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2004.06.07_Planning Commission Agenda
Owasso Planning Commission 011.4 OF OWASSO 0 O� y�Pv pt� t J O9 D �NO OF THE June 7, 2004 7:00 PM PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: NOTICE FILED BY TITLE: Regular June 7, 2004 7:00 PM Old Central 109 N. Birch Duane Cuthbertson City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk and posted at t north entrance to City Hall at 12:00 PM on June 1, 2004. Duane Cuthbertson, City Planner OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, June 7, 2004 at 7:00 PM Old Central 109 N. Birch AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes from the May 10, 2004 Regular Meeting. 4. OZ 04 -07 — Request to rezone 0.68 acres located in the northwest comer of N. Garnett Rd. and E. 22' St. from OL to CG. 5. Final Plat — A request from Owasso Land Trust for the review and approval of Preston Lakes III final plat consisting of 147 lots on 6 blocks contained in 47.48 acres located in the E/2 of Section 22, T -21 -N, R -14 -E and adjacent to Preston Lakes II. 6. Preliminary Plat — A request from Kellogg Engineering for the review and approval of the Remington Place II preliminary plat consisting of 152 lots on 8 .blocks contained in 35.46 acres located 0.3 miles southeast of N. Garnett Rd. and E. 116 h St. N. south of Remington Place. 7. Preliminary Plat — A request from Tulsa Engineering & Planning Associates, Inc. for the review and approval of the Sawgrass Park II preliminary plat consisting of 98 lots in 6 blocks contained in 26.1481 acres located immediately east of Sawgrass Park I. 8. Site Plan — A request from John Davis for the review and approval of a site plan proposing an office condominium on .26 acres located at 8416 N. 123rd E. Ave. 9. Site Plan — A request from John Davis for the review and approval of a site plan proposing a office development on 1.28 acres located on lot 1 and the north half of lot 2 of Castle Point Commercial Park; Southeast of Owasso Expressway and E. 900` St. N. 10. Site Plan — A request from Kourtis Realty for the review and approval of a site plan proposing an addition to the Owasso Industrial Park located on Lot 6, Block 1 of the Owasso Industrial Park; south of E. 5's Avenue. 11. Discussion of new Planning Commission rules and procedures. 12. Announcement of upcoming Special Planning Commission meetings. 13. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 14. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 15. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 16. Adjournment. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, May 10, 2004 Owasso City Hall Annex 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Dale Prevett Duane Coppick Kevin Vanover MEMBERS ABSENT Marilyn Hinkle (in @ 6:35PM) STAFF PRESENT Duane Cuthbertson Rodney Ray Rickey Hayes Dan Salts Marsha Hensley Eric Wiles The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on May 4, 2004 at 12:00 PM. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3, CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 12, 2004 REGULAR MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of April 12, 2004 Regular Meeting, Duane Coppick moved, seconded by Kevin Vanover to approve the minutes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Dale Prevett — Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 4. OPUD 04 -01 — A request from Dominion Corporation to rezone 19.75 acres located in the northwest corner of E. 66`h St N. and N. 129`h E. Ave. from AG to OPUD 04 -01 (residential). Duane presented the item and described the property location. The proposed Planned Unit Development will follow the standards found under the RS -3 Residential Single - Family and RD Residential Duplex zoning designations. Twelve acres would be used for single - family detached residential development and 7.75 acres would be used for duplex residential development. The property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of 66`h Street North and 129`h East Avenue. Any future development on the property will be served by the City of Owasso and water by the City of Owasso. Staff published legal notice of the PUD request in the April 15, 2004 edition of the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property owners within a 300' radius. Staff recommends approval of OPUD- 04 -01. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 2 Ray Haynes moved to approve OPUD 04 -01, seconded by Dale Prevett. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett — Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 5. OPUD 04 -02 — A request from Dominion Corporation to rezone 20.05 acres located northeast of the intersection of N. 97 E. Avenue and E. 12151 St. N. from RS -3 to OPUD 04- 02 (residential). The Chair introduced the item and Duane Cuthbertson gave the staff review. The proposed OPUD 04 -02 will follow the standards found under the RS -3 zoning designation so as to guide the development of single - family homes. Staff published legal notices in the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property owners within a 300' radius of the property. Staff recommends approval. Chairperson Haynes asked if there were any comments from the. audience. Mr. John Dix a nearby property owner requested a brief presentation. Mr. Dix requested all attendees involved to stand. He stated that investments have been made by all these citizens and they want to retain their investments. Concerns were expressed regarding water pressure in the area and the minimum lot size proposed. Mr. Dix also explained that the majority of the property owners in this area were not aware this property was zoned RS -3 (Residential Single Family). He discussed several suggested requirements such as, minimum house size, metal outbuildings, perimeter fencing, etc. Mr. Tom Kimball commented on the suggested requirements and stated that 90% of the lots in this addition will be in excess of 6,600 sq ft. Dale Prevett moved to approve OPUD 04 -02, subject to the following requirements: 90% of all lots must be no less than 6,600 sq ft; landscaping plan due at the preliminary plat stage; preliminary plat to show a 6ft screening fence on all sides of the development. The motion was seconded by Ray Haynes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett — Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick — Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 3 6. OZ 04 -03 — A request to rezone 35.46 acres located immediately south of Remington Place, 3.0 miles southeast of the intersection of N. Garnett Rd. and E. 116`h St. N. from AG to RS- 3. The Chair introduced the case and Duane presented the item. The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property from AG to RS -3 with the intention of developing a residential subdivision. Residential development on the subject property would be serviceable and access could be gained from the three previously mentioned points to the north, east and west. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners and legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. Staff recommends approval of OZ- 04 -03, rezoning 35.46 acres from AG to RS -3. Several comments were made by nearby property owners regarding water run off and drainage. Mr. Wiles explained that these issues should be discussed at the platting stage. Ray Haynes moved to approve the rezoning of OZ- 04 -03, Marilyn Hinkle seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin.Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick —Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. OZ 04 -04 — A request to rezone 30.25 acres located in the 12300 block of N. Garnett Rd. from AG to RS -3. Duane presented the item and described the property location. The applicant's intention is to develop a residential subdivision. The development on the property would be serviceable and access could be gained internally from the previously mentioned stub in Country Estates V and N. Garnett Road. Letters were mailed to surround property owners and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. Staff recommends approval of OZ 04 -04. Ray Haynes moved to approve the rezoning of OZ 04 -04, Kevin Vanover seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick — Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 4 8. OZ 04 -05— A request to rezone 13.21 acres located 0.3 miles southwest of the intersection of N. 129`h E. Ave. and E. 96`h St. N. from RS -3 to RM -2. The Chair introduced the case and Duane gave staff review. The subject property lies within OPUD #1 which was approved in February 1978. The PUD was designated for multi - family use, but was never developed. Since no plat was filed within two years after the PUD was approved, the PUD is now void and has no bearing on the property. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. The staff recommends approval of OZ- 04 -05. Mr. Steve Compton, Manager of Tyann Development and owner of subject property was present to address concerns. Mr. Compton stated that access into the apartments would be mainly from the service road but will be detailed at the preliminary platting stage. He explained that the proposal is consistent with the Owasso 2010 Master Plan and creates an excellent transitional buffer between the residential and commercial property. A petition signed by approximately 205 surrounding property owners was presented (attached). The following are comments made by several nearby property owners: Robert Allen — 8912 N 125 E Ave - Concerns with the possible increase in crime, increase in traffic and decreased property values. Petition opposing the rezoning was presented. Kevin Cavanah — 8914 N 125 E Ave — Concerns with the proximity to the elementary school. City needs to consider what the school wants and consider the impact to the schools. Crime rates are higher in apartment dealings and apartments are not family friendly. Jay Dee Brumbaugh —12807 E 90 St No — Questioned access into the complex. The streets in Central Park subdivision are already busy enough, this will just increase traffic. Had questions regarding the process of gating an existing neighborhood in order to eliminate through traffic. Lane Stevens — 12618 E 90 St No — Not against developing single - family homes on this property but opposes multi- family. Eric Gregory — 12810 E 90 St No — Multi - family is inconsistent with surrounding property. Approval of rezoning this property would establish a precedent on future property wanting multi - family zoning. Shea Garrison — 8910 N 123 E Ave — Had safety concerns with apartments so near elementary school. Chervell Romero — 8912 N 123 E Ave — Concerns with the schools being overcrowded. They will become more crowed with apartments. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 5 Heather Satterwhite — 8909 N 125 E Ave — Opposes apartments. The reason she moved to Owasso was because it was a safe community, wants her home to continue to be protected. Shauna Brunner — 18415 Valley Ave Collinsville OK — Doesn't live by the proposed apartments but her children go to Smith Elementary. Opposes apartments next to the school. Eric Wiles, Community Development Director, reviewed the issues that can be discussed during a rezoning request. Commissioner Hinkle stated that apartments are a value to a community, whether it would be for a new family or a retired couple. Apartment residents are not second grade citizens and we must consider what is good for Owasso. After lengthy discussion, Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the rezoning of OZ 04 -05, Ray Haynes seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick — Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 9. OZ 04 -06 - A request to rezone 58.5 acres located southeast of the intersection of E. 96`h St. N. and N. Garnett Rd. adjacent to U.S. Hwy 169 from AG to CS. The Chair introduced the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. If approved the applicant wants to develop a commercial shopping center. In April, 1995 the Smith Farms was rezoned to OPUD -13 which called for a mix of Office, Commercial and Industrial, since no plat was filed within two years after the PUD was approved, the PUD is now void. The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Plat containing 15 lots on 2 blocks for a proposed shopping center. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owner and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. Staff recommends approval of OZ- 04-06, rezoning approximately 58.5 acres from AG to CS. Ray Haynes moved to approve the rezoning of OZ 04 -06, Duane Coppick seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 6 10. Easement Closure — Request from E. Robert Buss to allow for the closure of an Utility Easement located adjacent to and on the east side of the U.S. Hwy 169 right -of -way between E. 103`d St. N. and N. 138`h E. Ave. Duane presented the item to the Commissioners. The applicant is requesting a closure of the entire easement along the western boundary of the development area in addition to the section in the bowling alley parcel. The applicant has cleared the requested easement closure with all applicable utility providers. Staff recommends approval of the easement closure requested by E. Robert Buss. Ray Haynes moved to approve the easement closure located on the east side of the US Highway 169 right -of -way between E. 103'd St. N. and N. 138`h E. Ave. Kevin Vanover seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. Chairperson Haynes requested a 10 minute recess at 8:55 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 9:05 PM. 11. Site Plan — Request for the approval of a site plan proposing retail/commercial development on 1.25 acres located at 8525 N. 117`h E. Ave The Chair introduced the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. The applicant is proposing an additional 5,300 sq. ft. building attached to the eastern end of the existing structure. This parcel is currently zoned CS (Commercial Shopping). No new curb cuts are anticipated and the site plan shows ample parking spaces. Staff recommends approval of the Goodwill Store Site Plan contingent on the execution of TAC conditions. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan and provided the following comments: 1. Provide Owasso Fire Marshal with access to security gates to the property. Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan request subject to the above Staff and TAC recommendation, Dale Prevett seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I, Jerry W. Ledford, of Tulsa Engineering & Planning Associates, Inc., a Professional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Oklahoma, hereby certify that I have carefully and accurately surveyed, subdivided, and platted the tract of land described above, and that the accompanying plat designated herein as "Sawgrass Park H at Bailey Ranch ", a subdivision in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, is a representation of the survey made on the ground using generally accepted land surveying practices and meets or exceeds the Oklahoma Minimum Standards for the Practice of Land Surveying as adopted. Executed this _ day of State of Oklahoma ) ) s.s. County of Tulsa ) 2004. Jerry W. Ledford Registered Professional Land Surveyor Before me the undersigned, a notary public in and for said county and state, on this _ day of 2004, personally appeared Jerry W. Ledford, to me known to be the identical person who subscribed his name as Registered Professional Land Surveyor to the foregoing Certificate of Survey and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal the day and year last written above. (SEAL) D. Sue Mitchell, Notary Public My commission no. 01004303 expires March 27, 2005. FADatalEGAU2004104019.001 DOD - SAWGRASS PARK II.wpd Page 8 of 9 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL I hereby certify that this Plat was approved by the Owasso City Council on this _day of , 2004. 0 Gary Cochran, Mayor This approval is void if the above signature is not endorsed by the City Clerk. R-N Sherry Bishop, City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF TREASURER I hereby certify that all real estate taxes involved in this plat have been paid as reflected by the current tax rolls. Security as required has been provided in the amount of $ per trust receipt no to be applied to taxes. This certificate is NOT to be construed as payment of taxes in full but is given in order that this plat may be filed on record. taxes may exceed the amount of the security deposit. Dated UZ Dennis Semler, Tulsa County Treasurer Deputy F:\Data\LEGAL\2004 \04019.001 DOD • SAWGRASS PARK II.wpd Page 9 of 9 I ma A v�4 BAILEY RANCH ESTATES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT (Ref. 409) OWNER: O. L. T. Development, LLC P.O. Box 240 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272 -5338 �I rirrl� ��rr„"` f// ` Q,pFESS�� j ZZ0 . ` 1359 8 • �` �/ �'4AHOO 01%, , PREPARED BY: DLH Engineering, Inc. (OKCA1703 6130101) 8555 N. 117th E. Ave., Suite 204 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272 -7552 Fax: (918) 272 -9039 Email: dlhpeQfullnet.net May 25, 2000 Rev. July 25,2000 Rev. August 4, 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT MASTER PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATISTICAL SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS PROPERTY OWNER'S ASSOCIATION SURROUNDING ZONING LOT DESIGN TOPOGRAPHY 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 Development Concept Bailey Ranch Estates Planned Unit Development Amendment is comprised of 79.32 acres in Owasso. The property is located on the East side of old Hwy 169 one quarter mile north of 96`s Street N. A PUD was previously approved on this tract, by the City of Owasso. Bailey Ranch Estates PUD Amendment is a low density single family community having common open space and a private park system. Bailey Ranch Estates PUD Amendment consists of 278 home sites that will blend, both architecturally and stylistically, with the surrounding area. The subdivision is characterized by gently to moderately rolling terrain with some mature trees. The subdivision is bordered by a rural subdivision on the East and large agricultural tracts along the North and South boundaries of the subdivision. Consequently, the subdivision will enjoy the permanent visual effect of a remote, secluded area. The subdivision will have one entrance from Garnett (Old Hwy 169). One existing entrance will have a 70 foot right of way to accommodate a landscaped center median and decorative entry walls. The new entrance will have approximately 50 foot right of way. 2 �W a fA n $�e q6 a © © ©000�oo�eoo� 00000111000 ®�� ©oo © © ©ooOOOOOI s 10111111000000 00 1101111 X01100 °� 1111010 ®ooAO o�� o 0 oo�o 0 0 1oil = a logo � 010. �11i1v ale 000 ,� ° © • ©. ■ 01 x,1001011011100 ■ ..s�saees���s■ y�y :o 4b�0 W IC 1 .�1FF;t�t71'HIfAF: t1J�� LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE N.W. 1/4 AND PART OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE S.1 /2, N.W. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE S01'1 01 9"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE S 1/2, N.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 17 A DISTANCE OF 1145.08; THENCE N88'49'41 "E A DISTANCE OF 190.00; THENCE N01 °10'19 "W A DISTANCE OF 15.00; THENCE N88'49'41 "E A DISTANCE OF 180.00; THENCE S01 010'19 "E A DISTANCE OF 9.19; THENCE S73 °25'02 "E A DISTANCE OF 398.26; THENCE S49 °22'05 "E A DISTANCE OF 219.77; THENCE S46° 12'55 "E A DISTANCE OF 161.40; THENCE N78 °00'02 "E A DISTANCE OF 125.14; THENCE N40 018'08"E A DISTANCE OF 302.15; THENCE S41 °07'38 "E A DISTANCE OF 27.90; THENCE N85 025'21 "E ADISTANCE OF 203.06; THENCE S02 °34'39 "E ADISTANCE OF 17.98; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 150.00', AN ARC LENGTH OF 41.28' AND A CHORD BEARING OF S05 ° 18'23 "W, CHORD LENGTH OF 41.15; THENCE S76 °48'32 "E A DISTANCE OF 157.28; THENCE S07 °50'21 "E A DISTANCE OF 41.87; THENCE N72 °30'06 "E A DISTANCE OF 376.99; THENCE N88 049'41 "E A DISTANCE OF 561.89; THENCE N01 *14'12"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE S1/2, N.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 17 A DISTANCE OF 1319.08' TO THE N.E. CORNER S 1/2, N.W. 1/4; THENCE S88 °43'18 "W A DISTANCE OF 2646.18' TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING ", CONTAINING 79.32 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 0 Statistical Summary Project Area Gross acres Right of Way for Arterial Streets E E79.32 3 acres Park Area 6.90 acres Development Area Net 54.79 acres Total Dwelling Units 278 Average Lot Size 8585 sq. ft. Minimum Floor Area North & East Perimeter Lots Remainder of Lots 2200 sq. ft. 1700 sq. ft. DENSITY PERMITTED BY R3 ZONING 8400 sf /du = (79.32 ac x 43560 sf / 8400) = 411 Dwelling Units OPEN SPACE CALCULATION Req'd Open Space = 4,000 per du Total Req'd 278 x 4,000 = 1,112,000 sq. ft. OPEN SPACE PROVIDED Typical Lot (8585 sq. ft.) Building Coverage 1900 sq. ft. Driveway 500 sq. ft. Landscaped Yard 6185 sq. ft. Total 8585 sq. ft. AGGREGATE SUBDIVISION OPEN SPACE 278 lots x 6685 sq. ft. = 1,858,430 sq. ft. Common Open Space (Park) 6.90 ac x 43560 = 300,564 sq. ft. Total = 2,158,994 9 Development Standards Development Standards: Permitted Uses single family detached dwellings Maximum dwelling units 278 Minimum common open space 6.90 acres gross Area Requirements: Minimum Lot Size 7000 sq. ft. Minimum Street Frontage 65 feet * Minimum Front Yard 25 feet Minimum Rear Yard 20'** Minimum Side Yards 10 feet one side / 5 feet other side Floor Area Minimum: North & East Lots 2,200 sq. ft. Remainder of Lots 1,700 sq. ft. * North and East perimeter lots will average 70' in width. ** North and East perimeter lots will have a rear yard setback of 50'. Property Owner's Association A property owner's association will be established at Bailey Ranch Estates to maintain the private park and other resource areas. These areas are to be attractively landscaped with playground equipment installed by the developer and conveyed to the property owner's association for maintenance._ Final documents of the Bailey Ranch Estates Property Owner's Association will be filed prior to the conveyance of new lots and will include the maintenance agreement and other specific rights and requirements for association members. U Z z 2 0 Z a O " LL N WN 0 cl Z o Z N W z aZ UJ O J F U Qi w a e a &6p p. d 0111000monummum0� _ AA00 ®©AAOAAAAA © :: 0©o000 IN AAAAA©�AOAAAAA ®000000 ®OOAAOAA AO 11A0 0�0 A ■ A AAAA v A � � AAA oAA© 00© � AAA aA a !►e �° °AA'°'i AAA ai0 �►© AAAAA � ® ANOOOOVVO���O A AMEN no000�1AA 10 avow Sdgxw!) Mom ei mood a 46 §§§§§§\§_ / #§ A I CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ELM CREEK CONDONIIPRUMS LOT 6 SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT The City of Owasso has received a request from John K. Davis, applicant, for the review of a site plan for an Elm Creek Office Condominium on 0.26 acres, more or less. LOCATION The subject property is located at 8416 N. 123d E. Avenue, Owasso, OK. The subject property is located south of the Farmers Insurance office. EXISTING LAND USE Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Office South: Vacant residential lot East: Sequoyah Pointe living center, assisted living center West: Elm Creek PRESENT ZONING OL — (Office Light District) SURROUNDING ZONING North: OL (Office Light District) South: RS -3 (Residential Single- Family District) East: RM -1 (Residential Multi - Family District) West: Beyond Elm Creek the property is zoned RS -3. ANALYSIS The requested site plan review from John K Davis is in anticipation of the development of a 2,960 ft 2 commercial office suite at 8416 N. 123`d E. Avenue. The subject property is zoned OL — Office Light district and according to the Owasso Zoning Code a commercial office suite is categorized under Use Unit # 11 (Offices and Studios) and is allowed by right. The proposed development is not in conflict with the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan as it calls for moderate commercial/office activity in the area. By reason of potential adverse effects on public services or to neighboring land uses, site plan review and approval is required for any commercial developments for the purposes of assuring proper accessibility, circulation, functional relationships of uses, and compatibility with adjoining and nearby development. No building permit shall be issued nor use commenced within this development except in accordance with an approved site plan. In order to maximize the site and remain clear of the irregularly shaped utility easement along the southern and western property lines the applicant has chosen to orient the building to extend east/west and to front the south. The applicant will be required to provide screening between the subject property and the residentially zoned property immediately to the south. Although there is no required side or rear yard setback the applicant has chosen to provide a 5' clearance between the proposed-building and the northern property line. The site plan proposes one curb cut into the adjacent public street. The proposed curb cut is situated at least 50' from the northern property line allowing for the minimum spacing between curb cuts into a public non - arterial street. A sidewalk will be constructed along N. 123'd E. Ave. as a part of the development of the subject lot. The applicant has provided more than enough spaces for parking. The spaces along the east side of the building will be consolidated into one Handicapped Accessible space due to the lack of circulation space provided on that side of the building to serve those spaces. Even with the consolidation the site plan provides the required parking. According to the site plan the western 4/5 of the development will drain directly to the Elm Creek channel located adjacent to the subject property to the west and the eastern 115 of the property will drain to the street and eventually be carried to Elm creek, however the specific drainage details must be approved by the Owasso public works department before a building permit may be issued. The utilities and easements have been adequately established on the plans. The site will be served water and sewer by the City of Owasso. The applicant has stated that all required information is illustrated on the plans submitted. The Elm Creek office condominium site plan satisfactorily meets the requirements set forth in the Owasso Zoning Code, Subdivision Regulations and Engineering specifications with the exception of the requirements stated as part of the Technical Advisory Committee recommendations. The lot and block specifications for this site are more than adequate for the placement of a facility such as that proposed in this site plan. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the Elm Creek Condominium Lot 6 site plan at their May 26, 2004 regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the application and request any changes or modifications. The following comments were provided: 1. Provide a screening fence along the south perimeter of the property. 2. Condense the parldng spaces on the east side of the building site into one space contiguous with the south side spaces. 3. Address the property 8416 N. 123d E. Avenue. Staff recommends approval of the Elm Creek Condominium Lot 6 site plan contingent on the successful execution of the Technical Advisory Committee conditions. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map. 2. Elm Creek Condominium Lot 6 site plan Application. -- 3. Elm Creek Condominium Lot 6 site plan. E. 86th St. N. I Subject MM roper Owasso Community Site Plan Development Department 111 N. Main St. Elm Creek Condominiums Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 Lot 6 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com 8416 N. 123rd E. Avenue Mry Ik P CITY OF 01VASSO P.O. BOX 180 0 WAS S0, OKLAHO.' VLk 74 05 5 (9I8) 2 72 -2251 FAX (913) 272 -4997 TYPE OF DEVELOPMEN Retail/Commercial ❑ Office ❑ Industrial NAME OF DEVELOPMENT C lG& LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND ADDRESS OF INFORMATION SITE PLAN APPLICATION fee 1 -d, < t feet SETBACK ' (from center ofstreet) SITE Total Floor Area Total Standar Handic� INFORMATION (non - residential) Parking Parking ©00 sqn. 1s Access. RESIDENTIAL I No. of Single - Family I No. of Duplex Dwellings INFORMATION Dwellings ❑ Multi- Family Residential ❑ Planned Unit Development ❑ Other w — ,rreguiar or a ? flag lot? ices W corner lot, from center of trr,e1) �. feet sFSpace feet Loading Berths No. of b— / [ulti- Farnil Dwellin s IBRM Units 2 +BP�M Units Please submit the completed application form and $25 application fee, along with the completed Site Plan Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Site Plans are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Site Plan will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the app cant's consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commissi m tings at which the Site Plan will be reviewed. kPPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE�Zo_pc,/ - -..... ............ n nnq l; lgry AC MEETING DATE OPC MEETING DATE L' ITTAL DATE ZONING DISTRICT EE RECEIPT NUMBER APPROVED DENIED cri 0) W D LO r I W a a) LL Co c Q (0-5 Z) m r co O 6 N T— U j C Q t6 � w c a) N N fli Z Eco co d' U- CD ro b .c L O a N -j", c m � M ` a U V V cn .n t6 E c C O � O E _ O m � cu D � � Y C W U c J co N N r cri 0) W D LO r I W a a) LL Co c Q (0-5 Z) m r co O 6 N T— U j C Q t6 � w c a) N N fli Z Eco co d' U- CD ro b .c L O a N -j", c m � M Y RID: I: J N Q W 0 M co N Z ` a U V V k t6 c � co � F 4 � O W fII Q C W N a co N N N L Z k) , J00 Y RID: I: J N Q W 0 M co N Z CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ARMSTRONG CENTER SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT The City of Owasso has received a request from John K Davis, applicant, for the review of a site plan for an office development on 1.29 acres, more or less. HEARING DATE: June 7, 2004 LOCATION The subject property is located in the southeast corner of Owasso Expressway and E. 90'b St N. immediately north of Children's Depot child care facility. EXISTING LAND USE Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USE North: U.S. Hwy 169 South: The Children's Depot child care center East: Three Lakes Residential development West: U.S. Hwy 169 CG /OM — (Commercial General/Office Medium District) SURROUNDING ZONING North: U.S. Hwy 169 South: CG /OM (Commercial General/Office Medium District) East: RS -3 (Residential Single - Family District) West: U.S. Hwy 169 RELEVANT ZONING HISTORY March_ 1995: the property was rezoned from AG to a combination of CG and OM. A majority of the property was rezoned to CG while a thin sliver of property abutting the eastern property line was rezoned OM to provide a height buffer between the subject property and the residential development to the east. March. 1997: the Owasso Planning Commission approved a lot split for Lot 2 of Castle Point splitting the property into two parcels so that the southern portion would be used for the Children's Depot development. The northern half of that lot split is being utilized as part of the subject site development. ANALYSIS By reason of potential adverse effects on public services or to neighboring land uses, site plan review and approval is required for any commercial developments for the purposes of assuring proper accessibility, circulation, functional relationships of uses, and compatibility with adjoining and nearby development. No building permit shall be issued nor use commenced within this development except in accordance with an approved site plan. The requested site plan review from John K Davis is in anticipation of the development of two commercial office buildings on property fronting the Owasso Expressway between 86's St. N. and 9e St. N. The subject property is primarily zoned CG — Commercial General with a buffer strip zoned OM - Office Medium district separating the subject site from the residential development to the east. According to the Owasso Zoning Code a commercial office building is typically categorized under Use Unit # 11 (Offices and Studios) and is allowed by right in both CG and OM districts. The proposed development is not in conflict with the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan as it calls for moderate commercial/office activity in the area Tyann Development Company is currently in the process of extending the Owasso Expressway service road from its southern terminus just north of the subject property to the stub just south of 96x' St. N., adjacent to Home Depot. This service road, once connected will provide an additional link between Owasso's two busiest commercial corridors, 80s and 96x` streets and provide an additional north/south passage to the city. The Armstrong Center plans show access gained from the Owasso Expressway service road. The plans also propose an internal connection between the site's parking lot and the Children's Depot lot to the south. However it has been determined that additional vehicular access to a child care facility would not be desirable, therefore the internal connection will be eliminated. The improvement of the service road will better accommodate traffic flow to and from the proposed development. The subject property lies within a platted development planned with a regional detention system. Drainage from the property should flow through the drainage easement situated in the southeast corner of the site to a detention facility south of Children's Depot The drainage and detention must be approved by the Owasso public works department before a building permit may be issued. The layout of the property meets the requirements of the Owasso Zoning Code, specifically the spacing and setback standards. The plans propose more than an adequate number of parking spaces. The property will be served sewer and water by the City of Owasso. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the Armstrong Center site plan at their May 26, 2004 regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the application and request any changes or modifications. The Committee had the following comments: 1. Provide a screening fence along the eastern perimeter of the property abutting the residentially zoned districts. 2. Ensure that a sidewalk be placed along the entire perimeter abutting the Owasso Expressway service road. 3. Ensure that panting spaces are to zoning code specifications (including required HC spaces). 4. If parking spaces are 18' long ensure that the 2' hang -over is accounted for in all parking islands and building perimeter walkways. Walkways must maintain a 4' passable width and landscaping in the parking lot islands must not obstruct the 2' parking hang -over. 5. Demonstrate on the plans existing and future locations of utilities. 6. Provide a site grading plan showing existing and proposed spot elevations and /or contours. 7. Delineate between curb and gutter, edge of pavement and parking stops. 8. Provide site drainage details that present location and definition of materials. 9. Ensure that driveway permits are secured from ODOT, if necessary. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee determined that an inadequate amount of information was presented as a part of the Armstrong Center site plan to provide a proper review of the plans. The site plan did not provide enough detail to illustrate adequate site grading or drainage. Utilities were not specifically identified nor were curb and gutter, edge of pavement or parking stops. Parking space dimensions were not sized and may require modification which could alter the layout of the site plan. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission table the review of the Armstrong Center site plan until the next meeting to allow the applicant adequate time to address issues raised by the Technical Advisory Committee. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map. 2, Armstrong Center site plan Application. I Armstrong Center site plan. w r �p In Subje Owasso Community Site Plan Development Department 111 N. Main St. Armstrong Center Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com SE corner of Owasso Expwy and E. 90th St. N Moy 14 ' CITY OF O 1fASSO P.O. BOX 130 OWASSO, OKLAIIOM 74055 (913) 272 -2251 FAX (913) 272 -4997 TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT Retail/Commercial ❑ Office ❑ Industrial NAME OF DEVELOPMENT A kv�S LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND ADDRESS OF V, . SITE PLANT APPLICATION ❑ Multi- Family Residential ❑ Planned Unit Development ❑ Other I r _ — - ---�- ADDRESS riv9.iLNEE;RlARCHITECT' PHONE FAX ADDRESS 1-17.. ... :EE] PHONE FAX LOT *)RMATION rontage Average Dep Lot Area s /' ' -' is or irregu ar or a Buu.ntNG t _,. feet ' feet flag lot? ;s .ft dyes SETBACK Front Rea (from center of street) ❑ No Sides (If corner lot, from center of street) SITE I,YFOR'vIATION feet Total Floor Area Total Standar feet Handicap Access. feet Loading Berths No. of Signs Total (non- residentiao Parking Parking Sign i Area RESIDENTIAL INFORMATION No. of Single- Family No. of Duplex Dwellings Dwellings Multi -Famil Dwellin s To I Livability IBRM Units 2 +gtZy Units Space sq.R Please submit the completed application form and $25 application fee, along with the completed Site Plan Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Site Plans are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Site Plan will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the applic t "s consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Com • sl eetinot which the Site Plan will be reviewed. 4PPLICANT SIGNATURE Y_ � � DATE y — -2, & — C%S A MEETING DATE L ._,ITTAL DATE EE RECEIPT NiIM ER =L �I i I CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OWASSO INDUSTRIAL PARK LOT 6 ADDITION SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT The City of Owasso has received a request from Kourtis Realty, applicant/owner, for the review of a site plan. The applicant is proposing the development of additional warehouse type buildings on the southern (rear) lot (Lot 6) of an existing industrial warehouse complex The lot on which the development will occur is approximately 7.42 acres. HEARING DATE: June 7, 2004 LOCATION The subject property is located south of the 300 block of E. 5a' Avenue. EXISTING LAND USE Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Owasso Industrial Park warehouse buildings South: Vacant East: Vacant West: Vacant IL (Light Industrial District) SURROUNDING ZONING The site is surrounded by property zoned IL (Light Industrial District) to the north, east and west. The property to the south is zoned AG (Agricultural District) ZONING HISTORY In August, 1997, the Owasso Planning Commission unanimously approved the Owasso Industrial Park Final Plat establishing the subject lot. In 1998, the Owasso Planning Commission unanimously approved a site plan illustrating the development that currently exists on lots 1 -5 immediately north of the subject site. ANALYSIS The requested site plan review from Kourtis Realty is in anticipation of the development of Lot 6 in the southern section of the Owasso Industrial Park. It is anticipated that the new development will be very similar to the existing warehouse development in the complex. The applicant is proposing four warehouse style buildings for the site, again the character of these buildings will be very similar to those found on the lots immediately north of the subject site, metal buildings divided into tenant spaces. This parcel of property is currently zoned IL — Light Industrial. According to the Owasso Zoning Code metal warehouse structures are typically categorized under Use Unit # 22 (Warehousing and Wholesaling) and are allowed by right in an IL district. The proposed development is consistent with the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan as it calls for light industrial activity in the area By reason of potential adverse effects on public services or to neighboring land uses, site plan review and approval is required for any commercial developments for the purposes of assuring proper accessibility, circulation, functional relationships of uses, and compatibility with adjoining and nearby development No building permit shall be issued nor use commenced within this development except in accordance with an approved site plan. Although there is no separate utility plan, the engineer representing the applicant has stated that adequate utility details have been provided within the submitted drawings. Additionally, no landscaping plan was submitted with the drawings. The developer is proposing to construct four (4) warehouse buildings on the site. The two buildings situated east on the site will consist of 19,200 ft2 each and the two smaller buildings situated west on the site are proposed to consist of 5,000 ft2 each According to the proposed site plan the property will not derive direct access from any public street; access will be provided through driveways established in Mutual Access Easements that extend south through the development from E. 5th Avenue. The Mutual Access Easements would guarantee public access to the separate lot. Parking has been shown on the plans for the two western buildings but not the longer eastern buildings. Many factors will need to be considered while determining the adequate number of spaces needed for the development. Because the buildings could be divided into separate tenant spaces and be leased to differing uses (zoning categories) there is no real way of determining exactly how many spaces will be required at this stage in the development because different use units require different amounts of parking per square footage of building. To ensure a proper layout, the parking stalls should be illustrated to show that spacing between and around the buildings are adequate. Ensuring that a particular use has the required number of parking spaces is one of the functions of an Occupancy permit, which is a certificate that is required of all occupants of the proposed buildings before occupancy. The occupancy permit allows city staff to inspect the building and site to ensure that all code requirements are being maintained City staff can ensure parking provisions are met during an occupancy inspection. The site plan includes plans for an on -site detention facility located to southeast of the structural development During the site plan review for Lots 1 -5 of the Owasso Industrial Park, detention was addressed as being accommodated on Lot 6, the subject property. The site will be served water and sewer by the City of Owasso. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the Owasso Industrial Park addition Site Plan at the May 26, 2004 regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the application and request any changes or modifications. The following comments were provided: 1. Relocate the two eastern buildings out of the platted detention area or file for a plat amendment relocating the detention area. 2. Illustrate detention freeboard above the 500 year flood elevation. 3. Provide details illustrating the - ability of the planned detention area to accommodate the off -site flows of Lots 1— 5 of the Owasso Industrial Park. 4. Show extent of pavement on the plans. 5. Provide clarification on the improvements of the pavement to the west of the site. Will there be an access way there? 6. Illustrate adequate space for emergency access around the southern side of the site. 7. Provide a parking plan between the two longer buildings on the east side of the site. 8. Identify the 100 year flood plain on the plans. 9. Coordinate Fire Hydrant location with the Owasso Fire Marshal. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee determined that an inadequate amount of information was presented as a part of the Owasso Industrial Park Lot 6 site plan to provide a proper review of the plans. The site plan did not provide enough detail to illustrate adequate site drainage. The extent of pavement was not specifically identified on the plans and is needed to show proper access, circulation and determine drainage. Spacing details are not clear along the southern perimeter of the development and may require modification to ensure emergency access is not hindered which could alter the layout of the site plan. A representative for the engineer was present at the meeting but was not in a position to answer many questions regarding the site plan. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission table the review of the Owasso Industrial Park site plan until the next scheduled meeting to allow the applicant adequate time to address issues raised by the Technical Advisory Committee. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map, 2. Owasso Industrial Park Site Plan Application. 3. Owasso Industrial Park Site Plan. Owasso Community Development Department 111 N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com i I I Y Sobj. Site Plan sso Industrial Park Lot 6 addition South of the 300 Block of E. 5th Avenue Yvr t4 20D4 CITY OF OWASSO P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4997 SITE PLAN APPLICATION TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT ❑ Retail/Commercial ❑ Multi- Family Residential R Office ❑ Planned Unit Development Industrial ❑ Other NAME OF DEVELOPMENT ()i 35SU I>^rlt�siCi' (�,arjG LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND ADDRESS OF SITE e tr c- t�c:I;s (auQttSrr si 3rrt a eAri r.{ i'ha t Z o• {hr 1. 4 c- S c• 31 i 1 -h 2i 'fit I+�w t4 c LOT Frontage Average Depth Lot Area Is this lot nregu far or a INFORMATION 'LL +. 1 'L ( ., -, ? `J t' 3'23;'Ztty flag lot? I feet feet s .ft. XYes [I No BUILDING Front - o % Rear Sides (If comer lot, from center of street) SETBACK (from center of street) G y 11 f feet feet feet feet SITE Total Floor Area ITotal Standaz Handicap Access. I Loading Berths No. of Signs Total Sign INFORMATION residential) Parkin V Parking I Area ,}(non- 49 4 no sq., . �' (y I l It sq.ft RESIDENTIAL Single- Family No. of Duplex Dwellings LMulti-Fami]yDwellinjzs I Tot 1 Livability IBRM units z +BRM Units INo.of INFORMATION Dwellings g Space � � �+•A Iv•A isi,A - sq.ft. 2 Please submit the completed application form and $25 application fee, along with the completed Site Plan Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Site Plans are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Site Plan will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings at which the Site Plan will be reviewed. APPLICANT SIGNATURES -� L- DATE :, FOR INTERNAL OFFtGE USE `. TAC MEETING DATE OPC MEETING DATE SUBMITTAL DATE ZONING DISTRICT FEE RECEIPT NUMBER APPROVED DENIED d d p - b- �66606E . m g h O a �DCA i s F $Q 0 §11=si pc Rp a e OF cm al mama e 0 !-m al2ZIQ �R _ 22 °ar�mF�'1 rnm~�A� � �Sv A]10� xo �mm A DpSr gmy V �cyv�o n�N; om OZ i ,On o AnN'c mg An 3 q �6� fz g7v7gglipgo g a �.::- •.QQ7 q:e ami m Ell a H All $ -SJ. pjlix 3 3RD O- inl ss ? q q P C ggq��i��ql��� - N i 5B iRRRi gpgp6F8 °9994 9ga$q> Rp� p FFFF C f: n o 01 E `94 i B SRY HggcH qql: Hfgg ... 4 1� Al g�'°°a",��1 �J j� 9 t ! bsnxc W. OTA WAI A iE$E��N D 'RRRRRR�{ x�yhaa ` EAPf 51 A� 5 I NAY9'E �L M Zz J se § "� E 5§ gg °E �PPj T m N Jj1Gzz jy� i1lxrg? ��gppglI v <p sIt2 Rs� Jai /Z oil N4Y Y 4 5j K G q 9H 4E bsnxc W. OTA WAI x�yhaa ` EAPf 51 A� I NAY9'E �L M y i Y � xvuyY• i> M J ss Imp 99 3P P3 s°iRfi a 4a a 9P qRp a a• _ — i rim C£L � IX LSD ° °unc myc r_x Fwsnxc r. 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IFS i r r R ii i r 1. 1 D �I : : !'9 : : : 031. .I pa°� 3 °1 Q \ �;� 2 soI ep ie Z I I SCI NDP I N s c - - 4 N> 9 CI 19'� L_ -------- W-1. ------------ J _ ;_ _ ___ __ _____ ___ -_1 � 1 I � f Oa>BSr E 5 �pxe� g w8 �i g r : i : s : a 2 i � x x : I I : i I 8 : i : : � P pqx � : g : : 15 r °4 : : i : Pig ____�� ___PR _ � � : : : r : : : : : : r : : : or Thence N 21 050155" W along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 152.69 feet; Thence N 04 °53'03" E along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 41.88 feet; Thence N 82 042100" W along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 129.69 feet to a non - tangent curve to the left; Thence along a non - tangent curve to the left and along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch ", with an initial tangent bearing of N 21 °17'43" E, a central angel of 1 °12'36 ", a radius of 325.00 feet and an arc length of 6.86 feet; Thence N 71 °22'04" W along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 166.88 feet; Thence N 00 000'00" E along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 69.49 feet; Thence N 12 049133" E along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 28.52 feet; Thence N 77 010127" W along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 115.00 feet; Thence N 12 °49'33" E along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 35.83 feet; Thence N 77 010127" W along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 165.00 feet; Thence N 12 °49'33" E along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 104.21 feet; Thence N 01 116'42" W along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 97.81 feet; ThenceN 88 °43' 18" E along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 21.95 feet; Thence N 01 °16'42" W along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 189.68 feet to the North line of the S/2 of the NW /4 of Section 17; Thence N 88 °44'01" E along the North line of the S/2 of the NW /4 of Section 17 a distance of 1167.59 feet to the "Point of Beginning'; F:\Data\L.EGAL\2004 \04019.001 DOD - SAWGRASS PARK II.wpd Page 2 of 9 Said tract contains 1,139,013 square feet or 26.1481 acres. The non - astronomic bearings for said tract are based on an assumed bearing ofN 01'10'19" W along the West line of the NW /4 of Section 17, T -21 -N, R -14 -E of the Indian Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the Official U.S. Government Survey thereof has caused the same to be engineered, surveyed, staked and platted into lots, blocks, and streets in conformity to the accompanying plat and survey thereof, which plat is made a part hereof (the "Plat,), and has caused the same to be named Sawgrass Park H at Bailey Ranch, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma (the "Addition"). Public Streets and Utility Easements. The Developer dedicates to the public, for public use forever, the easements and rights -of -way as shown on the Plat for the several purposes of constructing, maintaining, operating, repairing and replacing any and all streets and public utilities, including but not limited to, storm sewer drainage, communication lines, electric power lines, cable television lines, transformers, pedestals, gas and water lines, together with all fittings and equipment for each such facility and any other appurtenances thereto, with the right of ingress and egress to and upon said easements and rights -of -way for the uses and purposes thereof. CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS 2. Underground and Electric and Communication Service In connection with the installation of underground electric, telephone, communication and cable television services, all Lots are subject to the following: A. Overhead pole lines for the supply ofelectric service, telephone, communication and cable television service may only be located along the North, East and South perimeterproperty lines of the Addition. Street light poles or standards may be served by underground cable, and elsewhere throughout the Addition, all supply lines shall be located underground in the easement ways reserved for general utilities and streets shown on the plat. Service pedestals and transformers as sources of supply at secondary voltages, may be also located in such easement ways. B. Except to houses and structures on Lots adjacent to overhead lines as described in subparagraph (A) above, which may be served from overhead electric service lines, telephone lines and cable television cables, underground service cables to all houses which may be located on all Lots in said Addition may be run from the nearest service pedestal or transformer to the point of usage determined by the location and construction of such house as may be located upon each said Lot; provided that upon the installation of such a service cable to a particular house, the supplier of electric service, telephone, communication or cable television service shall thereafter be deemed to have a definitive, permanent, effective and exclusive right -of -way easement on each Lot covering afive foot (5.0') strip extending Two and One -half feet (2.5') on each side of such service cable FADaWLEGAD2004 \04019.001 DOD - SAWGRASS PARK If. wpd Page 3 of 9 extending from the service pedestal or transformer to the service entrance on said house. C. The supplier of electric, telephone, communication and cable television service, through its proper agents and employees, shall at all times have the right of access to all such easement ways shown on the plat or provided for in this Dedication for the purposes of installing, maintaining, removing, or replacing any portion of said underground electric, telephone, communication or cable television so installed by it. D. The Owner of each Lot shall be responsible for the protection of the underground electric, telephone, communication and cable television facilities located on such Owner's property and shall prevent the alteration of grade or any construction activity which may interfere with said electric, telephone, communication or cable television facilities. Such utility companywill be responsible for ordinary maintenance ofunderground electric, telephone, communication or cable television facilities, but the Owner will pay for the damage or relocation of such facilities caused or necessitated by acts of the Owner, its agents or contractors. E. The foregoing covenants concerning underground electric, telephone, communication and cable television facilities shall be enforceable by the supplier of electric, telephone, communication or cable television service, and the Owner of each Lot agrees to be bound thereby. Underground Gas Service. Underground service lines to all homes may be run from the nearest service connection to the point of usage determined by the location and construction of the home; provided, that upon the installation of such a service line to a home, the supplier of gas service shall thereafter be deemed to have a definitive, permanent, effective and exclusive right -of -way easement on said Lot, covering a five foot (5') strip extending Two and One -half feet (2.5') on each side of such service line, extending from the service connection to the service entrance on the home. All gas meters shall be physically located at or near the service entrance to the home. A. The supplier of gas service, through its proper agents and employees, shall at all times have right of access to all such easement ways shown on the Plat, or provided for in this Dedication, for the purpose of installing, maintaining, removing or replacing any portion of said underground gas facilities so installed by it. B. The Owner of each Lot shall be responsible for the protection of the underground gas facilities located on its Lot and shall prevent the alteration of grade or any construction activity which may interfere with said gas facilities. The supplier of gas services will be responsible for ordinary maintenance of underground gas facilities, but such Owner will pay for damage or relocation of such facilities caused by acts of such Owner or its agents or contractors. C. The foregoing covenants concerning underground gas facilities shall be enforceable by the supplier of gas service, and the Owner of each Lot agrees to be bound hereby. FADatalEGAU2004 \04019.001 DOD - SAWGRASS PARK II.wpd Page 4 of 9 4. Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer. The Owners of each Lot shall be responsible for the protection of the public water mains and sanitary/storm sewer facilities located on such Owner's Lot and shall prevent the alteration of grade in excess of three feet (3.0') from the original contours or any construction activity which may interfere with said facilities. Said alteration of grade restrictions shall be limited to easement areas. City and Rural Water District. The City of Owasso ("the City") or Rural Water District No. 3 — Washington County, as the case may be, shall be responsible for ordinary maintenance of its public sanitary sewer facilities or public water mains, but the Owner of each Lot will pay for damage or relocation of such facilities caused or necessitated by acts of the Owner or his agents or contractors. The City or said Rural Water District shall have the right of access with its equipment to all easement ways shown on the Plat for installing, maintaining, removing or replacing any portion of its underground water and sewer facilities. The foregoing covenants concerning water and sewer facilities shall be enforceable by the City or said Rural Water District, and the Owner of each Lot agrees to be bound hereby. 6. Landscape and Paving Repair. The Owner of each Lot shall be responsible for the repair and replacement of any landscaping and paving located within the utility easements in the event it is necessary to repair any underground water, sanitary sewer mains, storm sewers, electric, natural gas, telephone, or cable television service. No Lot Owner shall plant any trees or shrubbery in dedicated utility easements or rights -of -way which would potentially endanger, threaten, or harm any utilities located within said easements or rights -of -way. If it is determined that any trees or shrubbery located within said easements or rights -of -way are damaging or endangering utilities in said easements or rights -of -way, the adversely affected utility company shall have the right to remove said trees or shrubbery upon five (5) days notice thereof at the Lot Owner's expense, or within such time the Lot Owner may remove same. 7. Developer's Reserved Rights. A. Inclusion in Property Owners Association. Asa part of the development of the previous phases of the Bailey Ranch P.U.D., there has been created Bailey Ranch Homeowner's Association, Inc., an Oklahoma not - for -profit corporation (the "Association "). The Owners of Lots in the Addition shall be members of the Association and shall enjoy the rights and responsibilities of membership thereof, including (without limitation) access to all Reserve Areas owned by the Association, both in the Addition and in other phases within the Bailey Ranch P.U.D., all as governed by the formative documents of the Association. B. Binding Effect: All lawful acts of the Association made under and pursuant to its Certificate of Incorporation and By -Laws shall be binding upon the Lots contained in the Addition and the Owners thereof, subject to the Developers rights contained in this Deed of Dedication and the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Sawgrass Park II at Bailey Ranch to be filed by the Developer and which are incorporated herein by reference. Membership in the Association shall consist of all Owners of Lots in the Addition and all Owners of such additional property designated by the Developer. F:\Data\LEGAU2004 \04019.001 DOD - SAWGRASS PARK Ewpd Page 5 of 9 C. Assessments: Annual Assessments maybe made by the Association on a per Lot basis, all as more fully set forth in the Association governing documents and in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Sawgrass Park Il at Bailey Ranch. D. Other Rights: Developer shall have the right and power to execute all documents and do all other acts and things affecting the Addition which Developer determines are necessary or desirable in connection with the rights of Developer under this Deed of Dedication, including the execution and filing of various covenants, conditions and restrictions for the Addition. 8. Fence Easements. Areas designated on the Plat as Fence Easements are hereby designated by the Developer as perpetual easements for the benefit of the Association for the purpose of providing proper visual screening of the Addition from surrounding areas, and for the construction and maintenance of any signage, fence or wall and for other purposes deemed to be in the common good by Developer and/or the Association. F:1DaWLEGAU2004104019.001 DOD - SAWGRASS PARK End Page 6 of 9 9. City Requirements. The proposed subdivision shall meet or exceed all requirements of the Bailey Ranch Planned Unit Development, as amended, the Owasso Subdivision Regulations and the Owasso Zoning Code. All improvements shall be 1) constructed and accepted by the Owasso City Council, or 2) insured by performance bond naming the City of Owasso co- obligee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BAILEY RANCH INVESTMENT GROUP, L.L.C., an Oklahoma limited liability company hereby approves and executes the foregoing Deed ofDedication; Restrictions this day of, 2004. BAILEY RANCH INVESTMENT GROUP, L.L.C., an Oklahoma limited liability company M STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) ss. COUNTY OF TULSA ) Pete Kourtis, Manager Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this _ day of 2004, personally appeared Pete Kourtis, to me known to be the identical person who subscribed the name of the maker thereof to the foregoing instrument as its Manager and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed and as the free and voluntary act and deed of such limited liability company for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public My commission no. expires F.\DataU,EGALU2004104019.001 DOD - SAWGRASS PARK lwpd Page 7 of 9 CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY PLAT (Sawgrass Park H at Bailey Ranch) STAFF REPORT BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Bailey Ranch Investment Group LLC, applicant/owner, for the review and approval of a preliminary plat for Sawgrass Park H consisting of 98 lots, in six (6) blocks that are a continuation of the Sawgrass Park I plat. The development is situated on 26.14 acres, more or less. It is the intention of the property owner to subdivide and develop the property in a residential manner, consistent with what is currently developing in Sawgrass Park I. HEARING DATE: June 7, 2004 LOCATION The property is located east of the existing Sawgrass Park addition and west of the Sherrill Acres addition, south of E. 106'' St. N. and east of N. Garnett Rd. A general area map has been attached for your review. EXISTING LAND USE Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Vacant South: Sawgrass Park residential subdivision East: Sherrill Acres large lot residential development West: Sawgrass Park residential subdivision RS -3/ OPUD 12/12 -A (Residential Single Family District) SURROUNDING ZONING North: AG (Agricultural District) — Tulsa County South: RS -3/ OPUD 12/12 -A (Residential Single Family District) East: RE (Residential Estates District) — Tulsa County West: RS -3/ OPUD 12/12 -A (Residential Single Family District) ZONING HISTORY In August, 2000 the Owasso City Council approved OPUD 12 -A, a amendment to the Bailey Ranch PUD 12. The PUD called for residential development on the subject site. The subject property (the area proposed as Sawgrass Park II) was part of the original Sawgrass Park I preliminary plat but was not included in the Final Plat. ANALYSIS Bailey Ranch Investment Group, LLC is requesting the review and approval of the Sawgrass Park II preliminary plat so that they may plat and eventually develop the properly as a Residential Subdivision. The property is zoned OPUD 12 -A which outlines the standards for RS -3 style residential development. The approved text of the PUD is included in the packet. The residential uses associated with the proposed plat is allowed by right according to those PUD documents. Whenever any subdivision of land is proposed, before any permit for the erection of a structure in such proposed subdivision shall be granted, the owner of the land or his agent shall apply for and secure both Planning Commission and City Council approval of a final plat for such proposed subdivision. The Final Plat review process gives the citizen's of Owasso the opportunity to actively participate in the physical development and layout of the city. According to the preliminary plat, the developer would like to divide the property into 98 lots on six (6) blocks. The streets are laid out in a pattern that would promote connectivity within the existing Sawgrass subdivision but not connect to rural development to the east. The plat provides a stub along the northern perimeter to allow for future connection to the north. The lots and blocks are numbered to be concurrent with the existing blocks in Sawgrass Park I. While there are no areas marked for detention within the proposed platted area, Sawgrass Park I was designed and developed with the intentions of managing Sawgrass Park H's drainage. One of the reserved areas to the southwest in Sawgrass Park I is shown on the drawing. Before any building permits are issued a detailed drainage plan must be reviewed and approved by the Owasso Public Works department. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets and sidewalks. Residential sewer service will be provided by the City of Owasso, while water service will be provided by the rural water district #3 of Washington County. The proposed plat is compliant with the provisions set forth in the Owasso Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations, unless specified by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Preliminary Plat was reviewed at the regularly scheduled Owasso Technical Advisory Committee on May 26, 2004. At that meeting utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the technical aspects of the development proposal. The following comments were provided: 1. Provide the area of livability space (area of lot less building setback lines and easements) for Lot 3, Block 11 and Lot 26, Block 10. 2. Provide a 50' rear yard building setback line on the north and east perimeter lots per the approved PUD test. 3. Ensure that livability space (area of lot less building setback lines and easements) in the lots affected by the 50' rear yard setback meet the minimum of 4,000 W. 4. Change the mayor's name in the plat signature section from Gary Cochran to Susan Kimball to reflect the recent change in mayor. 5. Pay the Owasso Storm Siren fee of $16 per acre before the plat is released. 6. Refresh the Block (1— 6) and Lot numbering system to reflect the new plat. 7. Coordinate the location of Fire Hydrants with the Owasso Fire Marshal. 8. Provide an 11' U/E at the rear (west) of Block 8. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Sawgrass Park U preliminary plat contingent on the successful execution of the Technical Advisory Committee conditions. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map 2. Preliminary Plat Application 3. Sawgrass Park R Preliminary Plat 4. OPUD 12 -A Owasso Community Development Department 111 N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com Preliminary Plat Sawgrass Park II at Bailey Ranch E of existing Sawgrass at Bailey Ranch Subje Prppei N W-4 E S M" 18. 2M May 04 01 07:52a Owasso CommunituDev. 918 272 4997 IP.2 OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Owasso City Hall 272 -2251 APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF A SUBDIVISION Date: May 10, 2004 Note: This application must be accompanied by an application fee of i5o.00 plus .50 per Jot over 100 lots and 20 copies of the proposed plat and filed not later than 15 working days preceding the Owasso Planning Commission meeting, at which time this plat will be reviewed. Application is hereby made for approval of the attached preliminary plat, and the following information is hereby submitted. Proposed Subdivision Name: Sawgrass Park II at Bailey Ranch (This certifies that the indicated name is the name which is intended to be used for filing of the final plat) Developer's Name: Bailey Ranch Investment Group,'L.L.C. Developer's Address and Phone: 1215.0 E. 96th Street N., Owasso, OK 74055 (Suite 200 Tulsa Engineering anrrlm)g ssocla es, n . Engineer or Surveyor: 6737 S. 85th- E . Ave., Tulsa, OK. 74133 -2057 General Legal Description of Tract: See attached Area & Npmber of Lots: 26.1481 Acres 98 Lats Average Lat Size 65 x 125 Present Use of Tract Vacant Proposed Use Residential Present Zoning of Tract RE & RS Location Relative to Owasso City Limits Type of Water Supply 9 ) City Main Proposed Change in Zoning ()o Inside ( ) Outside ( ) Part Inside, Part Outside ( ) Well ( ) Type of Sanitation ( A City Sewer ( )'Septic Tank ( ) Disposal Plant Type of Street Surfacing Proposed R)� Portland Cement Concrete ( a Asphaltic Concrete ( ) Traffic -bound Surface Course NOTE: Please fill out this form completely. \ i - ? Deve Staff Recommendation: Date• - OPC Recommendation: Date: Provisions: NA �_8 d 3 29 q €? €x =_ E af.v C ¢ LL g d > _ l�� `/v tI:.V•.a( °� I 3r R € � 1FF�,V� • o y Z m IQ Y — �A i t 3 _8 p 77 a �3�yAafil�;I°e. S2- �iSg m ?v m8 S z 8 � � F 3 A e a n { P y S� 6 I'e_ x 2 N'ac �Fy��u .` w $ � e � � ea x [• Fv i a n r$a{F{[[3 �"� L2a_ - te- 6 � � � } A uv v a : �m ` ,a-a : . ; ,,f . y��6 i � b?prNp 3. Z.• '��A �.2€. '. . t a O H O ne i .N�z \ n y ::::m a w OOMS u O M Q W Z � 0 ( te „ owj I. . V o a r 10, Po- In aZ .11 M, (''• �z° -I O�. S $ N Yj:8 ! n G iNa53 `° , i _ a i f � N - R im tx . — _ � GB.3,JirB'�ve tlK 335�G �� Q Y f m ¢ O � A ?'R3E �SgA9 RR °RA YBAM:E 9AA•3RSR EA ASIl _ � :.3' ?_i.^.Ra ?b Ra:PPK�SPS�APPPRP Ra P_fiP'JCa RS__ x98888888 8898 BBB 88888888 BBB 9688888e8 ° ° °° ygyg qgqg• bRBRh BB - -pgg &&pgpg 4pg 9R -hgg by ggRR �s��; E °W '� F �pRB�_Ra�RSC 4::6 kkk E8��MY�k''P e8h R�`h4PA — e SR, 9. -a� U �G a °•aa "__ ___ cRR35 en A ax � �,Ae3P•.• _ AJ - � A ?'R3E �SgA9 RR °RA YBAM:E 9AA•3RSR EA ASIl _ � :.3' ?_i.^.Ra ?b Ra:PPK�SPS�APPPRP Ra P_fiP'JCa RS__ x98888888 8898 BBB 88888888 BBB 9688888e8 ° ° °° ygyg qgqg• bRBRh BB - -pgg &&pgpg 4pg 9R -hgg by ggRR �s��; E °W '� F �pRB�_Ra�RSC 4::6 kkk E8��MY�k''P e8h R�`h4PA — e SR, 9. -a� U �G a °•aa "__ ___ cRR35 en A ax � �,Ae3P•.