funds and remittance Owasso City Council March 4, 2003 of those funds to the City of Owasso. Ms. Kimball moved, scconded by Mr. Thoendel, to approve the consent agcnda. AYE: Kimball, Thoendel, Helm. NAY: None Motion carricd 3-0. ITEMJi..: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL. Mr. Ed Wagncr addressed the City Council regarding thc dangers of cycling in Owasso without propcr bicycle lanes on major roadways or without a proper trail system designed to handle on- street and off-road bicycles. Mr. Wagncr requested the City's assistance in promoting the benefits of bicyeling as an altcrnative means of transportation. He also rcquested that the City considcr appointing a cyclist advisor to assist the City Planner rcgarding the planning of bicyclc safcty. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT TO TRANSFER REAL PROPERTY FROM THE OW ASSO HISTORICAL SOCIETY TO THE CITY OF OW ASSO. Mr. McElrath said that the Owasso Historical Socicty has approached thc City regarding thc possibility of thc City taking over the Historical Museum and Museum property. Thc Historical Society has expcrienced declining revenues and fewer membcrs, making it impossible to keep the Museum opcn more than two days a week. Thc best solution appears to be for the City to assumc ownership of the Muscum, including thc property, building and contents. In exchangc for assuming owncrship, the City would accept entire rcsponsibility for operating expenscs, including thc cost of utilities, maintenance, upkccp, insurance, ctc., and would forgive the $4592.17 debt owned for thc land that the Society purchascd from the City. The City would agrce to provide an employcc to locate at thc Museum. That employcc would be responsible for cxtending thc operating hours and recruiting and coordinating volunteers. The employcc would be assigned to the Museum in addition to his or hcr existing responsibilitics. An Owasso Muscum Advisory Board would be created for the purpose of advising the City Council and staff on decisions relating to thc operation and development of thc Museum. That Board would bc comprised of thc Mayor or his designcc, the Prcsidcnt of thc Historical Society, the Prcsidcnt of the Owasso Arts and Humanities Council, and two other members designatcd by the Owasso Historical Socicty Board of Directors. This advisory board would provide for Historical Society participation in the future operations and dcvelopmcnt of the Museum. Since thc Owasso Historical Society lacks thc rcsources to continuc to expand, collaborating with the City would generate thc support needed to maintain the continuity of its work. It was suggested that the proposed agreement bc changed to reflect that the Advisory Board include the President of the Owasso Historical Socicty or designcc and the President of the Ow as so Arts and Humanities Councilor designee. That would give those bodics the flexibility of appointing someone other than the president to the advisory board if they so desire. Ms. Kimball moved, secondcd by Mr. Thoendel, to approve the agrecmcnt, with the suggcstcd modifications, transferring - 2 - Owasso City Council March 4, 2003 owncrship of the Owasso Museum and property to the City of Owasso, assumption by thc City of Owasso of all operating rcsponsibilitics and cxpcnse of thc Owasso Museum, and authorization for the Mayor to exccute all documents relating to the agreement AYE: Kimball, Thocndcl, Hclm NAY: None Motion carried 3,0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF A DENIAL BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION -- OF AN ANNEXATION REQUEST. Mr. Thoendel moved, seconded by Mayor Hclm, to table this item to the next regular City Council mecting. AYE: Thoendel, Helm, Kimball NAY: None Motion carricd 3,0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQU.JjST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF THE DONATION OF SOUND EQUIPMENT. Ms. Worley presented the item. A citizen who wishes to remain anonymous has donatcd a portable sound system to thc City to bc uscd at city function nccding portable equipment. The cost ofthc cquipmcnt was $2,004.14. Mr. Thocndcl moved, secondcd by Ms. Kimball, to accept the donated equipment. AYE: Thoendel, Kimball, Helm NAY: None Motion carried 3,0. Ms. Worlcy announccd that the cquipmcnt was on display and could be vicwcd following the meeting. lJEM,LQ: c::QJ'::lSIPKIS,J\IIQJ'::!. AJ'::![)AI'I'.ROI'BJ6JE AC;:.II.9_]\J.RE;1.6I.IJ\<:9_1.9.6ul~.B9UEST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF DONATED EQUIPMENT. Mr. Warrcn said that Pat and Rogcr Bailcy, owners of Bailcy Equipmcnt of Owasso, have offcred to donatc a new polc pruner to the Parks Department. The equipment would be addcd to the existing seasonal tool inventory and be used by parks personal to pcrform tree maintenance. Ms. Kimball movcd, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to acccpt the donation of a pole trcc pruncr from Bailey Equipment. - 3 ' Ow as so City Council March 4, 2003 AYE: Kimball, Thoendel, Hclm NAY: None Motion carricd 3-0. Mr. Warren presented a framed certificatc of appreciation to Mr. & Mrs. Bailcy. He announced that the equipment could also be vicwed following thc meeting. ITEM II: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER ......- - Mr. Ray introduced Nancy Young who, in turn, introduced the Webelo Scouts and thcir leader, Debbic Walker. He also introduced Councilor,elect Steve Cataudella and his family. The character trait for the month of March - Contentment - was introduced and discusscd by Mr.Ray. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. Mayor Helm asked John Mowcry, a member of the Historical Socicty Board, to introduce thc Society mcmbers prescnt Councilor Kimball thanked the membcrs of thc Society for all that they have donc for the Museum and thc City of Owasso. ITEM 14: NEW BUSINESS. Nonc. ITEM 15: ADJOURNMENT Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to adjourn. AYE: Kimball, Thocndcl, Hclm NAY: None Motion carried 3,0, and the meeting was adjourncd at 7:05 p.m. Michacl Helm, Mayor - 4 -