HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE NO. 19ORDINANCE #19 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. SECTION 1. That it shall be a misdeanor to do or permit any of the following described acts or things, and any person convicted thereof shall be fined not more than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) SECTION 2. To obstruct the street or sidewalk with boxes, barrels or any other thing, except when receiving or forwarding good, wares and merchandise, and then only for a reasonable time. Provided that three (3) feet be allowed in front ad adjoining each business house for the display of merchandise, wares and goods. SECTION 3. For any person to fire or discharge any cannon, gun, fowl piece, pistol, or other firearm of any description; or fire or explode anysquibs, crackers or other things containing powder to other conbust- able or explosive material, witin the limits of the town without permission of the Mayor, which permission, when so given, shall limit the time of such firing, and shall be subject to be revoked at any time by the mayor. Provided that it shall not be violation of this ordinance to sound an alerm of fire by the discharge of firearms. SECTION 4. For any person to leave any horse, horses, mules or other animals attached to any carriage, wagon, cart or other vehicle, in any of the streets or alleys or public places without securely fastening such horse, horses, mules or other animals, or leaving some compentent person in charge of the same. SECITION 5. For any person, after riding horseback to turn his horse loose in the street. SECTION 6. For any person to keep or leave open any trap door. ditch, pit or vault in any street, highway, alley or sidewalk in from of his premises to become or continue so broken or out of repair so as to endanger life or limb. SECTION 7. To ride or drive on any sidewalk of the Town. SECTION 8. To stop any vehicle or animal on any crossing or cros- walk or leave the same standing on any crossing or cross walk on the street. SECTION 9. To drive or ride through any street or streets in so carless a manner or at so great a rate of speed as to endanger the property or life or limb of others. SECTION 10. To leave standing any wall, chimney or building which shall be dangerous to passerg by or which are nuisances, after twelve (12) hours notice has been given by the owner or owners, to remove the same. SECTION 11. To be found prowling about the property of others, without being able to give a good account of one's self. SECTION 12. To permit any dangerous. mischevious animal to run at large. SECTION 13. to enter the house or place of business, or upon the premises of any other for an anlawful prupose. 24. SECTION 14. For any person to Jump on or off, cling to or hand on any railway car or engine while the same is in motion, within the corporate limits, such person not being a regular nassenger, official or employee of the railroad. SECTION 15. it shall be the duty of the town marshal, and he is hereby emplowered to remove and abate any cause from which immediate danger of fire may apprehend, and to cauase all buildings, chimneys, stoves, pipes, hearths, ovens, boilers, ash houses and apparatus used in any building or elsewhere, which shall be found in such a condition as to be considered unsafe, to be without delay, at the expense of the owner or occupant thereof, put in such condition as to not be dangerous in causing or promiting fires; and any person failing to abate or remove any of the things mentioned in this ection , after due notice from the marsha, shall be subject to the penalty provided in this ordinance, and a like penalty for each day such danger shall exist. SECTION 16. To obstruct or block any alley so as to be dangerouse in the lawful use thereof.