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67_Progress Report_Third-Penny_CIP
CITY OF OWASSO SALES TAX PROJECTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND PROJECTS Progress Report #67 Dated 2 -29 -16 Owasso Cost Expended PROJECT Resolution Estimate Project to Date Design Bid Consirucfion 76th Street Widening 2010 -13 1,378,000 91,795 86th Street Main- Memorial 2007 -05 $2,774,155 $2,679,183 106th /Garnett intersection 2008-01 1,859,152 1,811,970 Garnett Widening, 96thA06th 2012 -04 4,791,000 342,930 Garnett Widening, 106th -116th 2015 -17 7,900,000 0 96th /145th Intersection 2015 -17 4,386,000 0 106th /145th intersection 2015 -17 2.600,000 0 116th / 129th Intersection 2014 -05 696,500 83,994 116th /140th Signalization 2014 -15 87,159 87,159 Street Rehabilitation FY 2015 2014 -05 961,933 961,933 Street Rehabilitation FY 2016 2015 -09 1,165,446 5,800 Transportation Master Plan 2013 -06 200,000 185,963 Fire Truck 2014 -15 550,000 550,000 Elm Creek Park Improvements 2012 -04 2,400,000 59,019 New City Hall 2013 -13 4,637,599 2,935,134 Main Police Station 2012 -04 1,500,000 45,719 Vehicle Maintenance Facility 2012 -04 2,350,000 160,718 Radio Equipment Upgrades Project 2015-09 2,968,771 1,942,552 Total 300 $43,205,715 $11,943,869 COMPLETED PROJECTS Dept Upended Approval Compuaft ion 000 $624,481 01123106 TCC/ITC Land ISO 3.076,475 02N2/09 quality of I.R. Initiative 150 118.710 07125/11 Purchase Police Co. 201 125,000 07/22/13 Fire Station #2 Remodel 250 248.468 07128/08 Nevi Fire Station #3 207 .2,199,155 02/02109 868 Main Intersection ROW 300 303,625 07/24104 968129 E Ave Intersection 300 1,747,745 01/23/06 968 Hwy 1691nterchange 300 1,349,964 01/23/06 Garnett Widening (86 to 96) 300 51601,858 01/22/07 96 Sir widening toamelt to Owasso Mkl) 300 4,929,552 01/22107 Intersection Engr, Prelim 300 100,000 07123/07 Street Improvements FY2007 300 807 .746 01121108 86th 8 Mingo intersection 300 896.165 07/28/08 Main Sheet Redevelopment 300 29,384 07/27/09 Street Improvements FY 2008 300 1,210,046 07/27/09 861h Street Widening 300 3,319,24) 01125/10 1291h E Ave Widening 300 8,620,896 01/25110 TTC/TCC Access Road 300 1.559,679 07125/11 Street Improvements FY2009 300 937.633 07/25/11 Street improvements FYMI0 300 236 .038 07/25/11 Street Rehabilitation FY 2012 307 390,385 01/28/13 96th /1291h Infrastructure improvements 300 160,574 07/2804 Street Rehabilitation FY W13 300 1.281.006 01/27/14 Street Rehabilitation FY 2014 300 0 07/27/15 Silvercreek Drainage 370 877,049 01/22/07 YMCA Pool 515 1,003,000 01/22/07 Sports Park Expansion through FY07 515 2,062,418 01/21/08 Spans Park Baseball Field #1 515 488,429 07/27/09 Sport Park FY 21109 Waterline 515 22.253 07/26/10 Sports Park Resiroom 515 155,821 07/23/12 Sports Park FY 2013 - Baseball 4 -pax 515 541.223 07/22/13 Golf Course Equipment Purchase 515 151,332 01/27/14 Completed Capitol Improvement Projects $45,172,353 Legend: -n losses, X - COmpiele N -Not Applicable Completed; P pending ODOT audit and Brat invoicing