HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.02.20_City Council Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, February 20,2001 The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday, February 20,2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 16,2001. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Pastor Arvle Knight of the Owasso Assembly of God Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Williams led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT H C "Will" Williams, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Melinda Voss, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor Rebecca Anllstrong, Councilor ABSENT STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of the February 6, 2001 Regular Meeting and Februmy 13,2001 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to the Renewal of the Enhanced 911 Interlocal Agreement. D. Action Relating to a Request for a Supplemental Appropriation and Amendment to the General Fund Police Department Capital Outlay Budget. The consent agenda included minutes of the February 6, 2001 regular meeting and February 13, 2001 special meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $108,521.13; (2) Juvenile Court $1,515.97; Owasso City Council February 20,2001 (3) Ambulance Fund $647.21; (4) Ambulance Capital Fund $1,118.85; (5) Capital Improvements $105,175.71; (6) Park Development $25.00; (7) City Garage $8,577.55; (8) Workers' Comp Self Insurance $4,615.21; (9) Payroll #1 $161,153.73; (10) Payroll #2 $164,122.08; (11) City Garage Payroll #1 $3,494.60; (12) City Garage Payroll #2 $3,751.74; (13) Ambulance Payroll #1 $11,178.09; (14) Ambulance Payroll #2 $11,834.21. Item C on the consent agenda requested approval to renew the existing interlocal agreement for E-911 services as required by the Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma. Item D requested approval of a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Budget, increasing revenues by $5500 and increasing expenditures in the Police Department Capital Outlay budget by the same amount. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Armstrong, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROV AL OF A PUBLIC FIREWORKS DISPLAY. Pastor Arvle Knight presented a request from the Owasso Ministers' Alliance and the Owasso Chamber of Commerce for approval to hold a city-wide fireworks display on Independence Day. The celebration and fireworks display will be sponsored by the two requesting organizations and will be similar to the one held last year. Both the police and fire departments have been contacted and support the celebration. City Code requires approval from the City Council for any public display of fireworks within the city. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the request from the Owasso Ministers' Alliance and the Owasso Chamber of Commerce to hold a city-wide celebration and fireworks display on Independence Day 2001. AYE: Voss, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO ATOR PARK; AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT; AND APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AND AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL FUND PARK MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGET. Mr Rooney presented the item. He said that the City received notification in December of the receipt of a $2000 grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce for Ator Park. The grant is being administered through INCOG and was made possible through a request by former State Representative Phil Ostrander. This is not a matching grant, and the only requirement is that it must be used prior to June 30, 2001. Staff will be meeting with Mr Ostrander and Ator area - 2 - Owasso City Council February 20,2001 residents to determine how to use the grant funds. Mr Ostrander addressed the Council regarding the grant and other funds that are available to municipalities. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to accept the grant, authorize the Mayor to execute the grant agreement, and approve a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Budget, increasing revenues by $2000 and increasing expenditures in the Park Maintenance Department Capital Outlay budget by $2000. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Armstrong, Brogdon, Williams NA Y: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE A WARD OF A BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF PICNIC TABLES. Mr Rooney said that funding is included in the Park Maintenance Department Capital Outlay budget for the purchase of picnic tables for Elm Creek and Rayola parks. The picnic tables currently located in those parks have been used for several years and are in need of repair and/or replacement. Bid packets were developed for the purchase of 12 tables, two of which are ADA compliant. Five bids were submitted, the lowest being by Kompan Kreations Inc of Tulsa in the amount of$5040. Award of this bid will allow for the tables to anive and be placed in the parks prior to the spring season. The tables cunently located in Elm Creek and Rayola Parks will be repaired and relocated to the Sports Park for use at that facility. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms. Bamhouse, to award the bid for the purchase of ten regular and two ADA picnic tables to Kompan Iveations Inc, Tulsa, OK, in the amount of $5040. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Armstrong, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND BUDGET. Mr Rooney presented the item. He said that there is $20,000 in the Park Development Fund budget for the purchase of playground equipment for Ator and Elm Creek Parks. The purchase for Ator Park is for a small (6 play event) play structure, and the purchase for Elm Creek park is to replace a large (14 play event) structure that cannot meet National Playground Safety standards. Bid packets that included alternates for the installation of the equipment, materials for the safety fall zone areas, installation of the safety fall zone areas material, materials for the bordering of the safety fall zone areas, and the installation of the safety fall zone area borders, were developed for both structures. Five bids were received for both structures. Staff believes that it would be in the best interest of the City to award the bids with all alternates included. If the alternates are not included, the City would need to purchase all materials for the safety fall zone areas and construct those areas, as well as install the playground equipment. In addition, it - 3 - Owasso City Council February 20,2001 would take the Park personnel approximately 6-8 weeks to construct and install the equipment, not allowing these personnel to accomplish any other activities. The total cost to purchase both pieces of equipment, along with complete installation, is $31,877. The Park Development Fund contains sufficient funds for the project; however, since only $20,000 was budgeted for this expenditure, there needs to be a budget amendment in the amount of $12,000 to increase the budgeted expenditures. