HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014.05.08_OEDA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: May 8, 2014 TIME: 10:00 a.m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall, Lower Level Conference Room 111 N. Main Owasso, Oklahoma Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Chelsea M.E. Levo, Economic Development Director AGENDA 1. Call to Order Dr. Spriggs, Chairman 2. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of minutes of the April 10, 2014 regular meeting Attachment B. Approval of claims Attachment C. Acceptance of the monthly financial reports Attachment 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a proposed change to Ordinance No. 699, providing for a Hotel /Motel Tax. Ms. Levo Attachment OEDA May 8, 2014 Page 2 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a proposed Incentive Agreement between the OEDA and Macy's Corporate Services, Inc. Ms. Levo 6. Report from OEDA Director Ms. Levo Attachment • Monthly Building Report • Public Works Project Status Report • Business Development Report • Monthly Sales Tax Report 7. Report from OEDA Manager Mr. Lehr 8. Report from OEDA Trustees 9. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 10. Adjournment MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, April 10, 2014 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, April 10, 2014 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, April 3, 2014. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Dr. Spriggs called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. PRESENT Bryan Spriggs, Chairman Dirk Thomas, Vice chairman David Charney, Trustee Frank Enzbrenner, Trustee Dee Sokolosky, Trustee A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Gary Akin, Secretary Jeri Moberly, Trustee ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE OEDA CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of the March 13, 2014 Regular Meeting B. Approval of claims C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report Dr. Thomas moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Mr. Charney AYE: Spriggs, Thomas, Charney, Enzbrenner, Sokolosky NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA No action required ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A PROPOSED "FRIENDLY SUIT" TO CORRECT A 1999 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED FROM THE OEDA TO PRECISION COMPONENTS COMPANY Julie Lombardi presented the item, introducing Dean Solberg, Attorney for Precision Components. Following discussion, Mr. Sokolosky moved, seconded by Mr. Charney to authorize Ms. Lombardi to execute and file the journal entry necessary to clear the property title. AYE: Spriggs, Thomas, Charney, Enzbrenner, Sokolosky NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. April 10, 2014 ITEM 4: REPORT FROM OEDA DIRECTOR Roger Stevens presented the Public Works project status update; Bronce Stephenson presented the Monthly Building Report for March; Sherry Bishop presented the sales tax monthly report. Discussion was held. ITEM 5: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER No Report. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OEDA TRUSTEES No Report ITEM 7: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL TO ENTICE A BUSINESS OR BUSINESSES TO LOCATE IN THE OWASSO AREA; SUCH REQUEST PURSUANT TO TITLE 25 O.S. 307 (C) (10) Warren Lehr presented the item. Dr. Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Enzbrenner to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing an economic development proposal. At 10:50, the Trustees entered into executive session, along with Warren Lehr. At 1 1:14am, the Trustees returned to open session. AYE: Spriggs, Thomas, Charney, Enzbrenner, Sokolosky NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT Dr. Thomas moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Enzbrenner. AYE: Spriggs, Thomas, Charney, Enzbrenner, Sokolosky NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. At 1 1:15 AM, the meeting adjourned. Juliann M. Stevens, Minute Clerk -2- A w000 The City 'Wit out Limits. TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. LEVO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CLAIMS, OEDA DATE: May 8, 2014 No Claims for April 2014. Owasso Economic Development Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Month Ending April 30, 2014 Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Materials & supplies Services & other charges Capital outlay Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses): Investment income Promissory note revenue RAN debt service & other costs Total non - operating revenues (expenses) Net income (loss) before contributions and transfers Transfer to general fund Change in net assets Total net assets - beginning Total net assets - ending ITAI19. $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 YTD Budget $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.79 0.00 0.00 6.79 6.79 0.00 6.79 9,054.51 $9,061.30 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 (5,000.00) 9,054.51 $4,054.51 RCB P.O, Sox 189 Claremore, OK 74018 -0189 BANK Member FDIC 918- 342 - 7220.91,8- 825 - 8890 -405- 843 - 3132.580- 762 -5651 •855- BANK-RCB www.RCBBank.com -�* * * * * * * * * * * ** *AUTO * *3 -DIGIT 740 2567 0.4800 AT 0.406 9 1 287 logo all 1 1111111111 11111111411111 Owasso Economic Development Auth PO Box 180 Owasso OK 74055 -0180 Checking Accounts Date 4/30/14 Page 1 of 1 Primary Account * * * * * * * * * ** *7230 Total Enclosed Account Title: Owasso Economic Development Auth Business Interest Checking Account Number 17230 Previous Balance 9,060.63 Deposits /Credits .00 Checks /Debits .00 Service Charge .00 Interest Paid .67 Current Balance 9,061.30 Deposits and Other Credits Date Description 4/30 Interest Deposit Daily Balance Information Date Balance Date 4/01 9,060.63 4/30 Images Enclosed 0 Statement Dates 4/01/14 thru 4/30/14 Days in the statement period 30 Average hedger 9,060.63 Average Collected 9,060.63 2014 Interest Paid 2.68 Balance 9,061.30 Amount .67 A w000 The City `Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Chelsea M.E. Levo SUBJECT: Proposed Change to Ordinance No. 699 Hotel Motel Tax DATE: May 1, 2014 BACKGROUND: In 2002, Owasso voters approved a 3% hotel tax with the funds to be "set aside and used exclusively to encourage, promote and foster economic development and cultural enhancement, tourism and pursue regional promotion for the City of Owasso ...." In August 2008, Owasso citizens voted to increase the hotel tax rate to 5 %. Just prior to that election, the City Council approved Resolution 2008 -05 designating the hotel tax increase (if approved) to fund the Strong Neighborhood Initiative. ORDINANCE LANGUAGE CHANGE: Recently, one of Owasso's extended -stay hotels approached the city with an issue regarding a definition in Ordinance No. 699. The issue questioned the length of time an occupant is in a room defining the occupant as a "Permanent Resident." The hotel officials explained to City staff that they were losing clients due to the length of time defined in our ordinance. The City of Owasso ordinance defines a "Permanent Resident" as follows: Permanent Resident shall mean any occupant who has or shall have the right of occupancy of any room or rooms in a hotel for at least ninety (90) consecutive days during the current calendar year. The industry standard in Hotel Tax Ordinance language pertaining to a "Permanent Resident" defines the occupancy in a hotel for at least thirty (30) consecutive days during the current calendar year. The language in the City of Owasso ordinance is different than all compared Hotel Tax Ordinances in the Tulsa region, including Bixby, Broken Arrow, Jenks, Tulsa and Oklahoma City. Some companies seeking extended -stay hotels in the area for their employees /clients receive a city tax rebate after occupying room(s) for 30 days. Some have informed the concerned Owasso hotel they are not staying in Owasso's extended -stay hotels because of the 90 -day restriction. While these companies would receive a hotel tax rebate for their occupancy, they will presumably add revenue to the sales tax base. Staff believes it is in the City's best interest to change Ordinance No. 699 to reflect the industry standard and will propose to the City Council on June 3, 2014 a clerical change to the ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Trustee endorsement of clerical change to the definition of a "Permanent Resident" in Ordinance No. 699 to reflect: Permanent Resident shall mean any occupant who has or shall have the right of occupancy of any room or rooms in a hotel for at least thirty (30) consecutive days during the current calendar year. ATTACHMENT: Ordinance No. 699 Tulsa County Clerk 1ENE WILSON Doc# 02013561904501/29 /02 13650/136% ®1075 II' IIII' IIIIIIIII' �IIIIIII" II' IIIIIII 'III�II�'�I'II "III"II'll'll"I Receipt # Fee 29°00 ME000561904002A ORDINANCE N0. 