HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.07.13_Planning Commission Agenda1/ Woy AGENDA PACKET OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION July 13, 1999 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: NOTICE FILED BY: TITLE: Regular July 13, 1999 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center Theron Warlick City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 3:00 PM on July 9, 1999. ,0) Theron Warlick, City Planner CITY OF OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 13, 1999 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar AGENDA X Call to Order 2. Roll Call Consider Approval of the Minutes of the June 8, 1999 Regular Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING 4. OLS -99 -02 Lot Split — Chama A request for review of a lot split on property located on Lot 1, Block 5 Ator Heights Third Addition to the City of Owasso. The applicant proposes move a property line in an existing shopping center approximately one foot to the north in order to correct an encroachment by an existing building. 5. Site Plan — R & D Properties — A request for review of a site plan for a warehouse /shop to be located on Lot 8, Block 1, Three Lakes Industrial Park II, an addition to the City of Owasso. The subject property is locates at 8141 N 116'" E Avenue on property zoned IL (Low Intensity Industrial District). 6. Site Plan — Owasso Public Schools — Ninth Grade Addition — A request for review of a site plan for additional classrooms at the Owasso Ninth Grade Center. The subject property is described as part of the E/2 of Section 20, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, Tulsa County and is located at 8800 N 129`" E Avenue, Owasso. The applicant proposes an additional 28,842 square feet of classrooms on a 15.8 acre subject property zoned AG (Agriculture). 7. Site Plan — Owasso Public Schools — Larkin Baile y Addition — A request for the review of a site plan for additional classrooms at Larkin Bailey Elementary. The subject property is described as part of the SE /4 of Section 18, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, Tulsa County and is located at 10221 E 96h Street N, Owasso. The applicant proposes an additional 10,732 square feet of classrooms on a 10.93 acre subject property zoned AG (Agriculture). 8. Site Plan — Pizza Hut — A request for review of a site plan for Pizza Hut restaurant. The subject property is described as Lot 6, Block 1 ROC Owasso Addition and is located at 13104 E 86h Street N. The applicant proposes a 3,362 square foot restaurant on a .84 acre lot currently zoned CS (Shopping Center Commercial). 9. Site Plan — Precision Com onents International — A request for review of a site plan for a building expansion for Precision Components. The subject property is located at 209 E 5'" Ave., in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on property zoned IL (Low Intensity Industrial). 10. OLS -99 -03 — Lot Split — City of Owasso — A request for review of a lot split for property located in the NEA, SWA, NE /4 of Section 31, T -21 -N, R -14 -E. The subject property is located on the north side of Fifth Avenue, between Precision Components fafility and the Owasso Recycle Center. 11. Plat Amendment — Fairways V — A request to change street names in Fairways V, a 16.34 acre, 71 lot subdivision located north of E 890, Street N (Larkin Bailey Blvd.), east of Mingo Road. The plat was originally approved in October 1998. 12. Reports on monthly building permit activity. 13. Report on planning items previously forwarded to City Council. 14. Discussion of development in and near Owasso. 15. Adjournment. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MIl9 TIES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 8, 1999 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Bob Randolph Larry Helton (in @ 7:05) Bill Ellison Charles Willey 10AIfl55 I:l9 `7\ ►Y-II STAFF PRESENT Theron Warlick Marsha Hensley The agenda for the regular meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on June 4, 1999 at 3:30 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM and declared a quorum present. I _ . 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 11, 1999 REGULAR MEETING. - The Commission reviewed the minutes of May 11, 1999 Regular Meeting, Charles Willey moved, seconded by Bill Ellison to approve the minutes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: . Ray Haynes - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 4-0. 4. Final Plat - Owasso Market - A request for review of a final plat for Owasso Market, a 7 lot subdivision described as part of the South Half (S /2) of Section 17, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The subject property is located on the north side of E 96' Street, west of the Owasso Expressway (U.S. Highway 169). Theron presented the item to the Commissioners. The property is undeveloped and zoned CS (Shopping Center) District. A 50' strip of OL (Light Office) District surrounds the property to serve as a buffer between the residential areas. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at their May 26, 1999 meeting. All requirements made at that meeting have been addressed on this plat. Drainage concerns were discussed. It was stated that drainage will be handled in two, large off -site detention basins, one to the west of Lot 7 and one to the east of Lot 1. Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat request subject to TAC and staff recommendations, Bill Ellison seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 8, 1999 Page No. 2 Ray Haynes - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 5. Site Plan - Owasso Market - A request for review of a site plan for Owasso Market, a 7 lot subdivision described as part of the South Half (S /2) of Section 17, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The subject property is located on the north side of E 96" Street N, west of the Owasso Expressway (U.S. Highway 169). Theron Warlick presented the item and described the location of the property. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan on May 26, 1999. The site plan reflects the comments and concerns expressed at that meeting. The City of Owasso contracted an engineering firm to evaluate the results of a traffic study. The applicant is providing 3,330 parking spaces, which exceeds zoning code requirements. Theron submitted a lane layout to the Commissioners, A discussion was held regarding traffic flow. Charles Willey discussed the possibility of having the stipulation of no left turns on the eastern most lane. Mr. Charles Norman addressed the issue by stating that the traffic signals required at this project should allow left turns with no problems. Mr. Ted Sack with Sack & Associates was present to answer questions from the Commissioners. Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan subject to requirements by TAC and staff, Charles Willey seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. Mr. Norman expressed his appreciation to the City of Owasso staff and the Planning Commissioners. 6. Preliminary Plat - Fairways VI - A request for the review of a preliminary plat for Fairways VI, a 15.3 acre, 43 lot subdivision located in the Northwest Quarter (NW /4) of Section 19, Township 21 North Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The subject property is located on the east side of Mingo Road. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 8, 1999 Page No. 3 Theron presented the item to the Commissioners. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at their May 26, 1999 meeting and the applicant has made changes to reflect the requests. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: 1) That accel/decel lanes and sidewalks be installed on the Mingo Road side of the subject property. 2) The triangular piece of property southwest of Lot 25 go through lot tieing procedure. Ray Haynes moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the above TAC recommendations and the above staff recommendations, Larry Helton seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Bill Ellison — Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 7. Final Plat - Brentwood Village - A request for the review for a final plat for Brentwood Village, a 20.48 acre, 64 lot subdivision located in the West Half (W /2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE /4) of Section 21, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The subject property is generally located north of E 861' Street N, midway between N 129' E Avenue and N 145' E Avenue. The proposed plat is an extension of N 139 E Avenue, and will connect Brentwood Estates to the south with the proposed Nottingham III Addition to the north. Theron Warlick presented the item to the Commissioners. The preliminary plat was approved in November 1998; there has been one minor change. The detention basin located in the northeast comer has been expanded, which reduces the number of lots by two. This property is zoned RS -2 (Residential Single -Family Medium Density). The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat via mail on the week of May 30, 1999. The plat has been amended to reflect changes made at that meeting. Mr. Les Phillips was present to represent the homeowners of Barrington Estates. He had concerns regarding the construction vehicle traffic through Barrington Estates. Mr. Phillips stated that the construction traffic is beginning to deteriorate the roads in his subdivision and would like to find a different route. Theron suggested that the applicant be advised of this problem and request the trucks to be detoured. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 8, 1999 Page No. 4 Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat subject to TAC and staff recommendations. Also the developer needs to control construction traffic entering Barrington Estates and detour this traffic to 8& Street North or 96" Street North, Charles Willey seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph — No Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 4-1. Mr. Randolph stated that the reason why he voted against the final plat for Brentwood Village was because the applicant was not present. 8. Report on monthly building permit activity. 9. Report on planning items previously forwarded to City Council. 10. Discussion of development in and near Owasso. 11. Adjournment — Charles Willey moved, Bill Ellison seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Bill Ellison — Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM. Chairperson Secretary Date �u1010 to] R- 11017i011 TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: LOT SPLIT OLS -99 -02 — DAVID CHARNEY DATE: July 8, 1999 BACKGROUND The applicant, David Charney, has requested a lot split on property described as part of Lot 1, Block 5, Ator Heights Third Addition. The subject property is a part of the 9100 Center, a shopping center developed by Kourtis Properties on the west side of Garnett Road, between 16' and 19'h streets. The developer proposes to shift a property line one foot to the north in order to ensure that the existing building on the southern lot does not encroach onto the northern lot. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed lot split at the June 23, 1999 meeting and had no objections to the proposal. Staff notes no other unusual conditions or circumstances that merit the attention of the Planning Commission. Staff recommends approval of the proposed lot split. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map, 2. Map of Subject Tracts, 3. Application. KOURTIS PROPERTIES 250.0' 8502A N 128TH E AVE OWASSO, OK -- - -- °' I 74055 d ' 272 -3282 507 125' BUILDING' N a , C v l� i •° z z A :2 Ld > o 1� a. _ _ ;:; eq�, d d" Q¢OFESSI 4 t ��O �n Nt z ti DENN L. �o �b O Cn W5• 13596 a \ ab x o ILd O xc rLO m I DENNIS L. KODO,�P.E., INC.' �I CONSULTING E.NCINEER J r' SUITE E -101 8555 N. 117TH E. AVE. !�! Off4SSO. OK 7 4055 I i 272 -7.552 ATOR CENTER 4' CUP;IfMON PRELIMINARY _'o.c PRGPERT'r LIME (T'(P) DRIVE —WAY i SITE PLAN FOR REVIEW ONLr NOT FOP CON= TRUCTION I00 10 -8 -96 SHEET 1, i CITY OF O'WASSO AT/LICATION MO. i.T.A. twT[1 Thrae [:epics of a [ketch, plat of wtvey a otlxr type of OT SPLIT APPLICATION dmwi V ttlot will uccwately depict the proposed 80it MUST BE MCCLI.T HO. _. attached to this application. r 9 [[taco ow XClt THE FOLLOWING DIVal!"AT10N IS TO BE SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT ' WNAT If TXL Hti[XT Yft 01 TNL T11ACTt legacy Properties, Inc. Office SDacp / Retail See Exhibit A * See Exhibit H u r� C a v D i i •"; FOR Hwy 169 Service-Road Moro"* use or TNIi TaACT � Office /Retail v mcn '.4 and p, wnt wrr of pry �. Ox �Ly O PXONX rtify that this informetfon k and correct. (Legacy Properties, I c 18502 A N 128th E. Ave. 17072 -3282 "No COYY4il*N MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: SITE PLAN — R & D DATE: July 8, 1999 A request to review site plan for a proposed industrial building on property described as Block 1, Lot 8, Three Lakes Industrial Park. The subject property is located on the east side of N 116' E Avenue. The developers propose to erect a 6,240 square foot warehouse/light industriakbuilding on property zoned IL (Office Low Intensity). Additional light industrial property zoned IL is located to the north, south, and west of the subject property. Duplexes zoned RD (Residential Duplex) are located to the east of the subject property. The proposed building would normally need to have a 75 foot setback from the residential property to the east. Because of the unusual shape of the frontage on the west side of the subject property, the Owasso Board of Adjustment granted a variance (OBOA- 99 -09, April 1999) to allow the reduction of the setback from 75 feet to 50 feet. Parking and loading is satisfactory for a building of this size and type. The developer proposes 15 parking spaces and one handicapped parking space. The zoning requirement for warehousing or light manufacturing is only 12 spaces. Drainage will be conveyed to and detained within the curbed parking lot and driveway on the north side of the subject property. Stormwater will be released to the west onto the street in accordance with specifications of OPWA. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at its June 23, 1999 regular meeting. Doyle Goins of ONG noted that the parking lot on the east side of the property is located over a 10 foot utility easement. There was no objection to the parking lot, but Mr. Goins explained to the applicants that the excavation and removal of paving would be repaired at the owner's expense. Phil Lutz of OPWA discussed stormwater detention plans, the details of which were finalized in a later meeting. Staff recommends approval of the site plan. ATTACHMENTS 1. Site Plan. Q \0wasso\PC\07- 13 -99\SP - WittenWEMORANDUM - R & D.doc TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: SITE PLAN OWASSO 9TH GRADE CENTER DATE: July 8, 1999 BACKGROUND The City has received a request for review of a site plan for a 28,842 square foot addition and a 5,798 square foot addition to the 9m Grade Center. The subject site generally located on the west side of N 129' E Avenue, north of E 86' Street N. The applicant proposes the consttuction of a parking lot for 98 cars. Parking and loading is satisfactory for a building of this size and type. At the June 23, 1998 TAC meeting, community development staff asked the applicant to examine the parking lot circulation. Staff requested that the driveways be changed to one -way. Staff also requested that the new driveway be aligned with the bus exit on the high school property to the east. The applicant has complied with both requests. Drainage for the site is conveyed to an existing pond to the northwest of the subject property. The excess capacity of the pond is sufficient to retain water from the proposed addition and parking lot. Owasso Fire Department requested that a fire lane be constructed in order to provide access to the west side of the facility. In addition, two new fire hydrants were requested on the north and west sides of the facility. The applicant has complied with these requests and the changes are noted on the site plan within your packet. Doyle Goins of ONG noted that the existing meter site on the west of the building would need to bed relocated, or the gas line would need to go around the new addition on the south and could not go over or under the new addition. As a condition of approval, staff recommends that the applicant modify the site to comply with the requests of ONG. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the site plan with the following condition: 1) That the applicant modifies the site plan as needed to satisfy the TAC requests of ONG. A letter of approval from ONG will be required prior to issuance of a building permit. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location map, 2. Memo from Owasso Fire Department regarding TAC requests: ENCLOSURE 9' Grade Center expansion site plan. i roo,, PODq � � � RM -2 AG OL 1 AG \ \ _ E 9] Tx. �. PUD 10 7 SIMTFi ELEM. RS -'3 SCHOOL 9M1� ST. x � t < 90 i RS-2 min maw AG • �i• OWASSO A SR. HIGH SCHOOL I �•� s �� /iii! ��11 �� — -� p �� ��■ on IN Ulm mm WIN Elm Elm El ON .. ON ON Elm WE mm ON MIN MIMI am Mill m MIN Ml MR No WE no r•=� �� MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: SITE PLAN LARKIN BAILEY ELEMENTARY DATE: July 8, 1999 BACKGROUND The City has received a request for review of a site plan for a 5,655 square foot addition and a 5,077 square foot addition to Larkin Bailey Elementary. The subject site generally located on the north side of E 96' Street N, east of Mingo Road. Parking and loading is satisfactory for a building of this size and type. Drainage for the site is conveyed to the east of the property into an existing drainage structure. At the June 23, 1998 TAC meeting, no comments or requests were offered. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the site plan. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map. ENCLOSURE 1. Larkin Bailey Elementary expansion site plan. C: \OWasso\PCV- 13- 99\Larkin Bailey Expansion\MEMO Larkin Bailey expansion.doc RS AG PUD 469 OL E. Rm- i -era Ll 0 ME MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: SITE PLAN PIZZA HUT DATE: July 8, 1999 The applicant has requested a review of a site plan for a restaurant on the south side of E 86" Street N, west of N 129s' E Avenue. The subject property is described as Lot 6, Block I ROC Owasso. Albertson's grocery is located to the south of the subject property. The site plan shows 57 parking spaces (3 handicapped). This exceeds parking and handicapped parking requirements for a facility of this size and type. Landscaping is indicated at the comers of the lot, as well as around the building. Drainage will be conveyed in accordance with the approved plans for the ROC plat. Signage will be addressed separately through the permitting process, and as noted in the covenants of the ROC plat, the street sign will be a ground -type, monument sign. The site plan was reviewed at the June 23, 1999 meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee. Community Development staff noted that the proposed driveway was located between to existing major entrances of the shopping center and could be redundant. As a reasonable compromise, the applicant proposed to make the driveway and entrance only, thus reducing turning movements. A driveway on the south side of the lot was moved in order to improve egress to the exit to the east. Staff has also noted that a continuation of the accel/decel lanes and installation of sidewalks will be required on the E 86"' Street N side of the development. Owasso Fire Department requested a fire hydrant near the E 86" Street N exit. The hydrant is shown on the plat within your packet. ONG indicated that the gas needs to connect on the east side of the structure. Staff recommends approval of the site plan for Pizza Hut with the following condition: That accel/decel lanes and sidewalks be installed on the E 866' Street N side of the subject property. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map. Pizza Hut Site Plan. wsyw Pan B EAST 86th STREET NORTH T"aric Srm& — �, �. No Ka.ns, 5,000 S.F. WMYCNT MAX. S" 1 a i r i i >~ I I 0 b 1 1 I I PARCEL _5 Ii I I PARCEL 4 1 N a 1 a I PAD "N' 10 ' i I ,000 S.F. M i b 0 I i o 1 B 0 I P EL 1 U F, W „ T I W WI v A b I i x e-• i i SHOPS "A" CQ ,y I 26,900 S.F. T. NTH T I 1 E I i 1 i z i o 1 I_ .Tr i ._.._. _ _ .r _ 2.- Subject Property ALBERTSONS 55.922 S.F. MCA?` [KAMI CT EnTS- LOADM LLJI i 1 SHOPS "B" 31,500 S.F. 4 i 0 PHASE LINE . .. . . . . . PROPERTY /PARCEL LINE 1/ -113Y TIM" - ' 1 I TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: SITE PLAN PRECISION COMPONENTS DATE: July 8, 1999 The applicant has requested a review of a site plan for a 10,000 square foot expansion on the north side of an existing structure on unplatted land located on the north side of E Fifth Avenue; between National Steak and Poultry and the old City Garage. The site plan shows 97 parking spaces (4 handicapped). This exceeds parking and handicapped parking requirements for a facility of this size and type. Drainage from the proposed expansion will be conveyed to the detention area to the northwest of the expansion. Additional drainage will be conveyed to the south via the existing drainage scheme, which ultimately flows to inlets in the eastern parking lot. An existing residential neighborhood is located to the north of the subject property. Normally, the expansion would need to maintain a 75 foot setback from an abutting residential area, however, the Board of Adjustment granted a variance (OBOA- 98 -17, July 1998) which would allow a reduction of the setback. The site plan was reviewed at the June 23, 1999 meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee. Members voiced no concerns. Staff recommends approval of the site plan for Precision Components Expansion. ATTACHMENTS Location Map. ENCLOSURE 1. Precision Components Site Plan. 4. 1... . - 1:Ei sccao AG "rFT CG H=JRm-1 FT M �ET AG IL BARNES ELEM. C SSO CITY LIMITS CH G FT I #"--wU1kY 2.d ,V C cs,AVE. Pn AVE. FFI ER L J Subject AG Property L RM- 1 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS ammama AG AG AG IL ...... ..... I►pl► ��i77\►111 TO: THE PLANNING C, CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: LOT SPLIT OLS -99 -03 — OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DATE: July 8, 1999 BACKGROUND The Owasso Economic Development Authority (OEDA) requests a lot split on unplatted land in the NEA SW /4 NE /4 of Section 31, T -21 -N, R -14 -E. The subject property is located on the north side of Fifth Avenue, between Precision Components International and the Owasso Recycling Center. The subject tract is a portion of the old City Garage property and OEDA is presently transacting the sale of the western tract to Precision Components, to be used as a future expansion. The eastern lot will remain the property of the OEDA. The proposed site plan for Precision Components located elsewhere in this agenda does not include any property in OLS -99 -03. Staff recommends approval of the proposed lot split. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map, 2. Map of Subject Tracts, 3. Application. a 1' •SinEFT HE.r Syr �$!1�[�• -_� AGYC09 MET X88 = CG ml Q IRaT RM -I MET FIT = RRORV.Rtl STREET AG IL p BARNES ELEM. uE co 1E�y.�J 1- SSO CITY LIMITS CH G ' 2nd nvECl. Ell11 LJ l ••• 4 ,aw+rx• AV E. LT a I I v , rs '31 } s Subject AG s PC `3' L J RM-I % S OWASSO r M i/ PUBLIC I WORKS 1' AG SAG r "G IL MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT AMENDMENT FAIRWAYS V AT BAILEY RANCH DATE: July 9, 1999 The City of Owasso has received a request to amend the final plat for Fairways V at Bailey Ranch. Fairways V is a 16.34 acre development containing 71 lots and is located north of E 89' St. N (Larkin Bailey Blvd.), east of Mingo Road. The Planning Commission originally approved the final plat for Fairways V in October 1998. The plat was approved with numeric street names in accordance with the Tulsa County addressing system. These street names are proposed to remain unchanged. As with other sections of the Fairways, the applicant proposes additional names. The proposed names are as follows: 1. "Sophia Ct." shall be added as an additional name for E 90' Ct. N, 2. "Shelly Avenue" shall be added as additional name for N 100` E Avenue. Staff recommends approval of the final plat amendment for Fairways V. ATTACHMENTS 1. Final Plat for Fairways V, 2. Proposed