HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.06.03_City Council Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tucsday, June 3, 2003 Thc Owasso City Council met in regular scssionjointly with the Owasso Public Works Authority and the Owasso Public Golf Authority on Tuesday, Junc 3, 2003 in the Council Chambcrs at thc Owasso Community Ccnter pcr thc Noticc of Public Mccting and Agcnda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 30, 2003. ITEM I: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Cochran called the meeting to ordcr at 6:31 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION Economic Dcvelopment Dircctor Rickey Hayes offered the invocation. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE City Attorncy Stcvc Gray Icd in the flag salutc. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Gary Cochran, MayorlChair Susan Kimball, Vicc MayorlVicc Chair Michacl Helm, Councilor/Trustcc Stevc Cataudclla, Councilor/Trustec ABSENT Craig Thoendel, Councilor/Trustee STAFF Rodncy J. Ray, City Managcr Stcphcn P. Gray, City Attorney Marcia Boutwcll, City Clerk A quorum was dcclarcd prcsent. ITEM 5: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Mayor Cochran rcad and prcscntcd a proclamation to Coach Larry Turner and members of the Owasso Rams 2003 6a State Championship Baseball Team. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of Minutes of the May 20, 2003 Regular Mccting. B. Approval of Claims. Owasso City Council June 3, 2003 C. Action Relating to Ordinancc #755, an Ordinancc Providing for thc Rezoning of 30.65 Acres, More or Lcss, Generally Located on the South Sidc of East 106111 Strcct North, Approximatcly y., Milc East ofNOIth Garnctt Road. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #756, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of 5.25 Acrcs, More or Less, Gcnerally Located on thc South Side of East 86th Strect NOIth, Approximatcly Y, Mile East of North 1 291h East Avenue. E. Action Relating to Ordinancc #757, an Ordinance Providing fOf the Rczoning of 2.66 Acrcs, Morc or Less, Generally Locatcd on the North Side of East 96111 Strcct North, Approximatcly Y2 Mile East of North Mingo Road. F. Action Relating to Ordinance #758, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of 12.61 Acres, Morc or Lcss, Gcnerally Located on thc West Sidc of North 1291h East A vcnuc, Approximatcly 1/8 Milc South of East 96111 Strcct North. The consent agenda includcd minutcs of the May 20, 2003 Rcgular Mecting, by refcrencc made a part hereto. Item B on thc consent agcnda included thc following claims: (I) Gcncral Fund $24,686.59; (2) Ambulance Scrvicc Fund $3,030.42; (3) Juvenile Court Fund $75.00; (4) Capital Improvcmcnts Fund $419.79; (5) Capital Projccts Grants Fund $906.06; (6) City Garage Fund $1,460.37; (7) Workers Comp Fund $2,243.15; (8) Payroll $211,863.69; (9) City Garage Payroll $4,413.21; (10) Ambulancc Payroll $11,983.27; (II) E-911 Payroll $2,795.12; (12) Workers Comp Payroll $1,011.12. Itcm C requcstcd approval of Ordinance #755, rczoning land as indicated abovc. Item D requcstcd approval of Ordinance #756, rczoning land as indicated above. Item E requestcd approval ofOrdinancc #757, fezoning land as indicatcd above. Item F rcqucstcd approval of Ordinancc #758, rczoning land as indicatcd abovc. Mr. Cataudella moved, sccondcd by Mr Helm, to approve the City Council conscnt agcnda. AYE: Cataudella, Hclm, Kimball, Cochran NAY: Nonc Motion canied 4-0. ITEM 7: REOUEST APPROVAL OF THE OPW A CONSENT AGENDA. Thc OPW A conscnt agenda included minutes of the May 20 , 2003 Regular Meeting, by reference made a part hercto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (I)OPWA Fund $172,904.42; (2) OPWA Capital Improvcments Fund $51,387.17; (3) OPWA Sales Tax Fund $138,375.35; (4) Payroll $40,794.44. Mr. Cataudella movcd, sccondcd by Ms. Kimball, to approvc thc OPW A conscnt agenda. AYE: Cataudella, Kimball, Hclm, Cochran NAY: Nonc Motion carried 4-0. ,2, Owasso City Council Junc 3, 2003 ITEM 8: REOUEST APPROVAL OF THE OPGA CONSENT AGENDA. The OPGA consent agenda included minutes of the May 20, 2003 Rcgular Mceting, by rcference madc a part hcrcto. Itcm B on the conscnt agenda included the following claims: (I) OPGA Fund $57,255.53; (2) Payroll $27,223.96. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Helm, to approve OPGA consent agcnda. AYE: Cataudella, Helm, Kimball, Cochran NAY: None Motion carricd4-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO REQUESTS FOR APPROV AL OF PUBLIC FIREWORKS DISPLAYS. Mr. Rooncy said that staff has rcceived a request from Mark Carcy of thc Owasso Golf and Athletic Club for City Council Consideration of a city-wide fireworks display on July 5th, sponsored by the Owasso Golf and Athletic Club. A rcquest has also bcen madc for a City of Owasso sponsored fircworks display on July 4th. City Codc rcquircs approval from thc City Council for any public display of fircworks within thc city limits. Councilor Hclm asked if3.2 bcer would bc scrved at thc July 5th display. Mr. Rooncy said he would find out Mr. Cataudclla moved, sccondcd by Ms. Kimball, to approvcd both rcqucsts for fireworks displays. AYE: Cataudella, Kimball, Cochran NAY: Helm Motion carricd 3,1. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 10: PRESENTATION AND OPEN DISCUSSION. INCLUDING PUBLIC COMMENT. OF THE FISCAL 2003,2004 BUDGET. Mr. Ray, assisted by Ms. Bishop, prescntcd thc proposcd Fiscal 2003,2004 budget Wall eharts and a power point prescntation were utilizcd. Following the prcscntation, thcre was a time for public comments. ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. Mr. Ray introduced the Charactcr Trait for the Month of June - Security: Structuring my lifc around that which cannot be dcstroycd or takcn away. Hc also introduccd Michele Dempster, and said that she has accepted thc added responsibility of Charactcr Coordinator. Mr. Ray said that Marcia Boutwell has bcen promoted to the position of Special Projccts Director and will bc ,3 - Owasso City Council JW1C 3, 2003 handling various special projects, including the museum. Her office will be at thc muscum. There will be a rcstructuring of her currcnt dutics. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No. rcport. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. Vice Mayor Kimball rcpOlted on the succcss of thc Relay for Life cvcnt held on Friday evcning. Ovcr $60,000 was raised, comparcd to $29,000 last ycar. She thanked thc firefightcrs and all of thc city staff for the participation and SUPPOlt. ITEM 14: NEW BUSINESS. Nonc. ITEM 15: ADJOURNMENT Ms. Kimball movcd, seconded by Mr. Helm to adjourn. A YE: Kimball, Helm, Cataudella, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 4,0 and thc mecting was adjourncd at 7:55 p.m. ~oc~'Ym ':'-/')~Z'j./~,(l _C-/::c) :SY'i'{)( '1:~7~'//ej;:/<) .,~ Clerk (1,,-t,....,. ,4,