HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.07.14_Planning Commission AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: NOTICE FILED BY: TITLE: Regular July 14, 1998 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center Theron Warlick City Planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 3:00 PM on July 9, 1998. Theron Warlick, City Planner OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, July 8, 1998, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the June 9, 1998 Regular Meeting. 4. Site Plan - Kourtis Pro erp ties - A request for review of a site plan for Kourtis Properties. The subject site is located immediately northeast of Bank of the Lakes, 12404 E. 86th Street North, Owasso, OK. (This item was tabled at the June 9, 1998 regular meeting.) 5. Preliminary Plat - Camden Park H - Trails End Development proposes a 13.86 acre, 42- lot subdivision. The subject property is zoned RS -2 (Residential Single - family Medium Density) and is generally located south of the Windsor Lake H Addition. `(This is a resubmittal with changes of Windsor Lakes III which appeared before the Planning Commission in August, 1997.) 6. Preliminary Plat - Country Estates III - A & W Land Development, Inc., proposes a 17.37 acre, 62 -lot subdivision. The subject property is zoned RS -3 (Residential Single - family High Density) and is generally located west of the Country Estates I Addition. 7. Plat Amendment (Text) - Nottingham Estates H - The developer has requested an amendment to the covenants of Nottingham H. The developer wishes to allow lot splits within the subdivision so long as resulting lots are forever attached to the side yards of Owasso City Planning Commission AGENDA July 14, 1998 abutting neighbors. 0,"S G 8 -0-c!� Lot Split - J Thomas Slemons - The owner proposes a lot split of property located a 11505 E 83rd St. N, further described as Lot 14F, Block 3, Three Lakes addition to the City of Owasso. The first, smaller lot proposes to contain an existing business (Icky's Laundromat), and the second, larger lot will be marketed as commercial property. 9. Easement Closing - J Thomas Slemons - (This proposal concerns the same property described in Item 5). The owner requests the closing of an easement on the property. At this time, a 15 -foot utility easement runs east to west across the center of the property. 10. Site Plan - Robertson Tire - The developer, Bill Robison, proposes to locate tire service center at 8341 Owasso Expressway, further described as Lot 14, Block 3, of the Three Lakes Addition to Owasso. 11. Site Plan - ROC Owasso (Albertson's) The developer, KMO Development Group, Inc. proposes the construction of a grocery store at 12912 E 86th St. N, further described as Lot 1, Block 1, of the ROC Owasso addition to the City of Owasso. 12. Report on monthly building permits activity. 13. Report on planning items previously forwarded to City Council. 14. Discussion of development in and near Owasso. 15. Adjournment. CA0wassoTlanning CommissionV- 14- MAGENDA.doc OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 9, 1998 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Bill Ellison Bob Randolph Larry Helton Charles Willey MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Tim Rooney Theron Warlick Marsha Hensley The agenda for the regular meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on June 4, 1998 at 11:00 AM. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 14, 1998 REGULAR MEETING AND MAY 22, 1998 SPECIAL MEETING. - The Commission reviewed the minutes of April 14, 1998 and May 22, 1998 Special Meeting, Charles Willey moved, seconded by Bob Randolph to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 4. OZ- 98- 09- Kourtis Properties - A request for the rezoning of property from OL (Office Light) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The subject property is located immediately northeast of the Bank of the Lakes property on E. 86th St. No. and contains 2.23 acres, more or less. Mr. Rooney presented the staff report. The subject property is currently undeveloped and contains 97,326 square feet, more or less. This request is to rezone the property from OL (Office Light) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) in order to allow for commercial retail /restaurant development. Notices were sent to surrounding property owners and a legal ad was published. Ms. Janice Baker, an abutting property owner was present with questions regarding the landscaping buffer. Ray Haynes moved to approve the rezoning request, Bob Randolph seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 1998 Page No. 2 Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. Site Plan - Kourtis Properties - A request for the review of a site plan for a retail shopping center located on the above described property. Action on this item is contingent upon Planning Commission approval of the rezoning request. Mr. Rooney gave a brief staff report. A total of 20,809 square feet of commercial /office /restaurant space is being proposed by the applicant. The total number of parking spaces that would be required are 117. A total of 131 parking spaces are identified on the site plan and a total of 5 handicapped parking spaces would be required. Access to the property is via a mutual access easement between the Bank of the Lakes property and the CS zoned property immediately to the east of the Bank of the Lakes. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request and the following comment/correction: 1. The addition of a 17.5' utility easement along the west, east and north boundaries of the subject property. Mr. Rooney further stated that the applicant should be required to submit a detailed landscaping plan for the rear of the property. This plan should include the screening fence and types of landscaping that will be added. There was a short discussion on curb cuts and the possibility of a mutual access from the Warehouse Market property. Ms. Janice Baker, a surrounding property owner was present to express concerns regarding drainage in the area and a need for a buffer zone. Mr. Scott Buckmaster from Bank of the Lakes had concerns with ingress and egress into this shopping center. Mr. Pete Kourtis, the applicant, stated to the Commission that he will check into a mutual access with Warehouse Market. Mr. Kourtis requested that this item be tabled for 30 days in order to research mutual access to release the traffic flow. Ray Haynes moved to table this item for 30 days, seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. OWASSO PLANNING COMNIISSION June 9, 1998 Page No. 3 6. Annexation Request -David Charnev - A request for the annexation of property for Preston Lakes LLC. The subject property is generally located north and east of E. 86th St. No. and N. 145th East Avenue and contains 253.50 acres, more or less. Mr. Rooney presented a brief report. The subject property is zoned AG (Agriculture) in Rogers County and would remain zoned AG upon annexation. The subject property does not lie within the City of Owasso's water and sanitary sewer service and all construction standards would need to be met. A notice was published in the Owasso Reporter. The Technical Advisory Committee and the Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed and approved the request. Ray Haynes moved to approve the annexation, request, seconded by Bill Ellison. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 7. Final Plat - Bailey Ranch Estates II - A request for the review of a final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates II. The subject property is located immediately east of Bailey Ranch Estates I and contains 135 lots on 40.68 acres, more or less. Mr. Rooney briefed the Commission on this item. Phase lI of the Bailey Ranch Estates PUD consists of 135 lots on 40.68 acres. Recently the subject property changed ownership and is the same plat that was approved by the Planning Commission in 1995. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat and the following corrections were submitted by staff and the utility companies: 1. North 118th E. Avenue, between Block 9 and Block 10 should be relabeled as North 117th E. Ave. 2. Lot 12, Block 9 should be addressed 11912 N. 120th E. Ave. 3. Lot 24, Block 7 should be addressed 11802 E. 100th Street North. 4. An off -site 11' utility easement is necessary along the north boundary of Lot 4, Block 1. Mr. Tom Vogt, attorney for Owasso Investments, L.L.C. was present to express his concerns with the storm water drainage within Bailey Ranch Estates Phase IV and requested the Commission to postponed this item in order to provide time for research into the water retention problems. After a lengthy discussion, Bob Randolph moved to approve the final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates Phase II, seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 1998 Page No. 4 Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. Chairperson Ray Haynes requested a brief recess until 8:25 PM. Easement Closing -ACE Custom Homes - A request to close a portion of a utility easement located on Lot 6, Block 2, Fairways II Addition. Mr. Rooney presented a brief report to the Commissioners. The portion of the easement to be closed is described as the southern 3' of the northern 11' utility easement. It is currently being developed with a single - family residence. The structure would encroach 2.5 feet into the northern 11' utility easement. Ray Haynes moved to approve the easement closing, seconded by Bob Randolph. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 9. Lot Tieing Agreement -Nick Breese - A request for the approval of a lot tieing agreement. The subject property is described as Lots 20 & 21, Block 1, Central Park Addition. Mr. Rooney presented the staff report. The lot tieing agreement will allow for the construction of one single - family residence on the center portion of the two lots. The property development standards of RS -3 district will still need to be met by the applicant and this lot tieing agreement does not affect any utility easement along the common lot lines of the two lots. Mr. Ellison moved to approve the lot tieing agreement, Bob Randolph seconded. A -vote on the motion was recorded as follows: _ -. Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 1998 Page No. 5 The motion carried 5 -0. 10. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 11. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 12. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso. 13. Adjournment - Charles Willey moved, Bob Randolph seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes The motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM. Chairperson Secretary Date 131 011 CO 7: O 11INVA TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: PRELEW NARY PLAT CN\ulIM QFA9.14I= DATE: June 29, 1998 The City of Owasso has received a request to review a preliminary plat for Camden Park Il. Camden Park H is a 13.86 acre development between Camden Park to the west, Nottingham to the east, Windsor Lake to the north, and Barrington Estates to the south. The long awaited development of this tract completes the mosaic of subdivisions in the area. The proposed road layout for Camden Park 11 ties together all of the aforementioned subdivisions, as well as access to the Nottingham addition. The proposed plat should provide convenient traffic movement throughout the area. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary plat at their June 24, 1998 meeting. Comments are describedoin detail on the attached TAC notes. In short, no major concerns were voiced and all of the recommended changes are included in enclosed plat. The construction plans are a separate process from the platting process. Applicants are required to submit construction plans between the preliminary and final plat stages with the understanding that the final plat will not be acted upon by the City Council until a final set of construction plans are approved from the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. Having had all plat comments addressed by the applicant, staff is recommending approval of the preliminary plat of Camden Park II. ATTACHMENTS 1. Technical Advisory Committee comments from June 24, 1998. 2. Area map. ENCLOSURE 1. Preliminary plat for Camden Park II. C: \OwassoTlanning Commission \7 -14 -98 \Camden Park II - PP\Memo.doc TAC Review Camden Park II June 24, 1998 Staff Comment 1. Block 4, Lot 13, only 8,847 s.f. (Needs to be at least 9,000 s.f.) 2. SWBT - 17.5' u/e west side of Block 1, Lots 2, 3, 4, 6, & 7, - verify 11' u/e west side of Block 3, Lots 5, 6, & 7, - 11' u/e south side of Block 3, Lot 9. - 11' & 11' u/e between Blockl, Lots 4 & 6, and Block 1, Lots 4 & 5, 3. OWPA - make sure storm drainage goes east to west as much as possible, - note existing location of sanitary sewer. 4. ONG - No concerns noted. PUD 10 P'c3-3 om cs GS AG RM-2 t! rld I i V. I Nottingham t. 13m CTO Windsor Lake ]a AG z 9,'v 51 camden Park 44- st Subject site VAF MIYAWAWA WAWAVWAWA=FM7� Point Estates l PUD 10 EMMS 11. RS-3 AG AG OWASSO SR. HIGH SCHOOL yt �s AG OL PUDI 11 4 No. tq - TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: PRELIDHNARY PLAT COUNTRY ESTATES III DATE: June 29, 1998 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request to review a preliminary plat for Country Estates III, Country Estates III is a 17.37 acre development adjacent to Westport to the west, and the other phases of Country Estates to the east and northeast. This is previously unplatted land, proposing to contain 62 lots in an existing RS -3 zoning district. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary plat at their June 24, 1998 meeting. At that meeting, utility representatives and the Public Works department were invited to comment on the proposed plat. Generally, staff had some questions about proposed right -of -way, and a non - conforming lot. Utility representatives also provided easement requests. For your information and review, a list of staff and utility company requests is attached herein. The enclosed plat contains all recommendations from both staff and the utility companies attending the TAC meeting. Country Estates III will tie into Westport at 1161, Pl. N., Country Estates II at N. 109" E. Ave., and Country Estate I at E 117` St. N. and 118'h St. N. This should improve access to 116'" St. N for all three subdivisions. The construction plans are separate process from the platting process. Applicants are required to submit construction plans between the preliminary and final plat stages with the understanding that the final plat will not be acted upon by the City Council until a final set of construction plans are approved from the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. RECOMMENDATION Having had all plat comments addressed by the applicant, staff is recommending approval of the preliminary plat of Country Estates M. ATTACHMENTS 1. Technical Advisory Committee comments from June 24, 1998. 2. Area Map. Preliminary plat for Country Estates III. C:\Owasso\Planning Commission \7 -14 -98 \Country Estates III - PP\Memo.dm TAC Review Country Estates III June 24, 1998 Staff Comment 1. Unbuildable lot adjacent to and west of Block 3, Lot 1, should be enjoined to same. 2. Label 116`h Pl. N, (street tying into West Port Addition). 3. N. 109`h E. Ave. is shown (generally) as a collector street in the 1978 Metro Major Street and Highway Plan. (Discussion with the applicant's engineer proved to satisfaction of staff that additional right -of -way would result in the loss of several lots. Multiple points of ingress /egress into this and surrounding subdivisions will make the collector designation unnecessary). 