HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.10.10_OEDA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular October 10, 1996 10:00 a.m. Owasso City Hall New Conference Room (Downstairs) 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4 p.m. on Friday, October 4, 1996, a� fah Angela yenderson, OEDA Director AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Request Approval of the Minutes of September 12, 1996 Regular Meeting and September 20, 1996 Special Meeting. Mr. Anderson Attachment #3 Owasso Economic Development Authority October 10, 1996 Page 2 4. Request Approval of Claims. Mr. Anderson Attachment #4 5. Presentation of Financial Report. Ms. Bishop Attachment #5 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Adoption of the Owasso Economic Development Authority's 1996 -97 Budget. Ms. Henderson Attachment #6 Staff will recommend Authority approval of the 1996 -97 Budget. 7. Update on Oklahoma Natural Gas Project. Ms. Henderson Attachment #7 8. Report from Economic Development Director. Ms. Henderson Owasso Economic Development Authority October 10, 1996 Page 3 9. Old /New Business. 10. Adjournment. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING September 12, 1996 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, September 12, 1996 in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 6, 1996. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Alan Anderson Joe Ramey Angela Henderson Tom Kimball (in at 10:30) Bill Retherford Rodney Ray Frank Enzbrenner Marsha Hensley Gary Akin Brenda Lawrence ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Alan Anderson called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 8 1996 REGULAR MEETING Motion was made by Mr. Enzbrenner and seconded by Mr. Akin, to approve the minutes of the August 8, 1996 regular meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Lawrence - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes " The motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Mr. Akin moved to approve the current claims in the amount of $550.00 to NOEDA, $2,000.00 to Tuttle & Associates and $75.00 to Ronald D. Cates for a total of $2,625.00. Motion was seconded by Ms. Lawrence. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Lawrence - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY September 12, 1996 Page No. 2 The motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 5: PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORT Report was given by Ms. Henderson. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AUTHORITY'S PARTICIPATION IN FUNDING OWASSO'S BOOTH AT THE 1997 TULSA HOME & GARDEN SHOW. No action was taken on this item. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OEDA RESOLUTION #96 -01 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INCURRENCE OF DEBT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1.500.000.00 WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING, AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATED PLACEMENT OF SUCH NOTE WITH RCB BANK OF OWASSO, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN VICE - CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE FOREGOING. Ms. Henderson presented a copy of Resolution No. 96 -01 to the Authority. A determination was made that a 2(3 majority vote to waive competitive bidding was needed. No action was taken on this item. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AWARD OF ONG WORK CENTER BID, AND THE UTILITIES PORTION OF THE ONG OWASSO INFRASTRUCTURE BID, BOTH CONTINGENT UPON LOAN CLOSING. Ms. Henderson discussed the bid award of Owasso ONG Utility and Roadway Improvements. Bids for the ONG Work Center were also received. Ten bids were received for the ONG Work Center. Brown Construction was the low bidder with the amount of the entire bid (including alternative items) being $1,082,344.00. Nine bids were received on the Owasso ONG Utility and Roadway Improvements with the low bid at $339,903.70 from Yocham Enterprises of Sapulpa, Oklahoma. The bid awards Mr. Enzbrenner and seconded by Mr. Center contingent upon loan closing, Anderson - Yes Lawrence - Yes Enzbrenner - No are contingent upon loan closing. Motion was made by Kimball to award bid to Brown Construction for the Work A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY September 12, 1996 Page No. 3 Akin - Yes Kimball - Yes The motion carried 4 -1. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FROM FEDERAL KEMPER LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY FOR THE OEDA TO RELEASE ANY AND ALL CLAIM TO THE PROCEEDS OF FKLAC POLICY NUMBER FK1859010 MR JERRY FIDLER WOODS PRECISION PRODUCTS INC INSURED. Mr. Enzbrenner moved to approve OEDA to release any and all claim to the Mr. Fidler's Insurance Policy, seconded by Ms. Lawrence. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Lawrence - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes Kimball - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO APPROVAL OF THE 1996 -97 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY STRATEGY. The Authority reviewed the background, mission and vision of the Owasso Economic Development Authority. Goals were discussed, along with prioritizing the work in phases. A work session will be arranged to accomplish this. ITEM 11: UPDATE ON OKLAHOMA NATIONAL GAS PROJECT. Ms. Henderson reported that the OEDA is awaiting the completion of loan documents in order to close the loan for the ONG facility. When loan closing is complete, we may begin signing contracts with the general contractor and notice to proceed can be given. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR An Economic Development prospect was discussed. ITEM 13: OLD/NEW BUSINESS OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY September 12, 1996 Page No. 4 None ITEM 14: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Enzbrenner moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Akin. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Kimball - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Lawrence - Yes Akin - Yes Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m. Alan Anderson, Chairperson Date Approved OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING September 20, 1996 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in special session on Friday, September 20, 1996 in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18, 1996. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Alan Anderson Brenda Lawrence Angela Henderson Tom Kimball Bill Retherford Rodney Ray Frank Enzbrenner Tim Rooney Gary Akin Joe Ramey ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Alan Anderson called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m, and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OEDA RESOLUTION #96 -01 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INCURRENCE OF DEBT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1.500.000.00. WAIVINGCOMPETITIVE BIDDING, AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATED PLACEMENT OF SUCH NOTE WITH RCB BANK OF OWASSO; AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN, VICE - CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE FOREGOING. No action was taken on this item. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE OEDA'S PROPOSAL TO PENNWELL PRINTING COMPANY OF TULSA. Ms. Henderson reviewed the PennWell Printing Company proposal package. Discussion was held regarding possible funding alternatives in order to assist the OEDA in relocating PennWell. It was decided that if PennWell is responsive to the OEDA's offer, the group should further review potential funding source. Mr. Enzbrenner moved to approve the submittal of the proposal as presented. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY September 20, 1996 Page No. 2 Anderson - Yes Kimball - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Ramey - Yes Akin - Yes Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 5: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Akin moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Ramey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Kimball - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Ramey - Yes Akin - Yes Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 11:26 a.m. Alan Anderson, Chairperson Date Approved OWASS 14/96 10:22:28 PO # VENDOR ---- - - - - -- --------------- - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 970874 RONALD D CATES DEPARTMENT TOTAL CITY OF OWASSO ] ECONOMIC DEV. AUTHORITY A/P CLAIMS REPORT DESCRIPTION --- - - - - -- --------------- - -- LEGAL SERVICES -ONG ____; APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT -- ----- --- - - - -- 510.00 510.00 FUND TOTAL = = = =J 510.00 GRAND TOTAL =___> 510.00 1 City of Owasso Owasso Economic Development Authority Schedule of Revenues and