HomeMy WebLinkAbout1186_Sale of City Property_106th and US HWY 169Kro Tulsa County Clerk - Michael Willis Doc # 2022004058 Page(s): 3 01/12/2022 12:16:32 PM Receipt 0 22-3005 Fee: $ 22.00 OkCANOMA CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 1186 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE SALE OF CITY OF OWASSO REAL PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF EAST 106th STREET NORTH AND EAST OF US HWY 169, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR COMPLETING THE TRANSACTION, NOTIFYING THE PUBLIC OF REFERENDUM RIGHTS, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City of Owasso owns approximately 27,778 square feet or 0.638 acres, more or less, of land located south of East 106th Street North and east of US HWY 169, as recorded in a Deed filed under Doc # 2019098807 in the Tulsa County Clerk's Office; and, WHEREAS, the Property is currently vacant and unused by the City and the City Council finds that the sale of the property is in the best interest of the citizens of Owasso; and, WHEREAS, the City Charter authorizes the City of Owasso the Sale of Property Valued at More Than $250,000.00 under Section 4 -3; and, WHEREAS, during their March 5, 2019, and March 3, 2020, meetings, the Owasso City Council declared the property as surplus to the needs of the City and approved Resolutions 2019- 09 and 2020 -08, respectively, authorizing the sale of said property. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, THAT TO WIT: SECTION ONE (1): The City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma hereby approves the sale of property described in Section Two to Roots Coffee LLC, DBA: Owasso Coffee Company for the purchase price of $275,000.00. SECTION TWO (2): A tract of land located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW /4 NE /4) of Section Sixteen (16) in Township Twenty -one (21) North and Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian (I.B. &M.), Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma; being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the NW corner of the NE /4 of Sec. 16, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, I.B. &M.; Thence N 88 044'40" E along the north line of said NE /4 a distance of 433.64 feet, Thence S 01 115'20" E a distance of 100.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING being on the present right -of -way of U.S. Highway 169; Thence N 88 °44'40" E along said present right -of -way a distance of 117.98 feet; Thence N 83 002'02" E along said present right -of -way a distance of 4.11 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 355.00 feet, with a central angle of 12 °55'13" , a chord bearing of S 16 °11'30" W , a chord length of 79.88 feet, for a distance of 80.05 feet; Thence S 22 °39'06" W a distance of 95.15 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 200.00 feet, with a central angle of 24114'59", a chord bearing of S 34 146'35" W, a chord length of 84.02 feet, for a distance of 84.65 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 370.00 feet, with a central angle of 14 009'14" , a chord bearing of S 53 058'42" W, a chord length of 91.17 feet, for a distance of 91.40 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 484.00 feet, a Page 1 of 2 Ordinance 1186 central angle of 02 °59'09 ", a chord bearing of S 59 133'45" W, a chord length of 25.22 feet, for a distance of 25.22 feet to said present right -of -way; Thence along said present right -of -way being on a curve to the left having a radius of 1482.39 feet, a central angle of 05 144'51 ", a chord bearing of N 16 037'30" E, a chord length of 148.64 feet, for a distance of 148.70 feet; Thence N 13 °44'40" E along said present right -of -way a distance of 158.97 feet to the Point of Beginning, and containing 27,778 square feet (0.638 acres), more or less. SECTION THREE (3): REFERENDUM PETITION In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 -3 of the City Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, this ordinance shall be referred to a vote of the electors of the City if a sufficient and lawful referendum petition is properly filed within thirty days after its passage; otherwise it shall go into