699 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 7, FINANCE AND TAXATION, OF THE CODE AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, CREATING CHAPTER 6, HOTEL TAX, SECTIONS 7 -601 ET SEQ., LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN EXCISE TAX OF THREE PERCENT (3 %) UPON THE GROSS RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM RENT OF HOTEL /MOTEL ROOMS; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION OF TAX; REQUIRING THE FILING OF RETURNS AND THE KEEPING OF RECORDS; PROVIDING FOR INTEREST AND PENALTIES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO MAKE ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL CHANGES AND ADDITIONS EXCEPT AS TO THE TAX RATE AND PURPOSE; REQUIRING THE APPROVAL OF THIS ORDINANCE BY MAJORITY VOTE OF REGISTERED VOTERS VOTING AT AN ELECTION HELD FOR SUCH PURPOSE AS PROVIDED BY LAW; AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, TO -WIT: SECTION I. PART 7, FINANCE AND TAXATION, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IS NEARBY AMENDED BY ADDING CHAPTER 6, HOTEL TAX, SECTION 7 -601, ET SEQ., WHICH SAID SECTION TO READ AS FOLLOWS: 7 -601 Definitions. As used in this ordinance: a. Motel shall mean any building or buildings, structures, trailer or other facility in which the public may, for consideration, obtain sleeping accommodations, and in which five (5) or more rooms are used for the accommodation of such occupant whether such rooms are in one or several structures. The terin shall include hotels, apartmental hotels, motels, tourist courts, lodging houses, inns, bed & breal,--fasts, rooming houses and dormitory space where bed space is rented to individuals or groups, apartments not occupied by "permanent residents ", and all other facilities where rooms or sleepin4 facilities or space c. Occupant shall be the person who, for a consideration, uses, possesses, or has the right to the use or possession of any room or rooms in a hotel under any lease, concession, permit, right of access, license to use, or other agreement. d. Operator shall mean any person operating a hotel within the City, included, but not limited to, the owner, proprietor, manager, lessee, sublessee, or mortgagee operating such hotel. e. Permanent Resident shall mean any occupant who has or shall have the right of occupancy of any room or rooms in a hotel for at least ninety (90) consecutive days during the current calendar year. f. Rent shall mean the consideration received for occupancy valued in money, whether received in money or otherwise, including all receipts, cash, credits, and property or services of any kind or nature, and also which credit is allowed by the operator to the occupant, without any deduction therefrom whatsoever. g. Return shall mean any report filed or required to be filed as herein provided. h. Room shall mean any room or suite of rooms of any kind in any part or portion of a hotel which is available for or let out for use or possession for any purpose other than a place of assembly. Tax shall mean the tax levied pursuant to this ordinance. 7 -602 Tax Rate. There is hereby levied an excise tax of three percent (3 %) upon the gross proceeds or gross receipts derived from all the rent for every occupancy of a room or rooms in a hotel in this City, except that the tax will not be imposed where the rent is less than five dollars ($5.00) per day. 7 -603 Exemptions. a. Occupancy. The following shall be exempt from the tax levied in this ordinance: (1) Permanent residents; (2) Agents, employees and or officials of the United States Government or any agency or division thereof; (3) Agents, employees and or officials of the State of Oklahoma or any political subdivision. b. Certificate of Exemption Required. Anyone claiming to be exempt from the tax must obtain a Certification from the City Manager, or designee, that the person, organization, association or corporation with which the occupant is affiliated is exempt from the tax. Prior to issuing such a Certificate, a certification from the said organization that the occupant is an agent, employee officer and that their occupancy of the room is required in connection with the affairs of said exempt organization, association or corporation. 7 -604 Tax to be Separately Designated on Bills. The operator shall separately designate, charge and show the tax on all bills, statements, receipts or other evidence of charge or payment of rent for occupancy issued or delivered by the operator. In the absence of a Certificate of Exemption as specified above it shall be presumed that the rent on all occupancies is taxable, and the burden of proof shall be on the operator. 7 -605 Operators' Duties a. Operator Responsible for Collections. The operator shall be responsible for the collection of the tax from the occupant and shall be liable to the City for the tax, which shall be held in trust by the operator until paid to the City. The operator shall join the City as a party to any action brought by the operator to enforce collection of the tax. b. Records to be Kept. Every operator shall keep records of every occupancy and of all rent paid, charged, or due thereon and of the tax payable thereon in such form as the City Manager or designee, may by regulation require. Such records shall be available for inspection and examination at any time upon demand by the City Manager, or a duly authorized agent or employee of the City, and shall be preserved for a period of three (3) years. C. Returns. (1) Every operator shall file with the City Manager, or designee, a report of occupancy and of rents, and of the taxes payable thereon for the period ending on the last day of each month following the effective date of this Ordinance. Such return shall be filed within the first fifteen (15) days after the end of each such month. (2) Each operator shall further file with the City Manager, or designee, a copy of their completed Oklahoma State Sales Tax form within ten (10) days after June 30"', September 30t ", December 31st, and March 31st of each year following the effective date of this ordinance. (3) The form of return shall be prescribed by the City Manager, or designee, and shall contain such information as may be deemed necessary for the proper administration of this Ordinance. The City Manager, or designee, may require amended returns to be filed within twenty (20) days after notice and to contain the information specified in the notice. d. Payment of Tax. At the time of filing a return of occupancy and of rents, each operator shall pay to the City Director of Finance, or designee, the taxes imposed be the Ordinance upon the rents included in such return. All taxes not paid with a timely return shall be delinquent. All the taxes for the period for which a return is required to be filed shall be due from the operator and payable to the City's Director of Finance, or designee, on or before the date fixed for the filing of the return for such period without regard to whether a return is filed or whether the return which is filed correctly shows the amount of rents and the taxes due thereon. e. Interest and Penalties. If any tax levied by this Ordinance becomes more than 15 days delinquent, the person responsible and liable for such tax shall pay interest on such unpaid tax at the rate of ten percent (10 %) per month on the unpaid balance from the date of delinquency. In the case of failure or refusal to file within ten (10) days after written demand has been served upon the operator by the City Manager, or designee, by registered or certified letter with return receipt requested, a penalty of twenty five percent (25 %) may be assessed and collected. If any portion of the deficiency is due to fraud with intent to evade tax, a penalty of fifty percent (50 %) shall be added collected and paid. 7 -606 Bond Required. Where the City Manager, or designee, believes that any operator is about to cease business, leave the state, or remove or dissipate assets, or for any other similar reason the City Manager, or designee, deems it necessary