SECTION 1. Application for Water Service. That any person desiring
to have premises connected with the water supply system of the town
of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall present to the commissioner a written
application containing the name, a description of the lot and block
on which the water is desired. Said application shall be signed by
the owner of the premises to be served or his duly authorized agent.
SECTION 2. Delinquents. If any consumer being supplied with water
by the town at the time of the enactment of this ordinanice is in
arrears on his account the Board of Trustees shall have the right to
order the water shut off from the house or premises heretofore supplied.
SECTION 3. Deposit Required. When any person who desires the use
of water from the water supply system of said town shall make appli-
cation and sign contracts for said service and if said applicant is
not the owner of the property to be served he shall be required to
make a reasonable deposit to guarantee payment of all water bills,
the amount to be fixed by the Board of Trustees upon the basis of an
amount equal to the estimated water bill for sixty days service for
the particular place rented, but in no event shall said deposit be
less than $5.00, and said water shall not be connected until
the said deposit is made. The said deposit so requied shall be
refunded to the applicant whenever the water service is disconnected
and all water bills are paid to date.
SECTION 4. Notice when House Vacated. Whenever any house or pre-
mises connected with the water supply system of said town shall
become vacant a notice of vacany and request that the water be shut
off form such house or premises, shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
Upon the filing of such notice of request the water shall be shut
off from such house or premises.
SECTION 5. Water Service Charged to Premises. all charges for
water servie will be charged against the premises for which the
service was installed and shall be charged to the owner thereof.
All charges for water when the same becomes delinquent and unpaid
shall be a lien against the premises and property to which the same
has been furnished.
SECTION 6. Water Accounts Kept in Name of Owner. All accounts for
water shall be kept in the name of the owner of the premises or
proprty for which the service was installed and not in the name of
the tenant, provided, however, that persons holding an unrecorded
lease may be supplied on their own account, but in such cases if
service is on meter the Board of Trustees shall require such deposit
of money as in its judgment shall be necessary to protect the town
against any and all delinquent and unpaid charges for water.
SECTION 7. Town's Right to Shut off Water. The town reserves the
right to shut off the water supply at all times and without notice
for repairs, extensions, non-payment, or rates or any other reason
or cause and the town shall not be responsible for any damage re-
sulting from the interruption of the water supply or resulting from
the shutting off of water.
SECTION 8. Turning On and Off of Water. Whenever the Board of
Trustees has shut off, or caused to be shut off, the water from any
premises or property for any violation of the provisions of this
ordinance or for the non-payment of any water bills, the same shall
notbe turned on again until all delinquent and unpaid charges against
such premises and property, together with the charge for turning off
and turning on the water shall have been paid. A charge for shutting
off the water shall be One Dollar ($1.00) and the charge for turning
the same on again shall be On Dollar ($1.00). Except where other-
wise provided in this ordinance, the Board of Trustees shall not shut
off, or cause to be shut off, the water from any premises or property
until after at least twenty-four hours notice of its intension so to
do, which notice may be served on either the owner of such premises or
property or the occupant thereof.
SECTION 9. Water Rates. The rates per month for water supplied
through meters to all places within the to limits shall be as follows:
on the first one thousand gallons or less, One Dollar ($1.00) per
thousand; on the second one thousand gallons or less, fifty cents
(.50¢) per thousand; on the third one thousand gallons or less,
thirty-five Cents (.35¢) per thousand; over three thousand gallons,
twenty-five Cents (.25¢) per thousand.
Minimum Rates: the minimum monthly charge for all water service shall be
as follows: Where one family uses water a minimum charge of One Dollar
($1.00) per month; where two or more families use water through the same
meter, a minimum charge of One dollar ($1.00) per family, per month.
The rate of water supplied to houses or premises outside the corporate
limits shall be as fixed by resolution.
SECTION 10. Unlawful to disconnect water. It shall be unlawful for
any owner or occupant of any premises or property connected with the
Town's water supply system to disconnect the water on said premiese or
property unless he shall first file in the office of the Town Clerk
a written request that the service of water to the said premises or
property be disconnected and discontinued and shall pay all arrearages
on water charges for said premises and proerty after water has been
shut off from any premises or perty upon the application of the
owner or occupant thereof or for the non-payment of water charges, or
for any other cause, it shall be unlawful for any person to turn the
water on again, except when authorized to do so by the Board of Trustees.
SECTION 11. Acts unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any person
except a member of the fire department of said town or a person authorized
by the Board of Trustees to make any connections with any service or
branch pipe, to open, operate, close down or turn off, interfere wih,
attach any pipe or hose to or connect anything with any gate valve, stop
cock, or fire hydrant belonging to the water system whether the same be
on private premises or not.
SECTION 12. ACTS UNLAWFUL. It shall be unlawful for any person unless
duly authorized by the Board of Trustees to disturb, displace, inter-
fere with, cover up, damage, or destroy any water mains, water pipe,
meter, meter box, machinery, tools, fire hydrants, curb cocks, curb
box, or any other property belowning to, connected wiht or under the
control of the water supply system. It shall be unlawful for any
person to climb upon, cling to, the water towner or anything connected
SECTION 13. The Town Clerk shall have full charge of and keep all
books, records and papers appertaining to and connected with the water
system of said town and it shall be his duty to send out monthly
statements to the water consumers of the amounts due for water consumed,
and all bills for water service shall be paid to the Town Clerk on or
before the first day of each calendar month and in the event of failure
on or before the first day of each calendar month, such charge shall
then become delinquent and penalty of ten per cent (10%) of the amount
due shall be added. The failure
of any consumer to receive a statement of the amount of charge due
from him shall not constitute an excuse for the neglect, failure or
refusal to pay the charges assesed against him whenthe same is due.
SECTION 14. Penalty. Any person who shall violate any of the pro-
visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sumenot less than
One Dollar ($1.00) nore more than Twenty-five dollars (25.00).
SECTION 15. Invalidity of part. In the event any section or sections
of this ordinance be be adjusted invalid in whole or in part such
adjudication shall not in any wise affect the remainder of this ordi-
SECTION 17. Emergenct Clause. For the immediate preservance of the
public health and safety an emergecy is hereby delcared to exist
by reson whereof this ordinance shall take effect and be in full
force from and after the passage, approved and posting of the same.
PASSED AND APPROVED and the emergency clause ruled upon separately
this 16 day of Jan. 1933.
ATTEST: Town Clerk