HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012.09.13_OEDA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 13, 2012 TIME: 10:00 a.m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall, Lower Level Conference Room 111 N. Main Owasso, Oklahoma Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2012. •a Chelsea M. . Harkins, Eco&Wmic velopment irector AGENDA Call to Order Mr. Charney, Chairman 2. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of minutes of the August 9, 2012 Regular Meeting. Attachment B. Approval of claims. Attachment C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report. Attachment 3. Discussion of proposed amendments to the Planned Unit Development section of the Owasso Zoning Code. Mr. Fritschen Attachment 4. Report from Economic Development Director • Monthly Building Report • Public Works Project Status Report • Business Development Report Ms. Harkins Attachment OEDA September 13, 2012 Page 2 5. Report from OEDA Manager Mr. Ray 6. Report from OEDA Trustees 7. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 8. Adjournment MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, August 9, 2012 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, August 9, 2012 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, August 7, 2012. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Chairman Charney called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM. PRESENT David Charney, Chairman Gary Akin, Secretary Bryan Spriggs, Trustee Dirk Thomas, Trustee Dee Sokolosky, Trustee Jeri Moberly, Trustee A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Frank Enzbrenner, Vice Chairman ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE OEDA CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of the July 12, 2012 Regular Meeting B. Approval of claims C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report Mr. Akin moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Dr. Thomas. AYE: Spriggs, Charney, Akin, Moberly, Thomas NAY: None ABSTAIN: Sokolosky Motion carried 5 -1. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT SECTION OF THE OWASSO ZONING CODE Mr. Fritschen presented proposed amendments to the Planned Unit Development section of the Owasso Zoning Code. Discussion was held. Mr. Fritschen explained the proposal would be placed on the September 2012 OEDA agenda for further discussion. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATED TO AREA SALES TAX COMPARISONS Ms. Harkins presented data comparing Owasso sales tax rate to Tulsa and Oklahoma City communities and counties. Discussion was held. ITEM 5: REPORT FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Ms. Harkins introduced Roger Stevens and Karl Fritschen to provide a monthly status report of the Public Works and Community Development departments. Ms. Harkins provided information related to various economic development activities. August 9, 2012 ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER Mr. Ray provided a status update on the Owasso Strong Neighborhood Initiative, the proposed infrastructure improvements to the Tulsa Airport, the proposed utility rate structure, and the opening of the Owasso CNG fueling station. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM OEDA TRUSTEES None. ITEM 8: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Dr. Thomas moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dr. Spriggs. AYE: Spriggs, Charney, Akin, Moberly, Thomas, Sokolosky NAY: None ABSTAIN: Motion carried 6 -0. At 12:02 PM, the meeting adjourned. Juliann Stevens, Minute Clerk COO> The City Wit out Limits. TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. HARKINS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CLAIMS, OEDA DATE: September 13, 2012 No Claims for August 2012. Owasso Economic Development Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Month Ending August 31, 2012 Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Materials & supplies Services & other charges Capital outlay Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses): MTD YTD Budget $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 (5,000.00) Investment income 0.70 Promissory note revenue 0.00 RAN debt service & other costs 0.00 Total non - operating revenues (expenses) 0.70 Net income (loss) before contributions and transfers 0.70 Transfer to general fund Change in net assets Total net assets - beginning Total net assets - ending 1 1I 0.70 1.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.39 0.00 1.39 (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 1.39 (5,000.00) 9,046.36 9,046.36 $9,047.75 $4,046.36 K A 4 r TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Economic Development Authority FROM: Karl Fritschen Community Development Director SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning Code Amendment Chapter 8, Planned Unit Developments and Overlay Districts DATE: September 10, 2012 BACKGROUND: The Quality of Life Initiative Final Report that was adopted by the City Council in April 2011 included guidelines for the future development of Owasso. One area where citizens expressed interest during the public workshops and through the on -line Wikiplanning survey was ensuring that our neighborhoods were safe, attractive, sustainable, and livable. Subsequent to receiving these comments, staff renewed its review of the Zoning Code in greater detail to determine where improvements could be made that follow the principals of the Quality of Life Initiative. The PUD (Planned Unit Development) process is the preferred vehicle of choice for developers of single family subdivisions in Owasso. Nearly all new subdivisions being platted are using the PUD process. The main reason for this is the flexibility allowed in lot size dimension. The RS -2 and RS -3 by -right zoning districts restrict the lot widths to 75 feet and 65 feet respectively, however the market has changed in the past ten years, with both home and lot sizes seeing reductions in size. The most common request for lot widths with new PUD applications is 50 feet, which is 15 feet less than what the RS -3 zoning district allows. Flexibility is the key principal used in the PUD process. A PUD is essentially negotiated zoning and as such the developer is asking for relief to the underlying by -right zoning restrictions. What most cities, including Owasso have done, is to allow this flexibility in exchange for additional amenities or open space as part of the development. While this has worked to some degree in Owasso, there have been some inconsistencies in terms of the amenities being provided and usable areas of open space. Additionally, staff has encountered several PUD's that were approved over 5 years ago that were never activated, primarily due the slowdown in the economy. The current ordinance is ambiguous with respect to what constitutes an amenity, useable open space, what happens to an expired PUD and what determines if it is expired or