HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954.10.18_City Council MinutesOctober 18, 1954 council met in regular session at town hall 7:30 pm present bryson purvis turner absent holt minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved as read. the following claims read and allowed. a resolution fixing the amount of bonds to mature each each, fixing time and place bods are to be sold and authroiging the town clerk to give notice of said sale as required by law was introduced by purvis, read by the clerk and upon motion of turner sec'd by bryson was adopted by the following vote. said resolution passed and approved this 18th day of october 1954 saigned by pres of board and attested by town clerk and sealed with seal of said town ed mize of evan l davis municipal bonds was guest of board. Tf~v ~30ARI3 {~' 7Rt3STtaF,S of the ~ C~' (SAS 0, S't~"~ E~ ~7K?~HO~II, ~t in RF,GUI~R session at the office of the 'Town Clerk in said T'o*r- cn the 18th ~' of October ~~, x9~ ~ , at 7~,,3~ A'Clack P. td. P~ti?~SKIdTs ~€. J. ~t.Y ~~td, President, ward cf T'rueteee BACK PU~tVIS, Trutt tee Hltli-~Brr-'~~--------------~`~'~#~R---- L4N 'T(~iF.RA Trustee Ja6EP~ DOPEY, Toren Clerk ,~~~~~= DArd G. HOLT, `Prustee Thereupon Tx~tee PURVIS intaoduced a reoolution rMhich was read in Pull by the clerk snd uponim~~f.on~ te® TURrdER , eacorrled by Trustee HHYSON was adopted by the fo1].ow3x~; votes AY~,xSs BRXSOt~, Pi.~,VIS, ~~~, Truett.. x~x~: NoN~;. and said reealution was thex~eupcm siCnerd by the PrFasident, i~oard of 'frue~ee, attested by the Tcrrrt. Glen:, sea7.ed with the seal of said torn $t~sd is as Yollc~s H~~4,`LUTIUP A Rff~SJLiT1'Xt3t~ FIXITY TT~~ A~gt31'tT `1~'' :3CJ~dD~~ TO t~F-iU2E ~',ACH Y:~.AR, P`IXI~dG THF; TIDE ~C~ 'THfa Dt?t~US A,''tI~ TO T3T', "OLD A'~U AJT4iQP~I'ZI'fG ~H~ "!'EIS GL'~fTK i't) G:LY~~: wdQTICE ~' SAID `>ALF AS iii; ~UT?KI) ~iY LAS. ~'HI;AS the issuance of 5~, Ud0.0(J of ~aternrorks T3onds by *,..hd Town of t3Kasao, ytate of Okiahtsna, has ne~en duly authorized at an election. meld for that pur- pose, ~1ESflf, Tr:~R~~'t1Z?~d, I,?' IT FtIrSOLVz`~ Bl' "!5D'', HC,~ItD C~' `~?.~SSTI~;~ of uhe T0~3 ~' tJ~ASS©, 5'~ATl~ t7~' OKIAH{?: S~:I±TIUt~ 1. 'F! A~ fihe ,`i5,t~(~•C~ oP ~'at~rwc~ks bands of sa~.d "~o~m, vot~ad on the 12tt- day of t)ctober, 19i1t: sha1.1 be of`f'ered far sale at the Town Hall in said 'Toren on the 5th day of November_ _~, 195~t a~ 7,,,_~Q :31C ock I~. ~i., said bonds to become d•~e `~,~~3.tt000.00 ~.n ~ years frc~ the~.r date and ~- like account annually sash year tlaez'es~fter 'until paid except the last installment which shall be for ~I~, OOU.00 SF.G `T'IE}T4 '~ . gift the '.~or-n C1~srk of said Town i.s hereby ozriei°ed anc! ciirec'~d to ca•~e noti.ca of the sale Q#' said bonds to be Ci.ven as required by lau. xxxx~ocxxxxxxxxxx~pc3~dcxxxx~acx~cxxs~ic~t~~~c pA.S~g~ and AF'}'fttlVr~D this 18th dt~y of October , 1g51t. n ,~ :, i {Sea Yr8 dent, Board o rustees Attes a , ~ L;,v-c~ xe.titi~~ Toren (:ler . o C) o .