HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011.09.12_Planning Commission AgendaRecord Copy OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION September 12, 2011 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 12, 2011 TIME: 6:00 PM PLACE: Old Central 109 North Birch NOTICE FILED BY: Marsha Hensley TITLE: Assistant City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk and posted at the north entrance to City Hall at 10:00 AM on September 9, 2011. Mars a Hensley, Assistant City Planner OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, September 12, 2011 at 6:00 PM Old Central 109 North Birch AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes from the August 8, 2011 Regular Meeting. 4. Final Plat - Old Shell Park (Boyd Dentistry) - Consideration and appropriate action related to a request for the review and the acceptance of a final plat consisting of one (1) lot, on approximately 2.431 acres of land. The general location of the subject property is 8523 North 125 East Avenue. 5. Final Plat - The Reserve on Elm Creek - Consideration and appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance of a final plat consisting of fifty -one (51) lots, three (3) blocks, on approximately 19.75 acres. The subject property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of East 66th Street North and North 129th East Avenue. SUP 11 -02 - Police Multi Use Training Facility - Consideration and appropriate action related to a request for the review and the acceptance for a Specific Use Permit to allow for a police training facility in an agriculture district. The general location of the subject property is East 71St Street North and Main Street, just south of the Owasso Wastewater Treatment Plant. 7. Amendment to the 2025 Land Use Master Plan - Consideration and appropriate action related to a request for the review and acceptance of an amendment to the 2025 Land Use Master Plan to allow for industrial development located on Lot 1, Block 1, and all of Lots 2 and 3 of Block 1, Elm Creek Estates First Addition (Mingo Commerce Center). 8. Zoning Code Amendment - Closing Process - Consideration and appropriate action related to a request to review and recommendation to the City Council of a proposed change of the process for closing an easement. 9. Zoning Code Amendment - Definitions - Consideration and appropriate action related to a request for the review and recommendation to the City Council the acceptance of a proposed change of the Definitions Chapter. 10. Proposed Changes to Chapter 20 of Owasso Zoning Code - Consider- ation and appropriate action related to a request for the review and recommendation for the promulgation of rules of Chapter 20, Landscape Requirements of the Owasso Zoning Code. 11. Report on Items Previously Forward to City Council. o Rezoning OZ 11 -04, Mingo Commerce Center 12. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 13. Economic Development Report. 14. Adjournment. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, August 8, 2011 The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, August 8, 2011 at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 3:00 p.m. on August 4, 2011. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER Dr. Callery called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ITEM 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT Dr. Mark Callery Dr. Paul Loving Alex Mills David Vines A quorum was declared present. STAFF Karl Fritschen Julie Lombardi Marsha Hensley Bronce Stephenson Dan Salts Dwayne Henderson ABSENT Tammy Laakso ITEM 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JULY 11, 2011 REGULAR MEETING The Commission reviewed the minutes of July 11, 2011 regular meeting. David Vines moved, seconded by Dr. Loving, to approve the minutes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Callery, Loving, Mills, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 4. REZONING #OZ 11 -04 - CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATED TO A REQUEST FOR THE REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 1.75 ACRES OF LAND FROM CS (COMMERCIAL SHOPPING) TO IL (INDUSTRIAL LIGHT) LOCATED ON PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, AND ALL OF LOTS 2 AND 3 OF BLOCK 1, ELM CREEK ESTATES FIRST ADDITION. THE GENERAL LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY IS 11302 East 80 Street North. Bronce Stephenson presented the item, recommending Planning Commission approval of rezoning request OZ 1 1 -04 from CS to IL. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION August 8, 2011 Page No. 2 David Vines moved to approve rezoning request #OZ 11 -04, subject to Staff review of the Owasso Master Plan amendment process prior to the City Council review of this item. Seconded by Alex Mills. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Callery, Loving, Mills, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 5. LOT SPLIT - OLS 1 1 -02 - LOT 1, BLOCK 5, HALE ACRES 2nd-- CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATED TO THE REQUST FOR THE REVIEW AND APPECPTANCE OF A LOT SPLIT ON A 0.45 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 5, HALE ACRES. 2nd, 10530 EAST 1 14fh STREET NORTH. *This item was tabled from the July 11, 2011 PC meeting. Bronce Stephenson presented the item, recommending Planning Commission approval of the lot split #OLS 11 -02. The applicant was present to address any concerns. Ms. Betty Vines (11414 North 105 East Court), was present to express parking concerns. Dr. Loving moved, seconded by Alex Mills, to approve the lot split request. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Callery, Loving, Mills, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. Item 6. INTRODUCTION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING THE PROPOSED DRAFT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE. Karl Fritschen introduced the item and Bronce Stephenson presented. The following are comments made by the Commissioners: • Would like to see screening fences between residential remain. • In the future move the mechanical equipment and service area screening to the Architect Design Code Standards. • Watch out for the lack of flexibility for a small business that has to show a minimum of parking stalls on a small lot. Item 7. REPORT ON ITEMS PRESIOUSLY FORWARDED TO CITY COUNCIL. • Rezoning OZ 11 -03 • OPUD 11 -01 -Crown Colony II • Final Plat - Christian Brother Automotive • Final Plat - The Reserve at Elm Creek Item 8. REPORT ON MONTHLY BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY. Item 10 ADJOURNMENT - Dr. Loving moved, seconded by David Vines to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION August 8, 2011 Page No. 3 YEA: Callery, Loving, Mills, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Chairperson Vice Chairperson Date TO: The Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson, City Planner SUBJECT: Final Plat, Old Shell Park (Boyd Dentistry) PARCEL SIZE: 2.431 acres ZONING: Office Light (OL) DATE: September 12, 2011 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso received a Final Plat application for review and approval of Old Shell Park. The Old Shell Park final plat proposes one (1) lot on one (1) block on approximately 2.431 acres of property. The applicant wishes to plat the property for the development of a dentist office. The property was recently rezoned from Single - family Residential (RS -3) to Office Light (OL). SURROUNDING ZONING: North: Commercial General (CG) South: Residential Single Family (RS -3) East: Commercial General (CG) West: Multi - Family (RM -1) ANALYSIS: The final plat for Old Shell Park consists of one (1) lot on one (1) block on approximately 2.431 acres. The applicant is platting the property for the purposes of developing a dentist office. The applicant plans to use only the southern half of the plat for the dentist office and may split the lot at a future date and develop or sell the northern portion for potential development. A mutual access easement is located along the western frontage adjacent to N 1251h East Avenue that Will serve the dentist office and any future development on the northern portion of the lot. There are 17.5 foot utility easements located along each side of the plat and an additional 20 foot drainage easement shown along the southern property line. The subdivision regulations state that any final plat that is not recorded in Tulsa County within 6 months of approval shall be null and void. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC): The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat for Old Shell Park at their regularly scheduled meeting on August 24, 2011. No comments were brought forward by any members of TAC, and only minor corrections were required on the plans Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets, landscaping, and sidewalks. Sanitary sewer, police, fire, water, and EMS service will be provided by the City of Owasso. The property does not fall within a sanitary sewer payback area, but will be subject to the Storm Siren fee of $35 per acre. The applicant will have six (6) months to file the final plat from the date of City Council approval. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the final plat for Old Shell Park subject to addressing all TAC and Engineering Department comments. ATTACHMENTS: A. Area Map B. Aerial Photo C. Submitted Final Plat OLD SHELL PARK Subject Property Owasso Planning Commission DATE: September 12, 2011 TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson, City Planner CASE #: OPUD 10 -01 SUBJECT: Final Plat for the Reserve at Elm Creek PARCEL ID: 91432143258110 EXISTING LAND USE: Undeveloped land LAND USE PLAN: Residential PRESENT ZONING: AG SURROUNDING ZONING: Direction Zoning Land Use Plan' Jurisdiction amily Et North Agricultural al and Residential Tulsa County (AG) ture PUD -10 -01 and Single - Family South Agricultural Residential and Residential Tulsa County AG Agriculture Single - Family East Agriculture Residential and Residential Tulsa County (AG) Agriculture Single - Family West Agriculture Residential and Residential Tulsa County (AG) Agriculture Background: The City of Owasso received a final plat for review and approval of the Reserve at Elm Creek. The Reserve at Elm Creek Final Plat proposes fifty one (51) lots in three (3) blocks on approximately 19.75 acres of property. The applicant wishes to plat the property for the development of a single - family residential subdivision. The subject property is located near the northwest corner of the intersection of 661h Street North and North 129th East Avenue. The zoning on the property is governed under a PUD (PUD- 04 -01), with Agricultural (AG) underlying zoning. Analysis: The subject property was part of a PUD that was approved in 2004 (PUD- 04 -01) and consisted of a residential subdivision. The original PUD expired, but was approved again in 2010 (PUD- 10 -01) and consisted of the some residential concept with the same lot layout. A preliminary plat for the development was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. Part of the PUD approval for PUD -10 -01 was to allow lots that are smaller than currently allowed by the Owasso Zoning Code. A final plat was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission for forty one (41) lots in three (3) blocks on approximately 10.42 acres of property. The applicant has returned with an updated plat that has ten (10) more lots, for a total of fifty - one (51) lots. The Reserve on Elm Creek would be accessed with an entrance from North 129th East Avenue. The plat shows roads and easements that will allow future development to connect to the Reserve at Elm Creek from the west, and east. A reserve area is shown on the plat that is proposed to be used as a park area. Detention is proposed in an area to the northwest of the plat. A one hundred (100) foot GRDA utility easement lies along the eastern side of the subject property. Appropriate utility and drainage easements are proposed throughout the plat that will allow for the movement of stormwater and the placement of utilities that will serve this development and future developments in the area. The subdivision regulations state that any final plat that is not recorded in Tulsa County within 6 months of approval shall be null and void. Technical Advisory Committee: The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat for the Reserve at Elm Creek at their regularly scheduled meeting on June 22, 2011. No major comments were brought forward by the members of TAC, and only minor corrections were required on the plat. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets, landscaping, and sidewalks. Additionally, any covenants and restrictions that were approved as part of PUD 10 -01 shall be strictly adhered to. Sanitary sewer, police, fire, water, and EMS service will be provided by the City of Owasso. The property will be subject to all payback fees, including Storm Siren fees of $35 per acre. The applicant will have six (6) months to file the final plat from the date of City Council approval. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the updated final plat for the Reserve at Elm Creek Attachments: 1. Area Map 2. Final Plat REserve on Eli reek - OPUD 10 -01 1:8028 City Council 07/0612011 his map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To he sure of complete accuracy, please contact Owasso staff for the most up -to -date Information. THE RESERVE ON ELM CREEK .we W, rx[ [rsr w N9 or . ewmtt.f w.wm (s[/.) W, arnw mxr_,.,o (59. r.exs.e rvvnr -. Iz1) xmm, wc[ m"an"I 011 narx[,.Pw.M —awl,,.,,A4P.m.SEARaa M. .wmx.E..s Em.,P„r.P[a Dominion Developer: Swvry.P rwwc tl b V :.gene: Po Box se:rali0n BenneP.. BOX Surveying, 4 Inc. OWASSO. OK:AxOMA 74055 CXOUMAU. OK 74337 ew_ �v wr wss (9:9) -272-0270 (9+e) 476 -7464 MOnumentolion: a.ww.m m ws 5 +5 aw � PROPERTY OWNER x[ [/E co rxc KEYS LANDWG DEYJ..OPNiM ll.0 IrAn Sxu[....oxc wPm a.5.5 or Bear q: r.1.. 1. _1 [m w.m w M , wrm..a +6 y _ ry a [ z u nc S[/.. /n0 rcfi 5/1 w .1 nc,. o[ pE ° °raw "� R l`_ M• 4n •' $glur 'Y j x E 5£/. sE E% 6M .Edwi [ nz mE xwmUn wmm w' ix 5u/ P,.5 E .[/, ar XWnI4)1n PTAA o'iS4'E[i: zxd[4[xmmT m5 F.o+urrt xR'.1 wa �c[a , 5/=1,1= 7o,'nV SE /. a Ico. n WA.a rz£i+c+.p'[ sn sE/. "�/. w: a 5[Rl.x a DM 4 • �_i.. :.c� �•• ,a ,..Ear, R.x R r. ,n@ 1 -1 If � �.iI. a 4� ( ___ ___ __ ___ __ __ g,_......, •...... (.L. °' s •: B a ff . 11 5..5f as, mire I �s nrcn mw,m a s[rn.x v +w[rvR xw,u5r[ E SF/l a sttnw ]z . oswR a e11'. on . O W _ a em -4 wn c nee. +'io rm nwc.[ xov T. m[ 'nn S�[0 :m[ a Sx. I,A pzruic z. /.: nnw —1.' ", xw — —,eu .e SU. m[ .1 A PnwOr a 10A. ran 1. mE I.. ae X.-I. I o J O' u. _________ _______________________________ OOAO �V The City Wit out Limits. Owasso Planning Commission DATE: September 9, 2011 TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson, City Planner CASE #: SUP 11 -02 SUBJECT: Request to allow a firearm training facility in an AG zoning district. PARCEL ID: 91431143144860 AREA: 19.18 acres EXISTING LAND USE: Undeveloped land, former firearm training facility LAND USE PLAN: Industrial PRESENT ZONING: AG (Agriculture) Surrounding Land Use /Zoning Designations: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction Wastewater North Industrial Light Treatment Industrial Owasso (IL) Facility South Undeveloped Undeveloped Industrial Tulsa Count Agriculture Wastewater Owasso & East (AG) Treatment & Industrial Tulsa County Undeveloped West AgrlccGture Railroad Industrial Tulsa County Background: SUP 11 -02 is a request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a multi -use firearm training facility for the Owasso Police Department. The property is currently undeveloped and not platted, and was formerly used as a firearm training facility. Access to the property is restricted to a single road with a locked gate that comes through the Owasso Wastewater Treatment Plant to the north of the subject property. The property is zoned AG and a rifle range is an allowed use in an AG district with an approved Specific Use Permit, Analysis: The applicant, Owasso Police Department, is requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to construct a multi -use firearms training facility on a 19.18 acre tract of land zoned Agriculture (AG). The actual use of the property would be defined as a rifle range, allowed in the AG district with an SUP. Specific Use Permit applications require the applicant provide more detail relating to the site plan and building architecture. The applicant has submitted a set of drawings, which provide an indication of building architecture and layout of the facility on the property. It is desirable that firearm facilities are located away from heavily used and populated areas, and this application appears to meet those criteria. Additionally, this facility appears to provide safety measures well above minimum industry standards and would be inaccessible to the general public. Placing this facility in a floodplain area helps to ensure that future development in the immediate area will be limited and less intense in use, which ensures this facility will remain safe to use in future years. The facility itself will contain three (3) main components, a pistol range, a rifle range, and a 360 degree shoot house. All three components will have earth berms at least twenty (20) feet high surrounding the direction of bullet travel, adding to the safety of the facility. All gunfire will be directed away from major thoroughfares and populated areas. The Owasso Police Department has provided an attachment that outlines the proposed construction timeline, facility data, and other important information for consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council. The requested SUP is found to be in accordance with the Owasso Land Use Master Plan, which indicates industrial uses are appropriate for this location. Though a rifle range could be considered more of a commercial use, the appropriate location is within industrial districts that have less traffic, less adjacent residential uses, and have other uses that would not be adversely affected by occasional loud gun fire. According to the current FEMA maps, some of this property lies within the 100 -year floodplain area. All equipment and habitable structures will be constructed above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) line, thus complying with state and federal regulations. Water will be extended to serve the site as a part of the construction of the facility. Sewer will not be required, as the Owasso Police Department plans to have portable toilets available onsite for those training at the facility. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners within 300' of the subject property and the notification was published in the Owasso Reporter. If the Commission approves this application it will then require City Council approval Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of SUP 11 -02 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Conceptual Site Plan 3. Letter from Owasso Police Department 4. Photos of Proposed Improvements 5. Legal Notice 110 yp 6�<?° (�� \ � \� 2 � \� v: c « » -� w.�� xc »<.� . ..� : «> . �wy »: � . � . «: /`~ , - .. � \ ~� . �� > \ � � O—T Citdyw, oof Limits. rrnroviny To: Bronce Stephenson From: Sgt. Mike Barnes uhstacies Owasso Police Dept RE: Application for Specific Use Permit i4andintt Date: July 23, 2011 in fhn way The purpose of this letter is to request a Specific Use Permit for 19.18 acres of land owned by the Owasso Public Works Authority. Obtaining a Specific Use Permit for the referenced land is the first step of constructing a multi use training facility for the of People Owasso Police Department. The property in question is located directly south of the waste water treatment plant and is the location of the old Owasso Police Department firearms range. The legal ce /eRrratir7p description for the property has been included in the attached Specific Use Permit Application. The Owasso Police Department is currently without a facility to conduct firearms (11nic lives training and would like to construct a new training facility on the subject property. The facility would also allow for other types of training that are needed within the department. The proposed site is an optimal location due to limited residential and commercial areas surrounding the site. There is also limited future growth possibility in the area due to the proximity of the flood plain. The property is currently zoned "Agriculture" and a gun range is allowed with an SUP in the AG district. An SUP is when a use is more intense or incompatible with the surrounding uses and it is required our belief that this use will not be incompatible. The range is proposed in an area that is largely undeveloped and will remain that way due to natural conditions. The only established use adjacent to the property is the wastewater treatment plant located directly north of the property. The eastern, southern and western properties are undeveloped and largely in the floodplain. Additionally, the gun range is concentrated at the center of the site and has numerous safety measures proposed. The berms that will surround the facility are above national standards