HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019.02.19_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 19, 2019, in the Council
Chambers at Old Central, 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting
filed December 14, 2018, and the Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City
Hall, 200 South Main Street, at 6:00 pm on Friday, February 15, 2019.
1. Call to Order
Mayor Chris Kelley called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
2. Invocation
The Invocation was offered by Father Christopher Waters of The Anglican Church of Saint
3. Flag Salute
Councilor Dunn led the flag salute.
4. Roll Call
Present Absent
Mayor- Chris Kelley Vice Mayor- Bill Bush
Councilor - Doug Bonebrake
Councilor- Lyndeil Dunn
Councilor- Kelly Lewis
A quorum was declared present.
Assistant City Manager - Chris Garrett
City Attorney - Julie Lombardi
5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent
Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine
and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the
Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable.)
A. Approve minutes
• February 5, 2019, Regular Meeting
• February 12, 2019, Regular Meeting
B. Approve claims
Mr. Dunn moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to approve the Consent Agenda as
presented with claims totaling $1,030,324.62.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Lewis, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 4 -0
6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda
Owasso City Council
February 19, 2019
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7. PUBLIC HEARING - The City Council will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of receiving
citizen input on a proposed amendment to the list of capital improvement projects eligible
for funding from the Capital Improvements Fund to include a land purchase of
approximately 62 acres located at 11301 North Mingo Road and at 10000 East 116th Street
North for the future development of city facilities, such as Public Works, Support Services,
Parks Department, and construction of a regional stormwater detention area
Teresa Willson presented the item. At 6:41 pm, the Mayor opened the Public Hearing for
comment. There were no comments from the audience. At 6:42 pm, the Mayor closed the
Public Hearing.
8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a Specific Use Permit, SUP 18 -01, for the
Coffee Creek Glover Jeep Dealership located in the 10500 block of HWY 169 East Service
Road, just north of the existing Glover Dealership
Karl Fritschen presented item, recommending approval of the Specific Use Permit for the
Coffee Creek Glover Jeep Dealership (SUP 18 -01) subject to the following conditions:
• One sign shall be allowed for the new Jeep Dealership (in addition to the existing Glover
Dodge Dealership sign) and one sign for the outparcel on the subject property. All sign
locations, dimensions, and details shall require permit approval and are subject to the
requirements of the US -169 Overlay District
• No digital signage shall be used on the property
• No banners, flags, balloons, inflatables, temporary signs, streamers or other advertising
methods shall be allowed to be used on the site or attached to any vehicles. Any short -
term (3 days or less) tents or tent sales shall be subject to approval by the Community
Development Department
• No vehicles shall be allowed to be displayed outside of the site within the public right -of-
way or on the smaller 2.29 acre lot to be reserved for retail or restaurant uses
• No exterior loudspeakers shall be allowed on the back side of the development
• A minimum six (6) foot opaque screening fence shall be required along the eastern
property line of the subject property
• All non - essential lighting shall be turned off from the hours of 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM
• All site lighting shall be LED
• Required interior parking island landscaping shall be placed along the western and
northern edge of the inventory lot
• The applicant shall, in good faith, market the 2.29 acre parcel of the subject property for
a period of not less than five (5) years for a retail /restaurant use. if more than one use is to
be located on said parcel, then at least one of those uses must be a retail /restaurant
use. If after this period expires, the applicant has been unsuccessful in their attempts to
secure said use, an amended SUP may be submitted for review to allow for all land uses
that are permitted on property zoned CS (Commercial Shopping) within the US -169
Overlay District to be located on said tract. If staff finds that the applicant to have made
reasonable efforts to secure a retail /restaurant use and has been unsuccessful for
reasons beyond their control, then staff will be in support of amending the SUP
• Architecture for the proposed building expansion shall use materials that adhere to a
similar theme as the existing structure
• Access shall be determined at the time of platting
• A sidewalk shall be installed along the frontage of the property
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bonebrake moved,
seconded by Mr. Dunn to approve the Specific Use Permit, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Lewis, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 4 -0
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February 19, 2019
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9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a bid award for Fire Room Thermal Lining for
the Owasso Public Safety Operations and Training Complex (Fire Station 4)
David Hurst presented the item, recommending awarding the bid to Jahnke and Sons
Construction, Inc., DBA /WHP Training Towers, of Overland Park, Kansas, in an amount not to
exceed $328,929.51, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Dunn moved, seconded
by Ms. Lewis to award the bid and authorize the Mayor to execute the documents, as
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Lewis, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 4 -0
10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a bid award for the Redbud Festival Park
Stage Theatrical Lighting and Sound System
Larry Langford presented the item, recommending awarding the bid to All Media Integration
of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the amount of $49,509.38 and authorization for the Mayor to execute
the necessary purchase documents.
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Ms. Lewis moved, seconded
by Mr. Bonebrake to award the bid and authorize the Mayor to execute the documents, as
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Lewis, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 4 -0
11. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a change order to the construction
contract for Redbud Festival Park
Larry Langford presented the item, recommending approval of Change Order No. 5 to the
construction contract with Builder's Unlimited of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the amount of
$117,211.99 and authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bonebrake moved,
seconded by Ms. Lewis to approve Change Order No. 5 and authorize the Mayor to execute
the documents, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Lewis, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 4 -0
12. Consideration and appropriate action relating to an amendment to Resolution 2018 -16,
authorizing the filing of civil litigation against opioid manufacturers, distributors and other
appropriate third parties, and determining that the harm created by the misconduct of these
parties with regard to opioids constitutes a public nuisance in the City of Owasso, and further
authorizing counsel to file a legal action to abate the public nuisance
Julie Lombardi presented the item, recommending approval of amended Resolution 2018-
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Ms. Lewis moved, seconded
by Mr. Bonebrake to approve the amendment to Resolution 2018 -16, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Lewis, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 4 -0
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February 19, 2019
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13. Report from City Manager
14. Report from City Attorney
15. Report from City Councilors
Councilor Bonebrake reported on the Ward 5 City Council election. Mayor Kelley recognized
Councilor Bonebrake for his service to the citizens of Owasso.
16. Official Notices to Council (documents for acknowledgment of receipt or information only,
no discussion or action will be taken)
The Mayor acknowledged receipt of the following items:
• Payroll Payment Report - Pay Period Ending Date February 2, 2019
• Health Care Self- Insurance Claims - dated as of February 14, 2019
• Monthly Budget Status Report - January 2019
• Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Permit No. SL000072190016 for
Morrow Place, Phase II
17. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at
the time of posting of the agenda)
18. Adjournment
Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Mr. Dunn to adjourn the meeting.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Lewis, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried:
4 -0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:2 m C/
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