HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018.03.26_Sales Tax Watchdog Committee AgendaAGENDA 1. Call to Order Steve Mowery, Chair 2. Roll Call Juliann Stevens 3. Consideration and action relating to Minutes of the September 25, 2017, meeting Attachment Steve Mowery, Chair 4. Discussion of the Project Status Report - Attachment Sherry Bishop 5. Discussion of Financial Reports - Attachments Linda Jones A. Capital Improvements Fund (Third penny dedicated sales tax) B. Vision for Owasso Fund (55/1' 00 dedicated sales tax) 6. Consideration and action relating to the Progress Reports for Public Distribution- Attachments Steve Mowery, Chair A. Capital Improvements Fund Report #71 (Third penny dedicated sales fax) B. Vision for Owasso Fund Report # 1 (55/100 dedicated sales tax) 7. Report from City Manager S. New Business 9. Adjournment Notice of the Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk on December 15, 2017 and the Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 5 Main Street on Thursday, March 22, pm. 2018 �f 5 O .412n&& ��'X Sherry Bishe, City Clerk T The City of Owosso encourages citizenparticipotion. To request an accommodation due to 0 disability, contact the City Clerk at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting by phone (918)-376-1502 or by email to Ls-tevensftrjeofgwosso QM OWASSO SALESTAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR M EE11NG Monday, September25, 2017 The Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee met in regular session on Monday, September 25, 2017, at City Hall, 200 S Main, per the Meeting Notice filed in the Office of the City Clerk on December 15, 2016 and the Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 S Main Street, at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 19, 2017. ITEM 1: CALLTO ORDER Chair Steve Mowery called the meeting to orderat 6:30 PM. ITEM 2: ROLLCALL PRESENT Danny Ewing Steve Mowery Trey Thee Don Hutchings Justin Prince Ed Wagner Angela Kennedy Scott Reeves Cyndi Knoten Matthew Roberts ABSENT David Boggs Brandon Miller Mike Westerman Jeremy Lunsford Mark Schneider STAFF M EM BERS: Warren Lehr, City Manager Chris Garrett, Assistant City Manager Sherry Bishop, Assistant City Manager Linda Jones, Finance Director Jennifer Newman, Deputy Finance Director Roger Stevens, Public Works Director Julie Lombardi, City Atto rn e y Juliann Stevens, Administrative Assistant ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND ACTION RELATING W THE MARCH 27, 2017 MINUTES Chair Steve Mowery presented the item. Danny Ewing moved, seconded by Angela Kennedy to approve the minutes as presented. AYE: Ewing, Hutchings, Kennedy, Knoten, Mowery, Prince, Reeves, Roberts, Thee, Wagner, NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 10 -0. ITEM 4: PRESBNTATION OF CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS 2017 -05 and 2017 -15, IDENTIFYING NEW PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR FUNDING THE CAPITALIMPROVEMENTSFUND Sherry Bishop presented the item. Discussion washeld. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION OF THE PROJECTSTATUS REPORT Roger Stevens, Chris Garrett, and Sherry Bishop presented status reports on current projects receiving either CIP funds orVision forOwasso funds. Discussion washeld. ITEM 6: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF FINANCIALREPORTS Linda Jonespresented the financial reports. Discussion washeld. Watchdog Committee September25, 2017 ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND ACTION RELATING W THE PROGRESS REPORIS FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION Chair Steve Mowery presented each item and discussion was held. Scott Reeves moved, seconded by Justin Prince to approve CIP Progress Report #69, dated June 30, 2017, and Vision forOwasso Progress Report#1, dated June 30, 2017,forpublic distribution aspresented. AYE: Ewing, Hutchings, Kennedy, Knoten, Mowery, Prince, Reeves, Roberts, Thee, Wagner, NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 10 -0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING W REQUEST FOR COMMITIEE APPROVALOFPROJECTCOMPLE11ON REPORIS A. E116 St N and N 140 EAve Intersection Improvement Project B. E86 St N Widening Project (Main Streetto Memorial Drive) C. FY2016 Street Rehabilitation Program D. New City Hall Renovation Project Chair Steve Mowery presented each item. Danny Ewing moved, seconded by Don Hutchingsto approve items8A, B, C, and D, aspresented. AYE: Ewing, Hutchings, Kennedy, Knoten, Mowery, Prince, Reeves, Roberts, Thee, Wagner, NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 10 -0. ITEM 9: REPORTFROM CITY MANAGER Warren Lehr reported on the construction taking place in the Redbud District on Main Street and the Public Safety Operations and Training Complex groundbreaking ceremony to be held Friday, September 29, 2017 at 9:30am. Chair Mowery inquired about payback expirations shown in the financial reports presented earlierin the meeting. ITEM 10: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT Danny Ewing moved, seconded by Scott Reevesto adjourn the meeting. AYE: Ewing, Hutchings, Kennedy, Knoten, Mowery, Prince, Reeves, Roberts, Thee, Wagner, NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 10 -0. The meeting adjourned at 7:17 PM. 2 Steve Mowery, Chair CAPITAL IM PROVEN ENT PROJECTS STATUS REPO RT March 26, 2018 PUE3UC WORKS DEPARTM ENT: • E76 St N Widening (from US Hwy169 to N 129 E