HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.06.09_Planning Commission AgendaGSI 1 OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 1998 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: NOTICE FILED BY: TITLE: Regular June 9, 1998 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center Timothy D Rooney Assistant City Manager Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 11:00 AM on June 4, 1998. Timothy D. Roore Assistant OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 9, 1998, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S Cedar AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consider Approval of the Minutes of April 14, 1998 Regular Meeting and May 22, 1998 Special Meeting. 4. OZ- 98- 09- Kourtis Properties - A request for the rezoning of property from OL (Office Light) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The subject property is located immediately northeast of the Bank of the Lakes property on E 86th St No and contains 2.23 acres, more or less. 5. Site Plan - Kourtis Properties - A request for the review of a site plan for a retail shopping center located on the above described property. Action on this item is contingent upon Planning Commission approval of the rezoning request. 6. Annexation Request - -David ChgMev - A request for the annexation of property for Preston Lakes LLC. The subject property is generally located north and east of E 86th St N and N 145th East Avenue and contains 253.50 acres, more or less. 7. Final Plat -- Bailey Ranch Estates II - A request for the review of a final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates II. The subject property is located immediately east of Bailey Ranch Estates I and contains 135 lots on 40.68 acres, more or less. 8. Easement Closing- -ACE Custom Homes - A request to close a portion of a utility easement located on Lot 6, Block 2, Fairways II Addition. Owasso Planning Commission June 9, 1998 Page 2 of 2 9. Lot Tieing Agreement - -Nick Breese - A request for the approval of a lot tieing agreement. The subject property is described as Lots 20 & 21, Block 1, Central Park Addition. 10. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 11. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council 12. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso 13. Adjournment OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 14, 1998 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Bill Ellison Bob Randolph Larry Helton Charles Willey MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Tim Rooney Marsha Hensley The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on April 8, 1998 at 1:00 PM. Addendum to Agenda was posted on Monday, April 13, 1998 at 11:00 AM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 10, 1998 REGULAR MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of March 10, 1998, Bob Randolph moved, seconded by Larry Helton to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 4. Final Plat - Owasso Golf and Athletic Club - A request for a review of a final plat for Owasso Golf and Athletic Club. The subject property is located within Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 East; further described as being located between E. 76th Street North and E. 86th Street North, east of N. 129th E. Avenue and contains 248.45 acres, more or less. Mr. Rooney presented a staff report. The subject property is zoned PUD, with an underlying zoning of RM -1 (Residential Multi - Family Low Density) and OM (Office Medium). The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at their March 25, 1998 meeting. Due to the "blanket" easement granted to the utility companies there were no comments and /or corrections to the final plat. Staff had the following recommended changes to the final plat: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION April 14, 1998 Page No. 2 1. Change "8th" Street to "86th" Street. 2. Add a 50' setback line along N. 129th E. Avenue. 3. Location of the pump for the detention ponds needs to be provided. Mr. Joe Wolf, which owns a tract of land north of Graceland Acres, was present tc express concerns regarding his property being land locked. Mr. Rooney suggested a 20' wide access easement be granted to Mr. Wolfs property to prevent this from happening. Charles Willey moved to approve the final plat request subject to staff recommendations and subject to a 20' wide access easement being granted into Mr. Wolf's property to prevent a land lock situation, motion was seconded by Bob Randolph. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. Site Plan - Owasso Golf and Athletic Club - A request for a review of a site plan for Owasso Golf and Athletic Club. The subject property is located between E. 76th Street North and E. 86th Street North, east of N. 129th E. Avenue, Owasso, OK. Mr. Rooney presented a brief staff report. The subject property is zoned PUD with underlying RM -1 (Residential Multi - Family Low Density) and OM (Office Medium) zoning. The site plan indicated several ponds for detention concerns. A landscape plan have been submitted and the plan shows ample parking has been provided. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at their March 25, 1998 meeting and had the following comments: 1. 4" conduit should be provided at each structure to the intended service area. 2. Structures along N. 129th E. Avenue shall be setback a minimum of 50 feet. 3. Several fire hydrants need to be relocated to difference area for east of access. Please verify these locations with Mr. Marlar of Fire Inspection Services. 4. All trash receptacles should be placed in an area enclosed on three sides by fencing and /or walls. 5. Wind and trash fencing around each site under construction. No building inspections will be conducted unless this fencing is installed. 6. Separate permits will need to be obtained for any signage. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION April 14, 1998 Page No. 3 7. Staff would strongly encourage the requirement of Speed Bumps to eliminate vehicular speed on site. 8. Handicapped parking shall be in compliance with ADA requirements. Concerns with traffic was expressed by the Committee Members, along with the need for speed limiting devices place in the parking lot. Mr. Rooney stated the golf course needs to be substantially complete before the occupancy in the apartment complexes will be granted. Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan request subject to the above staff and TAC recommendations also, speed limiting devices to eliminate vehicular speed on site, motion was seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 6. Site Plan - Flemin Cg enter A request for a review of a site plan for Super 8 Motel. The subject property is described as a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Fleming Center; further described as 7571 Owasso Expressway, Owasso, OK. Mr. Rooney presented the staff report. The current zoning is CH (Commercial High Intensity) which would allow for this type of development. A separate permit would need to be issued for the proposed signage. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at their March 25, 1998 regular meeting. The following comments were received at that meeting: 1. Show the 17.5 utility easement within the front setback area. 2. Relocate hydrants to parking island areas. 3. Pole sign shall be relocated northward to island area (outside of easement). 4. All handicapped parking shall meet ADA requirements. There were concerns with the restaurant parking at the restaurant by the Committee Members. Charles Willey moved to approve the site plan with the omission of the restaurant and with the addition of the above TAC conditions and staff recommendations, motion was seconded by Bob Randolph. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION April 14, 1998 Page No. 4 Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - No Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 4 -1. 7. OZ -98 -08 - Rick Kramer - A request for the rezoning of property from AG (Agriculture) to RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) District. The subject property is described as a portion of the NW /4 of Section 30, T21N, R14E; further described as immediately north of 704 Carlsbad. Mr. Rooney gave the staff report. This parcel of land totals .58 acres in area. Mr. Rooney stated that it appears consistent with the surrounding development. Notices were mailed to surrounding property owners and the legal advertisement was published on March 19, 1998. No calls were received by the Community Development Department. Concerned citizens from the area were present to expressed concerns with drainage and traffic problems in the area. Ray Haynes moved to approve the rezoning request, seconded by Larry Helton. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. Final Plat - The Fairways Bailey Ranch IV - A request for the review of a final plat for The Fairways IV at Bailey Ranch. The subject property is located immediately north of The Fairways II at Bailey Ranch and consists of 69 residential lots on 23.7 acres, more of less. Mr. Rooney presented a brief staff report. The entire property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) and allows for several different size residential lots. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at their March 25, 1998 meeting. All of the items that TAC addressed at that meeting have been corrected. Acceleration /Deceleration lanes are required along the entrance to this addition off of E. 96th Street North, as well as sidewalks. Concerns with flag lots were discussed. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION April 14, 1998 Page No. 5 Bob Randolph moved to approve the request for the final plat subject to dual signage, seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 9. Text Amendment - Owasso Zoning Code - A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 15, Section 15 -719 "Handicapped Parking. " Mr. Rooney presented a staff report. Staff created a Parking Review Committee to review city ordinances relating to the parking of commercial vehicles in residential areas, as well as handicapped parking. The Parking Ordinance Review Committee recommended a text amendment to the Owasso Zoning Code specifically relating to handicapped parking. Any change in the Zoning Code is required to be reviewed by the Planning Commission, then to City Council for approval. Mr. Randolph stated that Mr. Rooney did a good job at pulling the Committee together and getting the work done. Ray Haynes moved to approve the text amendment, seconded by Larry Helton. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 10. Lot Tieing Agreement - Central Park - A request for approval of a Lot Tieing Agreement for Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Central Park, an addition to the City of Owasso. The subject property is located at 12803 -12805 E. 90th Street North, Owasso. Mr. Rooney briefed the Members on this item. The owner of these two lots want to construct an inground swimming pool on Lot 2, Block 1, Central Park and their home is on Lot 1, Block 1. This Lot Tieing Agreement assures that these two lots cannot be sold separate from one another. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION April 14, 1998 Page No. 6 Ray Haynes moved to approve the lot tieing agreement, seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 11. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 12. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 13. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 14. Adjournment - Charles Willey moved, Bill Ellison seconded, to adjourn meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM. Chairperson Secretary Date OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Friday, May 22, 1998 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Bill Ellison Bob Randolph Larry Helton Charles Willey MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Tim Rooney The agenda for the special meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on May 19, 1998 at 6:45 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:31 AM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. Final Plat - ROC Owasso - A request for the approval of the final plat for ROC Owasso, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. ROC Owasso is located on the southeast comer of E. 86th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue and contains 8 commercial lots on 25.568 acres, more or less. Mr. Rooney presented a staff report. The subject property is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center) and contains 8 lots on 25.568 acres. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat for ROC Owasso via mail correspondence. Each letter from the utility companies was reviewed by staff, the following items were addressed: 1. The streets labeled on the location map of the plat should be labeled "North" rather than "South ". 2. Addresses need to be added to the final plat. Those addresses are available from staff and should be added to the final plat prior to the City Council's review. 3. Staff has concerns regarding the access points indicated for Lots 7 and 8, Block 1. Two access points are shown, each being 40' in width, separated by only 30' of no access. Staff has discussed this concern with the applicant and the applicant has agreed to remove the access point indicated on Lot 7. (While the site plan has not been submitted at this time, the tentative plans for access to Lot 7 are through the parking lot area, not via East 86 Street. 4. Acceleration /Deceleration lanes will be required at all points of access along E. 86th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue and sidewalks are required along both thoroughfares as well. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION May 22, 1998 Page No. 2 Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat request subject to the above recommendations, motion was seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 4. Adjournment - Ray Haynes moved, Bill Ellison seconded, to adjourn meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 AM. Chairperson Secretary Date CITY OF OWASSO Planning Department OZ -98 -09 Staff Report Timothy D. Rooney - Assistant City Manager APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Kourtis Realty LTD, Co.; applicant and purchases. REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE: A request to rezone the subject property from OL (Office Light) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) in order to allow for retail/ restaurant development. LOCATION AND SIZE: The subject property is located northeast of the Bank of the Lakes site (12401 E. 86th Street North) and contains 97,326 square feet, more or less. A copy of the complete legal description is attached for your information and review, as well as a location map. EXISTING LAND USE: The subject property is currently undeveloped. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The subject property is abutted to the north by a drainage channel, while farther north lies developed residential property - Central Park II and Lakeridge - zoned RS -3 (Residential Single- Family High Density). The subject property is bordered on the southwest by the Bank of the Lakes property zoned OL (Office Light). The subject property is bordered on the south by undeveloped property zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center), likely to be developed in a restaurant manner. The subject property is bordered on the east by the Warehouse Market grocery store also zoned CS. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: The Zoning Code for the City of Owasso, Chapter 15 "Amendments" and Chapter 6 "Commercial Land Uses ". SITE INFORMATION: No unusual development hardships are noted. ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting a rezoning of a parcel of land 97,326 square feet in area from OL (Office Light) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) in order to allow for commercial retail /restaurant development. The applicants have additionally requested a site plan approval (see next agenda item) for the subject property which is contingent upon this rezoning application. Staff Report OZ -98 -09 Page 2 of 3 A portion of the original tract from which the subject property and the Bank of the Lakes property was created from was involved in a rezoning request in 1990. At that time, the land that contains Robert Long's Insurance office/Diane's Travel and the property that is now Bank of the Lakes was considered for CG zoning for the ultimate use of a car wash. That request was denied, with the Planning Commission citing that although the established zoning pattern in the area supported the request, the physical surroundings did not. Since 1990, the property involved in that zoning request has developed or is preparing to do so Robert Long's Insurance office and Diane's Travel were constructed in 1992 within OL (Office Light) zoning requirements and specifications. Bank of the Lakes, after receiving lot split approval in November or 1996, was also developed within OL zoning requirements and specifications. The property immediately south of the subject property was rezoned from OL to CS in January of this year and is anticipated to develop in a restaurant manner (Schlotzsky's). Obviously, the physical changes in the area are not limited to these properties. Since the original zoning application in 1990, Warehouse Foods (originally Food Lion) developed east of the subject property, as well as much of the Ram Plaza Addition which was platted in 1993. In 1996, Cornerstone Shopping Center located on the south side of E. 86th Street North, also completed a large expansion to the existing shopping center. In short, E. 86th Street North has become a commercial retail /service corridor within our community for exceeding 1990 expectations. The applicant's request to rezone the subject property to CS is consistent with development that has occurred within this corridor since 1992, but yet does not go to the extreme of a CG zoning and the intensity that would accompany it. An approval would allow for retail /service uses, thus adding to what is already found along this corridor of our community. Quite simply, the conditions that may have supported a denial of a rezoning request on a portion of this property in 1990 are no longer existent in 1998 on this property. Office and commercial development has occurred both east and west of the subject property and is anticipated to the south, thus creating a more harmonious environment for CS zoning. This is not to state, however, that concerns for an appropriate buffer between the subject property and the developing residential property do not exist. Strict and stringent review of the accompanying site plan (see next agenda item) for utilization of the existing dense vegetation along the drainage channel, as well as any additional landscape buffering and required fencing should occur. Any and all steps viewed as being necessary by the Planning Commission to provide the appropriate buffers should be considered as conditions of approval during the site plan review. Staff Report OZ -98 -09 Page 3 of 3 Notices were sent to surrounding property owners on May 22, 1998 and the legal ad was published in the Owasso Reporter on May 21, 1998. Staff has received two inquires regarding the zoning request. Both property owners were concerned with the vegetation along the drainage channel, one wanted it to remain while the other wanted it to be cleared. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request from OL (Office Light) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). ATTACHMENTS 1. Rezoning Application. 2. Legal Description. 3. Location Map. 4. Letters sent to property owners within 300' of the zoning request. 5. Legal ad from the Owasso Reporter. ,resent Zoning: Present Use: 3roposed Zoning: C 5 Proposed Use: 2i�a I _egal Description of Tract under Application: (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) If applicant is other than owner, please indicate interest: (purchaser, lessee, agent for, other) A ao.'t F advertising and sign charges to: <-4 A _ (name) (address) ,�,72.— 31.£f ?-- (phone) I do here b certify that the information herein submitted is complete, true and accurate. Signed: Address: -3q5 !�• i /5 C A-w�. �w4ss9 Phone: �-7 2, 1—�J APPLICANT - DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Date Received: /3 �lB Sec. ay Twp, cD./ M Rg. Iq Fee Receipt No.: cT44/ 3 0 UPC Recommendation: Date: 64- /F& Vote: f" ff Recommendation: Ordinance No. City Council Action: Date: /o -16- M Vote: "EE SCHEDULE C CITY OF OWASSO 0-_ -.99 acres $ $ 75 / /, 4 99 acres 0 00 A APPLICATION FOR REZONING O OZ- y _- 4 150 ? cres & above 2 200 ieneral Location d d ^ < < _egal Description of Tract under Application: (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) If applicant is other than owner, please indicate interest: (purchaser, lessee, agent for, other) A ao.'t F advertising and sign charges to: <-4 A _ (name) (address) ,�,72.— 31.£f ?-- (phone) I do here b certify that the information herein submitted is complete, true and accurate. Signed: Address: -3q5 !�• i /5 C A-w�. �w4ss9 Phone: �-7 2, 1—�J APPLICANT - DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Date Received: /3 �lB Sec. ay Twp, cD./ M Rg. Iq Fee Receipt No.: cT44/ 3 0 UPC Recommendation: Date: 64- /F& Vote: f" ff Recommendation: Ordinance No. City Council Action: Date: /o -16- M Vote: EXHIBIT "D" Legal Description Second tract to be created A tract of land that is part of the South Half (S /2) of the South Half (S /2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE /4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Twenty -one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the United States Government survey thereof, said tract of land being described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the southeast comer of said Section 20; thence South 89 055'06" West along the southerly line of Section 20 for 990.00 feet; thence due North for 260.00 feet to the "point of beginning" of said tract of land; thence South 89 °55'06" West and parallel with the southerly line of Section 20 for 200.00 feet; thence due North for 20.00 feet; thence South 89 °55'06" West and parallel with the southerly line of Section 20 for 185.00 feet; thence due North for 72.90 feet; thence North 39 °36'38" East for 180.37 feet; thence North 61 °33'25" East for 272.95 feet; thence North 51 °42'35" East for 38.22 feet; thence due South for 352.00 feet to the "point of beginning" of said tract of land, containing 97,326 square feet. City of Owasso 207 South Cedar dam«° ^ (918) 272 -2251 PO Box 180 FAX (918) 272-4999 Owasso, OK 74055 ., t ,i NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ -98 -09 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 9th day of June, 1998. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Kourtis Realty Ltd, Co., applicant, for a proposed change of the zoning classification from OL (Office Light) District to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) District, which would allow for commercial development. The subject property is described as follows: A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE SOUTH HALF (S 12) OF THE SOUTH HALF (S /2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE /4) OF SECTION TWENTY (20), TOWNSHIP TWENTY -ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE US GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, SAID TRACT BEING DESCRIBED AS -FOLLOWS, TO-WIT- COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE SOUTH 89 055'06" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SECTION 20 FOR 990.00 FEET ,-. THENCE DUE NORTH FOR 260.00 FEET TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING" OF SAID TRACT OF LAND; THENCE SOUTH 89 °55'06" WEST AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SECTION 20 FOR 200.00 FEET; THENCE DUE NORTH FOR 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 °55'06" WEST AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SECTION 20 FOR 185.00 FEET; THENCE DUE NORTH FOR 72.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39 036'38" EAST FOR 180.37 FEET; THENCE NORTH 61633.'25" EAST FOR 272.95 FEET; THENCE NORTH 51 °42'35" EAST FOR 38,22 FEET;.THENCE DUE SOUTH FOR 352.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND, CONTAINING 97,326 SQUARE FEET. The general location of the property is northeast of Bank of the Lakes, 12404 E. 86th Street North, Owasso, OK. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Director, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. These comments will be presented to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing by Planning Staff. A map showing the subject area is attached for your review. Additional information regarding this request may be inspected in the office of the Community Development Director, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, or by calling 272 -2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 22nd day of May, 1998. Sincerely, � o' �� _ Timothy D. R ey Assistant City Manager NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENTTO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICATION: OZ -98 -09 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 9th day of June, 1998. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE SOUTH HALF (S /2) OF THE SOUTH HALF (S /2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE /4) OF SECTION TWENTY (20), TOWNSHIP TWENTY -ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE US GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, SAID TRACT BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO -WIT: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE SOUTH 89 °55'06" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SECTION 20 FOR 990.00 FEET; THENCE DUE NORTH FOR 260.00 FEET TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING" OF SAID TRACT OF LAND; THENCE SOUTH 89 055'06" WEST AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SECTION 20 FOR 200.00 FEET; THENCE DUE NORTH FOR 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 055'06" WEST AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SECTION 20 FOR 185.00 FEET; THENCE DUE NORTH FOR 72.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39 °36'38" EAST FOR 180.37 FEET; THENCE NORTH 61 °33'25" EAST FOR 272.95 FEET; THENCE NORTH 51 042'35" EAST FOR 38.22 FEET; THENCE DUE SOUTH FOR 352.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND, CONTAINING 97,326 SQUARE FEET. The general location of the property is northeast of Bank of the Lakes, 12404 E. 86th Street North, Owasso, OK. To be considered is a rezoning from OL (Office Light) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso Community Development Director. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 18th day of May, 1998. Timothy D. Rooney Assistant City Manager MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: LAEERIDGE SHOPPING CENTER SITE PLAN DATE: June 5, 1998 BACKGROUND: Kourtis Properties has submitted a site plan for the review of Lakeridge Shopping Center. The subject property is located north of E. 86th Street North, directly northeast of the Bank of the Lakes property. The subject parcel was created via a lot split previously approved by the Planning Commission and an area map is attached for your information and review. Please note that action on this item is contingent upon a successful rezoning of the subject DroDerty to CS. See previous agenda item As the site plan included within your packet indicates, a total of 20,809 square feet of commercial /office /restaurant space is being proposed by the applicant. Based upon the specific breakdown in how the square footage is proposed to be utilized, the total number of parking spaces that would be needed are 117 (22 for medical, 30 for restaurant, and 65 for retail). A total of 131 parking spaces are identified on the site plan, however staff would suggest that the final amount of spaces will not be 131 due to the lack of loading areas in the rear of the facility. Based on 131 spaces, a total of 5 handicapped parking spaces would be required. Access to the subject property is via a mutual access easement between the Bank of the Lakes property and the CS zoned property immediately to the east of the Bank of the Lakes. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request at their May 27, 1998 meeting. At that meeting, the following comments /corrections were provided by the area utility providers and staff: 1. The addition of a 17.5' utility easement along the west, east, and north boundaries of the subject property. No other comments and /or concerns were noted at that meeting. Staff would recommend, however, that the Planning Commission require the applicant to submit a detailed landscaping plan to staff for the rear of the subject property. The landscaping plan should include the screening fence and the types of landscaping that will be added, as well as the native landscaping that will remain. The Planning Commission may be provided additional recommendations regarding a landscape buffer as a result of the rezoning request. If approved by the Planning Commission, construction is anticipated to begin shortly thereafter. A separate permit would need to be issued for the proposed signage. Staff Report Site Plan - Lakeridge Shopping Center Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed site plan as presented with the following conditions: 1. A 17.5' utility easement should be added along the west, east, and north boundaries of the subject property. 2. Submittal of a detailed landscaping plan that includes the screening fence and types of both native and proposed landscaping. 3. All parking meet ADA requirements. 4. Any signage requires separate permits. ATTACffiyMNTS/ENCLOSURES: 1. Area map 2. Site plan MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANTCITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ANNEXATIONREQUEST PRESTON LAKES, LLC DATE: June 3, 1998 BACKGROUND Preston Lakes, LLC has submitted to the City of Owasso a petition for the annexation of property totaling approximately 253.99 acres, more or less. The subject property is located north and east of the northeast corner of E. 86th Street North and N. 145th E. Avenue and is currently undeveloped. A subject map is attached for your information and review. The subject property is currently zoned AG (Agricultural) in Rogers County and would remain zoned AG upon annexation. All property annexed by the City of Owasso is required to be zoned the lowest zoning classification (AG) until any rezoning request is received and approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council. A copy of the City of Owasso's annexation policy is attached for your information and review. If annexation is recommended for approval by the Annexation Committee and the Planning Commission and annexed by the City Council, the subject property would have to go through all platting requirements of the City of Owasso prior to any development. It should be noted that upon any development of this property, acceleration/deceleration lanes would need to be included for all entries along E. 86th St North, N. 145th E. Avenue and N. 161st E. Avenue, as well as sidewalks. Two items that are noteworthy when reviewing this annexation are both water and sanitary sewer availability. The subject property does not lie within the City of Owasso's service area for water, but rather Rogers County Rural Water District #3. In regards to potential development of the property, all construction standards of the City of Owasso would need to be met regardless of the service provider. The subject property is similar in nature to the conditions found at the time of annexation of the Bailey Ranch Estates property. A water district boundary map is attached for your information and review. Sanitary sewer will be provided to the subject property via the Elm Creek Interceptor Sewer, a joint project between the city and the private sector. At the time the Elm Creek Interceptor sewer is tapped or extended by the developer of the subject property, a "pay- back" fee will be required to be paid to the City of Owasso. The "pay -back" charged to this developer, as well as others within the Elm Creek Interceptor Service Area, will be figured on a per -acre basis, and should allow the city to recoup approximately 85% of the cost of construction. Staff Report Annexation Request - Preston Lakes LLC Page 2 of 2 Notification of the annexation request was published in the Owasso Reporter on May 21, 1998 to notify the public of the annexation request before the Planning Commission on June 9, 1998. That notification will be followed by notification published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter on June 4 and 11, 1998 to notify the public of possible City Council action regarding the request on June 16, 1998. A copy of the procedures for annexation is also attached for your information and review. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request at their May 27, 1998 regular meeting and had no comments /concerns regarding the request. The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request at their May 28, 1998 Special Meeting and also recommended approval of the annexation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the annexation request. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Subject Map 2. City of Owasso's Annexation Policy 3. Water District Boundary Map 4. Elm Creek Interceptor Sewer Map 5. City of Owasso's Procedures for Annexation 6. Copy of the Annexation Petition (Includes Legal Description) 7.6 A T ZL III I IP JP. � i 0 A 20 L / 1 / SUBJECT 40 A PROPERTY l I 60 A 20 A / dko &V gm Haoso _ r EL EM. I D q 1I ' N Y 20 A CITY COUNCIL SPONSORED ANNEXATION: 1. City Council direction to study the annexation of property. 2. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 3. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 6. City Council hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. CITIZEN SPONSORED ANNEXATION: 1. Submission to the City Planner of an application and petition and an administrative fee as prescribed by Ordinance. 2. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the _ Planning Commission and City Council. 3. Notice published once in the. Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 6. City Council Hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved,l published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. Adopted by City Council on March 1, 1988. .......................... ............................... ............................. ............................... ............................. ............................... ............................. • + +i + •+ ++ + + ++ + + ++ +a + + + ++ + + + ♦ + + + + t , r r + t t + + + + + a a 4 + + + + • + + + + + + + « + + + + + , ♦ + r + a + + + + + r + + +n + + + + + a + + + ++ ++ + + „+ ++ + + + + + , « + + + + + + + + + + + + r + r + + i #+ t F i} t f} 4 h t i + 4 + + + h + } 3 + + + + i h a i 3+{{+ h t i+ a i i r+ a�t.� ++ ♦+ t 3 + + + W + + h t + + + f « } + h a+ + a + + + F + t + + + m ♦ + +++++++ ♦ # r + f ♦ a + ++++++++++++++++ ♦ + a F + + + + + + + h + « + + + + ++++++++++ , « ; ++ iC1 +T,Y +1,4iF +h N + + + + + + + + « + ♦' Q + ++ a a+ r r f♦ r r+ - +.+++++++++++. l6.��++++++++++++++++.+.+j., + + + + + + + + t + . =i + « t + + a + + « + + + + + + + + i ♦ + + + + ♦ + + f.++.+++.++:++++:+:++++++,+++ ' ++ +' •+ +♦+++++ a + + a + + + +iaia +r ++ +� + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +a4 ++ +GkyF�..}r+ +/ on� :+:+++::++++++4 + + a %+ + + i + r �♦t�adct�a + +a + + + + + + + + + + r + + + + r ♦ r s + r a a + t ♦ + a r + + a + a + + + a ♦ a aa ++++ + + ++ + «+ t + t ♦ ++ + a a a a a a a + ♦+ F a+ + + aa+a♦ a a++ 4 ++ 4 f+ a +♦ h f fah + a 4 .........:...7....... ii DISTRICT ROGERS COUNTY NORTH WATER DISTRICTS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PLIRI IC WORKS DEPARMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION 7 ....� Q 106TH STREET NORTH III W WOODLAND NEW W III Q �¢ ESROG Q ] Z Cm EL PoD ESES AT iES G£N -NUR OTM NEM M O, A('- L k M NNB NSA O O m xE£ FT A Q CpA95 III IEFR. 4 NDRC.VIS AF WQ F Cyt F � DENS 96TH - . -.:T1� NORTH 6GZ NQPDANS AF 1E5 1N0. QNINDSCi NE 1 F s s F n 0 4ika uxE DANDExx A N,,: ,., tT x I NuxER's 2ND. FANWAYS Po A CtEN ESTATES FREEN MEA00 8 C I LIX1AR NM m; 4M. A�IA AN 6REN1X000 ^I -�si{g '. VAN-LM NORTH 86TH C { sIXIMERN uNRS ELN LREE Jri 2Sx1; Eyt �:�, $ x rs, "; mu Tar eaWn Esc nuts w Esr. ACREAGE tl yx Ham" „* NORTH A• 30.3 76T I B• 8.0 68.7 D- 80.0 E= 35A LEGEND F =_ 208.7 MU DRAINAGEAREARDIINDRY H= 5.6 DVJA CR LIMRR 1- 15,5 y - UN DEVELOPEDACREAOE Jv212.1 5 �" DEVELOPEDACREAGE K =160.0 p AREA SERVED VJRH CRY SEVER L = 178.0 k M. 155.0 „ N = 138.0 0= 28.7 66TH STREET NORTH P- 12A Q= 17.3 PROP08EO ELM CREEK CITY OF OWASSO EKIBTING II ;m7 E. AVE INTERCEPTOR ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR DRAINAGE AREA LIFT STATON PRRPAHED JANUARY IS68 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTN6N'E ti HOW TO APPLY TO HAVE PROPERTY ANNEXED TO OWASSO The Owasso City Council may annex property to the city limits in accordance with state law, city ordinances and City Council policies. At least three - fourths of the registered voters and the owners of at least three - fourths of the property in any territory adjacent or contiguous to the municipality may request annexation by signing and filing a petition with the governing body of the municipality. A petition form for this purpose may be obtained from the Owasso City Planner. A fee for the annexation . review by the city will be charged to the petitioner in the following amounts: 0 - 4.99 acres $ 25.00 5 - 9.99 acres $ 50.00 10 acres and above $100.00 Fees for the publication of a notice of annexation in the local newspaper and for the publication of an ordinance of the annexation are required by state law and those fees will be charged to the petitioner. The procedure for the annexation of property by petition has been established by City Council policy and is as follows: 1. Submission to the City Planner of an application and Petition and a application fee as proscribed by ordinance, 2. Review by the Annexation Committee which will "make recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council, 3. Notice published once in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a Planning Commission hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation, 4. Planning Commission .hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council, 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a City Council hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation, 6. City Council hearing and action on the proposal, 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. The above information is for general guidance. Please call the Owasso City Planner at 272 -2251 for more information. You may also find it helpful to examine the Owasso ordinances or state statutes or consult with an attorney. BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PETIT Oi N FOR ANN TION The undersigned, constituting not less than three- fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three- fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW /4 SW /4) and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (W /2 SE/4 SWA) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range 14 (14) East of the I.B.&M., containing 60 acres more or less, Rogers County, State of Oklahoma, according to the US Government Survey thereof, ME A tract of land containing a part of the E/2 of the SEA of the SWA of Section 22, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the I.B. &M., Rogers County, Oklahoma, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of the E12 of the SEA of the SW 14; thence N 00 °06'35" W along the East line of said E/2 of the SE/4 of the SW/4; a distance of 632.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence N 00 °6'35" W continuing along said East line a distance of 690.32 feet to the Northeast corner of the E/2 of the SE /4 of the SW 14; thence S 89 °59'16" W a distance of 661.14 feet to the Northwest corner of said E12 of the SE /4 of the SW /4 thence S 00 °05'31" E along the West line of said E/2 of the SEA of the SW /4, a distance of 1087.98 feet to a point 234.67 feet North of the Southwest corner of the E12 of the SE/4 of the SW 14; thence N 58 °56'55" E a distance of 771.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 13.50 acres, more or less, The South Half of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S /2 S/2 NE/4) and the West Half of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (W /2 E/2 SE/4) and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W 12 SE(4) and the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (E/2 NE /4 SW /4) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Twenty-one, (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the I.B. &M., Rogers County, State of Oklahoma, according to the US Government Survey thereof, containing , 180.49 acres, more or less. Being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petition the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 14th day of May, 1998. Owner(s): Preston Lakes, LLC An Oklahoma Limited Liability Company by David E. Charney, Member /Manager 1 •' 1 TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT BAILEY RANCH ESTATES H DATE: June 5, 1998 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Blue Chip Development, Inc. for the review of a final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates II. Bailey Ranch Estates II is part of a planned unit development located 1/4 mile north of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road, immediately east of the existing Bailey Ranch Estates. Phase II of the Bailey Ranch PUD consists of 135 lots on 40.75 acres of property. A subject map is enclosed for your information and review. The Bailey Ranch Estates II plat was previously reviewed and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission in 1995, however the Council never reviewed that plat due to the lack of a complete set of construction plans being submitted by the applicant at the time. Recently the subject property changed ownership and when the "new" owner approached staff regarding the plat for Bailey Ranch Estates II, it was staff's position that providing the plat had no substantial changes, staff would process it as a final plat. The final plat, included within your packet, is essentially the same plat that was approved by the Planning Commission in 1995. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at their May 27, 1998 meeting. At that meeting, the following corrections were submitted by staff and the utility companies: 1. North 118th E. Avenue, between Block 9 and Block 10 should be relabeled as North 117th E. Avenue. 2. Lot 12, Block 9 should be addressed 11912 N. 120th E. Avenue. 3. Lot 24, Block 7 should be addressed 11802 E. 100th Street North. 4. An off -site 11' utility easement is necessary along the north boundary of Lot 4, Block 1. Construction plans have been submitted to the Public Works Department and have been marked with corrections and returned to the applicant. As is the established policy of the city when reviewing plats, no plats are forwarded to the City Council for action until such time that the construction plans have been approved by the Public Works Department and permits to construct Water and Sanitary Sewer have been issued by the Department of Environmental Quality. Staff Report Bailey Ranch Estates II - Final Plat Page 2 of 2 Please note that the subject property does not fall within the water service area of the City of Owasso, but rather Washington County Rural Water District N3. All water lines, although served by another provider, will still be required to meet the development specifications of the City of Owasso. This is the same requirement from 1995. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Planning Commission approval of the final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates II with the noted corrections from the Technical Advisory Committee. ATTACHMENTS/ENCLOSURES 1. Final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates I1. 2. Covenants for Bailey Ranch Estates II. MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: EASEMENT CLOSING REQUEST ACE CUSTOM HOMES DATE: June 3, 1998 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request for the closing of a portion of a utility easement located within Lot 6, Block 2, Fairways II Addition. The portion of the easement to be closed is described as the southern 3' of the northern 11' utility easement. A case map is enclosed for your information and review. The subject property is currently in the process of being developed with a single - family residence. The residence, as it is proposed, would encroach 2.5 feet into the northern 11' utility easement. Area utility companies have reviewed the easement closing request and have no objections. Staff also has no objections to the easement closing request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the easement closing request, closing the southern 3 feet of the northern 11 foot utility easement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Case Map 2. Copy of request Ietter from ACE Custom Homes S R, EA 4 E F�lIRTY�YS II EAST 96th 1 ET IN \ . VMY4TRa at i 3 n q bailey Ranch � wrei z c[xrtx A SUBgN90N M 111E W/2 OF SECTION 19, T -21 -N• R -thE. PTY OF OWA559, TULSA COUNTY. OI(LAHp1A oa ours 13 g g c+ IS 79'21'23' E 62,00' X N 2876'21' E 120.00' - rr'urrarmv rr.,srrt..avr S.21'42.42. E 52.00' ac to @ roars =}� n A - 272'21' R - 37s.Q0 z 8 a �.�f•�x A - 2'0293• L +. 16.61 ® R - 585.7 c ux7� ry 7+. j .s. a ,m, > 9' F L - 29.99, u NON1N �a At 1 r •4 S 6170'16' E 8517' rrw*F. ti A n i rfl Cn tD . EAST 86th SiBEET G am p ` S 4478'50• E 49.27 ".. ° .waroars CQK 4FCJ$ E.%483.45' -- -� n wv cows[ w\✓�/ ___..N 6478'12' 0 I OCA110N IAAP �• +„�4 e; 'T^'y' `0 4s 'Ts- -0y°- \ c 0' S0' 100' 200' 300' -n rK „ 4® •• �. 5 531751' E 103.74' _ 28.90 AORES _ T�i H ! n .: ® B ®e 4 h 45:' ao r �/.`. 2 YF 3.98s+ yfvmas ge n! um•s�� 9 r1 O L 1 C\ a r,em+v -.,raw vn nw >n µS4 •� w>d'�'o 9 N 79'5120' W 3 &55'J ( '� u J JI W •4Fr- _b a? i+'•SSt 4i T.m�IT.aY rN >t N 38 '08'23' W 90.82' 'h' J P {fit 4 r W cm OR1 n• 2 KOU TISTIS P�S, LLC �� •P7,° WOO (E. Rlls St. A'') > 4NV E8 9 m y P.O.,Box 419 N 20 '04'20• W 59.20'. 70 Js•\ F 0 °ass., OK 74055 q• a¢S k a, v F w,> to S 8013'40' W 28.02' ,°. 918/272 -4]]3 1 r 4 "4u v +d,+w >_ -p.a a �r 79 ®y N 83'29'41' IN 68.08' N 10'33'35' E 118.35• /,,,,` +® Y 12 88 t %r Aqy JJa 5 33'43'01' W 93.12' Z O Planner ra'vrF ar ns.4e.awr.7rrrw -.J 'T /� T \ 3 owesZ,^, 13 vq 141 15 y A' •enspgg r 0 3� PI 1082 E 5th ASSOCIATES iES o' �F ar.¢s.,a.rF.vr.°wr r S^ 0 9 ,� u>r r -oy E' a °� n iwro Yqa S ;1. 7vn- pp7 �r2' S 15'36'13' W 81.15' y S 34'37• y,9 E , .rri s v. gJ21'S1'u '1 im•a, oK Tns6 to 80 0? la N r 918 /665 -BBDD ^nire• 25J.00' E N7\ }2.00 m "'+ 158.75' Y' 8}.29 "� i , 3ax,,,,,sarr = m jR� - e•.o7. 7 y3^ N 8H-49'Op' W yy ��r"Gr'� ^ 1 'z EnuNavC '4 ^ 1 ae.e v .rir _ "'0p i � �® n I � ~ S 122395' W 51.03' Jf7p4 aoa ®17 1 5 074714' W 88.25' '0 nu /� yy i;; Z I I �, 7• D m MLIJAN E. LEWIS. P.E. N N y i7 rnav ^^], "= 3 .. ®SRI !r'vrF ar senurrF:vrswa[A•r W 34 i$w?,J •r !4 5879 S. Cornett 1 NI 23x1 rent _CY g J, J1. n Tulsa, d( 74146 a ��_- i. ®`ag'h ,lvv' x' ° rwv> _ ` 918/254 -4689 - 1; 1 �eJ• 'q ' 7 .m:uw •y1 ro °y 1 ��' Z�5 9 oa 0• v na. > ;.�. ` r.wa s `, < i, aa+•.� • A. BOUNDARY 08AENSIONS } p g6560��A:°d /E /ems `a• w sre• vrI® $ (1) N 74'30'03' W 124.83' 0 ..o, a i�ir�n'a -._c ,5 r�e weu Y Ir $; a7>lN app J j llaer, a .b ^ °> •aeu vajd \pr JB. A - 35837 y 10 - . rr r41 r. rr'ros s t. .4P mm . f R - 362. ♦ . m: A- 1674'15. R - 3 35.00' •� °`. she .. &.. • g pwav Sy L- 25.13, s R •' xyar ®•'� 8f1' ,� >a:a ` +w•v '_ 5 f 4'` QS S 74'50'51' E 77.48' D G �' _ 2 �° . �• LEGEND - 96.89 6 r r�Q E sn7r -� °i 8.1� ♦, -�d h $ ij• 2° M u•[ 1 \ 9F $ + ® °�� a 8unmdyE. Une m x 1�'•y SS r flY av> =Y ew 5711.) x r r ffF 4 4 `� >/ - }=t y > /ar urr er avu.a nnn.4v nq �\i ' + �r O,p 1 eaa ? 3 . 5 ®e ' 64 e•fp �s / `� i i 0ia> + ./'/\\yt � r RP6 .. Oo nalnu eaaEea m .Menl t I ey a\ 1 9 20 Cart o In M'r ot Point .1. N 862651 E 8.27; Begm °i°q aw 0`1 �4 C -r - C.,,,, No. .3 h N 0'00'00' W 53.98' L ®42 y� V.E ieus , : ? 9aE 3J„_. ... r v,r - Street Aanres Yv J.- __- ____P.O.B.__ a N`t DR1 Am ,S' •¢ •s / ifrC F tS¢Far:rsaa+.F xrvsser.• m sO + er.rrLL. -y. �� 31 I� ®yrf � h_� V / 8••® 4ee e. • ®d A 4�nw'>& ' 2 -_34.24' } 588'41'42'W a ry ti m.a r-- 5 7729'59' E 18.00' r 71.41 • 0 ®s L 38 f ° 37 K 9•,saa v • dl r. ` �ar» s'T a _ l Ayr val 4 O r ply R7w47lrc- 3919- mwv`s,rae sn 4 saa' • SpaaSay4 310ID �1. c•• DRI { r 0 r -terns v ;,' i s^e y 4/E „1(' 4a l� iS 1271'34' W 55,87' 5 L _ _ n t! <s” 1+_ - i ltf ,a,. > R tam > 7s4W r'r: r '1 SUSS P E. 52SO ST. N0. _ ; 7ias• w -m� n.vY n_m• aiaFa7G >S eAaW h� ? y +.T,N� . re ORT4;L '+ > c S 88'41'42' W 355.28' tp4� • r 2® n tmw ai �°A4• v 8� "eb 'iX I fc aae ax n }R:,r� :.M u T_ _ _ _ y \C: ,•Ml 4j�,, nr 29 $2,tnav 4 1� /6' T� > , 14s'r is 7. 9�� rtl 7R IL r. 'Nay ° °� �- N:7620'28' W 20.79',. r I I r rC bj \o, 26I, �a d 4e h _ 30 { J S Y^a sa A ?•�v /O�• .ro'wr srwr•M..awsn. 'y, c. �, x� 2 I 1 I I 'NLi. \\ a,C� q .tA^ r.. Y t h wrl ry (,w at'- �j° 9 'v i r ? r;, 3 35. ' a4' 34 N t v %i/RNfiER ca c 7' ry+ sr ,A •0 Ql ' � �w Y9C/ OM1L �ejl'7r� y/ v '` •l;`) (.J O .1.. _'�� _ uSnu :'J��C_- I ® S ..N °NL,yiR• ♦ � N,yea¢ :ra t' > ^_'- .__•r_esA.aa I rw2a ss (74 y3 ®:YA .'P 33 23 2_.Iarsl raraira•�-,,, .^ 7F dl 24 ^ v ® ®•i § �� awr >wr'7' y u•ns n•wF. }d' r 4p1�ns. to I:l Owasso Planning Commission A . C . I.. CUSTOM HOMES 11960 East 86rh Street North Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Tel 918.272.1084 Fax 918.272.1210 A.C.E. Custom Homes, Inc. respectfully requests the closing of the southerly 2 1/21 of the northern utility easement on lot 6 block 2 Fairways II addition. A.K.A. 9203 North 100th East Court Owasso, Ok. A.C.: MEMORANDUM 's TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANTCITY MANAGER SUBJECT: LOT TIEING AGREEMENT LOTS 20 AND 21, BLOCK 1 CENTRAL PARK DATE: June 3, 1998 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a lot tieing request from Mr. Nick Breese for two lots located within the Central Park Addition. The subject property is located within the 12600 block of East 91st Street North. A copy of the Central Park plat is attached for your information and review. The applicant is requesting a lot tieing agreement in order to allow for the construction of one single - family residence on the two lots in question. In order to build the single - family residence on the center portion of the two lots, it is necessary for the applicant to enter into a lot- tieing agreement with the City of Owasso. Approval and granting of the lot tieing agreement will ensure that the following occur: 1. The right to construct the single - family dwelling on the common lot lines of both Lots 20 and 21, Block 1 of Central Park. 2. The right to use the combined lots as if they were a single -Iot of record. 