not. Additionally, the ordinance is silent on what the minimum requirements are for a PUD submission and exactly how much density is allowed and how it is measured. Owasso has had great success through the use and implementation of PUD's and these proposed changes would only strengthen the PUD process. REASON FOR THE PROPOSED CHANGE: These changes are being considered to establish a level and predictable playing field for all applicants choosing to use the PUD method for development, while at the same time ensuring sustainable quality development. Furthermore, the amendments help ensure a higher quality standard and consistency throughout the entire community, which maintains and increases property values. SUMMARY OF IMPROVMENTS Attached is a summary of the improvements of the proposed text amendment to Chapter 8, of the Zoning Code. TIMELINE As with the other text amendments staff has brought forth, the PUD Chapter will follow a transparent process which seeks input from all interested stakeholders. Below is the anticipated schedule for proceeding with the text amendment for Chapter 8 of the Zoning Code, Planned Unit Developments and Overlay Districts. • August 9 2012 - Present the proposed amendments to the Owasso Economic Development Authority (OEDA) • August 14, 2012 - Present the proposed amendments to the Owasso City Council at Work Session • August 15, 2012 - Place the proposed amendments on the City website and Face book page • August 15 through 31 - Meet individually with the Planning Commission members • September 10, 2012 - Discussion item, Planning Commission Meeting • September 11, 2012 - Second presentation and discussion with the Owasso City Council at Work Session • September 13, 2012 - Second presentation and discussion with the OEDA • October 8, 2012 - Planning Commission - Action Item • October 9, 2012 - Third presentation to the City County at Work Session • October 16, 2012 - Public hearing at the City Council Meeting • November 6 - City Council, Ordinance approval INPUT REVCEIVED Staff brought this item to the OEDA at the August 2012 meeting for discussion and input. The PUD chapter has also been brought before the Planning Commission and City Council for initial discussion and input. The proposed changes to the PUD chapter have also been posted to the City website and linked to Facebook in order to receive citizen input on the proposed changes. A summary of the feedback received has been attached for review. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Summary of Improvements 2. Proposed Chapter 8, Planned Unit Developments and Overlay Districts 3. Summary of Input Received Hi ,qhIhzhts of PUD Chapter Chanties • Open Space Old Code: Simply states that open space "must be an essential element of the Plan ". New Code: Requires that projects have 20% open space (excluding rights of way and utility easements) as a percentage of the gross acreage and that 25% of this area be developed and maintained for active or passive recreation. • Expiration Old Code: Somewhat ambiguous. Parts of the code imply it is valid only for three (3) years if no building permit has been issued, while others areas state that a PUD expires in 2 (two) years if no final development plan has been submitted and seems to mix language between final development plan and a plat. The code makes no reference as to what construes a final development plan. There is also some language that alludes to a contract that guarantees completion of any single phase within five (5) years, or the project can be revoked by the Planning Commission. New Code: Clearly states that if any portion of the project or if a building permit is issued within five (5) years after approval by the City Council, the project is validated. If none of these items occur, then the project is considered expired and must be re- approved. There is also a clearly outlined process for asking for an extension, whereas the current code provides no guidance in this area. • Amenities Old Code: Some amenities are required based upon the density proposed. New Code: The new code builds upon the old code, but clarifies the amenities required based on the type of development and density. A table is provided that allows the designer to customize their amenity package based on the density proposed. There is also more emphasis on providing amenities for residential development. At least four (4) types of amenities are required for any PUD, and if a neighborhood proposes a higher density than 4 units per acre, one additional amenity from any category shall be required for each 0.5 units per acre over 4. • Major and Minor Amendments Old Code: These are outlined in the existing code. New Code: These will be similar to the existing code, but with a clearly defined process and description of what construes and a major and minor amendment. • Minimum Requirements for Conceptual Development Plans Old Code: Required, but somewhat unclear as to what should be included in the conceptual development plan. Most developers provide the necessary documentation, but there are some areas that are a vague in terms of what is actually required. New Code: Ensures that correct and uniform information is provided that will assist the decision - making bodies in reviewing the project. The plans will also work with the design intent statement to fully articulate what the development will look like. • Design Intent Statement Old Code: Not required New Code: Adds more specificity as to what are the minimum requirements. The design intent statement is an important document because it is a part of the PUD approval. It outlines the plan, the design, covenants, timeline, and other important aspects of the project. • Neighborhood Meeting Old Code: Not required New Code: A neighborhood meeting would be required prior to the item being heard by the Planning Commission. This is a great opportunity for the developer to present the item to surrounding property owners, gain input, listen to concerns, and possibly make changes that would benefit both parties. It also helps the developer with gaining approval at the Planning Commission and City Council, because they can say they worked with the neighbors and listened to their concerns. CHAPTER 8 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS 8.1 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE A Planned Unit Development (PUD) is a special zoning overlay that provides alternatives to conventional land development. Upon approval, it becomes a supplement to the existing zoning of the subject property. A PUD is also a means of encouraging creative development of land and promotes project design that is often unseen in conventional development. A PUD shall not be seen as a tool to circumvent the zoning and subdivisions regulations of the City of Owasso, but rather as a tool for intelligent; well- planned, and quality developments that fit within Owasso's existing neighborhoods and context of the surrounding area. A PUD provides flexibility to allow for the development on properties with unique physical characteristics by promoting innovative design and providing guidelines which ensure that development is beneficial to the City of Owasso's future growth. While great -flexibility is given, to provide special restrictions which will allow development not otherwise permitted, procedures are established herein to ensure against misuse of the increased flexibility. 