Avenue) - In 2010, federal funding was awarded for the engineering, right -of -way and utility relocation phase. In 2011, federal funding was awarded for the construction phase. Through the Surface Transportation Program, the city will be required to match the costs by 20 %foreach phase. In February 2016, ODOT and Federal Highway Administration approved the environmental document. Right of Way and easement acquisition iscomplete. Private utility relocation is scheduled to begin in May 2018 with completion expected by November2018; followed by construction. • E76 St N and Main Street Intersection Improvement Project - In June 2015, the City Council approved an engineering agreement with McClelland Engineering. - Right of Way, easements, and utility relocationsare complete. - The City Council awarded the bid to Grade Line Construction on March 21, 2017. Phase I Construction began in May 2017 with completion in February 2018. Phase II is scheduled to begin in July 2018. • E106 St North and Garnett Road Intersection Improvement Project - Funding forthis project iswith federal funds; 80 %ODOTfunding and 20 %City funding. - On April 5 2013, ODOTawarded a construction contract to Paragon Contractors. - In August 2014, the transportation, storm water and traffic signal improvements were completed by Paragon Contractors. - Based on finalized audit, no additional invoiceswill be received from ODOT. A request for action to approve the Project Completion Report will included on the September 2018, Sales Tax Watchdog agenda. • Garnett Road Widening (from E96 St N to E106 St N) In November 2012, the City Council approved an engineering agreement with Dewberry. - In November 2013, federal funds were awarded through the Surface Transportation Program. A 20%fund match isrequired. - ODOT approved the environmental document in June 2015. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approved the document in July 2015. - Right of Way and easement acquisition iscomplete. - Utility relocation is underway with anticipated completion by June 2018; followed by construction. • Garnett Road Widening (E106 St N to E116 St N) - In March 2016, the City Council approved an engineering agreement with McClelland Consulting Engineers. Engineering design isapproximately 90% complete. - Right of way and easement acquisition began in January 2017. Of the 32 parcels, 23 have been obtained and staff continues negotiations with the remaining property owne rs. - Upon the acquisition of Right of Way and necessary easements, utility relocation will begin; followed by construction. • HWY 169 East and West Service Load Improvements - N 135 E Avenue - In February, 2018, the City Council awarded the construction bid to Gradeline Construction; construction began on February 28 with completion expected by September2018. - N 140 EAvenue - Engineering consultant isfinalizing design plansand advertisement will occur in March 2018. Contingent upon City Council approval, construction isexpected to begin in May 2018 with completion by October2018. • E106 St N and N 145 EAvenue Intersection Improvements - In January 2016, the City Council approved an engineering agreement with Poe and Associates. Engineering design iscomplete. - Right of Way and easement acquisition iscomplete. - All private utility companies have submitted plans and staff is reviewing alignments and resolving conflicts. Upon approval of plans, utilities will be relocated, followed by construction. • E116 St N & N 129 EAvenue Intersection Improvements - November 2014, funding for the construction phase of this project was approved to receive federal funds in the amount of $2,186,000. This "matching grant" is 80% ODOT funding, 10 %Tulsa Countyfunding and 10 %Cityfunding. - January2016, the environmental study wasapproval by Federal Highway Administration. - Right of way and easement acquisition began in September 2017. Of the 7 parcels, 3 have been obtained and staff continues negotiations with the remaining property owne rs. - Upon the acquisition of Right of Way and necessary easement, Utility relocation will begin; followed by construction. • FY2017 Street Rehabilitation Program - In August 2017, the City Council awarded the construction contract to Becco Construction. - Work continues in the Southern Links subdivision to reconstruct concrete roadway sections. - Upon completion of Southern Links, contractors will move to Cedar St from E86th St N to E 16th St N. • FY2018 Street Rehabilitation Program - Engineering design began in January 2018 with completion scheduled to occur in June 2018; followed by construction. • Brookfield Crossing Stormwater Improvements - On January 20, 2017, the City Council awarded the construction contract to Earth9nart Construction. Construction began in March 2017 with completion in January 2018. - A request for action to approve the Project Completion Report is will be included on the September2018, Sales Tax Watchdog agenda. • Central Park/ Lakeridge Stormwater Improvements - In July 2015, the City Council approved an engineering agreement Meshek and Asso c is to s. - United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) completed public meeting requirements for the construction permit. - AEP completed relocation of underground power lines. ONG is scheduled to begin relocation in June 2018; followed by construction. • Ravola Park/ Elm Creek Tributary 5A Stormwater Improvements - In November 2017, Meshek and Associates provided the