effect thirty days after its passage. SECTION FOUR (4): REPLEALER All ordinances, or parts of ordinance, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION FIVE (5): SEVERABILITY If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected by shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION SIX (6): DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION SEVEN (7): FILING There shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 2021. O� ATTEST: 9� J ann M. Stevens, City Clerl ,0, o APPROVED AS TO FORM: I e Julie)tombard, -City Attorney Page 2 of 2 Ordinance 1186 Q R 14 E Location Map . r -2om' Legal Description Plat of Survey Boundary OF A Part of the NW /4 NE /4 T Sec. 16, T -21 -N, R -14 -E 21 Tulsa County, Oklahoma N N of Scale: 1.050 a r! w 100 ISO Legend I.P. IRON PIN R/N RIGHT aF WAY I PENCE LINE East 106th Street North N SSETN3 /8 IB.POW%ICAP�' IT SET 3 /s' WICAP B• `V� }Q gr Y( pees p � O N i 0•TTFD �`'b4 ED 5ET I.P W /CAP of 9 ax�ar. b A! ...( $ET 3 /5' I.P rV Q r MyIN. r w /cAp C2 Jy sb9 �yE ; 6^o0sga A b.ct Of lend iacoled in th. NOrlhweet Quorte, Of the NortFeoet Quarter (NW /4 NE /4) of Section Site" (16) in Townvhip Twenty-one (21) North and Range Fourteen (14) Easel of the xdan Be,. and M.,kMh (LB.4M.). TOM, County, Slate of Oklahomq berg more P.rtloul.dy deecreed ae Mi.. CommencNg of the NW comer of the NE /4 of See. 16. T -21 -N, R-14-E. I.B.W.; Then <e N 89'"'40' E along the north IN, of old NE/4 a 4NNoce of 433.64 feet Then" S 0115'20' E a detance of IOOAO Not to the POINT OF BEDINNING theq n rev %. pent right -of -way of U.S. H19h.Y 164. Thence N 86'"'40' E dang held present riyFl -al -way a dMance of 117.98 feel. Thence N B302'02" E alw99 id prase.! fight -cf- .y a oT.W e of 4.11 feet: Thence along o turn to the rphl having . rotlluv of 3SSW hot Nth "hbol anti. of 1255'1) . a oM1ON berm., of 5 1611-30' W , a chore! length of To 58 feet fv a dlet -co of 60.05 Nel fiance S 22WM' W a d.tan.. of 95.15 feet: Than" d0ng . com to the right hcJ q a r.du. Of 200.00 Net with a central angle of 2414'59' , a chord bevxg of 5 34'46'35' W , a chard length of 84.02 leaf (Oro Mete... of 04.65 feet) Thence olang a "m to the light F.Any rada. of 370 W feet Nth a cenucl ante of 1409'14' , a rFard beaMg of S 5358'42' W , a chord length Of 9117 teat for a delance of 91.40 feet; Thence Bang a cum to the right hcvnt a mdue of 48100 feet n bol angle f 0258'09; o ch.M bear Mq of 5 59W'45W. e chard IengN of 2522 feel. for a deton" of 25.22 feet to cold pnevnt rigM1l- of -wooy, Thence Ion, a id present fight -Of -way baxq " a turn t0 the left having a dha of 148239 feet. a "nbd angle of 05'"'51; a the bearing of N 16'37'30' E a Nord length of 148.64 feet far a dlatanc. of 149.70 feel Thence N 13' 44'40' E dent vNd Im cht NgM1t- of -wog o detan" of IM97 feet to the P.Nt of Begxnlny. and ..WhNg 27,778 ,Rums feet (0.638 oven), meta a lea.. SET 3/e' I.P W /CM� ar {`w`neoy °rtes SET J /e' I.P W /CAP as Notes 1. THIS IECAI. DESCRIPT 1 WAS PREPARED BY KEYw M NEW.UN. OKWIOMA UCENSED PROFESSONAL UND SURVEYOR N.1289. 2. THIS FIRM WAS NOT OCKWCTED TO RESEARCH EASEMENTS; OR FNalN6RANtFS or RECOR0. NO ATTPMPT TO RESEARCH THE CWNTY RECORDS OR OTHER RECORD CHIDES WAS PERFORMED BY THIS FIRM. DRAEFOE EA311ENTS MAY AFFECT ME SDRAECT TRACT THAT ARE NOT REFLECTED BY THIS PUT. 3. ALL UNDERG RWND UTILITIES MAY NOT BE SHOWN. 1 ME BEARING BASE FOR THe SURVEY 15 BASED DN THE ORUIOAA STATE PURE COORMNATE MI,,. NORM ZONE Surveyors Statement E NEON M. NEVWEIN. A REaSIFAPD LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF a UMNIA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE PUT REPRESENTS A BWNOMY SURVEY. WE ABDuE PUT REFLECTS ALL INSTRUMENTS THAT NAVE BEEN MSQOSED .0 FLROW11) AT THE TIME OF "M.. NO ORMO1 IS VERSED AS TO WE VVMSRS 11P OF FENCES OR ANY OTHER APPUftIENANCFS of SAID PROPERTY. MIS PUT V SURVEY MEETS ME MINIMUM TEa4NICAL STANDARDS AS ADOPTED BY THE OKUNGa1A STATE BOARD QF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL a1QNEERS AND LAND BURVETIMS BE/NCHMARRKKLSURVETIN k�}/ SEANCES, MC. ,L_-..—r, \' t ey"SSIOry4d 'Q Aw.+/w KEAN LL NEBUIN RLS If 1 U NitIfLUN N 39aa � MwecMr 10.2mg DATE a GERTIFICanox 4lAIRia !