HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011.08.08_Planning Commission AgendaRecord Copy OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION August 8, 2011 6:00 PM PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: August 8, 2011 TIME: 6:00 PM PLACE: Old Central 109 North Birch NOTICE FILED BY: Marsha Hensley TITLE: Assistant City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk and posted at the north entrance to City Hall at 3:00 PM on August 4, 2011. Marsha Hensley, Assistant CitykPlanner OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, August 8, 2011 at 6:00 PM Old Central 109 North Birch AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes from the July 11, 2011 Regular Meeting. 4. Rezoning OZ 11 -04 - Consideration and appropriate action related to a request for the review and acceptance to rezone approximately 1.75 acres of land from CS (Commercial Shopping) to IL (Industrial Light) located on part of Lot 1, Block 1, and all of Lots 2 and 3 of Block 1, Elm Creek Estates First Addition. The general location of the property is 11302 East 80 Street North. 5. Lot Split - OLS 11 -02 - Lot 1, Block 5, Hale Acres 2 "4 - Consideration and appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance of a lot split on a 0.45 acre tract described as Lot 1, Block 5, Hale Acres 2 "d, 10530 East 114th Street North. 'This item was tabled from the July 11, 2011 PC meeting. 6. Introduction and discussion regarding the Proposed Draft Landscape Ordinance. 7. Report on Items Previously Forward to City Council. • Rezoning OZ 11 -03 • OPUD 11 -01 -Crown Colony II • Final Plat - Christian Brother Automotive • Final Plat - The Reserve at Elm Creek 8. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 9. Economic Development Report. 10. Adjournment. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 11, 2011 The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, July 11, 201 1 at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 3:00 p.m. on July 7, 2011. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER Dr. Callery called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ITEM 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Dr. Mark Callery None Dr. Paul Loving Tammy Laakso David Vines A quorum was declared present. STAFF Karl Fritschen Julie Lombardi Chelsea Harkins Warren Lehr Marsha Hensley Bronce Stephenson Dan Salts Daniel Dearing ITEM 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JUNE 13 2011 REGULAR MEETING The Commission reviewed the minutes of June 13, 2011 regular meeting. David Vines moved, seconded by Dr. Loving, to approve the minutes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Callery, Loving, Laakso, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 4. Rezoning #OZ 11 -03 - Consideration and appropriate action related to a request for the review and acceptance to rezone approximately 2.431 acres of land from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General) located at 11415 East 96 Street North. Bronce Stephenson presented the item, recommending Planning Commission approval of rezoning request OZ 11 -03 from AG to CG. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION July 11, 2011 Page No. 2 Dr. Loving moved, seconded by Dr. Callery, to approve the rezoning request OZ 11 -03, as recommended. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Callery, Loving, Laakso, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. Dr. Callery requested that Item 5 be moved to Item 8 on the agenda. Item 5. Final Plat - Christian Brothers Automotive - Consideration and appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance of a final plat consisting of one (I) lot, on approximately 0.65 acres of land, located in front of the Caudle Center. The subject property is near the southwest corner of East 961h Street North and Garnett Road. Bronce Stephenson presented the item, recommending Planning Commission approval of the final plat for Christian Brothers Automotive. David Vines moved, seconded by Tommy Laakso, to approve the final plat request for Christian Brothers Automotive, subject to any TAC or Staff recommendations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Callery, Loving, Laakso, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. Item 6. Final Plat - The Reserve on Elm Creek - Consideration and appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance of a final plat consisting of forty -one (41) lots, three (3) blocks, on approximately 10.42 acres of a 19.75 acre tract. The subject property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of East 66th Street North and North 129th East Avenue. Bronce Stephenson presented the item, recommending Planning Commission approval of the final plat for The Reserve on Elm Creek. Dr. Loving moved, seconded by David Vines, to approve the final plat request for The Reserve on Elm Creek, subject to any TAC or Staff recommendations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Callery, Loving, Laakso, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION July 11, 2011 Page No. 3 Item 7. Lot Split - OLS 11 -02 - Lot 1 Block 5 Hale Acres 2nd - Consideration and appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance of a lot split on a 0.45 acre tract described as Lot 1, Block 5, Hale Acres 2nd, 10530 East 1 141h Street North. Bronce Stephenson presented the item, recommending Planning Commission approval of the lot split request OLS 11 -02. After brief discussion regarding the absence of representation, along with the lack of development plans submitted. Tammy Laakso moved to table this item until the next Planning Commission meeting, seconded by David Vines. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Callery, Loving, Laakso, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 to table this item until August 8, 2011 Planning Commission meeting. 8. OPUD 11 -01 - (Rehearing of Expired OPUD 05 -01 - Crown Colony II) - Consideration and appropriate action related to a request for the review and acceptance of a final plat being one (1) lot, one (1) block, on approximately 1.22 acres of land, located off Larkin Bailey Boulevard, west of First Christian Church of Owasso. Bronce Stephenson presented the item, recommending Planning Commission approval of the OPUD 11-01. Dr. Callery inquired as to whether any individuals would like to speak on this matter, at which time b individuals spoke regarding the item. All spoke in opposition to the recommended action. A complete listing of individuals is attached. Also attached are pictures showing flooding in the area and a 2005 petition opposing the PUD. After discussion, David Vines moved, seconded by Dr. Callery, to approve OPUD 11 -01, rehearing of expired OPUD 05 -01, subject to all TAC and Staff recommendations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Callery, Loving, Laakso, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. 9. Report on Items from the June 22, 2011 TAC Meeting. 10. Report on Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. SUP 11 -01 - Christian brothers Automotive at Caudle Center Final Plat - Bailey Medical Campus 11. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION July 11, 2011 Page No. 4 12. Economic Development Report, 13. Adjournment - Dr. Loving moved, seconded by Tammy Laakso to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YEA: Callery, Loving, Laakso, Vines NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Chairperson Vice Chairperson Date July 11, 2011 Owasso Planning Commission Regular Meeting List of Speakers for Planning Commission Agenda Regarding the Rehearing of Expired OPUD 05 -01 Arley Owens - 13217 East 73 Street North opposed Gary Baxter - 7590 North 140 East Place opposed John Meissner- 7488 North 133 East Ave opposed Randy Gorrell - 7560 North 143 East Ave opposed Jay Nicocaides - 7208 North 145 East Ave opposed Stephen Farwell - 7585 North 143 East Ave opposed SAVE OUR COMMUNITY Homeowners' Association 12 -12 -05 TO: The Mayor and Council Members, The Chairman and Commissioners of the Planning Commission —City of Owasso. We would like to go on record addressing two areas of concern from the home- owners' association and the Petition signers. (Copy of petitions submitted) I. Crown Colony II A. PUD- Acceptance of PUD with 5000 sq.ft. lots with a maximum of 550 homes in the approximate 167 acres. All adjacent property (except Crown Colony I -built by the same developer) is acreages. No attempt to "Harmoniously relate development of the various tracts of land to the existing community ..." (Sub Div. regulations 1.2.2). No buffer zones or transitional lots, just an attempt to see how many houses can possibly be built. B. TRAFFIC -No clear ingress and egress to development except through existing residential streets that were not designed or adequate to accommodate that amount of traffic. "Through Traffic: Minor streets shall be arranged so that their use by through traffic will be discouraged." (Sub Div. regulations 3.2.2). "Future Development: Where a tract to be subdivided includes only a portion of the tract owned or intended for development by the subdivider, a tentative plan of a proposed future street system for the unsubdivided remainder of the property shall be prepared and submitted by the subdivider." (Sub Div. regulations 3.2.8). One of the possible access streets proposed on the PUD was 143`d East Avenue. This street is a dead end street,;cv' wide. "Residential Collector" streets are required to be 60 feet wide, with an additional 13 feet of right -of -way for 100 feet in each direction from Arterial Street intersections ... (Sub Div. regulations 3.2.17) There is only a 50' easement for the street that is now