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60_Progress Report_Third-Penny_CIP
SALES TAX PROJECTS WATCHDOG COMMITTEE PROGRESS REPORT IWA01111 86th Street Main - Memorial 106th /Garnett Intersection 76th Street Widening Garnett Widening, 96th -106th 96th/129th Infrastructure Improvements Street Rehabilitation FY 2012 Street Rehabilitation FY 2013 Sports Park FY 2013 - Baseball 4 -plex Elm Creek Park Improvements Vehicle Maintenance Facility Main Police Station Total FUND PROJECTS 2,750,000 2,508,854 1,730,000 762,002 1,700,000 0 7,800,000 3,800 4,566,300 17,820 390,385 390,385 1,197,099 40,127 527,723 149,536 2,400,000 0 2,350,000 0 4,000,000 7,675 $ 29,411,507 $ 3,880,199 ....,•,� = =r =., r- r.va ==ra uept Expended - omC— pleiin Computerization 000 $ 624,481 '01/23106 TCC/TTC Land 150 3,076,475 02/02/09 Quality of Life Initiative 150 118,710 07125/11 Fire Station #2 Remodel 250 248,468 07/28/08 New Fire Station #3 250 2,199 155 02/02/09 86 & Main Intersection ROW 300 303,625 07/24104. 96 & 129 E Ave Intersection 300 1;747,745 01/23/06 96 & Hwy 169 Interchange 300 1,349,964 01/23106 Garnett Widening (86 to 96) 300 5,601 858 01122/07 96 Str Widening (Garnett to Owasso Mkt) 300 4,929,552 01/22107 Intersection Engr Prelim 300 100,000 07/23/07 Street Improvements FY2007 300 807,746 01/21108 86th & Mingo Intersection 300 861,524 07128/08 Main Street Redevelopment 300 29,384 07/27109 Street Improvements FY 2008 300 1,210,046 07127/09 86th Street Widening 300 3,319241 01/25/10 129th Ave Widening. 300 `. 8,620,898 01/25/10 TTC/TCC Access Road 300 ". 1,559,679 07/25/11 Street Improvements. FY2009 300 '937,633 07/25/11 Street Improvements FY2010 300 236,038 07/25/11 Silvercreek Drainage: 370 877,049 01122/07 YMCA Pool 515 1,000,000 01/22107 Sports Park Expansion through FY07 515 2,062,418 01121/08 Sports Park Baseball Field #1 515 488,429 07/27/09 Sport Park FY 2009 Waterline 515 22,253 07/26/10 Sports Park Restroorn 515 '155,821 07/23/12 Total Capital Improvement Projects: $' 42,488,193 12/31/12 L,y . IBM -in In Progress -Nal Ayy�fw0le �N L,y . X -in In Progress -Nal Ayy�fw0le �N