HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015.05.11_Planning Commission AgendaRecord Copy OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 11, 2015 6:00 PM PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: May 11, 2015 TIME: 6:00 PM PLACE: Old Central 109 North Birch NOTICE FILED BY: Marsha Hensley TITLE: Assistant City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk and posted at the north entrance to City Hall at 3:00 PM on May 7, 2015. Marsha Hensley, Assistant City Planner OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, May 11, 2015 at 6:00 PM Old Central 109 North Birch AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Presentation of the Character Trait of the Month - Discernment 5. Approval of Minutes from the April 13, 2015 Regular Meeting. 6. Annexation OA 15 -03 - Consideration and appropriate action related to a request for the annexation of approximately 22.8 acres in size, located at 10010 North Mingo Road. 7. Final Plat - Lake Valley V - Phase 3 - Consideration and appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance of a final plat proposing seventy -one (71) lots on three (3) blocks containing 14.8736 acres. The subject property is located north of the existing Lake Valley neighborhood on the east side of North 145th East Ave approximately 1/a mile south of SH 20. 8. Discussion Regarding the Development of the Regional Bicycle/ Pedestrian Master Plan (GO Plan). Mr. James Wagner from the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) will brief the Planning Commission on the development of this regionally important plan and its impacts to Owasso. 9. Community Development Report • Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity • Director's Update 10. Report on Items from the April 22, 2015 TAC Meeting. • Final Plat - Lake Valley V - Phase 3 • Site Plan - La Quinta • Site Plan - First Christian Church Education Building 11. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) 12. Adjournment OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, April 13, 2015 The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, April 13, 2015 at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 3:00 p.m. on April 9, 2015. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER Tammy Laakso called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ITEM 2. Flag Salute ITEM 3. Roll Call PRESENT Tammy Laakso Renee Mowery Tim Miller David Vines A quorum was declared present. STAFF Bronce Stephenson Marsha Hensley Dewayne Henderson Karl Fritschen Dan Salts ABSENT Dr. Paul Loving ITEM 4. Presentation of the Character Trait of the Month - Truthfulness ITEM 5. Approval of Minutes from March 9, 2015 Regular Meeting. The Commission reviewed the minutes. Tim Miller moved, seconded by David Vines, to approve the minutes from the March 9, 2015 meeting, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Mowery, Miller, Vines, Laakso NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, ITEM 6. Preliminary Plat - Abbott Farms - Consideration and appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance of a preliminary plat proposing one - hundred sixty -six (166) lots on twelve (12) blocks containing 44.29 acres. The subject property is located east of the northeast corner of East 106th Street North and North Mingo Road, Karl Fritschen presented the staff report. The property location was described, The OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION April 13, 2015 Page No. 2 property is zoned RS -3 and will be developed in 2 phases. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary plat at their regularly scheduled meeting on March 25, 2015. Staff recommends approval of the plat. The applicant was present to answer any questions. David Vines questioned if there were going to be acceleration /deceleration lanes. David Vines moved, seconded by Tim Miller, to approve the above preliminary plat subject to Staff and TAC recommendations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Mowery, Miller, Vines, Laakso NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 7. Annexation OA 15 -01 /Rezoning OZ 15 -01 - Consideration and appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance of an annexation and a rezoning of approximately 2.84 acres in size from AG (Agriculture) to OL (Office Light) zoning district. The subject property is located at 14401 East 100th Street North. Karl presented the staff report. The property location was described. The Land Use Master Plan calls for transitional uses in this location so applying OL (Office Light) zoning to the property is appropriate. The applicant was present to answer any questions. The following are comments and questions by nearby neighbors: Roger Kemp -14212 East 100 Street North - Wanted to know how many students would be attending. Mr. Dohmen replied that the facility will have four classrooms with 12 - 15 students in each one. Mr. Kemp said that City View residents had the option to annex but the city wasn't going to provide sewer. Bronce Stephenson stated that the applicant will be required to extend the sewer to his project. Lori Goodnight - 14022 East 100 Street North - Questioned if zoning is appropriate. Karl replied yes, a private school is allowed in a Office Light district. She is worried that the traffic will increase a great deal. She believes that this lot is within the City View plat. M. Hudson - 14209 East 100 Street North - We are in a housing addition. Houses are all around, not businesses or schools. Based on the Land Use Master Plan, David Vines moved, seconded by Tim Miller, to approve the annexation and rezoning request. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Miller, Vines, Laakso NAY: Mowery Motion carried 3 -1. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION April 13, 2015 Page No. 3 ITEM 8, OPUD 15 -01 /Rezoning OZ 15 -02 -The Cottages at Tallgrass Point, Multi Family Complex - Consideration and appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance of a planned unit development with the underlying zoning of RM (Residential Multi- family) zoning district. The subject property is located at the northwest corner of East 86th Street North and North Mingo Road, Karl Fritschen presented the staff report. The property location was described, The applicant submitted a concurrent rezoning request with this PUD that would rezone from AG (Agriculture) to RM (Multi - family Residential), allowing for the development of an apartment complex, The request was taken to the TAC for review on March 25, 2015. Staff recommends approval of OPUD 15 -01 /Rezoning OZ 15 -02. The applicant was present to answer any questions. John McCarty (9495 East 86 Street North) expressed concerns regarding the increase in noise and drainage running into his pond, He also insisted that the power line easement was 25' in width. Karl stated that the plat and a site plan will be reviewed by TAC members and city engineers. There will be strict drainage requirements. David Vines moved, seconded by Tim Miller, to approve the above PUD /Rezoning subject to Staff and TAC recommendations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Mowery, Miller, Vines, Laakso NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, ITEM 9. Community Development Report • Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity, • Director's Update ITEM 10. Report on Items from the February 25, 2015 TAC meeting. • Preliminary Plat- Abbott Farms • OPUD 15-01/OZ 15 -02, The Cottages at Tallgrass Point ITEM 11, New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) ITEM 12, Adiournment - Tim Miller moved, seconded by Renee Mowery, to adjourn the meeting, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Miller, Mowery, Vines, Laakso NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION April 13, 2015 Page No. 4 Chairperson Vice Chairperson TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Karl A. Fritschen, RLA, AICP Jurisdiction Chief Urban and Long Range Planner SUBJECT: Annexation (OA- 15 -03) DATE: May 11, 2015 BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department received a request for annexation for property located in Tulsa County at 10010 N. Mingo Road. The property is 22.8 acres in size contains one residential structure and an outbuilding. The property has been used for agricultural purposes for many years. The property is bounded to the west by the railroad, to the east by Mingo Rd, and is not platted, SUMMARY TABLE: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North RS -3 (Residential Undeveloped Residential City of Number of Single Family) N/A Within PUD? Owasso South AG (Agriculture) Rural Homesites Residential Tulsa County Applicable Paybacks RS -3 (Residential Streets (public or private) - N/A City of East Single Family)/ AG Undeveloped Residential Owasso (Agriculture) West RS -3 (Residential Railroad /Undeveloped Residential City of Owasso Single Family) SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Property Size 22.8 acres Current Zoning" AG (Tulsa County) Proposed Use None specified Lots /Blocks N/A Land Use Plan Residential Number of Reserve Areas N/A Within PUD? N/A Within Overlay District? N/A Water Provider City of Owasso Applicable Paybacks Storm siren fee of $35 /acre; Ranch Creek Sewer Payback Streets (public or private) - N/A ANALYSIS: The property owner has request to be annexed into the Owasso City Limits for police and fire protection. Annexation is the first phase, followed by rezoning and platting. The applicant has not stated a proposed use of the property, but the GrOwasso Land Use Master Plan calls for the property to develop with residential uses. A zoning of Agriculture (AG) will be applied with this annexation. ANNEXATION COMMITTEE: The Annexation Committee reviewed the request on April 29, 2015 and recommend approval to annex the subject property into the corporate limits of the City of Owasso. The only comment regarding the request was from Public Works, who mentioned that water would have to be extended to the site if it were to develop and that according the Transportation Master Plan, Mingo Road would not need to be widened for at least 10 years. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request to annex the subject property into the corporate limits of the City of Owasso with an assigned zoning of Agriculture (AG). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Area Map 2. Aerial Map 3. Legal Exhibit Annexation Request 1" = 1,505 ft OA 15 -03 04/22/2015 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information_ Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact Oxasso staff for the most up -to -date information. Annexation Request 1" = 1 ,505 ft OA 15 -03 04122/2015 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee o; actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy please contact Owasso staff for the most up-to -date information. CERTIFICATE OF BONDED ABSTPACTO (300 FEET RADIUS REPORT) STATE OF OKLAHOMA } COUNTY OF TULSA ) The undersigned bonded abstractor in and for Tulsa county, Stoteof Oklahoma; does hereby certify that the following Ownership is true and correct according to the current year's flax rolls in the office of the Co,lnty Treasurer of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, as updated by the records of the County.C[eTk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma; that the owners, as reflected by said records, are based on the last conveyance or final decree of record -of certain properties located within 300 feet in all directions of the following described land: Thirteen (13); Tbwnship Twenty -one (2I) North, RangeThirteen (13), East of the I. B..& M., Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the U. S. GGoveromeat Survey thereof. and find the following owners, addresses and brief legal descriptions go the aft aehgd pages numbered from (1) to (3 ), both f nerve. This reportis released with the understanding that the information confidengar This report contains rhfarmation from. puhlfc✓andrecords only and is not to he construed as an abstract ofttle,, title commitment, t /fie fnsuranee po /icy, Or ron I ental'research.repori:..A5 used herefn, the term 'publicland, eeoCds "means those /and records whfch under the recordinylaws of the notice to the third parties with respect to recorded unreleased or record instrumentsmetitoria% ziardfegalinterestsinrea /cLsfate, Thecompanysuggeststhatyoucontactyourattorney formatters ofa legalnaturo orlegal opinion, We have exerc/seddue care and diligence In preparfng this report, however, the Abstractordoes ndtguarantee validity of the title and acceptance of this reportby the Company Or person(s) for whom this reportfs made, arnstituter agreement and conrirmation of the llmitatfon of this report. Dated: January 13, 2015 at 7,30 AM First American Title &Trust Company Linda S. Duniavy Abstractor License No. 862 TO: The Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Karl Fritschen, Chief Urban and Long Range Planner SUBJECT: Final Plat —Lake Valley V, Phase III TRACT SIZE: 14.87 Acres PROPOSED 71 LOTS: Yes, OPUD 08 -01 CURRRENT ZONING: RS -3 (OPUD 08 -01) DATE: May 11, 2015 The City of Owasso received for review and approval a final plat for Lake Valley V, Phase III. The property is located north of the existing Lake Valley neighborhood on the east side of N 145th E Ave, approximately Y4 mile south of E. 116th St N. (SH -20). This is the final phase of the entire Lake Valley development. SURROUNDING ZONING: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North AG Cemetery Public Rogers Counfy Within PUD? Yes, OPUD 08 -01 Single Family South RS -3 Residential, Residential Owasso (OPUD 08 -01) Lake Valley Single Family East RS -40 Residential, Residential Rogers Chestnut County Farms Estates West RS -3 Single Family Residential Owasso OPUD 08-1)/AG Residential SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Property Size 14.87 acres Current Zoning RS -3 OPUD 08 -07 Proposed Use Residential Single Family Lots /Blocks 71/3 Number of Reserve Areas Within PUD Yes, OPUD 08 -01 Within Overlay District? No Water Provider Washington County Rural #3 Applicable Paybacks Storm siren fee of $35 /acre, Elm Creek Sewer Payback of $1,580 /acre Streets(public or private) Public ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting the review and approval of the final plat consisting of seventy -one (71) lots in three (3) blocks in order to construct single family homes as part of the Lake Valley development. The use of the property is governed by PUD 08 -01, which allows single family homes on lot sizes averaging 5,500 to 6,000 SF in size. The property adjoins Chestnut Farms Estates to the east, which is comprised of 2.5 acre home sites in Rogers County and existing Lake Valley V, Phase II to the south and west. The proposed final plat is part of the entire Lake Valley development, which includes two (2) amenity areas. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets, landscaping, and sidewalks. The property is subject to all platting fees which include the Elm Creek Sewer interceptor payback at $1,580.00 per acre and storm siren fee at $35.00 per acre. The property is served water by Washington County Rural Water District #3, and Owasso sanitary sewer, police, fire, and EMS service. Utility easements are established throughout the proposed addition so as to adequately accommodate utility services. All of the lots meet all of the bulk area requirements of PUD 08 -01. In a regional context, this proposed addition is in conformance with the Owasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan, as the area is shown for residential uses. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Final Plat for Lake Valley V, Phase III was reviewed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee at their regularly scheduled meeting held April 22, 2015. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff were afforded the opportunity to comment -on the application and request any changes or modifications. The minutes from the TAC meeting are attached. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the final plat for Lake Valley V, Phase III, subject to addressing the TAC comments. ATTACHMENTS: A. Final Plat, Lake Valley V, Phase III B. Case Map C. TAC Comments 4.22.15 LAKE VALLEY V PHASE 3 DEED OF DEDICATION Lake Valley V - Phase 3 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR LAKE VALLEY V -PHASE 3 THIS DECLARATION, made this ' day of March, 2015, by LAKE VALLEY INVESTMENT GROUP, L.L.C., an Oklahoma limited liability company hereinafter referred to as "Declarant ". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain property in Rogers County, Oklahoma, which is more particularly described as follows, to -wit: ALL OF LAKE VALLEY V -PHASE 3, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. hereinafter referred to as "Lake Valley V -Pbase 3'; and WHEREAS, Declarant is presently improving and developing residential lots, togetherwith a "Common Area", as hereinafter defined, within Lake Valley V -Phase 3; and WHEREAS, Declarant may construct or provide on the "Common Area" apool, private park area, drainage facilities and landscaped areas for the use and enjoyment of the owners of the lots and dwelling units within Lake Valley V -Phase 3 and any future subdivisions within the Lake Valley OPUD 08 -01; and WHEREAS, Declarant will convey the lots within Lake Valley V -Phase 3 subject to certain covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, liens, and charges as hereinafter set forth; and NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that all ofthe property described above shall be held, mortgaged, sold and conveyed subject to the following covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, liens, and charges, all of which are for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability, and attractiveness of Lake Valley V -Phase 3. These covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, liens, and charges shall ran with the real property and shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the described property or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns. ARTICLE I 1. "Association" shall mean and refer to Lake Valley Homeowners Association, Inc., an Oklahoma non - profit corporation, its successors and assigns. 2. "Lake Valley V -Phase 3" shall mean and refer to that certain real property hereinbefore described. 3. "Common Area" shall mean that portion, including easements, of Lake Valley V -Phase 3 owned or maintained by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the Owners, together with all improvements which may at any time hereafter be situated thereon including (without limitation) detention ponds, drainage facilities /dan-is and related improvements, which Common Area is specifically described as follows: Reserve Areas as shown on the plat of Lake Valley V -Phase 3, Plat No. as well as the park area, playground equipment, swimming pool and clubhouse /community building located within Lake Valley II for the common use and benefit of all lot owners within any subdivision phase of the Lake Valley development. 4. "Lot" shall mean and refer to a platted lot, block or parcel of land shown upon the recorded plat of Lake Valley V -Phase 3 with the exception of the Common Area. 5. "Member" shall mean and refer to every person or entity who holds membership in the Association. 6. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any Lot situated within Lake Valley V -Phase 3, including contract sellers, but excluding others having such interestmerely as security for the performance of an obligation. "Declarant" shall mean and refer to Lake Valley Investment Group, L.L.C., an Oklahoma limited liability company, its successors and assigns. 8. "Secretary" shall mean and refer to the Secretary of the Association. 9. "Board of Directors" shall mean and refer to the Board of Directors of the Association. 10. "Articles" shall mean and refer to the Articles of Incorporation (including any amendments or changes thereto) pursuant to which the Association, as hereinabove defined, is or has been formed. 11. "Bylaws" shall mean and refer to the existing Bylaws of the Association, including any amendments or changes thereto. ARTICLE 11 POWERS OF ASSOCIATION AND MEMBERSHIP 1. POWERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: The Association, in addition to all other rights, powers and duties provided herein and as contained in its Articles of Incorporation, shall have all powers, rights and privileges which a not- for - profit corporation organized under the 2 Laws of the State of Oklahoma by law may now or hereafter have to carry out its corporate purposes. 