8.2 GOALS Because PUD's allow greater flexibly than otherwise would be allowed with the base zoning, there are specific goals that need to be accomplished with each application. Atl'PUD's shah be evaluated on their ability to accomplish the following: y; . 1. Maintain and Enhance the Qualit" of Life in Owasso 2. Provide Opportunities for Urban Infill 3 Maintain and Promote a Sense of Community 4. Encourage Development "T`hat Otherwise Could Not Occur on the Site 5., Preserve and P,rovide�aAeaningful Open Space 6. Promote Connectivity and Compatibility with Surrounding Development 7. Inspire Unique "and Thoughtful Development 8. Support the Development of Strong Neighborhoods 9. Provide Amenities Beyond Conventional Development 10. Preserve.the Physical Characteristics of the Land 8.3 APPLICABILITY A PUD may be submitted for any parcel of land located within any general zoning district or combination of general zoning districts within the Owasso City Limits. In all cases, the PUD will be reviewed as to the proposed location and character of the uses and the unified treatment of the development of the tract. The regulations of the general zoning district or districts remain applicable except as specifically modified pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. 2. Approval of a Conceptual Development Plan is required prior to development of a PUD district. Comprehensive Development Plans are subject to recommendation by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. 3. This PUD chapter shall complement the other sections of the Owasso Zoning Code. In instances where the requirements are conflicting, the Community Development Administrator shall determine the correct action. 4. A Conceptual Development Plan shall be submitted concurrently with a request for rezoning. 8.4 MINIMUM STANDARDS A. DENSITY By their very nature, PUD's are designed to develop parcels of land with unique or unusual, natural or man -made; conditions. In order to promote development that makes use of and preserves such unique features, it may be necessary to cluster density, within developments. If clustering of density is proposed, additional amenities shall be provided; the design shall promote and maintain useable open space; and a layout shall be provided that complements the existing;conditions of the site. All PUD's shall calculate density %based upon the gross area of the tract, which may include flood plains, rights of way, or easements to provide an overall gross density for the project that shall be expressed in units per acre.. The gross ,',density calculations shall be provided within the PUD 1, Single - Family „Residential; Densities - A residential PUD shall not �'exceed a gross, density, above five (5) dwelling units per acre for single - fatTuly residential developments. Should a development propose a density higher than five t(5) units per acre, written justification shall be provided explaining the,,,Tationale of the decision and additional amenities shall be provided W itigate the increased densities. % 2. Multi- Family Residential Densities - Multi - family densities shall be consistent with Chapter 4 of the Owasso Zoning Code. All multi - family residential developments shall be accomplished through a PUD. B. LAND USE PERCENTAGES In any residential PUD, at least 20% of the gross area of the tract shall be devoted to open space, common areas or amenities. Rights -of -way and utility easements shall not apply to open space calculations. C. PRESERVATION OF TREES AND OTHER NATURAL FEATURES PUD's shall be designed to preserve and enhance the existing physical characteristics of the land and the natural vegetation that exists on the Land. Projects that require clear cutting or denuding of large tracts of land for development are discouraged. Trees in excess of eight (8) inches in caliper shall be preserved and worked into the overall design of the project, unless the applicant can provide substantial justification to remove said trees. Tree preservation credits shall be applied to all landscaping plans and additional landscaping shall be required for projects that remove excessive healthy vegetation. D. SCREENING AND BUFFERING Screening is an important part of any PUD proposal, especially when incompatible uses are proposed within the PUD, or exist in adjoining developments. Screening may be employed in the form of: 1. Fencing - Natural materials are en( 2. Walls - Stone, brick, split -faced blc used. 3. Berms - Berms may be used in com achieve the desired result. 4. Vegetation - Vegetation provides a efficient and aesthetically plea! vegetation as a means of screer 5. New vegetation may be planted section. Materials and sizes of required, Conceptual Developm the Zonine Code. Buffer or intensity or den existing single „f vary in size dep shall be a minin reauired in buff ragea; or decorative materials shall be ng. In main ne achieves ent P vegetation or fencing to mechanism that can be f cases, leaving the natural the,desired results. »eves the intent of this shall be provided with the conform to Chapter 20 of �e provided at all boundaries of the PUD where higher 'density usesadjoin existing tracts that are of a lower An example of this may be 5000 SF lots adjoining an iiy development containing 20,000 SF lots. Buffers shall ling on the use or the density of the development, but in n of 20 feet in width. Vegetation and screening is yards. E. TRANSITION OF Great care shall be given as to the location of the more intense uses or densities within the PUD. Transition shall be achieved when possible by placing less intense uses along the perimeter of the PUD area with more intense uses near the center of the PUD. For example, if a PUD is proposed in an area that abuts mostly acreage lots, the PUD should place larger lots meeting RE or RS -1 standards along the perimeter and move towards smaller lots within the core of the PUD area or along arterial streets. If transition cannot be achieved, a large and well - vegetated buffer should be provided. F. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN REQUIRED Each PUD shall require a landscape concept plan at the time of submittal. The landscape plan shall depict general locations for landscaping, but shall not be required to go into great detail on the conceptual plan. Trees, however, shall be shown on the conceptual landscape plan. More detailed landscape plans may be required in the later stages of the development process in conformance with the City's adopted landscape requirements, or if the Administrator or Planning Commission deems it necessary during at the conceptual landscape phase. G. ADHERENCE TO CITY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS All adopted landscape requirements shall be met by any PUD. A PUD shall provide landscaping that exceeds the City's minimum requirements in order to meet the goals, purpose, and criteria outlined in the PUD ordinance. H. SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Low - Impact Design (LID) Criteria All PUD proposals are encouraged to incorporate LID techniques. Utilizing LID techniques can greatly reduce infrastructure costs and can be incorporated into common areas and open space. Some LID design possibilities are: Bio- retention areas (rain gardens), Green roofs, Permeable paving or driveways, Cisterns; Vegetated Swales, and Impervious Surface Reduction. Ail PUD's are encouraged to define how LID principles shall be applied. 2. Grading and Site Disturbance PUD sites shall not be denuded of all vegetation. Great care should be given to developing drainage and grading plans that incorporate natural areas and;presei*e,the topography and vegetation of the PUD area. All creeks or ',,per`tnniai streams'" shall have a minimum of a 20 foot undisturbed buffer measured from the top of the stream or creek bank and shalt be included into the design of the PUD whenever possible. 3. Adherence to CityState, and Federal Requirements All grading and drainage plans shall meet all City, State and Federal requirements. I. PARKING =AND` CIRCULATION The developer shall provide plans that depict the safe and efficient movement of vehicles throughout the PUD. For any PUD that proposes more than two - hundred (200) residential units, a traffic study shall be provided to the City of Owasso for review. All Federal, State, and City regulations shall be met by the PUD proposal. All parking areas, driveways or other means of vehicular access shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Owasso Zoning Code. J. OPEN SPACE At least 25% of the provided open space shall be developed and maintained for active or passive recreational activities. The remainder should be kept as marshland, wildlife areas, woodlands, creeks, etc. At least 10% of the above reference area shall be out of the floodplain (100 Year), floodway.. K. COMMON AREAS Common areas shall be provided throughout the development for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the surrounding area. Common areas promote social interaction and help to create a sense of community. L. AMENITIES REQUIRED Any residential PUD development shall provide at least one (1) amenity from each of the categories from the Table 8 -1. 1) For any residential development that proposes a gross density of more than four (4) units per acre, one an additional amenity from any category shall be required for each'0.5 units per acre over 4. 2) A developer may propose any amenity not provided on the list and an explanation of what category it should fall under. The Community Development Administrator, the Planning Commission, or the City Council shall determine if an amenity is acceptable. 3) Amenities may be combined into one or more "park /recreation areas. (i.e. pool with a club house or a park area' with a basketball court, playground, and walking trails): 4) Park and recreation areas shall be placed in a centralized location within the development so it is convenient and accessible. 5) Any standing water feature or pond shall be re- circulated through a fountain, waterfall, or other aeration device. This requirement applies to any storm retention pond that is maintains a pool elevation of water. TABLE 8 -1, REQUIRED AMENITIES CATEGORY AMENITY FEATURE SPORTS FIELDS, TENNIS COURTS, BASKETBALL COURTS, ACTIVE RECREATION VOLLEYBALL COURT, DISC GOLF COURSE, SKATE FACILITIES, BIKE PATHS, HIKING TRAILS FISHING POND, NATURE PRESERVE AREAS OF AT LEAST 2 ACRES, HORSE SHOE PIT, WILDLIFE VIEWING AREA (IF PASSIVE RECREATION ADJACENT TO PRESERVED HABITAT), CAMP GROUNDS, EQUESTRIAN FACILITIES, MEDITATION AREA, WALKING PATHS OR TRAILS DOG PARKS, PICNIC AREAS, PAVILLIONS, OUTDOOR PUBLIC GATHERING AREAS AMPHITHEATRE, CLUBHOUSE, GAZEBO, BBQ AREA, DOCK AREAS, COMMUNITY GARDEN, PARK AREA FAMILY RECREATIONAL AREAS TOT LOT, SPLASH PAD, SWIMMING POOL, PLAYGROUND M. CONSISTENCY WITH LAND USE FLAN r Any proposed PUD` shall be developed in accordance with the adopted Owasso Land Use `Master Flan. The PUD shall meet the Goals, Objectives and Action 'Strategies stated within the plan. N. COMPATIBILIsTY. WITH SURROUNDING DEVELOPMENT Each PUD shall be designed in a manner that is compatible with the surrounding development in the area. If the proposed development is not in character With the surrounding area, the PUD shall show how the development can be screened or employs techniques that will mitigate the incompatibility. 8.5 PROCEDURE A. PRE - APPLICATION MEETING A pre- application meeting is required prior to submitting a formal application for the proposed PUD project. This step offers the developer a chance to meet with City staff to discuss ideas related to the development of a PUD on a piece of property. City staff from different departments shall be available to discuss the project, answer questions and provide information to the developer. B. SUBMITTAL OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 1. After submittal of a completed PUD application packet with all required information, the Administrator shall provide a professional review of the project and shall assist the developer in understanding the PUD process. 2. The Administrator shall require sufficient detail in the Conceptual Development Plan to provide an opportunity for the reviewing bodies to make informed decisions and evaluate compliance with the applicable approval criteria. 3. The Administrator shall provide recommendations regarding changes or additions to the PUD that would make the project more consistent with the goals, purpose and standards of the PUD outlined in this chapter. Upon completion of a successful application, the PUD shall be placed on the next available Planning Commission Agenda. C. TECHNICAL ADVIOSRY COMMITTEE (TAC) 1. Prior to the Planning Commission, the City of Owasso's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) shall review the PUD; proposal and all supporting documentation. 2. The TAC shall provide comments to the developer regarding utilities, engineering, planning, and project design. 