and will help to mitigate the noise that will be created by training exercises. The training facility will consist of a pistol range, a rifle range, and a 360 degree live fire shoot house. Dirt berms will be constructed to stop and contain rounds fired at the facility. There will be concrete sidewalks, a dust free parking lot, and a 16' tall range tower. There will be a gravel road that will connect to the current roadway at the Waste Water Treatment Facility and attach to the proposed paved parking lot. The parking lot r "+, will be either an asphalt or concrete surface with 24 parking spaces. The range tower 0;��; ! will be a concrete type base building with a metal or wood framed upper story. Range _. .i safety will be monitored from the top of the range tower. The tower will also be used to operate a turning target system. (916) 376 -1500 111 N. Main City of Owasso FAX (9'18) 376 -1551 O. Box 180 www.Cil ofowasso.Com �sso, Oklahoma 74055 A City o / Character y The Cily Wil out Limits. nru�lvFrltl This facility will be primarily used by Law Enforcement Agencies. Possible exceptions to this would include organizations such as Boy Scouts of America, however; any group approved to use the facility would be under the direct control and ohrfac It, r: supervision of Owasso Police Department certified Firearms Instructors. There are several safety factors that will be in place to ensure the safety of the surrounding area. No firearms, ammunition, or any other type of ordinance will be sf:zu (irrcf stored at the training facility. Numerous signs will be posted on the property to keep trespassers out and warn of firearms being used at the location. The Owasso Police Department mandates that all Officers follow specific range safety rules that are outlined ill rftl= W iy in our Policy and Procedure manual. There are future plans to install Closed Circuit Television Camera's at the facility. There will also be a flag pole installed that will fly a bright red flag anytime the range is in use. This will serve as an additional warning to of i7eortle anyone in the area that the firearms range is in use. The majority of firearms training that will occur at the facility will be conducted on the pistol range. Shooters on the pistol range will be facing directly south and will fire co, lofn- afilly their pistols to the south, away from residential and commercial areas. This is part of the safety plan to ensure the safety of everyone in the area of the training facility. One additional safety feature will be the location of the dirt berms for the pistol flit-it, fives. range. The dirt berms will be built in front of large trees currently on site. These trees are taller than the proposed 20' high dirt berms. As these trees continue to grow, they will serve as added protection to stop a bullet that may escape the dirt berms. The dirt berms themselves will be 20' in height. Upon researching this project, the National Rifle Association (NRA) states that dirt berms of 15' are "acceptable ". They recommend dirt berms are at least 20' in height. The proposed project has met the NRA's recommendations. The static pistol range will have 20 shooting lanes and will be 175 feet long and 100 feet wide. The rifle range will have 10 shooting lanes and be 60 feet wide and 200 yards long. Shooters on the rifle range will be facing west. The live fire shoot house will be on a concrete slab that will be 60' long and 30' wide. The live fire shoot house will be surrounded on all four sides by 20' dirt berms for safety. Research has also been done on lead issues associated with firearms ranges. Project plans include leaving enough room between the target stands and the dirt berms to have the lead bullets removed from the training facility. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines have been researched and construction designs will allow lead to be removed from the range. Companies are available that can remove the lead from the range for free and certify the range on an annual basis as being EPA compliant. All flood plain issues have been researched by the City of Owasso Public Works Department and there are no concerns with construction of this training facility in the current flood plain. The site plan developed will meet all the requirements for building in i•�4s?±; j` a flood plain. In addition, all the dirt used for the construction of the dirt berms will come �_ . •. from the proposed site. No additional dirt will be brought to the site, therefore; flood plain guidelines will be met. (918) 376 -1500 N. Main FAX (918) 376 -1551 Box 180 City of Owasso :o, Oklahoma 74055 A City o /Character www.cilyofowasso.com - The Gity Wil out Limits. rr>nutvfntl obsfactn. stanrfinq in file way of people celebrating fheir lives. Attached is a copy of the site plan for this project, which was prepared by Daniel Dearing with the Owasso Public Works Department. Thank you for your consideration and time in this matter. is 74055 City of Owasso A City of Character Sgt. Mike Barnes Owasso Police Dept (918) 376.1500 FAX (918) 376 -1551 www.cltyofowasso.com D a Li t �V0 �4• i'Syj A�Vii ��uQ.q�, Mme +. ¢ �5 ,� Y� p { t Y'� C✓ i �Y �. i 4 kY S+ I 1 � al ♦ rkw�frcvx Y `� > •x�. � xw x6 . � � �• te, �+� � _ ��tr�ry�m�:G3�x �m4e � a � � j 14 i�� � ti921�' ' � t4Y IC T j ✓ e: tt'aT %FT,M� • 5�"""j�'P J _. �i. Yk . �. q 4 f t � &' N t44. Y � '� t 'gu ➢ 2 j`n � M1 6 Qpp V'_ci �; yt tt,� RT 4�QAa°t R�lkX w k-- :+Y+vv✓.�:�- wv..rv.5v«Y. �.3. n4-t .'�'ak . �V0 �4• i'Syj A�Vii ��uQ.q�, Mme +. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED SPECIFIC USE PERMIT IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICATION: #SUP 11 -02 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Owasso Planning Commission, at Old Central, 109 N. Birch, at 6:00 P.M. September 12, 2011. The Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request for a Specific Use Permit to ALLOW FOR A MULTI USE TRAINING FACILITY FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT on property zoned AG (Agriculture District). The property is described as a tract of land located south of the Owasso Public Works Authority Water Treatment Plant in Section Nineteen (19) of Township Twenty -one (21) North and Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian (I.B. &M.), according to the U.S. Government Survey thereof, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma; being more particularly described as follows: W/2 NW SE Less .82 Ac in Book 3919 Page 49 Section 31- 21 -14. The general location is East 71" Street North and Main Street. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. Jr. the event that such proposed specific use permit is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. For more information on the proposed specific use permit contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 111 N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376- 1540. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 18°i day of August, 2011 Marsha Hensley Assistant City Planner s� nTity Wit out Limits. Owasso Planning Conw+ission DATE: September 9, 2011 TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Marsha Hensley, Assistant City Planner SUBJECT: A request to amend the 2025 Land Use Master Plan AREA: 1.6076 Acres EXISTING LAND USE: Mingo Commerce Center LAND USE PLAN: Commercial PRESENT ZONING: IL (Industrial Light) - Approved August 8, 2011 by Planning Commission Surrounding Land Use /Zoning Designations: Direction Zonin Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North Industrial Light Light Industrial Owasso IL Industrial South Agriculture Commercial Commercial Owasso AG East Multi - Family Residential Multi - Family Transitional Owasso Residential RM -2 West Commercial Commercial Commercial Owasso General CG Background: On June 15, 2011 the City of Owasso received a rezoning application for review and approval of a request to rezone two (2) tracts of land from CS (Commercial Shopping) to IL (Industrial Light). The subject properties are located on the north side of E 80th Street North, just west of where the street intersects with the service road on the east side of US -169. On August 8, 2011 the Owasso Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning request #OZ 11 -04. Subsequent to the Planning Commission's action, the City Council approved the rezoning at their August 20, ?011 regular meeting. Owasso Land Use Master Plan: The Owasso Land Use Master Plan (Plan) is a document representing desired future land use and transportation patterns for the physical development of the community. It serves as an adopted statement of growth policy for the city, and provides the basis for land use decisions such as zoning. The Plan is not meant to predict every possible scenario, but rather as a guide in helping to make decisions as well as offer some predictability to the public in terms of location and intensity of future uses. Analysis: It was brought to Staff's attention at the August 8, 2011 Planning Commission meeting, that the 2025 Land Use Master Plan be revised, changing the designated future land use for the parcels involved in OZ 11 -04 from Commercial Industrial. In analyzing the request, staff considered two key factors: first, what is the highest and best use of the property, and second, is the proposed land use distribution consistent and compatible with existing development patterns in the area. The staff believes that the answer to both questions is "yes ". The Owasso 2025 Land Use Map calls for this area to be commercial in the future, but IL (Industrial Light) zoning would appear to be in compliance with the goals stated in the plan and the existing development in the area. Additionally, the overall context of this location is light industrial to highway commercial. The use that occupies one of the subject parcels is an equipment rental center, which can often be associated with a light industrial uses. Mingo Manufacturing has the need to extend their buildings to the south in order to expand their growing business. The surrounding area consists of light industrial and multi - family residential and commercial uses. This area of town is mostly developed and the uses have been established for some time. Amending the Plan to show this area as industrial appears to be appropriate in terms of the proposed use and does not appear to adversely affect the surrounding properties. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the Land Use Master Plan. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Zoning Map NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED REQUEST TO AMEND THE 2025 LAND USE MASTER PLAN OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Owasso Planning Commission, at Old Central, 109 N. Birch, at 6:00 P.M., September 12, 2011. The Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request for an amendment to the Owasso 2025 Land Use Master Plan. The subject property is approximately 1.6076 acres and is located on the north side of East 8001 Street North, just west of where the street intersects with the service road on the east side of US -169. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed Land Use Master Plan amendment is approved by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The public hearing will be held by the City Council, at Old Central, 109 N. Birch, at 6:30 P.M., September 20, 2011. For more information on the proposed amendment contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 111 N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376 -1540. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 26`h day of August, 2011. Marsha Hensley Assistant City Planner @ s V u @ v m E E 0 `a All p w J Yti w O a c 0 U a W @ J @ O N @ C N J OI @ O O N L a m a `va T @ T @ N CZ � o N E E O `2 0 S � �E L 6 � Llf C O @ W M C m a Y me vJ W @ U E � m v a2: a5 N 0 a O J N N 5: h @ y i 4=: c3 OD y O 00 @ 0. U L @ U T I E R The Cit#YW, lout Limits. TO: City of Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson City Planner SUBJECT: Addition of a process for the closing of rights -of -way and easements in the Owasso Zoning Code DATE: September 12, 2011 BACKGROUND Staff has discovered that there is not currently a easements in the Owasso Zoning Code. Though bringing forward a process for official inclusion i Zoning Code. REASON FOR THE PROPOSED CHANGE process for the closing of rights -of -way and a process has been used in the past, staff is n the Subdivision Regulations of the Owasso The Owasso Zoning Code is a document that will need to be updated and /or clarified at times. Staff has found that there is a need for these definitions within the Zoning Code in order to clarify requirements and assist applicants or citizens with their issues. Additionally, Oklahoma State Statutes requires local jurisdictions to have a clearly defined process for closing or rights -of -way and easements in their development regulations. PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING CODE The proposed text amendment to the City of Owasso Zoning Ordinance, will amend the Subdivision Regulations, by adding a section for the closing of rights -of -way and easements as Section 3.5.5 Easement and Rights -of -Way Closure Process. Section 3.5.5 Easement and Rights -of -Way Closure Process All requests for the closing of any public way or easement within the City of Owasso shall be submitted, with the appropriate documentation as outlined in this article, to the Community Development Department. Prior to the closing of a public way or easement, a public hearing shall be conducted by the City Council. Written notice of any proposed closing of public way or easement shall be provided to any holder of a franchise or other entity determined to have special rights or privileges granted by the legislative body. The required notice shall be given at least thirty (30) days prior to the public hearing. The public notice for the closing hearing shall also be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Owasso at least thirty (30) days prior to the public hearing. The closing of any public way or easement shall only be allowed through an ordinance )assed by the City Council. Reopening a public way or easement: The City of Owasso shall retain the right to reopen any public way or easement without expense to the City. The public way or easement may be reopened by ordinance when: 1. The City of Owasso City Council deems it necessary; or 2. An application of the property owners owning more than one half in area of the property abutting the public way or easement to be closed is filed with the City of Owasso Community Development Department. Applicants may also vacate the public way or easement by proceeding through district court. A public way or easement can only be vacated after the City Council approves the closing ordinance. Vacating the public way or easement forecloses on the City's right to reopen the public way or easement. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission approval of the attached text amendment to the Subdivision Regulations of the Owasso Zoning Code. If approved, staff will present an ordinance reflecting such changes at the next available City Council Regular Meeting ATTACHMENTS: A. Draft Closing Process Language B. Oklahoma State Statute Title 11, Chapter 1, Article XLII Oklahoma State Statute Title 11, Chapter 1 ' Article Article XLU - Vacating Plats and Public Ways MSection 42 -110 - Power to Close Public Ways or Easements by Ordinance - Reopening - Rights of Utilities. Cite as: O.S. §, _ _ A. The municipal governing body by ordinance may close to the public use any public way or easement within the municipality whenever deemed necessary or expedient. The procedure for closing a public way or easement shall be established by ordinance or resolution adopted by the municipality. B. The municipality shall give written notice of any proposed closing of a public way or easement to any holder of a franchise or others determined by the governing body to have a special right or privilege granted by ordinance or legislative enactment to use the public way or easement at least thirty (30) days prior to passage of any ordinance providing for closing of a public way or easement. C. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. The public way or easement may be reopened by ordinance whenever: 1. The municipal governing body deems it necessary; or 2. An application of the property owners owning more than one -half in area of the property abutting on the public way or easement previously closed is filed with the governing body. D. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing executed by the owners thereof. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED REQUEST TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Owasso Planning Commission, at Old Central, 109 N. Birch, at 6:00 P.M., September 12, 2011. The Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request for amendments to the Owasso Zoning Ordinance. The proposed text amendment to Chapter 20, the City of Owasso Zoning Ordinance, will amend Chapter 14, Definitions, by adding of a definition for Amenity and amending the definition for Dwelling Unit or Accessory Dwelling Unit and will amend the Subdivision Regulations of Chapter 20 by adding Section 63 Closing of Public Ways and Easements. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed amendments are approved by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The public hearing will be held by the City Council, at Old Central, 109 N. Birch, at 6:30 P.M., September 20, 2011. For more information on the proposed amendment contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 111 N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376 -1540. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 2601 day of August, 2011 Marsha Hensley Assistant City Planner The Cit0YW' out Limits. TO: City of Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson City Planner SUBJECT: Addition of Definition for Amenity and amending the definition of Dwelling Unit or Accessory Dwelling Unit in the Owasso Zoning Code DATE: September 12, 2011 BACKGROUND The Owasso Zoning Code is a document that requires updating and /or clarification on a periodic basis. In working with applicants and developers, staff has discovered that the terms Amenity and Accessory Dwelling Unit are not defined within the Owasso Zoning Code. An amenity is a very important aspect in development of new commercial and residential properties and should be clearly defined to avoid confusion or misunderstanding. The term accessory dwelling unit is important to define within the Zoning Code because it is used frequently in language designed to protect single - family neighborhoods by promoting uniformity within these neighborhoods where necessary. In order to clarify certain requirements and assist applicants, citizens, and staff when interpreting text, these additions and updates to the Zoning Code are needed. Staff does not anticipate any great changes due to these additions, but they will assist staff in ensuring that development is performed responsibly within the City of Owasso. PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING CODE: The proposed text amendment to the City of Owasso Zoning Ordinance will amend Chapter 14, Definitions, by adding a definition for Amenity and amending the definition for Accessory Dwelling Unit. The proposed definitions are as follows: Amenity: any tangible benefit to a piece of a property, especially those that increase its attractiveness or value or that contributes to the comfort or convenience of the nearby residents. Tangible amenities might include park areas, swimming pools, tot lots, or playgrounds, disc golf course of nine baskets or more, walking trails or bike paths, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic areas, or similar facilities that allow people to recreate, gather and socialize. In most cases, parking should be provided for the amenity. Accessory Dwelling Unit: A subordinate residential unit incorporated within, attached to, or detached from a single - family residential unit and having its own sleeping, cooking, and sanitation facilities. Such subordinate unit shall not be subdivided or otherwise segregated in ownership from the principal residential unit and shall not be used for rental. S _ _ #eP "- R 5 of this +�— RECOMMENDATION staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the text amendment to the Owasso Zoning Code. If approved, staff will present an ordinance reflecting such changes at the next available City Council Regular Meeting. OT Citoyv r, out Limits. TO; City of Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson City Planner SUBJECT: Promulgation of Rules, Chapter 20 of the Owasso Zoning Code DATE: September 12, 2011 BACKGROUND The Quality of Life Initiative Final Report that was adopted by the City Council in April 2011 included guidelines for the future development of Owasso. One area where citizens expressed interest during the public workshops and through the on -line Wikiplanning survey was improving the overall aesthetics of the community. Subsequent to receiving these comments, staff renewed its review of the Zoning Code in greater detail to determine where improvements