HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016.03.10_OEDA Agenda (2)Notice and agenda filed in the office of �the, City Clerk and, posted on the City Hall: bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Monday March Chelsea M.E. Levo, Economic Development Director Call to Order Mr. Sokolosky, C,hall 2. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval & th, Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consenf' are considered' by the Trustees to b routine and will be enacted by one motion, Any Trustee may, however,, remove an itje from 'the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent e r r on, debatable. A. Approval of minutes of the February, 11 , 2016 regular meeting Attachment B. Approval of claims Attachment C. Acceptance of' the monthly financial reports Attachment I Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Hotel Tax Fund, Mr. Sokolosky Attachment 6, Report from OEDA Manager ,Mr. Lehr *Presentation relating to upcoming sales tax election on Tuesday, April 5. 21016 OEDA March 10., 20 16 Page 2 8. New Business (New Business is any'litern of business whilch could, not have been foreseen at the time of posting, of the agenda.) 1,1911 MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, February 11, 2016 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, February 11, 2016 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall, 1 1 1 N Main, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, February 9, 2016. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Chair Dee Sokolosky called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. PRESENT ABSENT Dee Sokolosky, Chair Frank Enzbrenner, Vice Chair Gary Akin, Secretary David Charney, Trustee Jeri Moberly, Trustee Dirk Thomas, Trustee (arrived at 10:12 am) Bryan Spriggs, Trustee A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE OEDA CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of the January 14, 2016 Regular Meeting B. Approval of claims C. Acceptance of the monthly financial reports Dr. Spriggs moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Ms. Moberly. AYE: Sokolosky, Enzbrenner, Akin, Charney, Moberly, Spriggs NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 6 -0 ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA No action required ITEM 4: REPORT FROM OEDA DIRECTOR Chelsea Levo provided the business development report and discussed the annual Economic Summit scheduled for March 24; Dr. Thomas arrives. Bronce Stephenson presented the Monthly Building Report for January; Roger Stevens presented the Public Works project status report; and Sherry Bishop provided the monthly sales tax report. Discussion was held. ITEM 5: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER Warren Lehr discussed the April 5, 2016 sales tax election and will present information to the Authority during the March meeting. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OEDA TRUSTEES Mr. Sokolosky requested an agenda item during the March meeting to review Strong Neighborhood funding. ITEM 7: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT Dr. Thomas moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dr. Spriggs. AYE: Sokolosky, Enzbrenner, Akin, Charney, Moberly, Thomas, Spriggs NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 7 -0 The meeting adjourned at 11:04 AM. Juliann Stevens, Minute Clerk I TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. LEVO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CLAIMS, OEDA DATE: March 10, 2016 No claims for February 2016. Owasso Economic Development r ent ut ority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Charges in Fund Net Assets For the Month Fading February 2, 2016 Operating Revenues Operating eases: Materials & supplies Services & other charges Capital outlay Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses): Investment income Promissory rote revenue RAN debt service & other costs Transfer from Hotel Tax Fund Total non- operating revenues (expenses) Net income (loss) before contributions and transfers Transfer to general fund Change in net assets Total net assets - beginning Total net assets - ending MTD YT e $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51000.00 0.00 0.00 (5T000.00) 0.65 6.11 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 6.11 $8.00 0.65 6.11 (4,992.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 6,11 (41992.00) 01070.82 91070.82 $93076.93 $4,078.82 i WOPF TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Economic Development Authority FROM: Chelsea M.E. Levo SUBJECT: Hotel Tax Fund DATE: March 4, 2016 The OEDA will be discussing the Hotel Tax Fund during the regular meeting on March 10, 2016 at the request of Chair Dee Sokolosky. The following documents have been provided for this discussion. ATTACHMENT: Memo: Hotel Tax Designation, July 11, 2008 Resolution No. 2008 -05 Resolution No. 2008 -04 Memo: Strong Neighborhood Initiative - Hotel Tax Designation, March 1, 2013 Resolution No. 2013 -05 Hotel Tax Fund Budget MEMORANDUM,',' F]HEI HONORABI X.NIANOR AND CIIN COUNCH, ( 14 "PITY OF OWASSO AS FROM: CHEI-SEA M.E.1,1ARK DIRECTOR, G 11 r.l I ,C'D�'F,'.'V"E.LO�P,'IM"E.N r j 11 1`11'OTEL TAX", DESIGNA"IrtON' RE,S,0'1",,'U"ri�"I,ON'NI'O,, 2008-05 D 11 A]"E-0 J"tily 11, 20,08 BACKGROUND# On Mal-cli, 5, 2002 Owasso voters approvied a, three percent (31X,0') "Hotel, Tax. At tliat tiinlel Owasso had two operating hotels, andthe an'ticipated, revcilulie was, $60.1,000, Todaythc CItyll,ias, three oplerat'llig revcjlucat tInrele perceril, tax oj7$'12'I()',,,0,0,0 a year. Tlie Owasso City Council ap r solUtion calling anclection askling the, votels to approve p oi'ved a, re E) to five erunt (51%) oti June 1, 7, anITIC-rease r ne rae of bHotel Taxfjo in, three percent ('Y 10 P 2008, Th,eum oposition wiolflid be placed, on, the August 26, 2008 ballot with the State Run-off Election. Tlic C LI IT,, (;%,11 t 01.7dinarice, re,sUri,cls the 111se of hotel tax, ffinds, to eticOLH-la',gi Protunote atid stcr econonlic devle'l�opiii,,,,,et,,i,,,t atid cti1tural, enimlicemenI.,, totj,rjsn,i ��,,,vndpttrssuc regtonal plvmobon forthe I' City of Owasso, OkIal"ioma." Tlic efi:tl of a, rate increase would, be to fttti.d, projects tImt uid raise the fifestyle, expectations of our res] a:nid v,fsitors. complei,i,,'wriltc, 1 1, p w Discuss,,tons at the Staffand, Cotuwl], leviels, 'led to the exploratill.on ofeconomic deve'lopimelit -esidetiti,,fl and comii,,wrcoa] -ot ress tfiat''vv ild btjidd sicret gth ati,,,d, v''ta-Ity 11,r our i I La I ogranl, and mitiativ d, abioLit coflahorative cffo s, ty. Staff rese,,trchcd, atid, v'sited, several c"'fies v r Com,ntlu,ill 1, 1 i,td 'I ea, tile -ti 9110-C TI'leise jis Iielp m,-cs,eiA!c the econoi ic cnztg betwee-ti, i'wiigliborhood, pro, wid, es.. 