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2017.07.10_Planning Commission Agenda
Record Copy OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FNo OF ,OWASSO Op 'CEHT B July 10, 2017 6:00 PM PUBLIC PLANNING COMMISSION ITHE OWAS TYPE OF MEETING: Regular C /� ?9 /? DATE: July 10, 2017. �f s TIME: 6:00 PM PLACE: Old Central 109 North Birch NOTICE FILED BY: Marsha Hensley TITLE: Assistant City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk and posted at City Hall, 200 South Main (west side) at 1:00 PM on July 6, 2017. Marsha Hensley, Assistant City Pl nner OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, July 10, 2017 at 6:00 PM Old Central 109 North Birch AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Presentation of the Character Trait of the Month - Alertness 5. Approval of Minutes from the May 8, 2017 Regular Meeting. 6. Election of Planning Commission Chairperson 7. Election of Planning Commission Vice Chairperson 8. Discussion of Economic Development Strategic Plan. OPUD 17 -01 /OZ 17 -04 -Emery Village - Consideration and appropriate action related to a request for the review and acceptance of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) with the underlying zoning of CS (Commercial Shopping) District, RM (Residential Multi - family) District, RS -3 (Residential Single- family) District and RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) District. The subject property contains 54.782 acres and is located north and east of the intersection of E 106th St N and N Garnett Rd and is presently zoned CS (Commercial Shopping) District and AG (Agriculture) District. 10.Community Development Report • Director's Update 11. Report on Items from the June 21, 2017 TAC Meeting • OPUD 17-01/OZ 17 -04 -Emery Village 12. Report from Planning Commissioners 13. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) 14. Adjournment OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, May 8, 2017 The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, May 8, 2017 at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 S. Main (west side) at 1:00 pm on May 4, 2017. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER Dr. Loving called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ITEM 2. Flag Salute ITEM 3. Roll Call PRESENT David Vines Dr. Paul Loving Tim Miller Renee Mowery David Horton A quorum was declared present. STAFF Marsha Hensley Karl Fritschen Roger Stevens Julie Lombardi ABSENT ITEM 4. Presentation of the Character Trait of the Month - Boldness ITEM 5. Approval of Minutes from April 10, 2017 Regular Meeting. The Commission reviewed the minutes. Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to approve the minutes from the April 10, 2017 Regular Meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Miller, Vines, Dr. Loving, Mowery, Horton NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 6. Preliminary Plat- Charleston Place - Consideration and appropriate action relating to the request for the review and acceptance of a preliminary plat proposing sixteen (16) lots on two (2) blocks containing ( 5.03 acres. The subject property is located west of N 145th E Ave and south of E 93rd PI N and is zoned RS -3 (Residential Single - family) District. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 8, 2017 Page No. 2 Karl Mtschen presented the staff report. The property location was described. The 20' Reserve 'A' and Reserve 'B' were discussed briefly. A representative from Kellogg Engineering was present to answer any questions. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat to Charleston Place. Mr. Vines moved, seconded by Mr. Miller, to approve the preliminary plat subject to TAC and Staff comments. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Miller, Dr. Loving, Mowery, Horton, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 7. Community Development Report • Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity • Director's Update • Public Works Project Status Update ITEM 8. Report on Items from the April 19, 2017 TAC Meeting • Site Plan— Owasso Fire Station No. 4 • Site Plan— Oklahoma Central Credit Union • Site Plan— Mallard Crossing • Preliminary Plat — Charleston Place ITEM 9. Report from Planning Commissioners ITEM 10. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda). ITEM 11. Adiournment— Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Horton, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Dr. Loving, Vines, Mowery, Horton, Miller NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM. Chairperson Vice Chairperson i Date Real PeoPlo • Raal Clmnetar• Rool Communlly TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Morgan Pemberton Assistant City Planner SUBJECT: Planned Unit Development - OPUD 17 -01 & OZ 17 -04- Emery Village DATE: July 10, 2017 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso received a Planned. Unit Development (PUD) application for Emery Village. Emery Village is a proposed development that incorporates commercial and residential land uses of varying densities and intensities. The proposed location of Emery Village is generally northeast of the intersection of E 1061h St N and N Garnett Rd. The property has approximately 660 feet of frontage in the 10800 block of N Garnett Rd. The property also has approximately 676 feet of frontage in the 11800 block of E 106th St N. The subject property is comprised of several conjoined parcels of land totaling approximately 54.782 acres and was annexed into Owasso city limits under Ordinances 952 and 1098. The rezoning request that accompanies this PUD application seeks underlying zonings of CS (Commercial Shopping), RM (Residential Multi - Family), RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed), and RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density). The PUD proposal, if approved, would act as an overlay to the current zoning and would govern the development of the property. SURROUNDING LAND USE: Direction ' Zonin'` Use t:and Use Plan Aurisdiction AG (Agriculture)/ Transitional/ Tulsa County/ North RS -3 (Residential Single - Family Residential Residential City of Owasso High Density) East AG (Agriculture) Residential Residential/ Transitional Tulsa County CS (Commercial Shopping)/ Commercial/ Commercial/ City of Owasso/ South AG (Agriculture) Residential Transitional Tulsa Coun West AG (Agriculture) Residential . Transitional Tulsa Count SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECTDATA: /:Cel al Pwpb • Raal Choraoloy • Raai Goinmun0y RM- 22.107 DU/AC RNX - 11.306 DU /AC PM - 300 DU RNX -85 DU RS3 -110 DU NO Applicable Ranch Creek Sewer Service Assessment Area ($610.33 per acre) F_ I ,L__. ........ CONCEPT OF A PUD: A planned unit development is a development concept that allows for greater creativity and flexibility than typically allowed under traditional zoning and planning practices. For example, PUDs often allow developers to place different zonings and land uses in close proximity to each other. Developers may also have more flexibility in certain aspects of development, such as varying building setback and lot width requirements, which can be more restrictive within base zoning districts. In exchange for this flexibility, the development often sees more open space and amenity features. However, a PUD should not be considered a tool to circumvent the City's Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations. All aspects of the PUD application are subject to public comment as well as consideration and approval from the Community Development Department, the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee, the Owasso Planning Commission, and the Owasso City Council. ANALYSIS: Emery Village is a proposed development that would incorporate both commercial and residential land uses. The subject property is 'comprised of several parcels of land owned by BAK Development, LLC. The PUD encompasses approximately 54.782 acres and is currently zoned CS (Commercial Shopping) and AG (Agriculture) . The CS (Commercial Shopping) zoning currently assigned to the western portion of the properly was approved with Ordinance 1037 in October 2014. The eastern portion of the property was annexed into the city limits of Owasso under AG (Agriculture) zoning in February 2017 with Ordinance 1098. The PUD proposal is accompanied by a rezoning request that includes CS (Commercial Shopping), RM (Residential Multi- Family), RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed), and RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density]. The applicant has prepared a concept plan and associated rezoning request that is in harmony with the Owasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan. There are three (3) different residential zonings proposed for this development: RM (Residential Multi - Family), RNX (Residential Neighborhoods Mixed), and RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density). The conceptual development plan proposed for the subject properly identifies three (3) different neighborhoods corresponding to these zoning districts: an apartment complex, attached single - family residences, and a detached single - family neighborhood. The PUD proposes a maximum of three hundred (300) dwelling units for the apartment complex, resulting in an approximate maximum of 22.107 DU /AC. A maximum of eighty -five (85) dwelling units is proposed for the OD Real PooP�o • Rval tlia�eder • ftool tammunlly attached single - family residences, resulting in an approximate maximum of 11.306 DU /AC. A maximum of, one hundred and ten (I 10) dwelling units is proposed for the detached single - family neighborhood, resulting in a maximum of 4.006 DU /AC. This would yield a maximum of 495 dwelling units for all residential development. The subject property has frontage along two arterial streets, N Garnett Rd and E 1061h St N. Specifically, the property has approximately six hundred and sixty (660) feet of frontage on N Garnett Rd and approximately six hundred and seventy -five (675) feet of frontage on E 106 +h St N. All streets constructed within the PUD would be determined to be public or private at the time site plans and plats are prepared for the individual areas of development. All streets would be designed and constructed to meet City of Owasso standards. Any gated private streets would also be required to meet said standards and requirements of the Owasso Fire Code. Also, internal and external sidewalks as required by the City of Owasso would be constructed as each development area is brought online. Each development area would be connected by streets and pedestrian access