SECTION 1. That the following rules and regulations for the
government of the Council of the Incorporated Town of Owasso, at
its meetings and the government of the other officers of the
Town in their relation to the Town Council, be and the same are
hereby established.
SECTION 2. All meetings of the Town Council shall be held at the
Mayor's office, and their regular meetings shall be on every first
and third Monday of each month.
3ECTION 3. The Layor may call special meetings upon his own or upon
the written application of three Councilmen.
SECTION 4. The order of business at regular meetings shall be:
1. Calling of the roll and marking absentees.
2. To read the minutes of the previous meeting.
3. To receive reports of officers and committees.
4. To receive petitions.
5. To consider claims and accounts against the Town.
6. To take up business on the table in regular order.
7. Unfinished business.
8. New business.
9. Consideration of bills, ordinances, resolutions, etc.,
10. Adoption of minutes.
SECTION 5. The presiding officer shall take the chair at the hour
prescribed for the meeting of the Council, call the members to order,
cause the roll to be called, and should a quornn be present, cause
the minutes of the last regular meeting, and of any special meetings
held in the interim, to be read.
SECTION 6. The presiding officer shall preserve order and deacrum,
may speak on questions of order, risinZ from his seat for that
purpose, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to the
appeal of the Council. He shall state all questions distinctly
before putting them to the Council.
SECTION 7. A member desiring to speak upon any question before the
Council shall arise, respectfully address the presiding officer and
in all that he says confine himself to the pending question, avoiding
all personalities. No person, not a member of the Council, shall
be allowed to address the same unniess invited to do so upon motion of
a Member, am"d by a vote of the Council.
SECTION 8. A member when speaking shall not be interrupted, exceut
a a call to order, Or to correct a statement of facts. Nor WE-',
any member speak more than twice on the same question without the
consent of the Council; nor more than once until every member c hoosing
to speak, shall have spoken.
SECTION 9. When a motion is made and seconded it shall be deemed to be in the
possession of the Council, and shall be stated by the presiding officer, or if in writing, may be read by the mover, or
handed to the Clerk to be read by him previous to debate.
SECTION 10. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be
received unless Rto adjourn", "to lay on the table", "for the
previous question," "to postpons to a certain time", "to commit".
"to amend", or "to postpone indefinitely". These several
questions shall have precedence in the order in which they are
named. A motion or resolution may be withdrawn at any time before
action is had on it, by consent of the Council.
SECTION 11. When two or more members rise to speak at the same time
the presiding officer shall name the person who shall speak first.
SECTION 12. All committees, special or permanent, shall be appointed
by the presiding officer, unless otherwise ordered by the Council.
SECTION 13. On the question of the suspension of the rules governing
the passage of ordinances, resolutions or bills appropriating money
or concerning contracts, as laid down by general law, shall, after the
ordinance or resolution has been once read, and the motion for sus-
pension has been made and seconded, such motion shall be put in this
Via "Shall the rules be suspended?* If this motion carries
by a two thirds vote, the motion to read the ordinance or resolution
the second time, in full or by title, is in order. The same
course shall be followed to pass to the third reading and to final
SECTION 14. At all meetings of the Council! ;�o,, members shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
SECTION 15, All ordinances, bills, or resolutions shall, after
passage, be duly signed by the presiding officer and attested by the
SECTION 16. On all questions of or not herein provided for, t he
rules of "Robert's Rules of Meru, shall be applied as authority.
SECTION 17. The mayor, or in his absence, the next oresi din g officer,
shall have we to compel the attendance of members of the Council
by sending for them through the Town Marshal, or his deputy, and any
member of the Town Council failing to attend without an excuse deemsa,
Eufficient by the Council, shall be charged with wilfull absence, and
when any member shall have three (3) wilfull absences marked against
him, he shall be deemed to have vacated his office and the Council
shall proceed to fill such vacancy. Any Councilman desiring to
leave the Town for some time shall give notice thereof in open Council
or leave such notice with the Clerk.