An Ordinance regulating sewer laterals; regulating the number of helpers for
each licensed plumber, regulating the construction and tapping of laterals and
mains, providing for the licensing of digging machine operations, amending existing
ordinances, providing for penalties for violation, and declaring an emergency.
Be it enacted by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso,
Section I
That from the effective date of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for
any person, firm, or corporation, to leave any sewer lateral open over night,
betweenthe hours of o'clock p.m, and the hour of o'clock a.m.
Section II
From and after the effective date of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful
for any master plumber, or licensed plumber, to hve more than one helper working
with him on any sewer construction, repair, cleaning, or in the laying of any
sewer pipes or making any plumbingconnection in the Town of Owasso, and it shall
be unlawful for such helper to perform any of the work herein provided for except
under the immediate and direct supervision of a licensed plumber,licensed and
bonded as provided by the Ordinances of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma.
Section III
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to perform any
sewer construction work in the Town of Owasso, or connect any lines or make
any tapping or connection of laterals to the sewer mains, except a licensed
plumber, as provided by the Ordinances of the Town of Owasso. It shall be unlawful
for a plumber's helper to make any connection to a lateral.
Section IV
It shall be unlawful from and after the pasage of this ordinance for any
person, firm, or corporation to operate any digging machine within the town of
owasso, without first obtaining a license from the Town Clerk for such operation,
and such license shall not be issued until such operator has posted with the Town
Clerk a good and sufficienty surety bond in the sum of $1,000.00, conditioned
that such operator will restore any lines damaged by the operation of such machinery,
or pay to the Town for such damages.
Section VI
All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section VII
It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public health,
peace and safety, an emergency is hereby declared and this ordinance shall be-
come immediatley upon the approval by vote ofthe Board of Trustees.
Adopted at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town
of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the emergency clause passed on and adopted separately
on this 5th day of April, 1955.
W J Bryson
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Attest: Josephine Downey Town Clerk
Article I
Administrative Provisions
Section I. Board of Examiners. there is hereby created a board of examiners
for plumbers, consisting of four members, two of which shall be the mayor and one
council memeber, who shall be ex-officio chairman and the other two members shall be
licensed plumbers. Application for examination shall be made to the city clerk, accompanied
by a fee of $2.50 to cover the ocst of examination. Those who pass the
examination shall be issued a masters liccense to pursue the trade of plumbing in the
city upon payment of a license fee as herein required, and conforming to all other
conditions required by the city ordinances.
Section 2. Plumbing inspector to have a masters license and be bonded, to be
appointed by board of examiners. The plumbing inspector may enter (in the day time)
any home, building or business establishment for the purpose of inspecting and Plumbing
if he has reason to believe it is faulty.
Section 3. A license for the City Clerk shall collect the sum of $10.00 per
where in no case to be less than $2.50 for the isuance of
any plumbers license or the renewal of any such license. no person shall excercise
the trade of plumbing or do any plumbing in the city without having first obtained
from the city clerk a license for such work.
Section 4. Plumbing inspected. No plumbing shall be connected to the waterworks
of sewage system of the city until the same shall have been inspected and approved
as complying with all requirements herein set forth by the city plumbing inspector.
A fee of $5.00 shall be charged for each inspection or premises inspected (for both
rough-in and final inspection) and a clearance slip shall be issued for each premises
upon which the work is approved. All plumbing shall be visable until inspected and
Section 5. Plumbing inspectors shall inswer to the board for carrying out all
or any protions of said code.
Article 2
Section 6. In building or structures that have been removed from one site to
another or changed from their original position or remodeled, or when the premises
have been visited by fire, all new or repair work will have to conform to the requirements
of the city ordinances. All horizontial drain lines under the floor shall
be cast iron soil pipe, a combination wye and 1/8 bend at the base of the st the
diameter of stack shall be 4 in., it must extend at least 8 inches avoce the roof.
a suitable type flashing must be used. all sing wate lines must have a 2 inch clean
out under the floor. all 4 inch or larger waste lines must have a 4 inch clean out
in accessable location, all others shall have a clean out the same size of the pipe.