ways, which may include both sidewalks and trails. A variety of amenities, such as playgrounds, clubhouses, pools, and open space areas would serve the residential neighborhoods within the PUD. As the PUD is platted and developed, all amenity and open space requirements as set forth by the Owasso Zoning Code would be required. Currently the applicant is requesting four (4) ground signs to be allowed on Garnett Rd. .6f these four (4) requested signs, two (2) would serve commercial uses in Area A and would be a maximum of eight (8) feet in height and a maximum of eighty (80) square feet in size. The other two requested signs on Garnett would serve the commercial development in Area B and the multi - family development in Area C. Each of those ground signs would be a maximum of six (6) feet in height and a maximum of fhirty -six (36) square feet in size. The applicant states in the PUD proposal that no more than four (4) signs would be allowed on Garnett Rd. However, the applicant requests the flexibility that one (1) of the ground signs along Garnett have the potential to be combined with one (1) or more of the above referenced signs, resulting in one of the allowed four (4) to be a maximum of twenty (20) feet and a maximum of two hundred (200) square feet in size. The applicant desires this flexibly because they have indicated they at this time do not know exactly how many tenants'may occupy the commercial spaces. Staff feels that the requested signage on Garnett Rd is excessive given this commercial area is further away from the hard comer intersection of two arterial streets and moves closer to residential areas. Rather, staff feels that one (1) ground sign on Garnett Rd with a maximum of twenty (20) feet in height and a maximum of two hundred (200) square feet in size would be adequate to serve the needs of the potential commercial uses in Areas A and B. In addition, the multi - family development in Area C would be allowed one (1) sign with a maximum of eight (8) feet in height and a maximum of eighty (80) square feet in size on Garnett Rd. Each of the commercial and multi - family residential Areas (A, B, and C) would be allowed one (1) internal. wayfinding sign each, and these wayfinding signs would have a maximum height of five (5) feet and maximum of twenty (20) square feet. Wall signage will still be allowed for the Area A and B as allowed in the Owasso Sign Code. All signage would be required to comply with the Owasso Zoning Code, and any changes to the signage requirements would need to be approved by the Community Development Department. The size and style of the single - family housing has been discussed often with the applicant. Staff feels that requiring a minimum size of fifteen hundred (1500) square feet for single - family detached housing is important to protect the long -term values of the homes as well as address 15V AN Penpla • Itvel tlmraelar •pool CpmmmJiy concerns raised by nearby residents who attended the neighborhood meeting held by the applicant on July 6, 2017. For similar reasons, staff also feels that a requirement of at least fifty (50) percent masonry fagade coverage for the detached single - family homes should be included in the PUD proposal. The PUD will have to meet all City of Owasso amenity requirements. Carefully planned landscaping and screening is an important component of this PUD proposal. A screening fence at least six (6) feet in height would be installed and maintained by developers along all boundaries of the PUD. in addition, where commercial uses abut residential uses, a screening fence and a landscape buffer of at least ten (10) feet would be installed as required by the Owasso Zoning Code. The only exception to this would be where an adjoining residential district is undeveloped or used for nonresidential purposes. Particular consideration is being applied to a portion of the northern boundary where 'the subject property abuts an existing residential subdivision. Along this boundary, a buffer yard of a minimum of twenty (20) feet would be provided. As well as the mandatory six (6) foot high screening fence, vegetation screening would also be provided in the form of a tree being placed every thirty (30) feet along the border the PUD shares with the residential subdivisions to the north. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of these trees would be evergreen. Aside from the additional requirements referenced above regarding buffers and, landscaping, all other' requirements of the chapter on Landscaping, Screening, and Buffering in the Owasso Zoning Code would be met. The City of Owasso would provide sanitary sewer, Fire, Police, and FANS services to the proposed development. The subject property would be serviced by two (2) water providers, Washington County Rural Water District #3 to the east and the City of Owasso to the west. The PUD concept indicates that a large drainage pond would be located on the northeastern portion of the property to provide stormwater detention. If the PUD is approved, the applicant would provide final development plans for each area being developed for administrative review and approval by City staff. These plans would include all the civil engineering drawings, landscape plans, drainage plans, utility plans, Final Plat, etc. PUD applications presented to the Planning Commission and City Council are for approval of the uses and the overall conceptual development plan as it relates to the context of the surrounding area. City staff published legal notices of the PUD request in the Owasso Reporter on June 21, 2017 and mailed notices to property owners within a 300' radius of the subject property. Additionally, the applicant sent a personal letter to nearby residents with an invitation to an informational neighborhood meeting on July 6, 2017. Community Development Staff has worked with the applicant to bring the type of development described In this PUD concept into the City of Owasso. This PUD proposal shows efficient use of land for both residential and commercial uses. It also offers a variety of housing products that create a walkable environment to the adjoining commercial area, yielding a high qualify of life for those who would live and work there. s� eol Pwpl. • R.W Cho=.r. Roof Cammonily COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY: The GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan identifies the subject property for Commercial, Transitional, and Residential uses. As mentioned before, the applicant has taken steps to ensure their rezoning request is in harmony with the Land Use Master Plan. The proposed placement of the various commercial and residential land uses are equal to or less intense than what is called out for in the Land Use Master Plan. Therefore, the PUD proposal is supported by the Land Use Master Plan. HARMONY WITH THE EXISTING AND EXPECTED DEVELOPMENT: The PUD proposal appears to be consistent with the current and expected future development of the area. A commercial use (family entertainment center) is currently under construction immediately south of where the PUD proposes CS (Commercial Shopping) zoning. To the north of the subject property is an existing high - density residential community developed with a PUD. The residential land uses proposed in the PUD, including RM (Residential Multi - Family), RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed), and RS -3 (Residential Single- Family High Density), would be placed so as to abut the already existing residential neighborhoods to the north and east of the subject property. All land uses must adhere to setback requirements as outlined in the Owasso Zoning Code, particularly those that abut a less -dense existing use. If approved, the PUD would govern the use and development of this property. Any changes to the PUD would require either administrative or Planning Commission and City Council approval depending upon the nature of the change. PLANNING ISSUES: Future planning issues must be considered if the PUD is approved. If approved, the .applicant would be required to adhere to all Owasso Zoning Code,. Subdivision Regulations,. and Engineering Standards. According to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on any PUD application and determine the following: 1. Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; 2. Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of surrounding areas; 3. Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site; and 4. Whether the PUD is consistent with the stated purpose and standards of the PUD Ordinance: a. To permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; b. To permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site; c. To provide and preserve meaningful open space; and d. To achieve a continuity of function and design within the development r ee sd 0.aa1 Poaplo • pool Chmmlor - poet Community TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE REVIEW: This item was taken to the TAC for review on June 21, 2017. Comments from that meeting are attached. RECOMMENDATION: . Staff recommends approval of OPUD 17 -01 and OZ 17 -04 with underlying ionings of CS (Commercial Shopping), RM (Residential Multi - Family), RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed), and RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) with the following conditions: 1. On Garnett Rd, one (1) sign with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet and a maximum of two hundred (200) square feet to be used for advertising commercial uses within the PUD. In addition, the multi - family development in Area C would be allowed one (1) sign with a maximum of eight (8) feet in height and a maximum of eighty (80) square feet in size on Garnett Rd. These signs must be placed in landscaped beds, cannot be'digifal, and would need to incorporate architectural aesthetic upgrades. Two (2) signs would be allowed on 1061h, one (1) for each neighborhood of single - family residential homes (Areas D and E), with a maximum of sic (6) feet in height and a maximum of forty -two (42) square feet in size for each sign. Each of the commercial and multi - family residential Areas (A, B, and C) would be allowed one (1) internal wayfinding sign each, and these wayfinding signs would have a maximum height of five (5) feet and maximum of twenty (20) square feet. All other internal signage must be attached to the building. All signage would comply with the Owasso Zoning Code, and any changes to the signage requirements would need to be approved by the Community Development Department. 2. All detached single - family residences must have at least fifty (50) percent facade coverage of brick, stone, or another similar type of material. 