HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.04.01_City Council Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 1,2003 Thc Owasso City Council met in rcgular session on Tucsday, April 1, 2003 in the Council Chambcrs at the Ow as so Community Centcr pCI' the Notice of Public Meeting and Agcnda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2003, and Addendum to Agcnda posted on the City Hall Bulletin Board at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 31, 2003. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Helm called thc mceting to order at 6:32 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offercd by Pastor David Hert, Associate Pastor at Owasso First Assembly of God Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Councilor Thocndelled in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Michacl Hclm, Mayor - 15/0 Gary Cochran, Vicc Mayor - 12/3 Susan Kimball, Councilor - 15/0 Craig Thoendel, Councilor .- 12/0 Steve Cataudella, Councilor-Elect - 1/0 (seated after Item 7) STAFF Rodncy .I. Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Stephcn P. Gray, City Attorney A qnorum was declarcd prcscnt. lTEMi: <;:ONSIDERATlON AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RE1ATING TO A REQUE~I FOR CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESIGNATION OF WARD 2 - ---~..~~--~ ~-- COUNCILOR REBECCA ARMSTRONG. _~.._. om_.._.. _ Mayor Helm rcad a tetter of resignation from the City Council submitted by the Ward 2 councilor, Rebccca Amlstrong, which statcs: "I wanted to let you know that although I have enjoycd scrving on council; right now I have a child starting on the high school baseball tcam. I want this chance to spcnd this time watching my children in thcir SpOltS. Therefore I, Rebecca Armstrong, hereby resign effectivc 3/31/03." Mr. Cochran moved, secondcd by Ms. Kimball, to acccpt the resignation of Councilor Annstrong. Owasso City Council April I, 2003 AYE: Cochran, Kimball, Thoendcl, Hclm. NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT OF A QUALIFIED ELECTOR AS A COUNCILORJOR WARD 2. Mayor Helm rccommcnded the appointment of Councilor-elect Stcphcn Cataudella to the Ward 2 council position. Ms. Kimball moved, scconded by Mr. Thoendel, that Councilor,elcct Stcphen Cataudella bc appointed to complete the remainder of the tcrm of the Ward 2 council position vacatcd by Ms. Annstrong. AYE: Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran, Helm. NAY: None Motion carried 4,0. ITEM 7: ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO WARD 2 COUNCILOR. Ms. Boutwcll administered the oath of officc to Mr. Cataudclla, and he was seated at the council bench. ITEM 8: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. ~--~-- Mayor Helm invited thc council to join him at the podium as he rcad and presented a proclamation to Scott Yandell, honoring Bank of the Lakes as Busincss of the Quarter for the Sccond Quarter of2003. ITEM 9: PRESENTATION OF ESSAY "WHY I LOVE AMERICA" BY WINNERS OF ~-_.- OWASSO SERTOMA CLUB'S NATIONAL HERITAGE MONTH ESSAY CONTEST. Mr. Ray introduccd the fifth gradc students who were winners of Sertoma's National Heritagc Essay Contest. Because of Spring Break, the first and second place winncrs wcre unablc to be present at the March 18111 meeting when the third placc winner read hcr cssay. Second place winncr Ailcen Gunter and first place winner LeAnne Layton, both students at Northcast Elementary School, rcad their essays. Mayor Hclm and the city council presentcd a celiificate of recognition to each of them, and also recognized their parents. ITEM.LQ:. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPRO V AL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of Minutes of thc March 18, 2003 Regular Mccting and thc March 25, 2003 and March 27, 2003 Special Mectings. - 2 - Ow as so City Council April 1, 2003 B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to Ordinance #745, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of Approximately 11.33 Acres, Generally Located on the Wcst Sidc of North Galllett Road, Approximatcly 2640 Feet North of East 1161b Street North (Ward I). D. Action Relating to Ordinance #746, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of Approximately 30.54 Acrcs, Generally Locatcd on thc South Sidc of East 1061b Strcct North, Approximately 1320 Fcct East of North Garnett Road (Ward 2). E. Action Relating to Ordinance #747, an Ordinance Providing for the Anncxation of Approximately 2.66 Acres, Generally Located on the NOlih Side of East 96111 Street NOlih, Approximately 2640 Feet East ofNOlih 9il1 East Avenue (Ward 2). F. Action Rclating to Ordinance #748, an Ordinance Providing for the Anncxation of App,roximately 150.51 Acres, Generally Located at the Southcast Corner of East 7611 Street North and North 97111 East Avenue (Ward 4). The consent agenda included minutes of the March 18, 2003 regular mecting and March 25, 2003 and March 27, 2003 spccial meetings, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on thc consent agenda includcd the following claims: (I) General Fund $38,494.09; (2) Ambulance Servicc Fund $5,194.79; (3) City Garage Fund $6,759.41; (4) Workers Comp Fund $4,906.58; (5) Pleasant View Scwer District $6,410.00; (6) Payroll $211,120.23; (7) City Garage