conceptual plans to satisfy FEMA requirements. Results have been reviewed and costs for construction have been included in the proposed FY2018 -2019 Capital Improvement Budget. • South Sports Park Regional Detention Facility - In July 2015, the City Council approved an engineering agreement Meshek and Associates. Engineering design iscomplete. - A mitigation plan has been prepared and will be reviewed by USACE and EPA in March 2018. If approved, construction would commence by the summerof2018. • Garrett Creek/ Morrow Place — Lift Station. Force Main. Gravitv Sewer Line Imorovements In March 2016, the City Council approved Garrett Creek /Morrow Place Sewer Improvement Assessment Area. - On March 21, 2017, OPWA approved the construction contract with Crossbo Construction and IRA Green Construction. Construction began in May 2017 with completion in February 2018. - A request for action to approve the Project Completion Report will be included on the September2018, Sales Tax Watchdog agenda. RECREATION AND CULTUREDEPARIMENT: • Om Creek Park Renovation - On November 20, 2012, the City Council awarded an engineering service agreement to Impact Engineering and Planning, PLC, of Owasso. - the park master plan and architectural design for the pavilions and bathrooms is complete. FIRE DEPARIMENT • Public Safety Operations and Training Complex (Fire Station No. 4) - On March 17, 2015, the City Council approved the purchase of 10 acres located at 11933E116StN. - City Council approved the Master Plan contract with WSKFof Kansas City on March 15, 2016 and the contract with WSKF for architectural, engineering, design and bid documentson October4, 2016. - On August 15, 2017, the City Council approved the construction contract with Timberlake Construction Inc. Construction isscheduled forcompletion January, 2019. RJ13UC SAFEW VEHICLES: • Fire FY 17 - A wildland fire suppression vehicle was purchased in October 2017 and is being outfitted with elements for use as the primary wildla nd response appa ratus for Fire Station #4. • Police FY 18 - Twelve patrol vehicles were purchased and are currently being fitted with lighting and equipment. PO UC E SERVICES DEPARIM EN T: • Main Police Station - On December 6, 2016, the City Council approved an engineering agreement with Police Facility Design Group. In February, 2017, the City contracted with Nabholz Construction Corporation for the purpose of providing construction management. the City Council awarded construction bids in February 2018 and assigned them to Nabholz for management. Construction began in early March. SUPPORTSERVICES DEPARIMENT: • Vehicle Maintenance Facility - On November 6, 2012, the City Council approved an agreement with Matrix Architects, Engineers, Planners, Incorporated, forprofessional architecture and engineering services. - the Facility Design phase iscomplete. However, surveying and civil engineering workwill need to be completed when a final decision is made about the site location. Consideration is being given to combining the building needs of several departments onto one site. • Upgrade of City Radio System - All equipment and subscriber units have been installed and the project has been completed by Motorola. Staff is waiting for the delivery of software licenses and anticipates a completion report during the September Watchdog Committee meeting. VISION for OWASSO PROJECTS STATUS REPO RT March 26, 2018 E96 STNORrH • From approximately N 119 EAve to N 129 EAve - In November2016, staff solicited qualificationsfrom local engineering firms. - On March 23, 2017, staff met with ODOTrepresentativesto discussthe scope of work. - In May 2017, the City Council approved an agreement to perform a study and provide conceptual plans. The Engineering study and conceptual plans are scheduled to be complete in April 2018. E116 STNORrH • Mingo and E116StN Intersection/ E116 St N to Garnett Road Improvements - On December 6, 2016, the City Council approved an engineering agreement with Garver, LLC. Engineering Design isapproximately 90% complete. - Ibght of Way and Easement acquisition is scheduled to begin in April 2018 with completion expected by April 2019; followed by utility relocation. • Garnett and E116 St Intersection/ E116 St to N 129 EAve Improvements - On January 3, 2017, the City Council approved an engineering agreement with Guy Engineering. Engineering design is60% complete. - Ibght of Way and Easement acquisition commenced in January 2018 with completion expected by February 2019; followed by utility relocation. • From approximately N 129 EAve to N 135 EAve Improvements - On March 21, 2017, the City Council approved an engineering agreement with WP Moore. Engineering design is90% complete. - Ibght of Way and Easement acquisition is scheduled to begin in April 2018 with completion expected by September2019; followed by utility relocation. City of Owasso Third -Penny Sales Tax Projects Capital Improvements Fund Project Status Summary Report As of February 28, 2018 Owasso Project Budget Total Project Outside Funding From Life -to -Date Expended Expended Contracted & Percent Resolution Project Description Cost Estimate Funding* 17. Sales Tax Through FYI 8 FY2018 ProjectioDate Encumbered Expended 2010 -13 76 Street Widening $10,272,960 $5,482,000 $4,790,960 $1,479,582 $65,350 $631,020 $469,035 13% 2016 -10 76 /Main Intersection 2,349,290 1,107,056 1,242,234 892,552 787,784 892,820 0 72% 2008 -01 106 /Garnett Intersection 3,423,628 1,611,658 