HomeMy WebLinkAbout1164_Utility Easement Closure_502 E 76th St NTulsa County Clerk - Michael Willis Doc p 2020048069 Page(s): 6 $:J z 05/28/2020 11:01:34 AM r a:' Receipt 0 20 -29897 Fee: $ 28.00 h�axoM '—[IT Ur VVVA"O, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1164 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE TWO (2) UTLITY EASEMENTS LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW /4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE /4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE /4) OF SECTION THIRTY -ONE (31), T -21 -N, R -14 -E OF THE 1.B.&M., TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, REFERENCING FILED PLAT NUMBER 4204 WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to the public use, the utility easements herein attached as Exhibits "A" and "B "; and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso retains the absolute right to reopen the same without expense to the municipality, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT TO WIT: SECTION 1. ALL THAT PART OF LOT 2, BLOCK 2 OF OWASSO BUSINESS PARK PLAT # 4204, INSTRUMENT # 42413, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 3/8" IRON BAR MARKING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2, BLOCK 2 OF OWASSO BUSINESS PARK PLAT # 4204, INSTRUMENT # 42413; THENCE N88 029'48 "E, 187.17 FEET TO A 3/8" IRON BAR WITH CAP #4502 MARKING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE TRACT; THENCE SO1 °30'12 "E, 20.00 FEET; THENCE S88 029'48 "W, 187.10 FEET; THENCE NO1 °43'14 "W, 20.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 3743 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. AND ALL THAT PART OF LOT 2, BLOCK 2 OF OWASSO BUSINESS PARK PLAT # 4204, INSTRUMENT # 42413, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 3/8" IRON BAR MARKING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2, BLOCK 2 OF OWASSO BUSINESS PARK PLAT # 4204, INSTRUMENT # 42413; THENCE N88 029'48 "E, 15.00 FEET; THENCE SO 043'1 4"E, 124.96 FEET; THENCE S88030'1 O"W, 15.00 FEET TO A CHISELED CROSS IN CONCRETE MARKING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE TRACT; THENCE NO1 043'14 "W, 124.96 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 3743 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. The same is hereby closed for public use as utility easements. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby expressly repealed. Ordinance 1164 Page 1 of 6 SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION 4. If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION S. The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION 6. There shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance. PASSED and Approved by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on the 191h day of May, 2020. aaAUtrq� CITY O ,e'Ii,� Chris elley, ayor ATTE 48 %O��i AL 90 (SEAL) APPROVED as to form and legality this ZI s1- day of Mq v , 2020. j_ Julie r bardi, City Attorney Ordinance 1164 Page 2 of 6 Utility Easement Vacation Instrument #42413 All that part of Lot 2, Block 2 of Owasso Business Park Plat # 4204, Instrument # 42413, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 3/8" Iron Bar marking the Northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 2 of Owasso Business Park Plat # 4204, Instrument # 42413; Thence N88 °29'48 "E, 15.00 feet; Thence S01 043'14 "E, 124.96 feet; Thence S88 030'10 "W, 15.00 feet to a chiseled cross in concrete marking the southwest corner of the tract; Thence N01 °43'14 "W, 124.96 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1874 square feet more or less. Ordinance 1164 page 3 of 6 i POB 3/8" Iron Bar NW Corner Lot 2 Block 2 of Owasso Business Park Plat #4204, Instrument #42413 N88'29'48 "E 15.00' OWNER 0' 10' 20' ASAP ENERGY, INC. 502 E. 2ND STREET SCALE IN FEET Lot 2 Block 2 of Owasso Business Park Plat #4204, Instrument #42413 m v � m p N_ 3 W EX. 15.00' PLATTED UTILITY EASEMENT �11� INSTRUMENT #42413 z " TO BE VACATED o O F > O Ui U) r M 01 O X > M Nm /I z TLL � I /¢ —1 15.00' S88'30'1 0 "W