2. MEMBERSHIP: Any Owner of a Lot in Lake Valley V -Phase 3, an Additionto the City of Owasso, Rogers County, State of Oklahoma, shall automatically become a Member of the Association. The membership of the Association shall be limited to the record Owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to a Lot situated within Lake Valley V -Phase 3 and in any additional property as may be annexed to or merged into the jurisdiction of the Association or allowed to join according to procedures set forth in the Articles or Bylaws, including (without limitation) property owners in future or other phases of the Lake Valley OPUD 01 -03 and /or 08 -01, each to be a separate Addition to the City of Owasso, Rogers County, State of Oklahoma, according to their respective recorded plats thereof. The foregoing is not intended to include persons or entities who hold an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation, other than contract sellers. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot situated within Lake Valley V -Phase 3. Ownership of a Lot shall be the sole qualification for membership with respect to those property owners in Lake Valley V -Phase 3. ARTICLE III VOTING RIGHTS 1. VOTING. CLASSES. The Association shall have two classes of voting membership: Class A: Class A Members shall be all those persons or entities entitled to membership as defined in Article H with the exception of Declarant. After the Turnover Date described below, Class A Members who own a Lot shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each Lot in which they hold the interest required for membership by Article 11; rop vided, however when two ormore persons or entities hold such interest or interests in any Lot, although all of such persons or entities shall be Members of the Association, the vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they, among themselves, may determine, but in no event shall more than one (1) vote per Lot be cast with respect to any one Lot. Class B: The Class B Members shall be the Declarant and its assignee builder of the residential structure thereon who does not occupy such structure as his principal residence. The Class B Members shall be entitled to five hundred (500) votes each; ron vided, that the Class B membership of a particular Class B Member shall cease and be converted to Class A membership on the earlier to occur of: (a) the date all Lots in each subdivision of Lake Valley OPUD 08-01 (as opposed to just those Lots in the Subdivision) so platted have been sold by such Class B Member; or (b) December 31, 2038; or (c) such date as Declarant (in its sole discretion) executes and records with the County Clerk of Rogers County, Oklahoma, a notice that Declarant has elected to convert the Class B membership to Class A membership. 2. DECLARANT CONTROL OF ASSOCIAITON. The Declarant, or its designee, shall be in sole and complete legal control of the Association from the inception thereof until such time as the Declarant relinquishes control thereof as set forth herein. The date on which Declarant's rights under this Section 2 shall terminate shall be referred to as the "Turnover Date ". The first and all subsequent Boards prior to the Turnover Date shall consist of those persons designated by Declarant. Declarant's rights under this section to designate the members of the Board shall terminate on the first to occur of (a) such time as Declarant no longer holds or controls title to any part of the Property or other lands that have come under the control of the Association as provided for herein, (b) the giving of written notice by Declarant, to the Association's Board, ofthe Declaranfs election to terminate such rights, or (c) ten (10) years from the date of recording hereof. From and after the Turnover Date, the Board shall be constituted and elected as provided in the Association Bylaws. Prior to the Turnover date all of the voting rights of the Owners shall be vested exclusively in Declarant. The Owners, prior to the Turnover Date, shall have no voting rights. Despite having no voting rights at that point in time, such Owners' Lots shall nevertheless be subject to assessment. The Declarant, upon request, shall supply such Owners with an annual accounting of the manner in which collected assessments have been spent. ARTICLE IV PROPERTY RIGHTS MEMBERS' EASEMENTS OF ENJOYMENT: Every Member shall have the nonexclusive right and pedestrian access easement to use and enjoy the Common Area and all improvements constructed thereon. Such right and easement shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Lot within Lake Valley V -Phase 3, subject, however, to the following provisions: (a) The right ofthe Association to limit the number of guests ofMembers as well as the volume of noise and any other nuisance which interferes with the peaceful enjoyment of Lake Valley V -Phase 3; (b) Subject to the provisions of Article V hereof, the right of the Association, in accordance with its Articles and Bylaws, to borrow money for the purpose of improving the Common Area and facilities and improvements constructed thereon and in aid thereof to mortgage said property, but only upon the prior written consent ofthe Declarant. In the event such property is so mortgaged, the rights of the Members of the Association hereunder to use and enjoy such Common Area shall be subject and subordinate to the rights ofthe mortgagee therein. (c) Upon the conversion of all Class B Membership into Class A Membership, the right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area to any governmental body, public agency, authority, or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the Members. Such dedication and transfer shall be effective only upon the ld recording of an instrument signed by Members entitled to cast one -half (1/2) of the votes of the Class A membership in which such Members evidence their agreement to such dedication and transfer, or upon the affirmative, majority vote of the Board of Directors but only after said Board receives written consent from the Declarant; (d) The right of the Association to suspend the voting rights and suspend or terminate the right to use and easement of the Common Area of a Member: (i) with respect to voting rights, for any period during which any assessment against his Lot remains unpaid; rop vided, however, the Association shall give written notice to the deficient Member, or (ii) with respect to use and easement of the Common Area, for any period during which any assessment against his or her Lot remains unpaid or for any infraction of the published rules and regulations of the Association relating to such use. (e) The right of the Association to prescribe rules and regulations for the use, enjoyment and maintenance of the Common Area. 2. DELEGATION OF USE OF COMMON AREA: Any Member may delegate, in accordance with the Bylaws of the Association, his right to use, but not ownership of his easement right to, the Common Area and facilities and improvements situated thereon, to his or her family members and guests, and to tenants who reside in Lake Valley V -Phase 3. 3. TITLE TO THE COMMON AREA: The Declarant herein reserves the right and easement to enter upon the Common Area and construct, repair and maintain improvements therein. Maintenance of the Common Area shall be borne by the Association; provided, however, in the event the Association fails or refuses to maintain the Common Area, the Declarant shall have the right, but not the obligation, to maintain the Common Area in a reasonable manner and the Association shall reimburse the Declarant for such expenses upon demand. The Declarant hereby covenants for itself, its successors and assigns, that it will convey fee simple title to the Common Area to the Association, subject only to any easements and restrictions of record, either prior to or upon the conversion, in the Declaram's sole discretion, of its Class B membership to Class A membership pursuant to the provisions of Article M. Conveyance of the Common Area to the Association shall not be refused by the Association. 4. DAMAGE TO COMMON AREA: If, due to the act or omission of any Owner, his family, tenants, contract purchasers, guests, licensees or other invitees, the Common Area is damaged (normal wear and tear excepted) and maintenance, repair or replacement shall be required thereby, then such Owner shall pay for the full cost of such maintenance, repair and replacement as shall be determined by the Association. ARTICLE V COVENANT FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS 1. CREATION OF LIEN AND PERSONAL OBLIGATION OF ASSESSMENTS: Except for annual assessments described in paragraph 3 below, no special assessments shall be assessed against or attach to any Lot owned by Declarant or any builder of the residential structure thereon who does not occupy such structure as his principal residence within Lake Valley OPUD 08 -01. The Declarant and each builder of the residential structure on any Lot within Lake Valley OPUD 08 -01 who does not occupy such structure as its principal residence shall pay the annual assessment described in Paragraph 3 below. All other Owners of any Lot by acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other conveyance, shall be deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association their share of: (a) annual assessments or charges provided for herein, and (b) special assessments for capital improvements, such assessments to be fixed, established, and collected from time to time as hereinafter provided. If permitted to become delinquent, an annual or special assessment, together with such interest thereon and costs of collection thereof as are hereinafter provided, shall be a lien upon the Lot against which each such assessment is made whether a lien is actually filed of record or not. Each such assessment, together with such interest, costs arrd reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in collection thereof, shall also be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment became due. 2. PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENTS: The assessments levied by the Association shall be used for the purpose of promoting the recreation, health, and welfare of the residents within Lake Valley OPUD 01 -03 and 08 -01 and promoting the habitability of residential structures and enhancing property values in any subdivision within Lake Valley OPUD 01 -03 and 08 -01 including, but not limited to the improvement and maintenance of the Common Area and improvements thereon, including (without limitation) ad valorem taxes, drainageways and easements, driveways, parking areas, fences and walls, and landscaped areas. 2. ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS: The annual assessment on any Lot owned by any Owner of a Lot in Lake Valley V -Phase 3 (including the Declarant and any builder of the residential structure thereon who does not occupy such structures as its principal residence), commencement of which is provided for in Article V, Section 5, for the first year shall in an amount determined by the Board of Directors to be necessary to adequately maintain and support all Common Areas and shall be due and payable as the Board of Directors shall direct in the annual notice of assessment. The annual assessment on Lots owned by Owners (other than the Declarant and any builder of the residential structure which will not be used by such builder as his primary residence) may be increased by the affirmative vote of the Board of Directors of the Association upon thirty (30) days written notice to such Owners prior to the effective date of such increase. Provided, that any increase in the annual assessment assessed against Lots within Lake Valley V -Phase 3 greater than 15% from the previous years' annual assessment amount shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of those Owners of Lots in Lake Valley V -Phase 3 who are in attendance (either in person or by proxy) at a special meeting of the Members, duly called and noticed. Annual and special assessments shall be established at a uniform rate applying such factors as the Board of Directors shall determine appropriate, such as the operating costs of the Association, maintenance of the Common Areas, cost of living increases, enhancement of property values and other equitable factors. Annual assessments paid by the Owners of Lots in Lake Valley V -Pbase 3 shall be used exclusively for the maintenance and repair of the CorAmon Areas, and for such operating costs of the Association which are related to the operation of the Common Areas and the general operations of the Association. 4. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: In addition to the assessments authorized above, the Association may levy a special assessment for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the costs of any construction or reconstruction, repair or replacement of a capital improvement upon the Common Area or entryways, including the necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto and payment for any expenses deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board of Directors; provided that special assessments against Lots in Lake Valley OPUD 08 -01 shall require the affirmative vote ofthe Class B Members and one -half (1/2) of the Owners of such Lots who are Class A Members of the Association who are in attendance (in person or by proxy) at a special meeting of the Members of the Association, duly called and noticed; provided, however, the Declarant and any builder of the residential structure thereon who does not occupy such structures as its principal residence who own Lots within Lake Valley OPUD 08 -01 shall not be subject to any Special Assessment. 5. DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS; DUE DATES: The annual assessment provided for herein shall commence on date of conveyance of title to that Lot to the Owner of such Lot. Thereafter, the form and means of written notice ofthe annual assessment shall be established by the Board of Directors. The Association shall upon demand at any time furnish a certificate in writing signed by an officer of the Association setting forth whether annual and/or special assessments on a specified Lot have been paid. A reasonable charge may be made by the Board for the issuance of those certificates. Such certificates shall be conclusive evidence of payment of any assessment therein stated to have been paid. 6. EFFECT OF NONPAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS; REMEDIES OF THE ASSOCIATION: Any assessment which are not paid on or before the due date, as prescribed by the Board of Directors of the Association in writing, shall be delinquent and shall constitute a lien on the Lot against which said assessment is made. If the assessment is not paid on or before the due date, the assessment shall bear interest from the date of delinquency at the rate of eighteen percent (18 %) per annum. The Association may take action against the Owner delinquent in the payment of assessments owed to the Association. Such action may include, but is not limited to, demand letters; collection letters from an attorney; actions to enforce a lien filed against the Owner's property; and other actions designated to obtain payment for financial obligation owed by an Owner. In taking these actions, whether one or more, the Association shall be entitled to collect the costs it has incurred in pursuing efforts to obtain payment from a delinquent Owner including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, whether related to the sending of collection letters, filing of collection lawsuit, or otherwise, court costs, interest and such other expenses as the Association reasonably incurs in pursuing its efforts to collect delinquent assessments form an Owner. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by non -use of the Common Area or abandonment of his Lot. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, this paragraph 6 shall not apply to the Declarant. 7. SUBORDINATION OF THE LIEN TO MORTGAGES. The lien of the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any mortgage now or hereafter placed upon any Lot subject to assessment; provided, however, that such subordination shall apply only to the assessments or installments thereof which have become due and payable prior to the sale of such Lot pursuant to a foreclosure of such mortgage or transfer or conveyance in lieu of such foreclosure. Such sale pursuant to such foreclosure or such transfer or conveyance in lieu of such foreclosure shall not relieve such Lot from liability for any assessments or installments thereof thereafter becoming due or from the lien of any such subsequent assessments or installments. 8. EXEMPT PROPERTY: The following property subject to this Declaration shall be exempt from the assessments created herein: (a) all properties or interests therein dedicated to and acceptable by a local governmental body or public authority or conveyed to a public utility; provided, however, in the event of the dedication of an easement to a local governmental body, public authority,, or public utility, the underlying servient estate shall not be exempt from assessment; and (b) the Common Area. ARTICLE VI USES OF LAND 1. LOT USE : All residential Lots of Lake Valley V -Phase 3 shall be used for single - family residential purposes subject to the terms, conditions, and provisions of OPUD 08- 0108 -01, which are the uses permitted by right or special exception in RS -3 Zoning Districts. No residential Lot shall be used for any business, commercial or manufacturing purpose, and no business or building of any kind whatsoever shall be erected or maintained thereon, except single - family residences. Provided, an Owner may utilize a "home office" for business purposes as long as business visitors, guests, and customers do not visit the Owner's Lot, and commercial vehicles do not regularly deliver supplies or materials and such business activities are conducted in a manner which does not interfere with the peaceful use and enjoyment of surrounding Owners. Provided, however, the Declarant may permit a model home or similar sales office to be implemented and maintained (including a temporary parking lot) by a builder for a fixed time period, at the Declarant's sole discretion. No Lot may be subdivided to accommodate two or more separate owners or dwellings. No structure shall be placed, altered, erected or permitted to remain on any Lot, which exceeds two (2) stories in height. No dwelling not meeting a specific building code identified by the Declarant may be moved onto a Lot. No structure of a temporary character may be used as a residence. No mobile home shall be moved into or be present in Lake Valley V -Phase 3, except that the Declarant or its designee(s) may use a mobile home as a temporary sales office. _.. _. . 2. RESERVE AREA: "Reserve Area ", as reflected on the recorded plat of Lake Valley V- Phase 3, shall be used as Common Area only. The Common Area has been granted by Declarant as aperpetual easement for the purposes ofpedestrian access, open area, roadways, park area and related amenities, and for permitting the flow, conveyance, and discharge of storm water runoff from the Lots within Lake Valley V -Phase 3 and subdivisions within Lake Valley OPUD O1 -03 and/or 08 -01. Drainage facilities constructed in said Common Area shall be in accordance with standards prescribed by the City of Owasso and plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer of the City of Owasso. Said drainageway area and facilities shall be maintained by the Association in accordance with standards prescribed by the City of Owasso. In the event the Association should fail to adequately and properly maintain said drainageway area and facilities, the City of Owasso may enter upon said area, perform said maintenance, and the cost of performing said maintenance shall be assessed in the same manner as special assessments against all Members of the Association. All lot owners within each phase of Lake Valley OPUD O1 -03 and 08 -01 shall have access to the park area, playground equipment, swimming pool and clubhouse within any common area of each phase of the Lake Valley OPUD O1 -03 and 08 -01. Access by any lot owner within any phase of the Lake Valley OPUD O1 -03 and 08 -01 to a particular common area of the Lake Valley OPUD O1 -03 and 08 -01 shall be subject not only to membership in the Association, but also to payment ofthe assessments (including special assessments) described in Article V hereof. NUISANCE: No noxious or offensive activity of any kind shall be carried on upon any Lot or the Common Area, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become a nuisance or annoyance to the neighborhood. No exterior speaker, horn, whistle, bell, or other sound device, except security and fire devices used exclusively for security and fire purposes, shall be located, used or placed on a Lot. Activities expressly prohibited on Lots are those which may be offensive by reason of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, noise, vision, vibration, or pollution, or which are hazardous by reason of excessive danger, fire, or explosion. 