'Y City is, depei dent on long-tertin f,'or The lon,g-tellIi econoni,tc, stab'fi,ty fl6r oui, 1, 1, 1 stab], lity fior ot,,iil-,tiel,glibor�'h,,00,(Is., STRONG, NEIGHBORHOODS fN'IIJATIVFj* netice several ye,-au-s I and comn erci- I Owasso has, been fort"LlIlate to expei of jobtist ics den] tau, 1 11 gi,rowthalld, econoniie deve"10,P1,71CIA opportuil'i'lies. WIlat was once ,a qtti,et rural com, muni,ty is now a etty Ask a longtinne resident of Owasso and yot'i-nii,g1it get a respotise t!"iat speaks 4, T to, history of' coi,nmitnient, to, coM ni,mun�,ity, ali,d satis,fiactlotl of' seeing thel'17 honaetowti beconie a,, s,uccessftutl city. Ask a newoon.'i-er, w1i,y they chose, to iri'iove to Owasso alid yotj will, Iikely'hear of the rel)LI-tatIon of excelte.,tice in ou'r, schools, and, a safe, frie'i',id,ly cif Coilititifted, to, 'Y "]),Osit"i,"ve,c,,Iiar,a,,c,,tler, and st mily vatues., It A, i I 1. + 'is rniport, C, 1, 1 1 an't to all residen,ts that the Investm.ent they''I'llave made in, the city, the, chose to ull Y hon,ie ts, protected,, arid, collifintle"'S to,-� grow. Strong neighborhoods are the " k ey to 'the conti:nued ,� 1, 9, moi:,,nen'tum ot tnvestmei,,11 by the'business, cummu,'nity and steady, u1crea-se in. property val.ti.es for, ' jOO M `M* " "d b r1lood comniunilies aren,wre der Fliborhoods eigtv, o, our resi ,its. Eacti, or our neig, -h ood s are, mad,e p o ' fail fli es than a, g oup of nies,,i,n a subd-i:vision. Strong, vibrant neigtib,ofl f n* that are lnve,�sting in a cot-nmunity with, other fan'tilles, wl10 havepn*de in, t,,'lieU7 hlomel anid, adestre f 41 to see their, children, raised, 1-111. a,, heallby, saf-e en-vironnient, 'kil ' o - i ckly decl tne itito, propeili es that a�r�e negilecte d- ffowevei-, i''fu."neared, for, 'a i��i,ei ib rhood, can, qui with an.,increase ,c�n,fo,rcemeioi,,t tssucs and crihne, aInd, a decrease in pro.perty values. As this 11 fto occurs, 'firtiui'm 1 1, JS'ev'dent i,,In, I I a, Ijes, ti ove out and, the oilee vibrat�il COTY)"'Mull'ity, loses, 'ts tuster. T1.1i's r 'b ies t that, did, not recognize flie titn" ortan.ce ofkce nea y P pi.ng neighboj-oi,00ds strong, safe, and fly ffiected 'their, conimUll M , t'i ve a Ity. unt il it ii,egat, attrachve, A the appea'l fbr businesses and Tlie dccline oflneigli,borhood,s ultii1i'aute''lY results li,n a decitrie in faniflies to move, j,,,ilivest''I, anud, work, btre,- The Clity rexogluzes the Irnpotlant w4c neiglihorhoods, pilay,j,n, otix, contlii,tted success. Making an rnvcsttent un strorig neighbol-hoods now ISIM-unima], conipared.to tile cost of salvaging a, n1eigbiborhood. Owasso niust, 'be as exciti'ri,g and attract"ive twenty years froni, "now as, it 'is today'. In ord.er to I niess conimu, *0 reallIze the continued jitivesiti,�ient from the btls` Ility7, the City Must invest in st"t ng, ,9, r fie c -ves,tn T rlelghbo,flloods. Iti, order to, bejle.f,*it f oni 't, i ti;, u ed, i, i,,i ient fiorii, ffim,,-flieis, seeking a, sa,fe, st- on ,i wloods. fn attract'I'Ve COMM'Untty to ratse t! e'r ch"Idren the, City' 111'ust 111vest in to g, neighb i 0 0 order to create a cilythat 111celits el),,Ildren w"hol are raised, here to remain, Olt is J,n it City's, 'best ,interest to j"Itivest i , Ii. s:trong n,eigh'borhoods. Nothlnx,g COUld have a,, p,4eatcj.-tn,,.i act on, the ffiture of P Owasso than to, invest In a-tid, devote thw necessary, resotu`ces to keeptil", o - neighb,orhoods as st,rong years i roni n,ow as, they ax]- today. A StIron ,g Nei gliborh,,00ds, reso,ure cus 1-'�,Om. the C ity, IIC,Ighborli,00d, residetils and, der's to, al't i s ai`ned, at the Coil i ityO A COM11111111ty stakell,ol— gl�'1, goal U t"'I'lUed success of the corliltn''(1,11.1', 'I've givie's resi I ec 6 s, S, thot '(:o eft j id,dr"es ISSLIC St-rong Neighborhood�.is 11:u' t'l, at r "i'dei"iAS the abil,fil C ly 'Y "artce, su,ch as, gateways, In�to, (,-Ir e and, ji,,,i�eg'l"�i"b,ot-!,i.00ld ap,pe-,"u, in,ip,,wt sia,110-ty code ent"IC I + I.Ylibor]"imad and area, park,,,s, as, well is nearby4tiness developri.ent, Rv&'d,cnt,s pa t"c'*patq r i i mg tn, rti prote t'l iew nvestt,i�'i,ei.,As m,',id inpl a Stro,tig N'e'l,,,gli"b,o,ri'lo,od'Ini,t�i,at"i,v,e beconic. engaged"' c t, r g, 't, 1, annt'ng t'or the Fut"Ltre ot" our city., A. sticcess't'U''I Strolig N'e,igl,,i,bo(li'l-,I"lo,o,(Is coii,sists ofseveral, cot"nponents. I I 'deiits, atiid busillessles, 1. A coni,,n,,i.1t'Ment f om, City 'leaders 'to pm,'tect "the 'investment"s resi, 1, m otir con111,111,11-ft, Y 2. A, staff mcni.ber f0c oti thie stralegic goals, of th,en itlitiative. This, Ncighborhood Coordi"]" 'latoi-/Speci,a,],�'is-t is rCS-Po,'lisible for levetmagi,,tig, reso,urces, i,lilc,,reas,,i�n,,,gci,t,,t*ze,,n takeholde s. plia,rt,i,cipa,(",i,,On,a,ii,,,,d, coordinating the cot1aboration of comnimilty s 17 ffi W Vdi g the ri,eciessiary resources fb,ir it to pro, 'I in 3. A wiling"ji.esS 'the of'resi'dicllits, to comn"im p I ine I y arid the SUCcess oftlitir neigbborlimds. Res"detil,s must be willting to m,vest'h' n one 44,sweat equity.,"" 4. Neigltiboflioods, willing to c1on,,1,.,n:i1`t, these are thcai'i el" "ble filor tmttching I the C,i,ty, nci,ghborhoods, are stronger, and as,sistance tli,e Cit B part.ner"ng w1th 11 Y-1 - Y I niore, s,ucces,sftd in meeting tbeIr 'ornia] i eighbofhoods strong through a '15 'The City must become futly engaged in, keeping ol"ur "i ftlifi,atiivc that, provides, resildectits access, to the les,ources that will. etis,urc% contimed, sticcess alid, protection of t1.iej.r, tnvestment. T" hi.s 11,11ifiati've ensurcis, the niomentuni, of busm""ness, itiveslltri,ent in W Iga the City. Waiting ttnt,il t1le eM,,cts of dectint appea"r would,bile a m1stake., Abenefit of' et gnrig r idents In t1w s:ucces,s of 'their, com, , 'unity "s the creat*GD, o' a netwolik, of oiganizat.i.oris to es In 1, provide.tnput, o1n, a., n,umber, of iissu'les thatshape the ffitti.re of our c1ty. To maintain, and, enhian.ce ottr econoili,ic development effbilS., t"'he City rntist have strong mg itleighborhoods. To clisure t1iis, Reso'lution No. 20,081-05 wo,uld direct 'the additional fund' derived fironi,, flit two Percent (2%) tnereasie in, the Hotel, Tax toward a, Strong Neighbodloods ,1n. ti at'l. ve 'for our, cointri ttnity. 