HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.06.10_Worksession Minutes OWASSO CITY COUNCIL M1NUTES OF SPEC1AL MEET1NG Tucsday, June lO, 2003 The Owasso City Council mct in a spccial meeting on Tuesday, Junc 10, 2003 in the Main Confercnce Room at Owasso City Hall pcr the Notice of Public Mceting and Agenda postcd on thc City Hall bulletin board at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, Junc 6, 2003. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Cochran ealled thc mecting to order at 6:02 p.m. PRESENT Gary Cochran, Mayor Susan Kimball, Vice Mayor Stcphcn Cataudella, Councilor Craig Thoendel, Councilor Mikc Helm, Councilor ABSENT STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager A quorum was dcclared prcsent. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELAT1NG TO A DRAFT REPORT' ON MCMART1N DRAINAGE CONCERNS Ms. Stagg prescntcd and discussed thc preliminary draft report. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Ms. Bishop discussed thc process of budget amcndmcnts and why thcy arc necessary. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION OF FY 2003-2004 BUDGET Mr. Ray discusscd thc FY 2003-2004 Budget. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELAT1NG TO PLANNING ITEMS A. Zoning Rcqucsts (2) B. Eascmcnt Closurc C. Final Plats (2) D. Othcr Planning Items Mr. Wilcs and Mr. Cuthbcrtson reviewed actions takcn by the Planning Commission at thcir last 111ceting.