in order to protect revenues under this Ordinance the City Manager, or designee, may require such operator to file with the City a bond issued by a surety company authorized to transact business in the State of Oklahoma in such amount as the City Manager, or designee, may fix to secure the payment of any tax or penalties and interest due, or which may become due from such operator. In the event that the City Manager, or designee, determines that an operator is to file such bond, the City shall give notice to such operator specifying the amount of security required. The operator shall file such security as a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit within five (5) days after the filing of such notice unless within such five (5) days the operator shall request in writing a hearing before the City Council, at which time the necessary propriety and amount of the bond shall be determined by the City Council. Such detennination shall be final and shall be complied with within fifteen (15) days thereafter. In lieu of such bond, a cash or securities escrow, in an amount and under terms approved by the City Manager, or designee, may be deposited with the City Manager, or designee, who may at any time after (5) days notice to the depositor, apply them to any tax and/or any penalties due and for that purpose the securities may be sold at private or public sale. 7 -607 Assessment and Determination of Tax. If a return required by this Ordinance is not filed, or if a return when filed is incorrect or insufficient, the amount of tax due shall be assessed by the City Manager, or designee, from such information as may be obtainable and, if necessary, the tax may be estimated on the basis of external indices, such as number of rooms, location, scale of rents, comparable rents, types of accommodations and services, number of employees, minimum of sixty percent (60 %) of full ILO occupancy or other factors. Written notice of such assessments shall be given to the person liable for the collection and payment of the tax. Such assessment shall finally and irrevocably fix and determine the tax (a) unless the person against whom it is assessed, shall apply in writing to the City Council within ninety (90) days after the City gives notice of such assessment, for a hearing, or (b) unless the City Manager, or designee, decides to reassess the same. After such hearing, the City Council shall give written notice of its determination to the person against whom the tax is assessed and such determination shall be final. Rafiinck a. Procedure. The City Manager, or designee, shall direct the refund or credit of any tax erroneously, illegally or unconstitutionally collected if written application to the City Manager, or designee, for such refund is made within six (6) months from the date of payment thereof. For like causes, and in the same period, a refund may be so made upon the initiative of the City Manager, or designee, subject to existing limits on the authority of the City Manager, or designee, as to amount. The City Manager, or designee, in lieu of any refund required to be made, may allow credit thereof on payments due from the applicant. Whenever a refund is made, the reasons therefore shall be stated in writing. Such application may be made by the person who has collected and paid such tax to the City Finance Director or designee, however, no refund of money shall be made to the operator until the operator has repaid to the occupant the amount for which the application for refund is made. b. Determination and Hearing. Upon application for a refund the City Manager, or designee, may receive evidence with respect thereto, and make such investigation as is deemed necessary. After making a determination as to the refund, the City Manager, or designee, shall give written notice thereof to the applicant. Such determination shall be final unless the applicant, within ninety (90) days after such notice shall apply in writing to the City Council for a hearing. After such hearing the City Council shall give written notice of its decision to the applicant. 7 -609 Notices. Notices provided for under this Ordinance shall be deemed to have been given when such notice has been delivered personally to the operator or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the last known address of the operator. In the absence of written evidence received by the City to the contrary, the last known address shall be presumed to be the address shown on the Certificate of Registration as required by 7 -612. 7 -610 Remedies Exclusive. The remedies provided in this Ordinance shall be the exclusive remedies available to any person for the review of tax liability imposed by this Ordinance. 7 -611 General Powers of the City Manager. In addition to all other powers granted to the City Manager, the Manager is hereby authorized: a. To make, adopt and amend rules and regulations appropriate to the execution of this Ordinance and for the purposes hereof; b. To extend for cause shown the time for filing any return for a period not exceeding sixty (60) days; and for cause shown to waive, remit, or reduce penalties or interest; C. To delegate functions hereunder to authorized designees for the City; d. To assess, reassess, and readjust the amount of taxes (but not the tax rate) imposed by this Ordinance; C. To prescribe methods for determining the taxable and nontaxable rents. f. To administer oaths and take affidavits concerning any matter or proceeding under this Ordinance. g. To subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers and documents to secure information pertinent to the performance and the enforcement of this Ordinance and to examine them in relation thereto. 7 -612 Certificates of Registration. Every operator shall file with the City Manager, or designee, a certificate of registration in a form prescribed by the City Manager within ten (10) days after the effective date of the ordinance, or in the case of operators commencing business or opening new hotels after such effective date, within three (3) days after such commencement or opening. The City Manager, or designee, shall, within five (5) days after such registration, issue, without charge, to each operator a certificate of authority empowering such operator to collect the tax from the occupant and duplicates thereof for each additional hotel. Each certificate or duplicate shall state the hotel to which it is applicable. Such certificate of authority shall be permanently displayed by the operator in such manner that it may be seen and will come to the notice of all occupants and persons seeking occupancy. Such certificates shall be non - assignable, non - transferable, and shall be surrendered immediately to the City Manager upon the cessation of business at the hotel named, or upon its sale or transfer. 7 -613 Use of Funds. a. All taxes collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall be set aside and used exclusively to encourage, promote and foster economic development and cultural enhancement, tourism and pursue regional promotion for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; and the cost of enforcing this Ordinance. b. The City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is authorized to retain from the initial proceeds of the Hotel Tax an amount equal to the costs of the election concerning this Ordinance and borne by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. C. In order to compensate an operator for keeping tax records, filing reports, and remitting the tax when due, the operator may retain a discount of one percent (1 %) of the total collected taxes for the current tax period. The operator shall not be allowed the compensation set fourth in 7 -613 (c) for the payment for delinquent taxes. 7 -614 Records Confidential. The confidential and privileged nature of the records file concerning the administration of the Hotel Tax is legislatively recognized and declared and, in order to protect the same, the provisions of 68 O.S. (1991), Sec 205 of the State Sales Tax Code, and each subsection thereof and all amendments thereto, are hereby adopted by reference and made frilly effective and applicable to the administration of the Owasso, Oklahoma, Hotel Tax as if here set forth. 