HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.11.14_OEDA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular November 14, 1996 10:00 a.m. Owasso City Hall Lower Level Conference Room 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 1996. W �� 2 GiPh,a 0 x Angel nderson, OEDA Director AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Request Approval of the Minutes of October 7, 1996 Special Meeting and October 10, 1996 Special Meeting. Mr. Anderson Attachment ##3 4. Request Approval of Claims. Mr. Anderson Attachment ##4 Owasso Economic Development Authority November 14, 1996 Page 2 5. Presentation of Financial Report. Ms. Bishop 6. Update on Oklahoma Natural Gas Project. Ms. Henderson Attachment #6 7. Report from Economic Development Director. Ms. Henderson 8. Old /New Business. 9. Adjournment. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING October 7, 1996 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in special session on Monday, October 7, 1996 in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 3, 1996. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Brenda Lawrence Alan Anderson Angela Henderson Tom Kimball Rodney Ray Frank Enzbrenner Gary Akin Joe Ramey Bill Retherford ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairperson Frank Enzbrenner called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OEDA RESOLUTION #96 -01 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INCURRENCE OF DEBT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1.500.000.00. WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATED PLACEMENT OF SUCH NOTE WITH RCB BANK OF OWASSO, AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN VICE - CHAIRMAN, AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE FOREGOING. Ms. Henderson presented the staff report and recommended approval of OEDA Resolution #96 -01. Motion was made by Mr. Kimball and seconded by Mr. Ramey, to approve Resolution #96 -01. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Retherford - Yes Kimball - Yes Enzbrenner - Abstain Ramey - Yes Akin - Yes Lawrence - Yes Motion carried 5 -0. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY October 7, 1996 Page No. 2 ITEM 4: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Retherford moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Ramey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Retherford - Yes Kimball - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Ramey - Yes Akin - Yes Lawrence - Yes Motion carried 6 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Alan Anderson, Chairperson Date Approved OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING October 10, 1996 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, October 10, 1996 in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 4, 1996. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Alan Anderson Tom Kimball Angela Henderson Gary Akin Brenda Lawrence Marsha Hensley Frank Enzbrenner Joe Ramey Sherry Bishop Bill Retherford ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Alan Anderson called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 REGULAR MEETING AND SEPTEMBER 20 1996 SPECIAL MEETING: Mr. Enzbrenner moved to approve the minutes with an amendment on Item #8 from minutes of September 12, 1996 regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Mr. Akin. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes Retherford - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. Mr. Enzbrenner moved to approve the minutes as written for the September 20, 1996 special meeting. Motion was seconded by Mr. Akin. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes Retherford - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY October 10, 1996 Page No. 2 ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Mr. Retherford moved to approve the current claims in the amount of $510.00 to Ronald D. Cates. Motion was seconded by Mr. Enzbrenner. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes Retherford - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 5: PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORT Report was given by Ms. Bishop. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ADOPTION OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY'S 1996 -97 BUDGET. Mr. Enzbrenner moved to approve the 1996 -97 budget as submitted. Motion was seconded by Mr. Retherford. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes Retherford - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 7: UPDATE ON OKLAHOMA NATIONAL GAS PROJECT. Ms. Henderson reported at the September 17 meeting, the Owasso City Council approved Resolution #96 -14 and Oak Tree Business Park was approved at the October 1 meeting. We are working to finalize loan documents so that we may close the loan. OEDA Resolution #96 -01 was passed on October 7th. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Ms. Henderson discussed current projects and economic development news. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY October 10, 1996 Page No. 3 ITEM 9: OLD/NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Enzbrenner moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Akin. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes Retherford - Yes Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Alan Anderson, Chairperson Date Approved CITY OF OWASSO OWASSO ECONOMIC DEV. AUTHORITY '11/96 9:56:11 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - -- -- ------- ------------ - - - - -- ------------------- - ----- ------- - - - - -- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------ 971045 TUTTLE & ASSOCIATES INC PLAT REPRODUCTION -ONG 971112 RONALD D CATES LEGAL SERVICES -OHG 971125 SOUTHWIHD GRAPHICS INC TULSA AREA MAP DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> FUND TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 251.03 1,587.23 90.50 1,928.76 1,928.76 1,928.76 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ANGELA HENDERSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: UPDATE ON OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS PROJECT DATE: November 7, 1996 UPDATE: The Owasso Economic Development Authority has successfully closed a loan with RCB Bank of Owasso for $1.5 million to construct the Oklahoma Natural Gas Work Center in Owasso. In addition, the OEDA purchased an additional two acres of land from Hayward and Betty Smith to complete the 15.7 acre tract upon which the building will be constructed. At this time, contracts have been signed between the OEDA and Brown Construction Company, Inc. for construction of the ONG Work Center and are being reviewed by counsel. A Pre - Construction Conference is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12 with Notice to Proceed being issued afterwards. It is expected that contracts with Yocham Enterprises, Inc. will be signed and executed very soon. Construction of the ONG Work Center is expected to begin almost immediately, while construction of the utilities and roadway is anticipated to commence in late November or early December. The Owasso Public Works Department has redesigned the sewer line for the ONG project at a substantial cost savings. The new sewer alignment connects near Ator Heights and proceeds northeast, following the creek, then turns east at the Edison property line, following eastward under Garnett Road and continuing with the original alignment once it reaches the Smith property. Hayward and Betty Smith have agreed to grant the OEDA an easement across their property for construction of the sewer line. Mrs. Jeraldine Edison and her three children must sign the easement for the sewer line on the Edison property. One of Mrs. Edison's children is currently in Venezuela on business and will return home for Thanksgiving. Ron Cates has been working with the family and believes they will sign the sewer line easement over the holiday. In addition, a groundbreaking for the new ONG Work Center is planned for Tuesday, November 26 at 11:30 a.m. Plans include a 30- minute groundbreaking ceremony at the site and a reception from 12:00 p.m, to 1:00 p.m. at the Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar. Invitations will be mailed by Friday, November 15. MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ANGELA HENDERSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT DATE: November 5, 1996 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEWS: 1) HERITAGE SCHOOL CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER (Roxanne Blom) - About a year ago, Martin and Roxanne Blom approached the OEDA about acquiring land behind McDonald's Restaurant to construct a school and child development center. The Blom's made an offer on the land to the owner, Doctor's Hospital, through Mr. Lonnie Hardin. The hospital was unwilling to sell the land at that time. Also, the Blom's discovered that Council Oaks Learning Center was considering location of a school in Owasso and decided not to pursue the issue any further. Mrs. Blom contacted me recently to reestablish discussions concerning construction of the school. Mr. Anderson and I met with the Blom's last week and requested that they update their proposal and make a presentation to the OEDA at their earliest convenience. The Blom's operate a very successful school and child care center in Dallas and are hoping to replicate the facility in Owasso. I would expect that we will have the Blom's on the agenda to make a presentation sometime in December or perhaps after the first of the year. 2) STATE SPEC BUILDING PROGRAM - Recently, information was sent to each trustee concerning the state's new Speculative Building Program, "Building Oklahoma." Several trustees have indicated that they would like to hear more about the program and have asked that we invite Mr. Walter Zaremba of The Zaremba Group, which will administer the program through the Oklahoma Industrial Finance Authority, to give a presentation at an OEDA meeting. I plan to invite Mr. Zaremba to our next regular meeting, which will be Thursday, December 12. More details will follow. 3) OWASSO HOSTS NOEDA BOARD MEETING - Owasso hosted the October Board meeting of the Northeast Oklahoma Economic Development Association in the lower level conference room at Owasso City Hall. Eleven NOEDA members from various communities attended the meeting and several stayed for lunch and a short tour of Owasso, including Bailey Golf Ranch. Please see the attached copy of the thank -you card from Linda Hensley, NOEDA Marketing Coordinator. Thanks also to Alan Anderson and Bill Retherford, who joined us for lunch at The Depot. REPORT ON OEDA PROJECT STATUS November 5, 1996 Page 2 of 3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEWS, Continued... 4) Enclosed for your review are three articles relating to economic development issues in our area. The first is a news article from the Business Section of the Tulsa World concerning Wal -Mart Stores relocating its national headquarters of three of its departments to Bartlesville. Wal -Mart decided to move to Bartlesville based on incentives given to the company by the City of Bartlesville and the city's economic development trust fund. The second article is from INCOG's Insight Newsletter and discusses a Department of Commerce- sponsored focus group session to discuss the CDBG process. Communities included in the focus group sessions include Tulsa, Bixby, Bristow, and Jenks. The article indicates that participants expressed concern about the way in which projects are now funded (first- come -first -served rather than based on need). The third article is from the Metropolitan Tulsa Chamber of Commerce's Small Business Hotline Newsletter and describes a proposed employee recruitment plan that is being suggested as a way to