4. ANIMALS: No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be kept on any Lot except for a total of three (3) household, domestic pets and the suckling young of said animals; provided, however, that no more than two (2) adult dogs shall be maintained on any Lot. Excessive barking by any dog shall, in the sole opinion of the Declarant or the majority ofthe Board of Directors of the Association, be deemed a nuisance and immediately subject the dog to impound and the Owner thereof to a fine levied by the Association in an amount determined by the Association in accordance with its established rules and regulations (not to exceed $100.00 per day), and/or to such other actions as the Association may determine appropriate. The amount of such fine, if not paid by its due date, shall become a lien upon the Owner's Lot and subject to enforcement and foreclosure as set forth in Article V hereof. Animals shall not be kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purposes. Whenever in the opinion of the Declarant or Board of Directors or authorized committee of the Association, an animal is deemed offensive to surrounding property Owners and/or a nuisance to the public, the Owner of such animal shall remedy such excessive noise or nuisance within forty -eight (48) hours from the date notice (oral or written) is delivered to such Owner by the Declarant or the Association. All animals must be fenced in or kept on a leash. Animal shelters, subject to the rules and regulations of the Association, shall be screened from view from any street unless built in conformity to the requirement for outbuildings herein. No exotic animals shall be permitted on any Lot or the Common Areas; provided, however, domestic pets shall be permitted within the Common Areas subj ect to the rules and regulations of the Association. Unleashed animals shall not be permitted to roam on the Common Area, any park areas or reserve areas, and at the option of the Declarant or the Association, steps may be taken to control any animals not under the immediate control of their owners, including the right to impound such animals and to charge fees for their return. 5. MAINTENANCE: All Lots and improvements thereon, including but not limited to, the residential structure, out building, if any, fences, ifany, landscaping and other improvements shall be kept at all times in a neat, attractive, healthful and sanitary condition. All Lots shall be kept free from rubbish, litter and noxious weeds. All structures, landscaping and improvements placed upon any Lot shall be maintained in good condition and repair at all times. Each Lot shall be subject to an easement in favor of Declarant and/or its designees for access to make reasonable grading and repair work, as well as to allow for the free flow of storm water across portions of such Lot; such entry shall be made only at reasonable times and with as little inconvenience as possible to the Owner of the Lot being entered, and with advance notice to such Owner. Such easement shall not permit entry into any residence or garage, and any damage caused to the Lot or adjoining property entered by virtue of use of such easement shall be repaired at the sole expense of the Owner whose property was the object of the repair work. All yard equipment shall be screened from view of neighboring lots, streets, or other property. Maintenance of residential structures and Lots shall also comply with rules and regulations published by the Association, including, but not limited to architectural control requirements; provided, however, the Declarant reserves control over all architectural requirements relating to the construction of all improvements until such time as the Lot or Common Area containing such structure is transferred to an Owner occupant or the Association, respectively. Upon such transfer to an Owner occupant or the Association, as the case may be, no building, residence, fence, wall or other structural or landscaping improvement shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon any of the Lots within Lake Valley V -Phase 3, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein, or change in the exterior appearance thereof, or maj or change in landscaping be made, until such matter is approved in writing by the Association's Board of Directors. 6. WIND GENERATORS, COLLECTORS: Nowind generators or solar collectors shall be installed on the Common Area or any other reserve. Further, no wind generators or solar collectors shall be installed on any Lot or residence thereon without the prior written approval of the Declarant or the Association in advance of its installation. CLOTHES LINES: The drying of clothes on any Lot in public view is prohibited. 8. STORAGE: No outside storage or keeping of building materials, tractors, mowers, equipment, implements or salvage on any Lot shall be permitted; provided, however, building materials may be stored on a Lot for a period of thirty (30) days prior to the start of construction and construction shall be completed within nine (9) months after the pouring of the footing. 10 9. WASTE: No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish, trash, garbage or other wastes. All waste shall be kept in sanitary containers and all equipment for storage or disposal of such material and all Lots shall be kept in a clean, neat and orderly manner which shall be kept on such Lot and stored from public view, until such day as may be designated for collection of such containers or material. All Lots and all easements thereon shall be kept clean, neat and mowed to the street by the Owner of said Lot. All residential waste containers must be removed from the curbside and screened from roadway view within twelve (12) hours after refuse collection vehicles empty the containers. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: Each Owner shall comply with all laws, statues, ordinances, rules and regulations of Federal, state or municipal governments or authorities, including the municipal codes of the City of Owasso, and requirements applicable to use, zoning, occupancy of the Lot and premises and maintenance of improvement thereon. Furthermore, the Plat of Lake Valley V -Pbase 3 and all construction and other activity relative thereto shall be subject to and in conformity with the OPUD -08 -01 and any supplements or addehdums thereto. ARTICLE VII ARCHITECTURE, SIZE, MATERIALS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: A complete set ofplans and construction specifications including materials for any structure proposed to be erected must first be submitted to the Declarant and written approval thereof obtained from the Declarant or its agent prior to the commencement of any construction upon each and all of the Lots in Lake Valley V -Phase 3. In addition, unless waived by the Declarant in writing, based on hardship, economic considerations or other reasons which will not interfere with the harmony of design or diminish property values in the neighborhood, the following standards shall apply to all dwellings in Lake Valley V -Phase 3: (a). Dwelling Size. All dwellings shall have a minimum living space of at least 1,050 square feet. Square footage shall be computed for living space, exclusive of porches, patios, and garages. (b). Masonry. All dwellings shall have at least seventy percent (70 %) of the exterior walls (up to the first floor plate line) thereof comprised of brick, stone or masonry siding; provided, however, that the area of all windows, covered porches and doors located in the exterior walls shall be excluded in the determination of the area of said exterior walls. In particular cases, the Declarant reserves the right to permit Dryvit brand or similar exterior construction material in lieu of brick or stone. (c). Garages. All dwellings shall have attached garages suitable for accommodating a minimum of two (2) standard size automobiles. All garages shall be accessed by an overhead garage door. Carports shall not be permitted. 11 (d). Patio Roof. All patio roofs shall bean integral part of the residence such that they are contained within the roofline and shall be constructed with the same design, shingle color and materials as the residence. (e). Driveways. All driveways into a Lot from any street shall be constructed of concrete and shall not be less than sixteen (16) feet in width. (f). Mailboxes. All mailboxes shall be of a uniform structure and color and shall be constructed in accordance with a written plan/diagram and specifications to be approved by Declarant prior to construction. (g). Roof Pitch: Materials. Roof materials shall be Heritage 11 or comparable composition shingles of equal or better quality, and shall be of such color scheme approved by the Declarant prior to installation. (h). Sodding: Landscaping. The front, back and side yards of each lot shall be fully sodded upon the completion of the construction of any residence. Each lot shall have a reasonable landscape package in the front yard upon completion of the construction of any residence. (i). Heating and Air Conditioning Requirements. All residences in Lake Valley V -Phase 3 shall be constructed with central heat and air systems. No portable, window or wall -type heating or air conditioning units shall be permitted. 