could be made that follow the principals of the Quality of Life Initiative. Staff has now prepared draft amendments to Chapter 20, Landscaping Requirements of the Zoning Code that it believes to be consistent with the vision and guidelines set forth in the Quality of Life report. A community which presents itself well in the form of quality landscaping, architecture, and overall appearance helps in recruiting high skilled jobs, as it sends a message of care and pride in the community. According to a survey conducted by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, landscaping can increase the value of residential and commercial property anywhere from 5% to as much as 20 %. A landscape which looks neglected or is minimal gives the impression that the owner of the property doesn't care about his business or his customers; if the property is for sale, it can appear that the owner doesn't want the property because of its depreciated state. On the other hand, attractive landscaping can reduce the apparent age of a building, further bolstering curb appeal and improving the potential asking price of the property. This concept can certainly have a bearing on the overall impression of the community as well. The proposed amendments to Chapter 20 of the Zoning Code are more comprehensive, include diagrams and pictures, and establish a foundation for future quality development, The amendments address the absence of landscaping within parking lots, offer greater choice in how buffer yards are installed, improve the look of the streetscape, encourage the installation of bio- retention techniques, and propose optional methods to screen unsightly elements. Many local businesses are already employing a number of the elements contained within the proposed amendments. Furthermore, the amendments will help ensure a higher quality standard and consistency throughout the entire community, which maintains and increases all property values. REASON FOR THE PROPOSED CHANGE As stated previously, the overall appearance of a community is an important factor in job recruitment, promoting civic pride, and improving the overall environment of the city. Owasso must continuously improve in a highly competitive job market, and the proposed amendments are just one piece of the entire puzzle. Finally, the proposed amendments are in keeping with the principals established by the adopted Quality of Life Initiative. PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING CODE The attached document is a draft of the proposed changes. If approved, this document would replace the existing landscape regulations in Chapter 20 of the Owasso Zoning Code. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend the City Council consider the Promulgation of rules for a new, Chapter 20, Landscape, Screening and Buffering Requirements of the Owasso Zoning Code. ATTACHMENTS: A. Final Draft, Chapter 20, Landscape, Screening, and Buffering Requirements ITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chrtnter 20 CHAPTER 20 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, AND BUFFERING REQUIREMENTS 20.1 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE The purpose of these landscaping, screening, and t provide standards that Witt protect the health, sal the public, enhance property values, improve community, and preserve natural resources, trees�f yard regulations are established herein to mininggze abutting developments, enhance the appearances and create a unified and attractive streetscapke" applied to all new development, redevelopmel projects including streetscaping of rights- requirements will: 1. Maintain and increase pr, 2. Further enhance the qua 3. Reduce soil erosion an essential to storm, at s "p, „,. 4. Mitigate air, c�ttsf, noise, requirements is to general welfare of ;_pe r ce of the $e •' nts. Planting icts between ,s rktng lots, omr me s, will be �_._. qs These rpmtrrt' m r so reside is and visitors; rmeable land areas qferrecharge; pollution; island" effe JW impervious surfaces, such as ding and shading the surface area and breaking t scape 1'&, a throughout the City that promotes the overall ker and i entity of the community; Promote iAeer2my ve and cost - conscious approaches to the design, instaltatio n maintenance of landscaping white encouraging water and conservation; 87 o ote planting techniques that ensure the long term health of plant materials; 9. Screen unsightly equipment, material, or uses from public view and adjoining properties; buffer uncomplimentary land uses. I Adapted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE RE UIREMENTS CLrt ter 20 20.1.2 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Retention of Existing Vegetation. Existing healthy trees, shrubs and ground cover shalt be retained and incorporated into the landscape plan to the maximum extent possible. B. Design and Installation. Landscape materials shall be installed in conformance with approved landscape plan prepared in accordance with Sections 20.2 and 20.10.3. C. New Development. This Section shall. ,apply to all new development, unless specifically a emp d, b Mubsection G below. D. Change of Use or Enlargement rif insti ve b t. This Section shall apply to all applicati s p uitding j is for y projects that involve one or more o allowingx" �4 1. An increase in the number of stonesl)nnan existing building on the lot; "4, 2. An increase in t imp e area by bore than two thousand squ et (2.0,- or 3. An increase t irty cent more in the square foota elf b 9l" mg a or par g lot. 1' 4, W .. an existin ' ` skin A ea is altered or expanded to t se the numbe q )aces to a total of more than E ' (Z0), interior landscaping shall be provided on the ne - q non of the lot in accordance with this Chapter 20. J change a use of a property that has no landscaping and sod or turf grass shall be required to install soaping as per this Section if the building or parking I xpanded by more than 25 %. The Administrator d 0 their designee shall be allowed some degree of ibility with regards to these requirements should there e unusual circumstances, but the spirit of the regulations shall be maintained. E. REQUIREMENTS FOR DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT No specific width of landscaped edge shall be required for developments in the downtown. However, landscaping and screening shall be provided in accordance with Table 20 -1. Where surface parking abuts a street right -of -way developments shall provide a sidewalk built to City specifications within the right of way. For the purposes of these regulations, the downtown area is defined by an area bounded by East 86th Street North, US -169, West 4th Avenue South, and the railroad tracks. Adopted 110 CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REP UIREMENTS CtIQ let in 20.1.3 INTERPRETATION OF LANDSCAPING TERMS. Where necessary to interpret the precise meaning of technical landscaping terms used in this Section, reference shall be made to American Nursery and Landscape Association ( "ANLA ") (formerly the American Association of Nurserymen), The American Standard For Nursery Stock, (1996), which document is hereby incorporated by reference. The definitions in Section 20.11 shall apply to the regulation and control of landscaping within this Section. Figure 20 -2 Illustrates common tree descriptions and shall be used to interpret any issues relating the planting, care, and maintenance of trees. Figure 20 -3 and Section 20.10.1. Size Standards, shall be used to interpret plant sizes as part of the requirements of this chapter. 53 d QNYri I I 1 I 1 ORIPLIWE Dam I I 1 I oIc l fRITGAI� RmrZaNE R'1' /1 ^081-1 Figure 20 -2 Tree Descriptive Terms 5 Adopted ### CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 b) Approve the landscape plan with conditions that bring it into compliance with the requirements of the Landscape Chapter and rules and regulations; or c) Reject the landscape plan as failing to comply with the requirements of the Landscape Chapter and rules and regulations. 20.2.2. PLAN REQUIREMENTS Landscape plans shall accompany any application for be submitted in conformance with the reguirl Landscape plans shall inlcude: 1. The date, scale, north arrow, owner and designer; 2. The location of property lines and 3, The approximate center approximate location of si and size of existing and proposed utility ease e adjacent to the tot, adjacent to the lot, d adjacent to the k; 4. The locatipp's�J e, and ty approval and isted below. of the the afet courses, the le fea„ "&,, the location and at WiPexisting and ad utility lines on or �fjre hydrants on or [nosed sidewalks on or ground cover, berms, or location and size of the � g ,oposed l as; �a ea areas; W + detai s a r specifications; 6 ,The ld at(o n, size Liper and height), condition, and common name o xisting tree for which credit is requested shalt be indicated) method of protecting the existing trees which are to be retame a damage during construction shall be described; ce 5ai idrawings of such system; irrigation system to be used and, if d 8. The r schedule of installation of required landscaping and appurtenances, which shall specify installation of all required materials, except trees, prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy (for multifamily, commercial, and industrial developments) or first building permit (for single family and two family developments) and further specify installation of required trees shown in the landscape plan within one hundred twenty (120) days after issuance of such occupancy permit or first building 7 Adopted # ## C6a ter20 CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE RE UIREMENTS to residential subdivisions. The street yard shall comply with the following standards: 1. Width. The street yard shall be a minimum width of twenty feet (20') for multi - family development, and ten feet (101) for all other development subject to this Section, exclusive of street right -of -way and sidewalk. However, the Administrator may reduce the width of the required street yard during site plan review if the reduction is required for public improvements. 2. Tree Requirements. Within the street yaroj one shade tree shall be planted for every fifty (50') bnear',f eete T;& number of required trees shall be calculated bps _d on e ear frontage of the required street yard and sl)ale ro n the nearest whole number. Trees may be gro ded togQY ors l spaced. ,, 3 3. Parking Lot Screening. Parking tots "' "I �n0ves'nbuW'iat, ®1 yard that is less than thirty fgit ( ) developments shalt be screened °`with e)te plant material, berms, walls or a combinati ereof (f sibs arbut are in in ..