Expenses For the month ending September 30, 1996 Revenues Transfer from City - General Fund Contributions Sale of property Other Total revenues Expenses Current operating- - Materials & supplies Services & other charges Capital outlay Total expenses Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses Retained earnings 07/01/96 Retained earnings 09/30/96 MTD YTD $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,143.61 0.00 1,143.61 0.00 0.00 2,625.00 3,224.11 0.00 0.00 2,625.00 3,224.11 ($2,625.00) (2,080.50) $23,019.91 $20,939.41 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ANNUAL BUDGET PROPOSAL FISCAL YEAR 1996 -97 PRESENTED TO OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GARY AKIN TRUSTEE ALAN ANDERSON CHAIRMAN FRANK ENZBRENNER VICE CHAIRMAN TOM KIMBALL BRENDA LAWRENCE TRUSTEE TRUSTEE JOE RANEY BILL RETHERFORD TRUSTEE TRUSTEE f11) 3uS19M1�117--yA ANGELA HENDERSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FUND OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PROPOSED BUDGET FY 1996-97 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (7-1-1996) $23,020 PROPOSED REVENUES x E*,T7i'0*7l,lljW PROPOSED EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS OUT Materials & Supplies 700 Other Services 7,450 Capital Outlay 0 PROPOSED NET (8,150) PROJECTED ENDING FUND BALANCE (6-30-1997) $14,870 OEDA Annual Budget Presentation Fiscal Year 1996 -97 Activity / Economic Development Department / Econ Dev Account Number - 31 700 Fund - OEDA Expenditure Type 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 Actual Actual Actual Proposed Personal Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Materials & Supplies 0.00 231.00 300.00 700.00 Other Services & Charges 3,384.00 9,507.00 17,741.00 7,450.00 Capital Outlay 0.00 1 0.00 1 46,173.00 1 0.00 Account Total $3,384.00 $9,738.00 $64,214.00 $8,150.00 Program Description None None OEDA Annual Budget Presentation Fiscal Year 1996 -97 Activity / Economic Development Department/ Econ Dev Actual Actual Actual Proposed Line Item Description 1993 -94 1994 -95 1995 -96 1996 -97 31 700 5101 Salaries & Wages *Total Personal Services* H.� y.R,yP,�'kCN,f'�{��1,, OnT4'::Yb %5iuj9:Rak.U.,4,:<: T��,�Lt, ALP .{,f:�M���vk3:���'I:inT.ni:�QS u�.`w'✓ 31 700 5210 Office Supplies 5220 Operating Supplies 5260 Vehicle Maintenance 5290 Miscellaneous Supplies *Total Materials & Supplies* 31 700 5310 Prof. & Tech. Services 5371 Telephone 5372 Postage 5373 Advertising 5374 Printing & Binding 5380 Travel & Training 5381 Meeting Expenses 5383 Dues & Fees 5384 Special Projects 0 *Total Other Services & Charges* ME 31 700 5410 Land 5441 Equipment *Total Capital Outlay* 0 0 0 0 u::s bra �:a >so:R`'.s'I% � by�• :,fit' �a�r.'..:o'°..Ya l ::ro::b -+``p 0 0 120 100 0 141 180 500 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 100 I'a�; �h'NfR' °�` • sE9�:.4t ' 6:...:: u�o" < Au,�'.'.. 3dif.. .J.. 'r��5¢ 0 157 14,121 500 0 1,182 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 24 200 0 0 381 500 0 2217 910 0 0 0 1,305 1,000 0 0 0 1,250 3,384 5,924 1,000 4,000 RNIRNIRWI 0 0 39,993 0 0 0 6,180 0 Total Econ Development $3,384 $9,738 $64,214 $8,150 MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ANGELA HENDERSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: UPDATE ON OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS PROJECT DATE: October 4, 1996 UPDATE: At their September 17 meeting, the Owasso City Council approved Resolution #96 -14 authorizing incurrence of debt in an amount not to exceed $1.5 million to construct the Oklahoma Natural Gas facility and infrastructure and to waive competitive bidding on the loan proceeds for direct placement of the loan with RCB Bank of Owasso. In addition, the City Council approved the final plat of Oak Tree Business Park at their October 1 meeting. Currently, we are working with RCB Bank and their attorney to finalize loan documents so that we may close the loan. A special meeting has been scheduled for Monday, October 7 at 7:30 p.m. to pass OEDA Resolution #96 -01, authorizing incurrence of debt, waiving competitive bidding, and authorizing the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary to sign and execute all documents necessary to accomplish closing of the loan. The meeting should last no longer than 10 to 15 minutes. Once loan proceeds are received, we can close on the remaining two acres of land, and sign and execute contracts with both Brown