1,811,970 1,811,970 0 1,811,970 0 100% ** 2012 -04 Garnett Widening, 96 to 106 10,522,656 3,200,000 7,322,656 2,273,822 297,473 1,281,599 693,742 18% 2015 -17 Garnett Widening, 106 to 116 8,079,480 0 8,079,480 1,266,254 379,733 700,907 54,546 9% 2009 -01 Highway 169 Service Roads - 135 & 140 3,863,000 250,000 3,613,000 3,124,000 801,518 859,812 4,161 24% 2016 -23 106 /129 Intersection 3,650,000 2,625,000 1,025,000 0 0 0 0 0% 2015 -17 106 /145 Intersection 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 1,309,482 802,758 931,780 12,737 31% 2014 -05 116 /129 Intersection 3,882,850 2,882,500 1,000,350 619,170 0 98,989 0 10% 2016 -10 Street Rehabilitation FY 2017 2,000,000 800,000 1,200,000 1,220,600 877,748 887,348 332,302 74% 2017 -15 Street Rehabilitation FY 2018 1,800,000 800,000 1,000,000 913,306 0 0 0 0% 2016 -10 Brookfield Crossing Stormwater Impr. 1,000,000 99,973 900,027 936,130 354,594 634,343 260,784 70% 2016 -10 Central Park /Lakeridge Stormwater Impr. 1,768,965 148,965 1,620,000 769,922 1,346 12,307 25,547 1% 2016 -10 Elm Creek Trib. 5A /Rayola Park Stormwater 3,500,000 0 3,500,000 157,367 0 15,700 0 0% 2016 -10 South Sports Park Regional Detention 2,015,507 15,507 2,000,000 2,803,998 0 10,950 0 1% 2016 -10 Garrett Creek /Morrow PI. Sewer 2,354,228 0 2,354,228 2,354,305 1,633,832 1,986,074 368,231 84% 2012 -04 Elm Creek Park Improvements 1,400,000 0 1,400,000 314,497 0 67,426 0 5% 2017 -15 Redbud (Festival) Park 2,500,000 838,466 1,661,534 1,661,534 0 0 0 0% 2016 -16 Fire Station #4 18,126,311 724,311 16,178,156 16,491,421 2,710,427 3,630,363 11,868,509 22% 2017 -05 Public Safety Vehicles - -Fire FYI 1,223,844 0 1,223,844 1,557,658 51,186 1,223,844 67,950 100% 2017 -05 Public Safety Vehicles - -Fire FYI 105,000 0 105,000 0 0 0 0 0% 2017 -05 Public Safety Vehicles -- Police FYI 420,000 0 420,000 550,000 344,862 344,862 122,202 82% 2012 -04 Main Police Station 4,500,000 0 4,500,000 3,000,000 54,000 179,806 124,760 4% 2012 -04 Vehicle Maintenance Facility 2,350,000 0 2,350,000 165,001 0 160,718 0 7% 2015 -09 Radio Equipment Upgrades Project 2,968,771 0 2,968,771 2,968,771 157,879 2,968,762 0 100% ** 2017 -15 Fiber Installation 150,000 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 0% Totals for Current Eligible Projects $97,226,490 $20,585,436 $75,417,210 $48,641,342 $9,320,490 $19,331,400 $14,404,506 26% Funded Life -to -Date Through FYI 41,641,342 Portion to be funded in future years from 1% sales tax $33,775,867 Sales tax funding available annually after debt and $1 million street rehabilitation $4,843,203 Number of years (beyond FYI 8) needed to fund current eligible projects 7.0 Future Priority Projects 2015 -17 96th /145th Intersection 2009 -01 Highway 169 Service Roads - E 66th St N/E 126th St N *Additional Project funding will be provided by other resources such as ODOT and Tulsa County. * *Project completed City of Owasso Third -Penny Sales Tax Collections Capital Improvements Fund Restricted Use (Budgetary Basis) As of February 28, 2018 Debt Service payments * The Council has supported using $1 million of Capital Improvement (CIP) funding for street repair. Debt issued to fund capital projects: 2008 Sales Tax Revenue Note - $7,680,000 matures 12/01/2018 2016 Sales Tax Revenue Note - $21,265,000 matures 12/01/2026 2017 Revenue Anticipation Note - $7,000,000 matures 11/08/2024 2017 Available for Funding General Fund Percent 2008 2016 Revenue Development Capital Available for Fiscal Year Three Percent of Third Penny Revenue Revenue Anticipation Agreement Trustee & Interest Improvements Street Rehab Eligible Capital Ending Sales Tax Increase Sales Tax (1/3) Note Note Note (RAN) Debt Other Fees Earnings Funding Annual Cost* Projects 06/30/08 $16,564,164 6.80% $5,521,388 $5,212,645 $0 $58,647 $4,000 $19,534 $265,630 $762,048 ($496,418) 06/30/09 17,343,313 4.70% 5,781,104 5,183,786 - 7,750 9,581 599,150 530,881 68,269 06/30/10 17,266,692 - 0.44% 5,755,564 5,450,991 10,000 3,027 297,600 585,605 (288,005) 06/30/11 17,528,943 1.52% 5,842,981 5,443,476 73,806 1,585 327,283 236,038 91,245 06/30/12 18,343,008 4.64% 6,114,336 4,839,355 6,000 3,289 1,272,270 587,485 684,785 06/30/13 19,168,431 4.50% 6,389,477 3,537,977 - 8,047 5,313 2,848,765 1,000,000 1,848,765 06/30/14 21,022,850 9.67% 7,007,617 2,812,974 839,322 7,035 655 3,348,940 1,000,000 2,348,940 06/30/15 22,727,460 8.11% 7,575,820 1,577,586 839,322 1,010 8,119 5,166,021 1,000,000 4,166,021 06/30/16 24,314,606 6.98% 8,104,869 1,199,734 - 839,322 1,000 9,932 6,074,745 1,000,000 5,074,745 06/30/17 24,167,905 - 0.60% 8,055,968 1,196,265 304,817 839,322 1,000 12,109 5,726,673 1,000,000 4,726,673 06/30/18 24,400,000 0.96% 8,133,333 1,195,845 1,031,452 140,000 839,321 2,000 5,000 4,929,715 1,000,000 3,929,715 06/30/19 24,888,000 2.00% 8,296,000 598,620 1,687,170 140,000 839,321 2,000 5,000 5,033,890 1,000,000 4,033,890 06/30/20 25,385,760 2.00% 8,461,920 - 2,801,890 140,000 - 1,000 5,000 5,524,030 1,000,000 4,524,030 06/30/21 25,893,475 2.00% 8,631,158 2,804,328 140,000 1,000 5,000 5,690,831 1,000,000 4,690,831 06/30/22 26, 411, 345 2.00% 8,803,782 2,805,795 140,000 1,000 5,000 5,861,986 1,000,000 4,861,986 06/30/23 26,939,572 2.00% 8,979,857 2,806,293 140,000 1,000 5,000 6,037,564 1,000,000 5,037,564 06130124 27,478,363 2.00% 9,159,454 2,806,654 140,000 1,000 5,000 6,216,800 1,000,000 5,216,800 06/30/25 28,027,930 2.00% 9,342,643 2,809,322 - 1,000 5,000 6,537,322 1,000,000 5,537,322 06/30/26 28,588,489 2.00% 9,529,496 