only I6r' wide. To widen it to even the 50' width would take out a large amount of the front yard of each home on the block. II. Direction of the Growth of Owasso A. Many of the petitioners and other citizens of the Owasso community have expressed to us the appearance of indiscriminate, uncontrolled growth - -an attitude that any and all growth is good - -where the developers set the terms. There is not enough coordination between our city officials who have exhibited almost a rabid attitude towards building developments, and our school system that is under tremendous pressure to handle the growth, and our infrastructure (roads, water, sewer, etc.) that is not adequate to meet the demand. An example of this growth mind -set can be seen as recently as the article in last week's Owasso paper "City relaxing building permit process in hopes of gaining new residents." B. Current citizens of Owasso have no advocate in the city government that will respond with action to their desires and concerns. It is time that our city planners and officials do what they were elected and appointed to do— direct our community in a direction of healthy, controlled growth, while still being business friendly, but protecting the safety and rights of existing property owners. Thank You, Save Our Community Homeowners' Association Randy Gorrell, President Jo Brazeal, Treasurer Karen Gorrell, Secretary City of Owasso Community .Development Subdivision Regulations Chapter I Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter G Chapter 9 Back To Table of Contents CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 TITLE Chapter 7 Chapter 8 These Regulations shall hereafter be known, cited and referred to as the Subdivision Regulations of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 1.2 PURPOSE AND INTENTIONS 1.2.1 Purpose: The arrangement of parcels of land in Owasso for residential, office, commercial and industrial uses and for public needs, such as streets and easements, etc. will to a large degree determine the health, safety, economy and quality of life in the city. Such amenities are a public concern. These Regulations and standards for the subdivision of land are intended to insure the development and maintenance of a safe, healthy, attractive and efficient community and provide for the conservation of its human and physical resources. 1.2.2 Intentions: These Regulations are specifically intended to: A. Establish a subdivision process that is as expeditious and efficient as possible while providing for public health, safety and general welfare. B. Harmoniously relate development of the various tracts of land to the existing community and facilitate the future development of adjoining tracts. C. Provide that the cost of improvements which primarily benefit the tract of land being developed be borne by the owners or developers of the tract. D. Provide the best possible design for the tract. E. Provide a proper arrangement of sheets and assure the adequacy of open spaces for traffic and access of emergency vehicles commensurate with the intensification of land use customarily incident to a change of zoning. F. Reconcile any differences of interest. G. Ensure proper legal descriptions, monumenting of land and adequate and accurate platting and records of land subdivision. H. Ensure that public facilities and utilities are available that will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision and the general community. I. Promote development that will preserve the natural beauty and physical characteristics of the land and will intrude upon the environment to the least possible extent. J. Encourage designs which will require minimal maintenance of public improvements by the City. 1.3 AUTHORITY These Regulations and Minimum Standards for land development are adopted under the authority granted by Oklahoma Statutes. 3.2.4 Abutting Railroad or Highway Right -of -Way: Where a subdivision abuts or contains a railroad right -of -way or limited access highway right -of -way, the Planning Commission and City Council may require a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right -of -way at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land. Such distances shall also be determined with regard for the requirements of approach grades and grade separation. 3.2.5 Through Traffic: Minor streets shall be arranged so that their use by through traffic will be discouraged. Industrial and commercial streets shall not inject non - residential traffic into residential areas. The arrangement of streets within a subdivision shall, except for cul -de -sacs, connect with streets already dedicated in adjoining subdivisions or provide for future connections to adjoining unplatted tracts. 3.2.6 Adjacent Properties: Where adjoining properties are not subdivided, the arrangement of streets shall be projected to the boundary of the proposed subdivision with provisions made for a temporary right -of -way for a turn around of a size acceptable to the City Engineer. Barricades shall be installed at dead -end streets. Alignments, grades, drainage, and other appropriate design criteria of all streets within and bordering new subdivisions shall be governed by these regulations, where applicable, and by the Design Criteria of the City. 3.2.7 Reserve Strips: Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited except where approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. 3.2.8 Future Development: Where a tract to be subdivided includes only a portion of the tract owned or intended for development by the subdivider, a tentative plan of a proposed future street system for the unsubdivided remainder of the property shall be prepared and submitted by the subdivider. 12.9 Private Sheets: Private streets shall not be approved, except when required by state law, or in connection with a Planned Unit Development having appropriate controls. 3.2.10 Sheet Offsets: Street offsets with center -line offsets of less than one hundred fifty (150) feet shall not be allowed. 3.2.11 Dedication of Right -of Way: Whenever a major street is located adjacent to the outer edge of a subdivision, one -half ( %:) of the right -of -way shown on the Owasso Major Street and Highway Plan shall be dedicated, if it is determined by the Planning Commission and City Council that such dedication is equitable and feasible for the other half of the tight -of -way from the adjacent property. Half - street dedications on minor streets are prohibited. 3.2.12 Cul -de -sac Streets: All dead -end streets having a length of more than one hundred fifty (150) feet shall terminate in a Collector 80 feet Residential Collector 60 feet ** Residential 50 feet Frontage or Service 40 feet Commercial Alley 30 feet Residential Alley 20 feet Cul -de -sac Radius 50 feet * Arterial Streets shall show an additional twenty -six (26) feet of right -of -way width for one hundred (100) feet in each direction from Arterial Street intersections to allow for right turn lanes. ** Collector Streets shall show an additional thirteen (13) feet of right -of -way width for one hundred (100) feet in each direction from Arterial Street intersections to allow for a center turn lane. 3.2.18 Paving Width: The minimum paving width for all streets shall conform to the Owasso Design Criteria. 3.2.19 Grades: The grades of streets shall conform to the requirements of the Owasso Design Criteria. 3.2.20 Street Alignments: The horizontal and vertical alignments of streets shall conform to the requirements of the Owasso Design Criteria. THURSDAY, DECEMBER B, 200 Relaxation of vrocess creative • move by city Continned frompage lA,, approved by'the trustee; atteinpt to get more avail- has 'three projects, under Prospective candidates of- ,bwassb Publi, abie'.houses on the market -construction atid. each are whol'kestde in thosewards, Works Authority for• resi Which 'inight.drawa,large beingslightly` scaled back may - filed �at. fhb` lsa dentialrefusecontafriers. portion of„ the Cbndco' ` Owasso Planning Commission DATE: August 8, 2011 TO: Owasso Planning Commission FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson, City Planner CASE #: OZ 11 -04 SUBJECT: A request to rezone approximately two (2) tracts of 0.8225 acres and 0.7851 acres from CS to IL PARCEL ID: AREA: EXISTING LAND USE: LAND USE PLAN: PRESENT ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: Surrounding Land Us Total Area of 1.6076 Acres Mingo Commerce Center Commercial CS (Commercial Shopping) IL (Industrial Light) e /Zoning Designations: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North Industrial Light Light Industrial Owasso IL Industrial South AgriAculture Commercial Commercial Owasso Multi - Family East Residential Multi - Family Transitional Owasso Residential RM -2 West Commercial commercial Commercial Owasso General CG Background: On June 15, 2011 the City of Owasso received a rezoning application to for review and approval of a request to rezone two (2) tracts of land from CS (Commercial Shopping) to IL (Industrial Light). The subject properties are located on the north side of E 80th Street North, just west of where the street intersects with the service road on the east side of US -169. Analysis: The applicant has submitted a request to rezone two (2) tracts of land from CS to IL. The subject properties do not currently have any industrial uses on them and the commercial use on the eastern property will be discontinued if the rezoning is approved. Mingo Manufacturing has the need to extend their buildings to the south in order to expand their growing business. The surrounding area consists of light industrial and multi - family residential and commercial uses. This area of town is mostly developed and the uses have been established for some time. Extending the IL zoning to the subject properties appears to be an appropriate use of the properties, unifies the zoning and does not appear to adversely affect the surrounding properties. The Owasso 2025 Land Use Map calls for this area to be commercial in the future, but this requested rezoning would appear to be in compliance with the goals stated in the plan and the existing development in the area. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved drives, storm water detention, sidewalks and landscaping. Sanitary sewer service, water service, fire protection and EMS will be provided by the City of Owasso. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners within 300' of the subject property and the notification was published in the Owasso Reporter. Staff recommends approval of OZ 11-04 rezoning the subject property from CS to IL. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Zoning Map Owasso Planning Conunission Date: August 8, 2011 To: Owasso Planning Commission From: Bronce L. Stephenson, City Planner Description: Lot Split Case #: OLS -1 1 -02 Location: Lot 1, Block 5, Hale Acres II Parcel ID: 57255140708180 Area: 0.45 acres Existing Land Use: Single - Family Residential Present Zoning: Residential Single - Family (RS -3) Surrounding Land Use /Zoning Designations: North: Single Family Residential (RS -3) South: Single- Family Residential (RS -3) West: Owasso Sports Park East: Single - Family Residential (RS -3) Background: The City of Owasso received a request for the review and approval of a lot split 0.45 acre tract described as Lot 5 Block 1, Hale Acres II. The proposed lot split would separate an existing 0.45 acre tract into two (2) tracts sized 0.27 acres and 0.18 acres. Analysis: The City of Owasso received a request for the review and approval of a lot split 0.45 acre tract described as Lot 5 Block 1, Hale Acres II. The proposed lot split would separate an existing 0.45 acre tract into two (2) tracts sized 0.27 acres and 0.18 acres. The lot sizes would be 123 ft. by 65 ft. for the eastern lot and 182 ft. by 65 ft. for the western lot. The existing home on the lot would remain on the 0.18 acre lot and the larger lot would become a vacant buildable lot. The remaining lot would have to comply with all the bulk standards for RS -3 zoning, including setbacks and therefore would have a smaller building pad (approx. 20 ft. X 157 ft.) that would only work with certain types of architectural design. Due to the proposal for the lot split, the possibility of a variance to the setbacks to allow for a larger house to be built on the site is doubtful. In situations such as these, the applicant has created a hardship and therefore a variance could not be granted for a reduced setback. The applicant has been advised of this situation. Additionally, the builder of the vacant lot would have to extend a sewer main to the site and the applicant has been advised of this requirement. The existing house on the site has a number of non - conformities, but these are considered to be legal non - conformities that were in existence before this area was annexed into the City of Owasso. All new development would have to meet all City of Owasso standards A lot split is a minor subdivision of previously subdivided land. The Planning Commission may approve a lot split that creates no more than three (3) lots fronting on an existing, dedicated street, which does not involve any new public street or road, or the extension of municipal facilities, the creation of any public improvements, and is not in conflict with any provision or portion of the Comprehensive Plan, Major Street and Highway Plan, Zoning Ordinance (unless approved by the Board of Adjustment) or these regulations. Technical Advisory Committee: The lot split was reviewed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee on June 22, 2011. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff were afforded the opportunity to comment on the application and request any changes or modifications. There were no major comments made at the TAC meeting that necessitated any changes to the drawings. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of OLS -11 -02 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Proposed lot split CLIENT: ALEXANDER HERRERA WHITE SURVEYING 8936 EAST 65TH PLACE TULSA, OELAHOMA 74140 LOT -SPLIT EXHIBIT EAST 114TH STREET kORTH Copyright 2011 by White Surveying Company. All Rights reserved. No Part of this plat may be reproduced, stored in c retrieval system, or transmitted In any forth without prior written permission of White Surveying Company, P.O. Box 471675, Tulsa, Oklahoma. CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 CHAPTER 20 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, AND BUFFERING REQUIREMENTS 20.1 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE The purpose of these landscaping, screening, and buffering requirements is to provide standards that will protect the health, safety an general welfare of the public, enhance property values, improve the ea ce of the community, and preserve natural resources, trees, d n s. Planting yard regulations are established herein to minimi - enti icts between abutting developments, enhance the appearan buil i = rking lots, and create a unified and attractive streetsca a equir will be applied to all new development, redevelop d building projects including streetscaping of rights -o These requirements will: 1. Maintain and increase 2. Further enhance the 3. Reduce soil erosion essential to storm v 4. Mitigate air, and visitors; meable land areas recharge; pollution; CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 20.1.1 CONCEPT ILLUSTRATION Landscape requirements are based on the illustration shown below, which depicts the different yard areas referenced in the subsequent sections of this Chapter 20. Figure 20 -1 is meant to provide a visual reference for each of the required planting yards. Residential Adjacent Use Buffer Yard Street Yard Street Figure 20 -1 Typical Planting Yards 2 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 20.1.2 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Retention of Existing Vegetation. Existing healthy trees, shrubs and ground cover shall be retained and incorporated into the landscape plan to the maximum extent possible. B. Design and Installation. Landscape materials shall be installed in conformance with approved landscape plan prepared in accordance with Sections 20.2 and 20.10.3. C. New Development. This Section shalGO y to all new development, unless specifically exemI bsection G below. D. Change of Use or Enlargement o Wsting)OMelo t. This Section shall apply to all applicalding p for projects that involve one or more wing: 1. An increase in the number of ston' existing building on the lot; 2. An increase in t area byo a than two thousand squat t (2,00 i or ange,f use of a property that has no landscaping nd so turf grass shall be required to install taping as per this Section if the building or parking panded by more than 25 %. The Administrator a their designee shall be allowed some degree of >ility with regards to these requirements should there iusual circumstances, but the spirit of the ordinance be maintained. E. REQUIREMENTS FOR DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT No specific width of landscaped edge shall be required for developments in the downtown. However, landscaping and screening shall be provided in accordance with Table 20 -1. Where surface parking abuts a street right -of -way developments shall provide a sidewalk built to City specifications within the right of way. For the purposes of these regulations, the downtown area is defined by an area bounded by East 86th Street North, US -169, West 4th Avenue, and the railroad tracks. Adapted ### CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REOUIREMENTS Chapter 20 Table 20.1 Downtown Landscape Requirements 1 shade tree for every 25 linear feet of frontage along a public street. Ornamental trees may be used in place of Street Trees shade trees in the presence of overhead utilities. Staff may accept alternative provisions in situations where it is impossible to meet this requirement Parking Lot Opaque screen no higher than p. feet (3'). Walls may Screening Jree used in accordance with CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 document is hereby incorporated by reference. The definitions in Section 20.11 shall apply to the regulation and control of landscaping within this Section. Figure 20 -2 Illustrates common tree descriptions and shall be used to interpret any issues relating the planting, care, and maintenance of trees. Figure 20 -3 and Section 20.10.1. Size Standards, shalt be used to interpret plant sizes as part of the requirements of this ordinance. Figure 20 -2 Tree Descriptive Terms LINE Adopted # ## CITY OF OWA.SSO LANDSCAPE REOMEMENT.S Chanter 20 Figure 20 -3 Landscape Plants Typical Sizes 20.2 LANDSCAPE PLAN. 20.2.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, These following standards shat I Yply to., a l i 4s; where landscaping is required: Required lands�caAlhg shill n nclude f tpiftcial plants or trees, or other artificial vd,061: Ion l ,plants may be proposed to meet some of the 5 . 1 ndscape plans shall be reviewed by the Community Development Department as part of the site plan review process. Upon completion of the review, the Administrator shall: a) Approve the landscape plan as complying with the requirements of the Landscape Ordinance and rules and regulations; or 6 Adopte(1 # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 b) Approve the landscape plan with conditions that bring it into compliance with the requirements of the Landscape Ordinance and rules and regulations; or c) Reject the landscape plan as failing to comply with the requirements of the Landscape Ordinance and rules and regulations. 