4. Plat should be date stamped. 5. ONG — Block 2, Lots 1 through 11, should say — "17.5' U/E" 6. TCI —10' We across Lots 2 &3, Block 5 in order to serve Lots 1 &2 Block 1. 5' +5' We Lots 6 &7, Block 2. MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: TEXT AMMENDMENT TO FINAL PLAT NOTTINGHAM H DATE: July 6, 1998 BACKGROUND The final plat for Nottingham Il was approved by the Owasso Planning Commission on June 11, 1996, with council approval on August 6, 1996. The proposed text amendment would allow for lot splits within the subdivision so long as the resulting lots are permanently enjoined to adjacent neighboring lots. In short, the developer would like to make two lots out of three. City zoning addresses the maximum densities for particular housing districts. Since this proposal will serve to reduce the overall housing density in the subdivision, City zoning ordinances are not applicable. This proposal is also allowed as a lot split under City subdivision regulations. The only restriction on these lot splits is self- imposed through the covenants. of the plat. This proposal could produce a variety of lot sizes.(and home sizes),- within a single. subdivision. ,.If care is taken in the placement of houses, the results could be harmonious with the existing neighborhood as well as visually interesting. If this kind of split is done simply,to.4provide a customer with a bigger yard, without any other consideration, the resulting gaps could stand out like missing teeth. While staff does not wish to stand in the way of innovative subdivision design, we would encourage the developer to apply such lot splits with care and with respect to the context of the neighborhood. TAC reviewed this proposal on June 24, 1998 with no comment. RECOMMENDATION Staff foresees no difficulties arising from this amendment and therefore recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS 1. Proposed text amendment. Q \Owasso\Planning Commission\- 14- 9KNottingbam 11 - Text amendment%SMORANDUM.doc AMENDMENT TO NOTTINGHAM ESTATES Il AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA This amendment to the covenants of the Plat of Nottingham Estates H is made this I S day of J b&& 1998 by the owners of the lots and blocks of Nottingham Estates II, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, as set forth opposite their names herein below, to wit: • Tyann Development, Inc. Tom & Connie Morris Tracy L. & Kay L. Standridge (Three Lakes Trust) LOT BLOCK 3 thru 8 4 10 that 14 1 17& 18 1 16 1 15 1 Whereas, it is the desire of the above named owners to amend the covenants of the plat of Nottingham Estates II, Plat # 5165 and filed of record in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma on December 27, 1996 as it affects the addition. Wherefore, in consideration of the sum of Ten and no /100 Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consideration, the undersigned do hereby amend and modify the Covenants of the Plat of Nottingham Estates Il as follows: Conditions and Restrictions 1. Lot Use. Premises are conveyed and shall be used only for residential single - family purposes. No lot shall be used for any business, commercial or manufacturing purpose. No single lot of record my be subdivided to accommodate two or more separate owners or dwellings solely on said lot (dwelling density increase) - A ,, single lot of record may-b6 subdivided if the resulting parts are attached' forever to the side yards of two abutting lots, e.g., three lots of record subdivided into two lots of record (dwelling density decrease). No structure shall be placed, altered, erected or permitted to remain on any lot which exceeds two (2) stories in height. No dwelling may be moved into Nottingham Estates II. The undersigned, as owners of the affected lots, do hereby ratify and incorporate by reference, and affirm all parts of the Plat, Deed of Dedication, and Conditions and Restrictions which are not amended hereby and which are consistent herewith. This Amendment shall be effective from the date hereof, and shall be enforceable to the same extent and in the same manner as if originally set forth fully in the original Plat, Deed of Dedication, and Conditions and Restrictions of the Nottingham Estates H Addition. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be executed the day and year first written above. Lots 3 thru 8, Block 4 Tyann Development. Inc. Lots 10 thru 14, Block 1 Lots 17 &18, Block 1 C. W. Helscel, President Lot I6, Block 1 Tom Moms , L22n Connie Moms ,fir � � � ♦. n i Lot 15, Block 1 Tracy L. Standridge e¢� . `Kay L. Standridge Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said county and state, on this day of • •� tom, 1998, personally, appeared Steve Compton, and known to`be the identical person who attested the foregoing signatures on the exc uted instrument by the owner of lots and blocks of Nottingham Estates 11, acknowledged to me that he witnessed all of the above signatures, and where applicable, witnessed authorized signatures by corporate officers, which were all taken by each owner freely