7 -615 Criminal Penalties. a. The willful intent or refusal of any taxpayer to make reports and remittances therein required, or the making of any false and fraudulent report for the purpose of avoiding or escaping payment of any tax or portion thereof rightfully due under this Ordinance shall be deemed an offense and punishable as provided under the provisions of 1 -108 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. b. The failure by an operator 1) to file a security bond as required or 2) to register or to display the certificate of registration, or 3) to separately state the tax on the bill or failure to collect such tax from the occupant shall be deemed an offense and punishable as provided under the provisions of 1- 108 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 7 -616 Civil Remedies a. Whenever any operator, occupant or other person shall fail to collect and /or pay over any tax, or to owe any tax, penalty or interest imposed by o this chapter as herein provided, the Mayor may authorize the Director of Finance to file Notice of Liens on behalf of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma against all franchises, property and rights to property, whether real or personal, then belonging to or thereafter acquired by the person owing the tax pursuant to Title 68 O.S. 1981, Section 2701 and Section 2704. b. The liens shall, upon proper filing, attach to the real estate and /or personal property then owned or thereafter acquired by the debtor, whether such property issued by the debtor in the operation of business or is under the authority of an assignee, trustee, or receiver for the benefit of creditors, from the date such taxes are due and payable as allowed by Title 68 O.S. 1981, Section 2704. C. The City Manager, or designee, shall notify the person owing the tax by personal service or by certified mail that the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, will file such liens if any delinquent lodging taxes, interest and or penalties are not paid with fifteen (15) days of receiving such notice. d. The City Manager may also authorize the City Attorney to institute an action in personam and in rem to enforce payment and collect any delinquent lodging taxes, penalties and /or interest. SECTION II. The effective date of this Ordinance is the first day of the calendar month subsequent to the approval of this Ordinance by a majority of the voters of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. SECTION 111. The people of Owasso, Oklahoma, by their approval of this Ordinance at the election, hereby authorize the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, by ordinances duly enacted to make such administrative and technical changes or additions in the method and manner of administration and enforcing this ordinance as may be necessary for proper efficiency and fairness except that the rate of the tax and purposes of the tax as herein provided shall not be changed without the approval of the qualified electors of the City as provided by law. SECTION IV. The provisions hereof shall be cumulative, and in addition to any and all other taxing provisions of City Ordinances. The provisions hereof arc several, and it is specifically declared to be the intention of the governing body and of the people to collect the tax, notwithstanding any court ruling concerning the invalidity of other sections or subsections of the ordinance. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, this St" day of January 2002. DATED this the 8"' day of January 2002. Cv ° �. j� E; AT EST. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk City of Owasso, State of Oklahoma Mary Lit', Barff o /use, Mayor ; e, Affidavit ! . : e! Rill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the Owasso Reporter, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a news- paper qualified to publish legal notices, advertise- ments and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: January 17t Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of tar y PLtbfi Nahor A 5 d Tugs 2 `Wsot3nty �s GOP�lS� v %tRcSA - #ii My Commission expires: Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla- homa, January 17, 2001. ORDINANCE NO. 694 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 7, FINANCE AND TAXA- TION, OF THE CODE AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, CREATING CHAPTER 6, HOTEL TAX, SECTIONS 7 -601 ET SEQ., LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN EXCISE TAX OF THREE PERCENT (3%) UPON THE GROSS RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM RENT OF HOTEUMOTEL ROOMS; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRA- TION AND COLLECTION OF TAX; REQUIRING THE FILING OF RETURNS AND THE KEEPING OF RECORDS; PROVIDING FOR INTERESTAND PENALTIES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO MAKE ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL CHANGES AND ADDITIONS EXCEPT AS TO THE TAX RATE AND PURPOSE; REQUIRING THE APPROVAL OF THIS ORDINANCE BY MAJOR- ITY VOTE OF REGISTERED VOTERS VOTING AT AN ELECTION HELD FOR SUCH PURPOSE AS PROVIDED BY LAW; AND FIX- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, TO -WIT SECTION I. PART 7, FINANCE AND TAXATION, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IS HEARBY AMENDED BY ADDING CHAPTER 6, HOTEL TAX, SEC- TION 7 -601, ET SEC., WHICH SAID SECTION TO READ AS FOL- LOWS: 7 -601 Definitions. As used in this ordinance: a. Hotel shall mean any building or buildings, structures, trailer or other facility in which the public may, for consideration, obtain sleep- ing accommodations, and in which five (5) or more rooms are used for the accommodation of such occupant whether such rooms are in one or several structures. The term shall include hotels, apartmen- tal hotels, motels, tourist courts, lodging houses, inns, bed & break- fasts, rooming houses and dormitory space where bed space is rented to individuals or groups, apartments not occupied by "per- manent residents', and all other facilities where rooms or sleeping facilities or space are furnished for a consideration. The term shall not include hospitals, sanitariums or nursing homes. b. Occupancy shall mean the use or possession, or the right to the use or possession of any room or rooms in a hotel, or the right to the use or possession of the furnishings or the service and accommo- dation accompanying the use and possession of the room or rooms c. Occupant shall be the person who, for a consideration, uses, pos- sesses, or has the right to the use or possession of any room or rooms in a hotel under any lease, concession, permit, right of access, license to use, or other agreement. d. Operator shall mean any person operating a hotel within the City, included, but not limited to, the owner, proprietor, manager, lessee, sublessee, or mortgagee operating such hotel. e. Permanent Resident shall mean any occupant who has or shall have the right of occupancy of any room or rooms in a hotel for at least ninety (90) consecutive days during the current calendar year. I. Rent shall mean the consideration received for occupancy valued in money, whether received in money or otherwise, including all receipts, cash, credits, and property or services of any kind or nature, and also which credit is allowed by the operator to the occu- pant, without any deduction therefrom whatsoever. g. Return shall mean any report filed or required to be filed as here- in provided. h. Room shall mean any room or suite of rooms of any kind in any part or portion of a hotel which is available for or let out for use or possession for any purpose other than a place of assembly. i. Tax shall mean the tax levied pursuant to this ordinance. 7 -602 Tax Rate. There is hereby levied an excise tax of three per- cent (3%) upon the gross proceeds or gross receipts derived from all the rent for every occupancy of a room or rooms in a hotel in this City, except that the tax will not be imposed where the rent is less than five dollars ($5.00) per day. 7.603 Exemptions. a. Occupancy. The following shall be exempt from the tax levied in this ordinance: (1) Permanent residents; (2) Agents, employees and or officials of the United States Govern- ment or any agency or division thereof; (3) Agents, employees and or officials of the State of Oklahoma or any political subdivision. b. Certificate of Exemption Required. Anyone claiming to be exempt from the tax must obtain a Certification from the City Manager, or designee, that the person, organization, association or corporation with which the occupant is affiliated is exempt from the tax. Prior to issuing such a Certificate, a certification from the said organization that the occupant is an agent, employee officer and that their occu- pancy of the room is required in connection with the affairs of said exempt organization, association or corporation.. 