HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.05.13_Worksession Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL M1NUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 13,2003 The Owasso City Council met in a spccial meeting on Tucsday, May 13, 2003 in thc Main Confcrcncc Room at Owasso City Hall per thc Notice of Public Mccting and Agenda postcd on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 9, 2003, and Addcndum to Agenda filcd in the office of the City Clcrk and posted on thc City Hall bulletin board at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, May 12, 2003. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Cochran called thc meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT ABSENT Gary Cochran, Mayor - 13/3 Susan Kimball, Vice Mayor 16/0 Michael Helm, Councilor -16/0 (in at 6:10; out at 7:25) Craig Thoendcl, Councilor - 16/0 Steve Cataudella, Councilor - 6/0 STAFF Rodncy J Ray, City Managcr Timothy Rooncy, Assistant City Managcr Marcia Boutwcll, City Clerk A quorum was declarcd present. ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUE;>.I FOR APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS LIST. ----...- Mr. Ray said that the city would be closing on the purchasc of the Central Baptist Church building on May 15,2003 and, although the City Council authorizcd the purchasc, authorization had not be madc for payment. Payment must be made at the time of closing, therefore it was necessary for the Council to takc action to approve thc payment. Ms. Kimball movcd, sccondcd by Mr. Cataudella, to approve payment in thc amount of $650,000 to Central Baptist Church for the purchase of the Central Baptist Church building. A YE: Kimball, Catauclella, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: Nonc Motion carried 4,0. Owasso City Council May 13, 2003 ITEM 3: DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC WORKS ITEMS. A. Stonnwater Managcmcnt B. Street Repair Bid C. Cemctcry Fcncc Bid D. Other Items Mr. Carr discussed the proposed stormwater managcment program, including thc proposed ordinance cstablishing the program and the proposed resolution establishing a fec to fund the program requirements. There was discussion by the Council relating to exemptions from the fee, as well as how thc fec should bc phased in. Mr. CalT also discussed bids rcccived for residential street repair and for the construction of a pre-cast modular fcncc along the cast and nOlih sides at Fairview Cemetery. All of thcsc itcms will bc placed on the May 20111 City Council agenda for action. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO POLICE ITEMS. A. UnifoDn Cleaning Contract Extcnsion B. Records Fees ChicfYanccy discuss cd a one'year cxtension of the contract with Yale Cleancrs for the cleaning of police uniforms. He said that the department has no problcms with the work being done, and that Mr. Rothrock has signcd thc contract extension. He also discussed the fees being charged by the policc department for various types of records. The study of othcr depaliments shows that the Owasso dcpartment chargcs less than other departments in the arca, and the requcst is to bring the fees in line with area dcpartments. Chief Yancey prcscntcd a chati comparing City of Owasso fces with area dcpartments, as well as the proposed fee for Owasso. Another item discussed by the Chief was the proposed agreement with the City of Collinsvillc for usc of thc Owasso jail until such timc as Collinsville's jail can bc constructed. All of these items will be placcd on thc May 201h City Council agenda for action. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO SUPPORT SERVICES ITEMS. Mr. Whitc discussed cxpansion of the City's two,way communication system. Funds havc been budgctcd to purchase additional radio cquipment to accommodatc all city dcpartmcnts, providing 800-megahertz capability. Also discussed was thc flcet fuel management serviccs contract Mr. Whitc and Ms. Boutwcll wcrc ablc to ncgotiatc a contract with Fuelman of Oklahoma, the city's currcnt provider, at a ratc below that of the state bid, even though Fuclman has thc statc contract. This will allow the city to purchase fuel at the samc ratc that has been paid for the last four ycars. Both ofthcsc items will be placed on the May 20111 City Council agenda for action. 2 Owasso City Council May 13, 2003 ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PLANNING ITEMS. A. INCOG Administrativc Scrvices Agrccmcnt B. Lot Splits (4) C. Rczonings (4) D. Site Plans (2) E. Preliminary Plat F. Final Plats (2) G. Oth er Items Mr. Wiles briefly discussed the itcms that appearcd on the Planning Commission agenda at thcir meeting on May 1211,. All itcms, with the cxccption of one, wcre approved by the Planning Commission. One lot split was tabled to the June mecting. The rezonings, final plats, and INCOG agreement will be placed on thc May 20111 City Council agenda for action. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION RELATING TO DRAINAGE CHANNEL BID. Mr. Wal1'en said that five bids wcrc rcceived to provide improvemcnts to the Rayola Park drainage channcl. Because thc bids were lower than expectcd, in addition to thc basc bid, an alternatc is being recommended that will allow for a sodded bottom of the drainage channel and secding/mulching of all sloped areas. This item will bc placed on thc May 20111 City Council agenda for action. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER. ...- ..._-~ --- No report. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. -- A. Interlocal Jail Agrcement with Collinsville B. Review of Budget Issues C. CIP Report D. Othcr Itcms E. Council/Manager Issues Item A was discusscd undcr the Police Departmcnt itcms. Mr. Ray gave a brief review of the status of the budget prcparation. Thc budgct must be presented to the Council, a public hearing held, and the budget adopted at lcast seven days prior to the end of June. The Capital Improvements Committee report was also discusscd. This item will bc placed on thc May 20111 City Council agenda for action. Mr. Ray discussed thc other listed items with the Council. 3 Owasso City Council May 13,2003 ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT. Mr. Cataudclla movcd, scconded by Ms. Kimball, to adjourn. Motion calTied 4-0, and thc mecting was adjoul11ed at 10:30 p.m. . _~:ta~Le~ outwcll, City lerk ." // :;? /'/ - ..' -, ,-- .-- /1!:r'j" ,r't?~---" (Cta?:l~'ochran, Mayor . I 4