�in the street screening they may be p).: ees. In n, case shall shrubs addition to the requir a r V used for screening b ore tha o` fecheton heheht at the the parking Lot. Shr b shalt b le g time of planting hall of a eland species that will attain a ml rSum gh three feet, one (1) year after planting at t h time t e' witl fa, an opaque screen. Shrubs shalt be miatlS arced to a t, r more than four (4) feet. ©,e 1wu a) j . alternative to a shrub requirement, a berm or ' masc ry all may be used lieu of the required shrubs. If a berm ed the number of required shrubs may be educe %. The berm or masonry watt must be at e st three het (3') but no more than five feet (5') in Masonry walls shalt be of decorative and /or t d design. Standard smooth faced CMU block is not J as a screening wall material. b) A loading and service areas, including driveway ement that serve them, shall be screened from all, 'irt'• abutting properties and /or public rights -of -way by a wall, fence, hedge, berm or other durable landscape barrier. Non living screen barriers shall be no less than six (6) feet tall at the time of installation. Living screen barriers shalt reach a height of installation. n a t ( . Allmateralshalt provide tao years after year round opaque screen. c) All screening material shalt be placed in such a way as to not obscure the vision of motorists and must be out of the sight triangles as defined in Section 240.2. Landscape 9 Adopted # ## CITY OF O{YASSO LANDSCAPE RE UIREMENTS Chapter 20 20.4 faced CMU block is not a permitted fencing material. A berm may substitute for a fence. Said berm shall be no less than 4 feet in height with side slopes no greater than 3:1. b) Landscape Reserve If a "landscape reserve" is designated on the plat next to an arterial street, the building setback line for lots adjacent to the landscape reserve can be from the planned right -of -way. INTERIOR PARKING LOTS A. NONRESIDENTIAL, AND MULTI - FAMILY DISTR CTS In all nonresidential (commercial, office rstn; riiy(ti family, and mixed -use districts, landscaped areas all be esCblished and maintained in off - street parking areas a 0 tow .� _ I. In nonresidential districts, at least one ?. tree and siX 2(9J srn u shrubs shall be planted for every f': a ._" " parking spat" V In multi- family, districts, at least one (1) ree a .J, matt shrubs shall be planted for every ten (10j harking spa • T e number of required trees shall be rou�o� the near to number. Landscape material shall, ;,re p ant'l tde or wi fifteen feet (15') of the edge of th ack of Cound the perimeter of the parking lot, but shoot be d t estteet yard required in 20.3.2. These requireq tents carpe met lacing a portion of the required shrub l�hin andscahpe islands'; 2. For develoB Csites greater EzFes, interior areas of parking u r wave it contain la�tdscdp planting islands. 4rY 1bld11UY^ La dscape is s ith a planting area measured at least nine )e�j9') in wi a of curb to face of curb and a minimum leng f of eightee et (18') in length shall be provided on each Properft 'f" Figure t20 -4) provide access of said aidh islands street may the requiredk, o e longer than 18 feet depending upon the size and intensiof the use. Planting islands shall be located at each terminus of each single row of parking and, when a single row of parking contains more than 15 parking spaces, at intervals between each terminus. The intervals shall be such that planting islands within a single row of parking shalt be separated by no more than 15 parking spaces (See figure 20 -5). Planting islands shall contain at least one shade tree. In addition, planting islands shall be landscaped with shrubs, lawn, ground cover and other appropriate material not to exceed three feet in height. Such planting islands shall have a minimum area of 150 square feet. In double rows of parking a 11 Adapted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE R OtMIREMENTS Clm ter 20 Figure 20 -5 13 Adopted ### CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE RE) UIREMENTS Clmnter 20 Figure 20 -8 C EXPANSION OF�US�E5 �t a� T expansio o n existing use, ruc use or parking lot that meets the a set fo !1 n 20 -1.2.D shalt a required to bring the entire site r re t . is Section. 1ha D "CAL.0 a ;una scaping cored thin a planting yard shall be counted for only planting d shall not be used in calculating the minimum ntity far an. . r planting yard. Table 20 -3 summarizes the parking 20.5 BU 20.5.1 PURPOSE Buffer yards are intended to ensure that an area of appropriate size and density of plantings is planted or preserved between zoning districts and /or uses. Buffer yards widths shall be measured from the respective property line, except where buffer yards are permitted to straddle property lines, as set forth in Section 20.5.3 C. Where buffer yards turn at property corners, the length measurements determining plant quantities shall not be required to overlap. Table 20 -3 summarizes the buffer yard requirements. 15 Adopted 949 CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REOUlRGMENTS Chapter 20 the non - residential property. The buffer shalt provide landscaping utilizing one of the following methods 1. Two (2) medium or large evergreen trees, plus eight (8) large shrubs for every forty (40') linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot; or 2. one (1) medium to large evergreen tree and one (1) large shade tree for every thirty (30') linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining tot; or 3. installation of a berm with a height of no (& than';four (4) feet (3:1 side slopes max.) planted wit 4 e (1 gifjedum or large evergreen tree, plus five (5) medi s rubs faits forty linear feet or portion thereof of ad - t ex sure+ 0 2Fe adjoining Lot; or ri 4. construction of an opaque fence or , a I'wi a height of rosl`ess than six (b') feet and two (2) medium or I ergreen trees plus three (3) medium or large shrubs -for every fo : ) linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent � "LAUte to the a g lot. If the fence or wall is constructe"oifhi c stone, sp f ced block, or similar material, then tye�Mrub re�� ° t may be waived. $af, a is Specific Use Permits in tnctshadJoin residential uses shall be re red trprog a landse pe buffer using one of the above m has deteri�5iried by theAdministrator, Planning Commissio , r Cit y Counci C S �fikiFIIC USE S IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS pecl is use issued m residential districts shall be required {q ro ided bu - a a degree that is no less than any of the <frie described qie or as determined by the Administrator, an ij mmission City Council. 20.5.3T1JDARDS FOR BUFR YARD DEVELOPMENT. r unioi I hgnstrucl% of any building or the placement of any mechanical M$ i[hin the landscape buffer yard is not permitted except for equiVrHM necessary for the provision of utilities. Signs may be placed within the buffer yard consistent with the Sign Regulations of this Chapter. Active recreational uses, such as play fields, swimming pools, racquetball and tennis courts or other active, structured recreational uses, or circulation drives and parking lots, shall not be permitted in the buffer yard. B. PERMITTED USES The following other uses may be permitted in a buffer yard provided that none of the required plant material is eliminated, the intended 17 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Cha ter 2# single family neighborhood, for example, do not relieve the developing property owner(s) from providing the required buffer yard. 20.5.4 EXEMPTIONS. Certain uses are exempt from the buffer requirements as described in this section. Exemptions include, but are not limited to the following: A. Lots or parcels on which the uses or buildings demonstrate compatible design elements and are linked to adjacent lots or buildings by a common system of sidewalks or other pedestrian walkways across property lines; or B. Lots or parcels separated by a public street right o(,way` greater than thirty(30) feet in width; or 3 t C. Lots or parcels separated by a railroad r D. Between similar land uses if one (1) of the ing scenanos e Is t sv,o, ' 1. In instances where similar or compati la ' es are immediately adjacent to one another and the installat - "" a Buffer Yard between the uses would „� e"gaj the of ess of the development of those prop ies" ede the of traffic and pedestrians; or 2 h 2. In instances where simtarf or compati lses are immediately adjacent to one other and>chang� the topography is such that the instal �o of a Bufei and be;, een the uses would negate the effective es of the requfretne nt fora Buffer Yard. In such cases the Bevel ould be reied,o prowde a coordinated landscape d veloprr in that shows 'the quantity and location of the osed tan 9. E If t e; eY toper is ted from the required buffer yard, this exer to b relieve eveloper from providing the required plant m al as if t 'i perty w re developed as individual parcels. Should a eloper not ag to all of the above conditions, all Buffer Yards �3tS iated withSpment must be installed per the current radii rements of ths; ection. 20.6 B 20.6.1 PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY The purpose of building yards is to aesthetically and visually provided nhanc the appearance of buildings. Building yards portion(s) of the building facing any adjacent off - street parking area, excluding loading /unloading areas. Minimum dimensions shall apply, and be measured, horizontally- Widths shall be from the building respective front wall of the building. Where building yards turd the length measurements determining plant quantities shalt not be 19 Adapted ### OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 Summary Table (Table 20 -3)' Development Type Landscape Element Non - Residential Development single Family Churches, Schools, (Commercial, Office, Multi- Development Civic Buildings Family, Industrial) Nonresidential districts, at least one (1) tree and six (6) small shrubs for every fifteen (15) parking spaces. In multi - family districts, at least one (1) tree and (8) small shrubs shall be for every ten (10) g �� � �"'�5, ame as non - residential Interior Parking Lot planted parking spaces. Planting islands N /AM' „e„ districts at each terminus of each single row of parking and, when a single row of parking contains` more than 15 parking spaces, at intervals between each terminus q, for lots more than 2.5 acres (see -- 20.4 A P inimum 10 ?.f,` T , one (1)%"'l '�'�� y ee and 0 ' 10' wide, 1 shade and 1 20' wide for multi a 10' 1711 or tree ornamental tree per 50 LF. Street Yard ,)ly, wide fora over. - adg. ntl 1 a re e (3) Wall, fence, or berms required ornamental t o per 50 W; fiftyrl bear (see 20.3.3.B Al" ` +F��'t"�frontage along ..s,,s.. equ red'l t yard is less arterial street Required if street yard is less ' an 30 O reen no than 30'. Opaque screen no higher than 4'. May use plant Parking Lot S een� a than ,,Use plant walls or b erms to N/A material, walls berms to ach e - e requirements (see achieve the requirements (see 20.3 3r- 20.3.2A.3.a.iv 10' f xommercial and Office 10' if abutting residential. us - itting Residential. 