3. All TAC comments shall be addressed by the developer prior to the PUD being reviewed by the Planning Commission or City Council. D. REQUIRED PUBLICMEETING ,At least"seven (7) calendar days prior to the project being heard by the Planning Commission; ,the applicant shall hold a neighborhood meeting to introduce the ,project to neighboring property owners and receive input about potential issues ith the development. The applicant shall provide written notice about the meeting to all property owners within three hundred (300) ;feet of the subject property. The meeting shall give the developer an opportunity to address potential issues, answer development - related 'questions, and bring forward a project that is consistent with the surrounding development of the area. City Staff will be present to answer procedural and City- related questions, but will otherwise observe and report on the discussions held at the meeting. E. PLANNING COMMISSION It shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to review each PUD prior to consideration of the City Council. 1. The Planning Commission shall perform detailed analysis of the project and make recommendations to the applicant and the City Council. 2. The Planning Commission shall receive staff's input, hear from the general public, and engage the developer in discussion of the project. 3. The Planning Commission shall address any potential issues that they feel the project has and suggest design alternatives to create a project that meets the goals, purpose, and criteria identified in this chapter. 4. The Planning Commission shall make one of the following recommendations to the City Council. a) Move to recommend denial of the application b) Move to recommend approval of the application as presented c) Move to recommend approval of the,app ication with conditions 5. Should the Planning Commission need more information, the item can be tabled until the next meeting or until information requested is provided. 6. No proposal may continue to, the City Council until the Planning Commission has made a recommendation to the City Council.; 7. If any major changes are made to the plans or new information is brought forward after review by the Planning Commission, the City Council may ask that the project return to, the Planning Commission for review. F. CITY COUNCIL The City Council shall make t6e,flnj�decision on any PUD application. A final PUD plan shall,be approved;,along with ',,an Ordinance. The approved ordinanceand PUD development plan shall dictate any future development on the subject property, unless the PUD is amended or the PUD is allowed to expire. The City Council shall use the information provided by City staff, the recommendation from the Planning Commission, and the input from the public and the'p,roject�deWeloper to approve or deny and proposed PUD. 1.,� The City Council may add conditions to the project that they feel are necessary to meet the intent of the PUD Ordinance. iv 2. Should the; ,City Council require more information; the item can be tabled to a future meeting. 3. All conditions imposed by the Council shall become binding and shall be met before the project may proceed. PUD PROCESS FLOW CHART Pre Application meeting with planning staff. Sumittal of Application Packet and Applicable Fees Application reviewed and public hearing scheduled. Notification prepared for rcevie�u� newspaperand mailing list. Sign posted on the subject property. approved Final Action and Ordinance prepared 8.6 TIMELINE AND EXPIRATION A. VALIDATION A PUD shall be validated once any portion of the property has been platted and recorded or a building permit is approved. B. ZONING ORDINANCE Because a PUD is a zoning action approved through City Council by Ordinance, the City shall file the ordinance approving the designation of a PUD on a tract of land, with the County Clerk's Office upon platting and recording any portion of the PUD. C. EXPIRATION For any PUD in which there has been no of the property platted after five (5) yea the PUD shall be considered null and void Planning Commission and City Council for on the property. Upon approval of Administrator shall transmit in writing the Commentary: PUD's are approv zoning of the site shall not expiry D. EXTENSIONS An extension may be granted by the 5 year- expiration date. PUD's of two (2) additional years, provi askine---for .the extension no less 1 1. Reason for X. That there Council. 3.' Ezoected d must building permit issued nor any portion rs since approval by the City Council, and shalt be brought back before the re- approval prior to any development the PUD by the City Council, the date by which the PUD will expire. The underlining ►D overlay shall expire. the Administrator for PUD's that are nearing may be extended one (1) time for a maximum ded a letter is submitted to the Administrator .hal "two (2) months prior to the five (5) year indicate the following: to the original PUD approved by the City by which a portion of the PUD will be platted It shall be the developing party's responsibly to ask for and sign the letter of extension. Ifi �no extension has been sought and granted, said PUD shall be considered expired and must be re- approved by the Planning Commission and City Council following the process prescribed in this Chapter. If no portion of the property has been platted nor any building permit received by the Community Development Department, within the two (2) year extension period, said PUD shall expire and a new PUD application must be submitted. 8.7 AMENDMENTS There may be instances when a change or amendment to the original PUD is necessary or desired. In these situations, the magnitude of these amendments is considered. There are two types of amendments that can occur with a valid PUD, a major amendment and a minor amendment. A. MAJOR AMENDMENT A major amendment is described as a significant change that increases the density, intensifies the use, or creates inconsistencies with the character of the PUD that was initially approved shall proceed through the entire PUD process as outlined in this chapter. 1. The Administrator shall determine if the changes to the PUD meet the criteria for a major amendment, is an appropriate change, and will maintain the spirit of what was�approved in the original PUD. 2. An appeal from the Administrators decision that the changes to the PUD construe a major amendment shall be made in writing by filing a notice of appeal to the Planning Commission within ten (10) days of the Administrators decision. Said appeal shall be heard a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, at which - -, time the applicant defend his proposal. Appeals shall not require public notification. B. MINOR AMENDMENT Small changes that meet the intent of the; ordinance, do not increase the density, are consistent with surroundin�`rdevelopment, and do not pose a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the City of Owasso can be administratively approved`as a;inor Amendment. Minor amendments may also include relocation of l%o andscape,areas, parking areas, drive aisles, or other similar changes that are minor in scope. amendments shall be approved administratively and may only be red to go before the Technical Advisory Committee(TAC). 8.8 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A. CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN The required conceptual plan shall be a rendered plan that clearly articulates the overall concept of the PUD. Figure 8.1 illustrates an acceptable conceptual site plan rendering. The site plan shall include the entire PUD area, and may include site plans of smaller areas to provide more specificity if the development is large. 