3. All detached single- family residences must be a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) square feet in size. ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan Map PUD Concept Proposal Map Rezoning Request Map TAC Meeting Comments Letter of Concern from Property Owner Land Use Master Plan OPUD 17 -01 & OZ 17 -04 LEGEND Lana Use CateVdes Cerzo-iaa3 1�c5.^SL= �+'..y�uX tTpby�sY rF Fx*mAp��' +�'K'nt nl`.'IM R_'GJII) A:tisc:7�r7aiGp^s'r3uaQ Pw-c �9„laVp�&�'° TraR�cnaliAtruCs .*7haisin7- dt�AC�s. c+'�rr] ®fd?D.eM1rr CG7JYC[ 'f3cn.IAU'�oe Spcaa Fk^..ac4 CwrS.'�etl!eS 6�i5MT L j Fve scx�«. Ex =, pkkk -rJ , _ FuWiC PUSi<� (� ru1�e Pdfka+b Fife•7ra�Atf $tW © Hy�yif�f PsCE4 r�afx 1 GaCCtaa2 OPUD 17 -01 APPROXI ATELY54.782ACRE NORTH AND EAST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 106TH STREET NORTH & GARNETT ROAD OWASSO, OKLAHOMA R 14 E JULY, 2017 APPLICANT /OWNER: °n a BAK DEVELOPMENT, LLC T Go BILL EMERY wu,� tia "w10p' in6 m - 8091 N. 115TH E.AVE. 08 21 OWASSO, OK 74055 w. ain. uurt amx O1 N N BEMERY @MINGOMFG.COM CONSULTANT: o TANNER CONSULTING LLC EAST 106TH STREET NORTH do RICKY JONES 5323 S LEWIS AVE LOca1I011 Map TULSA, OK 74105 scab; I,= MR111 RICKY @TANNERBAITSHOP.COM I TA13LE OF CONTENTS 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ................................... : ............................................................... .~ 2 EXHIBIT LIST: Exhibit /t Aerial Photography & Boundary Depiction ................................................................... 0 |NL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: ........................... . ................................. ................................... W DevelopmentArea 8..................................................................................................................... 8 DevelopmentArea B' ............. ....................... ............... ............... .~_°^~,^. .................. .^ 9 DevelopmentArea C ............................... ..................................................................... ............ 10 DevelopmentArea D ........................... .................. ..................................................................... - 11 K/.k Access and Circulation ............................................................ ' .................... --- ... .~— 13 K/.B. Signs ........................................................ ...... , ..... :........................................................... 13 K/.C. Utilities and Drainage .............................. ........................................................................... 14 8(D. Environmental Analysis and Topography ........................................................................... 14 K(E. Existing Zoning and Land Use ......................... ........................................ ................ 15 KiF, Platting and Site Plan Requirements ---_ ..................................... 15 K[G. Landscaping and Screening Requirements ........................................................... :.,,... 15 IV.H, Additional Development Standards .............................. ........................... ............. ......... 10 EXHIBIT LIST: Exhibit C: Development Areas ....... ...... ...... °°. ............................. ~~^..................... 17 Exhibit D: Existing Utilities .......... ................................................. ..,....... .......................... _. 18 ExhibitE: Existing Soils ............. .................... ......... ................................................................... 19 ExhibitF: Existing Zoning Map ..................................................................................................... 20 1 opon1r»1 TANNER CONSULTING I-uC, CERTIFICATE 0p AUTHORIZATION NO. oxuon1 JULY 2017 5323 8 L2MS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051918.745.9929 I. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Emery Village consists of 64.782 acres located north and east of the Intersection of 1061h St. N. and Garnett Rd., in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and is more particularly described within the'following statement: A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SE /4 SW /4) OF SECTION EIGHT (8), TOWNSHIP TWENTY -ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW /4) OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE SOUTH 88 043'11 WESTAND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SW /4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 314.60 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88 043'11" WEST AND CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 676.97 FEET TO A POINT AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW14 SW /4 SE14 SW 14) OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE NORTH 1 °20'1T' WEST AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SW /4 SW /4 SE14 SW /4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 330.D3 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 88 043'27" WEST AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SW14 SW 14 SEA SW /4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 330.61 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 1 021'10" WEST AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 330.05 FEET TO A POINT AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (N /2 SW /4 SW /4) OF SAID SECTION 8, THENCE SOUTH 88 °43'45" WEST AND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID N12, FOR A DISTANCE OF 1306.26 FEET TO A POINT AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 1 °24'41" WEST AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID N /2, FOR A DISTANCE OF 660.29 FEET TO A POINT AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTH HALF; THENCE NORTH 88 04414" EAST AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTH HALF, FOR A DISTANCE OF 1306.94 FEET TO A POINT AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTH HALF, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE SOUTH LINE OF BLOCK 5, "MAPLE GLEN II ", ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF (PLAT NO.6365); THENCE NORTH 88 044'14" EASTAND.ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 5, THE SOUTH LINE OF BLOCK 4, "MAPLE GLEN III", AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF (PLAT NO. 6474), AND THE SOUTH LINE OF BLOCK 2, "MAPLE GLEN IV', AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF (PLAT NO. 6519), FOR A DISTANCE OF 1323.44 FEET TO A POINT AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 2; THENCE SOUTH 1 01739" EAST AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 14) OF SAID SECTION 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 959.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 °43'11" WEST FOR A DISTANCE.OF 314.60 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1 °17'39" EAST AND FOR A DISTANCE OF 360.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID TRACT CONTAINS 2,386,314 SQUARE FEET OR 54.782 ACRES. The above described property will hereinafter be referred to as the "Site" or "Subject Property" and is depicted on Exhibit A, "Aerial Photography & Boundary Depiction." OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 8 LEW IS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051 915.745.9929 . 11. DESIGN AND INTENT STATEMENT Emery Village is a mixed -use Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposing commercial and residential development of 54.782 acres located north and east of the intersection of 1061h St. N. and Garnett Rd., in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Emery Village proposes a variety of uses, with commercial areas along Garnett Rd. transitioning to a multlfamily community, transitioning to a neighborhood of townhomes, transitioning to a detached single - family neighborhood. Streets and pedestrian accessways, consisting of sidewalks and /or trails, will connect each neighborhood to the next, and the multifamily community to the commercial development area. Emery Village will provide a mix of uses, each transitioning appropriately to the next in an integrated community setting, which community will become its own neighborhood within Owasso and will relate to other neighborhoods and the City as a whole. Emery Village will be endowed with ample open spaces, amenities, and development standards to ensure a strong neighborhood with unique character and quality of life for generations to come. The locations of land uses and proposed underlying zoning districts, streets, amenities, and open spaces have been designed to buffer and transition between differing land uses and land use intensities. By Its design, as outlined in the Owasso Zoning Code, this PUD is intended to: provide a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site; encourage creative development of land; promote project design that is often unseen in conventional development; serve as a tool for intelligent, well - planned, and quality developments that fit within Owasso's existing neighborhoods and context of the surrounding area; provide flexibility to allow for the development of properties with unique physical characteristics by promoting Innovative design and providing guidelines which ensure that development is beneficial to the City of Owasso's future growth. Further, this PUD has been prepared to achieve the 10 specific goals listed in the Owasso Zoning Code: 1. Maintain and Enhance the Quality of Life in Owasso, 2. Provide Opportunities for Urban Infili, 3. Maintain and Promote a Sense of Community, 4. Encourage Development That Otherwise Could Not Occur on the Site, 5. Preserve and Provide Meaningful Open Space, 6. Promote Connectivity and Compatibility with Surrounding Development, 7. Inspire Unique and Thoughtful Development, 8. Support the Development of Strong Neighborhoods, 9. Provide Amenities Beyond Conventional Development, and 10. Preserve the Physical Characteristics of the Land. The subject property is presently zoned CS Commercial Shopping Center District and AG Agriculture District. In order to permit the various land uses and intensities proposed by this PUD, the Owasso Zoning Code will require the inclusion of certain zoning districts and certain proportions of underlying zoning districts within the PUD. An accompanying application is being filed to rezone certain areas to commercial and residential (OZ 17 -04). This PUD proposes retaining existing CS zoning to support commercial uses within the two (2) commercial development areas (A and B). Development