2,812,638 1,000 5,000 6,720,859 1,000,000 5,720,859 06/30/27 29,160,259 2.00% 9,720,086 1,173,776 1,000 5,000 8,550,310 1,000,000 7,550,310 * The Council has supported using $1 million of Capital Improvement (CIP) funding for street repair. Debt issued to fund capital projects: 2008 Sales Tax Revenue Note - $7,680,000 matures 12/01/2018 2016 Sales Tax Revenue Note - $21,265,000 matures 12/01/2026 2017 Revenue Anticipation Note - $7,000,000 matures 11/08/2024 Date Vendor 76 Street Widening 07/19/17 RUSSELL R CRAMER 08/02/17 ANCIENT FREE & ACCEPTED MASONS 09/14/17 DOENER, SAUNDERS 11/02/17 DOENER, SAUNDERS 11/30/17 DOENER, SAUNDERS 12/27/17 DOENER, SAUNDERS 01/11/18 RONALD D CATES 01/31/18 DOENER, SAUNDERS Garnett Widening, 96 to 106 8/2/2017 TULSA COUNTY COURT 8/2/2017 HOWARD L KELSEY 8/2/2017 JIM M CLARK 8/2/2017 GORDON COMPANIES 08/31/17 FELKINS ENTERPRISES 08/31/17 DEWBERRY ENGINEERING 09/06/17 LAMAR CENTRAL 09/28/17 DEWBERRY ENGINEERING 09/28/17 EAGLE ENVIRONMENTAL 10/18/17 CAVINS OWASSO 11/16/17 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 11/16/17 RONALD D CATES 11/16/17 RONALD D CATES 11/16/17 RONALD D CATES 01/11/18 SEVEN C'S ENTERPRISES 01/31/18 HOME DEPOT Garnett Wi 9/20/2017 9/28/2017 9/28/2017 10/18/2017 11/1/2017 11/8/2017 11/16/17 11/17/17 lening, 106 to 116 MARTIN FISCHER DANIEL L CLARK GLENN STEPHEN SHORTESS ORLANDO & BARBARA HOUSTON EDWARD LORENZO GIBBS JR BAK ENTERPRISES MCCLELLAND CONSULTING TULSA COUNTY CLERK CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND FY18 EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2017 THRU FEBRUARY 2018 Description ROW ACQUISITION ROW ACQUISITION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONDEMNATION LEGAL SERVICES CONDEMNATION LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES CONDEMNATION COMMISSIONERS FEES COMMISSIONERS FEES COMMISSIONERS FEES SIGNAGE ENGINEERING SERVICES SIGN RELOCATION ENGINEERING SERVICES SURVEY CONDEMNATION CONDEMNATION LEGAL FEES - BARNES LEGAL FEES -COOK LEGAL FEES - CAVINS ROW ACQUISITION STAKES ROW ACQUISITION ROW ACQUISITION ROW ACQUISITION ROW ACQUISITION ROW ACQUISITION ROW ACQUISITION ENGINEERING SERVICES FILING FEES 76 Street Widening Garnett Widening, 96 to 106 Amount 41,000.00 20,000.00 33.00 264.00 957.00 1,406.00 1,013.06 677.00 60,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 20.00 1,030.00 30,000.00 6,902.50 3,800.00 180,000.00 1,403.00 1,139.42 858.49 4,483.16 4,800.00 36.85 29,065.94 5,000.00 18,437.56 109,871.48 24,300.00 76,400.00 15,310.00 231.00 Expenditure Total by Project 65,350.06 297,473.42 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND FY18 EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2017 THRU FEBRUARY 2018 Date Vendor Description Amount 12/13/2017 THOMAS HUBERT ROW ACQUISITION 20,000.00 12/14/17 MCCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES 21,910.00 01/11/18 DAN MORDHORST ROW ACQUISITION 8,063.10 01/11/18 SHERMAN VERHOE ROW ACQUISITION 19,756.00 01/31/18 TULSA COUNTY CLERK FILING FEES 90.00 02/14/18 KIDS CLUBHOUSE & ACADEMY ROW ACQUISITION 3,374.04 02/28/18 SEVEN C'S ENTERPRISES ROW ACQUISITION 27,923.75 Svc Road Improv, 106th to 116th 7/27/2017 CRAFTON, TULL AND ASSOCIATES 8/31/2017 CRAFTON, TULL AND ASSOCIATES 9/28/2017 CRAFTON, TULL AND ASSOCIATES 11/1/2017 CRAFTON, TULL AND ASSOCIATES 11/1/2017 J LYNN SCHMOOK 11/29/2017 GRAPHIC RESOURCES 12/11/2017 TULSA COUNTY CLERK 12/14/2017 CRAFTON, TULL AND ASSOCIATES 12/27/2017 BH MEDIA HOLDINGS 1/31/2018 GRAPHIC RESOURCES 2/8/2018 OWASSO LAND TRUST 2/8/2018 FIRST FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH 2/28/2018 CRAFTON, TULL AND ASSOCIATES 76th & Main Intersection 7/4/2017 GRADE LINE CONSTRUCTION 7/27/2017 FELKINS ENTERPRISES 7/27/2017 TULSA COUNTY HIGHWAY 7/27/2017 GRADE LINE CONSTRUCTION 8/10/2017 GRADE LINE CONSTRUCTION 8/31/2017 GRADE LINE CONSTRUCTION 9/14/2017 GRADE LINE CONSTRUCTION 9/28/2017 LOWES 9/28/2017 GRADE LINE CONSTRUCTION 10/12/2017 GRADE LINE CONSTRUCTION 11/1/2017 FELKINS ENTERPRISES 12/27/2017 LOWES 2/28/2018 SEALCOATING INC Garnett Widening, 106 to 116 ENGINEERING DESIGN 72,082.33 ENGINEERING DESIGN 16,808.97 ENGINEERING DESIGN 13,117.34 ENGINEERING DESIGN 22,006.27 ROW APPRAISAL 2,000.00 GRAPHIC RESOURCES SERVICES 431.24 FILING FEES 14.23 ENGINEERING DESIGN 10,000.00 BID ADVERTISEMENT 51.66 COPIES 171.48 ROW ACQUISITION 549,855.00 ROW ACQUISITION 110,989.00 ENGINEERING DESIGN 3,990.00 Svc Road Improv, 106th to 116th STREET IMPROVEMENTS 14,025.38 SIGNS 70.00 SIGNS 712.40 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 98,997.27 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 178,079.48 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 143,050.58 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 102,323.50 PLYWOOD & PAINT 174.12 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 171,240.70 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 78,699.29 SIGNS 80.00 HARDWARE 14.92 SUPPLIES 316.77 Expenditure Total by Project 379,732.87 801,517.52 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND FY18 EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2017 THRU FEBRUARY 2018 Expenditure Date Vendor Description Amount Total by Project 76th & Main Intersection 787,784.41 106th/145th Interstection 7/27/2017 JONES LANG LASALLE APPRAISAL SERVICES 3,000.00 8/31/2017 BENCHMARK SURVEY SURVEYING SERVICES 2,000.00 9/12/2017 POE, LTD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,457.50 10/12/2017 