20.2.2. PLAN REQUIREMENTS Landscape plans shall accompany any application for s' a plan approval and be submitted in conformance with the require s ed below. iJJLandscape plans shall inlcude: 1. The date, scale, north arrow, proj ame d e of the owner and designer; 2. The location of property lines and dignlitft, the tract; 3. The approximate center line of existing Natle urses, the approximate location of sign' ' in age he location and size of existing and saxisting and p roposed utility ease and d utility lines on or adjacent to the lot, ing a r y fire hydrants on or adjacent to the lot, exis . and ed sidewalks on or adjacent to the Jqq typ e , ground cover, berms, or ;cap' a location and size of the as; specifications; 4. The locationA . and of are rper and height), condition, and common :ree for which credit is requested shall be of protecting the existing trees which are to ;e during construction shall be described; of the type of irrigation system to be used and, if wings of such system; and 8. The schedule of installation of required landscaping and appurtenances, which shall specify installation of all required materials, except trees, prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy (for multifamily, commercial, and industrial developments) or first building permit (for single family and two family developments) and further specify installation of required trees shown in the landscape plan within one hundred twenty (120) days after issuance of such occupancy permit or first building 7 Adopted # ## CITY OP OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 permit. For single and two- family developments, this section refers to the required subdivision entrance landscape areas. 20.2.3 INSTALLATION TIMELINE A. With the exception of trees all required landscaping materials shall be installed and approved prior to the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy for multifamily, commercial, and industrial developments or issuance of the first building permit for single family or two family developments. The installation of trees may be delayed up to but no greater than 90 days due to seasonal weather provided that a signed letter from the applicant is submitted stating the °date when the tree planting will be completed. It is recommended ,fatfntjng of trees occur from October 1 to December 15 or Man&J to,k0au°111. 20.2.4 VIOLATIONS Failure to maintain required landscaping, to material as part of the approved landscape I approved landscaping plan shall constitute a and all remedies set forth in the Chapter 11 Zoning Code. 20.2.5 VARIANCES The Board of Adjustment, upon a01 required) and public hearing, mayx'gr Landscape Ordinance only upon a.'fin( substantial detriment to the, pub go intent of the ordinana&W'where by= shallowness, shape, tpggraphy, or{ adhere to the notice (fvhen notice is the terms of the will not cause npair - the spirit, purposes and exceptional narrowness, ?x ordinary or exceptional Co a particular property, the in unnecessary hardship. Widths shall be measured from the respective rigliko ? y property line. Where street yards turn at street corners, the length measurements determining plant quantities shall not be required to overlap. Table 20 -3 summarizes the street yard requirements. 20.3.2. STANDARDS IN NONRESIDENTIAL AND MULTI - FAMILY DISTRICTS A. STREET YARD All development in the nonresidential and multi - family districts, including churches, schools, and civic type uses shall provide a street yard adjacent to all highways, frontage roads, arterial and collector streets, internal drives, and entrances through nonresidential districts Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REOUMEMENTS Chanter 20 to residential subdivisions. The street yard shall comply with the following standards: Width. The street yard shall be a minimum width of twenty feet (20') for multi - family development, and ten feet (10') for all other development subject to this Section, exclusive of street right -of -way and sidewalk. However, the Administrator may reduce the width of the required street yard during site plan review if the reduction is required for public improvements. 2. Tree Requirements. Within the street yard koneshhade ree shall be planted for every fifty (50') linear mber of required trees shall be calculated b on ntage of the required street yard and shat be ro nearest whole number. Trees may be gro , , togspaced. Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 plants that are within the sight triangles shall not reach a mature height of more than 18 ". 20.3.3 STANDARDS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS A. SUBDIVISION STANDARDS A landscape plan is required for the arterial entrance(s) to a single- family residential subdivision. The location and types of landscaping shall be reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee to ensure that motorists' visibility is not threatened and that utility lines are not encroached upon. All landscaping shown on the approved landscape plan shall be planted pnor b ,e i ,rf ance of any final inspection for a dwelling unit wl�t�t)� ie�i rvision. A homeowners association shall be re9t(ird to Apo ode perpetual maintenance of the landscaped area.r B. STREET YARD All development in single 'faYn'ily distnc u d i churches, schools, and civic type uses .,s, provide a stye t I'd adjacent to all highways, frontage roads,` a`r`'Eent anal collector si reets, and entrances. The street yard shall c 4vi the following standards a) Street Trees i" I V" i. At least one (1) shade tree afito e ( ^) ornamental tree and three (3) large shnul3s perfty linear feet (50') of frontage along an arter al sr et s a`be plated the number of plants shall be cdl� ated�Sol jYion the httear footage and shall be rounded otj'iee nearest tole nu,,er. The plant material may be gr ape together o�''e e`3ly spaced. If the material is groupet Least one ee per fifty (50) linear feet of tfrontage required. onresider %ltm se allowed in a residential zoning district d P�ecific UsFermit shall meet the non residential tan SCdpine ream ements set forth in Section 20.3.2. >, iii. Asa e'° ra[' rule all required landscape material shall be locate -side the arterial street right -of -way. Landscape mat�trk��l may be placed (5') feet inside of street right-of-way, m grder to miss obstacles or due to physical limitations of the } fterty. If landscape material is located five feet (5') into the arterial street right -of -way, the sidewalk may be serpentine to allow landscape material to be placed in pocket areas as long as the tree -to- pavement distance of at least four feet (4') is maintained. iv. For landscape material that is to be installed along an arterial street, a fence and a landscape easement of at least ten feet (10') in width shall be provided and shown on the recorded plat. Wood fencing shall utilize galvanized steel posts and the smooth side of fence shall face towards the street. Smooth 10 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 faced CMU block is not a permitted fencing material. A berm may substitute for a fence. Said berm shall be no less than 4 feet in height with side slopes no greater than 3:1. b) Landscape Reserve If a "landscape reserve" is designated on the plat next to an arterial street, the building setback line for lots adjacent to the landscape reserve can be from the planned right -of -way. 20.4 INTERIOR PARKING LOTS A. NONRESIDENTIAL, AND MULTI - FAMILY In all nonresidential, multi - family, and areas shall be established and maintain follows: 9 In nonresidential districts, at least on shrubs shall be planted for every fiI multi- family districts, at least one (1)tfe be planted for every ten (10 -a kin required trees shall be round • W 1 Landscape material shall b ant (15') of the edge of the c of t the parking lot, but shall t be p e d it 20.3.2. These require -. s c met required shrubs Malkin t dsc�„ rstands. landscaped ng areas as and mall shrubs shall a e number of ear ole number. or wit, fifteen feet ound the perimeter of eet yard required in N ing a portion of the Interior are s I parking l6 shall contain landscape lanting is andscape is planting area measured at t nine ) in widturb- to fa ce of curb and en feet length shall be provided on each side of all d at pro _ ess from the street to the property (See -1). Pla elands shall be located at each terminus of ac t ow of ing and, when a single row of parking contains ban 15 parking spaces, at intervals between each terminus. a als shall be such that planting islands within a single row o _ ng shall be separated by no more than 15 parking paces (Se ure 20.4 -2). Planting islands shall contain at least one e n addition, planting islands shall be landscaped with n, ground cover and other appropriate material not to excee three feet in height. Such planting islands shall have a minimum area of 150 square feet. In double rows of parking a planting island required for one row may be combined with a planting island required for another row, in which case the minimum area shall be 300 square feet. 3. For every row of parking provided, at least one (1) trash receptacle shall be provided. The receptacle shall be affixed to the ground and shalt be of a decorative nature. The receptacle shall be designed to keep trash from blowing out and shalt be regularly emptied and 11 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 maintained by the property owner. Trash cans may be placed within Landscape islands. 