HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020.09.14_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Monday, September 14, 2020
The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, September 14, 2020 at Old
Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 S. Main (west side)
at 11:45am on September 10, 2020.
Dr. Loving called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
ITEM 2. Flag Salute
ITEM 3. Roll Call
Abhijeet Utturkar
Chad Balthrop
Dr. Loving
David Vines
A quorum was declared present.
Brian Dempster
Karl Fritschen
Marsha Hensley
Alexa Beemer
Julie Lombardi
Tim Miller
ITEM 4. Presentation of the Character Trait of the Month - Resilience
ITEM 5. Approval of Minutes from July 13, 2020 Regular Meeting.
The Commission reviewed the minutes.
Mr. Balthrop moved, seconded by Dr. Loving, to approve the minutes from the July 13, 2020
Regular Meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Mr. Balthrop, Mr. Vines, Dr. Loving
ABSTAIN: Mr. Utturkar
NAY: None
Motion carried 3 -1.
ITEM 6. OA 20 -03 - Annexation
Consideration and appropriate action relating to the request for the review of an
annexation. The property is approximately 1 1.50 acres and is located at 7215 N
115 E Ave. The property is zoned IL (Industrial Light) in Tulsa County and will be
brought into Owasso City Limits as IL (Industrial Light) zoning district.
Ms. Beemer presented the staff report. The location was described. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed this request at the August 19, 2020 meeting. Staff recommends approval of
the annexation. A representative was present to answer any questions.
Mr. Stan Brooks (7033 N 116 E Ave) had a few questions to ask the Commissioners. He stated that
there is water sitting dormant that collects mosquitoes. He is hoping the standing water problem
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does not become worse. He stated that he is at this meeting to find out more about this property
being annexed.
Mr. Dempster explained that Mr. Brooks is welcome to call him with any questions or concerns at
any time. Mr. Vines stated that bringing this property into the city limits is a plus. The City of Owasso
building standards are much higher than Tulsa County.
Mr. Vines moved, seconded by Mr. Utturkar to approve annexation OA 20 -03. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Mr. Balthrop, Mr. Utturkar, Mr. Vines
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0
ITEM 7. Preliminary/Final Plat - Helscel/ Hunervager Industrial Park
Consideration and appropriate action relating to the request for the review of a
preliminary/final plat proposing one (1) Lot on one (1) Block on approximately
12.7 acres. The location of the property is 7300 N 115 E Ave (south of the old Jim
Glover car lot) and is zoned IL (Industrial Light) zoning district.
Ms. Beemer presented the staff report. The location was described. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed this request at the August 19, 2020 meeting. Staff recommends approval of
the preliminary/final plat for Helscel - Huneryager Industrial Park. A representative was present to
answer any questions.
Mr. Utturkar moved, seconded by Mr. Vines, to approve the preliminary/final plat for
Helschel /Huneryager Industrial Park, subject to any Staff and /or TAC recommendations. A vote on
the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Mr. Balthrop, Mr. Vines, Mr. Utturkar
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0
ITEM 8. OZ 20-03- Rezoning -Trinity Presbyterian
Consideration and appropriate action relating to the request for the review of a
rezoning request. To be considered is a rezoning from AG (Agriculture) to O
(Office) zoning district. The property is approximately 14.91 acres and is located
near at the northeast corner of E 76th St No and North Memorial.
Ms. Beemer presented the staff report. The location was described. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed this request at the August 19, 2020 meeting. Staff recommends approval of
the rezoning OZ 20 -03 for Trinity Presbyterian. A representative for the applicant was present to
answer any questions.
Mr. Balthrop moved, seconded by Dr. Loving, to approve rezoning OZ 20 -03. A vote on the motion
was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Mr. Balthrop, Mr. Vines, Mr. Utturkar
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0
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ITEM 9. Final Plat- Hawk's Landing
Consideration and appropriate action relating to the request for the review of a
final plat proposing seventy (70) lots on three (3) blocks on approximately 19.73
acres. The general location of the property is the south side of E 76th St N and N
154th E Ave and is zoned RS -3 (Residential Single- family).
Ms. Beemer presented the staff report. The location was described. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed this request at the August 19, 2020 meeting. Staff recommends approval of
the final plat for Hawk's Landing. A representative for the applicant was present to answer any
Mr. Vines stated that we should set up a meeting in order to discuss extending the right -of -way to
60' on all plats to ensure we get what we need for the future road widenings. Mr. Dempster said
that he can set up that meeting with Public Works.
Mr. Balthrop moved, seconded by Mr. Utturkar, to approve the final plat, subject to any Staff
and /or TAC recommendations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Mr. Balthrop, Mr. Vines, Mr. Utturkar
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0
ITEM 10. OLS 20 -03- Lot Split - Tommy's Car Wash
Consideration and appropriate action relating to the request for the review of a
lot split. The proposed lot split would split a 0.87 acre tract from the larger 58.08
acre parent tract. The location of the property is approximately 13311 E 116th St N
and is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping) zoning district and lies in the US -169
Overlay District.
