HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954.12.2_City Council MinutesDecember 20, 1954 approve ordinance 46 annexing marywood addition to the town of owasso and increading and extending the town limits to inculde the annexed terriroty as destribed in petition filed with board november 30, 1954 The following constitute a portion of the minutes of a regular meeting of the president and Board o#' Truste€~s of the Town of Qawsso, Oklahoma, held in the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P. M., gonday, December ~0, 1~i54. 1~. J. Lrys~on, President, present and presiding. Josephine Dawney, Town Clerk, present: Aoll Call discloys'e~rd the following Trustees in attendance: Prevent: / ,.~ ~ t.a _._... Absent ~ ~ * ~ Ord i na nee No . _~.~! .L._._.. An Ordinance entitled "AN QI;DINANCE GRANTING TO OKLAItOItA NATURAL GA8 C4HPANY, A CORPORATI013, IT«I HUCCEHHOR~9 AND A88IGN8, FOx A PERIOD OF TNl~TY-FIVE YTAR~H FRAM THE ACCEPTANCE OF THIS OADINANCE~ ANON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO ERIiCT, INSTALL, TSSTEND AND 1dAINTAIN A $YHTE1[ OB 1rClRX:3, PIPES, PIPS LINES, AND ALL NECEH$ARY BTRIICTUFES AID APPdRATUIS IN THE STREETS„ AYENUTH, ALLEYS AN1? OTHRR PUBLIC SAYS AND I~LACR~3 I1~ THT T~IIN OF OYASSO~ TULSA COUNTY} 08LA- H011A, FGA THE PURPOHE ©F TRANSPQRTING, 131STRIBU~ING AND HEELING GAS TG SAID TOIIN~ ITS INIIAHITANT3 AND T131y PUBLIC GENERALLY, FOR DOMESTIC, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL USES, AND FLING TIiIr" COl[PEN- BATION TQ BE PAID THEBI~'OR, AND THE TIME AND MANNER OF PAYMENT, AND THE MANNER Oy' DETERMINING THE AUNT TO BE PAID FROM Y$AR TO YEAR HY THE GRANTEE, AND P80VIDING AULSu AND REGULATIONS GOVE&~TING THE GRANTEE IN ITS HUSINESS AND RELATIONS TO THE Ta1VN, AIiD PROYID- ING FOR INDEMNIFYING THE TO1~N AGAINBT LOHS AND DAMAGES, AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE SUHMIffiHION OF SAID t3RDINANCFs TO AN FLTCTION OF TH]~ QUALIFIED ELECTOxB OF THE TO1tN OF tJNASS{3, FOR APFAUVAL~ AND DECLAR- ING AN EMERGTNCY.", was introduced and read it full by the Clerk. Thereupon Trustee moved that an eaergency be de- clared, the rules suspen a an said ordinance b sad a,~econd time by title, which motion was seconded by Trustee ,_. ~ ~, ~ and the question being upon the suspension of the rules an p ac cog the ordinance upon its second reading, the roll Mss galled with the following result: Ayes - __ ,`l!~1~~~J'~ ~'~.~.~-[.~i Nays - ~ ;~_.. The President declared the motion carried and the rut®s suspended and thereupon said ordinance was read a second time by title. Th®reupon Trustee moved that an e~aergency be declared, the rules suspen a an ®a orda.nanc+~ be read a third time and considered section by section, for amendment or adoption, R which ~eotion was seconded by Trustee and the question being upon suspension of the rules an p ac ng ® ordinance upon its third reading and consideration section by section for amendment or adoption, the roll was called with the following revolt: Ayes - v ~v,~ ~ _._., ~-~dd~''. ' ~~~~ Nays - ,,. --- The President declared the satian aarrie~d and the rules sus- pended and thereupon by separate sotione, duly seconded and put by the President, S®otians 1 to 14, inclusive, were each adopted by the lollawing vats Ayes - ~ ~ ~~ Nays -- ~ Thereupon dection l5 setting Earth th® asergency cslause of the ordinance was read, and Trustee ~ saved that an esargancy be declared and that said seatian be at~apted as rand, which soatian was seconded by Trustee and the question being upon the adoption ai said section an declaring as eserg~-ncy to euist, the x411 was called. with the i'oll.owing results Ayes ~~~ ATaye - ,~' Thc~ President declared th® motion aarried by the aftirsativa vote of all sesbexs elected anti the said esergency section duly passed and adapted . TherQUpan Truz~tee •c.~L~/` moved that said ordinance be placed upr~n final rea an passe as a whole, which section was secaffided by Trustee and the question being open the #inal passage at the or x~nance as a whole, the roil. was called with. thm tollowing~ reasu t; r Ayes~t - _ ~.uu.,~, -.~_~ ~r The President declared the sotian carried and the ardinanae duly passed anal arlcapted. s There upon motion ~aurned. being no further business to coma befwre the Baa.rd, duly made, s~aconded and ca.rrierd, the meeting was ad~ Attest: wn er (seal) s en ~a