'Y j'0 EDA) CITY COUNCH...j. AND OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVULOPM' NT'AUTHOR11,11, CONI"IM"E''N'T&P 000100 '000, *000 I d Resohit" I'll 0 ) -05 atid, City Co,u.n,ci'l,--- On .1ttly 8, 2008, the Cou'ric1l, t-eviewed and discusse ion N 2( 08 the Strong N"el',g"lh'b,orli,00ds,,,[,'.n,],",tlil",ativ,e. C,ou,ll,c,],''I,,d,,i,,,s,c,t'i,s,se(I thw need to rvvtew t'lit p,,,t.-(-.)gress artd ilent,ty on,seq of"the o 'yeam. C1 Res,o1uti . 2008-05was rev" 'sedto "]."rilc]Ll,de'laji,&Yti,a,,ge diatwould, teminate the desiglifeat"i"on, of W f"tilids tothe Strong, N"eighborhoods a,tiv'e after five years., OEDA —Res,olulion. No., 2008-05 a,,,nd flile'Stron It h 141 we were presei,ited to the lg, Ne"g" borhoodsln'twat' OEDA on, J11.1y 10, 20018. After ext a i d, th o Lt ght" ft I d' "I'lie Trustees, suggested a ens,rvie i, j,, ISCAISSIMI, t'' review be cotiducted, of the level, of 1"Inding fb,r tthe Strong, Nei,ghb,orl'i,00,d,s',I,,,i,l,ltlat'i,v,e next 'budget I need "'tht ftinding] eve Is, are a propr'tate or ad ustt�n,cnt. The trus,tee yea,-r an,d, detemi-me i f P ;s, also exp17essed a destre to fton-ithe'llote] "t,",ax ("o, be all",ocated tow arc ls, 1,11ore trad,ftional econmili,ic de"�itc-lopi"ii,eii.,t,'Lls,es. 0 RECOMMENDA.7rJON't, Slaff recomniwnds C."ouricil approval of' Resolut'lioln, No. 2008-05 designut the Strotig Nelghborhoods Initi,ative as a"I'l econ,onlic development aiW cultural eitillanceni,ent prograni, W ''CCC'IV'C fit.ndi-,ng denivea, tro n tli,,,e,mcj,-ea,scd revenue gencrated, fi-om the pixv,osed, mcrease in flic, ti,otel tax, r-ate., I Resoltio tlill, No., 20,08-05 , i CITY Of" OWASSO, 0,K'7,lAllOMA , -2 -05 RESOLUTION NUMBER'008 WHEREAS, r ance No. 699 on March, 5,20,02 enacting a , Owasso volers, approved Ord, 3% 1iotel'Tax; and, n 2008-04 WHEREAS, The Owasso, Clty, Council has approved, Resolutia Nunilbet calfing,for all, election onAtt,g "US t 26,2008, fbrvotersto, coii,si'ci,e,r,,i."n,c,tea,s, I Ul.gl the Hotel rax rate fi-om 3%to 5%,; andl N otel wn isapproved WHEREAS difional'H' 'I Tax ffinds will, be avaRable "f the propost'd. I 'Ad i i 'by Owasso vo,tems, and I 'I 4 1 !.,, aim 4M 4 , d, exclus vely "to encouragle, the Hotel Tax it me set as'Ide and use i pt-omWe d, 1,76ster econonitc deve III opllwnt and enhancenient, tourism and, pursue reglonal promotion t7b,r the Clty of0wasso-"ll", wict, I n', & W11 - Str o eix1i,horli.00ds are fo-L M, H"E, REAS, n tndational to a conimtt 'ty, s 1,ong-tem, econonl,,lc vltality-, anA, is a progt,,-taiii designed, tc), build W"l-JERE-1AS, The "Strong Neigli,b,orhoods lniti,,ft,iv,& r 1, 101,111 s I ,ie ownc- alliances with, cominiunity ti.eighbodloods,, assoc*ati and property owners til, an. 'i 'Jiborhood parucipation, and c6od, 'to prtoiliole neighborhood sustatinab ill, it�y letilcoureage active ne collabora:tion among resid,ents wil,ose 1,71 ls'slion Is to inlp'rove t1le quality of lifb,: t,,h'T(-)U,gJ1.0'Ul the City of'Owassol- an,d its econo, i,,u,c lilea,th that WHEREAS, It is iniperativeto the f itti,re of ottr commutillit-, cill I Y t Iden vs, .,,ts are emplowered an,u, encotiraged, 'to takx act,tion 'm programs and, activitles "I"I'llended (I' lo in-crease awareness heall"h,,is"O 10 a-F�ty quality of-11''fe, and beattfifiic,Iti n of0wasso twighbar',,hoods. qREFO,R,E,, BE IT' RESOI,VED BY 'THE CITY COUNCII.d OF THE NOVI THFJ, CITY0VOWASSO. H ,0 OKI A,' 0,M,A,,, tliat, to-wit.- -o 5% i,s,, appimoved,by t],ic,votell-s 111 dw Ot if" the Propos"lioti,to increase the'Hote 0-�,fler generaled, b� , the Rotel, Tax sli"Ed"ll be Of. Owasso on Auglttst, A?LF6,,, 200,8, the fitnds t"ll',,trecill, 'y destgrpated for ecotio"in,'tc developnit'n't an,d cullural. eii,huncemet'it programs wl,.i,,Ic'h support, t'l lie Strot,ig l r o nflialuve. Dcsjgi,,latjmi,, of these fLj,,j,'i,d,s f6,r the Strang N!"eigliborhoods ,a -s oni, t'l c date the Propos`lio� i n 1, U I ems 1 19 Initlative% Ball atiloma,fically ten ate fi v e (5) ye i i n, tim, the Hold 71"aX, firon,11, 3% to 5% is approved by th vio,ters, unless, the City COLIncil reaUttionzes the desig"Inat'llon of such, ffindsl'or tlie Strong Neigliborhoods 11',t.1-ittative pi,,,ior to diat date. DATED tlus 15th day of,July, 2008. Stephen, Catatidefl al, Mayor SheiTy ffishop,,, City Clefk . . . . .......... — Jul i e LoM , bardil, Cllity,Attonley 'I AHOMA CITY 0 F OWASSO, 0"K, 111111.4 1�1 , 11 R,E4,;S0L`UT10N NUMBER 20108-04, 4r, s de me au,visa-, I f t1le City of Owasso, State of 'WUER,KAs-11 bleby the 01y, Counc-11 ol w 't I f :v en� (7) Oklahoma, to submIt to the registered, voters of said City th.,le quesfiot o wh,ether Part Se Fiti,,a'nce and Taxation, Chaptuo SixX (16,1'),, 'Hotel Tvix, Sect"t"on, 7-6,02, Tax Ratell of"the Citylof If R Owiasso,Code of Ordinances, ongtrizily adopted b � thie City Council of" the City of Owasso, State y istm-ed of Oklahmma oil thie cighlh, da,yof"J'antiary,, 2.0,02, and subsequently a proved 'by the -regi I P voteis of the: C11y of'Olwasso on Mare'li 51, 2,002, should be, increased fioln'three percznt (31%) to '00 five Perceill"t, (5 %) 1, 10 RE, BE 1'T RESMVED RY THE ("."'ITY COUNCIL OF T11E NOW', THE, f CITY OF OWASS0, 01U�AIIOMA,w SECTION 1. Tite, Mayor, of t1 le CIty of Owasso, State of Oklalima,ishereby authorized, and, directed. to call tbr an, electlon to belic,"Ild, tn'the C"ity, of0wasso, State of'Ok toah oni a, lon, the 2611,11 day of AUI�6"U,Sf, 2008, f6r, the ptiqpose of submitt',ing to, the registered dectors of said, City the r0flo"W11111"g, proplosftj,0,11,, t"'o-wIt.m I I 'I '0M ""' URI' E PERCENT (3%) TO FIVE S11ALL ORDINANCE NO. 925, 1,NVREASING F , R T E E"D -4, PERCENT (5%1) "1"1141 EXCISE TA,':X UPON THE (IRIOSIS, R,,'EC'E,,I,,.P"Ill'S'DER',IIIV'I,I +0', FROM R-EN"I" FOR OCCUPANCY OF HO,"I"EL OR, MOTU.., ROOMS, Al"J"T, DRIZED ["N PART 7, FINANCE AND '1"A.,.X,ATl'0N, 011IAPTER 6,1 "HOTEL TAX, SECTION`7-60211, 11""AN11" _4 I ',,',ITY'O,F OWASSO, CODE OF ORDIN"AN'CES AND ALSO REQ'IJIRING RATE', IN' THE ORDINANCE BY A MAJOR] 1"Y 0FREGISTERED'V011"ERS, AT AN"' APPROVAL,. O"IF 1, "G, Ttffi k,-`UCH P't JR11101S& AS,, 'PROVIDED BY LAW, AND FIXII,',,N 1E FOR S I I LD EFFECT 111"VE DATE OF THE ORDIN.ANCE, BE APPIROVF SEC",VION' 11AN, I hat the CIty,("."ou"I"ic,111 oll"the City of,Owasso, State of Oklahon,,ia, liereby states, that all prec,tacts' Withl-i"11 the City, of 0misso, State of Oktalio,n"ma, sliall be open f(,),r the Putillose of" the afbi,,-esaid e1e,1cfio,i,,i... SEC110N 1111. Tluil a. copy olf this resoluti'mri Sluall be personall, , "I , -%fi eed to tliv of"tice of the ,y (" et i, v r 14 + Mecflot -ite of Oklahoi,na., at 1, east sjlxt r"101, t 10 the OLITIty 1 .1, i, Board Of lliSa COUnly, IS 11C , 11 y (6 0) d ays p date of Said electioll Adopted, an,da ppil-Ove, d thil"s the day of Junc, 2008. 