2. NO WARRANTY AS TO PLANS: Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Declarant shall not be liable for any approval, disapproval or failure to approve any plans or specifications hereunder, and its approval of building plans shall not constitute a warranty of or responsibility for building methods, materials, procedures, structural design, grading, drainage, restrictive covenant compliance or code compliance. The approval, disapproval or failure to approve of any building plans shall not be deemed a waiver of any restrictions, unless the Declarant is herein authorized to grant the waiver and the Declarant did, in fact, grant the waiver. It is the responsibility of each Lot Owner, and not the Declarant, to insure that such Owner's grantor and /or builder has caused the subject Lot, and all improvements thereto, to be in full compliance with all relevant codes, covenants and restrictions imposed upon Lake Valley V -Phase 3. SET -BACK LINES AND LOT DIMENSIONS: No buildings, outbuildings, structures, or parts thereof shall be constructed or maintained on lots nearer to the property lines than the set -back lines provided herein or shown on the accompanying plat. Unless otherwise provided by easement or set -back lines shown on the accompanying plat, the minimum building set -back lines for dwellings or other outbuilding structures shall be: Front Yard: 20 feet Corner Lot Side Yards: 15 feet Side Yards (except corner lot): 5 feet (each side) or 10 feet one side and 0 feet on the other side provided no side yard shall be less than the width of any utility easement 12 located within the Lot and along the side lot line Back yard: 15 feet The frontage and minimum depth of a Lot shall be as shown on the recorded Plat for Lake Valley V -Phase 3. No building, whether principal or accessory, shall encroach upon any easement. Except as above modified or otherwise set forth in OPUD 08 -01, a Lot shall comply with the bulk and area requirements oftheRS -3 Residential Single Family District as set forth within the Owasso Zoning Ordinance, 4. FENCES: No front yard fence shall be erected on any Lot closer to any street than the front ofthe main structure without the prior written approval of the Declarant. Except as described below, all fences shall be six (6) feet in height and made of wood privacy fencing. No fences shall be constructed upon walkways or access easements, which would impair or hinder the intended use thereof. A fence must be erected and well- maintained between each house from the side of the house extending to each respective owner's lot line. Said fence should be installed so as to prevent a view into the back yard of a lot from the street fronting the lot. No fences shall be constructed on overland drainage areas or upon walkway or access easements which would impair or hinder the intended use thereof. Furthermore, wood privacy fences shall, if necessary, be trimmed at the bottom of the fence so as to permit storm water to run under the fence to an area with a lower grade of elevation. Interior Fencing or Walls shall not extend beyond that point nearest the street at each end corner ofthe residence on the Lot. On corner lots, side yard fences shall be installed and well - maintained, so as to prevent a view into the back yard from the street running along the side of the structure. Side yard fences can be no closer to the street than five (5) feet from the property line for that side yard. (a) The Declarant reserves the right and easement, in its sole discretion, to construct fence of its choosing along the property lines of the Subdivision, which fence shall be maintained by the Association. (b) In the event a side or rear fence is constructed adjacent to a Reserve Area, the Owners of such Lots shall construct a woodrail with attached black coated chainlink fence along such side and/or rear yard(s) which abuts a Reserve. (c) The Declarant, in its sole discretion, reserves the right and casement (but in no event shall be obligated) to construct a fence of its choosing within any Reserve shown on the Plat which shall be maintained by the Homeowner's Association. (d) All other fences shall be a wood privacy except the Declarant may, in its sole discretion, approve in writing the use of an alternative fencing material on a case by case basis. No barbed wire, meshed or other metal fencing is allowed in any area of the Subdivision. No fence over six feet (6) tall is permitted unless approved by the Declarant in writing. Fences located on exterior sides of comer Lots facing a street shall not extend beyond seven and one -half (75) feet from the exterior sidelines and shall be wood privacy fencing. 13 (e) All fencing shall be approved by the Declarant in writing prior to its construction; provided, however, upon the transfer of a Lot to an Owner occupant, the construction, repair or replacement of any fence and the materials used therefor upon such Lot shall be approved by the Association in writing prior to such construction, repair or replacement. All fences within Lake Valley V -Phase 3 shall be neatly maintained by the Owner thereof. The Declarant reserves the right, but shall not be obligated, to enter upon such Lots in order to maintain, repair or stain such fencing in a manner which the Declarant, in its sole discretion, Believes to be reasonable and appropriate, and the cost thereof shall be charged back to the Lot Owner as a lien and shall be governed by Article V hereof. 51 OUTBUILDINGS: Portable storage buildings are allowed provided they do not exceed 100 square feet in size and 8 feet in height, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Declarant. Furtherno detached structure orbuilding for purely ornamental or other purposes shall be erected on any part of any Lot without the prior written consent of the Declarant. 6. ANTENNAE: No television, radio, or other antennae or reception devices, other than an eighteen (18). inch or smaller television satellite dish, shall be constructed or maintained on any Lot without the written approval of the Declarant. Satellite dishes permitted herein shall be installed and maintained on the backside of the residential structure and shall not be visible from streets in front of said structure. 7. NOISE POLLUTION: Each builder of residences on the Lots will cause adequate noise pollution control measures to be incorporated into the design and construction ofthe single - family residences as may be required by the City of Owasso, or any other governmental (state or federal) body or agency. ARTICLE VIII PARKING, STORAGE AND EASEME NTS VEHICLES, BOATS, RVS: No vehicle, motorcycle, motor bike, camper, trailer or boat, whether or not operable, (collectively referred to as "Vehicles ") shall be kept, parked, stood or stored on any residential lot for more than forty -eight (48) hours during any seventy -two (72) hour period, except in a garage or otherwise completely screened from view of neighboring lots, streets or other property by privacy fencing not to exceed 6 feet in height. Vehicles shall not be kept, parked or stood on the yard. Residents' Vehicles (or Vehicles under their dominion and control) shall not be parked or stood in any street, nor in any other manner which impairs or impedes sidewalk use. It is intended that lot owners keep their respective garages free from clutter and debris so that garages may be consistently used for the parking and/or storage of Vehicles. EASEMENTS: The Declarant reserves for itself, for the Association and for the Owner of each Lot the right to locate, construct, erect and maintain, or cause to be located, constructed, erected and maintained, in and on the areas indicated on the plat as easements, sewer and other pipelines, conduits, poles and wires, and any other method of conducting or performing any quasi -public utility or function above or beneath the surface of the ground with the right of access at any time to the same for the purpose of repair and maintenance. The Owner of any Lot abutting the Common Area and who must, in order to avail himself of utilities, enter 14 and/or cross the Common Area, shall have an easement to do so provided that said Owner shall use the most direct, feasible route in entering upon and crossing said Common Area and shall restore the surface of the Common Area so entered and/or crossed to its original condition at the expense of the said Owner and hold Declarant and Association harmless from any damage caused by such activity, provided, where necessary, for an adjacent Property Owner to enter property to maintain a fence, party wall or other improvement constructed on the boundary of the Owner's Lot, the procedures set forth in Article VI, paragraph 5 above shall apply. 4. DRAINAGE. Each Lot shall receive and drain in an unobstructed manner the storm and surface waters from lots and drainage areas of higher elevation and from public streets and easements. No Lot Owner shall construct or permit be constructed any fencing or other obstructions which would impair the drainage of storm and surface waters over and across their lot. The Declarant expressly reserves the right to enter upon each Lot for the purpose of resolving or curing drainage issues related to adjacent or nearby Lots. ARTICLE IX RE- ARRANGING, RE- SUBDIVIDING OR RE- PLATTING No re- arranging, re- subdividing or re- platting of Lake Valley V -Phase 3 may be, done without the prior written consent of the Declarant until such time as it has sold all the Lots, after which consent of the Association shall be required for such action. ARTICLE X SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS No signs or billboards are allowed on a Lot without the prior written approval of the Declarant; provided that one sign of not more than five (5) square feet advertising the sale or rent of said Lot, or signs of the same size limitation used for the purpose of campaigning for a result in any political election, shall be permitted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Declarant, or its designees, may display such signage as the Declarant, in its sole discretion, deems necessary for the promotion, sales and /or rental of property owned by the Declarant or its designees. ARTICLE XI DECLARANT'S RESERVED RIGHTS 1. GENERAL: In addition to any rights or powers reserved to Declarant or granted to Declarant under the provisions of the Lake Valley V -Phase 3 Deed of Dedication or this Declaration, Declarant shall have the rights and powers set forth in this Article. Anything in this Declaration to the contrary notwithstanding, the provisions set forth in this Article shall govern. Ifnot sooner terminated as provided in this Article, the Declarant's Authority asset forth herein shall terminate and be of no further force and effect form and after such time as Declarant is no longer vested with or controls title to all Lots and/or other property within Lake Valley V -Phase 3, after which the provisions of this Article and the rights and powers of the Declarant shall vest in the Association; provided, however, nothing shall prohibit the Declarant from transferring any ofDeclarant's rights and /or authority to the Association prior 15 to Declarant being divested of title to all Lots and other property with Lake Valley V -Phase 3, all as Declarant and the Association shall mutually agree by express written agreement. 2. PROMOTION OF LAKE VALLEY V -PHASE 3: In connection with the promotion, sale or rental of any improvements upon any property in Lake Valley V -Phase 3: (a) Declarant shall have the right and power, within its sole discretion and for as long as Declarant owns any Lot, to construct such temporary or permanent improvements, or to do such acts or other things in, on or to such property as Declarant may determine to be necessary including, without limitation, the right to construct and maintain model homes, sales or leasing offices, parking areas, advertising signs, lighting and banners, or other promotional facilities at such locations and in such forms as Declarant may deem advisable; and (b) Declarant and its respective guests, agents, prospective purchasers and tenants, shall have the right of ingress, egress and parking in and through, and the right to use and enjoy the Common and reserve areas at any time without fee or charge. 