HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE NO. 35Revised Ordinaince 35
An ordinance creating a sewer department for the town of Owasso,
Oklahoma, providing for the construction, operation and maintenance of a
sewer system and for the connection of private sewer lines, providing pen-
alities for violation and declaring an emergency.
WHERAS, there is now being constructed in the town of Owasso,
oklahoma, a public sewer system and it being necessary for the welfare of the
citizens of said town that a sewer department be created for the purpose of
providing management for said sewer system and it being necessary that regula-
tions be prescribed for the management, operation and maintenance of said sewer
system, be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the town of Owasso, Oklahoma,
as follows:
Definitions: As used in this chapter, the word "town" shall mean
the town of Owasso, Oklahoma; the word "commissioner" shall mean the commissioner
of water works and sewers; the word "premises" shall be construded to mean any
lot, block, or tract of ground, regardless of size, containing only one dwelling
house or one duplex, or one apartment house or one principal building, whether
used for business or dwelling purposes.
The sewer department of the town of Owasso is hereby created and shall
consist of the commissioner of water works and sewers and such other officer or
employees as may be from time to time authorized by the Board of Trustees, The
president of the Board of Trustees shall designate one of the trustees to serve
as commissioner of watet works and sewers, whose term shall be concurrent with
the term of the president of said Board and the affairs of said department shall
be under the supervision of said commissioner.
Section 2 Reports:
All plans, specifications, estimates, and reports in connection with
the construction, repair, and maintenance of sewer shall be submiteed to the
commissioner for his report and recommendation before they are acted upon by the
Said commissioner shall have general supervision and control over the
operation and maintenance of the sewer system and of the public water system
and shall make such reports to the trustees as may be requested by the president
or by a majority vote of the Trustees and shall have such other powers and
duties as may be hereafter conferred on him.
No person shall engage in the business of sewer construction, repair,
sewer cleaning, laying of sewer pipes, or making new sewer connections in the
town of Owasso until such person receives a written license from the commissioner
Of water works and sewers and no license shall be issued until t& fees herein
provi , ded for have been paid. The annual fee for such license shall be Five
NSA Dollars, and all license Issued shall expire on the 31st day of 1000'e'r,
of the year in which said license is issued. Provided that for a license issued
after the let day of 0 b r of any year, the fee shall be the sum of Thwee
person shall be issued such license who is not a master
Plumber, unless such person is already licensed as a plumbing contractor in some
city or town in"the State of Oklahoma.
Every person, firml, or cOrporation to whom a sewer license is issued
shall, before commencing any work under such license , first deposit with the
Town Clerk, a surety bond executed by a surety commany authorized to do business
in the State of Oklahoma in the principal sum of One Thousand ($1000) Dollars,
running to the town of Owasso and conditioned that the principal will restore
any street, sidewalk, sewer line, water line or other public property disturbed
by him and that such person, firm or corporation will indemnify and hold harmless,
the town of Owasso from any expense or liability of any kind that may be imposed
by law by the act of said person, firm Or corporation in the performance of any
work undertaRon pursuant to said license.
NO Person, firm, Or corporation granted a license or permit under the
pr visions of this Ordinance shall permit any other person to use such license
or permit, and any person, guilty of violating this section shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and in addition to any other penalty pr07ide& for herein, shall fodiet
his license.
It shall be unlawful for any licensee to fail or refuse to restore any
break, cut or other damages occasioned by him, his agents, servants, or employees
to any street, sidewalk, water system, or other public property within 24 hours
after being requested in writing by the commissioner to make such repairs and
any person failing to make such repairs after having received such notice shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to proceed
Kith any sewer or drainage work connected with any sewer system until a permit
for such work has been obtained from the commissioner.
Before any con ectio s made to any jublic sewer main or laterial,
the person requesting permission to make such connection must obtain a permit
fror the commissioner authorizing such connection, which permit shall describe
the property for which such permit is issued and shall state therein, the name
of the licensee who shall be responsible for the construction of such work in a
good and workmanlike manner. The fee for each permit shall be $15.00
Fifteen Dollars.
It shall be the duty of all persons, firms, or corporations owning
any property upon which there is a private sewer line connecting with the public
sewer system to keep such private sewer line in such state of repair that it
does not constitute a nusiance to the public health and does not interfere with
the operation and maintenance of the public sewer system. The commissioner is
authorized to give written notice to any property owner to repair any defective
private sewer line upon his property which is connected with the public sewer
line and any person failing to construct such repairs within five days after
receipt of such notice shall be guilty of a misdemeanor upon conviction thereof.
Each premises as defined herein shall have a separate sewer connection
provided however, that when, after public sewers have been constructed, the
property adjacent to such public sewers has been plated or re-plated, or the
separate building thereon are re-located in such manner that one or more are
connection of the first building to serve all of the premises belonging to one
owner provided further, that one sewer connection shall not serve more than one
single family dwelling, or one duplex, or one apartment house, or one principal
building or one premises as hereinbefore defined.
Any person owning property within town limits not included in any
established sewer distrcit who desires to connect said property with the nearest
sewer line, shall file a written application with the commissioner, who shall
investigate such request and make his report to the Trustees. If such application
is approved, the Trustees shall enter into a written contract with such applicant
permitting said applicant to connect on to th epublic sewer system. Said
contract shall provide that the owner of such property agrees to the following
(1) That he will waive any protest against the levying of any assess-
ments thereafter made against said property for the installation
of any sewers in any district which may thereafter be created
and in which said property maybe located.
(2) That he will pay a connection fee of $15.00
fifteen dollars.
When public sewers have been constructed and the cost thereof has
been wholly or partly paid by the town, and the owners of any abutting property
makes application for a permit to connect with such sewer, no permit shall be
issued to such owner until he first, pays to the town of Owasso, the pro-rata
cost of such sewer construction which normally who have been levied against said
property for the cost of said sewer, or in case his property has ot been assessed
or where any attempted assessment has been held invalid, or is deemed invalid
by the Board of Trustees no permit shall be issued until he pays the town of
Owasso a sum proportionate to that assessed against other property served.
Any person owning property outside the corporate limits of the town
of Owasso who desires to connect said property with the nearest public sewer
shall file a written application witht he commissioner, who shall investigate
the same and make his recommendations to the Trustees, If such application
is approved by the Trustees, then a contract shall be entered into between such
owner and the Trustees, then a contract shall be entered into between such
owner and the trustees, permitting such sewer connection and the applicant or
owner shall pay to the Town Clerk, the sum of $100.00
Dollars for such connection.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter
shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than One ($1.00) Dollar, and
not more than Twenty ($20.00) Dollars, and each day of such violation shall con-
stitute a separate offense.
It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public
health, peace and safety, an emergency is hereby declared and this ordinance
shall become immediately effective upon the approval by majority vote of the
Board of Trustees.
Adopted at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Owasso,
Oklahoma, and the emergency clause passed on separatley, on this 3rd
day of November, 1952.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
ATTEST: Josephine Downey Town Clerk