Construction Company (ONG Work Center) and Yocham Enterprises (Infrastructure). After all contracts have been signed and executed by all parties and Mr. Cates has reviewed the contract documents, a notice to proceed will be issued and work can begin. Loan closing is imminent. The sewer line has been redesigned by the Owasso Public Works Department and should save us some money. The new design requires easements from the Edison's and the Smiths, eliminating the need to get an easement from the Caudle's. Mr. Cates has been working with the Edisons and is meeting with them to negotiate the needed easement. MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ANGELA HENDERSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT DATE: October 4, 1996 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEWS: 1) MINGO VALLEY SHOPPING CENTER - Twenty -First Century Properties filed for a building permit last month to build the Mingo Valley Shopping Center between Wal -Mart and Drug Mart. Cost of the building is estimated to be $700,000.00. According to the developer, much of the retail space is already leased. 2) OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - In July, the Oklahoma Department of Commerce announced a new strategy for statewide economic development, "Developing Oklahoma's Local Economies." Tom Kimball attended the meeting at the invitation of Governor Frank Keating and brought back both the report and the new regional economic development staffing plan. Both are attached for your review. CURRENT PROJECTS: 1) PENNWELL PRINTING COMPANY - The OEDA's proposal to PennWell Printing Company was delivered to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce Tulsa Office September 20. Todd Klabenes, who is assisting PennWell with plans for relocation, called last week to let us know that they have received the proposal and will be conducting site visits in the next few weeks. PennWell also sponsored a golf tournament at Bailey Golf Ranch Sunday, September 22. We put signs out at the entrance welcoming them and at the exit, thanking them for visiting Owasso. I sent a memo to each of you last week with a copy of the letter we received from PennWell President Larry Cox. In the letter, Mr. Cox indicated that Sand Springs and Wagoner had not submitted bids. Communities submitting bids were Owasso, Pryor (Mid- America Industrial Park), Bartlesville, and Bixby. Bartlesville was cut from the original short list, but requested to submit a proposal anyway. Bixby is being proposed as a relocation site by Tulsa. I will keep you posted as further developments occur. REPORT ON OEDA PROJECT STATUS September 6, 1996 Page 2 of 2 2) OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS: At their September 17 meeting, the Owasso City Council approved Resolution #96 -14 authorizing incurrence of debt in an amount not to exceed $1.5 million to construct the Oklahoma Natural Gas facility and infrastructure and to waive competitive bidding on the loan proceeds for direct placement of the loan with RCB Bank of Owasso. In addition, the City Council approved the final plat of Oak Tree Business Park at their October 1 meeting. Currently, we are working with RCB Bank to finalize loan documents so that we may close the loan. We will meet Monday, October 7 at 7:30 p.m. for about 10 minutes to pass OEDA Resolution #96 -01, authorizing incurrence of debt, waiving competitive bidding, and authorizing the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary to sign and execute all documents necessary to accomplish closing of the loan. Once loan proceeds are received, we can close on the remaining two acres of land, and sign and execute contracts with both Brown Construction Company (ONG Work Center) and Yocham Enterprises (Infrastructure). After all contracts have been signed and executed by all parties and Mr. Cates has reviewed the documents, a notice to proceed will be issued and work can begin. The sewer line has been redesigned by the Owasso Public Works Department and should save us some money. The new design requires easements from the Edison's and the Smiths, eliminating the need to get an easement from the Caudle's. Mr. Cates has been working with the Edison and is meeting with them to negotiate the needed easement. 3) At our last regular meeting, it was suggested that we have a work session to discuss and finalize the 1996 -97 Owasso Economic Development Authority Strategy. I would like to schedule that work session and will be contacting each of you in coming days to determine what dates and times best fit your schedules. 