20' Shrubs, trees, fencing or -� - dustrial Uses abutting N/A combination of the three. (see Buffer idenbal. Screening methods 20.5.2.A) _ va see 20.5.2.A Fencing or vegetation to provide Fencing or vegetation to Service and Loading year round opaque screen no N/A provide year round opaque screen no less than 6 feet in Areas less than 6 feet in height (see het see 20anti A.s 20.3.2 A.3.b Foundation plantings required. r Foundation plantings required ri Widths vary in relation to the N/A Widths vary in relation to the square footage of the building Building Yard square footage of the building see 20.6 . see 20.6. 21 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 1Jy Figure 20 -10 20.8 THE F . ESERVA = N CREDITS A. T L OT CTION AND REPLACEMENT The purpose of this Section is to establish incentives for the preservation of existing trees within Owasso and to provide guidelines for the protection of trees during construction, development, or redevelopment. 1. Grading Permit No clear- cutting of land is allowed without a grading permit from the Public Works Department. Clear - cutting should be avoided at all costs as the preservation of existing trees provides a benefit to the community. 23 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS CGrtnter 20 height necessary for newly installed plant materials may vary. As a general rule, the caliper or diameter of trees is typically described as diameter at breast height or DBH. The height of shrubs shall be a minimum of 24 inches as measured at ground level to the top of the densest portion of the top of the shrub or hedge. A, Shade Trees. Shade trees shalt measure a minimum 2 inches in caliper DBH, and 10 to 12 feet in height at the time of planting. B. Ornamental Trees. Ornamental trees shall measure n ham minimum 1.5 inches in caliper DBH for single -stem trees or , caliper for multi -stem trees, and 6 to 8 feet xin hefgft 6ahe time of planting. s C. Large Shrubs. Large shrubs, norm k1ft, (ant c for creeping shall measure a minimum of 3 feet in he time of plantin Shrubs planted for screening purpo sus it or thegd density to block visibility within thr ajars from the date` of installation. D. Medium or Small Shrubs M�eifum q7 small shr It measure a minimum of 18 inches inAspi'ad'an�ipr height the time of planting. A mix of decidGUdUss and .)0rgr shrubs is encouraged in order to obtain a vanetof color texture broughout the year. ly ry .; E. Ground CoverO(%ani) Organic grou�icHcovers shall provide 100 percent cover ge on the ground Wlfthin three (3) years of installation cept for seetltn, glass or turf shall provide 100 ercent e upon msCa(la ton: Organic mulch (e.g. cedar utch) sha 'lie sed around plantings to maintain soil moisture and Sreygnt the g of weeds. � x,rt Fr G� ACaver (Ino1c). Inorganic ground covers consisting of r,ver r c r similar materials may be used provided they do not exceedb percent coverage of the required landscape planting area. PearVej)is prohibited in any parking lot island or street and =r 20.10.2 SEL'G F PLANT MATERIALS. Alz� All l p plant material, except Ground Covers, shall be those plants that are accustomed to growing and thriving in USDA plant hardiness zones 6b or 7a and capable of withstanding extended periods of heat and /or drought. Consideration shall be given to the environmental conditions of the site, such as soil, topography, climate, microctimate, pattern of sun movement, prevailing winds and precipitation, and air movement to ensure that plant materials will be established successfully. Tree selection for street yards, or other locations within utility rights -of- way, shall consider the presence or planned addition of overhead 25 Adapted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS COou(er 20 3" midi 18 "m q�Vic 8 d rat bat N Na1z of SNI'g6 6�D r?EiM Figure 20 -12 B. Tree Planting. Tree planting al dhere to'tF�e st ndards below. Figure 20 -13 provides a ge o-f r proper A%'tanting. 1. Excavate tree pits wi ertica 1 _ roximately the depth of the root ball and h a I tular W=1 a which shall be approximately 1.5 to es R er than of ball. For planting pits, beds or r fiche whidr re to bye developed where paving existed prev5y, all pavt�and bae stone shall be removed as part of theecvation. st4, inorganic compositions and chemical g pits. shrub p� aging pits to a minimum depth of 18 inches. r and vine planting pits shall be cultivated to a h.of 12 inches. 4. Install oMaR on a flat, compact surface of undisturbed soil and rem any inorganic ties on top of the root ball. Remove the arrmt: /r3'are baskets. 5. Leave the top of the tree root ball exposed, to be covered by mulch only. Volcano mulching is not allowed. 6. Finish the planting with a minimum 3 -inch layer of mulch distributed around the tree trunk. 7. Trees shall be staked to ensure they are adequately anchored from wind loads and in such a way as to avoid interference with 27 Adopted ON CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds and other materials or plants not a part of the landscaping. 2. After initial installation, it shall be the responsibility of the owner and /or tenant of the property upon which the landscaping is installed to maintain all required plantings in a healthy, vigorous and attractive state, or replace dead, diseased or deteriorated plants. Within residential subdivisions, the maintenance of street trees in planting strips between curbs and sidewalks which are within the street right -of -way shall be theiesponslbility of the respective homeowners association, or t F a fig Al meowner, in the absence of a homeowners associatW, OP 3. If after three (3) years following ii plant materials, the plants have no if an effective screen is not mai require that another type of screen be installed. Landscaped areas vehicular encroachment. T e landscaping and no Certifica i will be issued unless the d5 apin Chapter. „A -ction from inspect all t or st umonzauon the req l ements of this 4. All required plant mat shalt main "Min a healthy, growing condition as a a}ip op ate f Y ,the see Plant materials which exhibit eviden RN insect eeq s, diissea�e and /or damage shall be appropnatal trrated. Dea a t .f� l be promptly removed and the next p11 ling season after removal. If acementi� tFssary, all plants and other non - living landscape 11 & a als shalh �ftuat in size, density and appearance as originally re to at the tiiYe o> the approval of the development permit. Utility cr ` s d companies are encouraged to do directional pruning o- nches interfering with utility lines to prevent damage, figurement and heavy suckering and reduce future ru eds. Utility tree trimmers are encouraged to remove bx pd s to laterals (drop- crotching) in order to direct tree growth away from utility lines. Directional pruning includes top trimming, side trimming, under trimming and through trimming. "Hat racking" (see Figure 20.13) of trees is strictly prohibited. Trees that are "hat racked" shall be replaced with an equal number of caliper inches of new trees. 29 Adapted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE RE UIREMENTS Chapter 20 B. DECIDUOUS TREE: A tree which sheds or loses foliage at the end of the growing season. 9. DRIP LINE: A vertical tine from a tree canopy or shrub branch extending from the outermost edge to the ground. 10. EVERGREEN: Plants that retain their foliage throughout the year. 11. EVERGREEN SCREEN: A dense vegetative screen that grows to a minimum of 8 feet in height at maturity and retai ssfolia a year round used for purposes of visual mitigation betty n� tlricts and /or uses. 12. EVERGREEN TREE: A tree which holds gt e v eith�oadteaf or needle - shaped, throughout the year. So G. High sfioNatiye, Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Urban and R erica (Newrkf Vh Nostrand Reinhold k Co., 1988) at 791). 13.GABION: A wire basket containing pnlnany stones e iedto provide protection against erosion 14. GROUND COVER: A prostrate plant gro�ess�than 2 feet in height at maturity that is used for sa) orn�en al j�upo5gs, b)alternatives to grasses, and c) erosiononC�oln stns. o`?'. g a tree so �severetyirsembles a hat rack. 15. HAT RACKING: T KMO't, A ' 16 V,!kT[CULTUKI A qualified profe5sioial who has studied the science &art,o cultwa plants especlalty for ornamental use. 17. LAND( RCHit landscape architect licensed pursuant 18 LANDSCAPE CONTACTOR: A landscape contractor, or nurseryman, orrifiPd nursua5N he Oklahoma Landscape Contractors Registration 19 LANDSC�PING� The, process or product of site development including grad mgufs�llation of plant materials and seeding of turf or ground cover. 20.NON- LIVING MATERIALS: Landscaping materials used to complement plants such as river rock, stone, bark, and similar materials. 21. NUISANCE: Any tree or shrub or part thereof that grows upon area; private o public property which 1) interferes with the use of any public 31 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE RE UIREMENTS Clm ter 20 26.STREET TREE: A tree planted along a public street or roadway behind or within the right -of -way. 27.TREE, ORNAMENTAL: A small to medium tree, growing to a mature height of 15 to 40 feet and characterized by specific aesthetic qualities, such as colorful flowering, interesting bark or brilliant fall foliage. 28.TREE, SHADE: A large tree growing to a height of 4�0� feet or more at maturity, usually deciduous, and charactenzedfGyrts ability to provide shade cover shade. 29.VINES: A woody plant that spreads as it,g nd, walls or trellises. 30.XERISCAPE: Landscaping with native plants that btrtizes the water environmental conditions to the best advaptage, conserving water and protecting the native environment. 