7 -604 Tax to be Separately Designated on Bills. The operator shall separately designate, charge and show the tax on all bills, state- ments, receipts or other evidence of charge or payment of rent for occupancy issued or delivered by the operator. In the absence of a Certificate of Exemption as specified above it shall be presumed that the rent on all occupancies is taxable, and the burden of proof chill he n„ Ohe ....,...,e (2) Each operator shall further file with the City Manager, or designee, a copy of their completed Oklahoma State Sales Tax form within ten (10) days after June 30th, September 30th, December 31st, and March 31st of each year following the effective date of this ordinance. (3) The form of return shall be prescribed by the City Manager, or designee, and shall contain such information as may be deemed necessary for the proper administration of this Ordinance. The City Manager, or designee, may require amended returns to be filed within twenty (20) days after notice and to contain the information specified in the notice. d. Payment of Tax. At the time of filing a return of occupancy and of rents, each operator shall pay to the City Director of Finance, or designee, the taxes imposed be the Ordinance upon the rents included in such return. All taxes not paid with a timely return shall be delinquent. All the taxes for the period for which a return is required to be filed shall be due from the operator and payable to the City's Director of Finance, or designee, on or before the date fixed for the filing of the return for such period without regard to whether a return is filed or whether the return which is filed correctly shows the amount of rents and the taxes due thereon. e. Interest and Penalties. If any tax levied by this Ordinance becomes more than 15 days delinquent, the person responsible and liable for such tax shall pay interest on such unpaid tax at the rate of ten percent (10 %) per month on the unpaid balance from the date of delinquency. In the case of failure or refusal to file within ten (10) days after written demand has been served upon the operator by the City Manager, or designee, by registered or certified letter with return receipt requested, a penalty of twenty live percent (25 %) may be assessed and collected, if any portion of the deficiency is due to fraud with intent to evade tax, a penalty of fifty percent (50 %) shall be added collected and paid. 7 -606 Bond Required. Where the City Manager, or designee, believes that any operator is about to cease business, leave the state, or remove or dissipate assets, or for any other similar reason the City Manager, or designee, deems it necessary in order to pro- tect revenues under this Ordinance the City Manager, or designee, may require such operator to file with the City a bond issued by a surety company authorized to transact business in the State of Okla- homa in such amount as the City Manager, or designee, may fix to secure the payment of any tax or penalties and interest due, or which may become due from such operator. In the event that the City Manager, or designee, determines that an operator Is to file such bond, the City shall give notice to such operator specifying the amount of security required. The operator shall file such security as a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit within five (5) days after the filing of such notice unless within such five (5) days the operator shall request in writing a hearing before the City Council, at which time the necessary propriety and amount of the bond shall be determined by the City Council. Such determination shall be final and shall be complied with within fifteen (15) days thereafter. In lieu of such bond, a cash or securities escrow, in an amount and under terms approved by the City Manager, or designee, may be deposit- ed with the City Manager, or designee, who may at any time after (5) days notice to the depositor, apply them to any tax and/or any penal- ties due and for that purpose the securities may be sold at private or public sale. 7 -607 Assessment and Determination of Tax. If a return required by this Ordinance is not filed, or if a return when filed is incorrect or insufficient, the amount of tax due shall be assessed by the City Manager, or designee, from such information as may be obtainable and, if necessary, the tax may be estimated on the basis of external indices, such as number of rooms, location, scale of rents, compa- rable rents, types of accommodations and services, number of employees, minimum of sixty percent (60 %) of full occupancy or oth- er factors. Written notice of such assessments shall be given to the person liable for the collection and payment of the tax. Such assessment shall finally and irrevocably fix and determine the tax (a) unless the person against whom it is assessed, shall apply in writ- ing to the City Council within ninety (90) days after the City gives notice of such assessment, for a hearing, or (b) unless the City Man- ager, or designee, decides to reassess the same. After such hear- ing, the City Council shall give written notice of its determination to the person against whom the tax is assessed and such determina- tion shall be final. Refunds a. Procedure. The City Manager, or designee, shall direct the refund or credit of any tax erroneously, illegally or unconstitutionally col- lected if written application to the City Manager, or designee, for such refund is made within six (6) months from the date of payment thereof. For like causes, and in the same period, a refund may be so made upon the initiative of the City Manager, or designee, sub - iect to existina limits on the authority of the City Manager, or designee, as to amount. The City Manager, or designee, in lieu of any refund required to be made, may allow credit thereof on pay- ments due from the applicant. Whenever a refund is made, the rea- sons therefore shall be slated in writing. Such application may be made by the person who has collected and paid such tax to the City Finance Director or designee; however, no refund of money shall be made to the operator until the operator has repaid to the occupant the amount for which the application for refund is made. b. Determination and Hearing. Upon application for a refund the City Manager, or designee, may receive evidence with respect thereto, and make such investigation as is deemed necessary. After making a determination as to the refund, the City Manager, or designee, shall give written notice thereof to the applicant. Such determination shall be final unless the applicant, within ninety (90) days after such notice shall apply in writing to the City Council for a hearing. After such hearing the City Council shall give written notice of its decision to the applicant. 7 -609 Notices. Notices provided for under this Ordinance shall be deemed to have been given when such notice has been delivered rents. I. To administer oaths and take affidavits concerning any matter or Proceeding under this Ordinance. g. To subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers and documents to secure information pertinent to the performance and the enforcement of this Ordinance and to examine them in relation thereto. 7 -612 Certificates of Registration. Every operator shall file with the City Manager, or designee, a certificate of registration in a form pre- scribed by the City Manager within ten (10) days after the effective date of the ordinance, or in the case of operators commencing busi- ness or opening new hotels after such effective date, within three (3) days after such commencement or opening., The City Manager, or designee, shall, within five (5) days after such registration, issue, without charge, to each operator a certificate of authority empower- ing such operator to collect the tax from the occupant and duplicates thereof for each additional hotel. Each certificate or duplicate shall state the hotel to which it is applicable. Such certificate of authority shall be permanently displayed by the operator in such manner that it may be seen and will come to the notice of all occupants and per- sons seeking occupancy. Such certificates shall be non- assignable, non- transferable, and shall be surrendered immediately to the City Manager upon the cessation of business at the hotel named, or upon its sale or transfer. 