4) I am also preparing to begin work on the "New Business Owner's Guide" (working title), which will detail information about doing business in Owasso and Tulsa County, including a checklist for new businesses including information on obtaining occupancy permits, tax information, labor and employment issues, etc. Your input to this guide is critical to its success, so any ideas, thoughts, or constructive comments are welcome! ATTACHMENTS: 1. Oklahoma Department of Commerce Strategy "Developing Oklahoma's Local Economies" 2. New Oklahoma Department of Commerce Regional Economic Development Staffing Plan DEVELOPING OKLAHOMA'S LOCAL ECONOM.LES Oklahorra'Department o6.Commerce ... ': P,O Box 26960 ' Oklahoma Crty,.OK M126 =0980. Te 1.:800.879'. 6552 'Fax: 405.841.5281 intemek www.odoc.state.ok.us OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE . . JULY 1996 4. i 5 { i Y t Oklahorra'Department o6.Commerce ... ': P,O Box 26960 ' Oklahoma Crty,.OK M126 =0980. Te 1.:800.879'. 6552 'Fax: 405.841.5281 intemek www.odoc.state.ok.us DEVELOPING LOCAL ECONOMIES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A new way of thinking about and pursuing economic development in Oklahoma and a new organizational structure to more effectiYely, deliver products and services. These are major factors.in the, current evolution of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. The planned results of these'change sare a new Commerce . - department for a new Oklahoma in a fiewera, of stable, long term . growth and prosperity-for a state, its communities . and people. THE FIRST TEN YEARS e its creation in tionAn. e Economic Development Act 1986 and r,�&fini ih Sinc c of7� Commerce adpartin �98 die,' -en.t has served as the* primary economic c d eve k opment f agency 6 the state 156spite-ovem progress and numerous indi- vidua I areas of success, the economic growth of the state still trails averages r the region and the nation in several vem importan fo . 1. .. ­ - 1) , c t areas. Iii an attempt to iden 'and develop ways to improve in these areas, the Commerce department " chose to look at,timsal fact'ofactors within �flieg e'p geographic b otindaries;of Okla-, . h- d resource ?!Tia;, and its 01A LAMINING THE -WAY WE- Do BUSINESS.`- Willi rs °` �" ,, � growth components, and: (2) -the way m wllrcl the department "delivered its � - 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY continued ' 7 ■ Each local economy is:different, with unique economic develop- ment needs and..requirements, assets and liabilities. ■ Lasting economic development does, not occur at the state level, but as the result of a local economy's internal, self - initiated, self- implemented *development efforts. i oF: C'omkERCE IN OKLAHOMA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT : " y Fir• x � r� F. �i � ?'r r4 < "'�cl rt2 ya'!' k i, � 1 a: r q.L <� � , �1� a development�roee� md�ltd�gin�e erl�tn�oROm�s progress: . x C f x 4..� C v � S�, � i � {w,�r- C � - 4 ,k� t xn 1'F�f4`e 3�. ��y( F yt'��e!• 1 > r an8 (y an &o develop -` M& at'stx fOUttdattotLateas' q la png;` ottg tenor gmwth 4' a [1I�IEw DEPe(TrfiMENT OF GOMMER41: ', �- "` 7 A group of regional Economic DeveIogtgent Directors 7 . work 2 in Its area growth degargnent wt1C vvpFlt :.. y nploytng y Fir• x � r� F. �i � ?'r r4 < "'�cl rt2 ya'!' k i, � 1 a: r q.L <� � , �1� a development�roee� md�ltd�gin�e erl�tn�oROm�s progress: . x C f x 4..� C v � S�, � i � {w,�r- C � - 4 ,k� t xn 1'F�f4`e 3�. ��y( F yt'��e!• 1 > r an8 (y an &o develop -` M& at'stx fOUttdattotLateas' q la png;` ottg tenor gmwth 4' a [1I�IEw DEPe(TrfiMENT OF GOMMER41: ', �- "` 7 A group of regional Economic DeveIogtgent Directors 7 . work 2 IMPROVING OKLAHOMA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A REPORT Since its creation in 1986 and its redefinition under the Economic Devel . opment Act of 1987, the Department of Commerce has attempted to be responsive to cus - tomer requests on a statewide basis. Offeringa§sistance to community a I nd busimess cus tomers-through . out e r tm a the state epa ent has historically operated from a' .,position of responding othe.needs.ofcust* customers om rs -and stakeholders a.s'they have been expressed or requested. In doing business in this manner, the Commerc e tm depar cut, like many. other government agencies, attempted to respond to.' All customer i requests on.:an -equal basis. 