combat Tulsa's labor shortage. CURRENT PROJECTS: 1) OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS: The OEDA has successfully closed a loan with RCB Bank of Owasso for $1.5 million to construct the Oklahoma Natural Gas Work Center in Owasso. In addition, the OEDA purchased an additional two acres of land from Hayward and Betty Smith to complete the 15.7 acre tract upon which the building will be constructed. At this time, contracts have been signed between the OEDA and Brown Construction Company, Inc. for construction of the ONG Work Center and are being reviewed by counsel. A Pre - Construction Conference is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12 with Notice to Proceed being issued afterwards. It is expected that contracts with Yocham Enterprises, Inc. will be signed and executed very soon. Hayward and Betty Smith have agreed to grant a sewer line easement across their property. The Edison property is owned by four relatives, one of whom is in Venezuela. We have been told that everyone will be home for Thanksgiving. Ron Cates has been working with the family and believes they will sign the easement over the holiday. 2) OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS GROUNDBREAKING: A groundbreaking for the new ONG Work Center is planned for Tuesday, November 26 at 11:30 a.m. Plans include a 30- minute groundbreaking ceremony at the site and a reception from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar. Invitations will be mailed by Friday, November 15. 3) PENNWELL PRINTING COMPANY - At this time, PennWell Printing Company has not made any decisions concerning the future location of the company. Communications are on- going. REPORT ON OEDA PROJECT STATUS November 5, 1996 Page 3 of 3 4) The work session to discuss and finalize the 1996 -97 Owasso Economic Development Authority Strategy has been scheduled for 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 27 in the Owasso City Hall Lower Level Conference Room. Please bring your worksheets and your copy of the strategy to discuss with the group. Lunch will be served. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Thank -you note from the Northeast Oklahoma Economic Development Association. 2. "Wal -Mart Moves Departments to Bartlesville," Article from Tulsa World Business Section, October 24, 1996 Edition. 3. "CDBG Users Voice Concerns," Article from Insight Newsletter, Indian Nations Council of Governments, September /October 1996 Edition. 4. 'Employee Recruitment Net Spreads Wider," Article from Small Business Hotline, Metropolitan Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, October 1996 Edition. 1H: ry. fr Wal-Mart Moves De �artrnents�to B:atlesvlle -Tulsa MN 14 � ' By Becky Tiernan the quality .of associates already.in place ville_Chamberof•Conunerce. World Staff Writer 10 2 AP there, and by the quality of job applicants Tqe "mcentiv., paid by the city's eca Because these,: three departments, work;,pri pomic;.developinent trust fugd which rs se- Wal -Mart Stores Inc. is relocating its na marily over the telephone and.coniputer,.it. 'curedrby a,'/a cent sales + ±.tax,:accocding,;to tional headquarters for three departments to didn't matter where' they were housed." Buchanan. Bartlesville, according to spokeswoman Stacy Sam's Travel is a national travel - agency Pre - employment training is under way for Webb. service exclusive to Sam's Club members, the about 75 new lobs the'three offices will pro - The Sam's Travel office, group health de- group health department, handles associate vide. partment and Claims Management Inc. — all health claims and benefits, and Claims Man- An o ening> date has' not been established now based in Rogers, Ark. — will expand to agement Inc. handles customer and associate for Wal Mart s. new. Bartlesville operations, occupy 10,000 square feet of the existing Wal- injury claims. Webb sazd Mart building at 3901 Adams Road. Wal -Mart a major discount retail chain,;has The convenience of an existing building and A $250,000 incentive from the city'of gar -, its• corporate..headquarters in Bentonville, a quality labor force were Bartlesville's tlesville may have factored into Wal -Marts Arg, prime assets, Webb said. decision;aocal civie'offioials said:', "' The company qp @rates 1,995 Wal -Mart We looked at several areas and decided on In return for the incentive, "Wal -Mart has stores, 239 Wal -Mart Superstores and "433 Bartlesville because we already had a store' agreed to create $4.2- million in payroll in the. Sam's. Club operations in the United States, set up there," she said. next five years, said• Dee, Dee Buchanan," in: Argentina,�Btazii, Mexico and Puerto Rico. It "Management has been very impressed by dustrial development director for the Bartles -, also has 131" Wal Mart locations in Canada. t fly _>tN n t 1 NWI 5ePf. 10[x• Oglo INSIGHT is published bi- monthly by INCOG, a. voluntary, association of northeast Oklahoma govern- ments in Tulsa, Creek, Osage, Rogers and Wagoner Counties, and by the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission. INCOG's purpose is to promote economy and efficiency in government by providing a forum for regional' cooperation and by supporting members with planning, development, management, research and coordination services. The TMAPC is responsible for ensuring the orderly growth and planned development of land within the City of Tulsa and unincorporated areas of Tulsa County. INCOG Board Chair: M. Susan Savage TMAPC Chairman: Gait Carnes Executive Director: Jerry tasker Editor: Deborah Ball Artist: An department This newsletter is printed on recycled paper. To receive your copy of INSIGHT, please call 9181 584 -7526. INCOG 201 Executive Center 201 W. 5th Street Tulsa, OK 74103 -4236 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED BULK RATE U.S.POSTAGE PAID Tulsa, OK Permit No. 379 SMALL BUSINESS HOTLINE 'j'583 -5463 By