HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018.11.12_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Monday, November 12, 2018
The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, November 12, 2018
at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 S.
Main (west side) at 11:00 am on November 7, 2018.
Dr. Loving called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
ITEM 2. Flag Salute
ITEM 3. Roll Call
Dr. Loving
David Horton
David Vines
Chad Balthrop
Tim Miller
A quorum was declared present.
Brian Dempster
Marsha Hensley
Karl Fritschen
Morgan Pemberton
Chelsea Levo Feary
Julie Lombardi
Daniel Dearing
ITEM 4. Presentation of the Character Trait of the Month - Respect
ITEM 5. Approval of Minutes from October 8, 2018 Regular Meeting.
The Commission reviewed the minutes.
Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to approve the minutes from the October 8,
2018 Regular Meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, Balthrop, Horton
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0.
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ITEM 6. Public Hearing - Discussion on the Update of the Owasso Land Use Master
Plan - No official action will be taken on this item by the Planning
Karl Fritschen presented the staff report.
Dr. Loving declared the Public Hearing open at 6:08 pm.
There were no public attendees.
The Public Hearing was closed at 6:09 pm.
No action was taken by the Commissioners on this item.
ITEM 7. Owasso Zoning Map Update - Consideration and appropriate action
relating to the request for the review and recommendation to the City
Council on the adoption of the new Owasso Zoning Map.
Karl Fritschen presented the staff report. Staff recommends approval of the new Official
Zoning Map of the City of Owasso.
A brief discussion was held regarding the update.
Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Balthrop, to approve the Owasso Zoning Map update
and to forward the recommendation to Owasso City Council.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, Balthrop, Horton
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0
ITEM 8. Replat - Casey's General Store - Consideration and appropriate action
relating to the request for the review of a replat. The purposed replat
would create two (2) lots on Lot 5, Block 1, The Greens at Owasso &
Owasso Golf and Athletic Club. The proposed replat is located on the
southwest corner of E 86'h St N and N 145th E Ave.
Karl Fritschen presented the staff report. Staff recommends approval of the replat of Lot
5, Block 1 of the Greens at Owasso and the Owasso Gold and Athletic Club.
Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to approve the replat for Casey's General
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, Balthrop, Horton
NAY: None
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Motion carried 5 -0
ITEM 9. OZ 18 -04 Rezonina. Casev's General Store - Consideration and
appropriate action relating to the request for the review of a rezoning
request. The subject property contains 1.29 +/- acres. The property is
located at 14498 E 861h St N. The applicant is requesting a rezoning from
RM (Residential Multi- family) zoning to CS (Commercial Shopping) zoning.
Morgan Pemberton presented the staff report. Staff recommends approval of the
rezoning request (OZ 18 -04), rezoning the subject property from RM (Residential Multi -
Family to CS (Commercial Shopping).
Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to approve the rezoning (OZ 18 -04), rezoning
the subject property from RM (Residential Multi - Family) to CS (Commercial Shopping).
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, Balthrop, Horton
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0
ITEM 10. PUD 18 -02 /OZ 18 -05 - Johnson Farms- Consideration and appropriate
action relating to the request for the review of a Planned Unit
Development (PUD) with the underlying zoning of CS (Commercial
Shopping). The subject property contains 8.716 +/- acres. The property is
generally located at E 1001h St N and N 129th E Ave.
Mr. Vines moved, seconded by Mr. Miller, to table PUD 18 -02 /OZ 18 -05, Johnson Farms,
until the December 10, 2018 Planning Commission meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, Balthrop, Horton
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0
ITEM 11. OZ 18 -06 Rezoning, Dodson Property - Consideration and appropriate
action relating to the request for the review of a rezoning request. The
subject property contains 40 +/- acres. The property location is the
southwest corner of E 761h St N and N 161s' E Ave. The applicant is
requesting a rezoning from AG (Agriculture) to RS -3 (Residential Single
Morgan Pemberton presented the staff report. Staff recommends approval of the
rezoning request (OZ 18 -06), rezoning the subject property from AG (Agriculture) to RS -3
(Residential Single- Family High Density).
The Chair asked if there were public present that wish to speak. The following comments/
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concerns were discussed:
Leah Messner- Taylor Foster Law Firm - She wants to make the public aware that the
quarry is an active rock quarry with active rock mining. There has been complaints by
surrounding property owners in the past. She also stated that the quarry has stormwater
runoff issues.
Mr. Vines questioned if Public Works could check into the runoff issues
Kelly Pruitt - She lives across E 761h St N from the rezoning request. She stated that she
doesn't want low income housing.
Dr. Loving asked if she could meet with City Staff. Morgan explained RS (Residential
Single - Family) zoning.
Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to approve the rezoning request (OZ 18 -06),
rezoning the subject property from AG (Agriculture) to RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, Balthrop, Horton
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0
ITEM 12. Final Plat - Arvest Bank - North - Consideration and appropriate action
relating to the request for the review of a final plat proposing one (1) lot
and one (1) block on approximately 1.772 +/- acres. The property is
located at 13716 E 106th St N and is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping).
Karl Fritschen presented the staff report. Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for
Arvest Bank, North. Mr. Vines expressed concerns regarding the 70 ft east side access
After brief discussion Mr. Vines moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to approve the final plat
for Arvest Bank North, subject to TAC and Staff recommendations. Also subject to the
correction of the 70 ft east side Limits of Access.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, Balthrop, Horton
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0
ITEM 13. Community Development Report
• Director's Update
• Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity
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ITEM 14. Report on Items from the October 17, 2018 TAC Meeting
• OLS —Lot Split, Casey's General Store
• Site Plan — Casey's General Store
• Final Plat — Arvest Bank, North
ITEM 15. Report from Planning Commissioners
ITEM 16. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have
been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda).
ITEM 17. Adjournment — Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to adjourn the
meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Vines, Miller, Balthrop, Horton
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6:52 pm.
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