and voluntary for the uses and purposes set forth herein, Given under my hand and seal of office the day and first written above. Commission Expires Nola+ ; Tulsa County State of Oklahoma TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: J THOMAS SLEMONS - LOT SPLIT DATE: July 6, 1998 The owner proposes a lot split on a large tract located at 11505 E 83rd St N., further described as Lot 14F, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition. Both of the resulting lots would conform to Owasso Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations. The first, .28 acre lot would contain Icky's Laundromat, and the second, 1.27 acre lot would then be available for additional commercial development. TAC reviewed this proposal on June 24, 1998 with no comment. This lot, though irregular in shape, retains sufficient frontage on 83" Street and should not be characterized as a flag lot (flag lots are generally discouraged). This configuration resembles out lots often seen in larger shopping centers. As no problems are foreseen with potential development on the proposed 2°d lot, staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location map. 2. Sketch of proposed lot split. C:\Owasso\Planning Commission \7- 14 -98U Thomas Slemons\MEMORANDUM - Lot Split.doc �I g., ��r r SECTION I COUNTY -Chain] Ink fence is 1' South of property line. Encroachme i a$ shown. �tJ � NoFrE' At ' J�i�yG,�OIlA1b BoRI' :5(1[ES aAo. 11 +k scale 6D � 61"nc a IRON PIN a SANITARY aEWNR _Ss —ge, EASLINENT LINE LEGEND . �` n` i mo• + ', p • 4% 8i1C.`rVL Q/1rJP��r�rL�N� Thv.pG l,wi�Cf 6 SUM PRQPERTY ;DESCR IPj'ION Lot 14F, Block 3. Three 'Lake* 'Addlt'ion to City of Owasso, OklalhotM* Notet The survey as shown above Is representative of the plot of CERTIFICATE survey furnished to us by Scott Sheffield. The undertigned to duly Registered Professional Land Surveyor In the State of Oklahoma, does hereby, certify that the above plat to a true and correct representation of the survey of the above described property . Witness mjghv1g� this . 24th, day of MA v ,18 84 WATSON 1R. l L.S. 1051 ca e A ���f+Jt A.B. Walton Jr L.S. 105 7 Ik MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: J THOMAS SLEMONS - EASEMENT CLOSING DATE: July 6, 1998 BACKGROUND The owner proposes the closing of an easement located at 11505 E 83rd St N., further described as Lot 14F, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition. This is the same owner, same tract, as the lot split request (see previous agenda item). TAC reviewed this proposal on June 24, 1998 with no comment. This easement is apparently not needed for public purposes at present or in the foreseeable future. The easement, as it exists, bisects the lot and presents unnecessary constraints on the development of the property. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the closing of this easement. ATTACHMENTS 1. (Same as J Thomas Slemons Lot Split). C:\OwassoTlanning CommissionV- 14 -98V Thomas Slemons\MEMORANDUM - Easement Closing.doc MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: SITE PLAN — ROBERTSON TIRE DATE: July 6, 1998 Robertson Tire proposes locating a tire service center at 8341 Owasso Expressway, further described as Lot 14, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition to Owasso. This site is located adjacent to and north of Kimball Hardware, and west of the J Thomas Slemons lot also discussed in Business this month. The site plan shows 12 parking spaces (2 handicapped). This meets or exceeds parking and handicapped parking requirements for a facility of this size and type (1 per 600 s.f.). Landscaping appears adequate. Signage will be addressed separately through the permitting process. The site plan was reviewed at the June 24, 1998 meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee. Some concerns were voiced regarding the site plan including site drainage and a proposed building location-in an existing utility easement. A summary of TAC comments is herein attached. The developer has worked with staff to address drainage and other TAC recommendations. A modified site plan is enclosed in this package. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1) All TAG comments be addressed by the applicant, 2) The developer apply for a separate permit for any signage, 3) All handicapped parking and accessibility features conform to ADA standards, ATTACHMENTS 1. TAC Comments 2. Location Map ENCLOSURE 1. Robertson Tire Site Plan (as modified). C: \Owasso\Planning Commission \7- 14- 98\Robertson Tire\U EMORANDUM - Robertson Tire.doc TAC Review Committee Robertson Tire June 24, 1998 Staff Comment 1. ONG — meter location will be in easement at northwest comer of lot, — 17%:' u/e needed along west property line, — conduit to easement in front — 10' u/e (existing) on north P.L.. (Not shown on plan. Building located in this easement.) 