Areas are generally depicted on Exhibit C "Development Areas." Commercial Development Area A is planned for retail- oriented businesses, and Development Area B is planned for commercial, office, and /or self - storage business use. By this PUD, the self - storage business use shall be allowed In the CS district, limited to Development Area B. The three (3) residential development areas (C, 0, and E) propose different neighborhoods including multifamily, attached single - family (townhouses), and detached single - family. Each neighborhood wilt feature its own unique designs and neighborhood amenities. Land and specific features will be sited and designed during the platting phases. Per Zoning Code Section 8.201.1, not less than 14 amenities will be constructed and shall include at least. one (1) amenity from each of the four (4) categories specified in Zoning Code Table 8 -1. As reflected on the "PUD Concept" site plan, neighborhood amenities may include such uses as pools, clubhouses, pond water features with fountains, trails, gazebos or other shelter structures, and open spaces, and the large, central common area containing the pond could host additional amenities such as playgrounds, sport courts, courses, or fields, fishing piers or docks, picnic areas, gardens, etc. The Exhibit B "PUD Concept" plan represents initial concepts for neighborhood amenities, which will be maintained as common areas by a mandatory property owners' association to be formed by the Deed of Dedication and Restrictive Covenants of a subdivision plat for development areas containing OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 S LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051918.746.9929 such common areas, Should multiple such associations be formed by separate subdivisions, all will be obligated to maintain, in pro -rata share or as otherwise specified by applicable agreements or bylaws, all neighborhood amenities to which they have access, As represented on Exhibit B, a public collector street is conceptually proposed to connect all development areas to Garnett Rd. and 1061h St. N. Streets serving Emery Village, whether public or private, shall be constructed to meet the standards of the City of Owasso for public streets. Private streets shall be maintained by a mandatory property owners' association to be formed by the Deed of Dedication and Restrictive Covenants of a subdivision plat for development areas containing such private streets. Private streets with rights -of -way less than minimum standards may require modification per Owasso Subdivision Regulations Section 1.7. Any gates serving private streets or drives shall be designed according to the Fire Code adopted by the City of Owasso and be approved by the Owasso Fire Marshal during the platting stage. Multifamily use requires RM Residential Multi - Family District zoning, and RNX Residential Neighborhood Mixed District is additionally proposed to support a share of multifamily dwelling units and attached single - family (townhouse) use and dwelling units. Beyond the CS, RM, and RNX districts, the balance of the site is proposed to be rezoned to RS -3 Residential Single - Family High Density District. The Table V -1, Land Use Evaluation Matrix on page V -18 of the of the GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan provides that the existing CS zoning (which will be retained) is Allowed within the Commercial designation and the requested RS -3 zoning is Allowed within the Residential designation. The requested RNX Residential Neighborhood Mixed District is understood to be consistent with the Transitional designations and the RM Is understood to be consistent with the Master Plan as it will be recognized as a "downzoning" from the current CS commercial district. All proposed underlying zoning districts correspond with the Master Plan designations with the exception of (1) the Transitional designation within Development Area C, which is being rezoned to RM to better correspond with the Development Area boundaries and (2) the Transitional designation along 10611 St. N., used to support RNX zoning, which area of RNX zoning has been relocated, in equal amount of land area as supported by the Transitional designation, to better correspond to the locations of the attached single - family use in Development Area D that it is intended to support. Existing and proposed zoning are reflected on Exhibits F and G, respectively.' The PUD will allow the most efficient use of the land which Is harmonious with the surrounding land uses, as represented on Exhibit A, "Aerial Photography & Boundary Depiction." A conceptual development plan depicting the Development Areas and design features is provided on Exhibit B "PUD Concept" plan, which Development Areas are more clearly outlined on Exhibit C "Development Areas." Final Development Area boundaries and areas shall be established by required PUD subdivision plats. The PUD shall be developed in accordance with the use and development regulations of the City of Owasso Zoning Code, except as otherwise specified herein. Bulk and area standards within the proposed Development Standards generally follow those of the proposed underlying CS district for Development Areas A and B and those of the proposed underlying RM, RNX, and RS -3 districts for Development Areas C, D, and E, respectively; where exceptions are proposed for design flexibility, the concerned bulk and area standard is designated with a "'f" symbol in the tables that follow in Section III of this PUD. Although Zoning Code Sections 8.20,A and Chapter 4 Tables 2 and 3 would permit many more in the proposed underlying RM, RNX, and RS -3 zoning districts, this PUD will restrict the residential development areas to 495 total dwelling units, including 300 multifamily, 85'attached single - family, and 110 detached single - family. In addition to lowering the density otherwise permitted, this PUD will impose higher development standards than If developed with straight residential zoning. Initial transfers (1) from Development Area B to Development Area C of multifamily dwelling units per underlying RM zoning and (2) from Development Area C to Development Areas A and B of commercial floorarea per underlying CS zoning have been established by this PUD with results as reflected in densities outlined in the development standards for the respective development areas. Allocated commercial or residential density may be transferred to another lot or lots by written instrument executed by the owner of the lot from which the floor area or residential density is to be allocated, provided however, the reallocation 4 OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 8 LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 74106 1 918.745.9929 shall not exceed 15% of the initial allocation to the lot to which the transfer of floor area or residential density is to be made without approval of a PUD Minor Amendment and provided further that the overall densities and intensities, in terms of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area shall not exceed those of the initial PUD as approved. This PUD has been prepared by Tanner Consulting, LLC of Tulsa on behalf of the owner, BAK Development, LLC. The PUD Concept plan was prepared by DRM Design Group of Tulsa. Due to the scale of the property, the mix of land uses proposed, and the anticipated time horizon to ultimate build -out, this PUD proposes to establish a conceptual development plan with designation of development areas, allocation of uses and intensity of uses and development standards and conditions, to be followed by more specific subdivision plats and commercial detailed site plans for each phase of development Development of the project is expected to commence and be phased and completed as market conditions permit. Commercial development within Development Areas A and B is anticipated to be the first phase. OPUD 17.01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE- OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2881 JULY 2017 5323 8 LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 74105 191 8.745.9929 11111 h.:i. RESIOE Y631! '.� 1 rtyT F,�r ur 3 F r•-� , a 11111 h.:i. RESIOE Y631! '.� 1 rtyT F,�r ur a* IBk I � J ,L ii A°f'1 2x EXHIBIT B PUD Concept OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 6323 8 LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 74105 1 918,745.9929 Area A Refail /Office 4.77 Acres N Area B— Self Storage 1.71 Acres Area C ^Area D Multi - Family Single Family Attached 13.57 Acres I 7.52 Acres oarPUD CONCEPT 07/05/17 Area E Single Family Detached 27.46 Acres 71.77 I 0' 100• 200, 400• WIN DR`9 DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPEAPCMITE=KE LAND PLANNING URBAN DESIGN 1513 E. SIh Sc sui[e C Tu1sa.0N 71110 510.351.1166 rww.Ermtlegd ^6�eup.[om III. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT AREA A Gross Land Area: 207,732 SF 4.769 AC Net Land Area: 196,638 SF 4.519 AC Proposed Zoning: CS Permitted Uses: Uses permitted as a matter of right in the CS Zoning District, uses permitted by Specific Use Permit and /or PUD including only carpet store, copying services, greenhouse (retail), and printing and publishing, and uses customarily accessory to permitted uses. All uses classified as "sexually oriented" within the City of Owasso Zoning Code (Section 650), self- storage, and all open air storage uses are. prohibited. Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 0.61 Maximum Building Height: 50 FT Minimum Public or Private Street Frontage: 150 FT Minimum Building Setbacks: From Arterial Street Right -of -Way: 50 FT From Non - Arterial Street Right -of -Way: 10 FT From North PUD Boundary: 37.5 FT From R District Boundaries: 20 FT *" From All Other Boundaries: 0 FT Minimum Parking Ratio: 1 per 175 SF building floor area * "* Minimum Bicycle Parking: As per Zoning Code Table 9.1 Other Bulk and Area Requirements: As required within CS District Any interior lot having no street frontage shall be provided access to a public street by access easement(s) approved by the City of Owasso during platting review. * Plus 2 feet of setback for each 1 foot building height exceeding 15 feet if the abutting property is within an RE, RS, RD or RTH District. ** To be reduced to 1 per 200 SF building floor area upon development of Development Area B (excluding self- storage use) with mandatory mutual parking privileges as provided in this PUD. OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 6323 S LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051918.745.9929 DEVELOPMENT AREA B Gross Land Area: 74,649 SF 1.713 AC Net Land Area: 74,649 SF 1.713 AC Proposed Zoning: CS / RM Permitted Uses: Uses permitted as a matter of right in the CS Zoning District, uses permitted by Specific Use Permit and /or PUD including only carpet store, copying services, greenhouse (retail), and printing and publishing, self- storage as allowed in CS by this PUD, and uses customarily accessory to permitted uses. All uses classified as "sexually oriented" within the City of Owasso Zoning Code (Section 650) and all open air storage uses are prohibited. Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 0.61 Maximum Building Height: 50 FT Minimum Public or Private Street Frontage: 50 FT " Minimum Building Setbacks: From Non - Arterial Street Right -of -Way: 10 FT From North and East Boundaries: 10 FT From R District Boundaries: 20 FT *" From All Other Boundaries: 0 FT Minimum Parking Ratio (Self- Storage): 1 per 300 SF leasing office building floor area Minimum Parking Ratio (All Other Uses): 1 per 300 SF building floor area * *" Minimum Bicycle Parking: As per Zoning Code Table 9.1 Other Bulk and Area Requirements: As required within CS District Any interior lot having no street frontage shall be provided access to a public street by access easement(s) approved by the City of Owasso during platting review. ** Plus 2 feet of setback for each 9 foot building height exceeding 15 feet if the abutting property is within an RE, RS, RD or RTH District. * *' Mutual parking privileges with Development Area A shall be required as provided in this PUD. OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 5 LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 74105 1918.745.9929 DEVELOPMENT AREA C Gross Land Area: 591,124 SF 13.570 AC Net Land Area: 591,124 SF 11570 AC Proposed Zoning: RM l CS Permitted Uses: Uses permitted by right in the RM and RNX Districts, including multi - family dwellings, attached single - family dwellings (townhouses), duplex dwellings, and detached single - family dwellings, and customary accessory uses, including private common area facilities such as clubhouse, swimming pool, playground, and recreational open space. Maximum Dwelling Units f Per Acre: 300122.107 Minimum Lot Width: 100 FT* Minimum Lot Size: 7,000 SF Maximum Building Height: 4 Stories and 50 FT ** Minimum Parking Ratio: As per Zoning Code Table 9.1 Minimum Bicycle Parking: As per Zoning Code Table 9.1 Minimum Livability Space: 800 SF * ** Minimum Yard Setbacks (Multi- Family): Yard Abutting a Public or Private Street: 20 FT From R District and Development Area E Boundaries: 20 FT * ** From North PUD Boundary: 37.5 FT From Development Area B Boundary. 10 FT From Development Area D and South PUD Boundaries:, 10 FT *,* From Ali Other Boundaries: OFT Minimum Yard Setbacks (Other Uses): As required within the RNX District Other Bulk and Area Requirements (Multi- Family): As required within the RM District Other Bulk and Area Requirements (Other Uses): As required within the RNX District * Applies to multifamily lots; Any interior multifamily lot having less than the minimum required street frontage shall be provided access to a public street by access easements) approved by the City of Owasso during platting review. ** • Uses other than multi- family are restricted to 2 stories and 35'. * ** Livabilityspace may be located on a lot or contained within common open space of the development. * * ** Plus 2 feet of setback for each 1 foot building height exceeding 15 feet if the abutting property is within an RE, RS, RD or RTH District. 10 C.� OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 S LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051 918.745.9929 DEVELOPMENT AREA D Gross Land Area: 327,464 SF 7.518 AC Net Land Area: 327,464 SF 7,518 AC Proposed Zoning: RNX Permitted Uses: Attached single - family dwellings (townhouses), duplex dwellings, and detached single - family dwellings, and customary accessory uses, including private common area facilities such as clubhouse, swimming pool, playground, and recreational open space. Maximum Dwelling Units 1 Per Acre: 85/11.306 Minimum Lot Width: 40 FT Minimum Lot Size: 3,800 SF Maximum Building Height: 2 Stories and 35 FT Minimum Off - street Parking: One (1) enclosed off - street parking spaces required per dwelling unit ** Minimum Livability Space: 1,000 SF * ** Minimum Yard Setbacks: From North PUD Boundary: 20 FT Front Yard: 15 FT t Rear Yard: 15 FT tt Side Yard Abutting a Street: 1 O FT ttt Side Yard Not Abutting a Street: O FT "' Other Bulk and Area Requirements: As required within the RNX District * Architectural features may extend a max., of five (5) feet above maximum permitted building height. ** Parking stalls within common onstreet parking, if employed, will contribute to satisfying minimum parking requirements within the Development Area. Livabililyspace may be located on a lot orcontained within common open space of the development. * *'* Front -entry garages shall set back not less than 25, and side -entry garages shall be set back not less than 20 feet. * * * ** Non - attached sides shall be set back not less than five (5) feet and shall maintain a minimum of ten .(10) feet of separation from buildings on other lots. t cf. 25 FT Zoning Cade Section 430.1 Table 3 tt cf. 20 FT Zoning Cade Section 430.1 Table 3 ttt cf, 15 FT Zoning Code Section 430.1 Table 3 11 OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 S LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051918.745.9929 i 1 DEVELOPMENT AREA E Gross Land Area: 1,196,235 SF 27.462 AC Net Land Area: 1,185,065 SF 27.205 AC Proposed Zoning: RNX / RS -3 Permitted Uses: Detached residential dwellings and customary accessory uses, including private common area facilities such as clubhouse, swimming pool, playground, and recreational open space. Maximum Dwelling Units / Per Acre: 110/4.006 Minimum Lot Width: 55 FT t . Minimum Lot Size: 5,500 SF 1-F Maximum Building Height: 2 Stories and 35 FT Minimum.Off- street Parking: Two (2) enclosed off - street parking spaces required per dwelling unit Minimum Livability Space: 2,000 SF " ttt Minimum Yard Setbacks: * ** Front Yard: 20 FT tttt Rear Yard: 20 FT Side Yard Abutting a Street: 15 FT Side Yard Not Abutting a Street: 5 FT Other Bulk and Area Requirements: As required within the RS -3 District * Architectural features may extend a max. offive (5) feet above maximum permitted building height. ** Livabilityspace may be locatedon a lot orcontained within common open space of the development. Front -entry garages shall set back not less than 25, and side -entry garages shall be set back not less than 20 feet. _ t cf. 65 FT Zoning Code Section 430.1 Table 2 tt cf. 7,000 SF Zoning Code Section 430.1 Table 2 tt cf. 25 FT Zoning Code Section 430.1 Table 2 ttt cf. 4,000 SF Zoning Code Section 430.1 Table 2 ttttcf. 25 FT Zoning Code Section 430.1 Table 2 12 OPUD 17 -M TANNER CONSULTING L-C, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 8 LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051 918.745.9929 IV. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS u T w. W: T 91 43 **V11 a 1 z al 101111 K u r. An interconnected street network will connect the various development areas within Emery Village to Garnett Rd. and 10611 Street North. Streets serving Emery Village may be public or private and gated. While further street patterns will be designed during the platting stage, conceptual street alignments are indicated on the Exhibit B PUD Concept plan. As required by the Owasso Zoning Code for PUD approval, a traffic study has been conducted and the report has been filed along with this PUD application. . Streets serving Emery Village, whether public or private, shall be constructed to meet the standards of the City of Owasso for public streets. Private streets shall be maintained by a mandatory property owners' association to be formed by the Deed of Dedication and Restrictive Covenants of -a subdivision plat for development areas containing such private streets. Private streets with rights -of -way less than minimum standards may require modification per Owasso Subdivision Regulations Section 1.7. Any gates serving private streets or drives shall be designed according to the Fire Code adopted by the City of Owasso and be approved by the Owasso Fire Marshal during the platting stage. Whether or not reflected on the PUD Concept site plan, should the multifamily development exceed 200 dwelling units, a secondary point of ingress/egress shall be provided. All development areas shall be provided the minimum number of points of ingresslegress as required by Fire Code and Owasso Fire Marshal. Commercial driveway connections to Garnett Rd. will be established during the platting and site plan stage. The southerly driveway connection will correspond with the Mutual Access Easement established during the development of the Wheels and Thrills Family Entertainment Center abutting to the south. Pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between neighborhoods within Emery Village and to adjacent areas will be planned and included in development designs during the platting process. Sidewalks, including both internal and along exterior street frontages, shall be constructed by the developer or individual lot owners in accordance with the Owasso Subdivision Regulations. Sidewalks which are proposed outside of public or private street rights -of -way shall be placed in a sidewalk easement. Limits of No Access (LNA) will be imposed by the future plat(s) along arterial street frontages, except at approved street intersections. IV.B. SIGNS: Within commercial Development Area A, a maximum of two (2) ground signs will be allowed along the Garnett Rd. frontage, limited to eight (8) feet in height and 80 square feet of display surface area. Businesses within commercial Development Areas A and B having no frontage on Garnett Rd., and the multifamily development within Development Area C, may be served by one (1) offsite ground sign each, located along Garnett Rd., which ground sign(s) shall be allowed in addition to the ground sign serving the host lot as otherwise permitted, provided (1) the total number of ground signs along Garnett Rd. shall not exceed four (4), (II) such signs shall be limited to six (6) feet in height and 36 square feet of display surface area, and (III) minimum sign separation standards are maintained. Within commercial Development Areas A and B, businesses having no frontage on Garnett Rd. may additionally be served by one (1) onsite ground sign along the collector street, not to exceed 5' in height and 20 square feet in display surface area. 13 OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2801 JULY 2017 6323 8 LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051918.745.9929 Notwithstanding the foregoing, one (1) of the permitted two (2) onsite ground signs serving commercial uses in DevelopmentArea A, if combined with one (1) or more of the other three (3) ground signs permitted along Garnett Rd., shall be permitted up to 20 feet in height and 200 square feet in display surface area. To identify residential uses within Development Areas C, D, and E, two (2) entrance signs shall be permitted along 10611 St. N., limited to six (6) feet in height and 42 square feet in display surface area, and each such Development Area shall be permitted one (1) entrance sign on the collector street, limited to five (5) feet in height and 20 square feet in display surface area. Signage serving residential neighborhood amenities, appropriate for purpose and neighborhood scale, shall be permitted within reserve areas containing neighborhood amenities. All signs serving like- branded developments shall be consistent in design. Except as otherwise outlined herein, all Sgnage shall comply with the Owasso Zoning Code, and any changes to sgnage requirements must be approved by the Community Development Department. IV.C. UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE: Per information furnished by the City of Owasso, the westerly approximately 20 acres of the subject property is within the City of Owasso water service area; the balance of the site is within the Washington County Rural Water District # 3 (RWD) water service area. The westerly approximately 20 acres of the subject property will be served by a 10" waterline (being replaced by a 12 ") along the west side of Garnett Rd., and the balance of the site will be served by customary extensions of the existing RWD waterlines in the area. An 8" waterline has been extended across Garnett Rd. at the northwest corner of the Wheels and Thrills Family Entertainment Center abutting to the south. Per the City of Owasso, the site will be served by an existing eight (8) inch sanitary sewerline crossing Garnett Rd. just north of the northwest corner of the subject property, which has adequate capacity. This will require extension and connection. An eight (8) inch sanitary sewerline has also been extended along the east side of Garnett Rd. In connection to the Wheels and Thrills development. Sanitary sewer and waterline extensions to and throughout the project will be required, and will be designed during the platting stage. New sanitary sewer lines will be extended within the development in order to provide all lots with service. Waterlines shall be looped within the interior of the subdivision to provide water service and fire protection. Fire hydrant locations shall be coordinated with and approved by the Owasso Fire Marshal during platting and commercial site plan stages. The site is moderately sloped and drains northwesterly through onsite farm ponds to an upstream tributary of Bird Creek. An internal stormwater collection and detention system will be designed and constructed to drain the site to stormwater detention facility(ies), to be sited and designed during the platting stage. Early concepts for drainage indicate expansion of the existing larger farm pond to be used for onsite stormwater detention, but this may change as site designs progress. Existing water and sanitary sewer utilities are shown on Exhibit "C" of this PUD; information is per City of Owasso atlas data and does not reflect the most recent changes, such as those line extensions serving the Wheels and Thrills facility. IV.D. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND TOPOGRAPHY: The site is moderately sloped and drains northwesterly through onsite farm ponds to an upstream tributary of Bird Creek. There are no FEMA- designated Special Flood Hazard Areas within or adjacent to the subject property. The Soil Survey of Tulsa County, Oklahoma was used to help identify soils types and possible constraints to development. The site primarily contains Dennis - Pharoah silt loam (3 to 5% slopes; 64.6% of site area), with the balance containing Okemah silt loam (0-1% slopes; 26.5% of site area), Dennis - Radley Complex 14 OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 S LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051918.745.9929 (0 to 12% slopes; 4.5% of site area), and Okema- Parsons- Pharoah Complex (0 -1% slopes; 4.40/0 of site area). Development constraints associated with these soil types will be addressed in the engineering design phase of the project. Prior to construction, a geotechnical report will be performed to recommend paving sections and subgrade design. Soil types and associated slopes are shown on Exhibit "D" and topography is represented on Exhibit "C" of this PUD. IV.E. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: Consisting of four (4) existing parcels, the site contains two (2) houses and a few barns and accessory buildings. The site is generally vacant / agricultural and contains two (2) ponds and a stand of trees. Commercial Development Areas A and B and Development' Area C is presently zoned CS; the balance of the site is zoned AG agricultural. IVY. PLATTING AND SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS: No building permit shall be issued until a subdivision plat has been submitted to and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council and duly filed of record. The required subdivision plat shall include covenants of reclord . implementing the development standards of the approved PUD and the City of Owasso shall be a beneficiary thereof. The plat will also serve as the site plan for all residential lots contained within the plat. Nonresidential buildings within Development Areas A and B, and any neighborhood amenities requiring a building permit, shall submit and receive Owasso Community Development staff approval of a site plan application. IV.G. LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping and screening shall meet or exceed the requirements of the Owasso Zoning Code. The PUD will meet the 20% open space requirement as described in Owasso Zoning Code Section 8.20.8. A screening fence not less than 6 feet in height and a landscaped area of not less than 10 feet in width shall be maintained along the boundaries of commercial areas adjoining residential development or a residential zoning district, provided however, if an adjoining residential district is undeveloped or used for nonresidential purposes, required screening may be deferred until residential development occurs. A screening fence not less than 6 feet in height shall be installed and maintained along all PUD boundaries, except where such screening already exists. A buffer yard not less than 20' in width shall be provided along the northerly boundaries of Development Areas C and D where abutting residential lots in the Maple Glen subdivisions, which buffer yard shall contain vegetation and a 6-high screening fence. Within the buffer yard along the north line of multifamily Development Area C, vegetation shall include, at a minimum, one (1) tree for each 30 feet, at least 50% of which shall be evergreen. Decorative fencing shall be installed along the 1061h St. N. frontage, which shall be contained in a Reserve Area or easement as established by the subdivision plat. If wood fencing is to be used, decorative columns of rock, brick, split face block, or similar permanent material shall be used at regular intervals. The property owners' association formed by the Deed of Dedication and Restrictive Covenants of the subdivision plat shall be responsible for maintaining this fence. 15 OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 S LEWIS AVE. TULSA, OK 74105 1918.746.9929 W.H. ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Within commercial Development Areas A and B, the subdivision plats shall contain restrictive covenants (1) providing for mutual parking privileges, so that all lots may allow their excess parking spaces to be used by patrons of adjacent lots (provided, self- storage businesses shall be exempt), (2) lot maintenance covenants requiring such lots to be maintained clear of trash and debris, and (3) requiring full screening for outdoor heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. Within commercial Development Area A, no metal exterior surfaces shall be allowed for commercial buildings, and within commercial Development Area B, no metal exterior surfaces shall be allowed for exterior building fagades facing streets or lot boundaries. Within residential Development Area E, all subdivision plats shall contain restrictive covenants providing for minimum dwelling size and masonry content. Within residential Development Areas D and E, no HVAC or other mechanical equipment shall be permitted within the five (5) foot side yard setback areas. IV.1. SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT: Development of the project Is expected to commence and be phased and completed as market conditions permit. Commercial development within Development Areas A and B is anticipated to be the first phase. 16 OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 S LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK741051918.746.9929 OPUD 17 -01 Wynev /!