20.12 PROMULGATION OF RULES AN t uen IYn� r Upon adoption of this ordinance, the { anag r present Rules and Regulations relating to the impleme„ i !on of t ev ' , , Chapter 20 to the City Council for adoption by resolution'PXovided x geve t �t t e G[y Manager shall from time to time promulgate suc ddttw ;)toles and„ 6 ations, or changes to existing Rules and Regulatto#,as c�gnside .. ecessagj he promulgation of such Rules and Regulations, in (h or m pa ,s a11. re9u�,,"�� Wthe City Manager to notify the City Council and P,ta�iiling Commissio, LAg'Uf tlull opoed Rules and Re Wall ns and shalt,Peq jre the exact l�a¢,g, }a E ifjthe proposal be attached to such no ti - ch notice to t�i K it y Council shall ie"'"pubtished in the consent agenda of a it meeting' orlinowledgement of Council receipt of the change(s). Upon n o t o t he Ctl owcil and for a period of 30 days, the proposed Rules and Regula, orls alt lay opr,Qbe subject to City Council action to disapprove either l ° �. r i Die Abse t tydytlon by the City Council to disapprove proposed Rut Regula i sW thin the al�btted time frame, such Rules and Regulations sh gave the force ffect of law. 33 Adopted # ## I RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT AUGUST 2011 AUGUST YEAR -TO -DATE COUNT 500 400 �� .oil ........ ................ _............... 300 ....... ....... 200 ... ...... .... .... .... 100 ' . ... ...... .... 0 � 2003 � 2004 2005 2006 j 2007 2008 2009 i 2010 2011 t— A ST1 293 402 293 356 368 1 270 219 196 221 212 139 AUGUST YEAR -TO -DATE DOLLARS 35,000,000 30,000,000 .......... ................... . 25,000,000 . ...... ..................I 20,000,000 ��-� '""' °""- -' .... . .. ..... .. .. . 15,000,000 ......... ...... . ....... _. 10.000,000 .... ....... _. _........_ ......... 5,000.000 .... ......... .......... 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 AUGUST 23,402,394 19,925,401 25,733,241 1 31.190,464 16,421,519 TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 45,000,000 30,000,000 ...... _.. ...... 15,000,000 ... ......... .......... ......... 0 - - -- 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 . 1 �7 .04 973A431A 34.767.829 34,805,960 16,421,519 Month 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 January 23 64 54 30 31 22 13..,.__25_,.,....,__.15 zFenn ............ a x[ i€::.>:.:.:.:.:.:.>:.:.:. 3 March 48 ............... 51 ..:............. 38 75 65 50 25 35 30 46 14 4'.tiP!?!ss »i1<i'<': 59aif=iiSL ;:. ...:.....:.:.....:.:.:.: 211: tlt; .,:.:.:. s [tt� ©:1ti:;[�..� : >:..:... :.............: ....:....::........... .....: ... <.:.:.:<.:.:.:.:.: . :...: S�May��� � 26 38 29 31 43 36 60 23 27 30 20 61Uite1 :34::::1::::::33 :::::.......... tQ 7 July 37 44 32 34 27. 12........23..:..:: 24 .::.... 20... B:AU9pgE ii! i' :..; . `;:;!c >: i1;i€ is i;:;:::;:i: >isi[ :: iiiiii _ ... 's1; >::s`. € _ 1 i.: !1: 11: >:.::.:.:.,:. >:.:.:.:: ...: ....: ....:.................. 9 September 2930 52 64 35 12 17 40 20 10 3�111ii't3iiii11d8iili11 .... ..........::...:.:.:........... II1; 1€ 1ii;'??::.:.:.::<.:<..:. . :...:.....:......:.......1..... �ii3$ii...t 3�1 . .......... 11 November 24 26 35 31 32 13 26 10 13 1 12:peEemfser Totals 406 524 479 528 518 336 301 267 303 246 139 YTD 293 402 293 356 358 270 219 196 221 212 139 AUGUST YEAR -TO -DATE COUNT 500 400 �� .oil ........ ................ _............... 300 ....... ....... 200 ... ...... .... .... .... 100 ' . ... ...... .... 0 � 2003 � 2004 2005 2006 j 2007 2008 2009 i 2010 2011 t— A ST1 293 402 293 356 368 1 270 219 196 221 212 139 AUGUST YEAR -TO -DATE DOLLARS 35,000,000 30,000,000 .......... ................... . 25,000,000 . ...... ..................I 20,000,000 ��-� '""' °""- -' .... . .. ..... .. .. . 15,000,000 ......... ...... . ....... _. 10.000,000 .... ....... _. _........_ ......... 5,000.000 .... ......... .......... 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 AUGUST 23,402,394 19,925,401 25,733,241 1 31.190,464 16,421,519 TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 45,000,000 30,000,000 ...... _.. ...... 15,000,000 ... ......... .......... ......... 0 - - -- 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 . 1 �7 .04 973A431A 34.767.829 34,805,960 16,421,519 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS August 31, 2011 SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE Burberry Place (6/09) 89 32 57 Camelot Estates (4/07) 139 44 95 Carrington Pointe 1 (1/11) 171 19 152 Champions East (05/08) 66 6 60 Champions West (5/08) 45 2 43 Country Estates III (3/99) 61 58 3 Country Estates VI (11/03) 37 36 1 Crescent Ridge (02/08) 101 93 8 Fairways V (8/99) 71 57 14 Fairways VI (12100) 42 40 2 Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) 85 84 1 Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) 24 22 2 Honey Creek (4102) 202 198 4 Keys Landing (3/08) 131 91 40 Lake Valley IV (5/2010) 114 45 69 Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) 235 148 87 Maple Glen (12/08) 98 92 6 Maple Glen II (1/11) 93 34 59 Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) 20 17 3 Nottingham Estates V (3/01) 44 43 1 Nottingham Hill (6/09) 58 8 50 Preston Lakes (12/00) 272 243 29 Preston Lakes 111 (10/04) 147 144 3 Remington Park II (11/04) 84 82 2 Sawgrass Park 11 (04/05) 96 94 2 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 26 5 Watercolours (12/02) 40 31 9 TOTALS 2596 1789 807 watercolours (12/( The Summit at Southern Links (61( Sawgrass Park 11(04 /I Remington Park 11 (111 Preston Lakes III (10/ Preston Lakes (121 Nottingham Hill (6) Nottingham Estates V (3, Nottingham Estates IV (8. Maple Glen II (1 Maple Glen (12 Lakes at Bailey Ranch IN Lake Valley IV (5/2 Keys Landing (: Honey Creek ( Fails at Garrett Creek Amended (1; Falls at Garrett Creek (1: Fairways A(1. Fairways V( Crescent Ridge (0 Country Estates VI (1 Country Estates III I Champions West I Champions East (( Carrington Pointe I Camelot Estates Burberry Place CITY OF OWASSO 2) 7) 5) 14) 14) Residential o[ mveniory ararua 0) )9) )1) 01) 11) 08) 07) 110) 108) /02) /05) J05) ! /00) 1/99) ? /O8) 1/03) 3/99) 5/08) 5/08) 1/11) 4/07) .6/09) 0 50 100 150 200 250 OTotal Lots IN Lots Developed 300 COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT AUGUST 2011 Month 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 January 0 0 1 2 9 4 2 February Iii S >;;;;: ial i'sii; ii5 ii ii s,: -: <::::>:::.: .:.: :.:.:...:.....:.....:...... 2 . 0 1 3 0 3 March 0 3 1 2 1 14 5 May 2 4 1 1 3 2 1 ...:....... < i..:..... i:0 i piii; 0 1 ...:........................:.. 0 0 ............... 7 July 0 1 0 0 0 0 i:;:i:;: i i iii ; i 28 .. ........ 3 .. ....... . .....,.....:................... 0 9 September D 2 d 1 p 10 Qctober d 8 0 n T 3 i 2 2 11 November 5 1 12 Deeembet Totals 27 23 72 23 23 43 48 [u YTD 18 12 9 19 19 37 14 14 7 7 AUGUST YEAR -TO -DATE COUNT 40 35 ---------------- —_...._....-...-'- 30--'----- _.- -- -- '----.. _... _. 5 0 ! 2001 j 2002 2003 L_ 2004 �- I 2006 2007 2008 _L 2009 I,- 2010 _ 2011 ." 1 18 12 9 ,.2005 19 19 37 14 1 14 7 7 AI )GUST YEAR—TO—DATE DOLLA Bs. 16,000,000 14,00,000 -- -------- ------------__--'-----__-._----'-------'------------ 12,000,000 - "."' - - -.-. 10,000,000 - - - ------ 8,000,000 - - - " - 6,000,000 --- " - - " -- 4,000,000 -----. — ------ 2,000,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 13,578,314 10,582,000 11,380,700 2120,347 4,855,616 ,AUGUSTI NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 50,000,000 40,000,000 - _ ... . .... ... ..... — ... - -. - ........ -. 30,000,000 --- . ................_ - ......-- .- ..... -.. 20,000,000 - - - - - -— ......- ---...... 1,000,000 - 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 - _ . .. oac AAA 70.771.125 12,830,700 1 45,670,347 4,855,616 PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN AUGUST 2011 F PERMIT # DATE ADDRESS 13318 E. 116th St. N. B Claude N 318 E. 116th St. N. Claude N 4912 E. 86th St. N. Rods Si 9221 N. 143rd E. Ave. Strategic 10577 N. 121 st E. Ave. Simmons 12807 E. 86th Pl. N. JVK Con 126 S. Main Save -On 10114 East 95th Crt. N. Advance 9530 N. Garnett Rd. Christian 10205 N. 110th E. Ave. Reco -OK 8504 N. 77 E. Ave. Denham 10908 N. 118th E. Ave. Capital 10901 N. 117th E. Ave. Simmons 10905 N. 117th E. Ave. Simmons 11081 N. 114th E. Ave. Simmon 15313 E. 110th Pl. N. Simmons 10205 N. 110th E. Ave. Kidd & 9002 N. 121 st E. Ave. #900 Oil Capi 12650 E. 86th St. N. Freds D 12908 E. 77ht St. N. Mario A 7009 N. 120th E. Ave. Ronn St 10740 N. 153rd E. Ave. Simmon 9413 N. 96th E. Ave. Shaw 05 E. 91st St. N. Denny C 12 Single Family 1 Residential Addition 2 New Commercial 3 Commercial Remod4 Signs col Wing Permits UILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S. . eon GC /CS $ 3,500 196 11- 0801 -S 8/1/2011 on GC /CS $ 5,300 140 11- 0802 -S 8/1/2011 Sign Company OM /CS $ 700 360 11- 0803 -S 8/8/2011 Builders CA/RS3 $ 137,500 2500 11- 0804 -X 8/8/2011 BBP/RS3 $ 149,220 3037 11- 0805 -X 818/2011 struction RP /CS $ 24,000 195 11- 0806 -C 8/8/2011 Printing OT/CS $ 200 32 11- 0807 -S 8/10/2011 Advanced FW/RS3 $ 30,000 520 11- 0808 -P 8/12/2011 Brothers OWAD /CS $ 400,000 4980 I1- 0809 -C 8/15/2011 BMC /OM $ 750,000 6606 I1- 0810 -C 8/15/2011 CARP/RS2 $ 147,000 2450 I1- 0811 -X 8/17/2011 Homes MGII/RS -3 $ 78,886 1385 11- 0812 -X 8/22/2011 MGIURS -3 $ 91,320 1922 11- 0813 -X 8/22/2011 MGIURS -3 $ 85,980 1873 11- 0814 -X 8/22/2011 s MGIURS -3 $ 85,980 1873 11- 0815 -X 8/22/2011 LVIV/RS -3 $ 98,160 2036 11- 0816 -X 8/22/2011 Assoc. BMC /OM $ 660,000 6601 11- 0817 -C 8/22/2011 it Neon SF /CS $ 8,000 198 11- 0818 -S 8/23/2011 Do It All RP /CS $ 168,000 2800 11- 0819 -C 8/23/2011 Vila CM /RS -3 $ 20,000 228 11- 0820 -X 8/23/2011 aggs KL/RS -3 $ 161,000 2698 11- 0821 -X 8/25/2011 s LVIII/RS -3 $ 91,320 1922 11- 0822 -X 8/25/2011 LBR/RS-3 $ 182,445 2978 11- 0823 -X 8/29/2011 r; pT.iTi/RS -3 $ 158,160 2636 11- 0824 -X 1 8/29/2011 2 228 $ S5L,000.UU 7,0>U $ E;71.00 00.00 926 00.00 520 $ 3 50,166 2 228 $ S5L,000.UU 7,0>U $ E;71.00 00.00 926 00.00 520 $ 3 50,166 OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS JANUARY 2011 Joe's Italian Grill 9500 N. 129th E. Ave Hometown Auto 402 C South Main FEBRUARY 2011 Interstate Battery 7703 #5 E. Owasso Exp. MARCH 2011 Kirby Vacuums 11330 N. Garnett #M APRIL 2011 Apollo Services, Inc. 7732 N. Owasso Exp. #A Army Recruiting Office 9500 N. 129th E. Ave. MAY 2011 Loren & CW Houk 8819 N. 145th E. Ave. More2Love 11713 S. Main St. JUNE 2011 Davita Dialysis 9521 N Owasso Exp. 01- rlie's Chicken 11651 E. 76th St. JULY 2011 Yes Cat Clinic 9540 N. Garnett Rd. # Engineering Firm 302 E. 5th Ave # Better Sound Owasso 9045 N 121 E Ave #1100 AUGUST 2011 6/22/2011 Catholic Dioese Church 1002 North Forest Drive Panda Express 12403 E. 96th St. N. SEPTEMBER 2011 OCTOBER 2011 NOVEMBER 2011 DECEMBER 2011 APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE 1/5/2011 1/15/2011 Yes 1/31/2011 211/2011 Yes 2114/2011 2/2012011 Yes 3/1/2011 3/31/2011 Yes 4/14/2011 4129/2011 Yes 3/29/2011 4/28/2011 Yes 5/12/2011 6/15/2011 Yes 5/24/2011 5/28/2011 Yes 1/7/2011 6/22/2011 Yes 3/4/2011 6/28/2011 Yes 2/18/2011 7/31/2011 Yes 7/1/2011 7/31/2011 Yes 7/15/2011 7/18/2011 Yes 8/8/2011 8/30/2011 Yes 113/2011 8/30/2011 Yes