4. For parking lots in excess of 250 spaces a walkable pedestrian landscape island (see 20.4.3) shall be installed for the entire length of a parking aisle. Said island shall align with the main entrance to the building, shall be bounded on both ends by perpendicular landscape islands, shall be a minimum of at least sixteen (16) feet wide with a five (5) foot sidewalk in the middle or twelve (12) feet wide with a five (5) foot sidewalk running along one side. Figure 20.4 -3 provides an example of a pedestrian island. The walkways fi „I shall be built with ADA accessible ramps at intervals thtfbpghout. 5. All parking lot landscaped areas shall.be,,protected by,a raised six - inch (6 ") concrete curb with inlet4 fmr storm:water, or shall be designed as raingardens. Pavement kha & not ,be placed closer than four feet (4') from the trunk of a tree. vThe Pq 6. Planting areas and islands shall have a mini4num,,,prepared depth of 18 inches. Landscaped areas shall be covered with. mulch, ground cover or grass between shrub and "re *plantings. (;See`Figure 20.4 -5) Figure 20 -4 12 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 Figure 20 -6 B. ALTERNATIVE PARKING LOT ISLAND DESIGN Parking lot islands as described in 20.4 A.2 may be constructed as rain gardens in order to reduce costs associated with detention and storm water infrastructure. Figures 20 -7 and 20 -8 provide examples of such techniques. 13 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 Figure 20.8 C. EXPANSION OF USES The expansion of an existing use, structure or parking lot that meets the criteria set forth in shall be required to bring the entire site into compliance with this Section. 14 Adapted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REOUIREMENTS Chapter 20 D. YARD CALCULATIONS Landscaping as required within a planting yard shall be counted for only that planting yard and shall not be used in calculating the minimum quantity for any other planting yard. Table 20 -3 summarizes the parking lot yard requirements. 20.5 BUFFER YARDS 20.5.1 PURPOSE Buffer yards are intended to ensure that an area of ppropriate size and density of plantings is planted or preserved bet z 'ng districts and /or uses. Buffer yards widths shall be me Lure a respective property line, except where buffer yard pe :ik to straddle property lines, as set forth in Section 20. W yards turn at property corners, the length me a dete -, plant quantities shall not be required to overlap. l 20 -3 sum buffer yard requirements. 20.5.2 BUFFERING OF DEVELOPMENT ADJACENT TO RESI`RN'AL ZONES AND USES A. COMMERCIAL AND OFFICE US6 Whenever a non residential e in the C; OL, or OM district is proposed adjacent to a pr ==. ty w', esid ning or residential use, the nonresidenti l use 11 p e a la sc ped buffer of at least ten feet (10') in it in th onresi tial property. The buffer shall provide land ing utilizin a of ollowing methods: 1 _ e (1) m t or large ev I en tree or two (2) ornamental plus t medium shrubs for every thirty (30') linear feet lion ther djacent exposure to the adjoining lot;or o edium t e evergreen tree plus (5) large shrubs for every t { . 30') li ear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure t= „ djoining lot; or one (1) a evergreen tree plus one (1) large shade tree or two 2 orna - at trees for every thirty (30') linear feet or portion djacent exposure to the adjoining lot; or 4. installation of a berm with a height of no less than four (4) feet (3:1 side slopes max.) planted with one (1) medium or large evergreen or shade tree or two (2) ornamental trees, plus five (5) small or medium shrubs for every thirty (30') linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot; or 5. construction of an opaque fence than six (6) feet and (1) medium five medium or large shrubs for or wall with a height of no less or large evergreen tree, plus (5) every forty (40') linear feet or 15 Adapted ### CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot. If the fence or wall is constructed with brick, stone, split faced block, or similar material, then the shrub requirement may be waived subject to approval by the Administrator. Specific Use Permit uses adjoining residential uses shall be required to provide a landscape buffer using one of the above methods as determined by the Administrator, Planning Commission, or City Council. B. INDUSTRIAL USES Whenever a non - residential use in thes proposed adjacent to property with residential use, t. nort estdential use shall provide a landscaped buffer of at leas within the non-residential property. The landscaping utilizing one of the following methods Two (2) medium or large evergreen shrubs for every forty (40') lin adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot; or one (1) medium to large p- Vergreen tree and ono' (114arge shade tree for every thirty (30' ')f(iyiear feet or;pdrtion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot; or ` i CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 20.5.3 STANDARDS FOR BUFFER YARD DEVELOPMENT. A. PROHIBITED USES The construction of any building or the placement of any mechanical equipment within the landscape buffer yard is not permitted except for equipment necessary for the provision of utilities. Signs may be placed within the buffer yard consistent with the Sign Regulations of this Ordinance. Active recreational uses, such as play fields, swimming pools, racquetball and tennis courts or other active, structured recreational uses, or circulation drives and parking lots, shall not be permitted in the buffer yard. B. PERMITTED USES The following other uses may be permit a b rd provided that none of the required plant mater' eli i : e intended screening is accomplished, the total d= the and is maintained, and all other requirements o tion are m 1. Passive recreation; 2. Sculpture, outdoor furniture, Pic as; pedestrian, bike or equestrian tr courses; 3. Storm water dete . _ :tion basin 4. Parks and open j C. REDUCTION IN REQURIED EfSts PTWO T Where a dedicated ffe an utting property, a reduction or elimin . in a uffrty to be developed may be allowed s to the fo adjoin p erty owners�h .e rovided a written agreement cting th f the dedicated buffer yard to uses provided for Section, Maintenance of the existing buffer yard is t with th , 'rements of this Section, the Administrator p= e a red in the required buffer yard of adjoining for • e Q perty to a developed; and The "net" b"f r yard satisfies the minimum buffer yard require en o this Section. The net buffer shall include the cumulative al for both required buffers. D. EXIST VEGETATION. Existing healthy vegetation may be counted toward required landscaping. In order to do so, the landscape plan shall indicate the type, number and size of existing plants which are sufficient to comply with the respective buffer yard. It shalt not be necessary to indicate the total inventory of existing plants. Only plants required to meet the provisions of this Ordinance shall be required to be listed. E. APPLICATION TOWARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT Buffer yard areas shall be counted towards the required building setbacks. 17 Adopted # ## CITY OP 0IVASSO LANDSCAPE REO UIREMENTS Chapter 20 DESIGNATION OF BUFFER YARD AS LANDSCAPED AREA Buffer yards shall be designated as landscaped areas on the application for development approval and as landscape easements when shown on a subdivision plat. The buffer yard shall be recorded with the title of the property as a landscape buffer yard easement. G. BUFFER YARD ON PROPERTY LINE When platting abutting lots, the applicant may dedicate a buffer yard that straddles the property line, provided the cumulative buffer width is maintained for both yards. H. EXISTING FENCES. It is the responsibility of the developing yard. Existing perimeter fences that i single family neighborhood, for example property owner(s) from providing the req 20.5.4 EXEMPTIONS. Certain uses are exempt from the buffer section. Exemptions include, but are not A. Lots or parcels on which the use oral design elements and are linked jace system of sidewalks or other pedestrian w; B. Lots or parcels thirty(30) feet in wi C. Lots or parcels'.s D. 133 , imilar pedestrians; by a the buffer an existing to demonstrato compatible buildings• by a common or greater than if one (1) of the following scenarios exists: ohere imlar or compatible land uses are immediately one anoti9f and the installation of a Buffer Yard , uses would negate the effectiveness of the properties or impede the flow of traffic and Ia,instance , There similar or compatible land uses are immediately dd of tbO e another and the change in the topography is such that the installation of a Buffer Yard between the uses would negate the effectiveness of the requirement for a Buffer Yard. In such cases the developer would be required to provide a coordinated landscape development plan that shows the quantity and location of the proposed landscaping. E. If the developer is exempted from the required buffer yard, this exemption does not relieve the developer from providing the required plant material as if the property were developed as individual parcels. Should a developer not agree to all of the above conditions, all Buffer Yards 18 Adopted # ## CITY OF 0WASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 associated with development must be installed per the current requirements of this section. 20.6 BUILDING YARDS. 