1. The site plan shall include, at a minimum, the following: a) Name of the proposed development. b) C) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) t) M) n) Name and address of the property owner and developer. Name of the preparer of the document. Graphic scale drawn at a scale no smaller than 1:100, a north arrow, date of preparation, and a legend. Vicinity map outlining the location of the development in relation to major streets within 1000 feet, schools, and other landmarks. The County where the development lies shall be depicted. Legal description of the property shall be provided. Total acreage of the tract, total acreage of the proposed area to be improved, and acreage of open space. Location and name of abutting subdivisions and City Limit Lines. Wooded areas, wetlands, waterways, ftoodplain and floodway, ponds and other natural features shall be depicted. Location of all proposed streets. Location of each proposed building` (single- family residences or duplexes not required) Proposed density of the development depicted ' in gross density figures (gross units per acre of the entire development) Location and identification of all land ° uses within the PUD shall be depicted. Identification of alt amenity locations, detention areas, open space areas, etc shall be clearly depicted. Location of parking, areas. Depiction of any proposed walking "trails, pathways, and buffer yards, including fences." Notation on the plan of how, wide the buffer yards will be and how they will be landscaped` Location and type of amenities provided Figure 8.7 -1 B. COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AS THE PRELIMINARY PLAT Should a conceptual site plan be provided that goes into sufficient detail necessary for submittal of a preliminary plat, the plan may be used as the preliminary plat for the PUD project. If the site plan is to be used as the preliminary plat, it must contain all of the required elements for preliminary plat approval outlined in the subdivision regulations of the City of Owasso. If the PUD is approved with a site plan that is sufficient to be used as a preliminary plat, the applicant may proceed to the final plat stage. Commentary: It is not required that the entire development be platted, only the portion the applicant intends to develop initially. 8.9 DESIGN AND INTENT STATMENT A. REQUIREMENTS The design and intent statement shalt clearly articulate the vision for the proposed development and shall identify key elements of the project that justify using a PUD approach over conventional zoning. 1. At a minimum, the design and intent statement shall include some basic elements, listed below. a. Overall project statement of proposed use and intent. b. List of the proposed land uses including residential densities c. List of all parties involved (applicant, owner, agent, plan preparer) d. Thorough narrative explaining why the development is appropriate, how it complies with the PUD ordinance. The applicant should explain how the PUD is consistent with the goals, purposes, and e. A, statement regarding the compatibility of the proposed development with the surrounding area. The statement should address buffer zones, transition, screening, types of materials to be used, square footage of structures, . f. A table showing how the proposed PUD will differ from current bulk standards; with an outline of what sections of the zoning ordinance or subdivision regulations that the PUD seeks relief from. g. An, outline of the covenants that will govern the property and information about the development of a Homeowners Association and how they will govern the common areas. h. An anticipated timeline for development, which may include a phasing plan. i. The PUD's consistency with the Owasso Land Use Master Plan. Sections 8.90 -8.99 Reserved RESIDENTIAL $1 NGLE FAMILY NE'W CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPOlRT AUGUST 20112 Month 2003 20014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 11 January 54 30 31 22 13 25 15 17 16 19 2 4 3 March 38 75 65 So 25 35 30 46 14 27' 4 5 McV 29 31 43 36 60 23 27 30 20 23 6 42 3 19 7 July 32 3,4 27 12 23 24 28 1: 7 20 1 5 8 ?0.06-sf 9 Septembef 52 64 35 112 17 40 20 11 12 10 b6f 11 November 35 31 32 13 26 113 1 8 12 Totals 479 528 518 336 301 267 303 246 179 1164 YTD 293 356 368 270 219 19• 221 212 139 164 30,000,000 25,,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000.000 510 0 AIJGUST'� . ................. AUGUST YEAR-TO-DATE DOLLAR'S x4,855 20,269,824 . . . . .. . . ............... ............... 2008 i 2009 2010 20111 21012 19,925,4011 25,733,241 31,190,464 16,421,519 20,269,,824 . . . ............ . . . --- — --- ... TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR . .. .. .. .... ............. x4,855 20,269,824 . . . . .. . . ............... ............... COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT AUGUST 20112 Month 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2.007 20108 2009 2010 20111 2012 t January 01 0 1 2 9 4 4 1 1 3 1 2. 3 March 3 11 2 1 14 2 0 1 3 0 0 4 Apdf I 51 May 4 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 6 J1 Y0 44 7 July 1 01 0 0 0 0 1 01 0 8 Y 9 September 2 2 1 2 7 28 3 0 0 0 III November 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 12 bee TO M$ 23 12 23 23 43 20 91 10 11 7 Y7D 12 9 19 19 37 14 14 7 7 9 7 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS August 31, 2012 SUBDIVISION Burberry Place (6/09) Camelot Estates (4/07) Carrington Pointe 1 (1/11) Champions East (05/08) Champions West (5/08) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates VI (11/03) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways VI (12/00) Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) Honey Creek (4/02) Keys Landing (3/08) Lake Valley IV (5/2010) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Maple Glen (12/08) Maple Glen II (1/11) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Hill (6/09) Preston Lakes (12/00) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Remington Park II (11/04) Sawgrass Park II (04/05) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Watercolours (12/02) TOTALS # OF LOTS 89 139 171 66 45 61 37 101 71 42 85 24 202 131 114 235 98 93 20 44 58 272 147 84 96 31 40 2596 # DEVELOPED 50 51 55 6 2 58 36 93 57 40 84 22 198 99 84 190 95 76 17 43 9 243 144 82 94 26 31 1985 # AVAILABLE 39 88 116 60 43 3 1 8 14 2 1 2 4 32 30 45 3 17 3 1 49 29 3 2 2 5 9 611 Watercolours (12/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Sawgrass Park II (04105) Remington Park II (11/04) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Preston Lakes (12/00) Nottingham Hill (6/09) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Maple Glen II (1/11) Maple Glen (12/08) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Lake Valley IV (5/2010) Keys Landing (3/08) Honey Creek (4102) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12105) Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Fairways V1 (12/00) Fairways V (8199) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Country Estates VI (11/03) Country Estates 111 (3/99) Champions West(5 /08) Champions East (05/08) Carrington Pointe 1 (1/11) Camelot Estates (4/07) Burberry Place (6/09) CITY OF OWASSO 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 ■Lots Developed 13Tota1 Lots PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN AUGUST 2012 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT # DATE 11910 E 102 St N Blue Haven Pools SG /RS -3 $ 40,000 426 12- 0801 -P 8/2/2012 9500 N 129 E Ave Sign World CC /CS $ 5,000 48 12- 0802 -S 8/2/2012 9053 N 121 E Ave WK Construction SM /CS $ 500,000 3010 12- 0803 -C 8/6/2012 11007 N 117 E Ave Capital Homes MGIURS -3 $ 87,476 1809 12- 0804 -X 8/7/2012 11006 N 118 E Ave Simmons Homes MGIURS -3 $ 85,980 1833 12- 0805 -X 8/9/2012 8415 N 125 E Ave Boyd Family Dentistry OSP /OL $ 1,500 16 12- 0806 -S 8/9/2012 15301 E 110 PI N Simmons Homes LVIV/RS -3 $ 100,815 1833 12- 0807 -X 8/9/2012 7606 E 83 P1 N Old School Construction CP/RS -3 $ 153,120 2784 12- 0808 -X 8/14/2012 9021 N 121 E Ave Superior Graphic SF /CS $ 9,000 96 12- 0809 -S 8/14/2012 9045 N 121 E Ave #100 Crown Neon SF /CS $ 4,000 24 12- 0810 -S 8/15/2012 9508 N 96 E Pl Shaw Homes LBR/RS -3 $ 186,230 3386 12- 0811 -X 8/20/2012 9404 E 92 P1 N Shaw Homes LBR/RS -3 $ 228,965 4163 12- 0812 -X 8/20/2012 9402 E 91 St N Landmark Homes LBR/RS -3 $ 163,652 2975 12- 0813 -X 8/21/2012 9455 Owasso Expressway Claude Neon TP /CS $ 7,200 78 12- 0814 -S 8/21/2012 12334 E 86 St N Rainbow Signs EC /CS $ 4,000 45 12- 0815 -S 8/21/2012 10541 N 121 E Ave Simmons Homes BBP /RS -3 $ 146,960 2672 12- 0816 -X 8/21/2012 12905 E 96 St N Sam's Club WFA/CS $ 7,500,000 139365 12- 0817 -C 8/22/2012 12349 E 86 St N CBCI LRS /CG $ 145,000 2400 12- 0818 -C 8/22/2012 10849 E 109 P1 N Rob Smith CR/RE $ 25,000 1680 12- 0819 -X 8/22/2012 8501 Owasso Expressway Keith Haney UP /CG $ 450,000 10609 12- 0820 -C 8/26/2012 7770 N Owasso Expressway KRB FC /CG $ 8,500 1500 12- 0821 -C 8/27/2012 12103 E 70 St N Strategic Builders KL/RS -3 $ 163,350 2970 12- 0822 -X 8/27/2012 12005 E 70 St N Strategic Builders KLJRS -3 $ 138,600 2520 12- 0823 -X 8/27/2012 12112 E 69 St N Strategic Builders KL/RS -3 $ 143,000 2600 12- 0824 -X 8/27/2012 15009 E 110 St N Simmons Homes LVIV/RS -3 $ 139,120 1939 12-0825-X 8/27/2012 15104 E 110 St N Simmons Homes LVIV/RS -3 $ 164,080 2251 12- 0826 -X 8/27/2012 11000 N 118 E Ave Simmons Homes MGII /RS -3 $ 85,980 1833 12- 0827 -X 8/27/2012 10914 N 117 E Pl 1 Capital Homes MGIURS -3 $ 77,632 1351 1 12- 0828 -X 8/28/2012 15 Single Family $ 2,064,960 36,919 S Ft 1 Residential Remodel $ 25,000 1680 SgFt 2 New Commercial $ 8,000,000 142,375 SgFt 3 Commercial Remodel $ 603,500 14,509 SgFt 6 Signs $ 30,700 307 S Ft 1 Pool $ 40,000 426 SgFt 28 Building Permits $ 10,764,160 196,216 SgFt OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE AUGUST 2012 JULY 2012 AT &T 7707 N Owasso Exp #7 7/1/2012 713/2012 Yes Boyd Dentistry 8415 N 125 E Ave 11/15/2011 7/20/2012 Yes JUNE 2012 11691 N. Garnett Rd. 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Yes The Copper Kiln 122 S Main St 6/1/2012 6/29/2012 Yes MAY 2012 12711 E. 86 PI. N. #108 11/15/2011 11/30/2011 Yes APRIL 2012 Luna De Noche 9500 N 129 E Ave #130 4/5/2012 4/12/2012 Yes Golden Dragon Taekwondo 13720 E 86 St N 4/5/2012 4/9/2012 Yes Blue Phoenix 9500 N 129 E Ave # 4/10/2012 4/26/2012 Yes MARCH 2012 Fire In The Hole 126 S. Main St. 9/1/2011 9/23/2011 Duffy's 11610 E 86 St N 3/5/2012 3/10/2012 Yes Life Church 14008 E 96 St N 512/2011 3/3/2012 Yes Edward Jones 9540 N Garnett 1/22/2012 3/22/2012 Yes Dayana's Hair Salon 11622 E 86 St N 312/2012 3/20/2012 Yes Iglesia Pentecostal 12111 N Garnett 3/22/2012 3/22/2012 Yes Idol Nails & Spa 12412 E 86 St N 3/14/2012 3/17/2012 Yes FEBRUARY 2012 Pet Hotel 8355 N. Owasso Exp. 2/1/2012 2/3/2012 Yes Green Hill Funeral Home 9901 N. Owasso Exp. 2/6/2012 2/1612012 Yes Akira Sushi Bar 9455 N Owasso Exp. #E 1/15/2012 2/10/2012 Yes Family Animal Medicine 9200 N. Garnett 2/22/2012 2/22/2012 Yes Owasso Medical Campus 12455 N. 100 E. Ave. #300 2/29/2012 2/29/2012 Yes R"XilI_1z ;WITIV DECEMBER 2011 Dog Daycare & Kennel 8355 N. Owasso Expy 12/1/2011 12/1/2011 Yes NOVEMBER 2011 Ma's Caf6 11691 N. Garnett Rd. 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Yes Boomarang Diner 13720 E. 86 St. N. #190 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Yes Creative Clips 12711 E. 86 PI. N. #108 11/15/2011 11/30/2011 Yes OCTOBER 2011 O'Reilly Auto Parts 13318 E. 116th St. N. 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Yes Top Cut 12409 E. 96th E. Ave. 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Yes SEPTEMBER 2011 Fire In The Hole 126 S. Main St. 9/1/2011 9/23/2011 Yes PROJECT STATUS REPORT City of Owasso Public Works Department September 10, 2012 E. 86th Street North Widening (from Main Street to N. Memorial Drive) - Funding for the construction of this project is a result of a "matching grant "; 80% ODOT funding and 20% City funding. - ODOT awarded the contract to BECCO of Tulsa, Oklahoma in the amount of $6.9 million. - Public Meeting was held on March 15, 2012 @ 6:30 pm at the Bailey Ranch Golf Course. 8 citizens attended, as well as representatives from ODOT, Tulsa County and BECCO. - Official construction time began April 2, 2012. - Phase I Road Improvements - Memorial to Mingo - April 2, 2012 to August 1, 2012. - Phase II Road Improvements - Mingo to Main Street - August 1, 2012 to November 4, 2012. - In an effort to offset delays caused by utility and right -of -way conflicts, effective September 4th, both Phase I and Phase II will be closed concurrently until adequate improvements on Phase I will allow traffic to flow in a safe manner. Phase I will re -open partially complete in early October. Storm Drain installation on the north side of 86th between Main and Mingo is now in progress and is approximately 90% complete. Starting September 10th the drainage ditch structure crossing 86th at the golf course will be removed and installation of the cast in place structure will begin. The roadway base work on Phase I is approximately 95% complete while completion of the Ranch Creek Bridge is expected within the next 3 weeks. The closure of both phases will allow for the contractor to complete the project more in accordance with the original contract date. E. 106TH Street North and Garnett Road Intersection Improvement Proiect - A $750,000 grant from ODOT was approved February 2009. - On March 24, 2009, Council awarded an engineering design contract to PSA Dewberry. - Utility relocations are complete. - On August 29th INCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and the Transportation Policy Committee voted to recommend