HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986.11.04_OPWA MinutesOWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAGE ONE NOVEMBER 41, 1986 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in a regular session on Tuesday, November 4, 1986 in the Council Chambers per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, October 31, 1986. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 8:25 p.m. with Chairman Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Boyd M. Spencer, Chairman Von E. Stockler, Vice -Chairman Kenneth M. Wood, Trustee Robert M. Peel, Trustee Allen C. Sumpter, Trustee Fred Keas, O.P.W.A. Manager Jane Buchanan, Secretary ABSENT: J. Douglas Mann, O.P.W.A. Attorney (.excused) ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE UPON THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 21, 1986. A motion was made by R. Peel, seconded by K. Wood, to approve the minutes of October 21, 1986 by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Peel, Wood, Sumpter, Stockler, Spencer NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND VOTE UPON THE WARRANTS. A motion was made by K. Wood, seconded by R. Peel, to approve the warrants, as submitted. AYE: Messrs. Wood, Peel, Sumpter, Stockler, Spencer AYE: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 6: REPORT ON INTRA-CHANNEL CLARIFIER PROCUREMENT. Mr. John Nelson with Farrar -Hudspeth -Cobb, Inc. stated he had to issue an addendum to the proposal request for the clarifier equip- ment. We have had some trouble getting some experienced manufactur -erg; involved in the project when we had unit responSiblifty. The manufacturers have asked fox? the cla, i�fi-.ei, to be separate; the 4thev item in the addendum addresses the patent rights to the clarifier. OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAGE TWO NOVEMBER 4, 1986 Where is patent rights within the contract in the performance bond. One manufacturer has said he would put it in court be- cause of patent rigghts. _This situation has been reviewed by Mr. Mann as the O.P.W.A. attorney and he has recommended a "hold harmless" Bond be used. (.See Attached Clause - Exhibit A to the minutes). He also stated a time change has been required on receiving the proposals. The proposals now are due on the 17th of November instead of posted date. He feels there should not be any further delays. The Oklahoma Health Department is aware that we are behind schedule but they are not concerned and are aware of the current time frame. The most important date to met is the compliance date set out in the contract. This date is 30 to 60 days, after construction and the plant is operating. Mr. Nelson answered questions of the Trustees. Chairman Spencer asked if there was 75% Grant money on Step I that will be reimbused to O.P.W.A. Mr. Nelson said the intra-channel clarifer is a; 75% match. All the documents needed have been approved, the question now is if there is money available for the match. Chairman Spencer asked Mr. Keas if the city was on schedule with the necessary funds tb-meet our obligations on this project. Mr. Keas stated we were on schedule as projected. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS AND VOTE UPON RESOLUTION NO. 86-14. A RESOLUTION TO CHANGE THE FORM OF MANAGEMENT OF THE CITY OF OWASSO BACK TO THE SYSTEM WHERE THE CITY MANAGER HAS COMPLETE CONTROL OVER CITY GOVERNMENT, IN- CLUDING THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY. Trustee Von Stockler stated he has this put on the agenda for the simple reason the city government needs to be back the way it was. He feels the City Manager needs to have control all the way down the line. As it is now, he feels it is a two -fold operation. He stated he feels we need the old system for the betterment of the City. He said he has been weighting this problem for the last two or three months trying to figure out what to do and he just decided to bring it up to the meeting. He stated he had not gotten a chance to talk to Mr. Keas but wanted to tell him that he is the best man the City has ever had in doing what he is doing and he is proud to be working with him and has no intention of asking for his resignation. He also stated he Belt Mr. Keas was doing a fantastic job. OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAGE THREE NOVEMBER 4, 1986 He went on to state he has not been influenced by any outside people and he has really considered this himself. He stated no one has put any pressure on him to bring this matter before the Trustees. He stated he is not trying to change the structure in any way, he just feels the city government should be under the City Manager. Trustee Kenneth Wood stated that at the time this issue was brought forward in the spring, he voiced his opposition at that time and he reaffirms that stand and concurs with Mr. Stockler. With no further comments, a motion was made by K. Wood, seconded by A. Sumpter, to approve Resolution No. 86-14. AYE: Messrs. Wood, Sumpter, Stockler AYE: Messrs. Peel, Spencer MOTION: Carried 3-2 ITEM 7: REPORT FROM O.P.W.A. MANAGER. Mr. Keas stated he has no report, but would like to ask a question of Mr. Stockler, He asked how this was going to affect him directly as far as his salary was concerned. Mr. Stockler stated it would have no affect at all on him in that respect. He stated Mr. Keas contract with the Board of Trustees would stay the same, the only change is that he operates thru the City Manager. Mr. Woods also stated the contact is in place since it was with the Trustees. At such time as Mr. Galloway may see fit to bring a con- tract change to the Trustees, everything within the contract will remain the same. The only difference will be that Mr. Keas will answer to Mr. Galloway. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM O.P.W.A. MANAGER. None ITEM 9: NEW BUSINESS. Trustee K. Wood asked to address his questions to Mr. John Nelson. He asked if there were provisions providing insurance to the city and O.P.W.A. that Farrar -Hudspeth -Cobb will try to meet all require- ments, deddlines, obtain the necessary waivers and/or extentions to maintain the Federal authorizations needed on all the active contracts for this sewer treatment plant. K. Wood stated that at this time he would like to make it a matter of record that he request the Chairman seek clarification from our OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAGE FOUR NOVEMBER 4, 1986 consultants, Farrar -Hudspeth -Cobb, to insure that we will meet all requirement and deadlines, obtain necessary waivers, exemptions or extensions so as to maintain our federal authorization status and the validity of all active contracts as they relate to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Chairman Spencer called for any further New Business. He then stated that at the end of the vote to adjourn, he resigns his title as O.P.W.A. Chairman. He then asked for a vote to adjourn. A motion was made by K. Wood, seconded by V. Stockler, to adjourn. AYE: Messrs. Wood, Stockler, Sumpter, Peel, Spencer NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Kenneth M. Wood, Chairman ne Buchanan, Secretary If, A796 Date Approved P4