7 -613 Use of Funds. a. All to collocted pursuant to this Ordinance shall be set aside and used exclusively to encourage, promote and foster economic development and cultural enhancement, tourism and pursue region- al promotion for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; and the cost of enforcing this Ordinance. b. The City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is authorized to retain from the initial proceeds of the Hotel Tax an amount equal to the costs of the election concerning this Ordinance and borne by the City of Owas- so, Oklahoma. c. In order to compensate an operator for keeping tax records, filing reports, and remitting the tax when due, the operator may retain a discount of one percent (1 %) of the total collected taxes for the cur. rent tax period. The operator shall not be allowed the compensation set fourth in 7 -613 (c) for the payment for delinquent taxes. 7 -614 Records Confidential. The confidential and privileged nature of the records file concerning the administration of the Hotel Tax is legislatively recognized and declared and, in order to protect the same, the provisions of 68 O.S. (1991), Sec 205 of the State Sales Tax Code, and each subsection thereof and all amendments there- to, are hereby adopted by reference and made fully effective and applicable to the administration of the Owasso, Oklahoma, Hotel Tax as if here set forth. 7 -615 Criminal Penalties. a. The willful intent or refusal of any taxpayer to make reports and remittances therein required, or the making of any false and fraudu- lent report for the purpose of avoiding or escaping payment of any tax or portion thereof rightfully due under this Ordinance shall be deemed an offense and punishable as provided under the provi- sions of 1 -108 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. b. The failure by an operator 1) to file a security bond as required or 2) to register or to display the certificate of registration, or 3) to sep- arately state the tax on the bill or failure to collect such tax from the occupant shall be deemed an offense and punishable as provided under the provisions of 1 -108 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 7 -616 Civil Remedies a. Whenever any operator, occupant or other person shall fail to col- lect and/or pay over any tax, or to owe any tax, penalty or interest imposed by this chapter as herein provided, the Mayor may autho- rize the Director of Finance to file Notice of Liens on behalf of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma against all franchises, property and rights to property, whether real or personal, then belonging to or thereafter acquired by the person owing the tax pursuant to Title 68 O.S. 1981, Section 2701 and Section 2704. b. The liens shall, upon proper filing, attach to the real estate and/or personal property then owned or thereafter acquired by the debtor, whether such property issued by the debtor in the operation of busi- ness or is under the authority of an assignee, trustee, or receiver for the benefit of creditors, from the date such taxes are due and payable as allowed by Title 68 O.S. 1981, Section 2704. c. The City Manager, or designee, shall notify the person owing the tax by personal service or by certified mail that the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, will file such liens if any delinquent lodging taxes, inter- est and or penalties are not paid with fifteen (15) days of receiving such notice. d. The City Manager may also authorize the City Attorney to institute an action in personam and in rem to enforce payment and collect any delinquent lodging taxes, penalties and /or interest. SECTION It. The effective date of this Ordinance is the first day of the calendar month subsequent to the approval of this Ordinance by a majority of the voters of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. SECTION Ifl. The people of Owasso, Oklahoma, by their approval of this Ordinance at the election, hereby authorize the City of Owas- so, Oklahoma, by ordinances duly enacted to make such adminis- trative and technical changes or additions in the method and man- ner of administration and enforcina this nrdlnanca — mom„ k� ..,,,. Month 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 January 31 22 13 25 15 17 18 19 15 22 2 February 52 41 14 19 23 29 17 15 26 21 3 March 65 50 25 35 30 46 14 27 27 31 4 April 63 52 30 31 36 31 19 26 26 36 5 May 43 36 60 23 27 30 20 23 19 6 June 42 29 27 21 34 23 19 24 19 7 July 27 12 23 24 28 17 20 15 27 8 August 45 28 27 18 28 19 12 15 18 9 September 35 12 17 40 20 11 12 12 28 10 October 30 25 31 15 36 13 10 21 15 11 November 32 13 26 10 13 1 8 11 7 12 December 53 16 8 6 13 9 10 16 11 Totals 518 336 3611 267 303 246 179 224 238 110 YTS 148 113 52 79 68 92. 4'9 61 68 110 TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR fyxi7�T�xiTi7r1 � 4/1 111 Watercolours (12102) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Sawgrass Park II (04105) Remington Park II (11/04) Preston Lakes 111 (10104) Preston Lakes (12100) Park Place at Preston Lakes Nottingham Hill (6109) Nottingham Estates V (3101) Nottingham Estates IV (8101) Maple Glen Ili (5113) Maple Glen It (1111) Maple Glen (12108) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Lake Valley V (9/30) Lake Valley IV (5110) Keys Landing (3108) Honey Creek (4102) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12105) Falls at Garrett Creek (12105) Fairways VI (12100) Fairways V (8199) Crescent Ridge (02108) Country Estates VI (11103) Country Estates 111 (3/99) Champions West (5108) Champions East (05/08) Carrington Pointe I (1111) Camelot Estates (4107) Burberry Place (6109) CITY OF OWASSO 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 el ots Developed aTotal Lots CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS April 30, 2014 SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE Burberry Place (6109) 89 88 1 Camelot Estates (4107) 139 91 48 Carrington Pointe 1 (1111) 171 140 31 Champions East (05108) 66 8 58 Champions West (5108) 45 12 33 Country Estates III (3199) 61 58 3 Country Estates VI (11/03) 37 36 1 Crescent Ridge (02108) 101 93 8 Fairways V (8199) 71 65 6 Fairways Vl (12100) 42 41 1 Falls at Garrett Creek (12105) 85 84 1 Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12105) 24 23 1 Honey Creek (4102) 202 198 4 Keys Landing (3108) 131 110 21 Lake Valley IV (5110) 114 112 2 Lake Valley V (9130) 78 44 34 Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10107) 235 232 3 Maple Glen (12108) 98 95 3 Maple Glen 11 (1111) 93 88 5 Maple Glen 111 (5113) 43 38 5 Nottingham Estates IV (8101) 20 17 3 Nottingham Estates V (3101) 44 43 1 Nottingham Hill (6109) 58 13 45 Park Place at Preston Lakes 93 26 67 Preston Lakes (12100) 272 243 29 Preston Lakes 111 (10104) 147 144 3 Remington Park 11 (11104) 84 82 2 Sawgrass Park 11 (04105) 96 94 2 The Summit at Southern Links (6197) 31 26 5 Watercolours (12102) 40 31 9 TOTALS 2810 2375 435 COMMERCIAL NEW MONTH END REPORT APRIL 2014 Month 2004 2005 2006 2007 2088 20O9 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2Febmmry 5 b 0 3 2 0 l l l l O 3Maroh 2 l 14 2 O 1 3 O O O l 44#ri| 3 4 l O 4 l l l O l O 5 K8ay l 3 2 l l 2 l 2 l O bJune 4 3 4 1 l 2 Q O 2 l 7July O O O 0 l O O O O l 8 August 3 l 7 3 l D Q 2 2 O 9 3ephernber l 2 l 28 3 0 O O O O 10 October 0 l 3 4 l Q O l O 4 ll Mcwarnber 3 O l l l 2 2 l 0 1 12 December O l 1 l l O l O O l Totals 23 23 43 48 20 9 10 11 7 11 2 APRIL YEAR-TO-DATE COUNT 25 20014 2 2006"-['-2007- 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 APRIL DOLLARS NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR ----------'---'------'----'--------------'----- 6,018,116 17,296,666- 375,440 1 1,885,000 OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE APRIL 2014 Discount Tire 13321 E 116 St N 10/14/2013 4/30/2014 Yes Ledford Properties 425 E 22 St N 1/15/2014 4/4/2014 Yes Owasso Auto Spa /Dog Wash 9800 N 119 E Ave 2/21/2014 4/14/2014 Yes MARCH 2014 10800 N 140 E Ave 11/22/2010 8/1/2013 Yes Lindo Veracruz 301 W 12 St 2/25/2014 3/5/2014 Yes FEBRUARY 2014 8751 N 117 E Ave 8/9/2013 8/28/2013 Yes Gramma's Attic 11211 N Garnett Rd 2/24/2014 2/26/2014 Yes JANUARY 2014 403 W 2nd St #107 5/21/2013 7/17/2013 Yes Envi Spa 9455 N Owasso Exp #G 10/22/2013 1/2/2014 Yes Raising Canes 13301 E 96 St N 7/8/2013 1/8/2014 Yes Simply Nutrition 117E S Main St 1/9/2014 1/13/2014 Yes St. Johns MOB 3rd Floor 12455 N 100 E Ave 9/30/2013 1/22/2014 Yes Friendship Baptist Church 14100 E 86 St N 9/11/2013 1/24/2014 Yes AAA Insurance 11519 N Garnett Rd 