HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.03.18_City Council Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tucsday, March 18, 2003 The Ow as so City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 18, 2003 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Ccntcr pcr thc Noticc of Public Mceting and Agcnda postcd on thc City Hall bullctin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2003. ITEM I: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Helm called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Mitchcll Pride, President of the Owasso High School Student Council. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Taylor Hill, Owasso High School student and Vice President of the State Student Council, led in the flag salute. Mr. Ray introduccd Donna Brogdon, who presented a framed photograph of the state capitol to the city on behalf of her husband, Scnator Randy Brogdon. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Michael Helm, Mayor - 16/0 Gary Cochran, Vice Mayor ,w 14/2 Susan Kimball, Councilor - 16/0 Craig Thoendel, Councilor - 9/0 ABSENT Rcbccca Armstrong, Councilor ,.. 9/7 STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Managcr Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Stcphen P. Gray, City Attorney A quorum was dcclarcd present. ITEM 5: PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION. ___~_.~._.. m_.wm.~__._mm.~.~.m.m.m..~~m___._. Mayor helm prcscnted a Ccrtificatc of Elcction to Councilor Craig Thoendcl, who has been elected to a threc-ycar term on thc City Council from Ward I, and a Ccrtificatc of Election to Councilor-elcct Stcve Cataudella, who has been clectcd to a thrcc-year tcrm on thc City Council from Ward 2. ITEM 6: RECOGNITION OF EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH. Mr. Ray introduced.luliil11n Stevcns, and rccognizcd her as Employcc ofthc Month. Owasso City Council March 18, 2003 ITEM 7: PRESENTATION OF ESSAY "WHY I LOVE AMERICA" BY WINNERS OF OWASSO SERTOMA CLUB'S NATIONAL HERITAGE MONTH ESSAY CONTEST. Mr. Ray introduced thc fifth grade students who were winncrs of Scrtoma's National Heritagc Essay Contest. He said therc werc 143 cntries from all of Owasso's clcmentary schools. He introduced Mariah Brown from Bailey Elcmentary, who read her essay. Mariah was third placc winner. The first and sccond place winners were unable to be prescnt Mayor Helm prescnted a ccrtificatc ofrccognition on behalf of the City Council to Miss Brown. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of Minutes of the March 4, 2003 Rcgular Meeting and the March II, 2003 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Rclating to Resolution #2003-02, Renewing City of Owasso Participation in thc Regional Enhanced 911 Interlocal Agrcement D. Action Rclating to Ordinance #743, an Ordinance Modifying the Defined Benefit Plan ofthc Oklahoma Municipal Retiremcnt Fund. E. Action Relating to Ordinance #744, an Ordinance Modifying the Dcfined Contribution Plan ofthc Oklahoma Municipal Retircment Fund. Thc conscnt agenda includcdminutes of the March 4, 2003 regular mecting and March 11,2003 spccialmeeting, by rcference made a part hercto. Item B on the consent agenda includcd thc following claims: (I) Gencral Fund $166,481.76; (2) Ambulance Scrvicc Fund $1,331.59; (3) E- 911 Fund $1,992.94; (4) Capitallmprovemcnts Fund $3,802.20; (5) Capital Projects Grants Fund $455.04; (6) City Garage Fund $4,403.25; (7) Workers Comp Fund $3,461.68; (8) Interfund Transfers $5,866.73; (9) Interfund Transfcrs $7,083.33; (10) Payroll $218,688.94; (II) City Garagc Payroll $5,278.80; (12) Ambulance Payroll $II,178.67; (13) E-9l 1 Payroll $2,877.08; (14) Workcrs Comp Payroll $1,427.12. Item C on the conscnt agenda requested approval of the renewal of an existing intcrlocal agreement relating to E,911 as rcquired by the Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #743 and authorization for the cxccution of any related documcnts. Itcm E requested approval of Ordinance #744 and authorization for the execution of any related documents. Mr. Cochran moved, secondcd by Ms. Kimball, to approvc thc consent agenda. AYE: Cochran, Kimball, Thoendel, Hclm. NAY: None Motion carried 4,0. ,2- Owasso City Council March 18, 2003 ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PRESENTATION OF AN INDEPENDENT AUDIT OF FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS FOR THE GENERAL FUND AND OTHER FUNDS FOR FY 2001-2002, AND A REQUEST FOR THE COUNCIL TO RECEIVE THE AUDIT. Ms. Bishop presented the item. The finn of Crawford & Associates has providcd audit services to the City and its trust authoritics for the past fivc years. Frank Crawford attcndcd thc March 11111 Council Work Session and presentcd the audit rcport to the City Council. The only action rcquircd by thc Council is to rcccivc the audit. Ms. Kimball movcd, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to reccive the audit AYE: Kimball, Cochran, Thoendel, Helm NAY: None Motion carried 3,0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN EXTENSION OF A CONTRACT FOR AUDITING SERVICES FOR FY 2002,03. Ms. Bishop said that city chmier and state statutes require that an independent accountant perform an annual audit of the City's financcs. In February of 1998, the city accepted proposals for auditing scrviccs from scvcral accounting firms, and awarded the bid to the firm of Crawford & Associates. That firm has provided auditing services since that time. Because of changes in govcrnmcnt accounting standards, staff bclieves it would be in the best intcrcst of thc city to extend the contract with Crawford & Associates for anothcr ycar. The firm is familiar with the city's accounting system, which will makc it casier to implemcnt thc rcquircd changcs. Thc proposal from Crawford & Associates for the 2002-2003 fiscal year audit services includes fees of $28,620, an increase of 35%. The major reason for this incrcase is implementing thc major changes rcquircd in financial rcporting requircments for cities. Ms. Kimballmovcd, sccondcd by Mr. Cochran, to approve a one-ycar extension of a contract with the firm of Crawford & Associates, Oklahoma City, OK, for auditing services for the fiscal ycar ending June 30, 2003. AYE: Kimball, Cochran, Thoendcl, Helm NAY: Nonc Motion carried 4,0. ITEM] 1: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO MOWING ~~~ ~---~ CONTRACTS FOR CITY PROPERTIES. Mr. Roberts said that thc City has utilizcd private sector contracts for providing mowing services in specified areas for the past 13 years. Recent cvaluation indicatcs that thc program continues to be cost-cffective within certain locations. Two full time positions have been added to the Streets Division, cnabling additional mowing responsibilitics without compromising othcr serviccs. Thcrcfore, the Public Works Departmcnt electcd to discontinue contractcdmowing of spccific locations that werc includcd in previous years. Bids wcre preparcd for five parks and - 3- Owasso City Council March 18, 2003 three other areas. The bid was advertised and bid packcts were sent to 22 prospective contractors. Twclvc contractors submitted bids. Upon review of the bids rcceivcd, staff rccommended that the Council award thc following mowing contracts for the 2003 mowing season: 1. Rayola Park - Clip,N-Snip Professional Lawn Care (Lee Bartel) at $185.00 pcr mowll1g, 2. McCarty Park -. TnT Lawn Care (Brian Towcrs) at $120 per mowing; 3. Elm Crcek Park - Clip,N-Snip Professional Lawn Carc (Lce Bartel) at $215.00 per mowll1g, 4. Ator Hcights Park ,- Jerry Tucker at $72.00 per mowing, 5. Veteran's Park (86th St) - TnT Lawn Care (Brian Towcrs) at $45.00 per mowing, 6. Main Strect Right,of,Way ",., J.B. Stigall at $95.00 per mowing, 7. El Rio Vista Center Medians & Frontage - Jerry Tuckcr at $55.00 pCI' mowing, 8. U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way - Lot Maintcnance of OK. at $1625.00 per mowing. Mr. Cochran movcd to approvc thc mowing contracts as requested by staff. Motion seconded by Ms. Kimball AYE: Cochran, Kimball, Thocndel, Helm NAY: Nonc Motion carricd 4,0. ITEM l~ CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION_~g1ATING T.Q,OZ,03-01, ^' REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOC;ATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WEST SECOND AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 