• _ AJ - 05/10/04 - from Bob Buss (in WORD) - C &P'd to WordPerfect JRT /dsm SAWGRASS PARK H AT BAILEY RANCH DEED OF DEDICATION; RESTRICTIONS DEED OF DEDICATION Bailey Ranch Investment Group, L.L.C., an Oklahoma limited liability company (the "Developer"), being the sole owner of the following described real estate situated in the City of Owasso (the "City "), Tulsa County, Oklahoma: A tract of land located in the W/2 of Section 17, T -21 -N, R -14 -E of the Indian Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the Official U. S. Government Survey thereof, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the SE /4 of the NW /4 of Section 17; Thence S 01° 14'46" E along the East line of the W/2 of Section 17 a distance of 1325.60 feet to the Northeast corner of "Bailey Ranch Estates IP', an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the official recorded plat thereof, Plat No.5360, as filed in the records of the Tulsa County Clerk's office; Thence S 88 °49'41" W along the Northerly line of "Bailey Ranch Estates II", a distance of 561.28 feet; Thence S 72 °30'06" W along the Northerly line of`BaileyRanch Estates II ", a distance of 50.65 feet, ThenceN 01 016'42 "W a distance of 7.17 feet to the Southeast corner ofLot 75, Block 1, "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch ", an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the official recorded plat thereof, Plat No. 5588, as filed in the records of the Tulsa County Clerk's office; Thence continuing N 01'16'42" W along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 133.02 feet; ThenceN 88 °43'18" E along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 10.24 feet; Thence N 01 016'42" W along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 250.00 feet; Thence N 18 °18'10" W along the Easterly line of "Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch" a distance of 97.23 feet; FADatalEGAU2004 \04019.001 DOD - SAWGRASS PARK II.wpd Page 1 of 9 CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY PLAT (REMINGTON PLACE H) STAFF REPORT The City of Owasso has received a request from Coffee Creek Residential LLC, applicant/owner, for the review and approval of a preliminary plat for Remington Place H consisting of 152 lots, in eight (8) blocks on 35.46 acres, more or less. It is the intention of the property owner to subdivide and develop the property in a residential manner. The Remington Place II preliminary plat was initially reviewed by the Planning Commission during the May, 2004 meeting however since that hearing staff discovered that public notification is part of the review process. During the review of Remington Place II notification was not executed therefore in order to meet the requirements of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations the preliminary plat for Remington Place H will need to be reheard by the Planning Commission on June 7, 2004. Details of the plat have remained constant. HEARING DATE: June 7, 2004 LOCATION The property is located south of the developing Remington addition and east of the German Acres mobile home park, south of E. I I& St. N. and east of N. Garnett Rd. A general area map has been attached for your review. EXISTING LAND USE Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Remington addition, single family homes abut a portion of the northern boundary of the proposed site. Other portions the northern boundary of the subject site are abutted by two workshop buildings to the northeast and vacant property to the northwest. South: Vacant East: Rural/Low density residential West: German acres mobile home park abuts the northwest corner of the subject site the rest of abutting property to the west is vacant. PRESENT ZONING AG (Agricultural District) — Tulsa County North: RS -3 (Residential Single Family District) South: AG (Agricultural District) — Tulsa County East: AG (Agricultural District) — Tulsa County West: AG (Agricultural District) — Tulsa County/RMH (Residential Mobile Homes District) ZONING HISTORY In April, 2004 the Owasso City Council unanimously approved a request to annex the subject property into the city limits of Owasso. In May, 2004 the property was rezoned from AG (Agricultural) to RS -3 (Residential Single Family). ANALYSIS Coffee Creek Residential, LLC is requesting the review and approval of the Remington Place II preliminary plat so that they may plat and eventually develop the property as a Residential Subdivision similar to the currently developing Remington Place I addition to the north. Whenever any subdivision of land is proposed, before any permit for the erection of a structure in such proposed subdivision shall be granted, the owner of the land or his agent shall apply for and secure both Planning Commission and City Council approval of a final plat for such proposed subdivision. The Final Plat review process gives the citizen's of Owasso the opportunity to actively participate in the physical development and layout of the city. According to the preliminary plat, the developer would like to divide the property into 152 lots on eight (8) blocks. The streets are laid out in a pattern that would promote connectivity within the neighborhood and to a developing regional transportation pattern as two stubs are proposed for the southern end of this platted area to provide future connections to development. The plat shows current access coming from the north through existing Remington Place and from the east through Fox Meadows on E. 111th St. N. As the section of E. l l I"' St. N. through Fox Meadows is a county road staff discussed the situation with Tom Raines of the Tulsa County engineering department and he has given his support for the connection however we also discussed the fragility of the roadway and how it may not stand up to heavy traffic. The developer has expressed a willingness to work with the county and city to protect the roadway from construction traffic. Tulsa County has expressed awareness and concern for the added burden of traffic to E. I I1's St. N. and has stated that they will monitor the situation and provide remedy when necessary. The plat shows two proposed areas for detention, one to the southwest of the platted area and one to the northeast. Before any building permits are issued a detailed drainage plan must be reviewed and approved by the Owasso Public Works department. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets and sidewalks. Residential sewer service will be provided by the City of Owasso, while water service will be provided by the rural water district #3 of Washington County. The proposed plat is compliant with the provisions set forth in the Owasso Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations, unless specified by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee. Letters were sent to abutting property owners prior to the scheduled TAC meeting. Staff has received calls regarding the proposed plat. The concerns are similar to those addressed during the May 26th public hearing. The primary concern is of E. 111th St. N. ability to handle additional traffic as the roadway is not constructed to handle heavy loads. Another concern is traffic /neighborhood safety (speeding, children safety) TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Preliminary Plat was initially reviewed at the regularly scheduled Owasso Technical Advisory Committee on April 28, 2004 and then revisited at the May 26, 2004 TAC. At that meeting utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the technical aspects of the development proposal. The only additional comment from the May meeting was directed toward having the plat illustrate or detail provisions guaranteeing drainage and detention for the platted property. The TAC comments are listed below: May 26, 2004 TAC comments: 1. Provide details on the plat for the north half of the R -O -W connecting this preliminary plat with Fox Run Estates to the east. 2. Name the streets and address 'the lots as directed by Community Development. 3. Pay the Owasso Storm Siren Fee of $16 per acre. 4. Incorporate a dedication of drainage and detention plans in the plat. April 28, 2004 TAC comments: 1. Community Development — Illustrate the other portion of the public Right -of- Way connecting to Fox Run Estates. 2. Community Development — Name the streets and address the lots as directed by Community Development. 3. Community Development — Pay the Owasso Storm Siren Fee of $16 per acre. Staff recommends approval of the Remington Place Il preliminary plat contingent on the successful execution of the Technical Advisory Committee conditions. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map 2. Preliminary Plat Application 3. Remington Place H Preliminary Plat ff M 11 % / / / / //A S u b i e c t Owasso Community Development Department 111 N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com Preliminary Plat Remington Place II S. of existing Remington Place addition r' CITY OF OWASSO P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4997 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION PROPOSED SUBDIVISION NAME Remington Place Phase II (This certifies that the indicated name is the name which is intended to 'be used for filing of the Final Plat.) GENERAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT Leal Description Attached DEVELOPER .Coffee Creek Residential, LL(ENGINEER/ARCHITECT Kellogg Engineering, Inc ADDRESS 12150 E 96th St. N Suite 600 ADDRESS 6755 S 4060 Rd, Talala, OK 74080 PHONE274 -0406 FAX PHONE 275 -4080 FAX 275 -7171 TRACT Present Zoning Present Use Proposed Zoning Proposed Use INFORMATION AG Vacant RS -3 Single Family Resident: PLAT Total Acres Number of Lots Average Lot Size INFORMATION 35.46 152 0,20 AC WATER SUPPLY ❑ City Main ❑ Rogers Co. RWD3 �Cj Washington Co. RWD3 ❑ Other SANITARY SEWER] City Sewer ❑ Septic ❑ Disposal Plant 5 rREET SURFACING I U Portland Cement Concrete (n Asphaltic Concrete ❑ Traffic -bound Surface Course Please submit the completed application form and application fee ($50 plus $.50 per lot over 100 lots), along with the completed Preliminary Plat Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Preliminary Plats are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Preliminary Plat will be reviewed. The applicant and /or the applicant's consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings at which the Preliminary Plat will be reviewcd7 11 1 DEVELOPER SIGNATURE /�[ TAC MEETING DATE SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER DATE 30 March 2004 OPC MEETING DATE ZONING DISTRICT APPROVED DENIED Lal n4 ez �g1 E 4� 4R 9� o Qb n n w `v AZ iti �� Yl ~I om o4 y2y ivy �� bAn � ti 'y z; ti d3F h Ey }Ey€ X4 s 4a'a n a 3fleb iec�bb 5! :1121 i� 8 0 o� PS� ,4 03 dY15'�gR e ^�9yG�G`�e1 d�I, m�Ne ^n0 11 �^ ww iim F,ge� 59aeo 8& pb S pp'yn 9! 7* , i A 6 jaw o Qb n n w `v AZ iti �� Yl ~I om o4 y2y ivy �� bAn � ti 'y z; ti d3F h Ey }Ey€ X4 s 4a'a n a 3fleb iec�bb 5! :1121 i� 8 0 o� PS� ,4 03 dY15'�gR e ^�9yG�G`�e1 d�I, m�Ne ^n0 11 �^ ww iim F,ge� 59aeo 8& pb S pp'yn 9! 7* , i A d3F h Ey }Ey€ X4 s 4a'a n a 3fleb iec�bb 5! :1121 i� 8 0 o� PS� ,4 03 dY15'�gR e ^�9yG�G`�e1 d�I, m�Ne ^n0 11 �^ ww iim F,ge� 59aeo 8& pb S pp'yn 9! 7* , i A CM OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OZ -04 -07 (Heritage Addition) STAFF REPORT The City of Owasso has received a request from Mahar, Tuzzolino, & Cleveland, applicants /owners, for the approval to rezone approximately 0.68 acres of property consisting of the east 165' of Lot 1, Block 1 of Heritage Addition, located at 9220 N. Garnett Road. The applicants are proposing to rezone the subject property to CG (Commercial General District). A general area map, property survey and a complete legal description are attached for your information and review. Existing Zoning Designation: OL Proposed Zoning Designation: CG HEARING DATE: June 7, 2004, Planning Commission LOCATION See above and the attached map and legal description. EXISTING LAND USE Multi- tenant office/retail building SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Faith Lutheran Church South: Multi -use structures; automotive repair, leasing office... East: Vacant space recently announced as the developing Smith Farm Marketplace West: Brown School, alternative home PRESENT ZONING OL (Office Light District) SURROUNDING ZONING North: AG (Agricultural District) — Tulsa County South: CG (Commercial General District) East: CS (Commercial Shopping District) West: OL (Office Light District) ZONING HISTORY In January, 1994 Lot 1, Block 1 of Heritage Addition was granted a lot split dividing the property into two parcels. Parcel one (the subject property) consists of the east 165' while parcel two consists of the west 150'. ZONING/DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS If the application is approved, the subject property would be zoned CG (Commercial General District). According to the City of Owasso Zoning Code a multitude of uses would be allowed on the subject property such as retail shopping, bakery, offices and salons. The current structure on the property could support many of the type of uses allowed within the requested zoning district. As the property is currently zoned (OL) only offices or studios are allowable uses in the building. It is important to note that particular site details such as drainage, streets, and utilities are appropriately discussed during the development review phases (plat and site plan) and not during a rezoning hearing. During a public review a decision on zoning changes must be based on one fundamental question: does the requested zoning allow a land use that is appropriate for the subject property? In this case, since the property is already developed primary issues such as signage and parking would be addressed during a subsequent occupancy permit check The occupancy permit is a permit to occupy any non - residential structure required of all tenants inside the city limits. It allows city staff to inspect the property to ensure its compliance with the zoning and building codes. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY The subject property is identified in the Owasso 2010 Master Plan as having a designation of commercial /office uses which is consistent with the request to rezone the property to CG (Commercial General District). ANALYSIS The subject property lies within close proximity and is easily accessible to the rapidly developing commercial node of 96"' St. N. and U.S. Highway 169. The requested land use designation of CG (Commercial General) is consistent with the surrounding land uses as adjacent property to the south along the entire length of N. Garnett Road to 86n' St. N. are zoned CG and the property to the east was recently rezoned CS. The property to the west is zoned OL (office light) and would provide a buffer between the subject property and residential development further to the west. The subject property is primarily accessed via N. Garnett Road which was recently re- prioritized by the City of Owasso to be widened to a five lane major arterial roadway within the next year and a half to accommodate recent and planned commercial developments in the corridor. Due to the properties small size, staff finds no concern with consideration of the multitude of uses allowed in CG districts. Many of the highly intense uses allowed in CG districts, like drive - through restaurants require more space than exists on the current site. The request is viewed primarily as an opportunity to expand the type of tenants allowed within the existing structure. The potential tenants would include uses such as a salon. Again, the property is buffered by the OL district to the west from less intense uses like residential. Staff has received no phone calls or correspondence in opposition of the request. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners and a legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. Copies of both the letter to property owners and the legal advertisement are attached for your information and review. If the Commission approves this application it will then require City Council approval. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OZ- 04 -07, rezoning approximately 0.68 acres, from OL (Office Light District) to CG (Commercial General District). ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map. 2. OZ -04 -07 Application. 3. Legal Notice. 4. Letter to Surrounding Property Owners. i'' Owasso Community Development Department 11 I N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com Faith Lutheran ubject Property Brown Sc;hpOi r` II 1 Heritage Addition 9220 N. Garnett Rd. Jun. ,. 2 GENERAL] PRESENT 2 PROPOSED LEGAL oz. CITY OF OWASSO P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4997 REZONING APPLICATION PROPOSED (If by metes and attach lat of survey) Yc;cf 0,/.;: (/ Nam and Ad ss pf Record Owner Address or General Location 9f�S 'ect Property zzo t C d so As gpplicant, what is your interest in this property? ame of pers n to a billed for publicati n Phone DfIresent Owners ❑Agent for Owner -1Z — ❑Purchaser ❑Other Mailmi� g- Address � _ ❑Attomey for Owner '; f'4 d , t 34 F—, r VG. _ t�1�1 (1556 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION HEREIN I SIGNATU G}- , DATE / SUBMITTED IS COMPLETE, TRUE AND ACCURATE !/� �,a ji !�A„ .,, 0.. ;;�7, l " , i Please submit the completed application form and application fee along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend the Planning Commission meetings at which the Supplemental Zoning will be reviewed. -( ``'� fl Fee Schedule f' YA +IZIC—L �tA�'Az 0- 0.99 acres $75 Q57 !�= i i : t/� OOSSOI- 4.99 acres 100 t 7f 6 14: z, Gcti� 5 -19.99 acres 150 20 + acres 200 i`lioUc�rJ5t0�v rf. SUBMITTAL DATE OPC MEETING DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER APPROVED DENIED ttdG CK- `- wk550 City of Owasso Department of Community Development 111 North Main PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ -04 -07 (918) 376.1540 FAX (918) 376.1597 Inspections: 376.1542 www.cityofowasso.com Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Old Central Bldg., 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 7'h day of June, 2004. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Patrick Mahar, owner, for a proposed change of the zoning classification from OL (Office Light District) to CG (Commercial General District). The subject property is located 9220 N. Garnett Road, Owasso, OK. The property is described as: THE EAST 165 FEET OF LOT 1 (ONE), BLOCK 1 (ONE), HERITAGE ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEROF. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Department, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. These comments will be presented to the Owasso Planning Commission at the scheduled public hearing by the Community Development Staff. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 111 North Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 376 -1543. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 10th day of May, 2004. ,Sincerely, ��j/ �L) Duane Cuthbertson City of Owasso Department of Community Development 111 North Main PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 7405: NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ -04 -07 (918) 376.1540 FAX (918) 376.1597 pections: 376.1542 .cityofowasso.com Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Old Central Bldg., 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 7`s day of June, 2004. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Patrick Mahar, owner, for a proposed change of the zoning classification from OL (Office Light District) to CG (Commercial General District). The subject property is located 9220 N. Garnett Road, Owasso, OK. The property is described as: THE EAST 165 FEET OF LOT 1 (ONE), BLOCK 1 (ONE), HERITAGE ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEROF. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Department, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. These comments will be presented to the Owasso Planning Commission at the scheduled public hearing by the Community Development Staff. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 111 North Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 376 -1543. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 10th day of May, 2004. Sincerely, Duane Cuthbertson CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNTfY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FINAL PLAT (Preston Lakes III) STAFF REPORT The City of Owasso has received a request from Preston Lakes Development Group, LLC., owner, for the review and acceptance of the Preston Lakes III Final Plat of 147 lots, in six (6) blocks on approximately 47.48 acres. HEARING DATE: June 7, 2004, Planning Commission LOCATION The property is generally located east of existing Preston Lakes If, on the west side of N. 161'E. Ave. 4/10 mile south of E. 96a' St. N. A general area map that further depicts the subject property's location is attached. EXISTING LAND USE Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Paradise Valley large lot residential South: Centennial park East: Centennial park West: Preston Lakes II and Whispering Pines large lot residential PRESENT ZONING The subject property is currently zoned OPUD 15. The PUD outlines the use of the subject property as residential. SURROUNDING ZONING North: RS -25 (Large Lot residential) Rogers County South: OPUD 15 — Preston Lakes PUD calling for park uses East: OPUD 15 —Preston Lakes PUD (residential) West: OPUD 15 — Preston Lakes PUD calling for park uses ZONING HISTORY August, 1998: The City of Owasso reviewed and approved a PUD (Planned Unit Development) for the Preston Lakes area including the subject property. The PUD outlines the subject property as single family residential development. April, 2003: The Owasso Planning Commission approved a preliminary plat for Preston Lakes III. The conditions of that approval are listed below: 1. Addressing will be provided prior to the final plat submittal. 2. An addition to the covenants stating, "All single family residential structures shall front to the street with the greatest building setback ", is required. 3. Question whether Lot(s) 28 & 29, Block 1 and Lot 24, Block 3 can accommodate residential structures. Please provide copies of house plans that can be accommodated on these lots. 4. Please provide an access point along N. 1615` E. Ave. 5. Hydrant locations must be coordinated with the City of Owasso Fire Department. The conditions of the Preliminary Plat should be addressed during the Final Plat stage ANALYSIS The current owner /developer of the subject property and the greater area plans to develop the area with residential uses. Preston Lakes III represents a continuation of the residential segment of the proposed PUD plan for the area. The plan calls for Preston Lakes III to provide a connection for development west in Preston Lakes LU to N. 16151 E. Avenue in the east. Several Reserve areas have been included in the platted area and will be reviewed as to their adequateness at providing detention for the property. Before any building permits may be issued all details related to drainage and street improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Owasso Public Works Department. The subject property lies within the Elm Creek Sanitary Sewer Relief Area and will subject to all applicable payback fees. The proposal for single family homes on the Preston Lakes III final plat is consistent with the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan and is compatible with the most recent zoning decisions rendered by the Owasso City Council and Planning Commission for the area. The Preston Lakes III final plat proposes 147 lots on six (6) blocks and is subject to all requirements set forth in the Owasso Zoning Code and the Subdivision Regulations including livability space, which is the area of a given lot less areas dedicated to easements and/or building setbacks. As there exist a large GRDA easement located within the development area, lots abutting this easement will be scrutinized to provide the minimum amount of livability space for housing development. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets and sidewalks. The proposed development will require no significant expansion of utilities or infrastructure. Residential sewer service will be provided by the City of Owasso, while water service will be provided by the rural water district #3 of Rogers County. If the request is approved, Council acceptance will be required. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the Preston Lakes HI Final Plat at the regularly scheduled May 26, 2004 meeting. At that meeting utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the technical aspects of the development proposal. The following comments were provided: 1. Provide a dedicated R O-W for N. 153`a E. Ave. through the reserve area on the western edge of the plat. 2. Ensure that sidewalks are provided along all public roadways included in the plat to include N. 161' E. Ave. and along all reserve areas abutting public roads. Sidewalks along N. 161st E. Ave. and the reserve areas should be constructed during the initial development phases. 3. Illustrate 50' R -O -W dedication for N. 161" E. Avenue on the plat. 4. Provide a deceleration lane along N. 161st E. Avenue for the platted entrance from said roadway. 5. Pay the Elm Creek Sanitary Sewer fee of $1580.00 per acre. 6. Pay the Owasso Storm Siren fee of $16 per acre. 7. Identify the flood plain, to include the affected lots on the plat. 8. Identify the location of Elm Creek subject to the LOMR on the plat. 9. Provide livability square footage for Lots 28 & 29 of Block 1 and Lots 1— 7 & 24 — 32 of Block 4. 10. Ensure clearance with GRDA on locating U/E's inside GRDA easement. 11. Coordinate Fire Hydrant location(s) with the Owasso Fire Marshall. 12. Extend the utility easement on the west side of Lot 1 in Block 6 south through the reserve area to connect with Preston Lakes IL 13. Name streets and address lots per Community Development. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preston Lakes III final plat contingent on the successful execution of the Technical Advisory Committee conditions. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map 2. Final Plat Application 3. Preston Lakes III Final Plat Owasso Community Development Department 111 N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com Subj :et Property cea {ea0iai pad Final Plat Preston Lakes III NE of Preston Lakes H; W. of N. 161 st E. Ave. 6/10 mile north fo E. 86th St. N. U" Is. P E CITY OF OWASSO P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4997 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION NAME 1 GENERAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF FINAL PLAT APPLICATION t S Tv.\1 LA-jr-CS- P--T- or ow�SSc� r TRACT INFORMMMON Present Zoning Present Use Proposed Zoruug Proposed Use PLAT INFORMATION Total Acres 4,'t 46 A4 Number of Lots Average Lot Size '44- WATER SUPPLY ❑ City Main ❑ Rogers Co. RWD3 ❑ Washington Co. RWD3 ❑ Other SANITARYSEWER ❑ City Sewer ❑ Septic ❑ Disposal Plant STREET SURFACING ❑ Portland Cement Concrete ❑ Asphaltic Concrete ❑ Traffic -bound Surface Course Please submit the completed application form and application fee ($100 plus $.50 per lot over 100 lots), along with the completed Final Plat Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Final Plats are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. The applicant and /or the applicant's consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. I (We), the undersigned developer, do submit that this subdivision has had preliminary plat approval and that all conditions of said preliminary plat approval h ve been met or listed below as conditions protested. DEVELOPER SIGNATURE�� _�_ DATE 'k — Conditions TAC MEETING DATE OPC MEETING DATE SUBMITTAL DATE ZONING DISTRICT FEE RECEIPT NUMBER APPROVED DENIED -r-1 G 1 740 P C, b if I i p1I PI �3I1�: 2�3!Pi1'velvie vivc�lva g i a 4l liliil 4 i'�J`��aiii Y'iY 4 4 l � y BIB �d�BBieB�d�Z SIB! �4 HiBBjflC BIi eliIC�,a�,' 4 � I PSVP. . i I y3y � 93 s t �x I6asr • nwru � ryg� x 4 e . User"r a ,`�ra _ s•,,I 3- �+ r s- r it :a'x:y x 4 aY R V 9 S z AIR m�m�A m N n� S o o -AS 2, .J�IX y 89 ° 5 ti m�g m n SiS�4 S°a a 2 � 3 ,. . see: ra Rm Y 4 l � y t i y 1•f _ t t �x I6asr • nwru � ryg� x 4 e . User"r a ,`�ra _ s•,,I 3- �+ r s- r it :a'x:y x 4 aY R V 9 S z AIR m�m�A m N n� S o o -AS 2, .J�IX y 89 ° 5 ti m�g m n SiS�4 S°a a f.: a I ip TTS j rk I I Ib f N ' a f.: a I ip TTS j rk I I Ib f e ?Z+aTAa pp a g 9�d $ 65.0 i OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 7 Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 12. Site Plan — Request for approval of a site plan proposing a restaurant on 1.27 acres located on Lot 3 of Owasso Market H immediately south of Lowe's Hardware store on E. 96`h St. N. The Chair introduced the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. The requested site plan review is in anticipation of the development of a Fuddruckers restaurant in the northeast corner of E. 96`h St. N. and N. 119`h E. Ave. This parcel of property is currently zoned CS (Commercial Shopping). The developer proposes to construct 7,318 sq ft restaurant on a parcel of 55,314 sq ft. Water will be served by Washington County rural water district #3 and sewer by the City of Owasso. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at the April 28, 2004 meeting. The following comments were provided: Fire Department — Relocate fire hydrant to a location per the Owasso Fire Marshal. Staff recommends approval of the site plan contingent on the successful execution of the TAC conditions. Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the site plan request subject to the above Staff and TAC recommendation, Ray Haynes seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 13. Site Plan — Request for approval of a site plan proposing the addition of a youth building to the site at the Owasso Assembly of God at 9341 N. 129`h E. Ave. The Chairperson presented the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. The applicant is proposing an addition of a youth building to their existing church location. This parcel of property is zoned OM (Medium Intensity Office). The developer is proposing to construct a 14,400 sq ft building in the southeast corner of the existing site. The site detention facility in the southeast corner was built to accommodate the proposed improvement. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan. The only comments at that meeting OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 8 were in regards to the one - way -in driveway. Staff and Committee Members were concerned about spacing of driveways into the site from the arterial and concerned with the potential conflict of the proposed new drive and curb cut on the property to the south. After research the plats of both sites it was determined that both are within their legal rights by locating within platted Limits of Access 57' apart. Staff recommends approval. The detention area was discussed briefly. Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan request, Dale Prevett seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carved 5 -0. 14. Site Plan — Request for approval of a site plan proposing the addition of a retail building to an existing development in the southeast corner of N. 125th E. Ave. and E. 86th St. N. The Chairperson presented the item and Duane reviewed the staff report . The facility once used as a church exists on the subject site this includes a detached gymnasium and small detached buildings. A lot split was approved on the site which created 3.2 acres and another separate parcel containing 3.55 acres adjacent to the south. The applicant was also granted a rezoning from RS -3 to CG. A final plat was approved in April, 2004. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at the April 28, 2004 meeting. The following Comments were noted: 1. Community Development — Provide sidewalks on N. 125" E. Ave. Mr. Malek Elkhoury with Khoury Engineering answered questions regarding storm water detention. Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan request subject to the above TAC and Staff recommendation, Kevin Vanover seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 9 15. Final Plat — Request for approval, 106 residential lots in 6 blocks on 23.57 acres located on The west side of N. 145`h E. Ave. '/< mile south of E. 116`h St. N. The Chairperson presented the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. The location of the property was described. The developer plans to develop the area with a balanced mix of commercial and residential uses. Development that occurs on the property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets and sidewalks. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at the April 28, 2004 meeting. The following comments were provided: 1. Washington County Rural Water District #3 — Provide 20' Utility Easements at the front of each lot. 2. Washington County Rural Water District #3 — Provide standard covenant language for the rural water district. 3. Oklahoma Natural Gas — Provide standard covenant language for the gas provider. 4. Community Development — Address the lots in the plat as advised by Community Development. 5. Community Development — Address all TAC issues from the Preliminary Plat stage unless specifically addressed during the Final Plat review. 6. Community Development — The Tulsa Technology Center Sanitary Sewer fee and the Storm Siren fee of $1000.00 per acre and $16.00 per acre respectively must be paid before a final plat-is approved and released. Staff recommends approval of the Chelsea Park Final Plat contingent on the successful execution of the Technical Advisory Committee conditions. Commissioner Hinkle wanted explanation on the reserve areas. Duane explained that Reserve "A" is park area and Reserve "B" is for drainage. Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the final plat request subject to the above Staff and TAC recommendations, Ray Haynes seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 16. Preliminary Plat — Request for approval; 7 office /commercial lots in 1 block on 5.00 acres located at 10020 N. 129`h E. Ave. The Chairperson presented the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. The applicant is requesting the review and approval of the Ward Addition preliminary plat so that they may eventually develop the property as an office complex. The property is zoned CS OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 10 (Commercial Shopping). The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary plat at the April 28, 2004 meeting. The following comments were made: 1. Community Development — Establish a Mutual Access Easement for the private drive that will serve the lots. 2. Community Development — Label the private driveway so that it is not confused as public roadway. 3. Community Development — Give the Addition a name. 4. Community Development — Provide 60' of Right -of -Way for N. 129`' E. Ave. 5. Community Development — Establish Limits of No Access along lot lines adjacent to N. 129th E. Ave. 6. Community Development — Pay the Owasso storm siren fee of $16.00 per acre. 7. Community Development — Ensure that sidewalks are constructed along all public roadways. 8. Public Works — Revise the legal description per the Owasso City Engineer. 9. Washington County Rural Water District #3 — Provide 20' utility easements along the front of all lots and along N. 1291h E. Ave. 10. Oklahoma Natural Gas — Provide standard language in the Deeds of Dedication specifying Gas provisions. Staff recommends approval of the Ward Addition preliminary plat subject to the Technical Advisory Committee conditions.. The Commissioners had questions regarding the street shown on the plat being a private driveway. Mr. Dennis Blind, with Reco Enterprise was present to answer questions. Mr. Blind stated that he prefers a cul -de -sac in lieu of a stub street. He explained that he does not want to connect to future city streets causing through traffic. Ray Haynes moved to approve the preliminary plat request subject to the above Staff and TAC recommendations, Kevin Vanover seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 17. Preliminary Plat — Request for approval, 101 residential lots in 4 blocks on 30.25 acres located in the 12300 block of N. Garnett Rd. The Chairperson presented the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. The applicant has submitted a request to rezone the property from AG to RS -3. The primary access would be provided from N. Garnett Road. Development must adhere to all zoning and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets and sidewalks. The Technical OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 11 Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at their April 28, 2004 meeting. The following comments were made: 1. Community Development — Provide street names and lot addresses per Community Development. 2. Community Development — Pay the Owasso Storm Siren Fee of $16.00 per acre. 3. Community Development — Ensure that sidewalks are provided on all public roads. 4. Washington County Rural Water District #3 — Identify easements for Rural Water. 5. Cox Communications — Provide standard Utility Easements between lots 1 and 2 in Block 1; between lots 36 and 37 in Block 3; between lots 11/12 in Block 3. Staff recommends approval of Crescent Ridge preliminary plat contingent on the execution of the above conditions. Mr. Brian Kellogg with Kellogg Engineering was present to address concerns. Ray Haynes moved to approve the preliminary plat request subject to the above Staff and TAC recommendations. Also, subject to the consideration of not using a stub street where Street "A" and Street `B" join. Duane Coppick seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 18. Preliminary Plat — Request for approval; 152 residential lots in 8 blocks on 35.46 acres located 0.3 miles southeast of the intersection of N. Garnett Rd. and E. 116`h St. N., immediately south of Remington Place addition. The Chairperson presented the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. The property location was described along with surrounding land use. In April, 2004 the City Council approved a request to annex the subject property into the city limits of Owasso. The applicant has submitted a request to have the property rezoned from AG to RS 3. The plat shows two areas for detention and access coming from the north through existing Remington Place and from the east on E. 111`h St. N. Development that occurs on the property must adhere must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements including paved streets and sidewalks. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the plat on April 28, 2004. The following comments were provided: 1. Community Development — Illustrate the other portion of the public Right -of -Way connecting to Fox Run Estates. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 12 2. Community Development — Name the streets and address the lots as directed by Community Development 3. Community Development —Pay the Owasso Storm Siren Fee of $16.00 per acre. Staff recommends approval of the Remington Place H preliminary plat. Ms. Karen Rose (12102 E 111 St No) stated concerns with the structure of E. 111 St. No. not being able to handle the traffic created by the proposed subdivision. She suggested that the Commissioners table the item. Mr. Ray Wille (11516 E 113 PI No) had concerns with drainage on the northwest corner. Ray Haynes moved to approve the preliminary plat request subject to the above Staff and TAC recommendations. Also, subject to the following requirements: • Drainage being closely reviewed and the developer to meet with Mr. Ray Wille (11516 E 113 Pl No). • City of Owasso and Tulsa County to work on a solution to lessen the hardship on E. 111`h St. No. Dale Prevett seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 19. Preliminary Plat — Request for approval; 15 commercial lots in 2 blocks on 58.5 acres located 0.3 miles southeast of the intersection of N. Garnett Rd. and E. 96`h St. N. adjacent to U.S. Hwy 169. The Chairperson presented the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. The property location was described. The applicant has submitted a request to have the property rezoned from AG to CS. Development that occurs on the property will be subject to site plan review and must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets and sidewalks. The preliminary plat was reviewed at the April 28, 2004 meeting. The following comments were provided: 1. Community Development — Provide an access guarantee to Lots 4 and 11 in Block 2. 2. Community Development — Establish a third block for existing lots 8 -12 in Block 2 or connect the block. 3. Community Development — Provide an addition 13' of Right -of -Way width to the proposed thru street for 100' from the intersection with N. Garnett Rd. 4. Community Development — Strike the statement allowing Pylon/Monument signs to be placed in Utility Easements from the Deed of Dedication, Section LA OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 2004 Page No. 13 5. Community Development — Provide topographical lines to the platted area. 6. Community Development — Pay the Owasso Storm Siren Fee of $16 per acre. 7. Community Development — Ensure that sidewalks are constructed along all public right -of -ways. 8. Community Development — Provide adjacent property details on the plat drawing. 9. Community Development — Rename the public street as directed by Community Development. Staff recommends approval of the Smith Farm Marketplace preliminary plat contingent on the successful execution of the TAC conditions. Ray Haynes moved to approve the preliminary plat request, Marilyn Hinkle seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes Marilyn Hinkle — Yes The motion carried 5 -0. . 20. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 21. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 22. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 23. Adjournment — Marilyn Hinkle moved, Ray Haynes seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick — Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes The motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 1035 PM. Chairperson Secretary Date