/'/ Pi EXHIBIT C d DEVELOPMENT AREAS BOUNDARIES DERIVED FROM DRM DESIGN GROUP SITE PLAN RECEIVED MARCH 21, 2017 17 OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY2017 5323S LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 74106 1918.745,9929 NORTH OPUD 17 -01 EXHIBIT D EXISTING UTILITIES EXISTING UTILITIES PER CITY OF OWASSO ATLAS DATA OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OFAUTHORIZATION NO. CA 2661 JULY2017 6323 S LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051916.745.9929 • NORTH OPUD 17 -01 W rze4y N'a ,el EXHIBIT E EXISTING SOILS SOIL DATA FROM USDA WEB SOIL SURVEY, ACCESSED FEBRUARY 20, 2017 OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OFAUTHORIZATION.NO. CA2661 • JULY 2017 5323 S LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051918.745.9929 NORTH OPUD 17 -01 EXHIBIT F EXISTING ZONING MAP PER CITY OF OWASSO GIS, MODIFIED PER INCOG DATAACCESSED JUNE 01, 2017 20 /•` OPUD 17 -01 - TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OFAUTHOR17ATION NO. CA2661 JULY 2017 5323 5 LEWIS AVE, TULSA, OK 741051918.746.9929 NORTH OPUD 17.01 E' IBIT G �/ EXHIBIT PROPOSED ZONING MAP PER CITY OF OWASSO GIS, MODIFIED PER INCOG DATAACCESSED JUNE 01, 2017 21 /\ �•\ OPUD 17 -01 TANNER CONSULTING LLC, CERTIFICATE OFAUTHOR17ATION NO. CA 2661 JULY 2017 5323 S LEWISAVE, TULSA, OK 74105 1 918.745.9929 NORTH TAC Notes 6/21/2017 • In attendance: • Bronce Stephenson • Julie Lombardi o _ChelseaLevo • Jason Woodruff (Deputy Chief of Police) • Daniel Dearing • Jacob Kettner • David Vines • AT &T Representative • Karl Fritchen • Morgan Pemberton • Call to order @ 2:02pm • Bronce wentthrough the Emery Village PUD presentation • AT &T Rep asked where utility easements would be located o Erik said it was still in the early stages and that was not known yet • Police had no comments • David Vines had several notes: • He encouraged the applicant to hold a neighborhood meeting • Said that the applicant should be thinking ahead to how utilities will be installed and tied into as development progresses through different phases • Vines also said that the developers should keep in mind the potential effects of the widening of Garnett in the future • The applicant addressed David's comments: o Erik said that they were considering putting the main corridor road in'first, and at that time would be able to establish a utility corridor • - Those plans are not yet final • Erik said that utility easements would be addressed for different areas of the PUD as they are platted • Erik said that they have been careful to give special consideration to the residential neighborhood to the north • Erik also said that an updated PUD concept would be submitted; this plan may show more flexibility as far as where the different housing types will be located • Daniel Dearing also had some comments: • He mentioned to the applicant thatthe water line on the west end of the property Is currently being upgraded from r to 12 ", so the applicant will likely benefit from that • Meadowcrest and Ranch Creek Paybacks will be involved • He said that determining maintenance and ownership of detention areas is important, especially as development moves forward indifferent phases • He also recommended thatthe applicant look into the area around the middle- northern area of the PUD; there may potentially be a Corps channel there • The applicant addressed Daniel's comments: • in regards to the potential for a Corps - controlled channel, he said they are currently looking into that • He said they are considering putting in tiered drainage to deal with detention • Bronce said that the applicant should be sure to double check their densities and that they meet the code, especially if they will be submitting an updated PUD concept before Planning Commission • The applicant said that he would like to discuss signage requirements further with the Community Development Department Staff • Adjourn at 2:40pm Notes from Dwayne Henderson 1. Public Works will need to know which streets are intended to be private and which will be public. 2. With both City of Owasso and Rural Water District #3 serving the site, is the plan to have them interconnected? Public Works will need to know that soon. Public Works will also need to know what it means when the PUD references looped lines with two separate systems serving the site. 3. Exhibit C showing the sanitary sewer service is missing from the PUD proposal. It is important for Public Works to get this information. 4. Public Works also needs more Information on the right -of -way for the north section of Garnett. Right -of -way and utility easements will be needed along Garnett and 106th. RE: Planned Development OPUD 17 -01 & OZ 17 -04 Owasso OK 74055 'o whom it may concern, My name is Edward Schommer, and I reside at 12.008 E 109"' St N, Owasso, OK, in which my family anc purchased in September 2016, due to several factors. One of the most important factors was the land behind the home, and behind the homes of everyone on 109`h St N. It offers a level of peace, and serenity that we had been searching for, and we drained our entire life savings to purchase this home that includes this wonderful view of fields, ponds, animal life, and a complex eco system thar can DS enjoyed by many. The ponds are available to the public, and are used for recreational fishing, and the land is used by families to enjoy In a multitude of ways. We received a notice of rezoning several months ago regarding the property directly behind our home, and saw that this was being annexed to the City of Owasso, and had hoped that the City of Owasso would do right by the residents, that enjoy this beautiful landscape, and have purchased homes based on the landscape as a safe haven for themselves. Recently, however, we have received further communication in regards to a planned development of this property (54 acres), by Tanner Consulting/BAK Development LLC, to destroy this landscape, and ecosystem, for businesses, high density +residential areas. and further development. We ask for reconsideration for this development in the proposed OPUD 17 -01 & OZ 17 -04, as this will greatly reduce the living conditions of many that have taken residence behind this property, and will create an already difficult traffic restraint on the bisecting roads, intersections, and lights. Creating a high density area, will directly impact road congestion, school crowding, destruction of an ecosystem, destroy a plush recreational area, and lower values for many homes. I don't know that this plea will be read, or even considered in the grand scheme of things, as greed, and money will blind the mindset of rational thinking. Our fear and the fear of many is that decisions will he based on budgets, and spreadsheets, rather than the community and its residents. 1 have never written anyone, at any time in my life asking for reconsideration, for something like this. This is the first letter I have ever written to request and plea for reconsideration. I can only hope that money does not damage what so many of us have worked our entire lives to gain, with what we consider a gorgeous, vibrant and vast landscape of nature, only to be disregarded, and turned into a parking lot of shame. Sincerely, "Edward Schommer 12008 E 109th St N Owasso. OK 74055 740 =350 -9767 July 3, 2017 City of Owasso 109 N, Birch Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Emery Village Concept Planned Unit Development (OPUD 17 -01) Dear members ofthe City Council, Planning Commission and Community Development Department, We are writing.this letter to express our opposition to the proposed Emery Village Conceptual Planned Unit Development application (OPUD 17 -01) dated June, 2017. As noted In Chapter .8 of the Owasso Zoning Ordinance, Planned Unit Developments are "seen as a toot ... for intelligent, well- planned and quality developments that fit with Owasso's existing neighborhoods and context to surrounding area ". While we recognize the lands directly adjacent to our property are in private ownership, may be developed in an urban fashion, and agree that a Planned Unit Development is appropriate for this split Commercial /Agriculture zoned site, we attest the proposal is not consistent with the City's guiding document, GrOwassa 2030 Land Use Master Plan (the Plan), the standards set forth for Planned Unit Developments (PUD) in Chapter 8 of the City of Owasso Zoning Ordinance, nordoes OPUD 17 -01 fit with the context of the surrounding area, particularly portions of the Maple Glen development. As indicated in the PUD regulations, there are ten established goals PUDs. While the applicant has indicated the OPUD 17 -01 meets all ten goals, we asset the following goals are not met: Owasso Zoning Ordinance Section Maintain & Promote a Sense of Community and section Inspire Unique and Thoughtful Development The Plan indicates it sets forth a vision for our community. We recognize that while "the Plan is not flexible or concrete;' it sets forth the policy and intent of how we want our community to grow into the future. While we agree this development aims to help fulfill the Land Use Element Goal Two that "Owasso will be a sustainable community based an sound land use planning principals through the provision of a diverse range and adequate supply of housing, commercial, transportation, recreational, entertainment, and employment options," and if implemented will support mixed use development that will "enhance the livability of the city ", an action strategy of the Plan indicates the Plan will be "utilized as tool for ensuring appropriate development". While the Transitional Land Use Pattern "attemptsto utilize a transitional process, whereby higher intensity uses are placed near the corners or adjacent to high traffic volume streets or highways and lesser intense uses further away," OPUD 17 -01 does not fully achieve this along the northern property line, specifically in those areas adjacent to the western portion of the Maple Glen development where attached townhomes and multi- family residential units are proposed. One of the Minimum standards for PUDs requires "placing less intense along perimeter with more intense in center". OPUD 17 -01 not only places higher density residential uses adjacent to single family, but also increases structural mass by allowing for increased height and combined and cumulative structural area. This is not consistent with the PUD goal to Maintain & Promote a Sense of Community In this single family developed neighborhood where 1.5 story, detached homes are the prevailing use. As the Plan calls for a "review [of] rezoning requests and land use amendments for compatibility with adjacent uses,' OPUD 17 -01 should be modified so that those lands adjacent to the Maple Glen neighborhood are most compatible with the existing single- family residential uses. By requiring OPUD 17 -01 to have single family residential zoned lands (RS -3) along the perimeter of the north property line, and stepping (or transitianing) to RNX and (subsequently) RM within the development boundaries, OPUD 17 -01 will be more conforming with the aforementioned goals. This would.also•help- ensure the-transition is well achieved on the southern property line where commercial use is guided: Owasso.Zoning Ordinance section Preserve & Provide Meaningful Open Space and Section Preserve the Physical Characteristics of the Land Owasso Zoning Ordinance Section 8.20, Minimum Standards, indicates "if the proposal is not in character, the PUD shall show how screened or mitigated ". Not only had OPUD 17-01 not adequately displayed how the RNX zoning will be screened or mitigated from the existing RS -3 zoned lands in the Maple Glen development, OPUD 17 -01 is proposed to clearcut (approximately) three acres of woodland area. The Plan indicates the City will "maintain land development regulations to manage future growth and development in a mannerthat protects environmental resources ", correspondingly, a PUD Minimum