Plat Amendment. C: \0Waaso\PC\07- 13- 99\P1at Amend - Fairways V\PA - Fairways V memo.doc SATE FILED May 03, 1999 TULSA io aSEFJOAN 0IYS R[l,3aJi r fnU»i s P' 4sos IEE 10.00 ms sa4 ?o : PLAT NO. 5356 f. unto ++ ars Yr r. W Ph.nr fi rrr. 4_tirr {wrr M frA at Batley Ranch A SUBDIVISION IN THE W/2 OF SECTION 19, T -21 —N, R -14 —E, CITY OF OWASSO. TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Lai AREA LECEAO VA - rrrw, frr•r. VA - Ar.y W a.a • vr. r r ,r.. •U •MwV.Y.., NYr Y .. Yr V,YYr YY Wnlw;1J1.. _ fmaA covert fvuura i�� Ownerlpaor KOURTIS PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 419 Owasso, OK 74055 918/272 -4333 Planner PITTMAN —POE @ ASSOCIATES 10820 E. 451h Street Tulsa, OK 74146 918/665 -8800 Engineer VALLIAM E. LEMS, P.E. 5879 S. Garnett Tulsa, OK 74146 918/254 -4689 a1 n(- Z'L§ v V, m' 4 sue. PLAT NO. 535 THE PLAT BOOK - TULSA COUNTY - COPYRIGHT 1999 ROY MALERNEE, CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA, OKLAHOMA FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER Ir It I Iv LECEAO VA - rrrw, frr•r. VA - Ar.y W a.a • vr. r r ,r.. •U •MwV.Y.., NYr Y .. Yr V,YYr YY Wnlw;1J1.. _ fmaA covert fvuura i�� Ownerlpaor KOURTIS PROPERTIES, LLC P.O. Box 419 Owasso, OK 74055 918/272 -4333 Planner PITTMAN —POE @ ASSOCIATES 10820 E. 451h Street Tulsa, OK 74146 918/665 -8800 Engineer VALLIAM E. LEMS, P.E. 5879 S. Garnett Tulsa, OK 74146 918/254 -4689 a1 n(- Z'L§ v V, m' 4 sue. PLAT NO. 535 THE PLAT BOOK - TULSA COUNTY - COPYRIGHT 1999 ROY MALERNEE, CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA, OKLAHOMA FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER AMENDMENTTO FAIRWAYS V ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA This amendment to the plat of FAIRWAYS V is made this _ day of July, 1999, by Kouris Properties, LLC, owner of all lots in FAIRWAYS V, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, to-wit: Owner Lots Kourtis Properties, LLC 1 thru 71 Whereas, it Is the desire of the above named owner to amend the plat of FAIRWAYS V, Plat #5350, dated April 30, 1999 and filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Slate of Oklahoma on May 3, 1999, as it affects the whole addition. NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned does hereby amend and modify the Plat of Fairways V as set forth herein below: The name'Sophia Ct'shall be added as an additional designation for E. 90 CL N. 2. The name'Sheikey Avenue'shall be added as an additional designation for N. 100 E. Ave. The undersigned, as owner of all affected lots, does hereby ratify and Incorporate by reference, and reaffirm all parts of the Plat and Deed of Dedication and Restrictive Covenants which are not amended hereby and which are consistent herewith. This Amendment shall be effective from the date hereof, and shall be enforceable to the same extent In the same manner as if originally set forth fully in the original Plat and Deed of Dedication of the FAIRWAYS V. IN WITHNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto ha used this Amendment to be executed the day and year first above written. _ Kourtis Pro perties, 8Y: Pete Kourtis Member Manager STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) as. COUNTY OF TULSA ) Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said county and state, on this _ day of 1999 personally appeared , the President of Kourtis Properties, LLC, and to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office the day and year first above written. Notary Public My Commission Expires: PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN JUNE 1999 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT # DATE 9404 N 101 E Ave Premier Homes FW/PUD 154,308 3674 99- 0601 -X 6/1/99 06 E 118 St No Strategic Homes CE/RS -3 88,200 2100 99- 0602 -X 6/1/99 9919 N 119 E Ave Willcox Construction BR/PUD 91,140 2770 99- 0603 -X 6/1/99 11607 E 100 St No Willcox Construction BR /P JD 98,364 2342 99- 0604 -X 6/1/99 9921 N 119 E Ave Willcox Construction BR/PUD 86,604 2062 99- 0605 -X 6/1/99 7909 N 128 E Ave Wanda's Elegant Homes DO/RS -3 71,610 1705 99- 0606 -X 6/3/99 7407 N 122 E PI American Heartland BRV/RD 15,000 252 99- 0607 -X 6/4/99 8402 N 116 E Ave Midtown Homes TLV/RM -1 60,480 1440 99- 0608 -X 6/7/99 10305 E 93 PI No WYZ Custom Homes FW/PUD 158,676 3778 99- 0609 -X 6/7/99 8806 N 131 E Ave Foreman Buildings BP/RS -2 141,708 3374 99- 0610 -X 6/7/99 12400 E 86 St No Gary Spriggs ECCC /CG 50,000 2000 99- 0611 -C 6/10/99 301 E 5 Ave LS Industries OTAL . 