05 7ji She,, . . . ............... Oty Clerk A -Q PPR VED AS, ill.", FORM, '00 R11i -.,-onibanlil Oty,Attollrney I?� 1, 63, TUISA COUNTYELECTION"BOARD, tl A BY oil City of0wasso,, Staitle of Okla,'110M, a, . . ... . . .............. Stephell zt,auld,ell,la Mayor Units, Tb el Cl i t t y W 0 u t I I 4 The Honorable Mayor, and City Council TO. City, Of Owasso 4 FROMO Teresa, Willson Information Technology Dilrecf,or SUBJECT,: Strong Neighborhood InItlatiVe - Hotel Tax, Des Ignation Res,olufibn,2013-05 DAT E 4: M a rc h 1, 21-10 13 o I the Hotel Tax, from three, pliercent (3%) In, August,, 2008, voters a, I proved an incre e in, ffie rote, of as, lo five percent (5,%) creating a, funding source for, the Strong Neighborhood Inifiative. The prioposition pas o percent ('62%) of the tolal vote., Today the Clity has five operat'ing hotells, wjilh an, ad'di,fional hotel currently in development. providing ai sustjohalble fund'ing s rce to e the llatilv,, thus increas i,g the ou to conto'nue grow Impact in the community'. Council appirolval of Resolution 20018-05 established funding, for the Strong Ne"Ighborhood Inittaitive through the revenue produced from two ercent (2%); of the Hotel Tim, A,- proval of Resolution 2013-05, would confinue that samie funding frolim the Hotel 'Tax., Since the initiative was ortg, I inally established, it has successfully 'ided opportu 4's to, rov nifie on who to contact for assislance. Tap into an uninteadedl benlefit of the init'' fi the coordination of volunteer opportunities with the City, enlabling staff to dol more withcfewer resources. Through the initiative,"" residents have committed to the [dea that, nelghb,orhood issues sa , mpact the e,nf ire, community, regardless of where one, resides,, and that by, joining forces with the City, they can participlate in a prolac-five approach to ensuring Owasso rernains, as safe and attractive in the future as if Is today'. KA.M ff A jk4 WA11'"', A, Jm Zip I L 11,2114 Eel 1 1*1101 aM 0 AAD IT FnTH',E,R',' RE DILVED THAT: Thl is Resolution supersedes Res,olutii,,,on 200318-05 previously approved by, the Cify Council on july 5. 2008, in all provislons,,,, ferm's and requirernenfs'.Z. Sherry Bisholy,, City Clerk N APPROVED AS 'T 'O FORK Ilie Lom,'bard', C*ty,Attorney City of Owasso Hotel Tax Fund Hotel Tax - 5% 6 Hotels 6 Hotels 6 Hotels 5 Hotels 5 Hotels 5 Hotels 5 Hotels 4 Hotels 4 Hotels 3 Hotels 2 Hotels 2 Hotels Budget Budget Budget to Estimated Actual to Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual FY 2017 FY 2016 Actual FY 2016 Actual FY 2015 FY 2014 FY 2013 FY 2012 FY 2011 FY 2010 FY 2009 FY 2008 FY 2007 FY 2006 3% Economic Development $ 245,000 $ 245,000 $ (3,725) $ 241,275 $ (4,259) $ 245,534 $ 231,016 $ 195,186 $ 176,691 $ 155,438 $ 130,562 $ 119,852 $ 90,247 $ 66,731 $ 69,846 2% Strong Neighborhoods 163,335 163,335 (2,484) 160,851 (2,839) 163,689 154,010 130,124 117,794 104,663 87,041 52,068 - - - Total 5% $ 4083335 $ 408;335 $ (65210) $ 4023125 $ (75098) $ 4093223 $ 385;026 $ 3255310 $ 2943485 $ 2605101 $ 217;604 $ 171;920 $ 905247 $ 663731 $ 69,846 Avg 34,028 34,028 (517) 33,510 (591) 34,102 32,086 27,109 24,540 21,675 18,134 14,327 7,521 5,561 5,821 Projected 408,335 408,335 (6,210) 402,125 (7,098) 409,223 385,026 325,310 294,485 260,101 217,604 171,920 90,247 66,731 69,846 % Change -1.73% -1.73% 6.28% 18.36% 10.47% 13.22% 19.53% 26.57% 90.50% 35.24% -4.46% Incr /Decr (7,098) (7,098) 24,197 59,716 30,826 34,384 42,497 45,684 81,673 23,515 (3,115) Note: FY2016 revenue down due to change in Ordinance defining residents (exempt from paying Hotel Tax) as those staying in Owasso 30 consecutive days instead of 90 days. Awk The Ci'ty Wit i out TO: HONORABLE CHAIR & TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. LEVO DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: DIRECTOR'S REPORT DATE: March 10, 2016 NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT • Zaxby's Chicken -- 12807 E 86th St N • Existing building has been taken down • Construction has begun • Amber Crossing - 11413 E 96th St N • Liquids Wine and Spirits ■ Relocated from 9540 N Garnett Rd ■ Open for business • Adeline's ■ Relocated from 9210 N Garnett Rd ■ Open for business 0 One vacant 1,500 sf space available for lease • Caudle Center Phase III /Fairway Marketplace - 9538 N Garnett Rd 0 One vacant space available for lease • LaQuinta Inn - 8949 N Garnett Rd • Under construction • Footings have been poured Braum's - location on north side of E 96th St near the Garnett intersection 0 Construction is underway • Braum's - 11503 E 76th St N • Tear down and rebuild of existing store to begin after construction of new E 96th St N & N Garnett Rd store • Plans are complete and building permit has been issued • Owasso Express Laundry - 9700 N Garnett Rd • New building (8,710 sq ft) to house new Laundromat and 2 commercial tenants • Under construction and nearing completion • Owasso Laundromat - 12802 E 86th PI N 0 Under construction • Dusty's Grill and Cantina - 7708 N Owasso Expressway • New Mexican restaurant in former Blondie's Pizza location • Projecting to open first quarter of 2016 • PJ's Pub and Grille - 9500 N 129th E Ave • Former Compadres location • Under construction • Starbucks - 13506 E 1 16th St N • Under construction • Walls are framed and building is sheathed in • Valley National Bank - 13510 E 1 16th St N o Awaiting plans, but may be a year or two before construction • Ohana Arts - 13720 E 86th St N, Suite 150 • New arts studio, now open for business • Renaissance Shopping Center, former Drop Zone for Kids location • Take Home Cafe - 7800 N Owasso Expressway, Unit B • New prepared meals /take out restaurant • Now open for business • J's Hallmark - 12906 E 86th St N o New Hallmark store in former Madalyn's Hallmark location • HomeGoods -- 9018 N 121St E Ave #500 • Moving into Pier 1 location • Pier 1 closed on February 24 • Renovating space, opening date not yet announced • Butcher Bros. Meats - 13720 E 86th St N, Suite 160 • New business, opened February 13 • Located in Renaissance Shopping Center • Wheels & Thrills - NE Corner of E 106th St N and N Garnett Rd • New skating rink • Site plan was approved last year, awaiting submittal of building plans BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION (BR &E) • Rejoice Christian Campus - 10701 N 129th E Ave • Phase II construction is underway • Building Permits have been issued for the Support Facility and Concession /Locker Room for Rejoice High School • First Christian Church - 10100 N Garnett Rd o Addition to