20.6.1 PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY The purpose of building yards is to aesthetically and visually enhance the appearance of buildings. Building yards shall be provided along the portion(s) of the building facing any adjacent off - street parking area, excluding loading /unloading areas. Minimum dimens ns shall apply, and be measured, horizontally. Widths shall be me sur respective front wall of the building. Where building y tur ding corners, the length measurements determining t qua , <e all not be required to overlap. Building yards sha, of re es, based upon the size of the structure around wh ilding to located. The width of the building yard and city of pla s . increase as the size of the structure aroun f e building y _ o be located increases. Entrance walkways to bull f ay cross building yards. The width of the entrance wal a shall not Mated as part of the length of the building yard ,ses of de i g the total required landscaping, provided, er, t e width cted for the entrance walkway shall not ed th =f the entrance to the building. Table 20 -3 summariz- he bu', i g u'rements. 20.6.2 YARD TYPES There shall be thre •erent cat es of b> ing size for purposes of determining theku f g yard typ Bull - 2,500 Squ et to 9,999 square feet of building footprint. The trator Up w buildings that fall within this category alter, al o,.pliance a required building yards. Such alternatives inc ding fo ion plantings along the sides and back of building ading t e required amount of building yard plant terial to othe on the site. beory 2 re Feet to 99,999 square feet of building footprint. 100,000 square feet of building footprint and over. A. BUILDING YARD CALCULATIONS Table 20.6 -1 identifies the building yard requirements based on the size of the structure around which the building yard is to be located, 19 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE, REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 Table 20 -2: Building Yard Landscaping Requirements Building Minimum Min. Required Min. Required Min. Required Small Yard Width Shade Trees Ornamental or Medium Evergreen I Category Trees Shrubs 1 4 feet N/A 1 per 30 tin. Feet 8 per 30 lin. Feet 2 8 feet 11 per 50 Lin. Feet 1 per 50 tin. Feet 1 12 per 30 tin. Feet 3 12 feet 11 per 50 tin. Feet 1 per 50 Lin. Feet per 30 Lin. Feet 20.7 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND SERVI ING 20.7.1 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE AREAS Mechanical equipment, trash enclosures, dumpst�rsa4li5ading docks, and service yards located at ground level shall be scr'e' ?k,th visual barriers. from adjacent properties, public roadways, parks or V0, ',public areas Trash enclosures and dum ster areas shall b ', p constructe ofmaterial that is architecturally compatible with that of 111f rriaim,structure tl shall be a minimum of 6 feet in height (see Figure 20 9) 20.7.2 UTILITIES Utility sub - stations shall be screened with either opa9qe fencing or large evergreen shrubs reaching a-leight.of no less than 6 feet at maturity. 20.7.3 ROOFTOPS The architectural dotgo".6f buildings shall ineofiporate design features which screen, contain and all rooftop heating, ventilation, and air condition units, CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REOUIREMENTS Chanter 20 Figure 20 -10 21 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REOUIREMENTS Chapter 20 Summary Table 22 Adopted # ## Development Type Non- Residential Development Single Family Churches, Schools, Landsca a Element p (Commercial, Office, Multi- Development Civic Buildings Family, Industrial) Nonresidential districts, at least one (1) tree and six (6) small shrubs for every fifteen (15) parking spaces. In multi - family districts, at least one (1) tree row of parking and, when a single row of parking contains'' more than 15 parking spaces, at intervals between each termi, provide year round opaque Areas less than 6 feet in height (see screen no less than 6 feet in 20.3,2 A.3.b ) height see 20.3.2 A.3,b Foundation plantings required. Foundation plantings required Building Yard Widths vary in relation to the N/A Widths vary in relation to the square footage of the building square footage of the building see 20.6). see 20.6). 22 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 20.8 TREE PRESERVATION CREDITS A. TREE PROTECTION AND REPLACEMENT The purpose of this Section is to establish incentives for the preservation of existing trees within Owasso and to provide guidelines for the protection of trees during construction, development, or redevelopment. 20.9 DES 1. Grading Permit No clear - cutting of land is allowed without a permit from the Public Works Department. Clear - cutting sho ided at all costs as the preservation of existing tr. roa enefit to the community. The pre f overhead power lines requires street yard trees to be ornam .. [ ees. Larger shade tree varieties are encouraged where ove power lines are not present or in situations where the crow the tree will not interfere with the power lines. (see Figure 20 -11 23 Adopted # ## Less than 2 inches No credit 2 to 3 inches 1 tree 4 to 16 inches 2 trees 17 to 30 inches 3 trees Larger than 30 inches 4 trees The pre f overhead power lines requires street yard trees to be ornam .. [ ees. Larger shade tree varieties are encouraged where ove power lines are not present or in situations where the crow the tree will not interfere with the power lines. (see Figure 20 -11 23 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 B. Sight Triangles. Corner lots, and situations where driveways and alleys intersect with street rights -of -way, shall be kept free of landscaping and plant materials that interfere with the vision of motorists or pedestrians (see Section 20.3.2.A.3.f). 20.10 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLANT MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION. 20.10.1 SIZE STANDARDS The minimum allowable plant size for new i herein. Due to the variation between gei height necessary for newly installed plant n rule, the caliper or diameter of trees is tyl breast height or DBH. The height of shrubs as measured at ground level to the top of t the shrub or hedge. A. Shade Trees. Shade trees in caliper DBH, and 10 to 1 B. Ornamental Trees to 2 inches in caliper caliper DBH for mutt time of olantine._ . ., as set forth caliper or general of a minim�m:2 >..to 2.5- inches : at the time of.' °olantine. Intl measure a minimum 1.5 mtreeso°f 1 to 1.5- inches in 61 "1 8"feet in height at the C. . arge Shrutis tLarge shrubs,` nora�'ly,'planted for screening, shall sure a rgintmtm of 2 to 3 feet °iri height at the time of planting. Sh't t s ptante j folr screening purposes shall form the required 57 to block 4sit5iaity within three (3) years from the date of Medium 60-hiall Shrubs. Medium or small shrubs shall measure a minimum of',20 18 inches in spread and /or height at the time of planting. Aug deciduous and evergreen shrubs is encouraged in order to ob i a variety of color and texture throughout the year. pGii"d Cover (Organic). Organic ground covers shall provide 100 ereent coverage on the ground within three (3) years of installation. Except for seeding, grass or turf shall provide 100 percent coverage upon installation. Organic mulch (e.g. cedar mulch) shall be used around plantings to maintain soil moisture and prevent the growth of weeds. F. Ground Cover (Inorganic). Inorganic ground covers consisting of river rock or similar materials may be used provided they do not exceed 20 percent coverage of the required landscape planting 24 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 area. Pea gravel is prohibited in any parking lot island or street yard. 20.10.2 SELECTION OF PLANT MATERIALS. All plant material, except Ground Covers, shall be those plants that are accustomed to growing and thriving in USDA plant hardiness zones 6b or 7a. Consideration shall be given to the environmental conditions of the site, such as soil, topography, climate, microclimate, pattern of sun movement, prevailing winds and precipitatio: and air movement to ensure that plant materials will be establish c idly. Tree selection -for street yards, or other loca ' w ty rights -of- way, shalt consider the presence or ned ad,. r of overhead utility tines. Such trees shalt be small edi r t are pest and disease - resistant and are slow Qrow rL B. ix of G ; nd Species TE a aged. Except for Street Yard r� ees (§ 1 ix of genus a species of trees, shrubs, ground ;Ong, pe and annuals is encouraged in order to avoid pote. 'al loss to infectious disease, blight, or insect es Stree :trees should retain a reasonably uniform g both Fs of a street within the same block or corridor. Discouraged lants. While it is the purpose of this ordinance to promote ctive urban environments through landscaping, the ina not intended to diminish the creativity of the designer I e ti +hg their planting pallet. It is expected that landscape p a s will be prepared by individuals with a strong knowledge of local plant material. However, the following plants are strongly discouraged in the City of Owasso: • Cottonwood, Populus deltoides • Bradford Pear, Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford' • Tree of Heaven, Ailonthus altissima • Osage Orange, Maclura pomifera • Amercian Elm, Ulmus americana _ • Silver Maple, Acer saccharinum 25 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 • Box Elder, Acer negundo • Norway Maple, Acer platanoides • Mimosa, Albizia julibrissin • Lombardy Poplar, Populus nigra • Black Locust, Robinia pseudoacacia 20.10.3 STANDARDS FOR INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPING MATERIALS The following standards shall apply for installation of plant material. 111 nkh 18 "min, A. Shrub Bed Preparation. Preparation of plant pits, hedge trenches and`;.shrub beds shall be 4 done in conformance with Figure 20 -12. { 5HW W MAIL ire 20 -12 y1 I r0— ""1"""7""" 4w I/ 8 Of root; bail above ezl5* g4de planting shall adhere to the standards below. a general detail for proper tree planting. 