HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.04.03_City Council Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, April 3, 2003 The Owasso City Council mct in a joint spccialmeeting with the Collinsville City Commission on Thursday, April 3, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. in thc conference room at the American Bank of Oklahoma in Collinsville pcr the Noticc of Public Meeting and Agenda postcd on the Owasso City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1,2003. ITEM I: CALL TO ORDER OF THE COLLINSVILLE CITY COMMISSION. Mayor Sirmon called the Collinsvillc City Commission to order. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL OF THE COLLINSVILLE CITY COMMISSION. PRESENT Mike Sirmon, Mayor Stan Sallec, Vice Mayor Dalc Gross, Commissioncr ABSENT Pam Potier, Commissioner Gail Rogcrs, Commissioner STAFF Mike Tinker, City Managcr Dana Conner, City Clcrk A quorum was dcclared present. ITEM 3: CALL TO ORDER OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL. -~.._._._--- Mayor Helm called the Owasso City Council to ordcr. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL. PRESENT Michael Helm, Mayor '" 16/0 Gary Cochran, Councilor - 1313 Susan Kimball, Councilor ". 16/0 Craig Thoendel, Councilor 13/0 Steve Cataudella, Councilor - 2/0 ABSENT STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. Collinsvillc City Commission & Owasso City Council April 3, 2003 ITEM 5: BRIEFING OF THE COMMISSION AND COUNCIL RELATING TO THE STATUS OF TULSA COUNTY PROJECTS AND COUNTY ISSUES RELATING TO BOTH CITIES. Owasso City Managcr Rodney Ray introduccd Tulsa County Commissioner Wilbert Collins. Commissioner Collins discusscd the status of the DialoglVision 2025 program. He said that Phasc I contains $700-$800 million in projects. He also discussed the 4,to-Fix the County projects. All projects are on schcdule. Othcr arcas discuss cd, including how the two communi tics can work together, were emergency management, rural water districts, and commercial development, including the NOlth Tulsa County VoTech. Owasso City Managcr Rodney Ray and Collinsville City Managcr Mikc Tinker presented a gift to Commissioner Collins. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION OF ISSUES OF MUTUAL INTEREST TO THE CITIES OF COLLINSVILLE AND OW ASSO. The two goveming bodics discusscd scvcral issucs of intercst to both. Thcrc was discussion concerning watcr and a water consortium. Also discussed was the joint purchase of equipment that might be used by both communities, such as a street swecper. Another item discusscd was civil defense sirens. Thc jail issue was discusscd at somc lcngth. At the present time, the City of Collinsville does not have a jail. Therc was discussion concerning the use ofthc Owasso jail by Collinsville. This will be discussed by the Owasso City Council at the Work Scssion and, if agreeable, an agreement drawn up to be presentcd to the Collinsville City Commission. Both parties expressed agrccment that the discussions were wOlthwhile and it was suggested that a joint mccting be held regularly, perhaps on a quarterly basis. The two city managcrs will try to set something up. ITEM 7: ADJOURN COLLINSVILLE CITY COMMISSION. Mayor Sirmon adjoumed the Collinsville City Commission. ITEM 8: ADJOURN OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL. Ms. Kimball movcd, scconded by Mr. Cochran, to adjourn the Owasso City Council. AYE: Kimball, Cochran, Thocndcl, Cataudclla, Hclm NAY: None 1 / Motion carried 5,0, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. ~ .~ c m, Mayor '-iYJ /b Jp jj ; A )Q~ . .tJ/~ ~~ 2