POE, LTD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11,412.50 11/2/2017 POE, LTD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 680.75 11/8/2017 INVESTORS TITLE ROW ACQUISITION 235,310.00 11/8/2017 INVESTORS TITLE ROW ACQUISITION 275,000.00 1/11/2018 POE, LTD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,844.00 1/11/2018 SEVEN C'S ENTERPRISES ROW ACQUISITION 6,000.00 1/11/2018 INVESTORS TITLE CLOSING SERVICES 810.00 1/11/2018 INVESTORS TITLE CLOSING SERVICES 2,015.00 1/31/2018 BUFFALO LAND ABSTRACT APPRAISAL SERVICES 100.00 2/8/2018 OWASSO LAND TRUST ROW ACQUISITION 67,879.00 2/8/2018 LAKE VALLEY INVESTORS ROW ACQUISITION 183,249.00 CROSS -BO CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 14,310.87 106th/145th Interstection 802,757.75 Brookfield Crossing 7/31/2017 EARTHSMART CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 46,676.35 8/16/2017 EARTHSMART CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 9,051.60 8/31/2017 EARTHSMART CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 16,444.50 9/29/2017 EARTHSMART CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 51,001.22 11/8/2017 EARTHSMART CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 114,376.20 11/22/2017 EARTHSMART CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 40,087.15 12/20/2017 EARTHSMART CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 49,903.26 1/3/2018 EARTHSMART CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 22,053.82 2/8/2018 KELLOGG ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES 5,000.00 Brookfield Crossing 354,594.10 Lakeridge /Central Park 12/20/2017 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING SERVICES 1,346.40 Lakeridge /Central Park 1,346.40 Morrow Lift Station 7/4/2017 CROSS -BO CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 14,310.87 8/10/2017 CROSS -BO CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 167,991.35 9/14/2017 CROSS -BO CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 181,688.45 10/12/2017 CROSS -BO CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 66,500.00 EOC -Tower Equipment Upgrade CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND FY18 EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2017 THRU FEBRUARY 2018 Expenditure Date Vendor Description Amount Total by Project 11/1/2017 CROSS -BO CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 223,880.13 12/14/2017 CROSS -BO CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 211,319.68 Morrow Lift Station 865,690.48 Garrett Creek Sewer Line 9/14/2017 IRA M GREEN CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 434,113.82 10/12/2017 IRA M GREEN CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 123,791.75 11/16/2017 IRA M GREEN CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 53,262.36 11/17/2017 TULSA COUNTY CLERK FILING FEES 78.00 12/14/2017 IRA M GREEN CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 36,050.60 2/14/2018 IRA M GREEN CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 120,844.64 Garrett Creek Sewer Line 768,141.17 Fire Station #4 8/16/2017 WILLIAMS, SPURGEON, KOHL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 41,919.10 9/22/2017 WILLIAMS, SPURGEON, KOHL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 24,998.88 10/19/2017 WILLIAMS, SPURGEON, KOHL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,353.24 10/30/2017 BUILDING & EARTH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,487.50 10/30/2017 WALLACE ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,475.00 11/8/2017 TIMBERLAKE CONSTRUCTION TRAINING COMPLEX 321,376.45 11/5/2017 TIMBERLAKE CONSTRUCTION TRAINING COMPLEX 148,071.75 11/16/2017 BUILDING & EARTH TRAINING COMPLEX 4,304.90 11/16/2017 WILLIAMS, SPURGEON, KOHL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,377.81 11/16/2017 BUILDING & EARTH TRAINING COMPLEX 262.50 11/16/2017 WALLACE ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,094.00 11/22/2017 WALLACE ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,706.00 12/13/2017 JOHNSTON TECHNICAL CONMMUNICATIONS TOWER 32,861.50 12/20/2017 WALLACE ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 13,131.06 12/20/2017 BUILDING & EARTH TRAINING COMPLEX 6,029.30 12/20/2017 TIMBERLAKE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 490,346.30 12/20/2017 BUILDING & EARTH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,788.15 1/3/2018 JAHNKE & SONS CO CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 75,189.00 1/17/2018 BUILDING & EARTH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,199.45 1/17/2018 TIMBERLAKE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 777,452.96 2/14/2018 BUILDING & EARTH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,075.30 2/14/2018 JOHNSTON TECHNICAL COMMUNICATIONS TOWER 10,909.00 2/15/2018 TIMBERLAKE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 729,018.33 Fire Station #4 2,710,427.48 EOC -Tower Equipment Upgrade Date Vendor 12/13/2017 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS Street Rehabilitation BECCO 16 -18 11/1/2017 BECCO CONTRACTORS 11/2/2017 BH MEDIA HOLDING 11/29/2017 BECCO CONTRACTORS 12/27/2017 BECCO CONTRACTORS 1/31/2018 BECCO CONTRACTORS 1/31/2018 KEYSTONE SERVICES 2/28/2018 BECCO CONTRACTORS Main Police Station 9/14/2017 POLICE FACILITY Public Safety Vehicles 2/27/2018 JOHN VANCE MOTORS 2/28/2018 PRUITTS AUTO 2/28/2018 LINE X 2/28/2018 SAMS OFFROAD 2/28/2018 CELLULAR DATA Police Vehicles 11/1/2017 SAFETY