Mickey Thompson /ice President Economic Development Chamber has short - and long -term programs to tackle worker shortage A couple of months ago, I wrote in this column about the changing face of economic development; how the tools we use and the challenges we encounter are so very differ- ent from those of just a few years ago. This past week, I received several messages that emphasized how much things have changed. Two of them were from large local employers who can't find nough skilled employees. Between them, the two companies have nearly three hundred skilled and semi- skilled jobs going begging. I've heard of other companies who are even having trouble finding unskilled labor. The other reminder was from Mike Davidsson our manager of economic research. One of his reports included information that in the past seven years we've created 51,000 new, jobs, but the labor force has grown b only 38,000. Our jobs growth is Rgl running 2.9 percent, but our labor ,l force is growing at only 2.4 peen; <�<�. half percent difference does rD3�rulitl like much, but it doesn't take'`a, scientist to see that if thes&.tIx:� +;�A;�.l continue, labor is going tol�'v�r�F; scarce in a couple of years? Qa',a �ave reason to believe that the ar;�xN lines will diverge even farther. This is a new problem for Tulsa. We've had spot shortages in certain skills before, but never the kind of across - the -board shortfall between jobs and applicants we're seeing today. Even in 1979, at the height of the oil boom, some skills were in plentiful supply. Tulsa business people have been incred- ibly resourceful in growing their com- panies, and now we have to find a way to improve their labor supply so they can keep on growing. In the long term, pro- grams like Career Partners, Craftsmanship 2000, IndEx and school -to -work will deliver trained workers. But in the short term we have to import employees. We know how to attract companies, but • coming off a 10 percent unem- ployment rate just a few years ago, we don't have much experience recruiting workers. That is about to change. On page 7 is the notice of a pilot program to attract workers from nearby smaller markets. In addition to recruit- ing employees, we expect to learn a lot from this project and use what we've learned to develop our "road show" to push Tulsa as a great place to work and raise a family. 0 rl rM4 recruitment net spreads wider The labor shortage affecting local companies may have a solution in the surrounding, smaller markets. As our unem- ployment rate approaches an historical low, it is increasingly obvious that the needed workers are just not available make within a reason- able commute of Tulsa. But even with low unemployment in surrounding smaller SMALL BUSINESS HOTLINEt583 -5463 the chamber is developing a pilot project to test the small market waters as a personnel resource. About a dozen companies will organize a joint two day "career fair" in a nearby target city to present immediate openings in their firms. The only restric- tions are that the jobs offered must be V7= yOAT permanent, full - ors nc1 Cycle• time and 4 3e4aY�le0t J�� ai provide access a Co 4y to at least par- tially paid health insur- ance. towns, many of those workers may be willing, even eager, to find better opportunities in a metropolitan area. Working on that premise, First meeting of networking "leads" group well attended Officers from more than a dozen area networking and tips groups met with the Chamber's Small Business Council (SBC) Networking Committee on Oct. 7. Interest was high in developing a citywide data- base of networking groups and in developing other ways the groups could work together. The goal is to "contact, organize and encourage a coalition of Tulsa -area net- working groups which can ssist the growth of area ousinesses," said committee chairman Jerry Holder. An officer from each of the other networking groups in the area is invited to the The participating companies will be selected to offer a wide range of jobs, so that a husband and wife may each find opportuni- ties here. The chamber will provide full information on housing, education, recreation and other next meeting, 4 p.m., Nov 4. Other groups wanting to RSVP should contact Farren E. Bennett, Manager, Small Business and Marketing at the Chamber, 560 -0206. Ideas from the first meeting include keeping a database of networking groups at the Chamber, which can then refer interested people to groups with openings, a special event for members of all networking groups, and a "presi- dents council" so networking areas of interest to potential employees. The fair will be promoted in the local market print and elec- tronic media for several weeks prior to the event. Sharing the promotional and other expenses among the participants, coupled with the lower costs of small markets, will keep the per appli- cant costs within reason. If the results warrant, the process will be expanded and repeated in other targeted cities. A steering committee from the participating companies will begin planning late this month. Interested human resource professionals should call jim Doherty, Director, Existing Business Development at 560 -0260. f groups can share ideas and solu- tions to problems with each other. If your networking, tips or leads group isn't listed below, _please remind the president of the group (or an officer) to attend the November meeting. Those represented at the first meeting were, Business Develop- ment Group of Tulsa, Free Enter- prise Network, Networking Exchange of Tulsa, Prolinks of Tulsa, South Tulsa Executive and Professional Group, Tulsa Business Club, Tulsa Business Connection, Tulsa Business Link, Tulsa Connec- tion, Tulsa Network Connection, Tulsa Network Council, Tulsa Professional Association and the Tulsa Referral Network. The MTCC Networking Committee also coordinates activities surrounding Small Business Week each year