HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019.12.17_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, December 17, 2019, in the Council
Chambers at Old Central, 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting
filed Friday, December 14, 2018, and the Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted
at City Hall, 200 South Main Street, at 6:00 pm on Friday, December 13, 2019.
1. Call to Order
Mayor Chris Kelley called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
2. Invocation
The Invocation was offered by Warren Lehr, City Manager.
3. Flag Salute
Councilor Lyndell Dunn led the flag salute.
4. Roll Call
Mayor - Chris Kelley
Councilor- Doug Bonebrake
Councilor- Lyndell Dunn
A quorum was declared present.
City Manager - Warren Lehr
City Attorney - Julie Lombardi
Vice Mayor - Bill Bush
Councilor - Kelly Lewis
5. Presentation of Employee of the Year
Warren Lehr presented Daniel Dearing, Senior Civil Engineer, as the 2019 Eagle Recipient.
6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent
Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine
and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the
Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable.)
A. Approve minutes - December 3, 2019, and December 10, 2019, Regular Meetings
B. Approve claims
C. Accept a donation from Keep Oklahoma Beautiful in the amount of $1,000.00
and approve a budget amendment in the Hotel Tax Fund, increasing estimated
revenues and the appropriation for expenditures in the Owasso Strong
Neighborhood Department - OSNI Grants by $500.00, and approve a budget
amendment in the General Fund, increasing estimated revenues and the
appropriation for expenditures in the Community Center Department by $500.00
D. Approve a budget amendment in the General Fund increasing the appropriation
for expenditures by $17,500.00
E. Approve a budget amendment in the Park Development Fund increasing the
appropriation for expenditures by $145,000.00
F. Accept the Owasso Police Department Headquarters Roof Replacement Project
and authorize final payment to Ground Zero Roofing of Newcastle, Oklahoma, in
the amount of $17,875.00
G. Adopt Ordinance 1157, amending the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund
Defined Benefit Plan Joinder Agreement, and the Oklahoma Municipal
Retirement Fund Master Defined Benefit Plan
Owasso City Council
December 17, 2019
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Mr. Dunn moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to approve the Consent Agenda, as
presented, with claims totaling $533,266.21.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda
8. Consideration and appropriate action to award a bid for the installation of communication
towers located at Fire Station 2 (201 South Cedar) and Station 3 (9990 North 1451h East
Andrew Neyman presented the item, recommending awarding the bid to Bright Lighting,
Inc., of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the amount of $84,841.70 and authorizing the Mayor to execute
the contract for services.
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Dunn moved, seconded
by Mr. Bonebrake to award the bid and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract, as
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
Consideration and appropriate action relating to a Final Plat for Stone Creek of Owasso,
approximately 40 acres located near the southwest corner of East 76th Street North and North
161st East Avenue
Karl Fritschen presented the item, recommending approval of the Final Plat for Stone Creek
of Owasso.
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bonebrake moved,
seconded by Mr. Dunn to approve the Final Plat, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a Final Plat for The Villages at A New Leaf,
approximately 49 acres located south and east of the southeast corner of East 86th Street
North and North Memorial Drive
Karl Fritschen presented the item, recommending approval of the Final Plat for The Villages
at A New Leaf.
There were no comments from the audience. Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Mr. Dunn
to approve the Final Plat, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
11. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the acceptance and final payment for the
Nottingham Stormwater Drainage Improvement Project
Earl Farris presented the item, recommending acceptance of the contract work and
authorization for final payment to Timber Wolf Excavating, LLC, of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma,
in the amount of $27,683.85.
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December 17, 2019
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There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Dunn moved, seconded
by Mr. Bonebrake to accept the contract work and authorize final payment, as
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
12. Consideration and appropriate action to award a bid for the Tributary 5A Stormwater
Improvement Project
Dwayne Henderson presented the item, recommending awarding the bid to Native Plains
Excavation & Contracting, LLC, of Bixby, Oklahoma, in the amount of $114,532.35, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bonebrake moved,
seconded by Mr. Dunn to award the bid and authorize the Mayor to execute the
documents, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
13. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the acquisition of right -of -way for the East
116th Street North Roadway Improvement Project from Garnett Road to North 1291h East
Roger Stevens presented the item, recommending authorization for payment in the amount
of $25,000.00 to Kevin Franklin, and $25,000.00 to Kim Rutherford, Trustees of the Franklin
Family Trust, for a total of $50,000.00, for right -of -way located at 11822 East 1161h Street North,
Parcel 3.
There were no comments from the audience
to authorize payment, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Mr. Dunn
14. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a sole source purchase of a Lenco BearCat
armored vehicle and a budget amendment in the General Fund
Tracy Townsend presented the item, recommending authorization for the sole source
purchase of one Lenco BearCat armored vehicle through Lenco Industries Inc., of Pittsfield,
Massachusetts, in the amount of $289,320.00, and approval of a budget amendment in the
General Fund, increasing the appropriation for expenditures in the Police Department
budget by $289,320.00.
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bonebrake moved,
seconded by Mr. Dunn to authorize the sole source purchase and approve the budget
amendment, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0
15. Report from City Manager
Warren Lehr reported on various city events.
16. Report from City Attorney
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December 17, 2019
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17. Report from City Councilors
Councilor Bonebrake reported on the Ward 3 and Ward 4 Council filings. Mayor Kelley
reported on the Fire Station 4 open house.
18. Official Notices to Council (documents for acknowledgment of receipt or information only,
no discussion or action will be taken)
The Mayor acknowledged receipt of the following:
• Payroll Payment Report- pay period ending date December 7, 2019
• Health Care Self- Insurance Claims -dated as of December 12, 2019
• Monthly Budget Status Report - November 2019
19. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at
the time of posting of the agenda)
20. Adjournment
Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Mr. Dunn to adjourn the meeting.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 3 -0 and the mee)ing adjourned at 7:22 a,ayor
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