building - 13,145 sq ft addition. Construction is underway • Garrett Creek Center - 11560 N 135th E Ave o Retail space formerly occupied by Alexander's Furniture is being divided into three tenant spaces: 2,277 Sq. Ft., 7,154 Sq. Ft., 4,653 Sq. Ft. • Panera Bread -- 12417 E 96th St N • Filed for a building permit to add a drive -thru window • The menu board will be on the east side of the building and the service /point of contact window will be on the back north wall of building. • AMC Owasso 12 - 12601 E 86th St N o AMC Theaters bought out the existing theater, Starplex Cinemas • Charity Auto Sales - 8884 N Garnett Rd o Relocating to E l l 6th St N � 111''I'll � � RX91,11tigirill I I � - LIV1,4WOTANEIR, AWIZI Month 2007 2,008 2009 2010 2,011 20,12 2013 2014 2015, 2016 1 JanUary 13 25 15 17 18 19 15 22 12 15 2 February 14 19 23 29 17 15 26 21 19 26 ,3 March 25 35 30 46 14 27 27 31 23 0 4 ,Abril 30 31 36 31 19 26 26 36, 27 0 5 May 60 23 27 30 20 23 19 17 15 0 6 June 27 21 34 23 19 24 19 12 ill 0 7 Y Jul' 23 24 28 17 20 15 27 23, 20 0 8 August 27 18 28 19 12 15 18 19 33 0 9 September 17 40 20 111 12 12 28 15 13 0 10 October 31 15 36 13 10 21 15 19 23 0 11 November 26 10, 13 1 8 11 7 21 2,5 0 12 December 8 6 1 9 10 116, 11 34 7 0 Totals 3011 267 303 246 179 224 238 270 228 41 YT D 217 44 38 46 35 34 41 43 31 41 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS February 29, 2018 SUBDIVISION Burberry Place (6109) Camelot Estates (4107) Carrington Pointe I (1111 ) Carrington Pointe I Extended (10/15) Champions East (05/08) Champions West (5/08) Country Estates III (3199) Country Estates VI (11/03) Crescent Ridge (02108) Fairways V (8199) Fairways VI {12100} Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12105) Hickory Creek Honey Creek (4102) Keys Landing 1 (3108) Lake Valley IV (5/10) Lake Valley V (9/3Q) Lake Valley V Phase 2 Lake Valley V Phase 3 Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10107) Maple Glen {92108} Maple Glen 11 (1/11) Maple Glen III (5/13) Maple Glen IV (612114) Nottingham Estates IV (8101) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Hill (8109) Paris Place at Preston Lakes Preston Lakes (12/00) Preston Lakes III (1x/04) Remington Park II (11104) Sawgrass Park II (04105) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Watercolours (12102) TOTALS # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED ## AVAILABLE 89 87 139 199 39 171 188 15 9 6 8 89 36 45 89 1 1 58 8 37 88 1 191 98 8 71 66 42 41 1 85 84 1 24 23 1 59 49 1 292 198 131 121 19 114 112 2 65 13 82 88 19 1 24 47 285 232 3 98 9 98 99 8 48 41 2 92 76 16 29 18 2 48 1 8 14 44 98 78 15 272 248 29 147 144 3 84 82 2 98 94 2 81 27 4 49 81 9 3120 2772 348 Water olours (12/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) awgrass Park 11 (84/05) Remington Park II (11104) Preston Lakes 111 (10/04) Preston Lakes (12100) Park Place at Freston Lakes Nottingham Hill (6109) Nottingham Estates V (3/0 1 ) Nottingham Estates I (8101 ) /Maple Glen I (6/2114) Maple Glen 111 (5113) Maple Glen II (1111) Maple Glen (12/08) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Lake Valley V Phase Lake Halley V Phase Lake Valley V (9/30) take Va11ey I V (/10) Keys Landing I (3/08) Honey Creek (4102) Hickory Creek Falls at Garrett Creek Amended {12/05) Falls at Garrett Greek (12105) Fairways VI (12/00) Fairways V (8199) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Country Estates VI (11/03) Country Estates 111 (3199) Champions West (5108) Champions East (05108) Carrington Pointe I Extended (1 011 ) aErdngton Pointe 1 (1 /11) Camelot Estates (4/07) Burberry Place (6/09) CITY OF OWASSO Residential Lot Inventory Status 0 100 150 200 250 300 Lots Developed 13 Total Lots Month 2007 2008 2009 1 0 2011 12 201 �3 20 14 2015 201:16 1 January 4 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 Februar 2 0 1 3 1 1 01 2, 1 3, March 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 4 April 0 4 1 1 1 0 4 01 2 0 5 May 1 .1 2" 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 6:June 1 1 2, 0 0 2 1 2 3 0 7 July 0 1 0 O� 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 August 3 1 0 0 2 2 10 0 0 0 9 September 28 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 10 October 4 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 111 November 1 2 2 1 0 1 3 1 0 12 December :1 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 Totals 48 20 9 10 13 7 14 '12 14 3 YTD 7 61 1 2 6 2 2 1 3 3 2012 2013 2014 2015, 201 6 .... . . . .... --.- .... . .. . ... .... . .. .... . ........ . . ...... .. . ...... ..... TOTAL 17,30 1, 000 9,647,730 21 ,178,40,0 30,213,000 2,925,0010 ... ............ *:iaszo ofwenamvemma va. 2012 ... ......... ... .... ........... 20,13 2014 2011 5 .... . ......................... .... . .... . . ....... . ..... . ...................... . . . . . . . . ................. . . ......... ....... ........ ..... ........... . . ...... ...... .... .......... ..... 1,035,000 2,925,0100 .......... . ... . .............. . . . ........ ... . . ......... .. . . .... ... 2012 2013 2014 2015, 201 6 .... . . . .... --.- .... . .. . ... .... . .. .... . ........ . . ...... .. . ...... ..... TOTAL 17,30 1, 000 9,647,730 21 ,178,40,0 30,213,000 2,925,0010 ... ............ OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS DATE COMPLETE FEBRUARY 2016 Butcher Bros. Meats 13720 E 86 Bt N #160 2/ #2016 Yes JANUARY 201 Liquids 11413 E 96 St N #300 1/25/2010 Yes DECEMBER 2015 Firehouse Subs 9538 N Garnett Rd #101 12/3/2015 Yes 76th Street Professional Plaza 1 2399 E 76 St N #106 12/812015 Yes ens ripts Phararnacy 9538 N Garrett Rd #102 12/31/2015 Yes NOVEMBER 2015 Adaline 11413 E 96 St N #100 11/19/2015 Yes Oxford Owasso Memory Care 11113 E 193 St N 11/25/2015 Yes Titan Black 403 W 2 Ave #191 11/6/2015 Yes MJ Executive Management 14601 E 88 P1 N 11/512015 Yes SAHO Animal Hospital 12555 E 30 St N 11113/2015 Yes OCTOBER 2015 Md Express 11709 E 86 St N 10/1212015 Yes 1l almart Neighborhood Market 11551 N 129 E Ave 19/14/2015 Yes Ghana Arts 1 3720 E 66 St N 4169 10/15/2015 Yes Alter -You Tailoring 8505 N 121 E Aire 10 #16/2015 Yes Rejoice Elementary School 10701 N 129 E Aire 10120/2015 Yes SEPTEMBER 2015 Arbor's Roast Beef Restaurant 11500 N 140 E Ave 9/8/2015 Yes Buffalo Wild Wings 9263 N Owasso E p 10/312015 Yes AUGUST 2015 Communication Federal Credit Union 12300 N 86 St N #A 3/1012015 Yes AMC Urgent Dare 9003 N Garnett Rd 9/112015 Yes Academy Sports & Outdoors 3959 N Garnett lid 9!6/2915 Yes Family Cuts 11230 N Garnett Rd #C 3/10/2015 Yes Taco Bell 13315 E 116 St N 9!2/2015 Yes Owasso Drug 12302 E 86 St N Yes JULY 201 Golden Dragon Taekwondo 8517 N 129 E Ave 7 #0/2016 Yes FFO Horne Furniture 12932 E 86 St N 7/24/2015 Yes It's A Small World 11211/11213 N Garnett Rd 7/22/2015 Yes Paint & Barrel 9455 N Owasso E p #K 7131/2015 Yes Dairy Queen 9495 N Owasso E p 7/13/2015 Yes Owasso Foot Massage Center 9100 N Garnett lid, #J 7/31/2015 Yes B Guns & Sports 9100 N Garnett rid #K 7/27/2015 Yes Nutrition Spark 12711 E 86 P1 N #105 7/212015 Yes Mind & Body Essentials 12800 E 86 P1 N #B&C 8/1/2015 Yes Janie & Faye 12302 E 86 St N 7131/2015 Yes JUNE 201 Craft & Barrel 208 E 5 St ##J 613/2015 Yes Gerry Horner Automotive 200E N Main St 614/2016 Yes Kirk Chiropractic 3514 N 128 E Ave 6/15/2015 Yes MAY 2015 APRIL 2015 cissortail Provisions 702A N Main St 4/6/2015 Yes State Farm 9100 N Garnett Rd 4/28/2015 Yes MARCH H 2015 Sprouts Farmers Market 9601 N 133 E Aire 4/112015 Yes PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN FEBRUARY 2016 ADDRESS BUILDER . ...... ........ . . ADD/ZONE VALUE E A.S.F. PERMIT# 9319 N 139 E Aire H ns l r Custom Homes NEIV RS3 $ 306,060 41768 16- 0201 -X 14502 E 114 St N Capital Homes LV III RS3 $ 126,505 21191 16- 0202 -X 7508 E 82 PI N Hares Custom Homes ARPIERS3 $ 132,600 2,400 16- 0203 --X 7617 N 144 E Ave Denham Homes E RS3 $ 187,600 31400 16-0204-X 7613 N 144 E Aire Denham Homes IDenharn E RS3 $ 187,900 31400 16- 0205 -X 7609 N 144 E Ave Ho s CE/R 3 187,000 3,400 16- 0206 -X 7621 N 144 E Aire Denham Homes IDenham ERS3 $ 187,600 31400 16-0207-X 7618 N 144 E Ave Homes E RS3 $ 187,900 31400 16- 0208 -X 12013 E 109 St N Simmons Homes MGIV/RS3 $ 100,815 11833 16- 0209 -X 15517 E 87 PI N Simmons Homes PPPL RS3 202,730 3,686 16- 0210 -X 15509 E 87 St N Simmons Homes PPL RS3 142,120 21584 16- 0211 -X 12006 E 109 St N Simmons Horns I IGI RS3 $ 109,815 1,833 16-0212-X 15416 E 87 St N Simons Horns PPPL RS3 153,285 2,787 16- 0213 -X 15567 E 87 St N Simmons Homes PPPL RS3 $ 1 58,400 21889 16- 0214 -x 16966 N 126 E Ct Simmons Homes X GIV /RS3 $ 166,710 11922 X 16-0215-X 7708 N Owasso Exp En ino's 3D Custom Pro EO $ 21500 50 16- 0216 -5 12802 E 101 P1 N RE CO Enterprises i P S $ 11400,900 41427 16-0217-C 7412 E 82 PI N White Hat Homes CARP IE /RS3 $ 157,575 2,865 16- 0218 -x 7918 N 144 E Aire Wahle Homes E RS3 $ 190,410 3,462 16-0219-X 9035 N 121 E Ave TBD SF11S $ 342,600 1,820 16-0220-C 8600 N 150 E Ave Home owner PL /RS3 8,060 384 16- 0221 -X 11084 N 144 E Ave Simmons Homes i RS3 $ 105,710 11622 16-0222-X 11017 N 121 E Ave Simmons Hones MGIV RS3 $ 111,980 2,036 16- 0223 -X 12009 E 109 St N immons Homes M IV RS3 $ 111,430 2,026 16-- 6224 -- 8706 N 155 E Ave Simmons Homes PPPLRS3 $ 158,235 27377 16- 0225 -X 14709 E 114 St N Simmons Homes LV 1II /RS3 92,016 11673 16- 0226 -X 12899 E 76 St N A-Max Signs 76STPP S $ 41260 48 16- 0227 --S 9500 N 129 E Ave #130 Acura Neon CC/ CS $ 150,900 153 16- 0228 -S 7800 N Owasso Exp #A Mike H dg n F 6 $ 20,000 686 16-0229-C 11005 N 120 E Ave Blue Haven Pools MII1/RS3 $ 20,600 303 16- 0230 -P 7512 E 82 P1 N Hares Custom Homes ARPIERS3 $ 126,500 21300 16-0231-X. 14703 E 114 St N Simmons Homes LIVIIIRS3 $ 92,616 1,673 16- 0232-X 11314 N 148 E Aire Simons Homes LVVIII /RS3 $ 123,695 21249 6-- 0233 -X 14135 E 88 St N Rustic Horns ERS3 $ 1601000 2,824 16- 0234 -X 10902 N 120E 6t Simmons HOrr s M IV /RS3 130,790 2,37'8 16 236 -� 8787 N Owasso Exp #E Farstsigr s I I S 6S 51600 66 16- 0236 -S 8291 N Owasso Exp F stsigns $ 51600 32 16- 0237 --5 CVy of 0 wosw 111 N. M .Z4ov S: 0 wapSo~, OK 74055 PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN FEBRUARY 2016 Single Family $ 31711p735 67,001 SqFt Residential Remodel 300.1,000 41768 SgFt Accessory 81000 384 SgFt New Commercial $ 114 , 4,427 SqFt Commercial Remodel 362,000 2,F500 SqFt Signs $ 166,700 349 SqFt Pool $ 20,000 303 SgFt 37 Total Building Permits 5,968,435 73,732 SqFt of u a4�,& - N. M aivv #: w ., V 74055- PERMITS APPLIED FOR WITHIN OWASSO FEI EL f F - FEBRUARY 2016 ADDRESS COUNTY BUILDER ER SUBDIVISI N TYPE 'VALUE 17615 E. 86th St N Rogers Harris Construction Llnplatted New Home $850000.00 16604 E. 115th St. N. Rogers Simmons Homes Quailbrook Est. New Home $164,340.00 11379 N. 168th E. Ave. Rogers Simmons Homes Quailbrook Est. New Horne $1650180.00 18951 E. 108th St N. Rogers John Keim Rolling Meadows Accessory $15,000.00 16695 E. 79th St. N. Rogers Stan Built Construction Eagles Landing Accessory $25,000.00 6870 wilderness TraiI Rogers Executive Homes Greystone it New Horne $230,000.00 7015 N. 198th E. Ave Rogers Executive Homes The Ridge ii New Horne $210,000.00 9355 N. 154th E. Ave Rogers Meadows Builders Paradise Valley Accessory $25,000.00 10019 N. i entallen Rogers John James Construction Clear Brook Accessory $87,750.00 10019 N. Kentallen Rogers John James Construction Clear` Brook Accessory $479500.00 11308 N. 166th E. Ave Rogers Simmons Homes Quailbrook Est. New Home $129,780.00 11313 N. 165th E. Ave Rogers Simmons Homes Quailbrook Est. New Home $154,350.00 6737 E. 86th PI. N. Tulsa PMC Corporation Sheridan Crossing New Home $395,000.00 6802 E. 87th St. N. Tulsa Celebrity Homes Sheridan Crossing New Horne $369,000.00 6904 E. 88th St. N. Tulsa Celebrity Homes Sheridan Crossing New Horne $380,000.00 8735 N. 71st E. Aire Tulsa Srnalygo Properties Sheridan Crossing New Home $250,000.00 6911 E. 86th PI. N. Tulsa Celebrity Homes Sheridan Crossing New Home $369,000.00 7003 E. 88th St. N. Tulsa Celebrity Homes Sheridan Crossing New Clore $380,000.00 11861 N. 126th E. Ave Tulsa Decor Construction N/A Residential Remodel $174,715.00 8124 N. 68th E. PI. Tulsa Smalygo Properties Sheridan Crossing Accessory $30,000.00 5120 E. 112th St. N. Tulsa Kelly Herneisen Countryside Estates Accessory $25, 0 . 