9/16/2013 1/28/2014 Yes DECEMBER 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 OCTOBER 2013 Justice & Brothers 9018 N 121 E Ave #500 8/19/2013 10/2/2013 Yes Mum's'N Bum's 104 W Broadway, Suite 4 10/1/2013 10/10/2013 Yes Needful Things 12701 E 86 PI N 10/1/2013 10/15/2013 Yes Sam's Club 12905 E 96 St N 9/7/2012 10/24/2013 Yes Sixkillers Gaming House 7703 N Owasso Exp #109 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 Yes SEPTEMBER 2013 Senior Suites 10098 N 123 E Ave 6/14/2012 Yes AUGUST 2013 Arrival Salon 12330 E 86 St N 7/10/2013 8/12/2013 Yes Ledford Properties 425 E 22 St N 3/2/2013 8/1/2013 Yes IGH Properties 14601 E 88 PI N 7/5/2013 8/29/2013 Yes Tulsa Technology Center 10800 N 140 E Ave 11/22/2010 8/1/2013 Yes Sears 9002 N 121 E Ave #600 6/6/2013 8/23/2013 Yes Halloween City 8751 N 117 E Ave 8/9/2013 8/28/2013 Yes JULY 2013 Dance Studio 403 W 2nd St #107 5/21/2013 7/17/2013 Yes LaTorta Chilanga 11501 N Garnett Rd 7/5/2013 7/30/2013 Yes JUNE 2013 Vaping Kicks Ash 11215 N Garnett Rd #D 6/26/2013 7/8/2013 Yes Dollar Tree 12309 E 96 St N 4/16/2013 6/12/2013 Yes The Children's Place 9002 N 121 E Ave #400 2/4/2013 6/12/2013 Yes MAY 2013 PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN APRIL 2014 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT# DATE 10902 N 120 E Ave Simmons Homes MG111 /RS3 $100,815 1,833 14- 0401 -X 4/1/2014 14508 E 111 PI N Simmons Homes LVV /RS3 $ 78,815 1,433 14- 0402 -X 4/1/2014 10901 N 120 E Ave Simmons Homes MGIII /RS3 $100,815 1,833 14- 0403 -X 4/1/2014 11123 N 145 E PI Simmons Homes LVV/RS3 $105,160 1,912 14- 0404 -X 4/1/2014 14124 E 91 St N Money Homes CE /RS3 $139,700 2,540 14- 0405 -X 4/1/2014 12108 E 69 St N Money Homes KEYLI /RS3 $148,500 2,700 14- 0406 -X 4/1/2014 11104 N 145 E PI Simmons Homes LVV /RS3 $ 89,430 2,026 14- 0407 -X 4/2/2014 11000 N 120 E Ave Capital Homes MGIII /RS3 $157,300 2,860 140408 -X 4/4/2014 11122 N 145 E PI Simmons Homes LVV /RS3 $111,430 2,026 14- 0409 -X 4/4/2014 8418 N 77 E Ave Executive Homes CARPI /RS3 $146,740 2,668 14- 0410 -X 4/9/2014 7616 E 83 St N Executive Homes CARPI /RS3 $146,740 2,668 14- 0411 -X 4/9/2014 7604 E 84 St N Executive Homes CARPI /RS3 $146,740 2,668 14- 0412 -X 4/9/2014 7600 E 84 St N Executive Homes CARPI /RS3 $159,115 2,893 14- 0413 -X 4/9/2014 7617 E 83 St N Executive Homes CARPI /RS3 $146,575 2,665 14- 0414 -X 4/9/2014 7617 E 82 PI N Executive Homes CARPI /RS3 $146,575 2,665 14- 0415 -X 4/9/2014 9404 E 92 PI N Fiesta Pools LBR /RS3 $ 30,000 388 14- 0416 -P 4/10/2014 9025 N 21 E Ave Dwights Sign Service SF /CS $ 9,450 85 14- 0417 -S 4/10/2014 8909 N 143 E Ave Armstrong Home Builders CE /RS3 $132,000 2,400 14- 0418 -X 4/11/2014 9500 N 129 E Ave Sign World CC /CS $ 5,100 192 14- 0419 -S 4/14/2014 9303 N 93 E Ave Landmark Homes LBR /RS3 $147,015 2,673 14- 0420 -X 4/14/2014 9301 N 95 E Ave Landmark Homes LBR /RS3 $163,625 2,975 14- 0421 -X 4/14/2014 9506 E 92 PI N Landmark Homes LBR /RS3 $149,875 2,725 14- 0422 -X 4/14/2014 9405 E 91 St N Landmark Homes LBR /RS3 $149,875 2,725 14- 0423 -X 4/14/2014 9206 N 96 E Ave Landmark Homes LBR /RS3 $147,015 2,673 14- 0424 -X 4/14/2014 12107 E 69 St N Landmark Homes KEYLI /RS3 $149,875 2,725 14- 0425 -X 4/14/2014 12204 E 70 St N Landmark Homes KEYLI /RS3 $142,450 2,590 14- 0426 -X 4/14/2014 12310 E 69 St N Landmark Homes KEYLI /RS3 $147,015 2,673 14- 0427 -X 4/14/2014 11106 N 146 E Ave Simmons Homes LVV /RS3 $105,160 1,912 14- 0428 -X 4/16/2014 11730 E 109 St N Simmons Homes MGIII /RS3 $100,760 1,832 14- 0429 -X 4/16/2014 15405 E 87 St N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $147,400 2,680 14- 0430 -X 4/16/2014 15406 E 87 St N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $143,000 2,600 14- 0431 -X 4/17/2014 15404 E 87 St N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $142,725 2,595 14- 0432 -X 4/17/2014 8719 N 157 E Ave Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $142,725 2,595 14- 0433 -X 4/17/2014 8717 N 157 E Ave Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $143,000 2,600 14- 0434 -X 4/17/2014 15515 E 87 St N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $142,725 2,595 14- 0435 -X 4/17/2014 15521 E 87 St N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $143,000 2,600 14- 0436 -X 4/17/2014 403 W 2 Ave Stay Green CIMS /IL $ 35,000 2,004 14- 0437 -C 4/22/2014 14619 E 111 Pl N Simmons Homes LVV /RS3 $111,430 2,026 14- 0438 -X 4/23/2014 9708 E 90 Ct N American Heartland Builder FV /RS3 $135,300 2,460 14- 0439 -X 4/24/2014 11909 E 96 St N A -Max Sign OM /CS $ 6,000 66 14- 0440 -S 4/24/2014 8406 N 77 E Ave Hayes Custom Homes CARPI /RS3 $142,395 2,589 14- 0441 -X 4/29/2014 12301 E 96 St N lClaude Neon Federal Signs OM /CS $ 1,500 181 14- 0442 -5 4/29/2014 Guiy of Owass 111. N. Maih S1- Owamsa-, OK 74055 PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN APRIL 2014 36 Single Family $ 4,852,815 88,633 SgFt 1 Commercial Remodel $ 35,000 2,004 SgFt 4 Signs $ 22,050 524 SgFt 1 Pool $ 30,000 388 SgFt 42 Total Building Permit $ 4,939,865 91,549 5gFt C- ly of Owa,, a11-1- N. Mai.w St Owalw, OK 74055 PROJECT STATUS REPORT City of Owasso Public Works Department May 2, 2014 • E. 106b Street North and Garnett Road Intersection Improvement Project - Funding for the construction of this project is a result of a "matching grant "; 80% ODOT funding and 20% City funding. - ODOT awarded construction contract to Paragon Contractors in the amount of $1,952,952. - A Public Meeting was held on June 27, 2013, with representatives from PSA Dewberry, ODOT and Paragon to review the intersection improvements and provide a preview of the construction schedule. Construction began on July 8, 2013. - Relocation of City of Owasso and Rural Water District water lines was completed in October 2013. - On May 1 st the contractor closed the west leg of E 106th St N (west of Garnett) to begin pouring concrete that will connect the new concrete legs of the intersection. This phase should take approximately 7 days. The contractor will then close E 106th St N east of Garnett to pour concrete that will connect the eastern leg of E 106th St N to finish the intersection to a point that traffic can be moved to the new concrete sections. This phase should be completed by May 18th (weather permitting). Traffic will then be routed to the new concrete sections as the contractor begins removing the remaining asphalt sections of E 106th St N and Garnett in preparation of installing remaining stormwater infrastructure and base work. Once base work is complete, the contractor will begin the remaining concrete placement that will complete the project. This project is approximately 40% complete. - As a result of utility conflicts and weather delays, the project is approximately 90- days behind schedule. Thus, intersection improvements are scheduled to be complete in July 2014. • E. 76th Street North Widenina (from U.S. Hwvl 69 to N. 129th East Avenue - In October 2010, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $2,090,000 for engineering, right -of -way and utility relocation costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. - In October 2011, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $3,470,000 for construction and administration costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. - In February 2012, ODOT officials informed City staff of funds available in the Federal Surface Transportation Fund for the planning phase of E. 76th Street North Widening Project. - In March, INCOG presented this project to its members for consideration to receive funding in 2012 for the engineering design. Project was approved by the Technical Advisory, Transportation Policy Committee, and INCOG Board of Directors - Engineering agreement for Poe & Associates, Inc. of Tulsa, Oklahoma and funding agreement was approved at the May 7, 2013, Council Meeting. - Preliminary plans (30% Design) have been delivered to the City of Owasso for review. In addition, utility companies are working on their utility relocation plans for the project. - On February 13, 2014, City staff and Poe & Associates conducted a public meeting. City staff and Poe & Associates presented to the citizens a conceptual layout of the street improvements and received positive feedback from the residents. - The engineering consultant is working on comments and realignment options for North 122nd E Ave. - Environmental review will be ongoing for the next 4 to 7 months. • Ranch Creek Sanitary Sewer Improvements - May 2012, City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $175,000 