Standard indicates that [p]rojects that require clear cutting are discouraged" but that PUDs will "[p]reserve and enhance the, existing physical characteristics of the land and natural vegetation ". OPUD 17 -01 also proposes to fill in a US Fish and Wildlife designated Freshwater Emergent wetland; this natural resource is also classified by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board as a Freshwater Forested /Shrub Wetland. According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Aquatic Resources Mitigation and Monitoring Guldellnes' for the Tulsa District, impacts to the wetland area should be avoided orminimized where practicable. Wetlands are essential to help Improve water quality, recharging groundwater, as well as serving as biological habitat. Therefore, the clear cutting and filling of the wetland as proposed, the OPUD 17 -01 does not meet PUD goal 10 to Preserve the Physical Characteristics of the land. The woodlands and wetland area should be preserved and incorporated Into the Emery Village landscape, providing for natural neighborhood amenities for the area residents. Not onlywill preservation of these features help the community achieve its natural resource protection policies and goals but itwill also serve as a buffer between the existing Maple Glen neighborhood. Furthermore, the development of Emery Village poses an excellent opportunity for the City to achieve one of the Plan's Quality of Life goals "to study opportunities to create more small neighborhood parks" and to "[p]artner and support trusts and conservation groups to acquire parcels of land for conservation and open space ". Owasso Zoning Ordinance Section 8.20M indicates a Minimum standard that the "PUD shall meetthe goals, objectives and action strategies stated in the [2030 GrOwasso] Plan ". As stated in this letter, OPUD 17 -01 is not consistent with the Plan, the standards set forth for planned Unit Developments in -,, 3 hit �/ w wswt.usace.eirmv mil Portals q. dors1mission sL•eaulatory/miti ation MMG.nclf Owassso's Zoning Ordinance, nor does OPUD 17 -01 fit with the context of the surrounding area and adjacent single - family residential development. Therefore, we respectfully encourage you to table this application, requesting a revised edition to OPUD 17 -01 that is conforming to the City's adoption policies and regulations in the following ways. At a minimum, in order to Preserve the Physical Characteristics of the Land and Preserve & Provide Meaningful Open Space, the following should be required in a modified OPUD 17 -01: • Require a wetland delineation, in accordance with the "1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual" of the Freshwater Forested /Shrub Wetland. • Establish and implement a reasonable non - disturbance buffer around delineated wetland. • Establish and implement a reasonable structural setback from delineated wetland. • Provide proof of compliance with US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permitting. o Require a tree survey identifying all significant trees, 6" or greater diameter at breast height. • 'Require preservation of significant trees on the development site. • Establish and implement a reasonable non - disturbance buffer around significant trees alto prevent damage to tree roots. • Explore of the potential for dedicated, public open space to be required in this natural resource area with connection to existing and proposed trails. At a minimum, in order to Maintain & Promote a Sense of Community and inspire Unique and Thoughtful Developmen4 the following should be required in a modified OPUD 17 -01: o Require RS -3 zoning for the northernmost residential development associated with OPUD 17 -01. o Require single family residential housing as the northernmost residential use for all lands adjacent to the existing Maple Glen single family residential neighborhood. We appreciate your consideration of these matters and look forward to discussing this in person with you at the scheduled public hearings. Sincerely, 1171Of i E. 109th St. F. Owasso, OK 74055 klambros2016 @yahoo.com (918) 644 -5949 of (970) 531 -2625 OwasssofsZoning Ordinance, nor does OPUD 17 -01 fit with the context of the surrounding area and adjacent single- family residential development. Therefore, we respectfully encourage you to table this application, requesting a revised edition to OPUD 17 -01 that is conforming to the City's adoption policies and regulations in the following ways. At a minimum, in order to Preserve the Physical Characteristics of the Land and Preserve & Provide Meaningful Open Space, the following should be required in a modified OPUD 17 -01: • Require a wetland delineation, in accordance with the "1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual" of the Freshwater Forested /Shrub Wetland. • Establish and implement a reasonable non - disturbance buffer around delineated wetland. • Establish and implement a reasonable structural setback from delineated wetland. • Provide proof of compliance with US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permitting. • Require a tree survey identifying all significant trees, 6" or greater diameter at breast height. o Require preservation of significant trees on the development site. • Establish and implement a reasonable non - disturbance buffer around significant trees as to prevent damage to tree roots. • Explore of the potential for dedicated, public open space to he required in this natural resource area with connection to existing and proposed trails. At a minimum, in orderto Maintain & Promote a Sense of Community and Inspire Unique and Thoughtful Development, the following should be required in a modified OPUD 17 -01: • Require RS-3 zoning for the northernmost residential development associated with OPUD 17 -01. • Require single family residential housing as the northernmost residential use for all lands adjacent to the existing Maple Glen single family residential neighborhood. We appreciate your consideration of these matters and look forward to discussing this in person with you at the scheduled public hearings. Name Date Name Signature Address Date Name Signature Address Date Name Signature Address Date EJ 111PfEl10tist;41 7 -6 -17 Name SQL'E Address � /rrS! N.112 Date 7 -C_I - % Name yi Signature ' Address Date / !' , .412d7Florsv-A) am Name, � oA Signatur�e ) �6/rt�c�c�+�fl Address ! /7aeF loo St Al ❑ Ye - -r /T Name Date Name Signature Address Date Name Signature Address Date Name Signature Address Date EJ VA The Cily witlout Limits. TO: WARREN LEHR CITY MANAGER FROM: CHELSEA LEVO FEARY DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: MONTHLY DEVELOPMENT REPORT DATE: June 30, 2017 I � 14411111MI � F:9�1-bnlr14 t72TIMNI • The Garage Restaurant -13303 E 96 St N o Hal Smith Restaurant Group restaurant o Last available lot in Willis Farms (Sam's) o Site under construction • LaQuinta Inn -8949 N Garnett Rd • Under construction • Planning to open in July • Smith Farm Market Vacant 10,820 sf space - 9018 N 121 E Ave #500 Torrid - 9002 N 121 E Ave #300 • New women's clothing store locating in space where Maurices was located • See BR &E notes regarding Maurices move • Wheels & Thrills - NE Corner of E 106 St N and N Garnett Rd o New skating rink o Site under construction o Planning to open In July • Eastern OK Oral Surgery Center -12802 E 101 PI N o Site under construction • Owasso Industrial Park o New 10,500 sf concept building to be constructed by OLT o Construction to begin soon • Jim Glover Coffee Creek Dealership -10500 block of HWY 169 EService Rd o Proposed new car dealer offering Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram and Fiat o Five acre lot o Site under construction o Planning to open late summer • Home2Suites -8700 N Garnett Rd o Site under construction • IQ Car Wash - 8700 N Garnett Rd o Opening In July • Owasso Holiday Inn Express -Tyann Plaza VII, Block 1, Lot 1 0 48,803 sf building o Site plan reviewed by TAC • Montessorl Academy of Owasso - 708 N Atlanta o Specific Use Permit approved ( • Owasso Fire Station No. 4 - 11933 E 116 St N o Site Plan reviewed by TAC • Oklahoma Central Credit Union -12901 E 116 St N • Site Plan Reviewed by TAC • Site under construction REDBUD DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT • The Redbud District Project Plan was approved by the Owasso City Council on December 20, 2016, creating a TIF District for the Owasso Redbud District. • Mowery Development- SW Comer of N Main St & W 1 :t Ave • Mixed use development to include restaurant, retail, office space on ground level with loft apartments on second floor level • Construction has progressed vertically • 5even6Main - SE Corner of Main St & E 761h St N o Announcement was made on June 6 announcing plans for a mixed use development anchored by Smoke restaurant. • E 76 St N & Main Street Improvements are under construction. • Festival Park o Currently In design phase BUSINESS RETENTION& EXPANSION (BR &E) • Afar Elementary School, 1500 N Ash • Existing gym has been demolished • Construction underway for new gym facility • Owasso High School, 12901 E 86 St N • Mary Glass Performing Arts Center under construction for remodel • Under Construction • 10 Gym - 509 E 2nd Ave o Relocating from Tyann Plaza o Under construction • Mau6ces- 12105E 96 St N o Moved from Smith Farm Market location to Owasso Market location • Wal -Mart Neighborhood Market (North)- 115521 N 129 E Ave o Adding a "phone In and pick -up your groceries" feature in there parking lot. No new structures, just some restriping work. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT • Cottages at Taligrass Point -266-unit apartment complex to be located at the northwest corner of E 86 St N & N Mingo Rd • Buildings are under construction • DEQ permits have been received and all infrastructure work is now underway • Public infrastructure completed • Somerset of Owasso - Residential Development for the general area of N 140 E Ave and E 96 St N and is approximately 9.53 acres. • Final plat approved • Construction to begin soon Abbott Farms - New residential subdivision located to the west of the South Sports Park along E 106 Si N. 166 single - family residential lots are planned for this neighborhood. • Construction underway • Partial acceptance by the city, 20 lots have been released • Mallard Crossing - Multi - family residential development which totals 25,052 sq If of buildings on a 6.2 acre lot located north of E 106 St N on the west side of N 145 E Ave .0 Site plan reviewed by TAC • Charleston Place - residential development general location is N 142 E Ave and E 93 St N o Preliminary Plat reviewed by TAC