9perat, mg'm:this,moAe,,wh1le--the de -iffient-experienced notable successes in a se ect6d individual services and e es programs' o verall: results indicated improvements could be made.. In the fall of 1995,-the realization that improvement was -possible and ach.ieva f - uatiori. Th ble.provWd the impetus' of a ftartiikfivs6&q�ai ' " -e. this- exatu na ton are resu tm_g - Jn,a KPj. i g rne ntof the way the Commerce epirtm-e�n"t 14'er's-serces to our customers . ...... . They Is providing &id6lifi tic- lapruvemeprs :tieing maue'are ttte insult ol�lyvo basic changes #or 3 IMPROVING OKLAHOMA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT continued Furthermore, while these economies share many. things in,common, they function and operate in. a relatively independent manner.. Each has assets and liabilities, potentials and obstacles, and an entire set of demo- graphie, infrastructure and other :characteristics which.are inclusive. These differences give each local economy a unique fingerprint undupli- cated anychere in the state. And these same contrasts underscore the fact that each local economy has different needs and- requirements when -it comes ib economic development. As a.result of looking at Oklahoma's economy, in this manner; the department as made the decisibri;'to pursue'economie developmentin the state through providing support serytces ;toaocal area economies desiring to `'grow ' DEFININGLOCAI:.'ECONOMIES Local economies, $yfheir very nature are .'geographic"regions.within the stafei As we:have defifted them 'each contains a aiub" community as the focal point and center;of -the geographic area; as well as other- communi- Our Tesour$es to help'biWch the capacrhes{o4local Rconommg thae want , 4 . _ � to grow and.ii�e: wtiltng to ge�fki�i1'thated� selfimplemant`ed , >undurtake 'a deveiopmenreffoxts5 ;. Y the eailzanoiits the Cofnmerce departluetrCxannot develop aid sus ` , fain a local economy Thiis tiVould be t o even rf we had a subsianftally larger budget and mare per -, ' el: $ustain4ble healthy economic growth,- only -occif as a resfilt. of the citizens of a local community undertaldng,:. -: self = initiated, =self implemented deve lopmen[, efforts Therefore, what the ' departmenf:can and should do is serve as a Supporting resource in• help -- ' ing.a local economy.in its own deyelopmeitt efforts. 4 IMPROVING OKLAHOMA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT continued Oklahoma economic growth and the achievement of the Commerce depart- ment's, mission - to stimulate the creation and retention'of jobs and growth of investment, the development of communities, and the increase in per capita income - will principally result frorn'the following areas in the state's local economies: ■ pe.mrdornestic and foreign based iudustry relocations . ■ beginning and/or increasing international sales by firms in _.the local economy ■ the continuing growth of existing- busin ess es ■ ne.w.business start-III)s resulting from entreprii4eurial efforts The attainment of this mission'will depiind on, each local economy -reaching A,.numbir of goals and objecifv�es, inchiding ''annual growtk, in many of the following measurement areas: labor force participation .0- capital ,investment ablIsirs ■ sales' tax collectfor�s'_ ■ net J As growth new S IV t uiirast ructure - 4� 'e 4 "a .............. 1- .5 IMPLEMENTING THE LOCAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS A, community economic developrent process model — developed by the..Commerce MG ' 1 Y f i, t1 4.1yY'� ( Y ♦ 14 �Mti I C 1{ t� _ IV. cy'ie itii" Ag3asrnnfphase of hhbm ` f ting growth and development This phase'asks, the questron,. "Where're v e ?" and. ' providestjiel8calecQnomyw ttha.realih deiatledand'Wectiverevieviof its assets andliabilities as they relate to potentials for'development. 