2. OPWA — applicant contact OWPA on location of sewer service, — storm water detention information needed, — curb cut information needed, — grading plan needed. rres %// MEMORANDUM t TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ALBERTSON'S SITE PLAN DATE: July 6, 1998 BACKGROUND The City has received a request for review of a site plan for Albertson's. The proposed supermarket is located generally at E 86' St. N and 1291" E Ave. The site address is 12912 E 86a' St. N, further described as Lot 1, Block 1, ROC Owasso Addition to the City of Owasso. KMO Development Group, Inc. proposes to erect a 56,000 square -foot supermarket on 22.75 acres of undeveloped land. This proposes to be the first development in Phase I of a shopping center that will ultimately include many additional shops and out lots. Parking and loading is satisfactory for a building of this size and type. The developer, proposes 685 parking spaces and 14 handicapped spaces. Drainage for the site will be handled by the Phase I detention parcel. Staff has some concerns about interior traffic movement, and landscaping in the parking areas.. The number and location of curb cuts appears reasonable (three for Albertson's and accompanying shops, one for each out parcel). The out parcels are interconnected and connected to the main shopping center. Without a clearly written access management policy in support, staff would not recommend reducing the number of curb cuts. Sign locations look appropriate (other sign requirements will be handled separately through the permitting process). The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at its June 24, 1998 meeting. There were very few questions regarding the proposal. The developer is planning to submit a detailed landscape plan. Staff recommends approval of the site plan with the following conditions: 1) That the developer submit a detailed landscape plan, 2) That the developer submit a traffic detailed drawing illustrating on site traffic movements and traffic control devices to be used in the parking areas, 3) That plans for the storm water detention facility be approved by the City Engineer, 4) That landscaping and traffic issues be addressed to the satisfaction of staff prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 5) The developer shall apply for a separate permit for signage, and 6) All handicapped parking and accessibility features shall conform to ADA standards, C: \OwassoTlanning Commission \7- 14- 98\Albertson's\MEMORANDUM - Albertson's.doc ATTACBAI ENTS 1. Location Map. 1. Albertson's Site Plan. CAOwassoTlanning Commission \7- 14- 98\Albertson's\MEMORANDLTM - Albertson's.doc FolA��� im ��� • 1 90m ST. N. ` �• \ W s, AG`� ¢ ` Ee91 «S N. 2 I 1 1 m AG j 4 � OWASSO RS � , -- 1 SR. HIGH -_I SCHOOL , C ' ^ - J I I. V " evl PL. NU. _ AG � 1 a W Subject 1'. Site x I � - f r a!« 1t. PUD•42 I is PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN .TUNE 1998 T ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT DATE 11908 N 109 E Ave Heritage Construction CE /RS -3 70,980 1690 98- 0601 -X 06/01/98 9212 N 130 E Ct D & D Construction CP /RS -2 105,000 2500 98- 0602 -X 06/01/98 13008 E 93 Ct N D & D Construction CP /RS -2 96,600 2300 98- 0603 -X 06/01/98 12007 N 112 E Ave Heritage Construction CE /RS -3 70,880 1690 98- 0604 -X 06/01/98 12402 E 90 St N Paragon Builders LR/RS -3 89,418 2129 98- 0605 -X 06/01/98 303 E 11 St R C Construction /RS -3 8,300 200 98- 0606 -X 06/01/98 12202 E 79 St N Green Country BMH /RS -3 2,600 400 98- 0607 -X 06/01/98 12403 E 79 Ct N Central Plains DO /RS -3 103,404 2462 98- 0608 -X 06/02/98 10100 E 85 Ct N Larry Friele Pools SLV /RS -3 10,000 200 98- 0609 -P 06/02/98 8707 N 125 E Ave Roland Homes CEP /RS -3 113,820 2710 98- 0610 -X 06/04/98 13002 E 88 St N Simmons Homes BP/RS -3 94,500 2250 98- 0611 -X 06/04198 1.3110 E 88 St N Simmons Homes BP/RS -3 94,500 2250 98- 0612 -X 06/04/98 8921 N 137 E Ave Simmons Homes BRE/RS -3 129,276;.; . 3078 98- 0613 -X 06/08198 13105 E 88 St N Simmons Homes BP /RS -3 100,800 2400 98- 0614 -X 06/08/98 7708 N 127 E Ave Don Palmer DO/RS -3 3,000 208 98- 0615 -X 06/98/98 11006 E 120 St N J B Homes CE/RS -3 84,840 2020 98- 0616 -X 06/08/98 13600 E 90 Ct Morton Homes BRE/RS -3 133,140 3170 98- 0617 -X 06/08198 10902 E 120 St N Wanda's Elegant CE/RS -3 86,604 2062 98- 0618 -X 06/09/98 7809 N 128 E Ave Raven Homes DO/RS-3 105,084 2502 98 -0619 -X 06/09/98 11107 E 120 Ct N Home Address Builders CE/RS -3 ;80,598 1919 98 -0620 -X = 06/09/98 11805 N 112 E Ave Home Address Builders CE/RS -3 80,598 1919 98- 0621 -X 06109/98 13505 E 93 St N Boys of Oklahoma NE/RS -2 52,000 470 98- 0622 -X 06/09/98 11415 E 99 St N C & M Pools BR/PUD 17,000 561 98- 0623 -P 06/09/98 12401 E 77 St N Fiesta Pools EC/RS -3 3,600 627 98- 0624 -P 06/09/05 7923 N 125 E Ave _ Dolphin Pools DOIV /RS -3 4,800 460 98- 0625 -P 06/09/9F 13401 E 89 St N ACE Custom BRE /RS -3 112,900 2690 98- 0626 -X 06/10/9< . - -' 8705 N 140 E Ter Britton Homes BSC /RS -3 152,240 3720 98- 0627 -X 06/10/9 11651 E 76 St N Oil Capitol Signs OCC /CS 1,800 58 98- 0628 -S 06/10/9 11651 E 76 St N Oil Capitol Signs OCC /CS 1,200 54 98- 0629 -S 06/10/9 10908 E 120 St N Heritage Construction CE /RS -3 77,532 1846 98- 0630 -X 06/11/98 004 E 119 St N Heritage Construction CE /RS -3 84,294 2007 98- 0631 -X 06/11/98 9407 N 101 E Ave Concept Builders FW /PUD 118,650 2825 98- 0632 -X 06/11/98 8926 N 127 E Ave Roland Homes CEP /RS -3 99,960 2380 98- 0633 -X 06/11198 12001 N 112 E Ave Home Address Builders CE /RS -3 79,884 1902 98- 0634 -X 06/12/98 11002 E 118 St N Home Address Builders CE /RS -3 79,884 1902 98- 0635 -X 06/12/98 11905 N 112 E Ave Home Address Builders CE /RS -3 89,040 2102 98- 0636 -X 06/12/98 13604 E 84 St N JEL Construction G & AG /PUD 510,000 7494 98- 0637 -C 06/12/98 13606 E 84 St N JEL Construction G & AC /PUD 85,000 7200 98- 0638 -C 06/12/09 10024 E 92 St N Barrington Homes FW /PUD 142,506 3393 98- 0639 -X 06/12/98 10014 E 93 St N Barrington Homes FW /PUD 135,198 3219 98- 0640 -X 06/12/98 103 E 21 St Sundown Pools AH /RS -3 13,000 510 98- 0641 -P 06/15/99 11010 E 118 Ct N RC Construction CE /RS -3 72,030 1715 98- 0642 -X 06/15/98 11106 E 120 Ct N RC Construction CE /RS -3 72,030 1715. 