3. That neither lot may be sold in the future as a separate lot. 4. That all other improvements (other than the single - family dwelling) shall comply with all ordinances of the City of Owasso. The Iot tieing agreement does not effect any platted utility easements as there are no utility easements along the common lot lines of the two lots. All property development standards of an RS -3 (Residential SingIe- Family High Density) district would still need to be met by the applicant (FY setback of 25', RY setback of 20', Side yard setbacks of 5' and 10'). Again, execution of this agreement is necessary in order to allow for construction of the dwelling. If approved by the Planning Commission, this item will be forwarded to the Owasso City Council at their June 16, 1998 regular meeting. A copy of the lot tieing agreement is attached for your information and review. Lot Tieing Agreement Nick Breese Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the lot tieing agreement. ATTACHMENT: 1. Central Park plat. 2. Copy of the lot tieing agreement. DATE FILED DEC. 6, 1994 '5039 R -u =e 6EC'12U',C \ G CENTRAL PARK NSURDIYISION E T OF IA PART OF THE EI /2OFT OKLAHOMA. SECTION 20,TOWNS A TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE L R. k M.. TULSA COUNTY, OKIA. TOTAL ACRES - 14.66 DEVELOPER: TOTAL LOTS 45 K4NE DEVELOPMENT, INC. E. 86TH ST. N. ONASSO, OK 74055 272 -71ff UNPLATTED r � %5fuuf 4 UNPLATTED PLAT NO- 5039 NEW 5GV2 I•. em ' i f[CNCRM[L.STI _CO ^[R, iT R S a� -° r- RIDCK 1pi 6 If •�a�'•4. na. / DI ~�.___• rur avr f[Rm °xoRm L,�• _ 1�.• r _ ra I I {.m t , • I of L. . •L.,Ta I3 ww ..� a•I nn„ � �•f Iw ! I I li \••` a[ ° _ t a! • �? ? ,II 1 to i "L�>_mpi3 '�� \� : a.• s. ° fmrx f r,/•1 K < 3/ i l�^' • ,.I ' % /. //,` � [[ •' +' jet / f / '•� u6[x II f I I. �• \ �"[t / :%/ f has'- / •' / ~+-�/ sLL -L -•n c. -J a � Its UNPLATTED \ \h rat. mf[ 1 =y-`R _ SURVEYOR: J PAYNE SURVEYING SERVICE f216 M. IF /LL ROGERS BLVD. CLAREMORE. OKLA. 34f -0617 [NEIMRR DENNIS L. NODO P.E.. INC. C— 811W Erg, C -101. 6555 N. 1171;;V. AM. OR'ASSO. OKLA. 74055 171 -7551 JL/� T �l'.` xyt'• it t \ N - UNPLATTED fu Rf n I w.oiR-e�id'aY'.- mae.r rt • mn. u+oo^ LEA- �Mf°b� I 1 I �r I � L. a I THE PLAT BOOK - TULSA COUNTY - COPYRIGHT 1994 ROY MALERNEE. CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA. OKLAHOMA FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER 198 12:24 FAX 918 742 7039 AIR -X- LIMITED Z002 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this _ day of 19 by and between Nick Breese hereinafter designated "First Party" and the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated "Second Party ". WITNESSETH: Whereas, First Party is the proposed record owner of the following described real property situated in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Sate of Oklahoma, to -wit: Lot 20, Block 1, Central Park I hereinafter designated "First Property", Lot 21, Block 1, Central Park I hereinafter designated "Second Property". WHEREAS, the First Party has requested approval to permit the construction of a single family dwelling on the common lot line of both the First and Second Property and have further requested permission to develop and use said properties and construct improvements thereon in the same manner and to the same extent as would be permissible if said properties constituted one platted lot instead of one platted lot and a second platted lot; and WHEREAS, the Second Party, is willing to grant the aforesaid requests of the First Party, all upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: (1) Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, the Second Party does hereby grant unto the First Party, his grantees, lessees, successors and assigns the following: (a) The right to construct a single family dwelling on the common lot line of both the first and second property. (b) The right to use said properties of First Party as though said real property constituted a single platted lot instead of a platted lot and a second platted lot. (2) The rights granted by the Second Party under the provisions of numerical paragraph (1) above are subject to the following conditions: (a) First Party must purchase from current owner both First Property and Second Property; and (b) That the aforesaid First and Second Properties may not be sold, mortgaged or otherwise encumbered separate and apart from each other; and (c) That construction of buildings and other improvements on said properties of First Party shall otherwise comply with all ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. (3) In consideration of the covenants and agreements of the Second Party herein contained, the First Party does hereby agree that so long as this Agreement is in force and effect he will not sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber said First and Second Properties, separate and independent of each other. (4) This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon the replatting of the above described properties into a single lot as required by law. 98 12:24 FAX 918 742 7039 AIR -%- LIMITED Upon the occurrence of the event described in subparagraph (a) of this numerical paragraph, the Second Party shall, immediately upon the request of the then record owner of the above described properties, execute in recordable form a release or mutual release of this Agreement. (5) This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and each of them, their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year fast above written. (Proposed Property Owner) "First Party" CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a municipal corporation (Mayor) "Second Party " ATTEST: City Clerk "22MV0�� City Attorney APPROVED this day of '19 "INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" STATE OF COUNTY OF Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of , 19. personally appeared to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same as free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. 1� 003 98 12:25 FAX 918 742 7039 AIR -a- LIMITED NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: "CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" STATE OF COUNTY OF Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of 19_, personally appeared to me (mown to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same as free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my band and seal the day and year last above written. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: "CITY OF OWASSO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" STATE OF COUNTY OF Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of _ 19. personally appeared to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same as free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: (x004 PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN MAY 1998 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F... PERMIT DATE 11006 E 120 Ct N R C Construction CEII /RS -3 77,175 1715 98- 0501 -X 5/01/98 11107 E 120 St N Wanda Construction CEII /RS -3 73,878 1759 98- 0502 -X 5 -01 -98 11236 N 94 E Ave R L Brown HS /AG 5,000 576 98- 0503 -X 5/01/98 12416 E 80 Ct N Wanda's Homes DOIV /RS -3 86,940 2070 98- 0504 -X 5/01/98 504 N Dogwood Green Co. Patios MW/RS -3 1,350 200 98- 0505 -X 5/01/98 13421 E 90 St N Lee Custom BRE/RS -3 119,658 2899 98- 0506 -X 5/01/98 11416 E 99 St N Lee Custom BR/PUD 95,000 2420 98- 0507 -X 05/01/98 12503 E 79 Ct N Central Plains DOIV /RS -3 101,178 2409 98- 0508 -X 05/01/98 8200 N 124 E Ave Sooner Builders EC /RS -3 390,000 2016 98- 0509 -C 05/01/98 13418 E 90 St N Perry Hood BRE/RS -3 125,412 2986 98- 0510 -X 05/05/98 11805 N 112 E Ave T.L.C. Homes CEH/RS -3 91,980 2190 98- 0511 -X 05/05/98 11021 E 119 St N Home Address CEII /RS -3 77,616 1848 98- 0512 -X 05/05/98 X112 E 120 Ct N Home Address CEII/RS -3 .77,616 1848 98- 0513 -X 05/05/98 7713 N 126 E Ave Eric Miller EC /RS -3 14,000 460 98- 0514 -P 05/05/98` 14101 E 87 