�L Benchmark Surveying and Land Services Inc. RENPp4 BY DATE GtA' m. uSr nOD N.qr ap. RMM RIE xnitetD SANVM BY Mm Wle 11/18/19 ORnO. RB99J ORA" eY: 6g ScAte 9o0M 22/378 cxagD BY: Fenn I Vm 1 aE 1 i Weekly Group CITY OF OWASSO /LEGALS Attn Julie Stevens PO BOX 180 OWASSO, OK 74055 Owasso Reporter' Sand Springs Leader Skiatook Journal Wagoner County American - Tribune OKLAHOMA WEEKLY GROUP P.O. BOX 1770 TULSA, OK 74102 -1770 Account Number 1015023 Date I December 15, 2021 Date Category Description Ad Size Total Cast 1211512021 Legal Notices ORDINANCE NO. 1186 2 x 96.00 CL 122.88 7376M Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County Oklahoma, December 15, 2021 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 1186 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE SALE OF CITY OF OWASSO REAL PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF EAST 10611, STREET NORTH AND EAST OF US HWY 169, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR COMPLETING THE TRANSACTION, NOTIFYING THE PUBLIC OF REFER- ENDUM RIGHTS, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City of Owasso was approximately 17,778 square feet or 0.638 acres, more or less, of land located south of East 106th Street North and east of US HWY 169, as re- corded In a Deed filed under Dec, If 2019ME07 In the Tulsa County Clerk's Office; and, WHEREAS, the Property is currently vacant and unused by the City are the City Council finds that the sale of the Proper. ly Is In the best interest of the citizens of Owasso; and, WHEREAS, the City Chaney authorizes the City of Owasso the Sale of Property Valued at More Than $250,000.00 under Section 4.3; and, WHEREAS, during their March 5, 2019, and March 3, 2020, meetings, the Owasso City Council declared the Property as surplus to the needs of the City and approved Resolutions 2019 -09 and 2020-08, respectively, authorizing the sale of said Property. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, THAT TO WIT: SECTION ONE (1): The City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma hereby approves the sale of property described in Section Two to Roots Coffee LLC, DBA: Owasso Coffee Cam. Pony for the Purchase Price of 5275,000.00. SECTION TWO (2): A tract of land located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast quarter (NW14 HEN) of Section Six- teen (16) In Township Twenty-one (21) North and Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian (I.S.BM.), Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma; being more Par. ticulorly described as follows: Commencing at the NW corner of the NFJ4 of Sec. 16, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, I.B.BM.; Thence N 88 °44.40" E along the north fine of said NE14 v distance of 433.64 feet, Thence S 01 °15.20" E a dis- tance of 1011K) feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING being an the present right -of -way of U.S. Highway 169; Thence N 80. 44'40" E along said Present right -of -way a distance of 117.98 feet; Thence N 831MM" E along saitl Present right -of- way a distance of 4.11 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 355.00 feel, with a central angle of 12 °55'13' , a chard bearing of 5 16 °11'30" W , a Chord length of 79.88 feet, for a distance of 80.05 feet; Thence S 22°39106' W a distance of 95.15 feet; Thence along o curve to the right hav- Ing o radius of 200.00 feet, with a central angle of 24.14'59' , a chord bearing of S 34 °4615' W , a chard length of 84.02 feet, for a distance of 84.65 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 370.00 feel, with a central angle of 14 °09.14" , a chortl bearing of S 53 °58'42' W, a chard length of 91.17 feet, for a distance al 91.40 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 484.00 feet, v central angle of 02 °59.09 ", a chord bearing of 5 59°33.45" W. a chord length of 25.22 feel; for a distance of 25.22 feet to said Present right -of. way; Thence along said Present right -of -way being an a curve to the left having a radius of 1482.39 feet, v central an- gle of 05.44'5', o chord bearing of N 16.37'30" E, a chord length of 148.64 feet, for a distance of 14B.70 feet; Thence 13.44'40" E along said present right -of -way a distance of 158.97 feet to the