6 IMPLEMENTING THE LOCAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS continued The initial step also provides the platform from which the Vision phase is launched. This second step of the cycle asks the question, "Where do we want to be ?" In responding to the step, the local economy develops an achievable view of where it would like to be at a selected point in its future. The, third step is the Planning phase. During this period, the local economy -based on its findings in the first two phases - .develops and finalizes an action plan for economic growth. All aspects`oE the question, "How do we get thereV are addressed in detail in this step: Mplern tation is the fourth and final phase of the growth continuum. Depending on the objectives and.goals the: economy wants to achieve, once: a fixed period is completed .fn this phase, the entire cycle 'will be used to go forward in the growth-process, beginning with an evaluation of accornplishmerits to date IY t j l mot-. . A � � �l�iL �� �• •, l � � t �.! i y { [ hu W� ✓ - � t ' 7 HELPING LOCAL ECONOMIES PLAN FOR LASTING GROWTH As with any accomplishment of lasting value and duality, the success of local economy development depends on a number of fundamental building blocks as a foundation for growth. Our research and experience tell us a local econ- omy'cannot achieve healthy, lorig lasting growth'without possessing a 'foundation, of good leadership,'a skilled and available work force and the _ phystcal, capacity to grow its economy. -. The foundation blocks identified in.tlie -,C ommerceAepartment's commu- ;n ty flevelopmenf model are; Leadership,Developmer t,: Work Force. .6elop iipt, Community Capacity Development (first level);: Existing ' V. Busmess.Development; Entrepreneurial Development (second.level); and' -. NewBusiness Development (third level) THe task force. which: developed the model feels it essential that the foundation established by the build = . ingblocks -be addressed and pursued in.a "ground up" process by each `local econom y Va t '' W. _ 8 . HELPING LOCAL ECONOMIES PLAN FOR LASTING GROWTH continued leadership development, youth leadership development and ` volunteer programs as well as other leadership encourage ment and support programs. ■ work Force Development: a commitment to ensure the economy's current and emerging work forces have access to, and take. advantage of all available education and training opportunities. Such areas as organized, on the -job training, intem/apprentice, school -to -work; technical skills training access and. other organized efforts might be involved. E .Community Capacii)".Development:;a commitment to a community -wide shared vision which includes strategic, comprehensive plans aimed at'developing'ard main- taining - education, health Bare, cultural, re creation, al and infrastructure assets at such levels thai`they meet- cur - - -rent and-future ci zeri ineeds and:support end foster economic growth tvtCTwo a ExisttngBusiness Development a commitment to advo- rate and develop programs and resources which encourage. the. growthQ(buslnesspsalready existing in xhe economy Suc}i efforts as �apifaiesources availabtli ti> ty, strafe I cbusmessleadeishipCtiuttips busuiess asspsfance resources airdacomgn�ttuty wtde:busirtess r y advocacy'miuded rt Ihfop t 1 Entrepreneurial Deve dpineittf a Of imrtment fo the estab 3 f 1 hsltment and growth of .an enviroitmellt and,resourcee: r ' development of whfch support the start up'$usinesses .in the local economy Such initiatives a"s'a business incubator, community -based venture capital investment group, an entrepreneurs network an' d business assist- ance resources might be included in- these efforts. 9 HELPING LOCAL ECONOMIES PLAN FOR LASTING GROWTH continued LEVEL THREE- TOMORROW'S COMMERCE: IMPLEMENTING 'CHANGE Earlier in this document, we mentioned the need for altering the. internal architecture of the Commerce department as a part of :our focus on local economies. In examining the details of what was needed for us -to work with local economies, it quickly became obvious that:using the same department personnel in the sane positions with the same respgnsibilities and -duties was not viable. To accommodate the necessary change the-goals and objectives of the: Commerce department have been retried to embody an emphasis on developing local economies As a result every internal bpeza[irig unit h'as been realigned to operate with a local economy focus. Additionally' the internal structure of the department is undergoing modification, toward a.less hierarchical structure designed'to encourage a greater sense of,employee. involvement These changes are reflected.in the fo1- " ;lowing structuraloverview of ;operating groups within the department: IZEi:10NAL';OE17ICE -GROUP - P-rbvi ing the :pnmary channel for cdtnmunicahon with all Local economies throughout the state; anew teaxt}'of Urggional Economic - ev I . .11)irectors _has beenegtabhshed. The amssion of this new To stimulate and facfltUUe the'.roitrsth of local economies s I..ocated Aq coinutumges throughout 2hC State, tt ds the goal of each of these professionals to work with vanouslgcal eCOnouies m developing an d }mpiementing economic grow. , plates r w These diiwois will be:the pnmA anitikeohwdr for the local economy xo access Commerce and. other resourees'They will also be responsible for providing "ongoing assistance to eanhaocal economy in as its ' strengths and needs; establishing its vistoii,. developing its compehen sive plan and implementing the "local economy actions designed to lead -to economic growth. 