1600 FEET WEST OJ THE WEST SECOND A VENUE AND MAIN STREET INTERSECTION FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) TO CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL}",c;QJ\LIAINING 1.019 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Mr. Moore said the Owasso Scrtoma Club has rcquested that the abovc propcrty be rezoned from AG to CG. The property is the site of Selioma building undcr construction. Thc rczoning rcquest has been reviewed by the Technical AdvisOlY Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission, and both bodies recommcndcd approval. Because of some questions the Council believes nccd to bc answered beforc making a decision on the zoning, Ms. Kimball movcd, sccondcd by Mr. Cochran, to table this itcm to the ncxt regular mceting ofthc City Council. AYE: Kimball, Cochran, Thocndcl, Hclm NAY: None Motion carricd 4-0. - 4 - Owasso City Council March 18, 2003 ITEM I~ CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATlNG TO OA-03,02, A REQUEST TO ANNEX AN I1.33-ACRE TRACT OF LAND, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH GARNETT ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 2640 FEET NORTH OF EAST 116111 STREET NORTH -- (WARD 1). Mr. Moore presented the item. This anncxation has becn rcquested by DG&S Properties, in ordcr to complctc the Country Estates VI residential subdivision. The propcrty is bordered on the south, west and north by Country Estates III, IV, and V, with all infrastructure and utility construction bcing complcted while the property remained in Tulsa County. The applicant has supplicd thc City of Owasso with construction plans and thc prcliminary plat to cnsurc that the property meets City of Owasso devclopmcnt standards. The Annexation Committee, Technical Advisory Committcc, and Planning Commission have recommended approval of the annexation. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to approvc the rcqucsted annexation. AYE: Kimball, ThoendeI, Cochran, Helm NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE Ac;TION RELATING TO OA,03-03, A REQUEST TO ANNEX A 30-54- ACRE TRACT OF LAND, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF _EAST 106111 STREET NORTH, APPROXIMA TEL Y 1320 t:.f:ET EAST OF NORTH GARNETT ROAD (WARD 2). Mr. Moore said that the City of Owasso has rcccivcd a rcquest from Owasso Land Trust on behalf of Mr. Sharp, Owner, for thc annexation of the above-described propelty. The applicant plans to pursue a rcsidcntial devclopment on the propcrty. Wastcwatcr scrvicc would bc provided by the City of Owasso, and water service would bc provided by both the City of Owasso and Washington County Rural Watcr. The Annexation Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, and Planning Commission have all reviewed the request and recommended approval. Mr. Thoendclmovcd, second cd by Ms. Kimball, to approve thc rcqucsted annexation. AYE: Thoendel, Kimball, Cochran, Helm NAY: None Motion carried 4,0. ITEM.,L5~C;:.9NS!D ERA TIQEANi) APPROPRIATE ACTIQt1l'-J\!eAILj\! G J:.Q..Q6,J):J~Q'L..6 REQUEST TO ANNEX A 2.66-ACRE TRACT OF LAND, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH-'SIDEw'OFEAS"f96rll STREET NORTH _"__.........~.~m.~.._._.~~__~....~._~.._m_.. . _~~___~_~_~____). APPROXIMA TEL Y 2640 FEET EAST OfJ'{QIZTH9'[,1I EAST A VENUEJW ARD It Mr. Moorc presented the itcm. Tim Siegfried on behalf of the Unitcd Pcntccostal Church, requestcd the annexation. Water and wastewater scrvicc would be provided by the City of - 5 - Owasso City Council March 18, 2003 Owasso. The Annexation Committee, Technical Advisory Committcc and Planning Commission have rcviewed the request and recommcnded approval of the annexation. Ms. Kimball movcd, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to approve the requested annexation. AYE: Kimball, Cochran, Thoendcl, Hclm NAY: None Motion calTied 4,0. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OA-03-05, A REQUEST TO ANNEX A l50.5l-ACRE TRACT OF LAND, GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF EAST 76TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 97111 EAST AVENUE (WARD 11 Mr. Moore said that thc City has received a requcst from Allen & Doris Robinson, for the annexation of the above,describcd land. The proposed use of the tract would include commcrcial devclopments. Wastewatcr and watcr service would be provided by thc City of Owasso. Thc Annexation Committee, Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission have all reviewed the requcst and rccommcnded approval. Mr. Cochran movcd, secondcd by Ms. Kimball, to approve the requested anncxation. AYE: Cochran, Kimball, Thoendel, Helm NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF A DENIAL BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION --_....~_. OF AN ANNEXATION REQUEST. Councilor Kimball recused hcrself from discussion or vote on this issue because of a possible conflict of intcrcst. Mr. Moore said that thc City of Owasso rcccived a petition for anncxation of property totaling 20.65 acres, located on the east side ofN. 9il1 East Avc., between E. 116111 St. N and E. 126111 St. N. This tract of land is considered to be contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Owasso by a ten-foot strip of public right-of,way along thc eastern boundary of N. 97'11 East Ave. The Annexation Committce revicwcd thc rcqucst and rccommcnded approval. Thc Planning Commission unanimously recommended denial of the petition, thc dcnial being related to interpretations of "contiguous" propcrty. Mr. Schumacher then appealed the dcnial to the City Council. Mr. Moorc prcsented background on utilizing the "strip method" of annexation. In ordcr to create a contiguous parcel, many applicants have provided either a strip of public right, of-way or a strip parcel of land. This is consistent with thc City's anncxation policy, as wcll as with the Oklahoma State Statutcs. Some of thc devclopments where the City has used this method arc Coffce Creek, Hale Acrcs, and Garrctt Creek. Staff bclieves that it is in thc City's best interest to anncx the Schumacher property. Mr. Cochran movcd, scconded by Mr. Thoendel, to approve the requcstcd anncxation. - 6- Owasso City Council March 18, 2003 AYE: Cochran, Thoendel, Helm NAY: None Motion carricd 3-0. ITEM 18: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPR1A TE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #]42" AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PAR1.:.l:2:.~04 OFwTl:LllCITY OF OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES. Mr. Wiles said that the Federal Emergency Managemcnt Agency (FEMA) rcccntly amcndcd the floodplain maps for two square milcs within the City of Tulsa and within Tulsa County. The arca covered by thc maps includes part of the southem fenceline of the City of Owasso. That fenceline is located along E. 66tl1 St N. betwcen N. Mingo Rd. and U.S. Hwy 169. The map change technically alters Owasso's floodplain. Thercfore, the City's flood damage prevention ordinance must be brought up to datc with FEMA regulations. The City's ordinance is in compliance, with thc cxccption of onc definition - substantial damagc. Ordinance #742 adds thc federal definition of substantial damage to Owasso's flood damagc prcvcntion ordinance, and is basically a housekeeping item. Ms. Kimball movcd, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to approve Ordinancc #742. AYE: Kimball, Cochran, Kimball, Helm NAY: Nonc Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 19: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER m'.~____.._m~. .._...m~.._m__._..__._~._.._._ Mr. Ray introduced Councilor Thoendcl's family. He also reminded everyone that the official signing ofthc agrecment with thc Owasso Historical Society will be on April 9111 at 2:00 p.m. at the muscum. ITEM 20: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No rcport. ITEM 21: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. Councilor Kimball complimcnted Policc Officer Howard Smith on a program he recently prcsented. ITEM 22: NEW BUSINESS. ~-~._"-- None. - 7- Ow as so City Council March 18, 2003 ITEM 23: ADJOURNMENT --- .. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to adjourn. AYE: Kimball, Cochran, Thoendel, Helm NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and thc mecting was adjourncd at 7:34 p.m. ,8-