Payroll $4,426.61; (8) Ambulance Payroll $10,797.56; (9) E-911 Payroll $2,877.08; (10) Workers Comp Payroll $727.20. Item C on the consent agcnda requestcd approval of Ordinancc #745 annexing 11.33 acres into thc city. Item D rcquested approval of Ordinance #746 anncxing 30.54 acres into thc city. Item E requestcd approval of Ordinance #747 anncxing 2.66 acres into the city. Item F requested approval of Ordinance #748 annexing 150.51 acres into the city. Ms. Kimball moved, secondcd by Mr. Thoendel, to approve the conscnt agenda. A YE: Kimball, Thoendel, Cataudella, Cochran, Helm. NAY: Nonc Motion carried 5-0. LTEM II: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE AClION RELATING TO A RgQYEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR THE WATERCOLOURS AT COFFEE CRE.BK, AN ADDITION TO THE.cIT~Y.oF OWASSO, TULSA COUj\JI.YyJU A TE OF OKLAHQMA Mr. Moore said that the Watcrcolours at Coffcc Creek contains 40 townhouse lots within fivc blocks on approximatcly 5.96 acres, and is located at thc northeast corner of E. 103rd St. N. and N. 138111 East Ave. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat and made 12 requircmcnts. The Planning Commission reviewed the final plat and rccommended approval, subject to the Tcchnical Advisory Committce comments being met. All of those comments have ,3, Ow as so City Council April 1,2003 been addresscd. Mr. Thocndclmoved, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to approve the Watercolours at Coffce Creek final plat. AYE: Thocndcl, Cochran, Kimball, Cataudella, Helm NAY: None Motion cmTicd 5-0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION OF THE SUBMISSION OF A "NOTICE OF INTENT" TO SUBMIT A FUTURE GRANT REQUEST TO THE FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND DEFENSE, SUCH GRANT FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPING EMERGENCY PLANS. Mr. Motto prcscnted thc item. Hc said that the City has received notification of funds available to write an emergency plan, howevcr thc Notice of Intent must be submitted to INCOG by April 41h Thc only requcst being made is Council authorization for the staff to submit thc Noticc of Intent in ordcr to be cligiblc for federal funds to assist with writing the emcrgency plan. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to authorize the submission of the Notice of Intent and to authorizc the Mayor to execute the document. AYE: Kimball, Cochran, ThoendeI, Cataudella, Helm NAY: Nonc Motion carried 5,0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING -. --- NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF OWASS02 OKLAHOMA AND IAFF LOCAL #2789 (FIREFIGHTERS), REGARDING THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003,2004, ~1J~H DISCUSSION ALLOWED PURSUANT '[.A 15 O.S., SECTION 307,B(2). There was no motion for an exccutivc scssion, thercfore, thc council did not enter into an exccutive scssion. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND IAFF LODGE #2789 (FIREFIGHTERS), Mr. Ray said that the City of Ow as so and the IAFF have been holding negotiating scssions since March 1 ill, and have been ablc to reach an agreement after only three sessions. The proposed agrccmcnt contains no wage increases. It includes two new articlcs ,- a physical fitness program, and a rc'opener article. The re'opener allows the IAFF to re-open ncgotiations at their requcst if the sales tax projections should change. IAFF Local #2789 has ratificd the agreement. - 4 - Ow as so City Council April 1, 2003 Ms. Kimball moved, secondcd by Mr. Cochran, to approve the agrccmcnt between thc City of Ow as so and IAFF Local #2789, providing for wages, benefits and other working conditions. A YE: Kimball, Cochran, Thoendcl, Cataudella, Helm NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr. Ray introduced Tim Rooney's parents, who have been visiting Mr. Rooney and were in attendancc at the council mceting. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. --. No report. ITEM 17: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. ----- Councilor Cataudella introduced his wife and children. Councilor Kimball commcnted on the fircfighters and their willingness to ratify their contract with no raises. ITEM 18: NEW BUSINESS. --- Nonc. IJBl\:11~: ADJOURNJylENT Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to adjourn. AYE: Kimball, Cochran, Thoendel, Cataudella, Helm NAY: Nonc ~_.-.-- Motion carried 5,0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7: 1 0 p.m. ~.-..--- ~-."._-~---------~- L~&LfAJ._UtJ~LL__ Marcl'a..Boutwell, City Clerk - 5 - c Ll)V\,C'Tn lit ((Ilf\ ~ C ("(iCQ \(] 1 J ,0 U.\ ;on10(\ l:LC tJ2QJ: (~,',J'C\.L c.krlC'ii.l5 lJ~i(\l , ~ '\ ~ . ~ Cll,t hr'~ll~(l J}I'( {(}(,clUe (Qr~,ej;f:d!;)" /JL;(,UU(~! 1~n (('-ld I.CI.)( ~ .iL\Q;ftc 1(1,("(;,; ",V ,CiLt.lJ,:\(' (I.... (':relYe,, ' (J, y" () i~ (j i) i), (, 01 C\ d ' U ~J (<, (\ U Vi ( c ~ (3.n OCJ 1,('0< C\i}GD.Q.l)O~v (J:Cll)) '. J} l {J. iC \ () J CUCci) QYw lillQ, CrT fJd):Xi1d I:LYCiD cbfYlQ llJ..}o-:LCgUfJlO (rh/~ c)\LQc{\U\ L(() UJULlfl, ,()(X;ICb:J. 'rQX.QJ p"ik'lJ!.. " (I / (I I' ,,' ,) "., J) I! 'Il ( ,U ( c,t: LLU~YYJt{Of\ ) L1i Ute f'Lj .1) I'.' .,i\' (" ..'\,. . 'J!' /1 r ';\i"l ", '!j 7),;C, ! r, ( , '. ' , i) I Ii II ,) t ;' !'-..!.~ '-. 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