Point of Beginning, and containing 27,778 square feet (0.638 acres), more or less. SECTION THREE (3): REFERENDUM PETITION In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 -3 of the Clty Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, this ordinance shall be referred to v vole of the electors of the City If a sufficient and lawful referendum petition is properly filed within thirty days after its passage; otherwise it shall go Into effect thirty days oiler Its Passage. SECTION FOUR (4): REPLEALER All ordinances, or Paris of ordinance, in conflict with this or- dfaance ore hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION FIVE (5): SEVERABILITY 11 any Part or Parts of this ordinance are deemetl unconstitu- tional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected by shell remain in full force and effect. SECTION SIX (6): DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions at this ordinance shell become effective thirty (3)) days from the date of final passage as Provided by state law. SECTION SEVEN (7): FILING There shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 2021. 7N Bill Bush, Moyor ATTEST:IV Juliann M. Stevens, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 7Y Julie Lambardl, City Attorney Affidavit of Publication I Brenda Brumbaugh - of lawful age, being duly sworn, am a legal representative of the Owasso Reporter of Owasso, Oklahoma, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a legal newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, as defined in 25 O.S. § 106 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publication. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the DATE(S) LISTED BELOW 12/15/2021 Newspaper reference: 0000737602 9-iJ % �. X111 . - -. Legal Representative Sworn to and subscribed before me this date: My Commission NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF OKLAHOMA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEP.1.1, 2023 :. COMMISSION # 19009197 0-. (� �- - TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Juliann M. Stevens, City Clerk APPROVED BY COUNCIL DEC U 7 2021 SUBJECT: Ordinance 1186, Sale of Surplus Property - East 106th Street North and US HWY 169 DATE: December 3, 2021 BACKGROUND: On March 5, 2019, the City Council approved Resolution 2019 -09, authorizing staff to conduct a public competitive sealed bid process for the sale of surplus real property, "as is, where is, and with all faults," containing approximately 0.638 acres located east of US HWY 169 and south of East 106th Street North. Pursuant to such authorization, the City Clerk published a Notice of Sale for the property and an invitation to bid in the Owasso Reporter. A minimum bid price was set at $416,869.20, using a formula based on a 2017 appraisal of nearby property. No bids were received for the property. On March 3, 2020, the City Council approved Resolution 2020 -08, authorizing the City Manager, or designee(s) to conduct an open- market process for the sale of the tract with negotiation, as may be appropriate, and all offers to be submitted to the City Council for consideration and action. A second appraisal was conducted and received in October 2021, valuing the property at $415,000.00. OFFER TO PURCHASE: On October 23, 2021, a purchase offer was submitted in the amount of $275,000.00 by Roots Coffee LLC, IDEA: Owasso Coffee Company. Staff presented this offer to the City Council and discussion was held during the November 9, 2021, Worksession meeting. PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1186: The required special non - emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of property has been drafted for City Council consideration and action. This Ordinance contains the required section, pursuant to Charter Section 4 -3, that the sale will be presented to the electors of the City of Owasso for a vote if a proper referendum petition is filed within thirty (30) days of the ordinance's adoption. If no referendum petition is submitted, the ordinance shall go into effect thirty (30) days following its passage, and the sale transaction may be completed. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance 1186 Purchase Offer