HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.05.20_City Council Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNC1L MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 20, 2003 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 in the Council Chambcrs at the Owasso Community Ccnter pcr the Noticc of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 16,2003. ITEM I: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Cochran called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Pastor Kyle Mcador, New Heights Church ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE ----- Councilor Craig Thoendelled in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Gary Cochran, Mayor - 14/3 Susan Kimball, Vicc Mayor "~ 17/0 Craig Thoendel, Councilor - 17/0 Stevc Cataudella, Councilor ,,7/0 ABSENT Michael Helm, Councilor.. 1611 STAFF Rodney 1. Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwcll, City Clcrk Stephcn P. Gray, City Attorney A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Mayor Cochran read and presented a proclamation to the OwassolCollinsville H.elay for Life Committec, naming Friday May 30, 2003 as Relay for Life day in tbc City of Owasso. RECOGN1T10N OF EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH. ITEM 6: Mr. Ray rccognizcd Dcborah Turrcntine as Employec of the month for April and Pete Taylor as Employee of the Month for May. Both cmployees were presented a book and a gift certificate in rccognition ofthe honor. Owasso City Council May 20, 2003 ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTI0NB.BLATING TO A REQUESI FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of Minutcs of thc May 6, 2003 Regular Mecting and thc May 13, 2003 Spccial Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to Ordinance #729 Amended, an Ordinance Correcting the Legal Description in Ordinance #729. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #752, an Ordinance Providing for thc Rczoning of 11.33 Acres, Morc or Lcss, Generally Locatcd on thc Wcst Side of North Gamett Road, Approximately 2640 Feet North of East 116111 Street North. E. Action Relating to Ordinancc #753, an Ordinance Providing for thc Rezoning of .32 Acres, Morc or Less, Located at the Southwcst Comer of South Birch Street and East Third Avenue (304 S. Birch St. F. Action Rclating to the Extension of a Contract for Police Department Uniform Cleaning Services. G. Action Relating to a Rcquest that a Finding of "No Significant Impact on the Environment" Will Occur as a Result of the #10629 CDBG 02 Program Activity. H. Action Relating to a Request for the City Council to Authorize the Notice, Equalization and Levy of Asscssmcnts Against Properties in Tulsa County Scwcr Improvement District #6. The consent agenda includcd minutes of the May 6, 2003 regular meeting and May 13, 2003 special meeting, by rcference made a part hereto. Item B on thc consent agenda includcd thc following claims: (I) General Fund $61,810.87; (2) Ambulance Service Fund $2,135.80; (3) E, 911 Fund $2,588.86; (4) Capital Improvements Fund $4,908.61; (5) Bond Projects Fund $71,492.77; (6) City Garagc Fund $7,708.35; (7) Workers Comp Fund $13,298.63; (8) April Tntcrfund Transfers $5,237.40; (9) March Interfund Transfers $8,047.40; (10) Intcrfund Transfcrs $7,083.33; (11) Payroll $230,725.75; (12) City Garagc Payroll $4,492195; (13) Ambulance Payroll $11,119.90; (14) E-9T 1 Payroll $2,726.00; (15) Workcrs Comp Payroll $727.20. Item D on the conscnt agenda requcsted approval of Ordinance #729 Amendcd, corrccting a scriveners ClTOl' in Ordinance #729. Item E requested approval of Ordinanee #752, rczoning 11.33 acres on the west side ofN. Garnctt Rd., north ofE. 116111 St. N. Itcm E requested approval ofOrdinancc #753, rczoning .32 at the southwest corner of South Birch and East Third Ave. Item F requestcd approval of thc extcnsion of a contract with Yalc Cleaners for Police Department uniform cleaning. Item G rcCjuested approval of the notice, equalization and levy of assessment against ,2 - Owasso City Council May 20, 2003 properties within thc Plcase View Estatcs area (Tulsa County Sewer Improvements District #6). Ms. Kimball moved, second cd by Mr.Cataudella, to approve thc consent agenda. AYE: Kimball, Cataudella, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carricd 4-0. ITEM 8: BEQUEST TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL. Mr. Clayton McMartin, who resides at 9215 N. 134111 East Ave., addrcssed the City Council regarding a concern relating to stOllliwatcr drainage in his subdivision, and specifically rclating to a drainage issue on his propcrty. Staff has becn working with Mr. McMartin to resolve the issue. Following Mr. McMartin's presentation, staff was dirccted to further invcstigate thc situation and bring a repoli to the City Council within 30 days. Mr. McMartin was agreeablc with the dircction givcn to staff. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPR9PRIATE ACTION RELATING TOA REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF A DONATION FROM WAL,MART FOUNDATION, AND THE APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION. Mr. Rooncy said that the City of Ow as so has rcceived a donation from the Wal-Mart Foundation through the assistancc ofMr. Marty Cooper. The donation is in the amount of$1500, and is to bcncfit local police and fire depmiments equally. The grant was not included in thc current fiscal ycar budget, and a supplemental appropriation is needcd in order to utilizc the funds. Mr. Cooper was prcscnt to prescnt the funds to thc city. Mr. Cataudella moved, secondcd by Ms. Kimball, to accept the donation from Wal,Mart Foundation in the amount of $1500, and to approve a supplemental appropriation increasing revenucs by $1500 in thc Gcncral Fund and increasing expenditurcs in the Police Department and Fire Dcpartment by $750 cach. AYE: Cataudclla, Kimball, Thocndel, Cochran. NAY: Nonc Motion carried 4,0. - 3 - Ow as so City Council May 20, 2003 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE -_.~- -------- #754, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF OW ASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES BY CREATING PART 18, ESTABLISHING A PROGRAM FOR STORM WATER MANAGEMENT, AND ESTABLISHING CERTAIN FEES FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. Mr. Rooncy said that thc Environmcntal Protection Agcncy has establishcd rcgulations for water quality based municipal stormwater programs to address stormwater runoff from municipal separatc storm sewer systems. The City of Owasso must devclop a comprchcnsivc Stormwatcr Managcmcnt Program, and minimum control mcasures must be addressed. An ordinance has been developed to create a storrnwater managcment program, which also includes a stormwater managcment fund and stormwater system service charge. Thc ordinancc dcfincs thc stonnwatcr managcmcnt fund as a spccial fund to be maintaincd for the purpose of identifying and controlling all rcvenucs and expenscs attributable to stormwater management services. The proposed stonnwater service charge, which would be established by resolution, is based on the amount of impervious area on individual parccls of land. All propCliy would bc subjcct to the chargc with the cxccption of city-owned highways, streets, rights,of,way, parks and open space, and leased uses on city-owned propeliies; privately-owncd residcntial streets and rights,of-way, othcr than drivcways, parks and opcn spacc; public schools; railroad rights-of-way; undeveloped parcels of agricultural use consisting of five or more acres and containing no habitable structurcs. Thc chargc cstablishcd in the rcsolution is $2.50 per month pcr Equivalent Service Unit. As data is collected, adjustments to the charge are expected. Mr. Thoendel moved, scconded by Mr. Cataudclla, to approvc Ordinance #754, establishing a program for stormwater management, and establishing fees for the purpose of implementing thc program. AYE: Thoendel, Cataudella, Kimball, Cochran. NAY: None Motion carricd 4-0. ITEM 1 l: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO . ---_.._--~_._..__._- BJ,oSOLUIlQN #2003-07-,-6 RE~QUJJJOj\J,QLIBE i=ITY COUNCIL ADOPTING A STORMW ATER SYSTEM SERVICE CHARGE. Ms. Kimball moved, second cd by Mr. Cataudella, to approvc Rcsolution #2003-07 cstablishing thc following charges for use of thc City of Owasso stonnwater system based on $2.50 pcr month per equivalcnt service unit: 1 ESU for each rcsidential waterlscwcr customcr; 2 ESUs for cach non-rcsidcntail waterlsewer customer with watcr meters 1css than 2 inches; and 3 ESUs for each non-rcsidcntial waterlsewcr customcr with water metcrs equal to or grcater than 2 inchcs. ,4- Owasso City Council May 20, 2003 AYE: Kimball, Cataudella, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: Nonc Motion carried 4,0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATINGIQ CITY COUNCIL APPRO V AL OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE YMCA OF GREATER TULSA, PROVIDING FOR THE LEASE OF CITY-OWNED RECREATIONAL FACILITIES LOCATED AT RA YOLA PARK TO THE YMCA. Mr. Rooney presented thc item. In July of 1996 the Owasso City Council unanimously approved the lcasing ofthc fonner Recrcation