98- 0643 -X 06/15/98 11013 E 118 Ct N RC Construction CE /RS -3 .72,030 1715 98- 0644 -X 06/15/98 13409 E 89 PI N Pravnan Homes BRE/RS -3 115,668 2754 98- 0645 -X 06/15/98 388 N Garnett Ryan Nelson /CG 5,500 .220 98- 0646 -C 06/16/98 9022.N 137 E Ave Greg, Frye BRE/RS -3 ;; 120,000. ,, _ 3028. , 9870647-X'-'. , 06/16/98. 11112 E 119 St N Consolidated Builders CE/RS -3 87,822 2091 98- 0648 -X 06/16/98 13402 E 89 St N Benzel Construction BRE /RS -3 112,728 2684 98- 0649 -X 06 -17 -98 14101 E 86 Ct N Britton Homes BSC/RS -3 121,842 2901 98- 0650 -X 06/17/98 13510 E 93 St N Sundown Pools NE/RS -2 15,000 377 98- 0651 -P 06/18/98 13805 E 88 Ct N American Pools BE/RS -2 17,590 512 98- 0652 -P 06[18/98 13610 E 88 St N ACE Custom, BRE/RS -3 .110,040 ; 2620 98- 0653 -X 1 06/,19/98 ; 11015 E 119 St N Wanda's Homes CE/RS-3, 73;878 1759 98- 0654 -X 06!19/98 11001 E 119 St N Wanda's Homes CE/RS -3 73,878 1759 98- 0655 -X 06/19/98 11818 N 109 E Ave Wanda's Homes CE /RS -3 86,604 2062 98- 0656 -X 06/19/98 11003 E 119 St No Wanda's Homes CE /RS -3 75,726 1803 98- 0657 -X 06/19/98 11820 N 109 E Ave Wanda's Homes CE /RS -3 75,726 1803 98- 0658 -X 06/19/98 13301 E 93 St No Granite Pools WL/RS -2 12,700 416 98- 0659 -P 06/23/98 13301 E 93 St No Granite Pools WL/RS -2 3,000 39 98- 0660 -P 06/23/95 -'10108 E 93 St No Simmons Homes FW /RS -3 124,698 2969 98- 0661 -X 06/24/9[ 10112 E 93 St No Simmons Homes FW /RS -3 111,930 2665 98- 0662 -X 06/24/9f 8105 N 115 E Ave 10101E93StNo Pruitt Simmons Homes TLIP /IL 45,500 3400 98- 0663 -C 06/24/98 FW /PUD 111,500 2665 98- 0664 -X 06/25/98 MONTHLY TOTALS 45 Single Family Dwellings 4,430,260.00 4 Residential Remodel 65,900.00 3 Commercial 640,500.00 1 Commercial Remodel 5,500.00 2 Signs 3,000.00 9 Pools 96,690.00 105,745 Sq. Ft. 1,278 Sq. Ft. 18,094 Sq. Ft. 220 Sq. Ft. 112 Sq. Ft. 3,702 Sq. Ft. 64 Building Permits Applied For 5,241,850.00 129,151 Sq. Ft. BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JUNE 1998 Building Permits Issued 58 Economic Development 48 Mechanical Permits Issued 52 Electrical Permits Issued 62 Plumbing Permits Issues 66 Recreation Development 39 Sign Permits Issues 3 Reinspection Fees 0 Sewer Taps 49 Water Taps 60 Water Meter Deposits 50 TOTAL PERMITS 487 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS FOR THE MONTH Building 168 Mechanical 95 Electrical 142 Plumbing 192 Reinspection 34 Other 0 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 631 Total Fees $7939.50 Total Fees 6901.00 Total Fees 2590.00 Total Fees 2900.00 Total Fees 2905.00 Total Fees 5975.00 Total Fees 35.00 Total Fees 0.00 Total Fees 9375.00 Total Fees 26400.00 Total Fees. 2500.00 TOTAL FEES $67520.50 RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 January 7 12 14 4 1 7 8 6 6 .. 9 12 16 45 29 ON March 18 14 16 2 7 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 '� Mv.<Y:.i >+F<WA. ;'.C::: : ^ /Yh'.4:�:, i'I.� i"e.J`.n<iY 4 ".;'F :,v'(Nv .'�o:E... %,P`Y .y.: . �. .:.FCV µyi �l v :: �os..�: "Y�;•,..�c�:,.:.��:�.,� y>.. �:. �.�. ^.s "' Y:A'.:'>v'.. „,. :y M.�.. May 22 17 11 8 6 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 Me fjill$ ��' ca` �k�'° lo�0� '�1 °�r'ay'1="�'.c:z >o+,�'eoav a., ^Y ?,f.''u` .ruSx}i'<r�!��u;• &s','. sx''e.?'c'4 o a` s az' ��il <.E�CS �C.<."'$y .. •..:.,�... 5 ^•, . - S•..>.:....:,. ..�2. ,....:r .. .. �S�;;E s.2� 4 M;, s�.,.X.. Pn ,r��a14,�wel ?s,,:.,: Jul) 13 19 21 7 10 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 .�.rau..: .ssr' ,:i•wF;,r 's” .eyk� :.:..: uta:'' :�y:: '.;1'%!:'l✓n: ":,lwh:<'f::;. �a:Y �"%>: �::�:x :..e, ..x�'�,, 'i.': �js?> s '«.: ,G.c'. :<rr� •.>3w�:.'x'i "''sf5$ >. .nr''.1.c. #�>e`".':°.'.:�> ,: <4, ^.• :;yO.,>'�.3 >..6.: .A..,. ,;g°u�r, :. "„.>��v,.. ..e� ?�; <' „.d:.s'.<s�7`..�.s.�:.:2.: .�t,3: < :. :..'>:),.. ..1�s..,> ., .>g.••�,:.r.:,ss:,: :u.dc�s: : :.. .: ,w:E,:, ,.:.�:�. .:,.�.: September 10 17 13 11 10 10 14 14 12 12 20 21 24 c:.. 5:.. `. KCS .o ;'�. r.. >:: »uba •y< ...c.... .�5,oa.,,F n..?n :: @: .f,....:&:.. F.y::i ::.� ..:c: ?:. :Y:z;: .9a'ai .' 'F8:EE . >� ^rT:{,.'>a ..?Si'..R.k:; <•: �',6.,. c. :` ci<:.:riv<:.. .w.c., s. <; . :.,:i:::i ro: y: >;:i..:V:�. s> F>,;. >' :�`R,F„1. i:. :v "ky" i2:?o'`n`3i:H: s «:,'<: .� .:�� s�o.:, :fix. >:,,.;::8 3: = <:F.F,.:g,•, '�'� u::.