0 8939 N Garnett Rd Tulsa Rodger Higinb tharn Commercial --lCornmercial Remodel $5501000.00 Single Family $3..2811,680.00 Multi Family n a Residential Remodel $174,715.00 Accessory $2550250.00 New Commercial na Commercial Remodel $550,000.00 Other na Total Building Permits $4,261,645.00 PROJECT STATUS REPORT City of Owasso Public Works Department March 1, 2016 • E. 76th Street North Widening (from U.S. Hwyl 69 to N. 129th East Avenue In October 2010, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $2,090,000 for engineering, right -of -way and utility relocation costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. In October 2011, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $3,470,000 for construction and administration costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. In February 2012, ODOT officials informed City staff of funds available in the Federal Surface Transportation Fund for the planning phase of E. 76th Street North Widening Project. In March, INCOG presented this project to its members for consideration to receive funding in 2012 for the engineering design. Project was approved by the Technical Advisory, Transportation Policy Committee, and INCOG Board of Directors Engineering agreement for Poe & Associates, Inc. of Tulsa, Oklahoma and funding agreement was approved at the May 7, 2013, Council Meeting. - The engineering design is approximately 60% complete. - On July 21, 2015, ODOT, Poe & Associates and City of Owasso met on location and conducted a plan -in -hand meeting. - ROW is scheduled to commence in April 2016 with completion anticipated by October 2016. - Utility Relocation is scheduled to begin in January 2017 with completion expected by October 2017. Construction is scheduled to occur in February 2018 with completion by November 2018. Recently, City of Owasso received a ROW acquisition, utility relocation and overall construction agreement from ODOT for our review. Staff anticipates having this item on the March 15th Council agenda for consideration and appropriate action. • Garnett Widening (from E. 96th Street North to E. 106th Street North) In November 2012, Council approved an engineering agreement with Dewberry in the amount of $345,600. A Public Meeting for the Garnett Widening project was held June 27, 2013 with City staff and representatives from PSA Dewberry to receive citizen comments regarding the design. In October 2013, INCOG presented this project to its members for consideration to receive federal funding in FY 2017 for the construction phase. Project was approved by the Technical Advisory and Transportation Policy Committees. On November 12, 2013, the INCOG Board of Directors approved federal funds to be allocated to this specific project in the year 2017 or sooner, if funding is available. The City of Owasso will receive $3.2 million in federal funds. The engineering design is approximately 80% complete. ODOT staff has approved the environmental study. In July 2015, the NEPA document was approved by FHWA. ROW acquisition commenced in October 2015 with completion anticipated by April 2016. Contact has been made to all property owners. Appraisals are 80% complete. Utility Relocation is scheduled to begin in July 2016 with completion by April 2017. Construction is scheduled to occur in August 2017 with completion by June 2018. - Currently, three property owners have agreed with the appraised value ROW offer and two property owners have donated ROW and Easement. In addition, negotiations for the remaining ROW and easements for 8 different parcels are ongoing. • E. 1 16th Street North and 129th East Ave Intersection Improvement Project Tulsa County and City of Owasso have partnered together to fund the engineering design, utility relocation and construction. In August 2014, application for funding for the construction phase of this project was submitted to INCOG. If funded, the "matching grant" will result in a grant of 80% ODOT funding, 10% Tulsa County funding and 10% City funding. - In October 2014, INCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and the Transportation Policy Committee voted to recommend this project as eligible to receive STP funds. In addition, the INCOG Board of Directors met on Thursday, November 13th and approved this project to receive federal funds in the amount of $2,186,000. As a result, federal funds for construction will be available in FY 2018, or sooner, if funding is available. Engineering design is approximately 60% complete. Environmental study commenced in March 2015. NEPA Document prepared by ODOT was completed in December 2015. As a result, environmental document was sent to FHWA in January in 2016 for approval. ROW process is anticipated to commence in March or April 2016. • E. 1 16th Street North and N 140th East Ave Signalization Project Plans approved by ODOT and City of Owasso City of Owasso 20% Funding, Maintenance Agreement and Resolution approved at January 20, 2015 Council Meeting. In February 2015, ODOT advertised this project for bids. Bid opening occurred in March 2015. Bid Award occurred in April 2015. A preconstruction meeting was held between ODOT and contractor on July 8. Construction commenced in mid - October 2015 with substantial completion in December 2015. Per ODOT, construction was complete in December 2015. Final Inspection by City staff indicates the four signalized intersections are not synchronized according to plan nor is the striping improvements complete. Thus, City staff has scheduled a meeting for next week with ODOT to discuss and request these concerns be addressed as soon as possible. Staff met with ODOT officials to discuss a few issues remaining with this project. ODOT was responsive and is taking steps to correct these issues. Once complete, ODOT has requested a final walk through to complete the contract. • U.S. 169 Highway Widening Project (from E. 56th Street North to E. 66th Street North - In March 2015, ODOT is tentatively scheduled to advertise this project for bids with bid opening in April. Construction start date will be provided at a later date by ODOT. - Project bids were let on March 19, 2015 - Bid award occurred in April, 2015 with construction commencing in July 2015. - ODOT administered a preconstruction meeting with Becco in mid -June 2015. Construction commenced on July 6 with completion scheduled to occur by February 2017. - Phase I bridge and roadway improvements were complete in December 2015. - Dirt and Pier work continue on the southbound bridges and road. Phase II work is on schedule for completion in July 2016. • Brookfield Crossing Stormwater Improvements In October 2014, City Council approved an agreement for engineering services with Kellogg Engineering. At this time, the engineering consultant is designing another option which would reduce the amount of excavation within the Brookfield Crossing neighborhood. This new option in design is taking longer than anticipated but we are optimistic it will result in fewer residential yards and driveways disturbed during the construction phase. Consultant has surveyed drainage relief on the east and north sides of Brookfield Crossing. Land acquisition is ongoing. Engineering design is approximately 80% complete with final design expected to be complete in April 2016. • FY 2015 -2016 Street Rehabilitation Proaram In August 2015, City Council approved the project priority list. Funding in the amount of $1,765,975 is included, with $1 million funded from the Capital Improvements Fund and $765,975 from