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve an amendment to the Park Development Fund budget, increasing expenditures from that fund by $12,000 for the purchase and installation of playground equipment. AYE: Barnhouse, Armstrong, Voss, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion canied 5-0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE A WARD OF BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to award a bid for the purchase of playground equipment, materials for the safety fall zone area, and installation to Miracle Equipment, Jenks, OK in the amount of $11,571 for the 6-play event structure and to Modlin Recreation, Denton, TX in the amount of$20,306 for the l4-play event structure. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion canied 5-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AND AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL FUND PARK DEPARTMENT CAPIT AL OUTLAY BUDGET. Mr Rooney said that the Park Department has installed a sewer service line to serve the park office and the umpire shack at the Sports Park. The Owasso Girls Softball Association agreed to provide partial funding for the project. A check for $330.50 was received on Febmary 13, 2001 and receipted into the City's General Fund. An amendment to the budget is needed in order to make those funds available in the Park Department budget. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve a supplemental appropriation and budget amendment increasing General Fund revenues and increasing Park Department expenditures by $331. AYE: Voss, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion calTied 5-0. - 4 - Owasso City Council February 20, 2001 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CHANGE ORDER #1, A CHANGE ORDER TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND BREWER CONSTRUCTION COMP ANY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDINGS. This item was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of staff. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #666, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 1, BRADFORDS OF SILVER CREEK. Ms Sorrells said that Keith Burd, builder, is requesting the partial closing of an existing utility easement located on Lot 1, Block 1, Bradfords of Silver Creek. A residence was constructed in 2000 over a portion of the utility easement/building setback along the west property line. The applicant has received a variance from the Owasso Board of Adjustment regarding the encroachment into the building setback. The Technical Advisory Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission have both reviewed the request, and neither body has any objections. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to adopt Ordinance #666, approving the easement closing. AYE: Brogdon, Voss, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #667, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOT 18, BLOCK 1, DOUBLE OAKS IV. Ms Sorrells presented the item. The builder, P B Homes, has requested the partial closing of an existing utility easement on Lot 18, Block 1, Double Oaks IV. A residence was constructed in 2000 over a portion of the existing utility easement along the south property line. The Technical Advisory Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission have reviewed the request, with neither offering any objections. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to adopt Ordinance #667, approving the easement closing. AYE: Brogdon, Voss, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion canied 5-0. - 5 - Owasso City Council February 20,2001 ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR MOON COMMERCIAL CENTER (WARD 1 ). Ms Sonells said that the firm of DeShazo, Tang & Associates has requested approval of a Final Plat for Moon Commercial Center, a 2.5 acre, 2-lot subdivision, located on the south side of E l16th St N, approximately 1/8 mile west ofN Garnett Rd. The Teclmical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat on January 31, 2001, and the Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the plat on February 13, 2001, recommending approval subject to the provision for sidewalks and acceleration/deceleration lanes being included in the deed of dedication prior to certification and recording. Those changes were included in the deed of dedication included in the Council packet. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the final plat for Moon Commercial Center. AYE: Voss, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #2001-02, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ALTERNATE LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH FERRARA FIRE APPARATUS INC. Mr Cates said that on October 17, 2000, the City Council approved an Apparatus Contract with Fenara Fire Apparatus Inc for the purchase of one custom Aerial Ferrara Inferno Fire Apparatus Vehicle (ladder truck) for the sum of $444,420, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. The agreement was executed by Fenara on December 20, 2000. Since that time, there have been conversations with Fenara and Government Capitol Corporation relating to their request for the City to enter into a lease-purchase agreement differing from the one approved by Council. Government Capital Corporation is actually providing the funding for the transaction; however, our contractual obligation is with Fenara, not Government Capitol. Ferrara was advised that the City would give consideration to an alternative agreement with Fenara Fire Apparatus Inc, as long as the funding amounts are the same as what was originally approved, but would not consider an agreement with Government Capitol Corporation. As a result, we have received an alternate Lease-Purchase Agreement, together with ancillary documentation consisting of transaction authorization documentation, security interest documentation and non- taxable interest certification. An authorization resolution has also been requested. Mr Cates recommended approval of the alternate lease-purchase agreement and all ancillary documents. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve Resolution #2001-02, authorizing an alternate lease-purchase agreement with Ferrara Fire Apparatus Inc for the purchase of the ladder truck and canceling the previous agreement, and authorization for the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement and all ancillary documentation. - 6 - Owasso City Council February 20,2001 AYE: Brogdon, Voss, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM l7: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Mitchell reported that council and staff will be meeting with some Broken Arrow city officials on February 2ih regarding their recent successful bond issue and how it was structured. ITEM 18: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 19: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. No report. ITEM 20: NEW BUSINESS. None ITEM 21: ADJOURNMENT Ms Annstrong moved, seconded by Ms Voss to adjourn. AYE: Armstrong, Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. H C Williams, Mayor - 7 -