26 Adopted # ## CITF OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 12 GA. GALVANIZED HIRE- GUY WIRE5 WITH f� � SNTT' PO 501D RIVE DEPTH INTO BLACK POLY HOSE OF 2; PO5T5 SHALL BE SET N05 PIPE TREE BOOT A UNIFO H Ti 57A EACH E5 TREE (IN LA N4 AREAS] OPP051TE 51DE5 OF THE TRUNK REMOVE ALL 113 OF ROOT FROM IN LINE WITH PREVAILING HINDS, TOP I/3 OF R00T BALL PLANT TREE 3" ABOVE FIN15H GRADE. 3" NWLCH ! FINISH G -BADE 3" - 4" EARTH SAUCER ' PREPARED 501 AID FERTILIZATION - IG" = T? REFER TO BED PREPARATION NOTES, EXI5TIN6 SOIL OR ADDED TOPSOIL �� �� =1 �r i; t SLAPIFY 51DE5 OF THE PLANT PIT =1� ELEVATE CENTER OF PIT AND COWAGT 5l" TO PREVENT SETTLIH6 OF ROOT BALL. 3 cav pits with ve es approximately the depth of root and with a cucular outline which shall be )ximate 2 times wider than the root ball. For planting ds or t s which are to be developed where paving d =reviously. avine and base stone shalt be removed as 2. Remove c debris, inorganic compositions and chemical residues fr in planting pits. shrub planting pits to a minimum depth of 18 inches. ver and vine planting pits shall be cultivated to a depth of 12 inches. 4. Install root ball on a flat, compact surface of undisturbed soil and remove any inorganic ties on top of the root ball. Remove the top 1/3 of wire baskets. 5. Leave the top of the tree root ball exposed, to be covered by mulch only. Volcano mulching is not allowed. 27 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 6. Finish the planting with a minimum 3 -inch layer of mulch distributed around the tree trunk. 7. Trees shall be staked to ensure they are adequately anchored from wind loads and in such a way as to avoid interference with their Stakes shall remain in place for 2 years, after which time they may be removed. 8. Install black corrugated drain pipe around the trunk of the tree after planting to ensure the string trimmers end lawn mowers do not scar the bark. `, C. Site Maintenance During Construction'. Equfpfnenf, , wood and similar objects shall not be stored lift ;hard <on thg eritical root zone (Figure 11.1 -1) area during or',' a anstructiond Chemicals and liquid construction wastes shall �nof �e dumped, poured 4n spitted in the area of any plant ma,t i, ,YWashing of concrete mixers shall not be done near the planting areasr 20.10.4 GENERAL MAINTENANCE OF LAN 1. The applicant, property.'�bwner, "and /6r sub's'equent or successor owner, and their age 's; incI, iy�g tenants; -shall be jointly and severally responsible f$r m , it ance of all landscaping on the property in pe�etuf>y as speclfed m this5ection. MICROSPRAY OR DRIP IRRIGA,TI®M? IS REQURED ! FOR y LL PLANTING AREAS. All F �1 required t nc capr �g shall be. na ntained in a neat and orderly nianner at (ltes This shalt include, but not be limited to, noajng, edgingQnmg, fertilizing, watering, weeding and other adi, tf& common t ,iIT; a maintenance of landscaping. Landscaped W,, sh&[`,be kept'�f� ere %f trash, litter, weeds and other materials orYplants . qt a, part of`tlie landscaping. After initiate §tfflfjation, it shall be the responsibility of the owner and /or ten n_lof the property upon which the landscaping is ..,. installe intain all required plantings in a healthy, vigorous ar1d.,,attrcGe state, or replace dead, diseased or deteriorated M 2t;u nis,.l�Jithin residential subdivisions, the maintenance of street trees in planting strips between curbs and sidewalks which are within the street right -of -way shall be the responsibility of the respective homeowners association, or the abutting homeowner, in the absence of a homeowners association. 3. If after three (3) years following installation of required screening plant materials, the plants have not formed an effective screen, or if an effective screen is not maintained, the Administrator may require that another type of screen be added or additional plantings 28 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 be installed. Landscaped areas shall require protection from vehicular encroachment. The Administrator shall inspect all landscaping and no Certificate of Occupancy or similar authorization will be issued unless the landscaping meets the requirements of this Ordinance. 4. All required plant material shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition as is appropriate for the season. Plant materials which exhibit evidence of insect pests, disease and /or damage shall be appropriately treated. Dead plants shall be p: ptly emoved and replaced within the next planting se on oval. If replacement is necessary, all plants a her o ing landscape materials shall be equal in size, dens* ap s originally required at the time of the approval d -pm n emit. 20.10.5. TREE TRIMMING. Utility crews and companies are Est � alb "Hat Racked" Tree Figure 20.10.5 -1 do directional to prevent a. uce future scour to remove to direct tree growth t udes top trimming, ming. "Hat racking" bited. Trees that are at number of caliper 29 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 20.11 LANDSCAPE TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 1. ADMINISTRATOR: The term 'Administrator' shall be used to define the Community Development Director, the City Planner or their designee. 2. ARBORIST: A qualified professional who has studied the science or art of cultivating trees especially for ornamental use. 3. CALIPER: A standard trunk diameter measurement for trees taken six inches above ground for up to and including fourv+ilich caliper size and twelve inches above ground for larger sizesw. 4. CRITICAL ROOT ZONE (CRZ): A circular regi ard from a tree trunk representing the essential ari6 `of the m Pust be maintained in order for the trees survival li�_cjitical root�o�is ogre. T foot of radial distance for every inch of tree peH with a rriigimurn of eight feet. '.' 5. CROWN: The upper mass or head of a,:tree, shrub,, or'yine, including branches with foliage. (Source : ghtshoe, Native `f(ees,,Shrubs, and Vines for Urban and Rural America: (New Yo1R,..Van Nostr�ri 3 Reinhold & Co., 1988), at 790). 6. DBH: Diameter - at- breast- h4tght is the'tree trlup.k.` ti meter measured in 7 J inches at a height oftl;5;feetkAbovp ground leyelr 7. DECIDUOUS: PlarrWthat lose 8. DtIDOUS TREE;�p' kee which sheds or loses foliage at the end of the 9. DRIP L "I E_ ;�A9v,&rtical hne.fr6.gi a tree canopy or shrub branch extending f..r"0 f}ie oute mo §t edge tootle ground. 10'1__ 1ERGREEN: P141 at retain their foliage throughout the year. 11 VRRGREEN SQRR 'M A dense vegetative screen that grows to a m ytrtt "M 8 feet in height at maturity and retains foliage year round use nor: poses of visual mitigation between zoning districts and /or uses. 12. EVERGREEN TREE: A tree which holds green leaves, either broadleaf or needle - shaped, throughout the year. (Source: G. Hightshoe, Native Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Urban and Rural America (New York; Van Nostrand Reinhold 13 Co., 1988) at 791). 13.GABION: A wire basket containing primarily stones deposited to provide protection against erosion. 30 Adopted # ## CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chanter 20 14. GROUND COVER: A prostrate plant growing less than 2 feet in height at maturity that is used for: a) ornamental purposes, b)alternatives to grasses, and c) erosion control on slopes. 15. HAT RACKING: Topping a tree so severely it resembles a hat rack. 16. HORTICULTURIST: A qualified professional who has studied the science or art of cultivating plants especially for ornamental use. 17. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: A landscape to the Oklahoma General Statutes. 18.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR: A [an certified pursuant to the Oklahoma Board. 19. LANDSCAPING: The process or product grading, installation of plant mate ' cover. 20. NON- LIVING MATERIALS: plants such as river rock, stone, including or ground used to complement 21. NUISANCE: Any tr hrub or Wthereor� at grows upon private or public property 1) interfer of any public area; 2) is nf dt d with { .ctious plansects; 3) is invasive and d gig to of ts; or 4) which endangers the life, health, or 22. PLA �T /' ._ S: The d installation of landscaping and /or s ening m _ betwee oning districts and certain individual s. The four 1Dq Yards are as follows: a. BUFF • "A "RD: A planting yard comprised of a strip of land Cont �i ng landscaping and /or screening materials, having a minimum width, located along side and rear property e between zoning districts and /or between certain individual uses, as specified in this Article. b.BUILDING YARD: A planting yard comprised of a strip of land Containing landscaping materials located along the front and /or sides of a building and having a varying minimum width, as specified in this Chapter. c. PARKING LOT YARD: A planting yard comprised of a strip, or 31 Adopted ### CITY OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 20 strips of land containing landscaping materials located around and within a parking lot and having a varying width, as specified in this Chapter. d. STREET YARD: A planting yard comprised of a strip of land containing landscaping materials located along and parallel to a public street, or streets and having a varying minimum width, as specified in this Article. 21.SCREEN: Vegetation, fence, wall, berm or a combirf4gon of any or all of these which partially or completely blr�cks',iew?�f and provides spatial separation of a port$n'or al4;of a "site from an adjacent property or right -of -way. . 22.SHRUB, LARGE: An upright plant growing�to'axria,ture heiglh>c-of; t,Tor than six (6) feet for use as natural ornameritation,wr screemng',Y,�, 23.SHRUB, MEDIUM: An upright plant growing`to a matu ?e height of less than six (6) feet. 24.SHRUB, SMALL: An upright plant �growmg to mature height of less than four (4) feet. 4 ! ,. 