� < ..:.. �:::...,2f>:; .::..... November 1 9 5 8 10 1 8 19 13 15 20 13 14 TOTALS 145 197 146 72 98 90 99 142 133 lb2 ZU8 Z93 333 215 Year to Date 93 101 80 31 35 48 43 62 72 88 89 164 192 215 E b 0 a a a v° S a June Year to Date Count AWIVOO..A7010 rr !ftRtlf" RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) June Year to Date Dollars S S ggc c4 z s New Construction Dollars Totats for Each Year po COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 January 0 3 0 0 0 2 2 �0y 0 1 1 -00 5 ebYtJlly ffV x4F . MEMO, dal s £`:: ..L 3 ,,,. ?s.,. �?,.....: March 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 5 . m.,:..,y.. n y. y }r..n.4. .Jli. ,f.t F. Y.0 ... .Y... 4 %4 ..4J f n.:. , ! Qi. p, .. nv}•v::+i:, i :t:.' <iJ %f(' <�:iii:i.'v':4:::>G ir{' <�n }:t'i "J' %v "i::,v!� ff, % •. May 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 0 1 4 July 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 AuU t ..?„ .fi �.. September 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 ...>i'! 4:,i in:tttoi' nv . .:.tl••,v, :.:,:rc..: n:..,. n..v,:....i,::i... n.nn�:w:, ' ��' ., .. .. . 1�.. Rt #'.rl':..E <x..oz.4. ?,..�..,�s,. r. ,,.. .: ...}.x..� a' & , >, .a�> � 5. ���. �n•:.:. 6.._:. a�.:: w. 4...:.: i'. vz:< e.:..:« 3 ...:..83n��A''r:.4,:.4a_'i•;aY. ,rK> u...,.,. n.:...,. �..:... �,.... aa,:_ n4r.., vu r..._:ta.�.,m�.xnr,.v:w>..m,,.. m..v.a:..o.�.a..eau ,r... ,. ..oar,:,.,.,.,...nv. n. ✓.0 «:,.,: . "w`,;`'�':��:. <...:! November .0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 TOTALS 26 24 12 1 7 13 8 8 12 13 19 20 26 56 Year to Date. 17 12 10 0 0 6 4 4 7 8 8 10 9 56 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities June Year to Date Count E P a a l; E E j COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) June Year to Date Dollars 8 c 0 z Z F i New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year 11110 4 11W/1 /lip _�� i R % i I INS 110 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS June 30, 1998 ADDITION NAME # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 118 59 59 Barrington Point (4/94) 41 40 1 Barrington Point lI (10/94) 49 45 4 Barrington Point III (8/96) 32 16 16 Barrington Estates (12/96) 127 84 43 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) 83 12 71 Brentwood Estates (5/94) 51 50 1 Brentwood Park (2/97) 20 20 0 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 28 4 Camden Park (1/94) 38 27 11 Central Park (2/95) 45 24 21 Central Park II (7197) 96 30 66 Country Estates (9/95) 138 136 2 Country Estates II (6/97) 193 111 82 Double Oaks (9192) 90 88 2 Double Oaks II (8/92) 22 21 1 Double Oaks III (8/93) 63 60 3 Double Oaks IV (11/94) 96 88 8 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 76 4 Fairways II (1/97) 84 55 29 Fairways IV (5/98) ; 69 2 67 Nottingham Estates (11194) 46 34 12 Nottingham Estates (3/97) 15 1 14 The Estates at Southern Links (12/95) 23 18 5 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 7 24 The Village at Southern Links (11/95) 61 54 7 Windsor Lake (8/92) 39 39 0 Windsor Lake II (6/93) 40 39 1 Windsor Lake II Ext (10/93) 4 2 2 TOTALS 560 1826 1266 BAILEY RANCH EST BARRINGTON EST BARRINGTON PT BARRINGTON PT II BARRINGTON PT III BRADFORDS AT S.C. BRENTWOOD EST BRENTWOOD PARK BROADMORE HTS CAMDENPARK CENTRALPARK CENTRALPARKII COUNTRY ESTATES COUNTRY ESTATES II DOUBLE OAKS DOUBLE OAKS II DOUBLE OAKS II DOUBLE OAKS N FAIRWAY FAIRWAYS I FAIRWAYS 1% NOTTINGHAM ESl NOTTINGHAM EST I ESTATES AT SI SUMMIT AT SI VILLAGE AT SI WINDSOR LAKI WINDSOR LAKE WINDSOR LAKE II EX CITY OF OWASSO Residential Lot Inventory Status Developed = Total Lots I s ■ �o Developed = Total Lots NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE JANUARY 1998 World Outreach Center 103.E 2nd St New 01/02/98 01/31/98 Yes Sun Spot Tanning 11211 N Garnett, #B New 01/05/98 01/05/98 No Italy's Oven 409 -A 2nd Ave New 01/13/98 03/15/98 No Hay Auto Sales 11226 N Garnett Rd New 01/15/98 02/01/98 No That's Unique 110 So Main Owner Change 01/15/98 02/03/98 Yes First Title 8555 No 117 E Ave New 01/22/98 12/31/97 Yes FEBRUARY Della's Tailor Shop 121 South Main New 02/12/98 02/16/98 Yes MARCH Performance Auto 12 North Main Owner Change 03/09/98 03/15/98 No Stage 507 E 2nd Ave Owner Change 03/12/98 03/12/98 Yes It Figures Fitness 9100 No Garnett #J Owner Change 03/12/98 03/23/98 Yes OMNI Group 9200 No Garnett #G Owner Change 03/12/98 03/12/98 Yes Ma's Creations 102 South Main Relocate 03/17/98 03/17/98 Yes Discount Tobacco 300 West 2 Ave Relocate 03/25/98 03/30/98 Yes Enterprise Rent A Car 11440 E 81 St No Relocate 03/31 /98 04/26/98 Yes Tulsa Federal Employee Cr 8299 No Owasso Express New 03/30/98 04/01 /98 Yes APRIL Henderson Cabinet Shop 9104 N Garnett, E -H New 04/02/98 04/02/981 No MAY Miles Tune Productions 8263 Owasso Exp, #E New 05/05/98 05/16/98 No Metro Carpet & Tile 119 South Main New 05/08/98 05/09/98 No Merl's Repair 204 -A E 5th Ave Owner Change 05/20/98 06/01/98 No Cali Top Nails 121 No Main Owner Change 05/26/98 06/06/98 No Charlie's Auto Repair 402 -C So Main Owner Change 05/29/98 06/01/98 No NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION DATE OPENING DATE COMPLETE JUNE Cellular Solutions, Inc. 12701 -C East 86th New 06/01/98 06/10/98 No Atlas Computers, Inc. 11508 E 76 St No New 06/02/98 06/07/98 No Priority Fleet Management 304 E 5th St New 06/10/98 07/01/98 No Gatton Fitness Center 12656 E 86 PI No New 06/18/98 06/19/98 No Hyatt Properties, Inc. 9220 No Garnett Rd New 06/23/98 06/23/98 No Tony Oz Bar -B -Que 12650 E 86 PI No New 06/24/98 07/08/98 No