VISION 12/27/2017 JOHN VANCE MOTOR 12/27/2017 JOHN VANCE MOTOR 12/27/2017 JOHN VANCE MOTOR 12/27/2017 JOHN VANCE MOTOR 12/27/2017 JOHN VANCE MOTOR 12/27/2017 JOHN VANCE MOTOR 12/27/2017 JOHN VANCE MOTOR 12/27/2017 JOHN VANCE MOTOR 12/27/2017 JOHN VANCE MOTOR 12/28/2017 COUNTRY FORD MERCURY 12/28/2017 COUNTRY FORD MERCURY 12/28/2017 COUNTRY FORD MERCURY CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND FY18 EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2017 THRU FEBRUARY 2018 Description Amount RADIO TOWER UPGRADE 157,879.00 EOC -Tower Equipment Upgrade STREET REHAB LEGAL NOTICES STREET REHAB STREET REHAB STREET REHAB CRACK SEALING STREET REHAB I_1:YyallX41&:1 ik91yX. WILDLAND VEHICLE VEHICLE PAINT VEHICLE BED LINER VEHICLE EQUIPMENT VEHICLE ANTENNAS CAMERAS POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE POLICE VEHICLE Street Rehabilitation FY 2016 Main Police Station Public Safety Vehicles 118,484.91 49.20 184,031.29 131,734.88 257,448.48 58,454.16 127,544.63 54,000.00 42,067.90 427.80 479.00 7,660.06 551.00 36,570.00 22,437.00 23,367.00 22,437.00 22,437.00 22,437.00 22,437.00 28,691.00 28,691.00 28,691.00 28,889.00 28,889.00 28,889.00 Expenditure Total by Project 157,879.00 877,747.55 54,000.00 51,185.76 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND FY18 EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2017 THRU FEBRUARY 2018 Date Vendor Description Expenditure Amount Total by Project Police Vehicles 344,862.00 Total Expended July 2017 thru February 2018 $ 9,320,489.97 City of Owasso 55/100 Sales Tax Vision For Owasso Fund Project Status Summary Report As of February 28, 2018 Totals for Vision Projects $ 31,900,000 $ 3,780,533 $ 707,961 $ 1,076,820 $ 637,379 2.0% Project Budget YTD Percent of Total Project Life -to -Date Expended Expended Encumbered Project Election Project Cost Estimate Through FY18 FY18 Project to Date FY18 Expended 4/5/2016 96 Street from 1 19 to 129 $ 5,600,000 $ 324,858 $ 123,965 $ 153,282 $ 56,442 2.7% 4/5/2016 116 Street from 129 to HWY 169 5,300,000 851,473 146,234 206,934 33,767 3.9% 4/5/2016 116 Street from Garnett to 129 7,500,000 1,130,324 229,731 338,394 539,021 4.5% 4/5/2016 116 Street from Mingo to Garnett 10,500,000 1,134,878 208,031 378,210 8,150 3.6% 4/5/2016 1 16 /Garnett Intersection Improvement 3,000,000 339,000 0 0 0 0.0% Totals for Vision Projects $ 31,900,000 $ 3,780,533 $ 707,961 $ 1,076,820 $ 637,379 2.0% City of Owasso 55/100 Sales Tax Collections Vision For Owasso Fund Restricted Use (Budgetary Basis) As of February 28, 2018 Fiscal Year Three Percent Percent of Investment Total Ending Sales Tax Increase .55 Sales Tax Income Revenue 06130117 $ 24,167,905 -0.6% $ 1,414,194 $ 739 $ 1,414,933 06/30/18 24,400,000 1.0% 4,473,334 1,575 4,474,909 06/30/19 24,888,000 2.0% 4,562,800 1,607 4,564,407 06/30/20 25,385,760 2.0% 4,654,056 1,639 4,655,695 06/30/21 25,893,475 2.0% 4,747,137 1,671 4,748,809 06/30/22 26,411,345 2.0% 4,842,080 1,705 4,843,785 06/30/23 26,939,572 2.0% 4,938,921 1,739 4,940,660 06130124* 27,478,363 2.0% 3,358,467 1,774 3,360,240 $ 205,564,420 $ 32,990,989 $ 12,448 $ 33,003,437 *Partial year estimate due to mid -year expiration of tax. CITY OF OWASSO 55/100 SALES TAX VISION FUND FY18 EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2017 THRU FEBRUARY 2018 Date Vendor Description Amount Total By Project Vision Recap 96St/119 to 129th 07/04/17 BKL INCORPORATED ENGINEERING SERVICES $ (5,714.90) 08/10/17 BKL INCORPORATED ENGINEERING SERVICES 20,623.10 09/14/17 BKL INCORPORATED ENGINEERING SERVICES 11,175.00 10/12/17 BKL INCORPORATED ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,233.40 11/16/17 BKL INCORPORATED ENGINEERING SERVICES 39,744.80 12/14/17 BKL INCORPORATED ENGINEERING SERVICES 36,497.30 01/11/18 BKL INCORPORATED ENGINEERING SERVICES 4,177.48 02/14/18 BKL INCORPORATED ENGINEERING SERVICES 14,229.19 Vision Recap 96St/119 to 129th $ 123,965.37 Vision Recap 129th to Hwy 169 09/28/17 WALTER P MOORE ENGINEERING SERVICES 60,700.50 11/01/17 WALTER P MOORE ENGINEERING SERVICES 6,744.50 11/29/17 WALTER P MOORE ENGINEERING SERVICES 11,255.50 12/14/17 WALTER P MOORE ENGINEERING SERVICES 45,022.00 02/28/18 WALTER P MOORE ENGINEERING SERVICES 22,511.00 Vision Recap 129th to Hwy 169 146,233.50 Vision Recap Garnett to 129th 08/10/17 GUY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES 10,343.68 09/12/17 DEC! PERMIT APPLICATION 889.59 09/14/17 GUY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES 44,237.32 09/28/17 NEAL HARDESTY ROW 10,000.00 10/12/17 GUY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES 15,735.23 10/18/17 DANDRA BROOKS ROW 27,457.18 11/01/17 MELISSA MARTIN ROW 2,420.00 11/01/17 YOLANDA MEYERS ROW 2,500.00 11/01/17 BENCHMARK SURVEY SURVEYING SERVICES 500.00 11/16/17 GUY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES 12,016.43 11/17/17 TULSA COUNTY CLERK FILING FEES 34.00 12/11/17 TULSA COUNTY CLERK FILING FEES 36.00 Date Vendor 12/14/17 TULSA WORLD 12/27/17 GUY ENGINEERING 01/11/18 GUY ENGINEERING 01/11/18 EDWIN DOUTHIT 01/11/18 BENCHMARK SURVEY 02/14/18 GUY ENGINEERING 02/14/18 BENCHMARK SURVEY Vision Recap Mingo to Garnett 07/04/17 GARVER 07/27/17 GARVER 08/02/17 CORNERSTONE CENTER 08/31/17 BENCHMARK SURVEY 09/14/17 GARVER 09/28/17 GARVER 10/11/17 WATCO 10/12/17 TREASURER PETTY CASH 11/01/17 GARVER 01/31/18 BADGER DAYLIGHTING CITY OF OWASSO 55/100 SALES TAX VISION FUND FY18 EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2017 THRU FEBRUARY 2018 Description Amount Total By Project BID ADVERTISEMENT 61.50 ENGINEERING SERVICES 22,118.62 ENGINEERING SERVICES 28,904.91 ROW 23,871.80 SURVEYING SERVICES 1,080.