3. CONSTRUCTION ON PROPERTY WITHIN THE ADDITION: Declarant is hereby granted the right and power to make such improvements to any property within Lake Valley V -Phase 3 as Declarant deems to be necessary or appropriate. The Declarant may permit builders and other contractors access to and upon the Common Area as Declarant may wish and subject to such limitation and condition as Declarant may require. Declarant and its respective agents and contractors shall have the right of ingress, egress and parking on the Common Area and the right to store construction equipment and materials on the Common Area without the payment of any fee or charge whatsoever. 4. OTHER RIGHTS: Declarant shall have the right and power to execute all documents and do all other acts and things affecting Lake Valley V -Phase 3 which Declarant determines are necessary or desirable in connection with the rights of Declarant under this Declaration, including, but not limited to, the right to designate another entity of the Declarant's choice including, without limitation, the Association, to assume or exercise the rights herein reserved to the Declarant. ARTICLE XII MISCELLANEOUS 1. ENFORCEMENT: The Declarant, Association, or any Owner, whether acting jointly or severally, shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration; provided, however, the Declarant and the Association shall not be obligated to enforce any condition, covenant, restriction, reservation, lien or charge through legal proceedings or otherwise. Failure by the Declarant, Association or by any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 2. REMEDIES: If any person shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants, conditions or restrictions herein, the Declarant, Association and any Owner shall have standing to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person violating the IN same to prevent the violation or to recover damages for such violation. In any action brought to enforce any provision hereof against any Owner or third party, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and costs. VARIANCE: The Declarant, in its sole and reasonable discretion, shall have the right to grant approvals required by these covenants, conditions and restrictions, and to waive or vary these covenants, conditions and restrictions based upon conditions peculiar to an Owner's particular Lot or circumstances. Until such time as the Declarant has sold all of its Lots in Lake Valley V -Phase 3, the Association shall have the right to grant such approval, waiver or variance upon the prior written consent of the Declarant. Provided, however, any variance granted by the Declarant or the Association shall be in the interest of the Owner requesting such variance, consistent and in harmony with the construction and architectural guidelines and restrictions within Lake Valley V -Phase 3, shall not interfere with the peaceful use and enjoyment of their property by adjoining Lot Owners, and shall not decrease the property values in the neighborhood. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Declarant shall have no liability for variances which do not conform to the standards set forth herein, in law or in equity. 4. CORRECTION ASSESSMENT: In the event that the Owner of any Lot shall violate any covenant herein, the Board of Directors of the Association or the Declarant shall have the right, upon five (5) days advance notice to the Owner of the Lot where the covenant violation(s) exists, and provided such violation is not corrected within the time period provided for in the notice, to enter upon said Lot and to remedy the violation(s). The cost for curing the violation(s) shall thereupon be assessed against the Lot and shall be a lien on such Lot, which may be enforced and foreclosed as contained in Article V herein. 5. FLOOD CONTROL AND EASEMENTS: The flood control and drainage easements which may be granted by Declarant in Lake Valley V -Phase 3 are for drainage purposes. It shall be the responsibility of the Owners of the Lots on which such easements are located to maintain such easement for drainage purposes until such time as the governing body exercising jurisdiction elects to assume responsibility for maintenance and improvement of drainage, provided, further, that no obstruction(e.g., no barbecue pits, swimming pools, etc.) trash or other debris shall be placed on or within said easements, nor shall any fill, change of grade, creation of channel, or other work be carried on without permission of the City of Owasso, Department of Engineering. No grading, scraping, excavation or other re- arranging or puncturing of the surface of any Lot shall be commenced which will or may tend to interfere with, encroach upon or alter, disturb or damage any surface or subsurface utility line, pipe, wire or easement, or which will or may tend to disturb the minimum or maximum sub - surface depth requirement of any utility line, pipe, wire or easement. No obstruction shall be placed on any Lot which would direct storm water onto another Owner's Lot or onto any Common Area. 6. NO WAIVER: The failure of the Declarant, Association, Owner or any grantor, or any successor in title, to enforce any given restriction or covenant, or condition at anytime, shall not be deemed to be a waiver or relinquishment of any right or remedy, nor a modification of these restrictions and protective covenants. 17 SEVERABILITY: Invalidation of anyone of these covenants, restrictions or conditions by judgment or court order shall in noway affect any other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 8. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: Except as expressly provided in writing, Declarant makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding Lake Valley V -Phase 3, including (without limitation) any Common Area or improvement therein, the sufficiency of utilities, the stormwater management design, the workmanship, design or materials used in every improvement, including without limitation any express or implied warranty of merchantability, habitability, liability, fitness or suitability for any particular purpose or use or any warranty of quality. 9. BINDING EFFECT: AMENDMENT: The covenants, conditions and restrictions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the land, and shall be binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them, and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Declarant, Association and the Owner of any Lot subject to this Declaration, their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, for a term of ten (10) years from the date this Declaration is recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration may be amended, in whole or in part, modified, added to or changed at any time during the first ten (10) year period by an instrument signed by the Owners of not less than sixty percent (60 %) of the Lots, and thereafter at any time by an instrument signed by the Owners of not less than fifty -one percent (51 %) of the Lots. Any amendment must be properly recorded. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything else herein to the contrary, the Declarant reserves the right to grant variances therefrom in particular cases and further provided that they may be amended as follows: (a). SPECIAL AMENDMENT. This Declaration may be amended unilaterally by Declarant at any time (i) if such amendment is necessary to bring any provision hereof into compliance with any applicable governmental statute, rule or regulation or judicial determination which shall be in conflict therewith; (ii) if such amendment is required by an institutional or governmental lender or purchaser of mortgage loans, to enable such lender or purchaser to make or purchase mortgage loans on the property subject to this Declaration; (iii) if such amendment is necessary to enable any governmental agency or reputable private insurance company to insure mortgage loans on the property subject to this Declaration; (iv) to correct errors and make clarifications or additions in this Declaration; or (v) to modify or add to the provisions of this Declaration to adequately cover situations and circumstances which Declarant believes, in its reasonable judgment, have notbeen adequately covered and would not have a material and adverse effect on the marketability of Lots. In furtherance of the foregoing, a power coupled with an interest is hereby reserved and granted to Declarant to make or consent to any such amendment on behalf of each Owner. Each deed, mortgage, other evidence of obligation or other instrument affecting a Lot and the acceptance thereof shall be deemed to be a grant and acknowledgment of, and consent to the reservation of, the power to Declarant to make, execute and record such amendments. The right and power of the Declarant to lu make such amendments hereunder shall terminate at such time as Declarant has sold all of its Lots in Lake Valley OPUD O1 -03 and 08 -01. (b). GENERAL AMENDMENTS: Upon the conversion of all Class B membership into Class A membership, (i) the provisions of this paragraph 9 may be amended only by an instrument executed by all of the Owners; and (ii) any provision relating to the rights of Declarant may be amended only with the written consent of Declarant. No amendment shall be effective until properly recorded. "Owners" shall not be deemed to include mortgagees or other persons holding liens on any lot and such mortgagees and other lienholders shall not be required to join in any amendment to this Declaration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Declarant herein has hereunto set its hand and seal this day of October, 2015. LAKE VALLEY INVESTMENT GROUP, L.L.C. an Oklahoma limited liability company By: Kourtis Property Management, Inc. an Oklahoma corporation Its Manager Un Pete Kourtis, President 19 STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF TULSA ) Before me, the undersigned, Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on this day of October, 2015, personally appeared Pete Kourtis, to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions as President of Kourtis Property Management, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation, as Manager of Lake Valley Investment Group, L.L.C., an Oklahoma limited liability company, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said Company, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and seat the day and year above written. My Commission Expires: Commission 20 Notary Public Lake Valley Iv = Phase 3 map represents a visual display of related geographic information_ Data provided hereon is not a guarantee o; actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, contact Owasso staff for the most up- to-date information. Final Plat —Lake Valley V, Phase 3 AT &T • No comments. ONG- • No comments. Planning Commissioner, Dr Loving- 0 Show landscaped entrance plan. • Make sure gas wells are capped and documented. Rural Water - • No comments. Public Works- * File offsite easements. Community Development- Provide landscape entrance plan as per Commissioner Loving's comments. AEP /PSO • No comments. Police Dept. • No comments Fire Dept.