to Kellogg Engineering Incorporated. - As part of an OWRB requirement, a Public Hearing over the environmental document was held June 13, 2013. Kellogg Engineering presented the engineering drafts of the proposed interceptor alignment for review by meeting attendees. - In September 2013, Kellogg Engineering completed the engineering design. - In October 2013, ODEQ approved engineering design and plans. - On December 3, 2013, OPWA Trustees awarded a bid to Rosetta Construction, LLC, in the amount of $2,864,543. - Rosetta Construction has completed clearing and grubbing between E 76th St N and E 86th St N as well as placement of two manholes and installation of approximately 700 linear feet of 30" PVC sewer line. Additionally, the contractor has completed the bore under the railroad tracks and has begun the bore under E 86th St N. - This project is scheduled for completion by January 2015. • Garnett Widening (from E. 961 Street North to E. 106th Street North) - In November 2012, Council approved an engineering agreement with Dewberry in the amount of $345,600. - A Public Meeting for the Garnett Widening project was held June 27, 2013 with City staff and representatives from PSA Dewberry to receive citizen comments regarding the design. In October 2013, INCOG presented this project to its members for consideration to receive federal funding in FY 2017 for the construction phase. Project was approved by the Technical Advisory and Transportation Policy Committees. - On November 12, 2013, the INCOG Board of Directors approved federal funds to be allocated to this specific project in the year 2017 or sooner, if funding is available. The City of Owasso will receive $3.2 million in federal funds. - Preliminary plans (30% Design) have been delivered to the City of Owasso for review. - City of Owasso staff is currently reviewing water line relocation plans and roadway plans. - Environmental review will be ongoing for the next 4 to 7 months. • Hale Acres Offsite Sanitary Sewer Line Improvements - Sanitary sewer project is funded in the Wastewater Collection Operating Budget. As a result of inadequate slope, the offsite Hale Acres gravity sewer line is need of replacement. The estimated cost for such improvements is $270,000. - The Permit to Construct has been received from ODEQ. - Trustees awarded a construction contract to Triangle Construction in the amount of $359,879. - Staff is in the process of finalizing railroad permits and insurance as well as obtaining utility easement from two property owners. - Construction is scheduled to begin in May 2014, with completion expected to occur in December 2014. FY 2013 -2014 Street Rehabilitation Program - In August 2013, City Council approved the project priority list. - Funding in the amount of $1 million is included in the FY 2013 -2014 Capital Improvements Fund for this project. - 80% of the crack sealing portion of this project is complete. The Contractor will finish remaining areas, as weather permits. - Council awarded a construction contract to Tri -Star construction in the amount of $827,296. - Base repairs are complete on the east service road between E 106th St N and E 99th St N (SAMS). Base, curb and gutter improvements are in progress on E 19th St N between Birch and Garnett. Contractors are expected to complete repairs in Ator by mid -May. Contractor will then proceed to Original Town to perform similar work. This project is approximately 15% complete. - Tri -Star Construction is expected to have all work outlined in the construction contract complete by late summer of this year. A w000 The City 'Wit out Limits. TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. LEVO DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: DIRECTOR'S REPORT DATE: May 8, 2014 NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT • Super 8 Hotel, 76th Street N. o Construction is almost complete. This hotel should open toward the end of June with 50 rooms. • Wells Property at 76th Street N. and Main Street o Discussing some options for this vacant area with businesses and developers. This property can set the stage for Downtown development along with New City Hall renovations. • Working with two development companies on two different available pieces of land to locate two nationally recognized businesses. Details cannot be divulged at this time. More to follow next month. • Meeting this month with Tulsa -based hotel developer and reps from Tulsa Tech regarding full- service upscale hotel development in Owasso. • Updating all demographics, aerials, infographics, etc. for enhanced recruitment efforts. BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION (BR&E) PROGRAM Creating a Business Retention and Expansion program. o The BR &E Program makes local businesses more competitive by evaluating and addressing some of their key needs and concerns. Businesses that stay competitive are more likely to remain in the community and possibly expand. The program also enhances the economic development plan for the community and a broad -based community coalition to sustain long term economic development efforts. This program focuses on both short and long term goals: • Short -Term Objectives • To demonstrate support for local businesses • To help solve immediate business concerns • Long -Term Objectives To increase local businesses' ability to compete in the global economy • To establish and implement a strategic plan for economic development • To build community capacity to sustain growth and development • To build relationships with business executives The model for jobs and capital investment drivers shows economic development efforts are driven by: ■ 76% existing business ■ 15% attraction ■ 9% entrepreneurial (source: Blane Canada, LTD) All three of these demand more attention. The BR &E program will provide valuable data and increase workforce and economic development efforts. This program begins in June 2014. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Tulsa Regional Chamber held its Tulsa's Future Annual Meeting on Monday, April 21 at Southern Hills Country Club. Mayor Bonebrake, Gary Akin and I attended this meeting. Owasso was represented in the program as I spoke to the group about the recent Macy's regional recruitment efforts. The annual meeting included a recap of the Tulsa's Future program's successes the past year, as well as a look ahead. The Tulsa's Future program contributed to the announcement of nearly 6,000 new jobs in northeast Oklahoma during 2013, a number that surpasses last year's job creation numbers by more than 2,000 jobs. The plan unites 135 public and private sector investors from throughout the Tulsa region with a goal to create 15,000 high - paying jobs between 2011 and 2015. Since 2011, nearly 18,000 jobs have been announced in connection with the Tulsa's Future plan, with more than 9,000 of those jobs meeting or exceeding the program's target salary of $50,000 annually or greater. The Tulsa Regional Chamber launched a new economic development website www.growmetrotulsa.com. This is another great tool for economic development. We are working more and more with the economic development staff at the Tulsa Chamber. Added resources like this aid our relevance and partnerships. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY NEWS I attended the Heartland Economic Development Course in Kansas City last month. The course syllabus included: • Business Retention & Expansion • Workforce Development • Financing for Economic Development • Managing Effective Economic Development Organizations (EDOs) • Strategic Planning • Real Estate & Community Development • Entrepreneurship, Economic Gardening and Growing Your Own • Marketing Your Community • Marketing on the Web • Business Attraction This was a highly beneficial course. I learned a lot, made valuable connections with others in the industry and have made a plan for professional growth. Quality and knowledge of the economic developer are vital assets for the community and the organization. I will continue the path to certification to become a Certified Economic Developer by beginning OU /EDI in November. The University of Oklahoma's Economic Development Institute (OU EDI) is an executive development certificate program that has been the primary professional training program for those in the business of economic development since its creation. It has been recognized in The Wall Street Journal and elsewhere as the premiere economic development program in the nation.