5,000 162 99- 0612 -C 6/10/99 8828 N 128 E Ave Perry Hood Homes CEP/RS -3 160,188 3814 99- 0613 -X 6/10/99 13128 E 79 Ct No Renovations by Helms CE/RS -3 26,000 369 99- 0614 -X_ 6/10/99 10115 E 94 St No Simmons Homes FW/PUD 135,000 3172 99- 0615 -X 6/10/99 11619 N 108 E Ave Wanda's Elegant Homes CE/RS -3 73,878 1759 9960616 -X 6/14/99 11603 N 108 E Ave Wanda's Elegant Homes CE/RS -3 82,992 1976 99- 0617 -X 6/14/99 12338 E 86 St No Oklahoma Neon ECCC /CG 3,000 28 99- 0618 -S 6/15/99 12400 E 86 St No AMAX Signs ECCC /CG 5,000 12 99- 0619 -S 6/15/99 12400 E 86 St No AMAX Signs ECCC /CG 5,000 8 99- 0620 -S 6/15/99 ;00 E 86 St No AMAX Signs ECCC /CG 5,000 21 99- 0621 -S 6/15/99 112400 E 86 St No AMAX Signs ECCC /CG 5,000 10 99- 0622 -S 6/15/99 12919 E 80 Ct No Doug Waugh CM/RS -3 15,000 160 99- 0623 -X 6/15/99 12804 E 90 St No Boos Builders CEP/RS -3 115,000 2650 99- 0624 -X 6/15/99 9913 N 117 E Ave Homes By Citation BR/RS -3 85,092 2026 99- 0625 -X 6/15/99 11603 E 101 St No Homes By Citation BR/RS -3 92,920 2260 99- 0626 -X 6/15/99 9915 N 117 E Ave Homes By Citation BR/RS -3 94,920 2260 9.9- 0627 -X 6/15/99 10104 E 86 Ct No Central Plains Properties SLV/PUD 99,750 2375 99- 0628 -X 6/16/99 10101 E 86 Ct No Central Plains Properties SLV/PUD 82,530 1965 99- 0629 -X 6/16/99 8709 N 125 E Ave David Baker CEP/RS -3 4,500 576 99- 0630 -P 6/16/99 12600 E 73 St No Lingo Construction .. BRC/RE 15,000 3000 99- 0631 -C . 6/17/99 11520 N Garnett Acura Neon GC /CS 3,000 150 99. 0632 -S 6/17/99 9102 N Garnett Legacy Sales AH/CG 10,000 2500 99- 0633 -C 6/17/99 10804 E 118 St No Heritage Construction CE/RS -3 90,315 2007 99- 0634 -X 6/21/99 11410 E 99 St No Lee Custom BR/PUD 96,054 2287 99- 0635 -X 6/21/99 11409 E 101 St No Lee Custom BR/PUD 104,286 2483 99- 0636 -X 6/21/99 11410 E 101 St No Lee Custom BR/PUD 100,128 2384 99- 0637 -X 6/21/99 11114 E 118 Ct No Morton Homes CE/RS -3 96,600 2300 99- 0638 -X 6/21/99 8701 N 125 E Ave Perry Hood Homes CEP/RS -3 103,740 2470 99- 0639 -X 6/21/99 7 No Birch lCarports of Tulsa RW/RS-3 1 7,000 99- 0640 -X 6/21/99 10706 E 97 PI No Fiesta Pools ERV/RS-3 1 2,570 460 99- 0641 -P 6/21/99 9404 N 103 E Ave Simmons Homes FW/PUD 138,3901 3295 " 99- 0642 -X 6/21/99 9102 N 102 E Ave Simmons Homes FW/PUD 116,088 2764 99- 0643 -X 1 6/21/99 11620 N 108 E Ave TLC Homes CE/RS -3 86,436 2058 99- 0644 -X 6/21/99 10807 E 118 St No Heritage Construction CE/RS -3 83,462 1986 99- 0645 -X 6/21/99 9405 N 104 E Ave Simmons Homes FW/PUD 137,172 3266 99- 0646 -X 6/21/99 8141 N 116 E Ave Brewer Construction TLIP/EL 99,800 6144 99- 0647 -C 6/21/99 I E 96 St No Luke Draky OM/CS 2,600,000 32800 99- 0648 -C 6/22/99 13804 E 90 St No Simmons Homes BWV/RS -2 131,922 3141 99- 0649 -X 6/24/99 8945 N 138 E Ave Simmons Homes BWV/RS -2 133,854 3187 99- 0650 -X 6/24/99 1804 N Main Danny Mills AH/RS -3 2,500.00 360 99- 0651 -P 6/24/99 10008 E 94 St No Premier Homes FW/PUD 142,000.00 3381 99- 0652 -X 6/24/99 8931 N 133 E Ave Simmons Homes BP/RS -2 104,832.00 2496 99- 0653 -X 6/24/99 10004 E 95 St No Simmons Homes FW/PUD 110,712.00 2636 99- 0654 -X 6/25/99 10000 E 95 St No Simmons Homes FW/PUD 130,000.00 3081 99- 0655 -X 6/25/99 11700 N 108 E Ave Heritage Construction CE/Rs -3 76,440.00 1820 99- 0656 -X 6/25/99 13164 E 80 St No Mark Oliva CM/RS -3 8,000.00 200 99- 0657 -X 6/28/99 11301 No Garnett Peace Pipe, LLC GA/CS 50,000.00 1264 99- 0658 -C 6/28/99 40 Single Family Dwellings $4,382,419.00 104,115 Sq Ft 5 Residential Remodels $71,000.00 1,181 Sq Ft 3 Commercial New 2,749,800.00 40,208 Sq Ft 5 Commercial Remodels 80,750.00 7,726 Sq Ft 6 Signs 26,000.00 229 Sq Ft 3 Pools 9,570.00 1396 Sq Ft 62 Building Permits $7,3199539.00 154,855 Sq Ft BUILDING INSPECTIONS Building Permits Issued DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JUNE 1999 52 Total Fees 7,332.00 Economic Development 43 5,952.00 Mechanical Permits Issued 46 2,370.00 Electrical Permits Issued 56 2,705.00 Plumbing Permits Issued 57 2,575.00 Recreation Development 24 3,750.00 Sign Permits Issued 5 52.50 Reinspection Fees 0 0.00 Sewer Taps 42 16,800.00 Water Taps 44 20,000.00 Water Meter Deposits 42 2,100.00 TOTAL PERMITS 411 $63,636.50 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS FOR THE MONTH Building 235 Mechanical 172 Electrical 294 Plumbing 280 Reinspection 75 Other Q TOTAL INSPECTIONS. 1056 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS June 30, 1999 SUBDIVISION Bailey Ranch Est (2195) Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) Barrington Point If (10/94) Barrington Point III (8/96) Barrington Estates Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) Brentwood Estates (5/94) Brentwood Park (2/97) Brentwood Village (6/99) Broadmore Heights (10/92) Camden Park (1/94) Caudle Estates (10/98) Central Park (2/95) Central Park II (7/97) Country Estates (9/95) Country Estates II (6197) Country Estates III (3/99) Double Oaks (9/92) Double Oaks II (8/92) Double Oaks III (8/93) Double Oaks IV (11/94) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) Fairways II (1/97) Fairways III (3/99) Fairways III Extended (6/99) Fairways IV (5/98) Fairways IV Extended (6/99) Nottingham Estates (11/94) Nottingham Estates II (3/97) The Estates at Southern Links (12/95) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) The Village at Southern Links (11/95) Windsor Lake (8/92) Windsor Lake it (6193) Windsor Lake II Ext (10/93) # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE 118 77 41 133 6 127 49 46 3 32 20 12 127 125 2 83 40 43 51 48 3 20 20 0 64 2 62 32 28 4 38 34 4 38 18 2O- 45 32 13 96 63 33 138 138 0 193 186 7 61 37 24 90 90 0 22 21 1 63 62 1 96 96 0 80 76 4 84 66 18 43 11 32 104 1 103 69 41 28 22 2 20 46 41 5 15 8 7 23 18 5 31 14 17 61 57 4 39 39 0 40 40 0 4 2 2 TOTALS 2291 1646 645 Windsor Lake II Ext (10/93) Windsor Lake II (6/93) Windsor Lake (8192) The Village at Southem Links (11/95) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) The Estates at Southem Links (12195) Nottingham Estates II (3/97) Nottingham Estates (11194) Fairways IV Extended (6/99) Fairways IV (5198) Fairways III Extended (6199) Fairways III (3199) Fairways II (1/97) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (SW Double Oaks N (11194) Double Oaks III (8193) Double Oaks 11 (8192) Double Oaks (9192) Country Estates 111(3/99) Country Estates II (6197) Country Estates (9/95) Central Park 11(7/97) Central Park (2195) Caudle Estates (10/98) Camden Park (1194) Broadmbre Heights (10192) Brentwood Village (6199) Brentwood Park (2/97) Brentwood Estates (5194) Bradfords at Silver Creek (2186) Barrington Estates Barrington Point III (am) Barrington Point II (10194) Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) CITY OF OWASSO Residential Lot Inventory Status 0 50 100 150 200 250 OTotal Lots 13 Las Developed RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Year to Date 101 80 31 35 48 43 62 72 88 89 164 192 215 210 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year $40000.000 June Year to Date Count ............................... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ........................................................... m 200 % °::;. ... c$35000000 ............................... M W. rz> c 0 $30.000.000 ' • ... • 150 ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .. ...,., ,..iu>V p s'pxah .�p.� ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... $20,000.000 d 100 3 $15,000000 Mills YQ'2? '6 $10.000.000 ... ... ............. �a `. �: $5000.000 s -S:y�s �i- � _,� ��..4 mum N 1986 1987 1988 1986 1867 1988 1989 1990 1891 1992 1893 1894 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) June Year to Date Dollars $40.000.000 . ----------------------- i ............................ ............... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 $35.000,000 i 0 $30.000.000 e 325.000.000 1 . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...3 i ^y. $20.000.000 ..... ... . ... ..... .. _ .. ?,.' g . p V , $15,000.000 i 1 ..... ... ... .... ... ..... ... ... ... $10.000000 _.. .:, Z $5.000:000 ....... ... ... ;; K•.,p ^> :'i Ex ; >, :.:. 3i'` Yn• 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 1997 1998 1999 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year $40000.000 ..... ............................... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ...:.:. % °::;. ... c$35000000 W. rz> c 0 $30.000.000 ' • ^..,> � ,.._ 2 e S25.000.00D ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... $20,000.000 ... ..... 3 $15,000000 YQ'2? '6 $10.000.000 ... ... ............. 2 $5000.000 s -S:y�s N 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1996 1999 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Year to Date 12 10 0 0 6 4 4 7 8 8 10 g 5 12 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities June Year to Date Count ......................................... ................ ............... .................. aLb: %„o ,axe:::: i3i2c3 g E 0 1986 1967 1968 19&9 1990 1881 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19% 1999 ;• wmmenuwt. tsullaing Permits (new construction Dollars) June Totals for Each Year Year to Date Dollars $20,000,000 •'.._.__.._._....._....._._..__...._._...___._._....._.._._.__._.._._.. .......................... _.____.___...____._....._.._._. _..._....._....._.._.. m$18,000.000 ' i .. .. . ... ... ... ... .. :�;;�ry •• .. . $16,000000 .r $�"' or c 514,000,000 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...v'v.}�, ... ... ... ... ... .. . $12.01M.0130 ' r o ?'X . D s $15,000,000 $6,000,000 . ... ... ... ° $6,000,000 .r r ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3: "Cniffi: z $4,000,000 i ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... >`nf "• ... _ z $2.000,000 .,::....: i.MA:Sa.. ::.ti:<,t :N» >' >ann., v: L-z' .:.,. -..: .:.... a. .. .i.» :LY:2n` Y .. Z ". .. •i i$5.000.000 1966 1987 1968 1989 1090 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1996 1999 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year $25.000.000 ..................................................... , , ..... .......................... c • ... ... ... ... $20000000 t 0 ?'X . D s $15,000,000 is $10.000,000 .. ..... ..................... w.•: ..... .... i �` <::<: < >: <_ sna o i$5.000.000 i so 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 " 1996 1997 1996 1999