no sanitary tee in a horizontial waste line, no 90° short bend (or all) in waste
line except in lavatory arm of not to exceed 30 inches, arm shall not be less than
1 1/2 inch galvanized pipe, all fitings shall be draineage recessed fittings. All soil
and waste lines must be hung securly to floor joists every five feet by performated
hender iron to be not less than 1/2 inch wide. All stub out of waste lines shall be
not more than 6 inches under outside grade except when necessary. All joints on soil
pipe shall be packed with calm and poured lead and must be thoroughtly
and outside the must be filled with lead and oakus. A cast iron drum trap of
standerd size shall be used on all bath tub wasste, the drum trap should be installed
in an upright position, the top of the drum tan to be at least 6 inches below the
botton of floor joists exceptions, as a drum take made of lead (this appliies ony
to a complete lead job) the lid maybe flush with top of finished floowr, it also
must be in an accessable location, in any case there must be 90° abortbend or
all in the waste line on either side of the cast from drum trap, no turns more than
45° will be permitted. All waste lines from laundry facilites must be proplert trapped
and must be 2 inch cast iron pipe with leaded and caulked joints, except from the house
either screwed or leaded joints, provided no part of it is on less than 45°
all revenu and circute vents must be at least 42 inches above the finished floor
Section 7. Water pipe. All water mut be falvenized pipe. All pipe will be
All water supply lines will not e less than 3/4 inch galvanized pipe. All
supply lines must have at least 3/4 inch brass stop and waste valve, it must
be within 18 inches of the outside edge ofthe foundation, it must be controlled by
a 3/6 inch square rod (orother auitable material) the rod must at least 3
inches above the outside grade with a 90° bend of at least 3 inches. The hot water
tank must be supplied by at least 3/4 pipe. No water pipe will be trapped
shop and waste to installed in suach a manner all the pipe can be drained, the drain
valve must be controlled above the floor or above the ground outside. In no case
will stop and waste valves be installed under concrete. Unless (then only if there
is no other way) an opening is left at least 14 inches squares. The hot water system
must be provided with a drain valve. All water heater and lavatory risers must be
provided with at least 12 inch air chambers. No water pipe will be run on the ground,
unless ecessary. All water and gas pipe must be securly fastened to the floor joists
by means of pipe hooks (bent wire pipe hangers) every 10 feet and at the end of every
runor arm of pipe over 20 inches.
Section 8. Gas pipes. All gas pipe under ground or on the ground must be galvanized.
All gas services must be 31/4 inch pipe to the first opening. The gas system must hold
an air test of not less than 15 pounds on a spring gauge for not less than 15 minutes.
All kitchen ranges must be supplied wiht at least 3/4 inch pipe. Allumions or right
and left nipples and couplings must be in an accessable location. Any situation not
covered by this code will be decided on by the board of plumbing examiners and / or
the plumbing inspector.
WHEREAS, on April 11, 1911, a certain warranty deed
was executed by Martha C. Hill and J. K. Hill, her husband to Owasso
Township, jointly with Tulsa County, for public highway purposes,
under the supervision of such officers as the law may prescribe, covering
the following described real estate situated in Tulsa County,
Okalhoma, to-wit:
A strip of land 25 feet wide form the entire West
side of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 30,
Township 21 North, Range 14 East, said warranty
deed having been filed on record August 15, 1911,
at 9:20 a.m., and recorded in Book 108 at page
137 in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa
County, Oklahoma; and
WHEREAS, said area of land above described and conveyed
and dedicated for highway purposes has never been graded or improved
in any manner by any political subdivision; and
WHEREAS, by Ordinance dated August 20, 1951, the said
property above described was annexed to the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma,
and said area of land dedicated for public highway
purposes and especially since the platting of Crestview Estates, an
Addition to Owasso, Oklahoma; and
WHEREAS, request has now been made by the record owners
of Lots 1-10 inclusive, Block 1, Crestview Estates, an Addition to
Owasso, Oklahoma, that the Town of Owasso vacate and legally abandon
for highway purposes the above described 'Land, and said, request is
reasonable and proper, and
WHEREAS, the above described land is no longer needed by
the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and Jit is deemed to be to the best interest
of all parties concerned that the aforementioned dedication for pub-I'Lic
highway purposes 'be vacated and abandoned, reserving. however, a
public utility easement across the West ten feet of the vacated area.
Aj strip of land 25 feet wide from the entire West
side of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter of Section 30,
Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County,
State of Oklahoma, less the North 20 feet thereof,
which said area is further legally described as
the West 25 feet of Lots 1-10 inclusive, Block 1,
Crestview Estates, an Addition to Owasso, Oklahoma,
expressly reserving, however, the West
ten feet of said Lots 1-10 inclusive, for public
utlity purposes.
Section 2. That an emergency exists for the preservation
of the public health, peace and safety, by reason whereof this ordinance
shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication.
PASSED, and the emergency clause ruled upon separately
and approved this 23rd day of August, 1955.
APPROVED this 23 day of August, 1955.
Paul E Smith
President, Board of Trustees
ATTEST: Wayne Shahan
Town Clerk
Wayne Shahan, the undersigned,
certifies that he is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk
of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and he further certifies that the
above Ordinance No. 51 relating to the vacating of a certain dedication
of street for highway purposes was passed at a regular meeting
of the Board of Trustees of said Town held on the 23rd day of august
1955, at which a quorum was present and voting.
Wayne Shahan
Town clerk