Ms. Beemer presented the staff report. The location was described. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed this request at the August 19, 2020 meeting. The Board of Adjustment heard
the variance case (OBOA 20 -04) concerning the lot width at their meeting on August 25, 2020.
They voted 4 -0 to approve the reduction in the minimum lot width. Staff recommends approval of
the lot split for Tommy's Car Wash. A representative for the applicant was present to answer any
Mr. Vines moved, seconded by Mr. Balthrop, to approve lot split OLS 20 -03. A vote on the motion
was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Mr. Balthrop, Mr. Vines, Mr. Utturkar
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0
ITEM 11. OLS 20 -04 - Lot Split - Grease Monkey Auto Repair
Consideration and appropriate action relating to the request for the review of a
lot split. The proposed lot split would split a 0.64 acre tract from the larger 3.61
acre parent tract. The location of the property is approximately 13311 E 116th St N
and is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping) zoning district and lies in the US -169
Overlay District.
Ms. Beemer presented the staff report. The location was described. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed this request at the August 19, 2020 meeting. The Board of Adjustment heard
the variance case (OBOA 20 -04) concerning the lot width at their meeting on August 25, 2020.
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They voted 4 -0 to approve the reduction in the minimum lot width. Staff recommends approval of
the lot split for Grease Monkey Auto Repair. A representative for the applicant was present to
answer any questions.
Mr. Balthrop moved, seconded by Mr. Utturkar, to approve lot split OLS 20 -04. A vote on the motion
was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Mr. Balthrop, Mr. Vines, Mr. Utturkar
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0
ITEM 12. SUP 20 -01 - Specific Use Permit - Tommy's Car Wash
Consideration and appropriate action relating to the request for the review of a
Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a car wash facility on approximately 1.03
acres. The property is located approximately 13311 E 1 161h St N and is zoned CS
(Commercial Shopping) zoning district.
Mr. Fritschen presented the staff report. The location was described. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed this request at the August 19, 2020 meeting. The Board of Adjustment heard
the variance case (OBOA 20 -04) concerning the lot width at their meeting on August 25, 2020.
They voted 4 -0 to approve the reduction in the minimum lot width. Staff recommends approval of
the SUP for Tommy's Car Wash. A representative for the applicant was present to answer any
Utturkar moved, seconded by Mr. Balthrop, to approve SUP 20 -01, subject to any Staff and /or TAC
recommendations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Mr. Balthrop, Mr. Vines, Mr. Utturkar
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0
ITEM 13. SUP 20 -02 - Specific Use Permit - Grease Monkey Auto Repair
Consideration and appropriate action relating to the request for the review of a
Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a vehicle repair facility on approximately
0.47 acres. The property is located approximately 13311 E 1 16th St N and is zoned
CS (Commercial Shopping) zoning district.
Mr. Fritschen presented the staff report. The location was described. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed this request at the August 19, 2020 meeting. The Board of Adjustment heard
the variance case (OBOA 20 -04) concerning the lot width at their meeting on August 25, 2020.
They voted 4 -0 to approve the reduction in the minimum lot width. Staff recommends approval of
the SUP for Grease Monkey Auto Repair. A representative for the applicant was present to
answer any questions.
Mr. Vines moved, seconded by Mr. Balthrop, to approve SUP 20 -02, subject to any Staff and /or TAC
recommendations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Mr. Balthrop, Mr. Vines, Mr. Utturkar
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0
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ITEM 14. Community Development Report
• Director's Update
• Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity
Mr. Dempster introduced the newly appointed Planning Commissioner, Mr. Abhijeet Utturkar.
ITEM 15. Report on Items from the August 19, 2020 TAC Meeting
• OA 20 -03 Annexation
• Preliminary/Final Plat - Helscel- Huneryager Industrial Park
• OZ 20 -03 Rezoning - Trinity Presbyterian
• Final Plat - Hawk's Landing
• OLS 20 -03- Lot Split, Tommy's Car Wash
• OLS 20 -04- Lot Split, Grease Monkey
• SUP 20 -01 - Specific Use Permit, Tommy's Car Wash
• SUP 20 -02 - Specific Use Permit, Grease Monkey Auto Repair
• Site Plan - Hi -Point Medical Building
ITEM 16. Report from Planning Commissioners
ITEM 17. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been
foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda).
ITEM 18. Adiournment - Mr. Balthrop moved, seconded by Mr. Vines, to adjourn the meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Dr. Loving, Mr. Balthrop, Mr. Utturkar, Mr. Vines
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6:56 pm.