o.. FOUND CHISELED "X" IN CONCRETE; x MONUMENT SUBSTANDARD, M SET MAG NAIL IN "X" .E I p M 1 � � I � r m N N � w This sketch is not a boundary survey. It is intended to show the configuration of a proposed easement. It .o kJ should not be used to locate property lines and does not a o meet the Standards for Property Boundary Surveys. OLSSON- SURVEY OKLAHOMA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY 114483 PROJECTNO: 019 -3494 KUM & GO #1858 502 E. 2ND AVENUE 702 S. Main Street �� Joplin, MO 64801 TEl 417.781.0643 EXHIBIT DRAWN BY: DVH B DATE: 03.12.2020 Ordinance 1164 page 4 of 6 Mg - IT OT FOP Utility Easement Vacation Instrument #42413 All that part of Lot 2, Block 2 of Owasso Business Park Plat # 4204, instrument # 42413, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 3/8" Iron Bar marking the Northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 2 of Owasso Business Park Plat # 4204, Instrument # 42413; Thence N88 °29'48 "E, 187.17 feet to a 3/8" Iron Bar with Cap #4502 marking the northeast corner of the tract; Thence S01039'34 "E, 20.00 feet; Thence S88 °29'48 "W, 187.15 feet; Thence N01 043'14 "W, 20.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 3743 square feet more or less. Ordinance 1164 page 5 of 6 a m a 3 z 0 U i 0' 15' 30' SCALE IN FEET POB r N D O O 0 D 3/8 Iron Bar NW Corner Lot 2 Block 2 of Owasso Business Park Plat #4204, Instrument #42413 3/8" Iron Bar I 1 N88'29'48 "E 187.17' _ EX. 20.00' PLATTE UTILITY EASEMENT I c tM p ( INSTRUMENT #42413 TO BE a a N VACATED T S88'29'48 "W 187.15' OWNER ASAP ENERGY, INC. ' 502 E. 2ND STREET Lot 2 Block 2 of Owasso Business Park Plat #4204, Instrument #42413 EX. 15.00' PLATTED UTILITY EASEMENT INSTRUMENT #42413 TO BE VACATED FOUND CHISELED "X° IN CONCRETE: MONUMENT SUBSTANDARD, SET MAG NAIL IN "X" M _N M This sketch is not a boundary survey. It is Intended to show the configuration of o proposed easement. It 3 < should not be used to locate property lines and does not 0 o meet the Standards for Property Boundary Surveys. OLSSON.sURVEY PROJECT 019 -3494 OKLAHOMA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY #2483 .fy KUM & GO #1858 702 S. Main Street EXHIBIT DRAWN BY: : DVH 502 E. 2ND AVENUE '� Joplin, MO 64801 DATE: 03.12.2020 TEL 417.781.0643 1 B Ordinance 1164 page 6 of 6 Zeeld y Group ar► CITY OF OWASSOILEGALS Attn Julie Stevens PO BOX 180 OWASSO, OK 74055 Owasso Reporter • Sand Springs Leader Skiatook Journal Wagoner County American- Tribune OKLAHOMA WEEKLY GROUP P.O. BOX 1770 TULSA, OK 74102 -1770 rAccount Number 1015023 F Date May 27, 2020 Dale Category Description Ad Size Total Cost 05/2712020 Legal Notices ORDIN 1164 2 x 79.00 CL 101.12 649748 Published In the Owosso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, May 27, 2020 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1164 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE TWO (2) UTLITY EASEMENTS LOCATED IN THE NORTH- City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed expedient to close to the public use, the herein attached as Exhibits "A" and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso retains the absolute right to reopen the same without expense to the municipality, and repealing all ordinances or Parts of ordinances In cam filet. BAR Bus - MORE Affidavit of Publication I, Df d4l, Dtwrta t t of lawful age, being duly sworn, am a legal representafte of the Owasso Reporter of Owasso, Oklahoma, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a legal newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, as defined in 25 O.S. § 106 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publication. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on theDATE(S) LISTED BELOW THE 05/27/2020 wAS. NIT yg6 Newspaper reference: 11000644748 RTH- 12"E, -ET; r OF ORE t (inn Bust- Legal Representativk MORE THENCE S01 °43'14 "E, 124.96 FEET: THENCE S811°30.10 "W, 15.00 FEET TO A CHISELED CROSS IN CONCRETE MARKING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE TRACT: THENCE N01 °43114 "W, 124.% FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 3743 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. The some Is hereby closed for public use as utility ease- ments. SECTION 2. All ordinances or Pans of ordinances in canflict with this or. dinance are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 3. All ordinances or Parts of ordinances In conflict with this or. dlnonce are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION 4. If any Part or Parts of this ordinance are deemed unconslNu• clonal, Invalid or Ineffective, the remaining Portion shall not be affected but shot] remain In full force and effect. SECTION 5 The Provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) don from the date of fln.1 Passage as Provided by state law. SECTION 6. There shall be Bled In the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance. PASSED and Approved by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on the 19th day of May. 2020. Ist Chris Kelley, Mayor ATTEST: Is/ Chris Garrett, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED as to form and legality this 19th day of May, 2020 Isl Julie Lombardi, City Attorney Sworn to and subscribed before me this date: Notary Publii My ComI N sxT es4 _-7 — �4 ------ I s VALERIE Notary R I SEAL Notary Public 1 a �. State of Oklahoma ; _ Cc imisslon #20003824 Exp: 041071241 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND: APPROVED BY COUNCIL MAY 19 2020 The Honorable Mayor and City Council Karl Fritschen RLA, AICP Planning Manager Ordinance 1164 and Ordinance 1165, Utility and Street Easement Closure Request May 15, 2020 The City of Owasso received a request from Kum and Go for the closing of three (3) easements located and described as follows: CLOSURE OF A 20' UTILITY EASEMENT (Ordinance 1 164) A total of 3,743 square feet of the 20' utility easement on Lot 2, Block 2, Owasso Business Park. The property location is the 502 East 2nd Avenue (502 East 761h Street North), Owasso, Oklahoma. CLOSURE OF A 15' UTILITY EASEMENT (Ordinance 1164) A total of 124.96 square feet of the 15' utility easement on Lot 2, Block 2, Owasso Business Park. The property location is the 502 East 2nd Avenue (502 East 76th Street North), Owasso, Oklahoma. CLOSURE OF A 7.56' STREET EASEMENT (Ordinance 11651 A total of 945 square feet of the 7.56' street easement on Lot 2, Block 2, Owasso Business Park. The property location is the 502 East 2nd Avenue (502 East 761h Street North), Owasso, Oklahoma. The subject easements are located on the recently approved Replat of Lot 2 Block 2, Owasso Business Park Kum and Go # 1858 for a new Kum and Go store located at 502 East 2nd Avenue (502 East 76th Street North). During the course of the platting of this property, half of which was unplatted, it was discovered that there were old easements recorded by separate instrument that serviced the property. The applicant has determined that these easements are unnecessary or redundant and no longer needed. Further, removing the easements from the books ensures clear title to the property. All required notices were sent to all franchise holders and utility companies. The City of Owasso Public Works Department was also contacted regarding the closing of the portion of the easement and indicated there should be no impact to future utilities. No other utilities appear to be affected by the closing of these portions of each easement. No utility company expressed an issue with the proposed closing of the easement. Should the City Council approve to close these easements, the applicant will need to take them to District Court and file for vacation of the easements, which will completely remove them from the books. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request at their April 15, 2020, meeting. No comments or concerns regarding negative impacts to utilities were expressed at the meeting. Easement closures Kum and Go Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption Ordinance 1164 and Ordinance 1165. ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map Ordinance 1164 Ordinance 1165