Ter. Silver Creek BSC/PUD 143,325 2925 98- 0515 -X 05/07/98 14012 E 87 P1 N Silver Creek BSC/PUD 109,452 2606 98- 0516 -X 05/07/98 13800 E 87 Ct N Premier Homes BE/RS -2 133,602 3181 98- 0517 -X 05/07/98, 9203 N 100 E Ct ACE Homes FWII/PUD 119,280 2840 98- 0518 -X 05/07/98 10904 E 118 Ct N Morton Homes CERM -3 88,200 2100 98- 0519 -X 05/07/98- 11110 E 120 St N Morton Homes CEH/RS -3 88,200 2100 98- 0520 -X - 05/07/98 7551 Owasso Exp Patel Construction M&B /CH 1,200,000 10923 98- 0521 -C 05/07/98 8802 N 134 E Ct Boos Builders BE/RS -3 144,648 3444 98- 0522 -X 05/07/98 8263 Owasso Exp Construction Concept TLI /IL 4,000 1000 98- 0523 -C 05/08/98 9117 N 102 E Ave Simmons FWII /PUD 113,778 2769 .98- 0524 -X 05/11/98 10306 E 91 Circle Simmons FW/PUD 111,930 2665 98- 0525 -X 05/11/98 8751 -H N 117 E Ave CNF MVS /CS 500 6 98- 0526 -S 05/11/98 "02 E 3rd Ave A - D Services OT /RS -3 7,625 900 98 -0527 -X 05/12/98 9806 E 84 St N - WYZ Custom SLS/PUD 135,114 3217 98- 0528 -X 05/12/98 10602 E 112 St N Kenneth Menefee HA /RS -3 4,000 480 98- 0529 -P 05/13/98 10107 )3 92 St N Capital Homes FWII /PUD 130,000 3067 98- 0530 -X 05/13/98 406 E 8 St Bonnie Potter SV /RS -3 20,000 360 98- 0531 -X 05/14/98 11008 E 119 St N Amber Lane Homes CEII /RS -3 74,424 1772 98- 0532 -X 05/15/98 21 E 96 St N Bewer Construction BRSchl /RS 600,000 5508 98- 0533 -C 05/13/98 7614 N 127 E Ave Fiesta Pools DO /RS -3 3,215 460 98- 0534 -P 05/19/98 12722 E 76 Circle Jody Crosby DO/RS -3 18,000 473 98- 0535 -P 05/19/98 8305 N 124 E Ave Elbert Roberts EC /RS -3 1,600 259 98- 0536 -P 05/19/98 8751 N 117 E Ave #K NM Construction MVC /CS 17,000 1740 98- 0537 -C 05/20/98 13801 E 87 Ct N Sundown Pools BE /RS -2 10,000 377 98- 0538 -P 05/20/98 11015 E 120 St N Bruce Rubottom CEII /RS -3 73,500 1750 98- 0539 -X 05/20/98 10101 N 114 E Ave Star Construction BR/PUD 111,972 2666 98- 0540 -X 05/20/98 10916 E 118 Ct No Home Address CEII /RS -3 79,000 1902 98- 0541 -X 05/21/98 11105 E 118 Ct N J B Homes CEII/RS -3 81,480 1940 98- 0542 -X 05/22/98 8751 -K N 117 E Ave CHF Signs MVC /CS 3,500 40 98- 0543 -5 05/22/98 107 W 4th Allied Specialists RW/RS -3 1,350 200 98- 0544 -X 05/28/98 10105 E 89 St N Christian Interest M & B 638,283 6556 98- 0545 -C 05/28/98 8724 N 120 E Ave Horstman TL/RS -3 2,200 375 98- 0546 -X 05/28/98 MONTHLY TOTALS 26 Single Family Dwellings 2,664,358.00 63,088 Sq. Ft. 6 Residential Remodel 37,825.00 2,611 Sq. Ft. 4 Commercial 2,828,280.00 25,003 Sq. Ft. 2 Commercial Remodel 21,000.00 2,740 Sq. Ft. 2 Signs 4,000.00 46 Sq. Ft. 6 Pools 50,815.00 2,509 Sq. Ft. 46 Building Permits Applied For 5,606,278.00 95,997 Sq. Ft. BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR MAY 1998 Building Permits Issued 52 Total Fees $7588.50 Economic Development 41 Total Fees 6206.00 Mechanical Permits Issued 43 Total Fees 2075.00 Electrical Permits Issued 59 Total Fees 2550.00 Plumbing Permits Issues 48 Total Fees 2280.00 Recreation Development 27 Total Fees 4200.00 Sign Permits Issues 3 Total Fees 50.00 Reinspection Fees 0 Total Fees 0.00 Sewer Taps 40 Total Fees 15000.00 Water Taps 49 Total Fees 15625.00 Water Meter Deposits 40 Total Fees 2000.00 TOTAL PERMITS.. 402 TOTAL FEES $57574.50 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS FOR THE MONTH Building Mechanical Electrical Plumbing Reinspection Other 155 87 134 158 21 0 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 555 RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 January 7 12 14 4 1 7 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 29 February 12 10 3 5 3! 4 ;: 7 10 11 10 8 Ila 35 33 March 18 14 16 2 7 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 April 17 29 22 8 S:! 8 '3' !2 17 18 18 39 26 48' May 22 17 11 8 6 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 June 17 19.; 1+1... 4 t2 5 14 13. 18 23 15 37 25 July 13 19 21 7 10 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 August 8 17 12 6 9€ 14 :' 10 10 9 20 20 26 30 September 10 17 13 11 10 10 14 14 12 12 20 21 24 October 10 17 10 . 6 14 9 !7 8 11 27 13 24' November 1 9 5 8 10 1 8 19 13 15 20 13 14 December 10 17 $ 4 1i1 "a' G . to . 9 ': ..3 19 23 21 TOTALS 145 197 146 72 98 90 99 142 133 162 208 293 333 170 Year to Date E a a S 27 23 43 33 49 May Year to Date Count 64 65 74 127 167 RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) S a 8 z o° o` G F 3 Z May Year to Date Dollars New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 January 0 3 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 February 7 2 4 0 0! 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 7 March 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 5 2 1 April 4 4 2 0 0 1 1 # 1 0 0 3 5 36 May 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2_ 2..._... 3 0 1 4 June 3 0 July 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0.,.. 0 5 1 1 August 1 2, 0 0 3i 1 2 Q 4 2 3 1 9 September 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 October 3 2 0 0I. 1 1 0' 0 November 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 December 1 4 TOTALS 26 24 12 1 7 13 8 8 12 13 19 20 26 53 Year to Date 14 12 9 0 0 4 4 4 5 3 5 10 8 53 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities a° m E B May Year to Daze count �I 0�,, ROD 0 , s COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) 0 0 0 e 8 E F 0 0 0 ji 3 z° May Year to Date Dollars New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS May 31, 1998 ADDITION NAME # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 118 59 59 Barrington Point (4/94) 41 40 1 Barrington Point II (10/94) 49 45 4 Barrington Point III (8/96) 32 13 19 Barrington Estates (12/96) 127 77 50 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) 83 10 73 Brentwood Estates (5/94) 51 50 1 Brentwood Park (2/97) 20 20 0 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 28 4 Camden Park (1/94) 38 25 13 Central Park (2/95) 45 24 21 Central Park II (7/97) 96 28 68 Country Estates (9/95) 138, 135 3 Country Estates II (6/97) 193 92 101 Double Oaks (9/92) 90 88 2 Double Oaks H (8/92) 22 21 1 Double Oaks III (8/93) 63 60 3 Double Oaks IV (11/94) 96 86 10 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 76 4 Fairways II (1/97) 84 51 33 Hidden View (6/96) 10 10 .0 Nottingham Estates (11/94) 46 34 12 Nottingham Estates (3/97) 15 1 14 The Estates at Southern Links (12/95) 23 18 5 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 7 24 The Village at Southern Links (11/95) 61 54 7 Windsor Lake (8/92) 39 39 0 Windsor Lake II (6/93) 40 39 1 Windsor Lake II Ext (10/93) 4 2 2 TOTALS 1767 1232 535 t CITY Y OF OWASSO Residential Lot Inventory Status BAILEY RANCH EST BARRINGTON EST BARRINGTON PT BARRINGTON PT II BARRINGTON PT 111 BRADFORDS AT S.C. BRENTWOOD EST BREN -1WOOD PARK BROADMORE HTS CAMDEN PARK CENTRALPARK CENTRAL PARK II COUNTRY ESTATES COUNTRY ESTATES II DOUBLE OAKS DOUBLE OAKS 11 DOUBLE OAKS III DOUBLE OAKS IV FAIRWAYS FAIRWAYS 11 HIDDEN VIEW NOTTINGHAM EST NOTTINGHAM EST II ESTATES AT SL SUMMIT AT SL VILLAGE AT SL W`NDSOR LAKE WINDSOR LAKE II WINDSOR LAKE it EXT 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2( Developed = Total Lots A NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE JANUARY 1998 World Outreach Center 103 E 2nd St New 01/02/98 01/31/98 Yes Sun Spot Tanning 11211 N Garnett, #B New 01/05/98 01/05/98 No Italy's Oven 409 -A 2nd Ave New 01/13/98 03/15/98 No Hay Auto Sales 11226 N Garnett Rd New 01/15/98 02/01/98 No That's Unique 110 So Main Owner Change 01/15/98 02/03/98 Yes First Title 8555 No 117 E Ave New 01/22/98 12/31/97 Yes FEBRUARY Delta's Tailor Shop 121 South Main New 02/12/98 02/16/98 Yes MARCH Performance Auto 12 North Main Owner Change 03/09/98 03/15/98 No Stage 507 E 2nd Ave Owner Change 03/12/98 03/12/98 Yes It Figures Fitness 9100 No Garnett #J Owner Change 03/12/98 03/23/98 Yes OMNI Group 9200 No Garnett #G Owner Change 03/12/98 03/12/98 Yes Ma's Creations 102 South Main Relocate 03/17/98 03/17/98 Yes Discount Tobacco 300 West 2 Ave Relocate 03/25/98 03/30/98 Yes Enterprise Rent A Car 11440 E 81 St No Relocate 03/31 /98 04/26/98 Yes Tulsa Federal Employee Cr 8299 No Owasso Express New 03/30/98 04/01/98 Yes APRIL Henderson Cabinet Shop 9104 N Garnett, E -H New 04/02/98 04/02/98 No MAY Miles Tune Productions 8263 Owasso Exp, #E New 05/05/98 05/16/98 No Metro Carpet & Tile 119 South Main New 05/08/98 05/09/98 No Merl's Repair 204-A E 5th Ave Owner Change 05/20/98 06/01/98 No Cali Top Nails 121 No Main Owner Change 05/26/98 06/06/98 No Charlie's Auto Repair 402 -C So Main Owner Change 05/29/98 06/01/98 No