Center and swimming pool facility to thc YMCA. The lease period was for ten years and includcd an initial investmcnt of a minimum of $250,000 by thc YMCA toward the center. Thc YMCA has approached the staff to renew the lease beforc the ten-year ten11 has expired so that they can make somc additional improvemcnts to the facility and thc parking lot. During a review of thc lease, it was detennined that some minor changes need to be madc. The proposcd leasc, by rcfcrcnce made a part of thcsc minutes, contains all of the conditions of such a lease. This agreement will also bc for a ten-year period. Mr. Cataudella movcd, sccondcd by Mr. Thoendcl, to approvc the lease agreement betwcen thc City of Owasso and the YMCA of Greater Tulsa for the Rayola Recreation Ccntcr, outdoor swimming pool and appurtcnant facilitics listed in the agreement, for a tel111 often years cnding on May 31, 2013, and authorization for the Mayor to exccute the document. , AYE: Cataudella, Thoendel, Kimball, Cochran NAY: None Motion carricd 4-0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE -- ~--_._--~ AWA~D OF A CONTRACT FOR RAYOLA PARK DRAINA,QE.<;:HANNEL IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Warren presented the itcm. Thc current fiscal year budgct includes funding to providc improvcments to thc Rayola Park drainage channel. A bid package was developcd and advertiscd, and fivc sealed bids were opencd on April 18,2003. The apparent low bidder was Carter Excavating of Sand Springs. In addition to the basc bid, two altcrnates were included in the bid package. One alternatc was for secding of all areas, and the other was for sodding thc bottom of the drainage channel and sccding/mulching all sloped arcas. Bccausc of the significantly low bid figures, staff rceol11mcndcd that alternatc #2 also be included in the projcct. Ms. Kimballmovcd, scconded by Mr. Thocndcl, to award a contract to Cartcr Excavating, Inc., Sand Springs, OK., in the amount of $36,906, which includcs the basc bid and Alternate #2, for the Rayola Park Drainage Channel Improvements, and authorization for thc Mayor to execute thc contract. - 5 - Owasso City Council May 20, 2003 AYE: Kimball, Thoendel, Cataudella, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE A WARD OF A CONTRACT FOR FY 2002-2003 STREET REPAIRS. Ms. Stagg said that bids wcrc opcned on April 28, 2003 for repairs to residcntial strccts. Thrce bids wcrc rcccivcd. The large difference between thc low bid and the Engineer's estimate raises a concem as to the ability of the low bidder to complete thc work to bid specifications. The low bidder was the contractor for thc FYOl,02 street repair contract, and staff had difficulty in gctting some repair sitcs completed to the satisfaction of the city. Undcr Oklahoma law, award of a construction contract does not requirc award to thc lowest bidder, but to the lowest responsible bidder. For the reasons stated, staff recommended that the bid be awarded to thc sccond low biddcr. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to award a contract to Magnum Construction, Inc., Broken Arrow, OK. in thc amount of$85,l00 for the FY 2002,2003 Street Repairs, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. AYE: Cataudella, Kimball, Thoendcl, Cochran NAY: Nonc Motion carricd 4-0. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ...--.-.--- AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR A PRE-CAST MODULAR FENCE SYSTEM - , AT FAIRVIEW CEMETERY. Ms. Stagg presented the item. In order to improve thc image of Fairview Cemetery and block thc view of cemetery activities from the adjacent residential neighborhoods, staff prepared bid documents for a six-foot high concrctc fcncing system along the cast and north property lincs of thc ccmetcry. Thc ncw fence, which will be madc to rcsemblc red brick, is prcfabricatcd in pancls for casy repair. Two bids werc reccived, and both companies met all the requirements and are qualified to do thc work. Mr. Cataudclla moved, scconded by Mr. Thocndel, to award a contract to Premicr Crete Products, LLC, Dallas, TX., in thc amount of $65,700 for the construction of a six, foot high concrcte fencing systcm at Fairview Cemetery, and authorization for the Mayor to cxccutc thc contract. AYE: Cataudella, Thoendcl, Kimball, Cochran NAY: Nonc Motion carried 4-0. .6. Owasso City Council May 20, 2003 ITEMH,_: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPF-IATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQ1JEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR JAIL SERVICES, SUCH AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND THE CITY OF - , COLLINSVILLE. Chicf Yanccy said that the City of Collinsville has approachcd the City of Owasso about providing temporary jail space to thc City of Collinsville, whose jail burned in December of 2001. An intcrlocal agrcement has been developed to provide for such a rcquest. Compcnsation by Collinsville for use of the jail is sct at $27.00 pcr day per prisoner. Acceptance of prisoners will be on a space-availablc basis, and Collinsville must follow all fcdcral, state and local rcgulations. Thc original tcrm of the agreement will bc for one ycar, rencwable for another one, year term by mutual agreement Ms. Kimball movcd, secondcd by Mr. Cataudella, to approvc an interlocal agreement between thc City of Owasso and City of Collinsville for jail serviccs, such agreement madc a part ofthesc minutes by reference, at a cost to Collinsvillc of $27.00 per day per prisoncr, and authorization for the Mayor to execute thc document. AYE: Kimball, Cataudella, Thoende1, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 4,0. ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING_TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF FEES CHARGED FOR PROVIDING POLICE RECORDS. - ...--.. Chief Yancey prescntcd thc item. State law providcs for govcrnmcntal agcncics to charge ccrtain fecs for scrviccs rendered. Staff has revicwed fccs chargcd for certain scrvices and has determined that the department's fce schedule is well bclow the nonnal for such serviccs. Staff is requesting that the following fee schcdulc be approved: traffic accident rcport for individual - $4.00; traffic accident rcport for insurance companies - $4.00; incidcnt rcports - $4.00 up to ten pages, then .25 pcr page; CADs report - .50 pcr pagc; rcscarch fees - $15.00 per hour; background checks - $3.00; certified copies - $1.00; fingerprints - $5.00 per card; audio tapes ,. $5.00 with subpoena; video tapes, $5.00 with subpoena. Mr. Thoende1 moved, second cd by Mr. Cataudella, to approvc the proposcd fccs to be chargcd by thc police dcpartmcnt for services rcndered. AYE: Thoendel, Cataudella, Kimball, Cochran NA Y: None Motion carried 4-0. - 7- Owasso City Council May 20, 2003 ITEM 18: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A CONTRACT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND INCOG. Mr. Wiles said that the City of Owasso has rcccivcd a Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $67,132 from thc Oklahoma Department of Commcrce small cities program. The grant will be used for the construction of sidewalks, handicap ramps and curb repairs in the oldcr part of the city. The Indian National Council of Governments has provided administrative scrvices for previous grants, which include assisting the City in grant documentation, conducting public hearings, proccssing requests for payment, & closing out the project. Staff is rcqucsting thc same agreemcnt for the CUl1'ent grant. Ms. Kimball movcd, scconded by Mr. Thoendel, to approve a contract between the City of Owasso and INCOG in an amount not to excecd $4000, providing for the administration of 10629 CDBG 02 Small Cities Grant. AYE: Kimball, Thoendel, Cataudella, Cochran NAY: None Motion cal1'ied 4-0. ITEM 19: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ,03-04, A REQUEST, TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF EAST 106111 STREET NORT!:h.APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE EAST OF NORTH 9ARNETT ROAD, FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) TO R~,3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY HIGH DEN,SITY), CONTAINING 30.65 ACRES MORE OR LESS. The City of Ow as so has received a requcst to rczone property on the south sidc ofE. 106111 St. N., approximately y,. milc cast ofN. Garnett Rd. from AG to RS-3. Mr. Wiles said that the applicant is proposing singlc family residences on the propcrty. The rezoning request has been reviewed and rccommendation approved by the Tcchnical Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission. Mr. Cataudella movcd, sccondcd by Ms. Kimball, to approve the requestcd rezonll1g. AYE: Cataudella, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. - 8- Owasso City Council May 2.0, 2003 ITEM 20: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ-03-05, A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH ,;>IDE;,.9.E EAST 861H STREET NORTH, APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE EAST OFNORTH 129TH EAST AVENUE, FROM OL (OFFICE LIGHT) TO CS (COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTERLCONTAINING 5.25 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Thc City of Owasso has received a rcquest to rczone property on the south side of E. 86111 St. N., approximatcly ;/2 mile cast of N. 129111 East Ave., from OL to CS. Mr. Wilcs said that thc applicant is proposing the property to be used for a shopping center. The rezoning request has bccn revicwed and rccommendation approved by the Tcchnical Advisory Committee and thc Planning Commission. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mayor Cochran, to approve the requested rezoning. AYE: Kimball, Cochran, Cataudella, Thoendcl NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 21: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ,03-06, A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EAST 96TH STREET NORTH, APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE EAST OF NORTH MINGO ROAD, FROM AG(AGRICULTUj~,llLIO _,OL. (OFFICE LIGHT), CONTAINING 2.66 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Mr. Wilcs prcsented the itcm. Thc City of Owasso has rcccived a rcqucst to rezone property on the north side of E. 96111 St. N., approximately 12 mile east of N. Mingo Rd., from AG to OL. The applicant is proposing the property to be uscd for office dcvelopment. The rezoning request has been reviewed and recommendation approvcd by thc Technical Advisory Committee and thc Planning Commission. Mr. Thoendcl movcd, sccondcd by Mr. Cataudella, to approve the requested rezoning. AYE: Thoendel, Cataudclla, Kimball, Cochran NAY: Nonc Motion carricd 4-0. I.mM,~~~ s;.~QNSID_lll\i\JIQJ'l At-I126!'tl\Q!'l\I6IE ,A CTIQt1J~gLA T1NG LQQldl3.::Q(j,A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIPE~Qf NORTH 129111 EAST AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 1/8 MILE SOUTH OF EAST 26rHSTREET NORTH,j'ROM QMjOFFICEMEDILiM)'roCS \s:::..Ol'vlMERC:I6~ SHOPPING <;:ENTERJ.... CONTAINING 12.61 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Mr. Wiles prcsented thc itcm. The City of Owasso has reccivcd a request to rczonc propcrty on the west side ofN. 129111 East Ave, approximately 1/8 mile south ofE. 96'11 St. N.., from OM to ,9- Owasso City Council May 20, 2003 CS. The applicant is proposing the propcrty to bc us cd for a commercial shopping ccnter. The staff has received onc phone call in opposition of thc request. The rezoning rcqucst has been reviewed and recommendation approvcd by the Technical Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission. Four area residents spokc in opposition of the rezoning. Chuck Smith, representing the Camden Park Homeowners Association, said that he docsn't bclicvc the rcsidcnts wcre involved in thc proccss, and that many of them lcarned about the rezoning only that day. He is also concemed about traffic flow. Also speaking against the rczoning wcre Don Clark, Wayne Alberty, and Greg Albcrty. Concel11s exprcssed includcd noise abatcment, rezoning notice and noticc of plans such as widening thc strcet, devaluation of propelty, and loss of a rcsidcntial setting. Bob Myers rcprcscnting the applicant, Home Depot, and Steve Compton spoke in favor of the rezoning. Following much discussion, Mr. Cataudella movcd, sccondcd by Ms. Kimball, to approve the requested rezoning. AYE: Cataudella, Kimball, Thocndel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 23: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR THE HOME DEPOT, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. ~---- Mr. Wiles said that thc City has received a rcquest for approval of a final plat for Thc Home Dcpot, a onc-lot commercial subdivision located on thc west sidc of N. 129111 East Ave., approximately 1/8 mile south of E. 96111 St. N. The applicant is rcquesting approval in order to construct a hardwarc store. The Technical AdvisOlY Committee & Planning Commission have rccommcndcd approval subject to the following conditions: l. an agreemcnt with Tyann Development, owner of the property to the west, allowing Home Depot to usc that off-site property for drainagc detention, and 2. an agrcement with Ow as so Land Trust, owner of property to thc north, allowing Homc Depot to use that off,site propcrty for access to E. 96111 St. N. Mr. Thoendcl movcd, scconded by Mr. Cataudclla, to approvc the final plat subjcct to the conditions listcd. AYE: Thocndel, Cataudella, Kimball, Cochran NAY: None Motion carricd 4,0. - 10, Owasso City Council May 20, 2003 ITEM 24: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR COUNTRY ESTATES VI, AN ADDITION JO THE CITY OF ~o.