SECTION 1. That there is hereby created and established a Board of
Health in and for the Town of Owasso, composed of the Mayor and one
physician to be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of
the Council, and who shall serve until the appointment of their
successors. The time of said appointment, shall be the second
Monday after the election of Councilmen every year.
SECTION 2. Said Board shall from time to time made all necessary
rules for their own government in carrying out the duties imposed
upon them by this and other ordinances of the town.
SECTION 3. The jurisdiction of said Board shall extebnd ordinarily
one mile beyond the corporate limits of the Town, and in case of the
existance in dangerous poroximity to the Town of any contagious or
infectious disease, generally recognized as being very destructive of
human life, and for quarantine purposes, such jurisdiction shall
extend five miles beyond the corporate limits of the Town.
SECTION 4. The Board of Health shall have and are hereby invested with
the power, jurisdiction and authorityand charged with all the duties
that may be necessary to ensure the Town and inhabitants thereof
from the evils of contagious, malignant and fincectious diseases.
Said Board shall have power to declare as a nuisance, and to order
abated, discountinued or removed, any matter, substance, thing, act,
practive or business which in its nature, effect, tendency or con-
tinuance, is or may become dangerous, injurious or detrimental, to the
health of the Town or its inhabitants; and it shall be the duty of
the Town Marshal to serve and execute such orders or notices issuing
from said Board; and whoever shall violate, diobey, fail or refuse
to serve or execute such orders or notices shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor.
SECTION 5. Whenever deemed necessary by the Board of Health, in
order to prevent the spread of or prevalence of any dangerous,
contagious or infectious disease, it shall be the duty of said Board
to recommend to the Coucil, the establishment of a quarantine at such
place or places as said Board shall select, and immediately after such
recommendation is made the Council shall declare by resolution the
points so recommended to be subject to quarantine regulations. The
Board of Health shall determine when such quarantine shall be raised
and such determination shall bepublicly announced by the Mayor.
SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of the Town Marshal, or one of his
depuities, under the direction of the Board of Health, to remove
beyond or isolate within the corporate limits of the Town, any person
who may be sick with infectious, contagious or malignant disease,
such as small-pox, yellow fever, cholora, scarlet fever and other
of like fatal tendencies; and to place such person in the hospital, if
any there be, and if none, then in some house or tend, and to furnish
and supply food, medicines and do everything which may be necessary
by the Board.
SECTION 7. The Mayor shall see that all orders and regulations of
the Board of Health are honestly and strictly complied with and
carried out.
SECTION 8. The Board of Health may, in thier discretion, make
suggestions to the Courcil as to any measure to be adopted by
ordinance for the improvement of the health of the Town.
SECTION 9. Said Board shal determine the time and place of their
meetings and shall keep a record of their proceedings, which record
shall be subject at all times to the inspection of the Council.
They shall, at the expiration of their term of office, deliver all
their books, papers and property of the Board to x r successors in
office; and they shall report to the Council an account of their
operations and the sanitary condition of the Town as often as the Coun-
oil shall require or said Board may deem necessary.
SECTION 1G. All expenses to be incurred in the exercise or perform-
ances of the powers and duties conferred and imposed upon the Board off
Health shall be done by authority of the Council, and all accounts rend-
ered in carrying out the order of said Board shall be signed by the
President and attested by the Secretary of said Board before being
presented to the Council for payment.