11 TOMORROW'S COMMERCE: IMPLEMENTING CHANGE continued When specific Commerce or other technical.assistance is needed by the local economy, the responsible Economic. Development Director will ensure that appropriate and timely assistance is delivered. This compre- hensive approach to local economy planning and service assistance Will focus on the development of the total community 12 TOMORROW'S COMMERCE: IMPLEMENTING CHANGE COntinUed ues and industry resources IG 13 TOMORROW'S COMMERCE: IMPLEMENTING CHANGE continued COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT GROUP This major resource of federal and state funding programs for community development has been re- engineered into four teams. The group's mission To grow local economies through infrastructure investments, stimulation I f TOMORROW'S COMMERCE: IMPLEMENTING CHANGE - continued A NEW ERA OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Human and financial resources refocused on local economy development throughout the state Oklahoma Department of Commerce Regional Economic Development Directors & Administrative Staff Region 1- Orville Knight Counties: Craig, Delaware, Mayes, Nowata, Ottawa, Washington C/o KAMO Power P.O. Box 577 Vinita, OK 74301 PHONE: 918/256 -5551 x321 FAX: 918/256 -8023 PAGER: 918/632 -2300 Region 2 - Ron Pennington Counties: Adair, Cherokee, Muskogee, Okmulgee, Sequoyah, Wagoner Oklahoma Department of Commerce 440 S. Houston, Suite 505 Tulsa, OK 74127 PHONE: 918/581 -2806 FAX: 918/581 -2844 PAGER: 918/632 -2299 Region 3 - Vacant Counties: Choctaw, McCurtain, Leflore, Pushmataha Region 4 -Davie Spindle Counties: Atoka, Bryan, Coa1,.Haskell, Latimer, McIntosh, Pittsburg 100 S. Main PO Box 140 McAlester, OK 74502 PHONE: 918/423 -0295 FAX: 918/426 -0207 PAGER: 918/632 -2298 Region 5 - Kirk Martin Counties: Hughes, Lincoln, Okfuskee, Pottawatomie, Seminole Oklahoma Department of Commerce P.O. Box 26980 Oklahoma City, OK 73126 -0980 PHONE: 405/841 -5268 FAX: 405/841 -5142 PAGER: 405/530 -6995 Region 6 - Tom Gray Counties: Creek, Osage, Rogers, Tulsa Oklahoma Department of Commerce 440 S. Houston, Suite 505 Tulsa, OK 74127 PHONE: 918/581 -2806 FAX: 918/581 -2844 PAGER: 918/632 -2301 Region 7 - Gerald Hall Counties: Alfalfa, Grant, Garfield, Kay, Pawnee, Payne, Noble C/o Oklahoma Dept. of Vo -Tech 1500 West Seventh Avenue Stillwater, OK 74074 -4364 PHONE: 405/743 -6837 FAX: 4051743 -6821 PAGER: 405/530 -6887 Region 8 - David Wantland Counties: Blaine, Canadian, Cleveland, Kingfisher, Logan, Oklahoma Oklahoma Department of Commerce P.O. Box 26980 Oklahoma City, OK 73126 -0980 405/841 -5151 FAX: 405/841 -5142 PAGER: 405/530 -4677 Region 9 - Vacant Counties: Carter, Garvin, Johnston, Love, Marshall, Murray, Pontotoc Region 10 - Vacant Counties: Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Jefferson, McClain, Stephens, Tillman Rex Smitherman Director, Regional Offices Oklahoma Department of Commerce P.O. Box 26980 Oklahoma City, OK 73126 -0980 405/841 -5151 FAX: 405/841 -5235 PAGER: 405/530 -6740 Ramona Farmer A_ dministrative Support Oklahoma Department of Commerce P.O. Box 26980 Oklahoma City, OK 73126 -0980 405/841 -5125 FAX: 405/841 -5142 Region 11- Vacant Counties: Beckham, Custer, Greer, Harmon, Jackson, Kiowa, Roger Mills, Washita Ret?ion 12 - Dwinlit Terry Counties: Beaver, Cimarron, Dewey, Ellis, Harper, Major, Texas, Woods, Woodward c/o High Plains Vo -Tech P.O. Box 571 Woodward, OK 73802 PHONE: 405/571 -6175 FAX: 405/571 -6190 PAGER: 405/530 -4641 Marilyn Catrett Administrative Support Oklahoma Department of Commerce 440 S. Houston, Suite 505 Tulsa, OK 74127 PHONE: 918/581 -2806 FAX: 918/581 -2844 Jan Morris Administrative Sunnort Oklahoma Department of Commerce P.O. Box 26980 Oklahoma City, OK 73126 -0980 405/841 -5276 FAX: 405/841 -5142