this project as eligible to receive STP funds. The INCOG Board of Directors will meet on Thursday, September 13th to consider and take appropriate action related to the recommendation. If approved, staff will request these funds (FY 2016) be moved up to FY 2012 so we can implement the bidding phase by late fall of the this year. • Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main Improvements - February 2010, City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $145,874 to Greely and Hansen Engineering. - November 2011, OPWA Trustees awarded a construction contract to W.N. Couch in the amount of $2,636,700. The project is now scheduled to be complete in October 2012. - Change order #1 was approved by OPWA Trustees and as a result the 36" pipe on the West side of the wet well infrastructure has been installed to accommodate the future Ranch Creek Interceptor upgrade. Construction crews are preparing for the installation of the roof of the wet well and the footings for the electrical building. This project is anticipated to be finalized in October. Three Lakes Stormwater Channel Improvements - Project includes widening and shaping of the north /south channel east of US Hwy 169, from to 83rd Street North southward to the end of the existing concrete channel. The engineering design is being performed by the City of Owasso's Engineering Division. Currently, the design is 90% complete. In April 2012, AT&T mobilized and completed the relocation of their utility. USACE has approved the engineering design. Staff is completing the changes requested by the government agencies and will be ready to bid the project in September. East 106th Street North Water Improvements - Project includes extending 12" water line from 106th Street North /N. 1 10th East Avenue to 106th Street North and Mingo Road. - The engineering design was performed by the City of Owasso's Engineering Division. Currently, the design is 100% complete. - Owasso Public Works water crews have installed over 400' of water line on this project. Crews are working as diligently as possible while maintaining the everyday water division issues such as leaks and new service connections. • E. 76th Street North Widening (from U.S. Hwy169 to N. 129th East Avenue - In October 2010, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $2,090,000 for engineering, right -of -way and utility relocation costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. This phase of the project is targeted for federal assistance in FY 2014 or sooner, depending on funding availability. - In October 2011, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $3,470,000 for construction and administration costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. This phase of the project will be targeted for federal assistance in FY 2015 or sooner, depending on funding availability. - In February 2012, ODOT officials informed City staff of funds available in the Federal Surface Transportation Fund for the planning phase of E. 76th Street North Widening Project. - In March, INCOG presented this project to its members for consideration to receive funding in 2012 for the engineering design. Project was approved by the Technical Advisory and Transportation Policy Committees. - In April 2012, the recommendation was submitted to the INCOG Board of Directors for consideration and approval. The project was approved by the members. - Engineering qualifications were received by ODOT in late July. We anticipate interviews in August or September • FY201 1 -2012 Street Rehabilitation Project - The City Council awarded a construction contract in the amount of $368,059 to Tri -Star Construction during the March 20, 2012 meeting. - Staff conducted a pre- construction meeting with the contractor in early May. Construction began in mid -May with completion scheduled in August. - This project will be completed in the first week of August. Staff intends to bring this project to the second meeting in August for acceptance and authorization for final payment. This project was completed within budget and on schedule. - Final punch list items and any deficiencies are in the process of being addressed by the contractor and staff anticipates bringing this project for acceptance by council at the September 18th council meeting. Ranch Creek Sanitary Sewer Improvements - May 2012, City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $175,000 to Kellogg Engineering INC. - The design is approximately 10% complete with completion expected in June 2013. Staff is working with the Larkin Bailey Trust on gaining access to their property adjacent to the railroad between 76th Street North and 86th Street North to determine the feasibility of a potential alignment along the railroad property. Staff has been granted permission by the Larkin Bailey Trust to enter property and clear right -of -way for the survey crews. Clearing will begin the first week of September. • Garnett Widening (from E. 96th Street North to E. 106th Street North - A request for qualifications for engineering and architectural design services was advertised in July. The Public Works Department received thirteen submittals from local engineering firms. City staff has reviewed each submitted qualification statement and is preparing a draft of the engineering agreement. The proposed engineering services agreement will be presented to the City Council during the October work session for review and discussion. FY 2012 -2013 Street Rehabilitation Project - May 2012, City Council approved the FY 2012 -2013 project list. - July 2012, City Council approved the Inter -local Agreement between City of Owasso and Tulsa County. - Engineering Division is approximately 95% complete with design and bid specifications. - Staff anticipates bid advertisement in early September with bid opening in early October. Construction is expected to commence in November with Final Completion in April 2013, weather permitting. a ,����MIII w► TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. HARKINS DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: DIRECTOR'S REPORT DATE: September 13, 2012 RETAIL & SERVICE DEVELOPMENT UPDATE • Christian Brothers Automotive construction progresses south of 96 Street N on Garnett Road. • Two new businesses will open soon on Main Street. Detailed information will be announced next month. • Braums will begin construction soon on their Fresh Market store on 96th Street N near the northeast corner of the Garnett intersection. • Construction progresses on the Coney Islander /Little Caesar's Pizza building adjacent, to the west of Bank of the Lakes on 86th Street N. • The second Taco Bueno location has begun construction on 116th Street N. HEALTH CARE UPDATE • Senior Suites, a full service nursing facility is under construction on land to the south of the St. John Owasso medical campus. MISC. UPDATES • The City Council approved the contract between the city and Retail Attractions on Tuesday, August 21st,