25. SIGNIFICANT STANDS OFT ORSHRUBS Jxl,rrt�ssing or group of trees or shrubs which are (1) m godtii'condition,a' nd are established on the site, or (2) which'may be,rrj ng th�re liest grown species of the area, or (3). hich have been�)de; Of�ed by the community with a 26 or 27 A tree;r'ptanted along a public street or roadway behind "ORN �B TTAL- A shia11 to medium tree, growing to a mature it of 15 tb'''.'Osfeet and characterized by specific aesthetic qualities, as colorful fgsfng, interesting bark or brilliant fall foliage. SHADE:/AA brge tree growing to a height of 40 feet or more unky �su'ally deciduous, and characterized by its ability to e hi 0cover shade. 29.VINES: A woody plant that spreads as it grows over the ground, walls or trellises. 30.XERISCAPE: Landscaping with native plants that utilizes the existing environmental conditions to the best advantage, conserving water and protecting the native environment. 32 Adopted # ## PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN JULY 2011 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT # DATE 32 N. Owasso Exp #B John KDavis FCBP /CS $ 4,500 3125 11- 0701 -C 7/5/2011 9501 N. 96th E. Pl. N. Executive Homes LBR/RS -3 $ 140,000 2811 11- 0702 -X 7/5/2011 12403 E. 96th St. N. Anchor Signs OM /CS $ 12,055 395 11- 0703 -5 7/7/2011 9506 N. 101 at E. Ave. Advanced Pools FWIV/RS -3 $ 30,000 300 11- 0704 -P 7/7/2011 14305 E. 113th St. N. Mario Avila CHP /RS -3 $ 4,000 374 11- 0705 -X 7/8/2011 10201 E. 95th Cir. N. Red Tree Construction FWIIURS -3 $ 22,100 864 11- 0706 -X 7/8/2011 10921 N. 151 at E. Ave. Capital Homes LVIV /RS -3 $ 87,476 1817 I1- 0707 -X 7/8/2011 15100 E. 109th Pl. N. Capital Homes LVN /RS -3 $ 78,888 1454 11- 0708 -X 7/8/2011 9304 N. 96th E. Ave. Shaw Homes LBR/RS -3 $ 221,460 3186 11- 0709 -X 7/13/2011 8283 Owasso Ex p. Doug Sherwood 3LIPark/IL $ 9,000 1000 11- 0710 -C 7/13/2011 10201 E. 95th Cir. N. Poolsea es FWIV /RS -3 $ 23,000 612 11- 0711 -P 7/13/2011 15206 E. 88th Pl. N. Bill Estes PL /RS -3 $ 5,000 572 11- 0712 -P 7/13/2011 11021 N. 154th E. Ave. Capital Homes LVN /RS -3 $ 82,132 1547 11- 0713 -X 7/14/2011 11025 N. 154th E. Ave. Capital Homes LVIV/RS -3 $ 84,971 1670 11- 0714 -X 7/14/2011 10903 N. 117th E. Ave. Simmons Homes MGIURS -3 $ 91,620 1927 11- 0715 -X 7/15/2011 7703 N. Owasso Ex p. Oil Capital Neon OCC /CS $ 5,000 54 11- 0716 -5 7/15/2011 7410 N. 127th E. Ave. Benchmark Construction BV /AG $ 100,000 3000 11- 0717 -C 7/18/2011 11704 E. 109th St. N. Capital Homes MGIURS -3 $ 79,000 1858 I1- 0718 -X 7/20/2011 10913 N. 118th E. Ave. Capital Homes MGIURS -3 $ 83,814 1604 11- 0719 -X 7/20/2011 10900 N. 118th E. Ave. Capital Homes MGII/RS -3 $ 83,814 1604 11- 0720 -X 7/20/2011 11014 N. 117th E. Pl. Capital Homes MGIURS -3 $ 87,500 2147 11- 0721 -X 7/20/2011 11714 E. 109th St. N. Capital Homes MGIURS -3 $ 82,132 1547 11- 0722 -X 7/20/2011 0915 N. 117th E. Ave. Capital Homes MGIURS -3 $ 78,800 1785 11- 0723 -X 7/20/2011 05 N. 103rd E. Ave. Granite Pools BR/RS -3 $ 20,000 595 11- 0724 -P 7/21/2011 10561 N. 121st E. Ave. Simmons Homes BBP /RS -3 $ 151,000 2749 11- 0725 -X 7/21/2011 8522 N. 77th E. Ave. Denham Homes CPI/RS-2 $ 147,000 2480 11- 0726 -X 7/27/2011 8821 N. 77th E. Ave. Denham Homes CP11RS -2 $ 147,000 2480 11- 0727 -X 7/27/2011 7812 Owasso Ex p. Arc Construction MCC /CG $ 25,000 2000 11- 0728 -C 7/27/2011 109 W. 2nd Ave. Earnest Bryan OT /CG $ 29,500 1344 11- 0729 -C 7/27/2011 9512 N. 144th E. Ave. Mario Avila NH/RS -2 $ 300,000 4413 11- 0730 -X 7/27/2011 10302 E. 94th Crt. N. Poolside FWIIURS -3 $ 20,000 420 11- 0731 -P 7/28/2011 9705 N. 98th E. Ave. Charle Joner HC/RS -3 $ 4,000 288 11- 0732 -P 7/28/2011 7701 N. 142nd E. Ave. Executive Homes CW/RS -3 $ 177,500 3187 11- 0733 -X 7/28/2011 7829 N. 144th E. Ave. John K Davis CE /RS -3 $ 140,000 3000 11- 0734 -X 7/28/2011 9301 E. 94th St. N. Shaw Homes LBR/RS -3 $ 192,250 1 3267 11- 0735 -X 7/28/2011 20 Single Family $ 2,536,357.00 46,533 SgFt 2 Accessory $ 26,100.00 1,238 SgFt 5 Commercial Remodel $ 168,000.00 10,469 SgFt 2 Signs $ 17,055.00 449 SgFt Pool $ 102,000.00 2,787 S Ft 35 Building Permits $ 2,849,512.00 61,476 SgFt OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE JANUARY 2011 Joe's Italian Grill 9500 N. 129th E. Ave. 1/5/2011 1/15/2011 Yes Hometown Auto 402 C South Main 1/31/2011 2/112011 Yes FEBRUARY 2011 Interstate Battery 7703 #5 E. Owasso Exp. 2114/2011 2/20/2011 Yes MARCH 2011 117B S. Main St. 5/24/2011 5/28/2011 Yes Kirby Vacuums 11330 N. Garnett #M 3/1/2011 3/31/2011 Yes APRIL 2011 Apollo Services, Inc. 7732 N. Owasso Exp. #A 4/14/2011 4/29/2011 Yes Army Recruiting Office 9500 N. 129th E. Ave. 3/29/2011 4/28/2011 Yes MAY 2011 Loren & CW Houk 8819 N. 145th E. Ave. 5/12/2011 6/15/2011 Yes More2Love 117B S. Main St. 5/24/2011 5/28/2011 Yes JUNE 2011 Davita Dialysis 9521 N Owasso Exp. 1/7/2011 6/22/2011 Yes Charlie's Chicken 11651 E. 76th St. 3/4/2011 6/28/2011 Yes JULY 2011 Cat Clinic 9540 N. Garnett Rd. # 2118/2011 No Engineering Firm 302 E. 5th Ave # 711/2011 No Better Sound Owasso 9045 N 121 E Ave #1100 7115/2011 7/16/2011 Yes AUGUST 2011 SEPTEMBER 2011 OCTOBER 2011 NOVEMBER 2011 DECEMBER 2011 COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT JULY 2011 Month 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 January 0 0 0 1 2 9 4 4 1 1 3 2 February 2 1 1 5 5 3 2 r 0 1 1 3 March b 3 1 2 1 14 2 6 1 3 0 4 April 1 1 3 A 1 '0 A I 1 1 5 May 2 4 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 6 June 5 0 2 4 ... 3 A 1 1 0 eo 7 July 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 8 August 1 2 3 3 1 7 3 1 0 0 9 September 0 2 2 1 2 1 28 3 0 0 10 October 4 '0 1 4 1 0 0 11 November 5 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 12 December 1 :1 :1 1 0 1 Totals 27 23 12 23 23 43 48 20 9 10 7 YTD 17 io 6 16 is 30 11 13 7 7 7 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 JULY YEAR-TO-DATE COUNT Ivu I zvvz ZQUO ZUV4 LVVD ZVU0 LW/ zuuo Zuuy Zulu zu'l I .............................. ............................... ..................... ............ ............. ................. 6 6 i 3 7 JULY YEAR-TO-DATE DOLLARS 12,000,000 10,000,000 45,000,000 81000,000 40,000,000 6,000,000 30,000,000 4,000,000 25,000,000 2,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 0 'JULY 3 2009 2010 1 2011 10,000,000 5000000 1 . . . . . . . . . . 8,251,064 9,603,600 11,380,700 2,120,347 3705616 i NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5000000 1 . . . . . . . . . . 2007 2008 2009 2010 j 2013 f �TOTALI 44,833,444 20,771,125 12,830,700 1 45,670,347 3,705,616 W alercolours(12 /02) The Summit at Southern Links (6197) Sawgrass Park II (04/05) Remington Park II (11/04) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Preston Lakes (12100) Nottingham Hill (6 /09) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Estates IV (8101) Maple Glen II (1111) Maple Glen (12/08) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Lake Valley IV (512010) Keys Landing (3/08) Honey Creek (4102) Falls al Garrett Creek Amended (12105) Fall. at Garrott Creek (12105) Fairways VI (12100) Falrways V (8/99) Crescent Ridge (02108) Country Estates VI (11/03) Country Estates III (3/99) Champions West(5 (08) Champions East (05108) Carrington Pointe 1 (1111) Camelot Estates (4107) Burbarry Place (6/09) CITY OF OWASSO 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Developed CiTolal Lots — CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS July 31, 2011 SUBDIVISION Burberry Place (6/09) Camelot Estates (4107) Carrington Pointe 1 (1/11) Champions East (05/08) Champions West (5/08) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates VI (11/03) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways VI (12/00) Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Fails at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) Honey Creek (4/02) Keys Landing (3/08) Lake Valley IV (5/2010) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Maple Glen (12/08) Maple Glen II (1/11) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Hill (6/09) Preston Lakes (12/00) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Remington Park II (11/04) Sawgrass Park II (04105) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Watercolours (12/02) TOTALS # OF LOTS 89 139 171 66 45 61 37 101 71 42 85 24 202 131 114 235 98 93 20 44 58 272 147 84 96 31 40 2596 # DEVELOPED 31 43 18 6 2 58 36 93 57 40 84 22 198 90 44 147 92 30 17 43 8 243 143 82 94 26 31 1778 # AVAILABLE 58 96 153 60 43 3 1 8 14 2 1 2 4 41 70 88 6 63 3 1 50 29 4 2 2 5 9 818 RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT JULY 2011 Month 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 January 23 64 54 30 31 22 13 25 15 17 18 2 February 44 70 41 50 52 41 14 19 23 29 17 3 March 48 51 38 75 65 50 25 35 30 46 14 4 April 50 51 35 47 63 52 30 31 36 31 19 5 May 26 38 29 31 43 36 60 23 27 30 20 6 June 34 51 33 53 42 29 27 21 34 23 19 7 July 37 44 32 34 27 12 23 24 28 17 20 8 August 31 33 31 36 45 28 27 18 28 19 9 September 29 30 52 64 35. 12 17 40 20 11 10 October 31 31 48 42 30 25 31 15 36 13 11 November 24 26 35 31 32 13 26 10 13 1 12 December 29 35 51 35 53 16 8 6 13 9 Tolols 406 524 479 528 518 336 391 267 393 246 127 YTD 262 369 262 320 323 242 192 178 193 193 127 JULY YEAR-TO-DATE DOLLARS 35,000,000 . 111 111 25,000.000 20,000,000 111 ODD l.y 1111111 i`i�` {t {yn� �.,i f"R INh xL'I 1..111ttj� t3..�, r 11 008 2009 1 2010 1 2011 20,594164 916 45,000,000 30,000,000 TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 15,000,000 ____.— 0 ...... .. __ -• --1 i l 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 'TOTAL 32,720,596 ! 27,364,316 34,767,829 34,805,960 14,954.548