HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE NO. 40 A - 46ORDINANCE NUMNER 40-A An ordinance to amend that part of Section 1 of Ordinance Number 40 of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, in so far as the same pertains to Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block Thirty-two (32) of the original Town of Owasso, and to divide, reapportion and assess the costs of Sewer District Number One in so far as said lots numbered One (1) and Two (2) in Block Thirty-two (32) of the original Town of Owasso are concerned. Whereas, by virtue of Ordinance Number 40 of the Town of Owasso, passed and approved the 24th day of August, 1953, assessing and aportioning the costs of said Sewer District Number One upon lots one (1) and Two (2) i Block thirty- two (32) in the original Town of Owasso, assessed said costs upon said lots in their entirety and it now appears that said lots have been divided into separate tracts by deeds placed of record prior to the enactment of said ordinance on the 24th day of August, 1953, and that the owners of record of said tracts have petitioned the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso to divide and reapportion and reassess the cots of said Sewer Distrcit Number One to be assessed against the respective parts of said lots numbered One (1) and Two (2) in Block Thirty- two (32) above described. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, that Section Number 1 of Ordinance Number 40 of the Town of Owasso be and the same is hereby amended in so far as Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block Thirty-two (32) of the original Town of Owasso, as described in said ordinance are concerned, be and the same is hereby amended and the costs assessed against said lots are hereby reapportioned, levied and assessed against the sep- arate parts or parces of said lots as follows: Block Lot Amount 32 North half of Lot One $114.90 32 South half of Lot One $114.90 32 North half of Lot Two $109.63 32 South half of Lot Two $109.63 that said ordiance numner 40 shall in all other respects remain in full force and effect. That an emergency for the preservation of the public health and safety hereby exist and by reason thereof, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and approval and publication. Passed and the emergency clause ruled upon separately and approved this 28 day of September, 1953. W. J. Bryssen President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma ATTEST: Josephine Downey Town Clerk AN ORDINANCE CREATING SEWER DISTRICT NO TWO IN THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, DEFINING THE AREA THEREOF, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTESS OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, as follows: Article I A sewer district, to be known as Sewer District No Two, is hereby created and established in the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and said sewer district shall be comprised of the following area, to wit: Lot One (1), Block Twenty Nine (29), Original Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, according to the recoreded plat thereo. Article II Sewer Lines and laterals shall be construced and connected with the public sewer system of the Town of Owasso. Article III The district above defined may be enlarged or changed by ordinance at any time previous to the actual commencement of construction of laterls in said district. Article IV Upon the passage of this ordinance, the Chairman of the Board of Trustess is authorized and directed to make the necessary arrangements for the construction of said laterals, the owner of all the property in said district having peittioned the Board of Trustes for the construction of said sewer district. Contracts may be awarded by the borad of Trustees without advertising for bids thereon, Article V It being necessary for the preervation of the public health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon approval. PASSED and enacted, and the emergency clause voted upon and passed separtately this 3 day of May, 1954. W J Bryson Chairman of the Board of Trustees Attest: Josephine Downey Clerk AN ORDINANCE CREATING SEWER DISTRICT NO. THREE I THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, DEFINING THE AREA THEREOF, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, as follows: Article I A sewer district, to be known as Sewer District No. Three, is hereby created and established in the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and said sewer district shall be comprised of the following area, to-wit: Lots five (5) and six (6), Block seven (7), Original Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, according to the recoreded plat thereof. Article II Sewer lines and laterals shall be constructed and connected with the public sewer system of the Town of Owasso. Article III The district above defined may be enlarged or changed by ordinance at any time previous to the actual commencement of construction of laterls in said district. Article IV Upon the passage of this ordinance, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees is authorized and directed to make the necessary arrangements for the construction of said laterls, in the owners of all the proerty in said district having petitioned the Board of Trustees for the construction of said sewer district. Contracts may be awarded by the Board of Trustees witout advertising for bids thereon. Article V It be necessary for the preservation fo the public health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon approval. PASSED and enacted, and the emergency clause voted upon passed separately this 28th day of June, 1954. W J Bryson Chairman of the Board of Trustees Attest: Josephine Downey Clerk TULSN CO ENGINEERING ID :9185065 ?43 JUN 12'01 15 :42 No.005 P.02 AAe9es ted thke day 06 e 8M. aM&i4raa3 11s'.; GIATASS05 adjotwned tim Town ITIR21 5th November 54 700 p W. J. BRYSON., JA160K PURV*Lrs, DAN G. HMLT, T,ou-N nummmv JOSPPHINP D0T'T WYq President,, Board o" 1-rustees Trus+tee Trustee, Toren Clerk "AN O.RDINLIMCE FIRWID11410a FOR '11M, ISStIANCE (YF BOMS IN '111T, 117"UA CF, FIFTY-FIVE THOMAND ($55sOOO.00) DTLIARS; BY TIT, W-M OF TMASSO., STA-3.7, OF UKIAHOI&I AUTHOEMM AT Aj',,T ELFEG"]EIGIN DVqZ CAL11D AND M M FOR, SUCH PURPOSE; P-RILSCRIBING FORM OF BONDS- PROVIDING LEVY OF AN ANNUAL TAX FOR. PAYAENT OF 'PRIICIP,L 1, IN', T $ I ii AND 1"' ON TIM SAM, IX 14G OVER DET&M:3 (F W', ISSUE AND DECLARING AN FIER-PIXYr, 9 L U, I 105 82 23 Town none BOARD OF IEU ;E> G SIN to chAsszo.. f CP " U HROA 0 Town FIFI FIFTY FIVE MOUSAM 55s O00, improving waterworks system Town Town President,, Bear. of `.tees 110A t Town cleric. Presidents, . of Trustees To _ Cleric Presidentq Board of Tinastees UI fow Town _.. TUILVA Town l f 3 I' ,,y y+ p& yam,* t .l YL" + aL. X " 'la s dv >" 'snr+'a d iy".k' ` f ' BOARD OF TRUSTEES TWN ovfksso adjourned the Town Tian Tcwn 5th Noverber,, 1954 7:30 NRYSONY PURVIS., HOLT, TURIUM. E. Town TULSA EMS= 'pi,esidentV 'Boara of t s,-"tiees- mm mm mm