the '/2 Penny Sales Tax Fund. Engineering Division is designing the following locations for rehab: - Atlanta Street reconstruction for E 76th St N to W 3rd St. - Alley reconstruction between Broadway and W 1 It St. - Broadway reconstruction west of Atlanta - W 1St St Reconstruction - Construction of cul -de -sac on the north end of Carlsbad - Rehabilitation of N 126th E Ave from E 76th St N to E 77th PI N - Rehabilitation of E 77th PI N from N 123rd E Ave to N 126th E Ave - Rehabilitation of N 124th E Ave, adiacent to Mills Elementary - Rehabilitation of E 80'" Ct N - Preventative Maintenance -Honey Creek II - Preventative Maintenance - Bailey Ranch II /Sawgrass - Bid advertisement street rehab project scheduled to occur in the spring 2016. - Staff is working on plans to begin crack sealing (maintenance) of several subdivisions approved in the priority list. This process is through a state bid and not as a part of any rehabilitation contract. Staff anticipates having the crack sealing portion of the project before council in mid -March for approval of a purchase order. • Central Park Channel Improvements - In July 2015, Council approved an engineering agreement Meshek and Associates in the amount of $66,760. - Engineering design commenced in September 2015. - Preliminary plans scheduled for submittal in March 2016. - Design completion scheduled to occur in May 2016. • Sports Park Regional Detention Facility - In July 2015, Council approved an engineering agreement Meshek and Associates in the amount of $57,330. Engineering design commenced in September 2015. Engineering design is 70% complete with completion expected in May 2016. • E. 106th Street North and 145th East Ave Intersection Improvement Project In October 2015, Council approved this project to be included as a project on the Capital Improvement Project list. In January 2016, Council approved an engineering agreement with Poe and Associates in the amount of $168,800. Traffic study has been initiated by the consultant. In addition, survey work is underway. $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $11.500,000 $1,000',000 $5G0,000 Jul Aug Sep, Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jur .. ........ ..... Actual --- Last Year ....... ...... City of Owasso Monthly 3% Sales Tax Revenues, Last, Five Fiscal Years KIII�ME 2014-2015 2013-201 201 2 -201 3 1 1865ol 9 11820$78 11,832,86,11 1 v896t451 1 18081171 1,186 2,936 211251,525 210041466 137803,454 11,78,11713 119501586 11998,314 1,704,985 $ 116301957 $ 1, 16781483 $ 11521,846 $ 11617it952 $ 11518,488 $ 11677,145 $ 1,1560,824 $ 1i 16 12 s 339 $ 114471596 $ 1 t748,989 $ 1 16051740 $ 2,10,73,564 $ 1 17921034 $ 139901104 $ 1,18TT864 $ 115443058 $ 1 1500,014 $ 1 696,1815 $ 1 o49937iO8 $ 1,813fo883 $ 13629F482 $ 11864,533 $ 1 11643,878 $ 1-2012 201 0-201 1 1 152 1 1672 $, 11485o553 11485t586 $ 1,409,806 1,14851892 $ 1 t4331236 I 1 51717 01 $ 1 s4671321 1 0420,987 $ 113620551 1 1488,693 $ 11142,31011 11,655,569 $ 11640,741 1 *7481280 $ 11675J32 1 14051821 $ 1 1327$303 11:454o787 $ 11310,8505 1 [610 11103 $ 1 506,256 1 547t919 $ 1 4871182 $ 1,812,901569 $ 22,727t460 $ 21 10221850 $ 19,1168,1431 $ 18t343,008, $ 171 528,94 3 Est'I'Mated collection on 3% sales tax. Actual breakdown for half-penny collections fdr current, month not yet available. C I ity of Owa;sso 3% Sales Tax Report Budget to Actual Comparison March 7, 2016 Jul Au" se Oct No De� Jan Fe 2015-2016 2015-2016 Actual Collections �o Budget Proje cti ons Over (Under) Pro, ti Amount, P" r t mount Percent Amount Percent 210 15,53 81.8% $ 119753926 8.4% $ 97,627 4.9% 11 ,9 317,96 8.4% 119081383 8.1% 65,413 3.4% 10978,1203 8.4% 10890,263 8.0%, 87,940 .7% 230111595 8.6% 11951114451 8.3% 60 3.1% 1, 18511194 7.9% 118,533197 7.9% (2t003) -0.1% 9.2% 11944,197 8.3% 2211828 .4% 21228,743 9.5% 211931291 9.3%, 351452 1.6% 21246,1904 9.6% 21,187,060 9.3% 593844 2.7% 11,76GI5156 7.5% 1,x7211 7.5% (11,545) -0.7% PRO 01 Totals 181290,569 77.8% $ 17167,5t863 75.2% $ 61417106 3.5411 Estimated collection on 3% sales tax. Actual breakdown for half-penny collections for current month not yet available. C*'10ty of Owasso 3% Sales Tax Report, Two Year Comparison March'7, Fiscal 2015-2016 Fiscal 2,014-2015 Increase or (Decrease) Percent Percent Amount Of B u Amount - of Actual -Amount Percent, 210731,55'3 8.8% $ 118651194 8.2% $ 2081359 11.2% 11973179 8.4% 13820,788 8.0% 1531008 8.,4% 1197 ,2 3 8,4% 11832,861 8. 1 % 1 5'1342 7.9% ,21011, , �595 8.6% 111896,451 8.3% 115,145 6.1% 1111194 7.9% 1,808,1 1 8.0% 43$024 2.4% 21166,tO25 9.2% 11862,936 8.2% 30,31089 16.3% 2X81743, 9.5% 2,111250525 9.4% 1031218 4.9% 2'1246�904 9.,6% 2$0041466 8.8% 24211,438 12.1% 1 3 7601556 '7.5% 117801454 7.8% (191899) -1 .1 % 18,290,569 16,996,846 74.8% 112933723 % I N ote: F is ca I Yea r 20 16 S a les Tax B u d g et is a *111 io n,- FT1 5 $ ac tual was 22.7 m i I I lo 1 0 1 City of Owasso *_0 Half-Penny Sales Tax Report Budget to Actual Comparison March'T 2016 2015-20,16 2,015-20,16 Actual Collections 'Bud _get Projections Over (U,nd'er') Pr9jection I Percent, Amount Jul $ 338,066 Aug 328,009 ,Sep, 329,752 Oct 335,243 Nov 308,793, Dec 359,'726 Jan 369,618 Feb, 373, 104 Mar 2930426 I Percent, Amount, Percent, Amount Percent &6% $ 329,321, 8.4% $ 8,745 2.7% 81.4% 318,064 8.1% 9,1 9,45 3.1% 8.4% 315,044 8.0% 14,708 4.7% 8.6% 8.3% 101002, 3.1% 7.9% 308,866 7.9% (73) 01.0% 9.2% 324,033 8.3% 35,6913 11.0% 9A% 36515,49 9.3% 41070 J., i % 9.5% 3641510 9.3% 8,594 2.4% 7.5%, 2951,350 7.5% (11924) -0.7% TotaIs $ 3,035,737 77.5% $ 2,945,977 75.2% $ 89,760 3.0% Estimated, collection on Half-Penny sales tax. Actual breakdown for half-penny collections for current month not yet available. U 'ity of Owasso Monthly Use'Tax Revenue, Last Five Fiscal Years e% ^ A I-- n A4 tC% rl A, 4 A el r), 4 r— I)f')1'2 f)nI A 20,12-20,13 2011-2012 201 0:gq 11 Jul $ 72,1360 $ 501298 $ 783705 $ 33,565 $ 41 1491 $ 421547 Aug 96,428 516, 14 105,903 331'9,83 52,650 34,593 Sep 121962 61,204 69,079 471609 53,051 42,9105, Oct 1060846 86,146 10,3'P683 591327 48,1435 4,81534 Nov 911876 891434 641434 50t72,2 431504, 421276 Dec 113,1941 89,,482 36,424 48,320 5,23052 40,466 Jan 863358 6511206 5TI 183 60$594 471738 5Z1886 Feb 19,2,681 110,645 751454 781302 551671 54,868 Mar 61, 743 87t644 50,121 571199 44,11 391201 Apr 561776 55,507 301577 29,1497 45,287 May 751895 63,674 511094 69,,336 44,,616 Jun* 98,1093 42,884 75,139 41,989 3,31512 . ....... .. . 1 $ 855,200 $ 926,869 $ 853,050 626,1A .. 3 1 1 $ 5661050 $ 521,694 *Increase in, saies tax rate from 3%to 3.,5%, June 2015 Owasso Economic Summit March 24, 2016