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 26,724.65 SURVEYING SERVICES 800.00 Vision Recap Garnett to 129th 229,730.91 ENGINEERING SERVICES (38,037.77) ENGINEERING SERVICES 69,363.00 ROW 68,541.00 SURVEYING SERVICES 3,200.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 21,442.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 44,911.00 PERMIT 750.00 FILING FEE 10.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 35,052.00 PIPELINE LOCATES 2,800.00 Vision Recap Mingo to Garnett 208,031.23 Total Expended July 2017 thru February 2018 $ 707,961.01 City of Owasso Third -Penny Sales Tax Projects Capital Improvements Fund Progress Report #71 Dated 2 -28 -18 Owasso Cost Expended Project Project Resolution Estimate to Date Design ROW Utility Relocation Bid Construction 76 Street Widening 2010 -13 $ 4,790,960 $ 631,020 76 /Main Intersection 2016 -10 1,242,234 892,820 106 /Garnett Intersection 2008 -01 1,811 ,970 1,811 ,970 Garnett Widening, 96 to 106 2012 -04 7,322,656 1,281,599 Garnett Widening, 106 to 116 2015 -17 8,079,480 700,907 Highway 169 Service Roads - 135 & 140 2009 -01 3,613,000 859,812 106 /129 Intersection 2016 -23 1,025,000 - 106 /145 Intersection 2015 -17 3,000,000 931,780 116 /129 Intersection 2014 -05 1,000,350 98,989 Street Rehabilitation FY 2017 2016 -10 1,200,000 887,348 Street Rehabilitation FY 2018 2017 -15 1,000,000 - Brookfield Crossing Stormwater Impr. 2016 -10 900,027 634,343 Central Park /Lakeridge Stormwater Impr. 2016 -10 1,620,000 12,307 Elm Creek Trib. 5A /Rayola Park Stormwater 2016 -10 3,500,000 15,700 South Sports Park Regional Detention 2016 -10 2,000,000 10,950 Garrett Creek /Morrow Pl. Sewer 2016 -10 2,354,228 1,986,074 Elm Creek Park Improvements 2012 -04 1,400,000 67,426 Redbud (Festival) Park 2017 -15 1,661,534 - Fire Station #4 2016 -16 16,178,156 3,630,363 Public Safety Vehicles- -Fire FY17 2017 -05 1,223,844 1,223,844 Public Safety Vehicles- -Fire FY18 2017 -05 105,000 - Public Safety Vehicles -- Police FY 18 2017 -05 420,000 344,862 Main Police Station 2012 -04 4,500,000 179,806 Vehicle Maintenance Facility 2012 -04 2,350,000 160,718 Radio Equipment Upgrades Project 2015 -09 2,968,771 2,968,762 Fiber Installation 2017 -15 150,000 - Total $ 75,417,210 $ 19,331,400 P Completed; pending OF—OT audit and final invoicing X X X X X X I X X X X X X X I X I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 X X X X I I X X X X I X X I 1 N 1 N X X X X I 1 N I N X X X I I N N N X N N N N X N N N N I N X N N I I 1 N N N X N I N Legend: I -In Progress X - Complete N -Not Applicable P Completed; pending OF—OT audit and final invoicing City of Owasso Third -Penny Sales Tax Completed Capital Improvements Fund Projects Progress Report #71 Dated 2 -28 -18 Completed Capital Improvement Projects $ 56,251,620 Completion Completed Projects Expended Approval Computerization $ 624,481 01/23/06 TCC /TTC Land 3,076,475 02/02/09 Quality of Life Initiative 118,710 07/25/11 Police Cars 125,000 07/22/13 Fire Station #2 Remodel 248,468 07/28/08 New Fire Station #3 2,199,155 02/02/09 Fire Engine 550,000 03/28/16 86 Street, Main-Memorial 2,671,165 09/25/17 86 & Main Intersection ROW 303,625 07/24/04 96 & 129 E Ave Intersection 1,747,745 01/23/06 96 & Hwy 169 Interchange 1,349,964 01/23/06 Garnett Widening (86 to 96) 5,601,858 01/22/07 96 Str Widening (Garnett to Owasso Mkt) 4,929,552 01/22/07 Intersection Engr. Prelim 100,000 07/23/07 Street Improvements FY2007 807,746 01/21/08 86th & Mingo Intersection 896,165 07/28/08 Main Street Redevelopment 29,384 07/27/09 Street Improvements FY 2008 1,210,046 07/27/09 86th Street Widening 3,319,241 01/25/10 116 (Hwy 20) /140 Signalization 87,159 09/25/17 129th E Ave Widening 8,620,898 01/25/10 TTC /TCC Access Road 1,559,679 07/25/11 Street Improvements FY2009 937,633 07/25/11 Street Improvements FY2010 236,038 07/25/11 Street Rehabilitation FY 2012 390,385 01/28/13 96th /129th Infrastructure Improvements 160,574 07/28/14 Street Rehabilitation FY 2013 1,281,006 01/27/14 Street Rehabilitation FY 2014 892,621 07/27/15 Street Rehabilitation FY 2015 961,933 03/28/16 Street Rehabilitation FY 2016 1,032,538 09/25/17 Transportation Master Plan 185,963 03/28/16 Silvercreek Drainage 877,049 01/22/07 YMCA Pool 1,000,000 01/22/07 Sports Park Expansion through FY07 2,062,418 01/21/08 Sports Park Baseball Field #1 488,429 07/27/09 Sport Park FY 2009 Waterline 22,253 07/26/10 Sports Park Restroom 155,821 07/23/12 Sports Park FY 2013 - Baseball 4 -plex 541,223 07/22/13 Golf Course Equipment Purchase 124,752 01/27/14 New City Hall 4,724,468 09/25/17 Completed Capital Improvement Projects $ 56,251,620 City of Owasso 55/100 Sales Tax Vision For Owasso Fund Progress Report #1 Dated 2 -28 -18 Owasso Cost Expended Utility Election Project Estimate Project to Date Design ROW Relocation Bid Construction 4/5/2016 4/5/2016 4/5/2016 4/5/2016 4/5/2016 96 Street from 119 to 129 116 Street from 129 to HWY 169 116 Street from Garnett to 129 116 Street from Mingo to Garnett 116 /Garnett Intersection Improvement $ 5,600,000 $ 5,300,000 7,500,000 10,500,000 3,000,000 153,282 206,934 338,394 378,210 0 - Complete N -Not Applicable P Completed; pending ODOT audit and final invoicing 1 Total Legend: I -In Progress X - Complete N -Not Applicable P Completed; pending ODOT audit and final invoicing