\Yf\.SSO, TULSA COUTY,2ATE OF OKLAHOMA. Mr. Wiles prescnted the itcm. The City has rcccived a request for approval of a final plat for Country Estates VI, a 37-lot rcsidcntial subdivision locatcd 12 milc north ofE. 116111 St. N. along N. Garnctt Rd. The tract is approximately 11.33 acres in size. The Technical Advisory Committee & Planning Commission have recommended approval of the final plat with no conditions. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Thocndel, to approve the final plat for Country Estatcs VI. AYE: Kimball, Thocndel, Cataudella, Cochran NAY: Nonc Motion carried 4,0. ITEM~5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TOAREQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF RADIOS AND ASSOCIAIED EQUIPMENT FOR EXPANSION OF THE CITY'S TWO- WAY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Mr. White presented thc itcm. The City Council approved thc purchasc of a new 800,megahertz radio system in Fcbruary of 1999. At that time only hand held and mobilc radios for thc police and firc dcpartments were purchascd. It is being proposed that systcm now be expanded to provide two-way radios for other departments within the city. Funds are available in the E-911 Fund and the capital outlay budget. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudclla, to authorize the solc source purchase of nccessary radios and associ at cd equipment in an amount not to exceed $100,000 from thc following vendors: Motorola, Total Radio of Tulsa, and Hutton Communications. AYE: Kimball, Cataudclla, Thocndcl, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 26: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ---.-~~~~._-- -------_..~--_._..._~-~..- AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF GASOLINE AND _.._~___.._... __~._.____.._...m~~_~__ _____m___~___________~__.._._._.~._._...__ DIESEL FUEL AND RELATED SERVICES FOR C1TY VEHICLES. -----------~.~._.._"~._-- ---...---.---.--- Mr. Whitc said that the city has utilizcd privatc flcct fucl services since 1993. Thc last onc-ycar contract was awardcd to Fuelman of Oklahoma in 1999, and extcndcd for subsequent one-year terms. It is necessary that thc fuel serviccs contract be rebid for thc fiscal year beginning July I, 2003. State law allows for the purchase of such goods and services at a price not excccding thc state bid price, without competitive bidding. Staff was able to succcssfully ncgotiatc an -11 - Owasso City Council May 20, 2003 agrecmcnt with Fuelman at a cost below thc state bid. Mr. Thoendel moved, secondcd by Mr. Cataudella, to approve a contract with Fuclman of Oklahoma to provide gasoline and dicscl fuel and related services through June 30, 2004, with a provision for rcncwal for successive onc- ycar tcrms for a pcriod of up to three years, at a bid margin of 8.5(: pcr gallon over thc Oil Pricc Index Service, and authorization for thc Mayor to exccutc thc contract. AYE: Thoendel, Cataudella, Kimball, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 27: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CAP IT AL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE REPORT. Mr. Wiles said that the Capital Improvcments Committec has completcd a five-month process that included a rcview of the city's capital needs, a prioritization of those needs and a recommcndation of how those priority capital nceds may be funded. Many of the propos cd projects are street and roadway projccts of high priority, and staff is dcvcloping a policy that will rcquirc that homeowners associations be notificd of any street projects adjacent to thcir subdivision. Ms. Kimball movcd, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, to approvc thc report from the Capital Improvcments Committee. AYE: Kimball, Cataudella, Thoendcl, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 28: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER -- ---.-. Mr. Ray thanked Ms. Boutwell and Mr. White for their work in ncgotIatmg the Fuelman Contract. He introduced Duanc Cuthbertson, who will bcgin work on May 27111 at the City Planner. Mr. Ray thcn prcscnted an overview ofthc proposed budgct for FY 2003-2004. ITEM 29: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. ________~_..~w~..._._..w_u._"." No rcpoli. ITEM 30: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. ._.~~__.___u. ._~_ . ..~____ Vice Mayor Kimball introduced Phil Tipton, Dircctor ofthc YMCA. ,12.. Owasso City Council ITEM 3 I: NEW BUS1NESS. None. ITEM 32: ADJOURNMENT . -........--- Ms. Kimball moved, sccondcd by Mr. Thoendel, to adjoum. AYE: Kimball, Thoendcl, Cataudella, Cochran NAY: Nonc Motion carried 4-0, and the mccting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ~:l;,,/ (Ir{f (Gary CyfChrim, Mayor ,) MarcilBoutwcll, City lerk , 13- May 20, 2003