- • No comments Economic Development, Chelsea- 0 No comments Tulsa Regional Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Final Network, 3/6/2015 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT APRIL 2015 Month 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 January 22 13 25 15 17 18 19 15 22 12 2. February :.- '41 ,14_ 19 23.. 29 17 - 15' - 26 21 19 3 March 50 25 35 30 46 14 27 27 31 23 4 April 52, 30 31 36 19 26 26 36 27 5 May 36 60 23 27 30 20 23 19 17 0 6 June 29 27 21 34 - 23 19 24 19 - 12 0 7 July 12 23 24 28 17 20 15 27 23 0 8 August 28 - 27 18 28 19 12 - 15 18 19 0 9 September 12 17 40 20 11 12 12 28 15 0 10 October - 25 31. " 15 36 13 10 - 21 15 19 . 0 . 11 November 13 26 10 13 1 8 11 7 21 0 12 December -16 8 6- 13 9 10 16 - 11 34 0 Totals 336 301 267 303 246 179 224 238 270 81 YTD 165 82 110 104 123 68 87 94 110 81 :1 11 a + Y 11. 11 ell: 11• 1 / / 1 iL' C� 1 1 45,000,000 30,000,000 15,000,000 TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 2011 1 2012 2013 2014 21,464,855 28,202,279 32,102,888 34,337,904 Egli V1111 RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS April 30, 2015 SUBDIVISION Burberry Place (6/09) Camelot Estates (4/07) Carrington Pointe I (1/11) Champions East (05/08) Champions West (5108) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates VI (11/03) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Fairways V (8199) Fairways VI (12/00) Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) Hickory Creek Honey Creek (4/02) Keys Landing (3108) Lake Valley IV (5/10) Lake Valley V (9/30) Lake Valley V Phase 2 Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Maple Glen (12/08) Maple Glen II (1/11) Maple Glen III (5113) Maple Glen IV (6/2/14) Nottingham Estates IV (8101) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Hill (6/09) Park Place at Preston Lakes Preston Lakes (12/00) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Remington Park II (11/04) Sawgrass Park II (04105) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Watercolours (12/02) TOTALS # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE 89 87 2 139 107 32 171 162 9 66 13 53 45 24 21 61 58 3 37 36 1 101 93 8 71 66 5 42 41 1 85 84 1 24 23 1 50 23 27 202 198 4 131 113 18 114 112 2 78 64 14 82 49 33 235 232 3 98 96 2 93 89 4 43 40 3 92 52 40 20 17 3 44 43 1 58 13 45 93 55 38 272 243 29 147 144 3 84 82 2 96 94 2 31 26 5 40 31 9 3034 2610 424 Watercolours (12102) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Sawgrass Park II (04/05) Remington Park II (11104) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Preston Lakes (12100) Park Place at Preston Lakes Nottingham Hill (6109) Nottingham Estates V (3101) Nottingham Estates IV (8101) Maple Glen IV (612/14) Maple Glen III (5/13) Maple Glen II (1/11) Maple Glen (12/08) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10107) Lake Valley V Phase 2 Lake Valley V (9130) Lake Valley IV (5110) Keys Landing (3108) Honey Creek (4102) Hickory Creek Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12(05) Falls at Garrett Creek (12105) Fairways VI (12/00) Fairways V (8199) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Country Estates VI (11103) Country Estates III (3199) Champions West (5108) Champions East (05/08) Carrington Pointe 1 (1111) Camelot Estates (4/07) Burbeny Place (6109) CITY OF OWASSO 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 Lots Developed oTotal Lots COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT APRIL 2015 Month 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 January 2 9 4 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 February 5 0 3 2- 0 1 ' 1 1 1 0 2 3 March 1 14 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 2 4 April 4 1 0 4 1. 1 1 0' 1 0' 2 5 May 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 6 June 3 4 1' ..0 1 2 0 ,0,, 2. 1 2' 0 7 July 0 0 1 0 0 0- 0 1 0 0 8 August 1 7' 3 1 0 0 2 2 0, 3, 0 9 September 2 1 28 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 October 1 3 4 1 0 0 1 0 14 0. I1 November 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 3 0 12 December 1 1 L 1 1 10 1 0 0 1 2 0 Totals 23 43 48 20 9 10 11 7 11 12 7 YTD 12 24 9 10 3 6 5 2 3 2 7 25,00( 20,00( 15,00( 10,00( 5,00( NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR NAME ADDRESS APRIL 2015 Scissortail Provisions 702A N Main St State Farm 9100 N Garnett Rd MARCH 2015 Sprouts Farmers Market 9601 N 133 E Ave FEBRUARY 2015 JANUARY 2015 Hapa Sushi 13720 E 86 St N #200 Royal Salon 11640 E86 St N DECEMBER 2014 Simple Simons 11330 N Garnett Rd Baskin Robins 12808 E 86 St N NOVEMBER 2014 Mathnasium 12336 E 86 St N Lash Love 9100 N Garnett Rd APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE 3/23/2015 4/6/2015 Yes 4/112015 4/28/2015 Yes 7118/2014 4/1/2015 Yes 1/5/2015 1/21/2015 Yes 9/24/2014 1/31/2015 Yes 9/3/2014 12/2/2014 Yes 5/12/2014 12/15/2014 Yes 10/30/2014 11/11/2014 Yes 11/3/2014 11/19/2014 Yes OCTOBER 2014 Whataburger 12903 -B E 96 St N 6/17/2014 10/6/2014 Yes Blondy's Pizza 7708 N Owasso Exp 10/6/2014 10/27/2014 Yes Hideaway Pizza 12903 -A E 96 St N 3/5/2014 11/6/2014 Yes Jimmy John's Sandwhiches 9551 N Owasso Exp #102 8/13/2014 11/6/2014 Yes SEPTEMBER 2014 Rock Nutrition 7703 N Owasso Exp #11 6/18/2014 9/1/2014 Yes AUGUST 2014 Super 8 Hotel 11604 E 76 St N 2/26/2013 8115/2014 Yes JULY 2014 Heartland Dental 13101 E 96 St N 11/12/2013 7/712014 Yes Bricktown Brewery 11909 E 96 St N 5/29/2014 7/7/2014 Yes JUNE 2014 Bite Perfect 12810 E 101 PI N #102 4/13/2013 6/3/2014 Yes Ichiban Steak House 9500 N 129 E Ave #100 3/19/2014 6/2412014 Yes 9inetyEight Apartments 12700 E 100 St N #1 -24 2/26/2013 6/19/2014 Yes Tulsa Bone & Joint 12455 E 100 St N #120 3/5/2014 6/1112014 Yes Body by BJ 403 W 2 Ave #102 4122/2014 6/13/2014 Yes Ok Baptist Children's Home 12760 E 74 St N 6/20/2013 6/30/2014 Yes MAY 2014 Garrett Creek Wine & Spirits 11560 N 135 E Ave #110 4115/2014 5/6/2014 Yes RCB Bank 12200 E 96 St N 10/22/2013 5/14/2014 Yes St. John Medical Office 12455 N 100 E Ave 1/27/2014 5/14/2014 Yes PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN APRIL 2015 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT# DATE 12809 E 67 PI N Rausch Coleman HC /PUD $ 93,005 1,691 15- 0401 -X 4/1/2015 6622 N 128 E Ave Rausch Coleman HC /PUD $ 97,845 1,779 15- 0402 -X 4/1/2015 6702 N 128 E Ave Rausch Coleman HC /PUD $ 102,685 1,867 15- 0403 -X 4/1/2015 14614 E 111 Ct N Simmons Homes LVVII /PUD $ 111,430 2,026 15- 0404 -X 4/1/2015 14620 E 111 Ct N Simmons Homes LVVII /PUD $ 111,430 2,026 15- 0405 -X 4/1/2015 12012 E 110 St N Simmons Homes MGIV /RS3 $ 106,645 1,939 15- 0406 -X 4/1/2015 9100 N Garnett Rd Kinser Revovations ATOR /CG $ 25,000 1,000 15- 0407 -C 4/1/2015 7818 N 142 E Ave Executive Homes CW /RS3 $ 175,780 3,196 15- 0408 -X 4/1/2015 15507 E 88 St N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $ 192,005 3,491 15- 0409 -X 4/6/2015 15509 E 88 St N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $ 192,005 3,491 15- 0410 -X 4/6/2015 14622 E 111 Ct N Simmons Homes LVVII /PUD $ 123,695 2,249 15- 0411 -X 4/6/2015 12006 E 110 PI N Capital Homes MGIV /RS3 $ 153,395 2,789 15- 0412 -X 4/6/2015 12802 E 67 PI N Rausch Coleman HC /PUD $ 110,440 2,008 15- 0413 -X 4/6/2015 11550 N 135 E Ave Penta Construction GCC /CS $ 150,000 3,080 15- 0414 -C 4/6/2015 9530 N Garnett Rd OLT Commercial CC /CS $ 575,000 5,700 15- 0415 -C 4/6/2015 7416 E 83 St N Fiesta Pools CARPI /RS3 $ 9,000 336 15- 0416 -P 4/6/2015 12015 E 109 St N Simmons Homes MGIV /RS3 $ 111,430 2,026 15- 0417 -X 4/6/2015 11551 N 129 E Ave Crossland Const. GC/169 CL $ 3,500,000 41,353 15- 0418 -C 4/6/2015 14116 E 91 St N Jeff Westerfield CE /RS3 $ 344,245 6,259 15- 0419 -X 4/9/2015 14607 E 112 PI N Capital Homes LVVII /PUD $ 94,215 1,713 15- 0420 -X 4/9/2015 11116 N 146 E Ave Capital Homes LVVII /PUD $ 94,215 1,713 15- 0421 -X 4/9/2015 12012 E 110 PI N Capital Homes MGIV /RS3 $ 110,110 2,002 15- 0422 -X 4/9/2015 11009 N 121 E Ave Simmons Homes MGIV /RS3 $ 105,160 1,912 15- 0423 -X 4/10/2015 11040 N 120 E Ave Simmons Homes MGIV /RS3 $ 100,815 1,833 15- 0424 -X 4/13/2015 15225 E 87 PI N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $ 142,120 2,584 15- 0425 -X 4/13/2015 6620 N 128 E Ave Rausch Coleman HC /PUD $ 111,485 2,027 15- 0426 -X 4/13/2015 6615 N 128 E Ave Rausch Coleman HC /PUD $ 97,845 1,779 15- 0427 -X 4/13/2015 7770 N Owasso Exp A -Max Signs FC /CG $ 4,100 40 15- 0428 -S 4/13/2015 9263 N Owasso Exp A -Max Signs TPIX /CG $ 12,000 126 15- 0429 -S 4/13/2015 12803 E 67 PI N Rausch Coleman HC /PUD $ 103,235 1,877 15- 0430 -X 4/13/2015 12702 E 87 Ct N Fitzgerald Roofing CPII /RS3 $ 22,000 575 15- 0431 -X 4/20/2015 8513 N 77 E Ave Baker Pools CARPI /RS3 $ 31,000 450 15- 0432 -P 4/20/2015 12012 E 109 St N Simmons Homes RCBC /CS $ 225,000 1,830 15- 0433 -X 4/30/2015 12150 E 96 St N Simmons Homes MGIV /RS3 $ 100,815 1,833 15- 0434 -C 4/30/2015 11113 N 148 E Ave Capital Homes LVVII /PUD $ 108,625 1,975 15- 0435 -X 4/30/2015 7706 N 144 E Ave Denham Homes CE /RS3 $ 165,000 3,000 15- 0436 -X 4/30/2015 7710 N 144 E Ave Denham Homes CE /RS3 $ 165,000 3,000 15- 0437 -X 4/30/2015 11815 E 86 St N Crossland Const. CP /CS 800 15- 0438 -C 4/30/2015 9100 N Garnett Rd jAdventure Signs AHIII /CG $ 5,000 57 15- 0439 -S 4/30/2015 7703 N Owasso Exp #1 jGlobal Signs OCC /CS $ 5,000 26 15- 0440 -S 4/30/2015 C. fy of Owaysa212 N. Mai. Sf: Owa, OK 74055' 27 Single Family $ 3,648,860 64,082 SgFt 1 Residential Remodel $ 22,000 575 SgFt 2 New Commercial $ 4,075,000 47,053 SgFt 4 Commercial Remodel $ 275,815 6,713 SgFt 4 Signs $ 26,100 249 SgFt 2 Pool $ 40,000 786 SgFt 40 Total Building Permits $ 8,087,775 1119,458 SgFt