HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.04.08_Worksession Minutes OW ASSO C1TY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, April 8, 2003 The Ow as so City Council met in a special mccting on Tuesday, April 8, 2003 in thc Main Confercnce Room at Ow as so City Hall per thc Noticc of Public Meeting and Agcnda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2003. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Helm called thc meeting to ordcr at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT Michael Helm, Mayor.. 17/0 Gary Cochran, Vicc Mayor - 14/3 Susan Kimball, Councilor.. 17/0 Craig Thoendel, Councilor.. 4/0 Steve Cataudella, Councilor - 3.0 ABSENT STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Timothy Rooney, Assistant City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clcrk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC WORKS ITEMS. A. Stormwater Managemcnt B. Other Items Mr. Carr discussed the EP A requiremcnts rclating to stormwater management. He said there are rcgulations that will need to be implemcnted, but that the City is alrcady doing some of thc required itcms. The City will be proposing a stormwater managcmcnt fee to fund the program rcquirements. This item will appear on the Work Scssion agenda in May with a proposcd fee structure and ordinance establishing the fees. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PLANNING ITEMS. _~~..~ ..m., ~__.___ _~~...~~...~.m~ A. Zoning Requests B. Right-of-Way Closure C. Eascment Closurc D. Other Items Mr. Wiles discussed the itcms that appeared on the Planning Commission agenda at their meeting on April 7'11. Thcrc were two zoning rcquests that were approved and will bc placed on the City Council agenda for action. A right,of,way closurc and an casement closure were also approved and will be on thc City Council agenda on April IS1h Also on the Planning Commission agenda were four prcliminary plats, which wcrc also approved. Owasso City Council April 8, 2003 ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH BUILDING. Mr. Ray discusscd the proposcd purchase by thc City of the Central Baptist Church building locatcd immediately east of the municipal building. Two offers have been madc to the church for the property, and the City needs to act quickly if an offcr is to be made. If thc City should purchase the prop CIty, a two,hour firewall will necd to be placcd bctwecn the sanctuary and othcr portion of thc building, panic hardware will need to be placed on doors, and emergency lighting must be installed. This will need to be done before the building can bc occupied. It is believed that thc purchase of the building would provide the City with, among other things, much needed space for meetings. Unless the Council has objections, the City Manager will offer a contract, contingcnt upon Council approval. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN -------- THE CITIES OF OW ASSO & COLLINSVILLE PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF AVAILABLE JAIL SPACE. Mr. Rooney said that, sincc the loss of the Collinsvillc City Hall and Police Dcpartmcnt to a fire in December 2001, Collinsville has not had jail space in which to incarcerate offenders should their Judge sentence somcone to serve time in jail for an offense. As a result of the joint mceting with the Collinsvillc City Commission last week, the Collinsvillc City Manager has approached thc City of Owasso with a rcquest that thc City of Collinsville be allowed to usc Owasso's jail facility on a spacc,available basis. Staff believes this requcst should bc supported as a tcmporary assistance measure. A review of the costs associated with housing prisoners, shows that a daily charge of $27.00 pcr prisoner per day will cover the cost of food, utilitics, supplies, and somc indirect costs. If the Council bclieves this request should be supported, an Interlocal Agreement will be drafted. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. A. Status of Negotiations B. Status of Budget Preparation for FY04 C. Status ofFY03 Finances and Impact on CUlTent Budget D. Other Items Mr. Rooney said that a contract has been developed with the YMCA allowing them to use thc ballficlds in front of thc facility. Hc also said that a lease agreement for use of thc fields at McCarty Park has been dcvclopcd. Thc third itcm he discusscd was "Adopt A Troop:, whcreby the City would, through a resolution, adopt a military unit deployed to Iraq as a way to show SUPPOlt. Since there is no local unit, Mr. Rooncy rcqucsted that a unit be assigned. Although that has been donc, thcre was some discussion conccrning another unit. Mr. Rooncy will follow up. Mr. Ray discussed that status ofnegotiatiol1s with thc City's bargaining units. The contract with IAFF has been approved, howcver thc City is still in ncgotiations with the FOP. Ms. Bishop and Mr. Ray discusscd the status of budgct preparation for FY04. Some requests from departmcnt dircctors havc bccn cut, and the budget process is continuing. Plans are to have it completed by 2 Owasso City Council April 8, 2003 mid-May. Thcy also discusscd the status of thc salcs tax 011 the currcnt budget and suggcsted some projects that can be eliminatcd to take care of the salcs tax shortfall. ITEM 7: ADJOURNMENT. Mr. Cataudclla moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to adjourn. Motion can'ied 5,0, and the mccting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Michael elm, Mayor 3